Effect of Emulsifier and Guar Gum On Micro Structural, Rheological and Baking Performance of Frozen Bread Dough

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Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313


Effect of emulsifier and guar gum on micro structural, rheological

and baking performance of frozen bread dough
P.D. Ribottaa,*, G.T. Péreza, A.E. Leóna, M.C. Añónb
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Quimica Biologica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Av. Valparaı́so s/n, C.C 509, Córdoba 5000, Argentina
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnologı́a de Alimentos (CONICET, UNLP), calle 47 y 116, C.C. 553, La Plata 1900, Argentina
Received 11 November 2002; accepted 5 May 2003

The influence of mono- and diacylglycerols esterified to mono- and diacetyltartaric acid (DATEM) and guar gum on dynamic rheological
behaviour, starch gelatinization, microstructure and bread properties of frozen dough were analysed. The results obtained showed that the
dough freezing and storage at 2 18 8C decreased the bread quality. The dough freezing and frozen storage provoked a decrease in the
complex modulus ðGp Þ and the storage modulus ðG0 Þ showing a reduction in dough firmness and elasticity. Structural damage caused on
dough ultra structure through frozen storage was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Starch gelatinization was affected by additives
and by dough storage at 2 18 8C. DATEM and gum guar improved volume and texture of bread obtained from non-frozen and frozen
dough, but neither DATEM nor gum guar could avoid the effect of dough frozen storage on the dynamic rheological parameters and
microstructure damage.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Guar gum; DATEM; Baking; Hydrocolloids; Rheology; Frozen dough

1. Introduction Additives are used in bakery to facilitate processing, to

compensate for variations in raw materials, to guarantee
The overall quality of bread dough deteriorates gradually constant quality, and to preserve freshness and food
during frozen storage (Inoue & Bushuk, 1992; Kenny, properties. In the scientific literature different additives
Wehrle, Auty, & Arendt, 2001; Le Bail, Grinand, Le Cleach, and ingredients have been used to modify the dough
Martinez, & Quilin, 1999; Lu & Grant, 1999; Neyreneuf & behaviour during freezing. In a previous study (Ribotta et al.,
Van Der Plaat, 1991; Ribotta, León, & Añón, 2001). 2001) different additives generally used in baking were
Two factors have been identified as possible reasons for the tested and the addition of DATEM and guar gum to dough
loss of baking quality observed: (i) a decrease in gassing yielded the best results in bread loaf volume after dough
power due to a decline in both viability and activity of yeast freezing. Therefore, we decided to carry out deeper
and (ii) the gradual loss of dough strength. investigations about the effects of these additives on frozen
Gradual loss of dough strength during frozen storage has dough properties.
been attributed to the reduction of gluten cross-linking Mono- and diacylglycerols esterified to mono- and
caused by ice recrystallization and by release of reducing diacetyltartaric acid (DATEM) are anionic oil-in-water
substances from yeast, and the water redistribution emulsifiers that are used to improve the quality of bread.
provoked by a modification in the water binding capacity This kind of emulsifier, also called dough strengtheners,
of dough constituents (Autio & Sinda, 1992; Hsu, Hoseney, when added to dough improves mixing tolerance,
& Seib, 1979; Inoue & Bushuk, 1991; Kline & Sugihara, gas retention and resistance of the dough to collapse.
1968; Ribotta et al., 2001; Ribotta, León, & Añón, 2003a; Concerning the final product, this substance improves
Varriano-Marston, Hsu, & Mahdi, 1980). loaf volume and endows it with resilient texture, fine
grain as well as slicing properties (Inoue, Sapirstein, &
* Corresponding author. Tel: þ 54-351-4334-105; fax: þ 54-351-
Bushuk, 1995; Metler & Seibel, 1993; Tamstorf, Jonsson, &
E-mail address: pribotta@agro.uncor.edu (P.D. Ribotta). Krog, 1986).

