Kali Puja Swami Satyananda Saraswati Devi Mandir

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Translated By

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Published By
Devi Mandir Publications
PO..& First Edition, Copyright O 1996
Third Edition, Copyright O 1998
Fourth Edition, Copyright O 2005 by
Devi Mandir Publications
5950 Highway 128
Napa, CA 94558 USA
Communications: Phone and Fax 1-707-966-2802
E-Mail Swami#@shreemaa.org
Please visit us on the World Wide Web at
http://www. shreemaa.org/

All rights reserved

ISBN 1-877795-68-2
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number
CIP 96-72539

I(BZT PO.& Swami Satyananda Saraswati

1. Hindu Religion. 2. Goddess Worship.
3. Spirituality. 4. Philosophy. I. Saraswati,
Swami Satyananda

Samswa and Computer Layout

by Vittalananda Saraswati
Kali Piijija

Kala means Darkness; Kali takes away that Darkness. She takes
away the darkness from every individual who strives in the path of
perfection by performing the spiritual disciplines of purifying austerities.
Just as all the colors of the spectrum mix into black, yet still black
remains black, so too, Kali, who is completely Dark, Unknowable, takes
away all the Darkness, yet She, Herself, remains unchanged.
KBla means T i e and i means the Cause; Kali, the Cause of Time
or She Who is Beyond T i e . All existence has its perception in time, and
therefore the Cause of Time, She Who is Beyond Time, activates
Consciousness to perception, allows Consciousness to perceive.
She wears a garland of the heads of impure thoughts, which She has
severed from the personalities of Her devotees. She cuts down all of the
conflicting concepts which debate their various ideologies within the
arena of mind, silences the tumultuous roar of mental conflict and the
anguish of egotistical attachment, takes the physical manifestations to
Herself, and makes a garland of perplexity. Thus She wears all karma as
an ornament, while She stops the chattering voices of the active mind, so
that Her devotees can experience the purity of inner peace in the
absorption of solitude.
As the Destroyer of Madhu and Khaitabha, Too Much and Too
Little, She puts Her devotees in the balance of divine meditation.
She is called Camwda, the Slayer of Anger and Passion, who cuts
down all the angry thoughts and impure passions along with their
tremendous armies. When C a ~ d and
a Mugtja, Anger and Passion, hurled
thousands of discuses at Her, She merely opened wide Her mouth, and
all of those terrible opposing weapons entered the gateway to infinity,
absorbed into Her being without effect.
She took all the horses of the cavalry of thoughts, along with their
chariots and charioteers; elephants along with their drivers, protectors
and armor; and uncountable thousands of warriors of the army of
thoughts; She put them into Her mouth and hideously began to chew. She
took all the soldiers of the armies opposing divinity, the entire army of
thoughts, projections, speculations, and immediately She digested them
Witnessing the destruction of confusion, the Gods experience
extreme joy! See how many contemplations, prejudices and attitudes
from which we have been freed! Having given up all the difficulties, all
the thoughts, the very ego itself, to Kali, the mind experiences the utmost
peace and delight!
Raktabija, who performed great austerities, was awarded the boon
that whenever a drop of his blood would touch the ground, in that very
same place a new Raktabija would be born with the same vitality,
courage and strength, the same capacity to captivate the mind. Rakta
means red, the color; it also means blood and passion; most specifically,
a passion for something - Desire. Bija means the seed; Raktabija
literally translates as the Seed of Desire.
See how he manifests in action. In order to accomplish his desire, he
multiplies into countless new desires with the same intensity, the same
capacity of captivating the mind, all of which seek fulfillment as well. As
we find desire for one thing, one drop of blood has touched the ground,
and immediately, automatically, a new "something" is required in order
to fulffi that desire. Another drop.
This goes on indefinitely, causing a continual necessity to act. Every
time a Seed of Desire touches the ground, a new Seed of Desire is born
in that very same place. Ultimately the entire earth has been filled with
Seeds of Desire.
Seeing this and understanding fully well the tremendous importance
and significance of the all-pervasiveness of desire, the Gods became
extremely dejected. In great alarm we all called to the Divine Mother for
help. "Oh Compassionate Kali, stick out your tongue and drink up all the
desires of existence. Only your mouth has sufficient capacity to consume
all desire! And when you will have digested all desire, then the Gods will
be free from desire."
This is why She shows Her very lovely, red, protruding tongue - in
order to make all existence free from desire.
Kali is most often depicted as standing upon the corpse-like form of
Lord Siva, dancing upon the stage of Consciousness. She is the
perceivable form of Consciousness. Consciousness is awareness. Rather
than the actor, Consciousness is the witness of all action. That is why
Lord Siva is shown as a lifeless corpse: still, immobile, his eyes are
fixed, trained on the image of the Divine Mother. All that Consciousness
perceives is the dance of Nature.
She is dancing to infatuate Him, causing H i to direct His attention
to Her. But Siva does not forget that it is Nature who is dancing, not I;
Kalr Ptijzja 5

and He remains the silent Witness. This body is Nature. I am

Consciousness, the silent witness of the actions of Nature. I am not the
performer. This body acts according to its nature, because that is its
nature. Remembering this, I am free, one among the audience in a
theater watching the drama of life.
Kali is Nature personified - not necessarily the dark force of Nature,
but all of Nature: Mother Nature, as She dances upon the stage of
Consciousness. As all of the qualities reside together, the three Gugas:
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas; activity, desire and rest, KBli embodies the
Three. However, She is more frequently associated with Tamas.
Tamas means darkness, but not necessarily in the sense of
ignorance. There is a darkness which obscures external perception. And
there is a darkness which exposes the light. KBli as the personification of
Tamas, is the Energy of Wisdom.
She spreads Her darkness over worldly desire, makes seekers obliv-
ious to the transient externals, totally self-contained within. Pure
Consciousness knows that the world of matter will continue to revolve
according to its nature, in a cyclical flow of creation, preservation and
transformation - the wheel of life. It goes on of its own accord.
When one can reside within, without identification or attachment to
the ever-changing externals, then the supreme truth can be realized.
KBli is jfianagakti, the energy of Wisdom, the intuitive illumination
within, as compared with the intellectual contemplation of the external.
Knowledge is conceived, wisdom is intuited. When KBli takes away the
darkness of the outside world, She grants illumination of the inner world.
Such is Her Grace.
With KBli's Love we become unattached, free from reaction, the
silent witness of the stimulus and response which action and interaction
bring. We cease to react emotionally to the circumstances of life, and
rather plan our actions for the optimum efficiency; so that all the sooner
we can complete our necessary contributions to creation according to our
karmas, and spend the balance of our time delighting in Universal
Consciousness. This is the path that KBli shows.

