J Brings L6klk2. The Remaining: Heisenberg

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272 Ch.

6 Heisenberg Magnets

Summing the exponential factor over j brings L6klk2. The remaining

expression does not depend on 6, thus summing over S brings merely a
factor z . The z-z contribution to No is thus
N i z = z ( J ( sX b L b k . (6.25)

Now let us consider the contribution coming from the spin-flip terms.
Using (6.18) and (6.19), we find


where we introduced the geometrical factor



Thus, up to bilinear terms the Hamiltonian is

3c M --IJJzS2L 3-
+ Itto'- + NO+ (6.29)

The expression can be simplified if the structure has inversion symmetry

because then 7 - k = Tk. Using bkbf, = 1 + b$k, and noticing that
x k " / k = 0, the lowest-order spin wave Hamiltonian is

%o = 1 JlZS c(l
- '&)bf,bk = X W k f i k

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