0268-005X/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
306 P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313

Hydrocolloids have been widely used in food products to (Frare, Argentina). After 60 days of frozen storage, samples
modify texture, improve moisture retention, control water were thawed for 1 h at 30 8C (70% rh), proofed at 30 8C
mobility and maintain overall product quality during storage (96% rh) until optimum development and baking as
(Linden & Lorient, 1999). Guar gum is a polysaccharide described above.
which consists of a chain of b-D -mannopyranosyl units Bread loaf specific volume was determined by
joined by 1 ! 4 linkages. Every second residue has a side rapeseed displacement and weighed 24 h after baking.
chain; a D -galactopyranosyl residue that is bound to the Two replicates were analysed and results were expressed as
main chain by a (1 ! 6) linkage (Belitz & Grosch, 1999). mean values ^ SD.
This is frequently used in combination with locust bean gum
and carrageenan gum as stabilizers in ice creams, filled pies 2.2. Crumb firming
and other frozen products (Alexander, 1999). Gums,
like guar, xanthan, agar and pectin, are used in baked Bread loaves prepared as indicated in the baking
goods primarily to enhance finished product moistness procedure were wrapped up in thermally sealed
(Heflich, 1996). polyethylene bags and stored at 4 ^ 1 or 20 ^ 2 8C. At 2,
The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of
24, 72 and 168 h of aging, two bread pieces were cut into
DATEM and guar gum on rheological, calorimetric and
two slices of 25 mm each and the ends of the loaves were
structural properties of frozen dough.
discarded. Each slice was submitted to a compression test
during storage using a TA.XT2i texture analyser
(Stable Micro Systems, UK) under the following conditions:
2. Materials and methods
compression cell, 5 kg; crosshead speed, 0.5 mm/min;
maximum deformation, 40%; grip dimension 36 mm
2.1. Baking procedure
diameter. The firmness of the crumb was reported as the
force (in g) required to compress samples to 25% of their
A commercial strong bread flour (Carlos Boero Romano
original width. Four slices were analysed per point,
SAIC, Argentina) with 13.2% protein content and 0.7%
and average values were reported. Results were expressed
ash content (11.8% mb) was used. The Chopin
as mean values ^ SD.
Alveographic parameters were W ¼ 276; P ¼ 102:3 and
L ¼ 75:3: Analytical and Alveographic parameters were
measured according to AACC (1995). The dough base 2.3. Dynamic rheological measurements
formulation used comprised: 100% flour, 3% compressed
yeast, 1.8% sodium chloride, 0.2% sodium propionate, Bread dough was prepared following the formulation
0.015% ascorbic acid and 63% of water (optimum level). indicated previously. Ingredients were mixed in a Philips
Water was chilled to achieve dough temperature HR 1495 mixer (Philips, Argentina) for 2 min and allowed
23 ^ 0.5 8C after mixing. The additives used for to rest for 15 min in a fermentation cabinet at 30 8C
the different formulations were guar gum 0.5% and and 70% rh. The resulting dough was degassed, divided
diacetyl-tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides (DATEM) (5 g portions), hand rounded and wrapped up in thermally
0.5%. Ingredients were mixed in an Argental L-20 mixer sealed polyethylene bags. Dough was frozen and stored
(Argentina). Yeast and salt were previously dissolved in at 2 18 8C. Frozen dough samples were thawed for 1 h in a
water and the remaining ingredients were added as solids. cabinet at 30 8C. Non-frozen and thawed-frozen dough was
The resulting dough was allowed to rest for 15 min in a tested before and after fermentation (at 30 8C for 30 min).
fermentation cabinet at 30 8C and 70% rh. The bulk dough Tests were carried out in a Haake CV20 Rheometer
was sheeted in a Mi-Pan vf roller (Argentina) containing (Germany) using a 1 mm gap parallel-plate sensor.
two rolls of 50 £ 12.7 cm2 each. The dough was then Samples were placed on the lower plate and excess dough
divided into 80 g pieces and hand-molded. Ten dough protruding from the edge of the plate was carefully trimmed.
pieces were immediately proofed at 30 8C (96% rh) until Low viscosity silicone was added around the plate edges to
optimum development and baked at 200 8C for 18 min after prevent dough dehydration. Before starting the oscillatory
molding (non-frozen dough). The recipe and bread making measurement, dough sample was allowed to rest for 2 min,
processes described are currently employed in our country allowing any normal stresses induced during sample loading
in the preparation of bread and their simplicity allows a to relax. Temperature was kept constant at 30 8C.
clear observation of changes occurring during the The equipment was driven through the Haake software
processing of frozen dough (Ribotta et al., 2003a). osc. 2.0 (Germany). The experimental procedure allowed
recording the development and demise of complex modulus
2.1.1. Dough freezing ðGp Þ; storage modulus ðG0 Þ; loss modulus ðG00 Þ; tan dðG00 =G0 Þ
Immediately after shaping, dough pieces were placed on and complex viscosity ðhp Þ as function of time and
individual trays and wrapped up in polyethylene bags. frequency of oscillation. Deformation of 3% was
Freezing and storage took place at 2 18 8C in a freezer determined within the linear viscoelasticity range.
P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313 307