The following translation includes a booklet of the basic elements of

the worship of the Goddess KBli, which we published in 1989, called
KBli DhyBnam. That book contained Her GFiyatri mantra, the Meditation
on Her form and its meaning, the bija mantras of Her nyssa, Her japa,
and the famous Adyii Stotram, Song in Praise of the Foremost. This is
most interesting as it identifies all forms of the Divine Mother as
differing manifestations of the One Supreme Sakti. At the end came the
Closing Prayers and P r a ~ l m ato the Goddess.
To this original material has been added almost two hundred pages
of other mantras intrinsic to the advanced worship of the Goddess: The
Hundred Names of KZli, The Thousand Names of KHli, The Armor of
Kali, as well as the establishment of life in the deity, and the mantras
and procedures for consecrating all of the offerings to the Goddess,
including the elaborate offerings of bhgnga and alcohol, and the mantras
for engendering dharmic children.
The original text is presented in Samskyta, followed by the Roman
phonetic transliteration, and the English meanings. It is impossible for a
translator to maintain pure objectivity in composing an English
interpretation of the glorious Samslqta mantras. No matter how hard one
might try, some part of his own experience, his own philosophy, his own
intellectual understanding, will no doubt creep in. For this reason the
original text is presented without alteration.
But if there be any prejudice on the part of this translator, let it be
that he strives to convey the purest devotion, the most joyous inspiration,
and the greatest unconditional love of which he is capable, for the Divine
Mother, for his beloved Guru, Shree Maa, and to the siidhana to which
he has devoted his life.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Devi Mandir, 1996
Kali Ptijsi 7

What a privilege to be writing a preface to the third edition so soon.

It surely indicates how popular the worship of the Divine Mother is
becoming in various countries around the world. Both the Indian edition
and the American edition are completely out of stock, and with great
sincerity I humble myself before the devotees of the Divine Mother.
Shree Maa, herself, has recorded the Thousand Names of Kgli on a
beautiful CD, with music scored by Richard Sales.
Several devotees with busy schedules have asked for smaller piijgs
which they can perform on a daily basis, allowing for the performance of
the entire book of KZliPDj2 on weekends and holidays when they have
more time. We recommend the Invitation and Vow of worship, pages 6-
27; P ~ c a t i o of
n Water and Flowers, pages 36-42; Establishment of the
deity within, pages 57-59; Offerings to the Goddess, pages 72-82, and the
Closing Prayers, pages 227-233. This practice can be completed in
approximately half an hour, and can accompany regular meditation
The object is to continually expand our practices until they consume
our entire lives, and I pray that the Divine Mother Goddess blesses us all
with the sole contemplation of Her in our every action.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Devi Mandir, 1998

Changes in printing technology and the globalization of Hinduism

have necessitated this fourth edition. Our website is regularly receiving
visitors from 81 countries, and our books are being used in many more
places than I can name. It is so rewarding to find that devotion to the
Divine Mother in many forms is being appreciated and practiced around
the world.
Again we are performing an extended austerity in seclusion, and we
pray that everyone feel the blessings of peace and welfare that come
from sincere worship to the Divine Mother. Again and again we bow
down to Her with our greatest intensity of love, and pray that She
continues to bless us all with the highest and the best.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Devi Mandir, 2005
T a b l e of C o n t e n t s
Kalr Puja
Kalr Dhyanam
Acrya stotram
Puja Naivedya - offerings of Worahip
Adya m d e v y a b S a t a m S t o h m
Kalr Kavacazh
Consecration of Tantric Offerings
Gharbha Dhana Viddhi
M a s far Worship
Kali Piija

-gwdh&ataye namah
We bow to the Respected Great Lord of Wisdom.

-ywbhYm namab
We bow to Lak~miand NBrByaga, The Goal of all Existence and the
Perceiver of all.

We bow to UmB and MaheSvara, She who protects existence, and the
Great Consciousness or Seer of all.

v-agarbhabhyalh nam&
We bow to V g ~ and
i Hiragyagarbha, Sarasvati and BrahmB, who create
the cosmic existence.

gacipmndaHbhym nam&
We bow to Saci and Purandara, Indra and his wife, who preside over all
that is divine.

mar- ;m:
We bow to the Mothers and Fathers.

igtadevatabhyo namab
We bow to the chosen deity of worship.
kuladevaabhyo namah
We bow to the family deity of worship.

We bow to the village deity of worship.

vastudevatBbhyo namah
We bow to the particular household deity of worship.

m&vatEbhyo namah
We bow to the established deity of worship.

samebhyo devebhyo namah

We bow to all the Gods.

samebhyo brlEhmapebhyo namah

We bow to all the Knowers of divinity.
Kali Paja

khabah cakra gadegu c8pa-

parighafl dl- bhuSupW Sirab
hlkharhsaahdadhatnh karai
strinayanikh saw- b&a-
&ha-sya pada-
da- seve rnahatralilrath
yamastaut wapite harau kmahjo
hmhhmadhuh kaiwbham
Bearing in Her ten hands the sword of worship, the discus of revolving
time, the club of articulation, the bow of determination, the iron bar of
restraint, the pike of attention, the sling, the head of egotism and the
conch of vibrations, She has three eyes and displays ornaments on all
Her limbs. Shining like a blue gem, She has ten faces and feet. I worship
that Great Remover of Darkness whom the lotus-born Creative Capacity
praised in order to slay Too Much and Too Little, when the Supreme
Consciousness was in sleep.

j- i -3 we wi en:dk%
w vY

alqaarakparasurh gadqukulisarh
p- dhan*
dagdalh $ a .as* ca carma
jalajah ghaq@Wmbhajanam
6- paSa sudarsane ca
dadham hash@p r a s m
seve sairibha mardinTmiha
She with the beautiful face, the Destroyer of the Great Ego, is seated
upon the lotus of Peace. In Her hands She holds the rosary of alphabets,
the battle axe of good actions, the club of articulation, the arrow of
speech, the thunderbolt of illumination, the lotus of peace, the bow of
determination, the water-pot of purification, the staff of discipline, ener-
gy, the sword of worship, the shield of faith, the conch of vibrations, the
bell of continuous tone, the wine cup of joy, the pike of
concentration, the net of unity and the discus of revolving time named
Excellent Intuitive Vision. I worship that Great Goddess of True Wealth.

