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1124  Part XV  ◆  Allergic Disorders

Figure 147-1 Allergic conjunctivitis. Arrow indicates area of chemosis

in the conjunctivitis. (From Adkinson NF Jr, Bochner BS, Busse WW,
et al, editors: Middleton’s allergy principles and practice, ed 7, vol 2,
Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2009, p. 1121.)

in a seasonal or, less commonly, perennial form. Seasonal allergic

conjunctivitis is typically associated with allergic rhinitis (see Chapter
143) and is most commonly triggered by pollens. Major pollen groups
in the temperate zones include trees (late winter to early spring),
grasses (late spring to early summer), and weeds (late summer to early
fall), but seasons can vary significantly in different parts of the country.
Mold spores can also cause seasonal allergy symptoms, principally in
the summer and fall. Seasonal allergy symptoms may be aggravated by
coincident exposure to perennial allergens. Perennial allergic con-
junctivitis is triggered by allergens such as animal danders or dust
mites that are present throughout the year. Symptoms are usually less
severe than with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. Because pollens and
soil molds may be present intermittently by season, and exposure
to allergens such as furred animals may be perennial, classification
Chapter 147  as intermittent (symptoms present <4 days/wk or for <4 wk) and
persistent (symptoms present >4 days/wk and for >4 wk) has been
Ocular Allergies proposed.

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
Mark Boguniewicz, Christine B. Cho, and Vernal keratoconjunctivitis is a severe bilateral chronic inflammatory
Scott H. Sicherer process of the upper tarsal conjunctival surface that occurs in a limbal
or palpebral form. It may threaten eyesight if there is corneal involve-
ment. Although vernal keratoconjunctivitis is not immunoglobulin E
The eye is a common target of allergic disorders because of its marked mediated, it occurs most frequently in children with seasonal allergies,
vascularity and direct contact with allergens in the environment. The asthma, or atopic dermatitis. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis affects boys
conjunctiva is the most immunologically active tissue of the external twice as often as girls and is more common in persons of Asian and
eye. Ocular allergies can occur as isolated target organ disease or more African descent. It affects primarily children in temperate areas, with
commonly in conjunction with nasal allergies. Ocular symptoms can exacerbations in the spring and summer. Symptoms include severe
significantly affect quality of life. ocular itching exacerbated by exposure to irritants, light, or perspira-
tion. In addition, patients may complain of severe photophobia,
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS foreign-body sensation, and lacrimation. Giant papillae occur pre-
There are a few distinct entities that constitute allergic eye disease, dominantly on the upper tarsal plate and are typically described as
all of which have bilateral involvement. Sensitization is necessary cobblestoning (Fig. 147-2). Other signs include a stringy or thick,
for all of these except for giant papillary conjunctivitis. Vernal ropey discharge, cobblestone papillae, transient yellow-white points in
keratoconjunctivitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis are potentially the limbus (Trantas dots) and conjunctiva (Horner points), corneal
sight-threatening. “shield” ulcers, and Dennie lines (Dennie-Morgan folds), which are
prominent symmetric skinfolds that extend in an arc from the inner
Allergic Conjunctivitis canthus beneath and parallel to the lower lid margin. Children with
Allergic conjunctivitis is the most common hypersensitivity response vernal keratoconjunctivitis have measurably longer eyelashes, which
of the eye, affecting approximately 25% of the general population and may represent a reaction to ocular inflammation.
30% of children with atopy. It is caused by direct exposure of the
mucosal surfaces of the eye to environmental allergens. Patients com- Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis
plain of variable ocular itching, rather than pain, with increased Atopic keratoconjunctivitis is a chronic inflammatory ocular disorder
tearing. Clinical signs include bilateral injected conjunctivae with vas- most commonly involving the lower tarsal conjunctiva. It may threaten
cular congestion that may progress to chemosis, or conjunctival swell- eyesight if there is corneal involvement. Almost all patients have
ing, and a watery discharge (Fig. 147-1). Allergic conjunctivitis occurs atopic dermatitis, and a significant number have asthma. Atopic

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Chapter 147  ◆  Ocular Allergies  1125

keratoconjunctivitis rarely presents before late adolescence. Symptoms Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
include severe bilateral ocular itching, burning, photophobia, and Giant papillary conjunctivitis has been linked to chronic exposure to
tearing with a mucoid discharge that are much more severe than in foreign bodies, such as contact lenses, both hard and soft, ocular pros-
allergic conjunctivitis and persist throughout the year. The bulbar con- theses, and sutures. Symptoms and signs include mild bilateral ocular
junctiva is injected and chemotic; cataracts may occur. Trantas dots or itching, tearing, a foreign-body sensation, and excessive ocular dis-
giant papillae may also be present. Eyelid eczema can extend to the comfort with mild mucoid discharge with white or clear exudate on
periorbital skin and cheeks with erythema and thick, dry scaling. Sec- awakening, which may become thick and stringy. Trantas dots, limbal
ondary staphylococcal blepharitis is common because of eyelid indura- infiltration, bulbar conjunctival hyperemia, and edema may develop.
tion and maceration.
Contact Allergy
Contact allergy typically involves the eyelids but can also involve the
conjunctivae. It is being recognized more frequently in association
with increased exposure to topical medications, contact lens solutions,
and preservatives.