Two replicates were analysed and results were expressed as Table 1

mean values ^ SD. Effects of frozen dough on loaf volume

Bread Loaf specific volume (cm3/100 g)

2.4. Differential scanning calorimetry
Non-frozen Frozen dough Volume decreased
Analyses were performed in a Polymer Laboratories dough (60 days) by frozen storage (%)
Calorimeter (Rheometric Scientific Ltd, UK). Transition
Control (without 387 ^ 5b 330 ^ 9a 14.8
temperatures and enthalpies were obtained by the PL-V5.41 additives)
software (Rheometric Scientific Ltd, UK). The equipment DATEM 468 ^ 5e 404 ^ 4c 13.6
was calibrated with Indium and an empty double pan was Guar gum 420 ^ 7d 385 ^ 5b 8.5
used as reference.
Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different
Fifteen to 20 mg of non-frozen and frozen-thawed dough ðp , 0:05Þ:
prepared for the dynamic rheological test were weighed in
DSC pans, hermetically closed and immediately
Bread with both, DATEM and guar gum, presented greater
(no fermentation) scanned in the calorimeter. The starch
loaf volume than control bread, irrespectively whether bread
gelatinization process was studied by heating from 30 to
was obtained from non-frozen dough or dough frozen for 60
130 8C in the calorimeter at a heating rate of 10 8C/min.
days. DATEM was found to be better than guar gum at
At least two determinations per dough lot were made and
improving loaf volume.
results were expressed as mean ^ SD.
Emulsifier may bind to the protein hydrophobic surface
promoting aggregation of gluten proteins in dough. A strong
2.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
protein network results in better texture and increased
volume of bread (Kamel & Ponte, 1993). Hydrophilic
For this assay, dough was prepared as described
emulsifiers may also form llamellar liquid-crystalline
previously but without yeast to prevent any structural
phases in water, which associate with gliadin.
change produced by dough fermentation. Small portions of
These structures may contribute to dough elasticity allowing
dough frozen and stored for 60 days at 2 18 8C were cut
gas cell to expand, thus resulting in an increased volume of
with a razor blade, thawed and fixed in glutaraldehyde
baked food (Tamstorf et al., 1986).
(1:30) for 2 h and embedded in a graded acetone series
Regarding guar gum, previous studies (Mettler & Seibel,
(25, 50, 75 and 80%) for 20 min at each gradation, then
1993, 1995) have shown an increase in bread volume when
embedded in 100% acetone at three consecutive 20 min
this gum is added to dough, but this subject deserves fuller
intervals to ensure full dehydration. Samples were then
critical point dried. Critical point drying allows acetone development.
removal in CO2 without surface tension force that may
distort the sample. Dehydrated samples were coated with 3.2. Crumb firming
gold particles for 4 min. The images were taken by using a
Jeol 35 CF (Japan) scanning electron microscopy with a Firmness increased significantly ðp , 0:05Þ with
6 kV acceleration voltage. The micrographs were taken storage time of non-frozen dough (Fig. 1). Bread with
by using different magnification (1,500 £ , 3,600 £ and DATEM was less firm than bread containing guar gum
10,000 £ ). and without additives. Just baked bread with guar gum
showed similar firmness than bread without additives,
2.6. Statistical analysis but both DATEM and guar gum retarded the rate of
crumb firming.
The data obtained were statistically treated by variance In general, frozen storage of dough did not affect crumb
analysis while the means were compared by the LSD Fisher firmness and the rate of crumb firming. Only bread with
test at a significance level of 0.05 in both cases using the DATEM aged at 4 8C and obtained from frozen dough
INFOSTAT statistical software (Facultad de Ciencias showed higher rate of crumb firming than bread from non-
Agropecuarias, UNC, Argentina). frozen dough (Fig. 1).
Bread aging temperature had a significant ðp , 0:05Þ
effect on crumb firming rate. All samples aged at 4 8C
3. Results and discussion showed higher crumb firming rate than samples aged at
20 8C up to 3 days of aging. On the basis of bread
3.1. Loaf volume formulation employed in this study, the acceptability of the
final product is lost after 3 days of aging. Pisesookbunterng
Loaf volume from frozen dough is shown in Table 1. and D’appolonia (1983) found similar results working with
Significant ðp , 0:05Þ decreases in loaf volume were non-frozen dough and bread aging at 2 and 30 8C.
obtained for frozen dough after being stored for 60 days. Bread aged at high temperature provoked a less developed
308 P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313