ghaow 8th h a m &uUa

musale cakmh dhana sayakaah
hastabjair dadham ghan&&i
v i l a s a o c Sutulya
~ prabham
gamdeha smudbhaviW
trijagatam ~clh8rabhUtiU.hmaM-
pflrv~matrasarasva- mubhaje
Sumbhadi daity-
Bearing in Her lotus hands the bell of continuous tone, the pike of
concentration, the plow sowing the seeds of the Way of Truth to Wisdom,
the conch of vibrations, the pestle of refinement, the discus of revolving
time, the bow of determination and the arrow of speech, whose radiance
is like the moon in autumn, whose appearance is most beautiful, who is
manifested from the body of She Who is Rays of Light, and is the
support of the three worlds, that Great Goddess of All-Pervading
Knowledge, who destroyed Self-Conceit and other thoughts, I worship.
Kali PUja

ya ca@ madhukai@bhadidaityawya mi&ipmiUW

yB d M m r e ~ c ~ ~ ~ tyBhmktaWjiS6anIa n i
6aW 6umbhanihmbhadaitya~ya siddhidafrI p d
sa deH navak-ttrthahita m;glh patu visvehaff
That Cha~$, who slays the negativities of Too Much and Too Little and
other Thoughts; Who is the Destroyer of the Great Ego, and the
Vanquisher of Sinful Eyes, Passion and Anger, and the Seed of Desire;
the Energy which tears asunder Self-Conceit and Self-Deprecation, the
Grantor of the highest attainment of perfection: may that Goddess who is
represented by ninety million divine images, Supreme Lord of the
Universe, remain close and protect me.

&my0 jyotir suryab. waha
agnirvarcojyotirvmab. svaha
SDryO varcojydir vaf& waha
jy- sDryab. s-0 jyo* waha
Om The Divine Fire is the Light, and the Light is the Divine Fire; I am
One with God! The Light of Wisdom is the Light, and the Light is the
Light of Wisdom; I am One with God! The Divine Fire is the offering,
and the Light is the Offering; I am One with God! The Light of Wisdom
is the Offering, and the Light is the Light of Wisdom; I am One with God!
(Wave light)

orh agnhjyotf ravirjyoti$candrojyotistathaiva ca

jyotig~uttamodevi dipo-ytuh pratiayatam
eqa dip& orh hdm $uh Lmh paramegV&im e svllha
Om The Divine Fire is the Light, the Light of Wisdom is the Light, the
Light of Devotion is the Light as well. The Light of the Highest Bliss, Oh
Goddess, is in the Light which we offer, the Light which we request you
to accept. With the offering of Light 0r.hMaya, Increase, Dissolution, to
the Supreme Female Divinity, KHli, I am One with God!

(Wave incense)
*: *sri y-9 II

orh vanaspatirasotpamo g d t y a f l gandha uttam&

iighrey* sarvadevm dhapo-yaOa prati@yat&m
ega dhw& orh Wnh Lmh parameSv&i m e svaha
Om Spirit of the Forest, from you is produced the most excellent of
scents. The scent most pleasing to all the Gods, that scent we request you
to accept. With the offering of fragrant scent Om May& Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kgli, I am One with God!
Kali Piijg

arb pay& flVYm PaYa og~dM8u

payo divy-e payo
payaQvaa pa& santu d y a m
Om Earth is a reservoir of nectar, all vegetation is a reservoir of nectar,
the divine atmosphere is a reservoir of nectar, and also above. May all
perceptions shine forth with the sweet taste of nectar for us.

o& agnirdevata vat0 devata stlryo devata candramif devata

vasavo devata rudro devata-dityii devata maras0 devata
viSve deva devata b$haspatirdevaten&o devata varupo
Om The Divine Fire (Light of Purity) is the shining God, the Wind is the
shining God, the Sun (Light of Wisdom) is the shining God, the Moon
(Lord of Devotion) is the shining God, the Protectors of the Wealth are
the shining Gods, the Relievers of Sufferings are the shining Gods, the
Sons of the Light are the shining Gods; the Emancipated seers (Maruts)
are the shining Gods, the Universal Shining Gods are the shining Gods,
the Guru of the Gods is the shining God, the Ruler of the Gods is the
shining God, the Lord of Waters is the shining God.

(With folded hands)

arh bhm bhw& sv&

tat savitur varegyam bhargo devasya dhrmahi
&YO YO nab P=odaygt
Om the Infinite Beyond Conception, the gross body, the subtle body and
the causal body; we meditate upon that Light of Wisdom which is the
Supreme Wealth of the Gods. May it grant to us increase in our

arh bh* arh bhuvab

Om the gross body Om the subtle body

olh sv& olh maha4

Om the causal body Om the great body of existence

h j d tap&
Om the body of knowledge Om the body of light

arh satyaEh
Om the body of Truth

arh tat savitur varepyam bhargo devasya dhTmahi

dhiyo yo nab pracodayBt
Om we meditate upon that Light of Wisdom which is the Supreme
Wealth of the Gods. May it grant to us increase in our meditations.
May the divine waters luminous with the nectar of immortality of
Supreme Divinity fill the earth, the atmosphere and the heavens.

(Touch rosary)

orh m&h male mahamaye

catur vargas tvayi nyastas t
am me siddhida bhava
Om My Rosary, The Great Measurement of Consciousness, containing
all energy within as your intrinsic nature, give to me the attainment of
your Perfection, fulfilling the four objectives of life.

orh avigbub kuru male tvarh g&#bni dak&e k m

japakale ca siddhyarhaahpraada mama siddhaye
Om Rosary, You please remove all obstacles. I hold you in my right
hand. At the time of recitation be pleased with me. Allow me to attain
the Highest Perfection.

arh aha mdH dhipataye susiddhith dehi dehi sarva

m8tltrWm adhini sadhaya sadhaya sarva siddhhh parikal-
paya parikalpaya me svaha
Orb Rosary of rudrak~aseeds, my Lord, give to me excellent attainment.
Give to me, give to me. Illuminate the meanings of all mantras,
illuminate, illuminate! Fashion me with all excellent attainments,
fashion me! I am One with God!
(Offer flowers)
ete gandhapugpe O l h g d gapapataye namah
With these scented flowers 0ri1 we bow to the Lord of Wisdom, Lord of
the Multitudes.

navagrahebhyo namah
ete g a d h a m adn ~dity~di
With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Sun, the Light of Wisdom,
along with the nine planets.

ete gmdhapugpe aoh 1Siv8dipalicadevat8bhyo mu@

With these scented flowers Ofi we bow to Siva, the Consciousness of
Infinite Goodness, along with the five primary deities (Siva, Sakti, Vi~gu,
GageSa, SUrya).

ete g a n d h a p a h inch%&daSadikpalebhyo mu@

With these scented flowers Om we bow to Indra, the Ruler of the Pure,
along with the Ten Protectors of the ten directions.

ete g a d h a m aoh matsyi~didaS8vaWebhyo nam&

With these scented flowers Om we bow to V~SQU,
the Fish, along with the
Ten Incarnations which He assumed.

ete gandhapugpe aoh pajapataye nam&

With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Lord of All Created
Kalr Paja

ete gandhapwe arh namo nWiyapaya narnah

With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Perfect Perception of

ete gandhapw arh sarvebhyo devebhyo nam&

With these scented flowers Om we bow to All the Gods.

ete gandhaptqpe arh smbhyo de*hyo mm&

With these scented flowers Om we bow to All the Goddesses.

ete gandhapw arh W gurave n a d ~

With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Guru.

ete g a d h a m e arh W e b h y o
With these scented flowers Om we bow to All Knowers of Wisdom.

