Oneway: Oneway DV by Cell /statistics Descriptives Homogeneity /missing Analysis /posthoc Bonferroni GH Alpha (0.05)

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Output Created 09-SEP-2018 22:51:28
Input Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 267
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values
are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics for each analysis
are based on cases with no
missing data for any variable
in the analysis.
GH ALPHA(0.05).
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.06
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.44

95% Confidence Interval for
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum
A 39 3.7518 1.33502 .21377 3.3190 4.1846 1.00
B 39 5.1282 .42958 .06879 4.9890 5.2675 4.00
C 30 4.2223 1.15867 .21154 3.7897 4.6550 2.00
D 24 4.7642 .66980 .13672 4.4813 5.0470 3.00
E 30 3.4220 1.23384 .22527 2.9613 3.8827 1.00
F 35 4.6954 .87204 .14740 4.3959 4.9950 2.00
G 39 3.2562 1.61380 .25842 2.7330 3.7793 1.00
H 31 4.6335 1.24212 .22309 4.1779 5.0892 1.00
Total 267 4.2133 1.30874 .08009 4.0556 4.3710 1.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
DV Based on Mean 11.189 7 259 .000
Based on Median 9.803 7 259 .000
Based on Median and with 9.803 7 197.050 .000
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 10.857 7 259 .000

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 116.361 7 16.623 12.691 .000
Within Groups 339.246 259 1.310
Total 455.607 266