Fig. 1. Evolution of crumb firmness during bread staling at 20 ^ 2 8C (a) and 4 ^ 1 8C (b). Bread without additives (-V-), with DATEM (-B-) and with guar
gum (-X-).

crystalline structure measured by X-ray diffraction (Zobel & their behaviour follows the model of gel type materials
Kulp, 1996) and a minor starch retrogradation determined where G0 is higher than G00 in the entire range of frequency
by differential scanning calorimetry (Biliaderis, 1990; (Giborau, Cuvelier, & Launay, 1994). Similar rheological
Ribotta et al., 2003a). patterns were found for non-frozen and frozen dough with
The function of emulsifiers as crumb-softening agents and without additives.
is closely related to the interaction with starch, Fig. 3 shows complex and storage module (frequency at
particularly with linear amylose, but also with 1.0 Hz) of dough under frozen conditions for 120 days.
amylopectin (Kamel & Ponte, 1993). The formation of Non-frozen dough with gum guar had higher Gp and G00 than
these complexes inhibits bread staling either by non-frozen dough with DATEM and without additives
preventing amylose or amylopectin retrogradation or (control), showing that only dough with gum guar was more
by having fewer B-type nuclei that could elastic and firmer than the control. Since the addition of
promote amylopectin retrogradation (Zobel, 1973). water to ingredients was kept constant during dough
Crumb softeners may also reduce water migration by making, the increment in Gp and G00 caused by guar gum
the formation of a complex with starch, and be absorbed seems to be due to the increase in dough consistency as
into its surface (Pisesookbunterng & D’appolonia, 1983).
Mettler and Seibel (1993) have reported similar results to
the ones reported in this work with guar gum. The behaviour
detected may be attributed to the capacity of the gum to
retain water even after baking (Heflich, 1996) and to slow
down the retrogradation of starch (Davidou, Le Meste,
Debever, & Bekaert, 1996).