(Tie a piece of string around right middle finger or wrist)


olh Masane stbito brabma M e caiva jmWam&

Me hyakahvad Masana namo-stu te
Brahrna is in the shining light (or kuSa grass), in the shining light resides
Janardana, the Lord of Beings. The Supreme all-pervading
Consciousness, Vi~nu,resides in the shining light. Oh Repository of the
shining light, we bow down to you, the seat of kuSa grass.
(sip water with each mantra)
orh kebvaya namalJ svaha
We bow to the one of beautiful hair.

orh e v a y a namalJ svaha

We bow to the one who is always sweet.

orh govindaya nam& svaha

We bow to He who is one-pointed light.

(sip water with each mantra and wash hands)

w w w
Om Consciousness, Om Consciousness, Om Consciousness.

orh tat *obparamaxh padam sada pawanti sthay&

divpva cd~urti
Om That Consciousness of the highest station, who always sees the Light
of Wisdom, give us Divine Eyes.
Kalr PUja

orh tad vipra sa pipihova jwigranso somindrate

*a tat padam
Om That twice-born teacher who is always thirsty for accepting the
nectar of devotion, Oh Consciousness, you are in that highest station.

orh apa- pavitro vB sa~~BvasthWgabpi va

y& smaret p u p a a r h sa bahyabhyan-
Om The Impure and the Pure reside within all objects. Who remembers
the lotus-eyed Consciousness is conveyed to radiant beauty.

arh sarva W a l a nWgaly8m varepy~mvaradarh Subhaah

my- namaalqtya sarv- -yet
All the Welfare of all Welfare, the highest blessing of Purity and
Illumination, with the offering of respect we bow down to the Supreme
Consciousness who is the actual performer of all action.

orh st&yyaScameti mantrasya braha prdgtkw

Bpo devata aCamane viniyog&
Om these are the mantras of the Light of Wisdom, the Creative Capacity
is the Seer, Nature is the meter, the divine flow of waters is the deity,
being applied in washing the hands and rinsing the mouth.
(Draw the following yantra with some drops of water
andlor sandal paste at the front of your seat.
Place a flower on the bindu in the middle.)

orh ;BLsanasyamantcasya me-@ sutakub &and&

kmommo devata ;BLsanopaveSaneviniyogd omh
Introducing the mantras of the Purification of the seat. The Seer is He
whose back is Straight, the meter is of very beautiful form, the tortoise
who supports the earth is the deity. These mantras are applied to make
the seat free from obstructions.

ete g a d h a m orh M ~dhtimhkhyekamalasawya

With these scented flowers Om hrim we bow to the Primal Energy
situated in this lotus seat.

(Touch seat)
* * m ~ ~

onb mvitvaya loka devi tv& vi$~un8diqta

tvdca dh8t.aya madn n i t y a p a v i m krnv c8sanam
Orh Earth! You support the realms of the Goddess. You are supported by
the Supreme Consciousness. Also bear me eternally and make pure this
Kalr Ptija

@hyo namab odI p-&hyo

Om I bow to the Guru. Om I bow to the Guru's Guru.

~ ~ ~ ~ a r a I m = b h ~ oanh pamne@@mbhyo
namah namab
0ri-1I bow to the Gurus of the Om I bow to the Supreme
lineage. Gurus.

garfn gapesgya namab. anh -tBya nam&

Olh I bow to the Lord of Wisdom. O h I bow to the Infinite One.

odI hrUh SfZlhkrl[lh parame$viirikalilre svaha

Om Mays, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity,
KBli, I am One with God!

anhnamab. Sivaya
Om I bow to the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.

Clap hands 3 times and snap fingers in the ten directions

(N S E W ME SW NW SE UP DOWN) repeating
OrhhrUh gRthkrfihparame$viirikalike svaha
Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme
Female Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!
(Place flower in left palm, cover with right)
qf*ay: C\ )a

oah tat sat osh adya j-pe (Country) &$e

(State) pradeSe (City) nagare (Name of house or temple)
mandire (month) m s e (Sukla or b) p w e (name of
day) tithau (name of)gobra SA (yourname) -tat SA kalr
k8m& paja karmahanh &T kafr pajatih -ye
The Consciousness Which Pervades All, Ori.l That is Truth. Presently, on
the Planet Earth, Country of (Name), State of (Name), City of (Name),
in the Temple of (Name), (Name of Month) Month, (Bright or Dark) fort-
night, (Name of Day) Day, (Name of Sgdhu Family), Sri (Your Name) is
performing the worship for the satisfaction of the Respected KBli by
reciting the Ksli Worship.

oljn yajjagrato dtlramudeti daivarh tadu suptasya tathdvaiti

dltmlgamazhjyo*grh jyotirekarh tamne mad^ giva-
s m -
May our waking consciousness replace pain and suffering with divinity
as also our awareness when asleep. Far extending be our radiant aura of
light, filing our minds with light. May that be the firm determination of
the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.
Kali Pnja

yS gdigUryB sbWalT ya ya sarasvaa

~n-a Maye varu@nTh svastaye
May that Goddess who wears the Moon of Devotion protect the children
of Devotion. May that Goddess of All-Pervading Knowledge protect us.
May the Energy of the Rule of the Pure rise up. Oh Energy of
Equilibrium grant us the highest prosperity.

orh svasti na indro a & a v i S l svasti

~ viSvavedi@
svasti na-o svasti no mspatirdadhatu
The Ultimate Prosperity to us, Oh Rule of the Pure, who perceives all
that changes; the Ultimate Prosperity to us, Searchers for Truth, Knowers
of the Universe; the Ultimate Prosperity to us, Oh Divine Being of Light,
keep us safe; the Ultimate Prosperity to us, Oh Spirit of All-Pervading
Delight, grant that to us.