Nonallergic conjunctivitis can be viral, bacterial, or chlamydial in
origin. It is typically unilateral but can be bilateral with symptoms
initially developing in 1 eye (see Chapter 626). Symptoms include
stinging or burning rather than itching and often a foreign-body sensa-
tion. Ocular discharge can be watery, mucoid, or purulent. Masquerad-
ers of ocular allergy also include nasolacrimal duct obstruction, foreign
body, blepharoconjunctivitis, dry eye, uveitis, and trauma.

Primary treatment of ocular allergies includes avoidance of allergens,
cold compresses, and lubrication. Secondary treatment regimens
Figure 147-2 Vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Cobblestone papillae and include the use of oral or topical antihistamines and, if necessary,
ropey discharge are seen on the underside (tarsal conjunctiva) of topical decongestants, mast cell stabilizers, and antiinflammatory
the upper eyelid. (From Adkinson NF Jr, Bochner BS, Busse WW, agents (Table 147-1). Drugs with dual antihistamine and mast cell
et al, editors: Middleton’s allergy principles and practice, ed 7, vol 2, blocking activities provide the most advantageous approach in treating
Philadelphia, Mosby/Elsevier, 2009, p. 1124.) allergic conjunctivitis, with both fast-acting symptomatic relief and

Table 147-1 Topical Ophthalmic Medications for Allergic Conjunctivitis

Azelastine hydrochloride 0.05% Antihistamine Not for treatment of contact lens–related irritation; the
Optivar Children ≥3 yr: 1 gtt bid preservative may be absorbed by soft contact lenses.
Wait at least 10 min after administration before
inserting soft contact lenses.
Emedastine difumarate 0.05% Antihistamine Soft contact lenses should not be worn if the eye is
Emadine Children ≥3 yr: 1 gtt qid red. Wait at least 10 min after administration before
inserting soft contact lenses.
Levocabastine hydrochloride 0.05% Antihistamine Not for use in patients wearing soft contact lenses
Livostin Children ≥12 yr: 1 gtt bid-qid up to 2 wk during treatment.
Pheniramine maleate Antihistamine/vasoconstrictor Avoid prolonged use (>3-4 days) to avoid rebound
symptoms. Not for use with contact lenses.
0.3%/Naphazoline hydrochloride Children >6 yr: 1-2 gtt qid
Naphcon-A, Opcon-A
Cromolyn sodium 4% Mast cell stabilizer Can be used to treat giant papillary conjunctivitis and
Crolom, Opticrom Children >4 yr 1-2 gtt q4-6h vernal keratitis. Not for use with contact lenses.
Lodoxamide tromethamine 0.1% Mast cell stabilizer Can be used to treat vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Not
Alomide Children ≥2 yr: 1-2 gtt qid up to 3 mo for use in patients wearing soft contact lenses during
Nedocromil sodium 2% Alocril Mast cell stabilizer Avoid wearing contact lenses while exhibiting the
Children ≥3 yr 1-2 gtt bid signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.
Pemirolast potassium 0.1% Mast cell stabilizer Not for treatment of contact lens–related irritation; the
Alamast Children >3 yr: 1-2 gtt qid preservative may be absorbed by soft contact lenses.
Wait at least 10 min after administration before
inserting soft contact lenses.
Epinastine hydrochloride 0.05% Antihistamine/mast cell stabilizer Contact lenses should be removed prior to use. Wait
Elestat Children ≥3 yr 1 gtt bid at least 15 min after administration before inserting
soft contact lenses. Not for the treatment of contact
lens irritation.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 147-1 Topical Ophthalmic Medications for Allergic Conjunctivitis—cont’d
Ketotifen fumarate 0.025% Antihistamine/mast cell stabilizer Not for treatment of contact lens–related irritation; the
Zaditor Children ≥3 yr 1 gtt bid q8-12h preservative may be absorbed by soft contact lenses.
Wait at least 10 min after administration before
inserting soft contact lenses.
Olopatadine hydrochloride 0.1%, 0.2% Antihistamine/mast cell stabilizer Not for treatment of contact lens–related irritation; the
Patanol Children ≥3 yr: 1 gtt bid (8 hr apart) preservative may be absorbed by soft contact lenses.
Pataday 1 gtt q day Wait at least 10 min after administration before
inserting soft contact lenses.
Alcaftadine, 0.25% Antihistamine/mast cell stabilizer Contact lenses should be removed prior to
Lastacaft Children > 2 yr: 1 gtt bid q8-12 hr application, may be inserted after 10 minutes. Not
for the treatment of contact lens irritation.
Bepotastine besilate 1.5% Antihistamine/mast cell stabilizer Contact lenses should be removed prior to
Bepreve Children >2 yr: 1 gtt bid q8-12 hr application, may be inserted after 10 minutes. Not
for the treatment of contact lens irritation.
Ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% NSAID Avoid with aspirin or NSAID sensitivity. Use ocular
Acular Children ≥3 yr: 1 gtt qid product with caution in patients with complicated
ocular surgeries, corneal denervation or epithelial
defects, ocular surface diseases (e.g., dry eye
syndrome), repeated ocular surgeries within a short
period of time, diabetes mellitus, or rheumatoid
arthritis; these patients may be at risk for corneal
adverse events that may be sight-threatening. Do
not use while wearing contact lenses.
Fluorometholone Fluorinated corticosteroid If improvement does not occur after 2 days, patient
0.1%, 0.25% suspension (0.1%, 0.25%) Children ≥2 yr, 1 gtt into conjunctival sac should be reevaluated. Patient should remove soft
and ointment (0.1%) of affected eye(s) bid-qid. During initial contact lenses prior to administering (contains
FML, FML Forte, Flarex 24–48 hr, dosage may be increased to 1 gtt benzalkonium chloride) and delay reinsertion of
q 4 hr. Ointment (approximately 1.3 cm in lenses for ≥15 minutes after administration. Close
length) into the conjunctival sac of affected monitoring for development of glaucoma and
eye(s) 1–3 times daily. May be applied q cataracts.
4 hr during initial 24–48 hr of therapy
NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.