3.3. Dynamic rheological properties of frozen dough

The dynamic rheological properties of non-frozen dough

(without additives) are shown in Fig. 2. G0 ; G00 and hp were Fig. 2. Storage modulus (G0 ; -O-), loss modulus (G00 ; -X-) and complex
represented as a function of the oscillation frequency, viscosity (hp ; - £ -) versus frequency for non-frozen dough.
P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313 309

Fig. 3. Effect of frozen storage in the complex modulus and the storage modulus (1.0 Hz) of dough without additives (grey), dough with DATEM (black) and
dough with gum guar (line).

a result of gum capacity to absorb water. Likewise, since release of reducing substances from yeast (Autio & Sinda,
Huebner and Wall (1979) suggested interactions between 1992; Hsu et al., 1979; Inoue & Bushuk, 1991; Kline &
gluten and extra cellular microbial polysaccharides, Sugihara, 1968; Ribotta et al., 2001; Ribotta, León, & Añón,
carrageenan and alginate; protein –guar gum interaction 2003b; Varriano-Marston et al., 1980).
could not be discarded. Non-frozen dough with guar gum and without additives
There was a significant ðp , 0:05Þ decrease in Gp and showed a decrease in Gp and G0 due to fermentation
G due to freezing and frozen storage (Fig. 3). These results showing a weakening of dough structure. On the other hand,
indicated that there was a reduction in dough firmness and non-frozen dough with DATEM had similar values of Gp
elasticity caused by freezing and frozen storage. In the and G0 before and after fermentation. Fermented frozen
same way, Kenny, Wehrle, Dennehy, and Arendt (1999) dough showed a similar rheological behaviours than
reported a significant decrease in the complex modulus of non-fermented dough (Fig. 3).
control, ascorbic acid and DATEM dough due to
freezing and thawing but there were no significant 3.4. Effects of frozen storage on starch gelatinization
changes in complex modulus as a result of increased
frozen storage time. Fig. 4 shows a thermogram of non-frozen dough without
Due to the strength of the polymeric gluten matrix is additives. A curve with a shoulder corresponding to the
attributed to the concentration and strength of cross-links, gelatinization (G endotherm) and to the fusion of the most
the molecular weight of cross-link regions, and the average stable crystallites (F endotherm) resulting from the low level
molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of of water in the sample were observed. A third endotherm
the polymers (Bushuk & MacRitchie, 1987; Wrigley et al., (M) corresponded to a reversible dissociation of the
1998), and substantial evidence was reported about amylose –lipid complex (Jovanovich, Zamponi, Lupano,
depolymerization of glutenin aggregates during dough & Añón, 1992).
storage at 2 18 8C (Ribotta et al., 2001), we considered Table 2 shows the influence of dough storage time at
that the decrease in dough firmness and elasticity was 2 18 8C on starch gelatinization. Non-frozen dough with
provoked by a loss in the polymer cross-linking and DATEM and guar gum had higher DHg and DHm than
depolymerization. non-frozen dough without additives ðp , 0:05Þ;
Previous works showed that the reduction of gluten while non-frozen dough with guar gum showed the
cross-linking was caused by ice recrystallization and/or by highest DHg in non-frozen dough.
310 P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313