arh gapanarh tv8 gaspipati gush havamahe

p r i y m t~ priyapati grah havgmahe
nidhiniW tv8 nidhipati grah havgmahe vaso mama
&amaj8ai garbbhadhmU5 tvamajasi gmbbhadham
We invoke you with offerings, Oh Lord of the Multitudes; we invoke you
with offerings, Oh Lord of Love; we invoke you with offerings, Oh
ah f l v i Ssntir an* S~ntirdya*
ggntir ap& SBnlir wadhay& $gntilJvanaspatayab 4Bntir
viSve me deva i@ntilJ sarve me deva brahma
$ihliHpal~6- sarvath Sgntiredhi SBn* Sgntib. sarva
? ~ ma 6antirp 6Bntibhib
S ~ n t i sa
Let the earth be at Peace, the atmosphere be at Peace, the heavens be
filled with Peace. Even further may Peace extend, Peace be to waters,
Peace to all vegetation, Peace to All Gods of the Universe, Peace to All
Gods within us, Peace to Creative Consciousness, Peace be to Brilliant
Light, Peace to All, Peace to Everything, Peace, Peace, altogether
Peace, equally Peace, by means of Peace.

tBbhirp SBntibhirp sarva SBntibhirp samayi~mohatfi yadiha

g h d yadiha krtlmh yadiha papash tacch&&uh
tacchiva151sarvameva samastu n&
Thus by means of Peace, altogether one with the means of Peace,
Ignorance is eliminated, Violence is eradicated, Improper Conduct is
eradicated, Confusion (sin) is eradicated, all that is, is at Peace, all that
is perceived, each and everything, altogether for us,
Kali Puja

a r h ~ ~ S a n t & ~
rnPeace, Peace, Peace

orhhfllfi SiIrhldZrhparamegVari~ewaha
rnMaya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Klli,
I am One with God!

The Infinite Beyond Conception

The Stuff of Consciousness, the
substance of awareness, Msyz
Increase, also perfect peace in the
heart and mind
Dissolving into Perfection
Supreme Divinity (female)
She who Takes away Darkness
I am One with God!

dhamdumobade devi m y @ mestute
Om Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness, Goddess Who Takes Away
Darkness, Great Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness, beloved Goddess
Who Takes Away Darkness, Who Takes Away All Sin, Give the way of
peace and harmony, the necessities for physical sustenance, and
liberation, otherwise known as self-realization, Oh Goddess, Exposer of
Consciousness, we bow to you.
worship of ga~eSa

orh tat puru@ya vidmahe vakratug@ya dhTmahi

tanno danti pracodayat
Om we meditate upon that Perfect Consciousness, contemplate the One
with a broken tooth. May that One with the Great Tusk grant us increase.

ete g-pwe g- gapapataye namah

With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Lord of Wisdom, Lord of
the Multitudes.

orh sumukhakaika dantaka kapilo gaja k d

lambodarasca vikaw vi-so VinayakalJ
He has a beautiful face with only one tooth (or tusk), of red color with
elephant ears; with a big belly and a great tooth he destroys all obstacles.
He is the Remover of Obstacles.

dhUmraketurgeakgo bhala candro gajiUana4

CtVBdaSaitani namani y& patheccbu yadapi
With a grey banner, the living spirit of the multitudes, having the moon
on his forehead, with an elephant's face; whoever will recite or listen to
these twelve names
Kali P U J ~

vidy-bhe vivahe ca praveSe nirgame tatha
sarhgrltme sadktte caiva vigbnastasya na jiiyate
at the time of commencing studies, getting married, or upon entering or
leaving any place; on a battlefield of war, or in any difficulty, will over-
come all obstacles.

S u k b m b a r a U devarh SaSivanpuhcaturbhujam
prasarmavadanath dhyiiyet sarvavighnopaSantaye
Wearing a white cloth, the God has the color of the moon and four arms.
That most pleasing countenance is meditated upon, who gives peace to
all difficulties.

abhTpsitMha siddhyarthuh pajit, y& s- sum&

88~avighnahams t a d gaqtfdhipataye nama4
For gaining the desired objective, or for the attainment of perfection, he
is worshiped by the Forces of Union and the Forces of Division alike. He
takes away all difficulties, and therefore, we bow down in reverence to
the Lord of the Multitudes.

malWidi sugandhrni mWyiidM vai prabho

m a y a a p n j m pwpW pratigrhyarn
Various flowers such as malliiz and others of excellent scent, are being
offered to you, Our Lord. All these flowers have come from the devotion
of our hearts for your worship. Be pleased to accept them.

ete g-pwe ag a gapapataye namab

With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Lord of Wisdom, Lord of
the Multitudes.

v a k r a w -ya slhya kofisamaprabha

avighwh kuru me deva sarva Wegu sarvadti
With a broken (or bent) tusk, a great body shining like a million suns,
make us free from all obstacles, Oh God. Always remain (with us) in all

elcadantash mahiki~yaxhlam- gajtimmm

VighmWkikaramh devarin henunbarin m y a h a m
With one tooth, a great body, a big belly and an elephant's face, he is the
God who destroys all obstacles to whom we are bowing down with
Kalr Pnja

pugya havacana, svasti v8cana

proclamation of merits and eternal blessings

Om Peace be unto you.

Om Increase or Nourishment be unto you.

Satisfaction be unto you.

Olin Positive Change be unto you.

olh avighaamastu
Om Freedom from Obstacles be unto you.

orh ayu$yamastu
Life be unto you.

Om Freedom from Disease be unto you.
olh Sivmstu
Oli.1Consciousness of Infinite Goodness be unto you.

arh 6ivakarm8-stu
Om Consciousness of Infinite Goodness in all action be unto you.

@ **
arb karmas-stu

Om Progress or Increase in all action be unto you.

arb dharmas-stu
Om Progress and Increase in all Ways of Truth be unto you.

& vedas-stu
Om Progress or Increase in all Knowledge be unto you.

arh 6astra-stu
Om Progress or Increase in Scriptures be unto you.

arh d h m a ~ y a s ~ s t u
Om Progress or Increase in Wealth and Grains be unto you.