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: DV
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
(I) CELL (J) CELL Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Bonferroni A B -1.37641 .25917 .000 -2.1945 -.5583
C -.47054 .27793 1.000 -1.3478 .4067
D -1.01237 .29692 .021 -1.9496 -.0751
E .32979 .27793 1.000 -.5475 1.2071
F -.94363 .26648 .013 -1.7848 -.1025
G .49564 .25917 1.000 -.3224 1.3137
H -.88175 .27539 .043 -1.7510 -.0125
B A 1.37641 .25917 .000 .5583 2.1945
C .90587 .27793 .035 .0286 1.7832
D .36404 .29692 1.000 -.5732 1.3013
E 1.70621 .27793 .000 .8289 2.5835
F .43278 .26648 1.000 -.4083 1.2739
G 1.87205 .25917 .000 1.0540 2.6901
H .49466 .27539 1.000 -.3746 1.3639
C A .47054 .27793 1.000 -.4067 1.3478
B -.90587 .27793 .035 -1.7832 -.0286
D -.54183 .31343 1.000 -1.5312 .4475
E .80033 .29550 .202 -.1324 1.7331
F -.47310 .28475 1.000 -1.3719 .4257
G .96618 .27793 .017 .0889 1.8435
H -.41122 .29311 1.000 -1.3364 .5140
D A 1.01237* .29692 .021 .0751 1.9496
B -.36404 .29692 1.000 -1.3013 .5732
C .54183 .31343 1.000 -.4475 1.5312
E 1.34217 .31343 .001 .3528 2.3315
F .06874 .30331 1.000 -.8887 1.0261
G 1.50801 .29692 .000 .5708 2.4452
H .13062 .31117 1.000 -.8516 1.1128
E A -.32979 .27793 1.000 -1.2071 .5475
B -1.70621* .27793 .000 -2.5835 -.8289
C -.80033 .29550 .202 -1.7331 .1324
D -1.34217 .31343 .001 -2.3315 -.3528
F -1.27343 .28475 .000 -2.1722 -.3746
G .16585 .27793 1.000 -.7114 1.0431
H -1.21155* .29311 .001 -2.1367 -.2864
F A .94363* .26648 .013 .1025 1.7848
B -.43278 .26648 1.000 -1.2739 .4083
C .47310 .28475 1.000 -.4257 1.3719
D -.06874 .30331 1.000 -1.0261 .8887
E 1.27343* .28475 .000 .3746 2.1722
G 1.43927 .26648 .000 .5982 2.2804
H .06188 .28227 1.000 -.8291 .9529
G A -.49564 .25917 1.000 -1.3137 .3224
B -1.87205* .25917 .000 -2.6901 -1.0540
C -.96618 .27793 .017 -1.8435 -.0889
D -1.50801 .29692 .000 -2.4452 -.5708
E -.16585 .27793 1.000 -1.0431 .7114
F -1.43927* .26648 .000 -2.2804 -.5982
H -1.37739 .27539 .000 -2.2466 -.5081
H A .88175 .27539 .043 .0125 1.7510
B -.49466 .27539 1.000 -1.3639 .3746
C .41122 .29311 1.000 -.5140 1.3364
D -.13062 .31117 1.000 -1.1128 .8516
E 1.21155 .29311 .001 .2864 2.1367
F -.06188 .28227 1.000 -.9529 .8291
G 1.37739* .27539 .000 .5081 2.2466
Games-Howell A B -1.37641 .22457 .000 -2.0894 -.6634
C -.47054 .30075 .769 -1.4120 .4709
D -1.01237 .25376 .004 -1.8097 -.2151
E .32979 .31056 .962 -.6429 1.3025
F -.94363 .25967 .012 -1.7564 -.1308
G .49564 .33538 .817 -.5507 1.5420
H -.88175 .30898 .099 -1.8488 .0853
B A 1.37641* .22457 .000 .6634 2.0894
C .90587 .22245 .006 .1896 1.6221
D .36404 .15305 .283 -.1291 .8572
E 1.70621 .23554 .000 .9468 2.4656
F .43278 .16266 .160 -.0824 .9480
G 1.87205 .26741 .000 1.0208 2.7233
H .49466 .23346 .423 -.2564 1.2457
C A .47054 .30075 .769 -.4709 1.4120
B -.90587* .22245 .006 -1.6221 -.1896
D -.54183 .25188 .399 -1.3400 .2564
E .80033 .30902 .181 -.1714 1.7721
F -.47310 .25783 .600 -1.2864 .3402
G .96618 .33396 .090 -.0788 2.0112
H -.41122 .30744 .881 -1.3773 .5549
D A 1.01237* .25376 .004 .2151 1.8097
B -.36404 .15305 .283 -.8572 .1291
C .54183 .25188 .399 -.2564 1.3400
E 1.34217 .26351 .000 .5060 2.1784
F .06874 .20105 1.000 -.5641 .7016
G 1.50801 .29235 .000 .5870 2.4290
H .13062 .26165 1.000 -.6984 .9597
E A -.32979 .31056 .962 -1.3025 .6429
B -1.70621* .23554 .000 -2.4656 -.9468
C -.80033 .30902 .181 -1.7721 .1714
D -1.34217 .26351 .000 -2.1784 -.5060
F -1.27343 .26921 .000 -2.1240 -.4228
G .16585 .34282 1.000 -.9067 1.2384
H -1.21155 .31704 .007 -2.2078 -.2153
F A .94363 .25967 .012 .1308 1.7564
B -.43278 .16266 .160 -.9480 .0824
C .47310 .25783 .600 -.3402 1.2864
D -.06874 .20105 1.000 -.7016 .5641
E 1.27343 .26921 .000 .4228 2.1240
G 1.43927 .29750 .000 .5049 2.3737
H .06188 .26739 1.000 -.7818 .9055
G A -.49564 .33538 .817 -1.5420 .5507
B -1.87205 .26741 .000 -2.7233 -1.0208
C -.96618 .33396 .090 -2.0112 .0788
D -1.50801* .29235 .000 -2.4290 -.5870
E -.16585 .34282 1.000 -1.2384 .9067
F -1.43927 .29750 .000 -2.3737 -.5049
H -1.37739 .34139 .003 -2.4450 -.3098
H A .88175 .30898 .099 -.0853 1.8488
B -.49466 .23346 .423 -1.2457 .2564
C .41122 .30744 .881 -.5549 1.3773
D -.13062 .26165 1.000 -.9597 .6984
E 1.21155* .31704 .007 .2153 2.2078
F -.06188 .26739 1.000 -.9055 .7818
G 1.37739* .34139 .003 .3098 2.4450

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

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