A significant ðp , 0:05Þ increase on the DHg after 120

days of frozen storage was observed in dough without
additives. Lu and Grant (1999) and Ribotta et al. (2003a)
reported similar results. The latter authors suggested that
the dislocation of water and ice-recrystallization occurred
in dough during frozen storage time could induce
changes in the structure and arrangement of amylose
and amylopectin, and such changes would be reflected
during starch gelatinization.
Conversely, a slight decrease of DHg with the storage
time was observed in dough with DATEM and guar
gum. Non-frozen dough with guar gum was found to be
higher than non-frozen dough with DATEM and without
Fig. 4. Differential scanning calorimetry of non-frozen control dough. Two
additives ðp , 0:05Þ: The freezing process slightly
overlapped endotherms corresponding to gelatinization (G) and to the
fusion of the most stable crystallites (F). The third endotherm (M) modified T0 but these changes did not show a linear
corresponded to a reversible dissociation of the amylose–lipid complex. behaviour.
According to the results obtained by Evans (1986) a
very low concentration of surfactants (sucrose ester and
Table 2
Effects of dough freezing on gelatinization onset temperatures ðT0 Þ;
polysorbate 60) did not change the DSC starch
gelatinization enthalpies ðDHg Þ and melting of the amylose–lipid complex gelatinization temperature, but the enthalpy
ðDHm Þ of gelatinization fell as the level of the emulsifier
Dough Frozen T0 (8C) DHg DHm
sample storage (mJ/mg) (mJ/mg)
Rojas, Rosell, and Benedito de Barber (1999) also
(days) showed that a small amount of guar gum added to
wheat starch and flour pastes produces a slight decrease of
Control 0 53.5 ^ 0.8a 3.31 ^ 0.01a 0.43 ^ 0.04a the gelatinization enthalpy. The controversy arisen from
60 56.9 ^ 0.3b 3.62 ^ 0.03ab 0.54 ^ 0.09ab the results presented above could be the consequence of
120 54.4 ^ 2.5ab 4.41 ^ 0.27d 0.83 ^ 0.02bc
either the use of different hydrocolloid concentration 1.0
DATEM 0 53.4 ^ 0.9a 3.89 ^ 0.06bc 0.75 ^ 0.10abc vs. 0.5% in this study, or the sample method preparation
60 54.2 ^ 1.5ab 3.91 ^ 0.03bc 0.60 ^ 0.35ab utilized.
120 54.8 ^ 2.3ab 3.68 ^ 0.06ab 1.01 ^ 0.13c
DHm was difficult to be quantified due to the non-
Gum Guar 0 56.7 ^ 0.6b 4.25 ^ 0.38cd 0.73 ^ 0.15abc gaussian profile of these endotherms. However, DHm in
60 56.6 ^ 1.3ab 3.60 ^ 0.41ab 0.61 ^ 0.61ab dough without additives augmented as the time of
120 55.6 ^ 1.1ab 3.93 ^ 0.18bcd 0.81 ^ 0.09bc
storage at 2 18 8C increased, but dough with additives
Values followed by the same letter in the same column are not moved up slightly increased after a 120-day frozen
significantly different ðp , 0:05Þ: storage.

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microscopy of non-frozen (a, b and c) and frozen (d, e and f) control (without additive) dough samples. P: gluten matrix. S: starch.
P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313 311

Fig. 6. Scanning electron microscopy of non-frozen (a, b and c) and frozen (d, e and f) DATEM dough samples. P: gluten matrix. S: starch.

3.5. Microstructure of non-frozen and frozen dough dough structure showed the characteristic structure of the
starch granules embedded in the gluten network (Figs.
Dough ultra structure was studied previously by SEM. 5 –7). Dough with DATEM (Fig. 6) had a larger amount
Rojas, Rosell, Benedito de Barber, Pérez-Manuera, of void among starch granules and the gluten network,
and Lluch (2000) described dough like a continuous showing a structure less dense than the dough with gum
matrix, the gluten network, where the starch granules guar and without additives (Figs. 5 and 7, respectively),
seemed to be scattered. Under a greater magnification suggesting that the surfactant had certain effect on the
some discontinuities were observed in the lax matrix quantity of air incorporated by mixing.
surrounding the starch granules. Berglund, Shelton, and After 60 days storage time at 2 18 8C, dough (with and
Freeman (1991) working at low-temperature SEM found without additives), gluten matrixes were found to be quite
that dough after 24 weeks the gluten matrix appeared less damaged. The gluten strands appeared more porous, less
continuous, more disrupted, and separated from the starch uniform and thinner. Besides, frozen dough tended to break
granules; the gluten strands were also thinner. In this into small pieces, maybe, due to the disruption of the strand
work, SEM was used to visualize the ultra structure of gluten (Figs. 5 –7, arrows).
non-frozen and frozen dough without yeast. Under Dough analysed by SEM was made without yeast,
10,000 £ , 3,600 £ and 1,500 £ magnification non-frozen which suggested that ice recrystallization caused

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microscopy of non-frozen (a, b and c) and frozen (d, e and f) guar gum dough samples. P: gluten matrix. S: starch.
312 P.D. Ribotta et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 18 (2004) 305–313

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