Om May your beloved deity be your wealth.
May you remain safe and secure, without any fear.

orh yatpaparh mgama$ubhamakaly- taddm

Om May sin, sickness, impurity, and that which is not conducive unto
welfare, leave from you.

ah ~~~~ puw-- wt#Pif-

vedav&odbhavarhnityarh tatpuoy- bmvantu naQ
The Creative Capacity with the greatest merit, the Cause of the Birth of
Creation, eternally has its being in the tree of Wisdom. May His blessing
of merit be bestowed upon us.

bho b d m a @ l ~
!mayif k r i y q s y a ka]Tpajaniikhyasya
p u p y m bhavanto bmvantu
Oh Brahmigs! My sincere effort is to perform the worship of Kalr. Let
these activities yield merit.

ahm y - ah pupy- olfi PWY-

O h Let these activities yield merit.
asya karma^& pupyibuh bhavanto Iwwantu
Om Let these activities yield merit.

pnpy- apwy- a pwy-

Om Let these activities yield merit (3 times).

flvy--y~ tu yatkaly-
nibha aiddha gandharvaistatkaly8qazh bruvantu n&
* lqtam

With the solidity of the earth, let supreme welfare be. May the &$is, the
attained ones and the celestial singers bestow welfare upon us.

bho-b I mays kriyami@asya IsiUipUjadchyasya

kamwpl~k a l y m bhavanto bruvmtu
Oh Brahrnigs! My sincere effort is to perform the worship of Kali. Let
these activities bestow welfare.

akaly- a MY- My-

Om Let these activities bestow welfare (3 times).
Kalr Pnja 37

sagatasya tu ya -yadibhib lqta

sampur@~suprabhava ca t&qddE&prabrwantuna4
May the ocean yield Prosperity, as it did when the Great Goddess of True
Wealth and others were produced; fully and completely giving forth
excellent luster, may Prosperity be unto us.

bho 1 may8 IcriyamQmsyampUja&hyasya

karmapab bhavanto bruvantu
Oh Brahmhp! My sincere effort is to perform the worship of Ktili. Let
these activities bestow Prosperity.

Orb Let these activities bestow Prosperity (3 times).

svastitastu ya VinaWya pupya kaly- vfddhida

VinayakapriyB nityarfi tarh ca svastith brwantu n&
Let the Eternal Blessings which grant changes of indestructible merit and
welfare be with us. May the Lord who removes all obstacles be pleased
and grant to us Eternal Blessings.

* mmi: sm m ! C\ ~ v l l *
s l ~ l w:

m m . p11 w

bho 1 may8 My-sya kalrpajaniikhyasya

kaimapab svasthh bhavanto bmantu
Oh Brahmhs! My sincere effort is to perform the worship of E l i . Let
these activities bestow Eternal Blessings.

arh iIyu$mate svasti arh gyupnate svasti arh iIyu$mate

Om May life be filled with Eternal Blessings (3 times).

oxh svasti na indro vpMha$rav@

svasti nab.p w a visvavedi@
svasti nast8rho -me& svasti no b@aspaWdhatu
The Eteinal Blessings to us, Oh Rule of the Pure, who perceives alI that
changes; the Eternal Blessings to us, Searchers for Truth, Knowers of the
Universe: the Eternal Blessings to us, Oh Divine Being of Light, keep us
safe; the Eternal Blessings to us, Oh Spirit of All-Pervading Delight,
grant that to us.

samudramathx@ji!tB jagad8nandak8t.ik8
haripriyfi ca miihgalyii tEth Sriyaxh ca bruvantunaI~
Who was born from the churning of the ocean, the cause of bliss to the
u Welfare Herself, may Sri, the Highest
worlds, the beloved of V i $ ~ and
Respect, be unto us.
Kali Ptija 39

bho 1 mayif k r i y m s y a U@jan&hyasya

k m m q d &&astviti
~ bhavmto bruvantu
Oh Brahmigs! My sincere effort is to perform the worship of Kali. Let
these activities bestow the Highest Respect.

W Let these activities bestow the Highest Respect (3 times).

orh SiISca te patnyifvahmtre pMve

-urh ma ma i#@a
Om the Highest Respect to you, Goal of all Existence, wife of the full
and complete night (the Unknowable One), at whose sides are the stars,
and who has the form of the relentless search for Truth. Oh Supreme
Divinity, Supreme Divinity, my Supreme Divinity, all existence is my
Supreme Divinity.

aywa tena sah- jhema garadab.Satam
As the son of mkagda, Markagdeya, found imperishable l i e , may we
be united with life and blessed with a hundred autumns.

S a w jIVantu b h a v m
May a hundred autumns be unto you.
giva gauri vivahe ya yB &!Mime qBbnaje
dhanadasya &e ya &rasmalralln sa-stu sadmani
As the imperishable union of Siva and Gauri, as the soul of kings
manifested in the respected Rlma, so may the Goddess of Respect for-
ever be united with us and always dwell in our house.

May Respect be unto you.

praj8patirlokapalo dOlatB braha ca devmt

bhagavHicWhatonityarh no vai m t u sawat&
The Lord of all beings, Protector of the worlds, Creator, Brahml, Support
of the Gods; may the Supreme Lord be gracious eternally and always
protect us.

orh bhagavh prajapa* priyatam

May the Supreme Lord, Lord of all beings,.be pleased.
Kali POjZ 41

May life and eternal blessings be unto those who perform this worship
and to those who assist. May respect be given to the priests who impart
this wisdom.

@ w r w q l l l ~ ~ ywk ~ t d
orb. svastivBcana-stu
Orh May this invocation for eternal blessings find excellent prosperity.

purification of water
Draw the following yantra on the plate or space for worship with sandal
paste andlor water. Offer rice on the yantra for each of the four mantras.

oxh ~dh8t.agaktaye nam&

Om we bow to the Primal Energy

Om we bow to the Support of the Earth

orb. anantBya nam&

Om we bow to Infinity

orb.pwvyai nam&
Om we bow to the Earth

Place an empty water pot on the bindu in the

center of the yantra when saying Phat.
sth&h sthh sthiro bhava ph4
Be Still in the Gross Body! Be Still in the Subtle Body! Be Still in the
Causal Body! Purify!

Fill the pot with water while chanting the mantra.

* * ~ * * ~ - F ~ W R T I

arh ga@e ca jamme caiva godavari sarasvati
narmade sindhu kaveri jaleaamin amidhhhhn.
Om the Ganges, Jamuni, GodBvari, Sarasvati, NarmadB, Sindhu,
KBveri, these waters are mingled together.

The Ganges is the Ids, JamunB is the PbigalB, the other five rivers are
the five senses. The land of the seven rivers is within the body as well as

Offer Tulasi leaves into water

arh a& hAtfi lcWd~grfih ~vanav&4nyaisvaha
Om Wisdom, Mays, Increase, to She who resides in VmdBvana, I am
One with God!