disease-modifying action. Children often complain of stinging or

burning with use of topical ophthalmic preparations and usually prefer
oral antihistamines for allergic conjunctivitis. It is important not to
contaminate topical ocular medications by allowing the applicator tip
to contact the eye or eyelid. Using refrigerated medications may
decrease some of the discomfort associated with their use. Topical
decongestants act as vasoconstrictors, reducing erythema, vascular
congestion, and eyelid edema, but do not diminish the allergic response.
Adverse effects of topical vasoconstrictors include burning or stinging
and rebound hyperemia or conjunctivitis medicamentosa with chronic
use. Combined use of an antihistamine and a vasoconstrictive agent is
more effective than use of either agent alone. Use of topical nasal cor-
ticosteroids for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis decreases ocular symp-
toms, presumably through a naso-ocular reflex.
Tertiary treatment of ocular allergy includes topical or, rarely, oral
corticosteroids and should be conducted in conjunction with an oph-
thalmologist. Local administration of topical corticosteroids may be
associated with increased intraocular pressure, viral infections, and
cataract formation. Other immunomodulatory medications, such as
topical tacrolimus or topical cyclosporine are used as steroid-sparing
agents by ophthalmologists. Allergen immunotherapy can be very
effective in seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis, especially
when associated with rhinitis, and can decrease the need for oral or
topical medications to control allergy symptoms.
Because vernal conjunctivitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis can be
associated with visual morbidity, if these diagnoses are suspected, the
patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist.

Bibliography is available at Expert Consult.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 147  ◆  Ocular Allergies  1126.e1

Bibliography Kari O, Saari KM: Diagnostics and new developments in the treatment of ocular
Bielory L: Allergic conjunctivitis: The evolution of therapeutic options, Allergy allergies, Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 12:232–239, 2012.
Asthma Proc 33:129–139, 2012. Lin SY, Erekosima N, Kim JM, et al: Sublingual immunotherapy for the treatment
Bielory BP, O’Brien TP, Bielory L: Management of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis: of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma, JAMA 309(12):1278–1286, 2013.
guide to therapy, Acta Ophthalmol 90:399–407, 2012. Sy H, Bielory L: Atopic keratoconjunctivitis, Allergy Asthma Proc 34:33–41, 2013.
De Smedt S, Wildner G, Kestelyn P: Vernal keratoconjunctivitis: an update, Br J
Ophthalmol 97:9–14, 2013.

Downloaded for fkunsri sriwijaya (fkunsri4@gmail.com) at Sriwijaya University from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 22, 2018.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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