Offer 3 flowers into the water pot with the mantras

& F q @ @ 3 i ~ . ~ ; m :
ete g a d h a m cnh arh a r w i i y a dv8[daWaBbmane
With these scented flowers Om "A" we bow to the twelve aspects of the
realm of the sun. Tapini, TBpini, Dh-2, Marici, JvBlini, Ruci,
SudhiimrB, Bhoga-dB, ViSvB, Bodhini, DhBrini, K~amSi;Containing heat,
Emanating heat, Smoky, Ray-producing, Burning, Lustrous, Purple or
Smoky-red, Granting enjoyment, Universal, Which makes known,
Productive of Consciousness, Which supports, Which forgives.
Kalr Ptij2

ete gandhapwe arh urh s o r n a m m y a $o&t?4akaMtmane

With these scented flowers Om "U"we bow to the sixteen aspects of the
realm of the moon. m a , PrBgada, Puv8, Tuvti, Puvfi, Rati, Dhrti,
SaSini, Candrika, Kgnti, Jyotsnl, Sri, h-ti, Arigada, P-5, Piin~Bm2.tB;
Nectar, Which sustains l i e , Which supports, Satisfying, Nourishing,
Playful, Constancy, Unfailing, Producer of Joy, Beauty enhanced by
love, Light, Grantor of Prosperity, Affectionate, Purifying the body,
Complete, Full of Bliss.

ete gandhapw arh math vah&uq@Uya d&akaMtmane

With these scented flowers W "h4" we bow to the ten aspects of the
realm of fire: Dhiimrii, Arcib, Jvalini, StikvmZi, JvZilini, Visphuli&ini,
SuBri, Suri~pZi,Kapila, Havya-Kavya-Vaha; Smoky Red, Flaming,
Shining, Subtle, Burning, Sparkling, Beautiful, Well-formed, Tawny,
The Messenger to Gods and Ancestors.

Wave hands in matsya, dhenu and

arikuSa mu&% while chanting this mantra.

arh g e e ca jamune caiva godavari sarasvati

narmade sindhu k8veri jaleasmin samklhih kuru
Ori.1 the Ganges, JamunB, Godavari, Sarasvati, NarmadrT, Sindhu,
Kaveri, these waters are mingled together.

Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God!
Sprinkle water over all articles to be offered, then throw some drops of
water over your shoulders while repeating the mantra.

a-kuru svaha

puspa -
Make this immortal nectar! I am One with God!

purification of flowers

Wave hands over flowers with pr2rthan8 mudrZi while chanting first
line and with dhenu mu&%while chanting second line of this mantra.

w 'a

orh p w a p w a mahapwa supwa puspa sambhave

puspa caygvakitge ca huh pha? svaha
Om Flowers, flowers, Oh Great Flowers, excellent flowers; flowers in
heaps and scattered about, cut the ego, purify, I am One with God!

kara Suddbi
wipe hands with a damp flower
@ ~ i 3 m m ~
orh aith ranh a-ya pha?
Om Wisdom, the divine fire, with the weapon, Purify !
arh n&Mlyai ca vidmahe SmaS- vasinyai ca dhhnahi
tam0 km pramdayat
Om We meditate upon the Great Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness,
contemplate She Who Resides in the Cremation Grounds (the ultimate
form into which creation dissolves). May that Goddess grant to us


kadavadan&h ghor&hmuktake&h caturbhujam

lcalilrarh divymh -nr vibh-
The sound of her voice is dreadfully fearful. She has loose hair and four
arms, She Who Takes Away the Darkness, of Divine Ability (or bearing
the divine gift), displaying the garland of heads of impure thoughts.
In her lower left hand is the recently severed head (of the Ego), in the
upper left hand, which is raised, is the sword. With her lower right hand
She grants fearlessness, and her upper right She gives blessings.

m e g h a prabm t a t . caiva dg
k a g ~ h a v a s ~ ~ g a t a ~ ~
She shines like a big dark cloud, and She is clothed in space (naked,
without any covering). From her neck dangles the garland of heads,
dripping the blood of attachment from their severed necks.

karpavatmbamava yugmabhayihakW
wwmjl- s y a PIn-tapay-
Her two ears are adorned with ring-shaped ornaments, her body is
withered like a corpse. Her large protruding teeth are extremely
terrifying to the ego, and her large upraised breasts overflowing.

Savanath k a r a s i u i g W m I h hasanmukW~
She wears a girdle made from the severed arms of the corpses of
impurity that She has slain. Her face is filled with laughter. Pouring forth
from the throats She has cut, comes a torrent of blood, the life of all
passion, in a glistening river.
Kali PDja

ghom~vath Sma&UUayavBsinim
Extremely frightful and greatly terrifying is this resident of the cremation
grounds; this young woman with a figure like an asetic's begging bowl,
with three eyes.

dan- daJs&avygpirn-yiU
Savarnpa m a h a d e v a h p b y ~ ~
Pervading the South, and filling up everywhere, unattached, She is
resting with ease on the corpse-like form of Mah~deva,the Great Lord
of All,standing upon his heart.

Siv~bhirghoraravBbh%ca~u samanvim
*ensca samalfi vipaxitaratBtmWh
h a , the Energy of Infinite Goodness (Ksli) emits a dreadful roar which
pervades the four directions, and MahZikBla, the Great Time (Siva),
equally reverses, or sends it back, with the greatest of delight.

s u k h a p r a s m v a w sm- mmmh&h
evcuh sazkhhyet IcalTth saw-
If one contemplates KB~I,the Remover of Darkness, in this way, with her
face of radiant beauty giving pleasure, and its wide expansive smile, one
will become prosperous and fulfill all desires.

The Cause Which Moves the Subtle Body to the Infinite Perfection and
Beyond, cut the ego! Cut the ego! Maya! Maya! Oh Goddess Who
Removes All Darkness, the Cause Which Moves the Subtle Body to the
Infinite Perfection and Beyond, cut the ego! Cut the ego! Maya! Maya!
I am ONE with God!

kalasa sthapam
establishment of the pot
touch earth with tattva mudra
@ myktwi&Rtk f%mR w

a h bhmsi bhamirasyaditirasi v i s v m Vsgvasya
You are the object of sensory perception; you are the Goddess who
distributes the forms of the earth. You are the Producer of the Universe,
the Support of all existing things in the universe. Control (or sustain) the
earth, firmly establish the earth, make the earth efficient in its motion.

give rice

orh dhanyamasi dhinubi &van dhinuhiyaj£h&

dhinuhi yajhpatirh dhinuhi math yajhnyam
You are the grains which satisfy and gladden the Gods, gladden the
sacrifice, gladden the Lord of Sacrifice. Bring satisfaction to us through
place pot
* m m w m r ~ : l

arh itjigghra kalagtuh mahyit tv8 viSantvWav& pumdqjjit

nivartasva SB n a l sahasrruh
~ dhukkgvodhm payawam
Cause the effulgent fire of perception to enter into your highly honored
container for renewed nourishment. Remaining there, let it increase in
thousands, so that upon removal, abounding in spotlessly pure strength, it
may come flowing into us.

pour water into pot


orh vamjasyothmbhmamasi varupasya skambhasarijm

stho v m s y a msadannyasi varupasya ~sadanamasi
vamjasya Msadanamsida
You, Waters, are declared the Ultimate of waters established in all
creation begotten, abiding in waters as the eternal law of truth; always
abiding in waters as the eternal law of truth, and forever abiding in
waters as the eternal law of truth.
place wealth or coins

arh dhanvan8 gB dhanvan8jithjayema dhanva~~

dhan* Satcorapakamzhb o t i dhanvanii mapradiSo
Let wealth, even abundance, be victorious. Let wealth be sufficient as to
be victorious over the severe ocean of existence. As a bow to protect us
safe from the enemies of desire, let it be victorious to illuminate all.

place fruit
$3 q:~ s w I 'w s ~ m:
~ L I~
~ s ~ ~

arh yiilJ phaWryE-aphal8-apwB-yBh p-

b&aspatiprasMgsta no r n u & m t v W s &
That which bears fruit, and that which bears no fruit: that without
flowers and that with flowers as well. To we who exist born of the Lord
of the Vast, set us FREE! ALL THIS IS GOD!

red powder
* m m & R M e : m
Kali Pnj;ja 51

The pious mark of red vermilion symbolizing the ocean of love placed
prominently upon the head above the nose bursting forth, allows the
vibrance of youth to fly. As the stream of ghee pours into the flames,
those spirited flames of the Divine Fire consume the logs of wood
increasing the will and self-reliance of the worshiper.

arh w b h a a japakuslrmasamibham
pajita-si m a p devi prasrda parameSvari
arh htLth SArh krid~paramdvari svaha
sindthwh samaqayEmi
This red colored powder indicates Love, who drives the chariot of the
Light of Wisdom, with which we are worshiping our Lord. Please be
pleased, Oh Great Seer of All. With this offering of red colored powder
Ori.1 Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God!

arh k d n m u h Ir8ntidaah divyath lraminr kamasambhavam

kmUmmen8-rcite devi w d a parameSvari
oxh htLth SArh kRth paramegVari m e svaha ktdhma&
You are being adorned with this divine red powder, which is made more
beautiful by the love we share with you, and is so pleasing. Oh Lord,
when we present this red powder be pleased, Oh Supreme Ruler of All.
With this offering of red colored powder Om Maya, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!
sandal paste
@ ? f l ~ p Z a ; i m ~ 4 1

aah -candamuh divyarh gadhiidhyaah sumano

vilepamh ca d e v d ~~ pratighyatam
aah hfZrh iiridt kfllih paramesvari kalike svaha camhuh
You are being adorned with this beautiful divine piece of sandal wood,
ground to a paste which is so pleasing. Please accept this offering of
sandal paste, Oh Supreme Sovereign of all the Gods. With the offering
of sandal paste Om MB-ya,Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female
Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!

@ -, * ?p-*

orh hari-jitB devi sukha saubhagyadayini

tasm8ttvaah pfljaymyatra d@ha Santilh prayaccha me
aah hflfh iiridt kfllih parameSvari kalike svaha hm&&h
Oh Lord, you are being gratified by this turmeric, the giver of comfort
and beauty. When you are worshiped like this, then you must bestow
upon us the greatest peace. With the offering of turmeri Oti.1 MayB,
Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KBli, I am One
with God!
Kalr Ptijzja

Collect the bath offerings in a bowl

milk bath
@m4m\3 c ; 9 n * * m q 1

arh kamdhenu s8mudbhMath sarvegm$v& param

p8v& yaJfIahetuka mihiWuhprati8Fhyat8m
S W Y ~
Coming from the ocean of being, the Fulfiller of all Desires, Grantor of
Supreme Bliss to all souls. For the motive of purifying or sanctifying this
holy union, we request you to accept this bath. With this offering of milk
for your bath Om Mgya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female
Divinity, KSli, I am One with God!

yogurt bath
@ w m '4m *w-\ 0- \l

arh payasastu samudbhWa& madhuramhh Sa!4iprabham

dadhyanitad~ma@ dattarfi snwbhth pratischyat8m
Derived from milk from the ocean of being, sweet and pleasing like the
glow of the moon, let these curds eternally be our ambassador, as we
request you to accept this bath. With this offering of yogurt for your bath
Om MgyB, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kgli,
I am One with God!
ghee bath
@ 1 q 4 q t t'a4 4 q- 1

aab n a v e s m u 5 p h sarvasanto$a&akam
gbFtrufi tubhyath pradasyami cmanaltharhpra@ghyat&n
Freshly prepared from the ocean of being, causing all fulfillment, we
offer this delightful ghee (clarified butter) and request you to accept this
bath. With this offering of ghee for your bath Om MZyB, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KIli, I am One with God!

honey bath

@ ~*YTttYeF mg37 9
M *T F m r n m ~ ~ y 1 1

orSn tmpu$pa 88mudbhMam S U ~ V B ~madhurath

U madhu
tejo pus- divyah snanattham pra@ghyat&u
olh SiZlh In9rh parameSvari kalike svaba madhu
fMlanatfi SamarpayBmi
Prepared from flowers of the ocean of being, enjoyable as the sweetest
of the sweet, causing the fire of divine nourishment to burn swiftly, we
request you to accept this bath. With this offering of honey for your bath
Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KZili,
I am One with God!
Kali Piija

sugar bath
@ $8w g l t t-\'a
l 4 ~ y ~

arh i k $ u s Samudbhwg
~ Sarkarlr p-
malapalUik8 diva iWh&huh p r a m a t 8 m
From the lake of sugar-cane, from the ocean of being, which causes the
nourishment of sugar to give divine protection from all impurity, we
request you to accept this bath. With this offering of sugar for your bath
Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God!

five nectars bath

w \3

arh payo dadhi glqtmh caiva madhu ca $arkarlryutam

p- maya-nTtad~sMnWhh pratigFhyatam
saanarh samarpayami
Milk, curd, ghee and then honey and sugar mixed together; these five
nectars are our ambassador, as we request you to accept this bath. With
this offering of five nectars for your bath Om Maya, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!
scented oil
'* ~'m
1 1 1 1 ~T 1 ~m~ 4 q I

olhn&ktisugandhidravyarfica cadamhraj-
n c t v m maya c l a w prat@hyatam
olh hr% Wrh ktW paramesvari kalike waha udvartana
Om With various beautifully smelling ingredients, as well as the scent of
sandal, we offer you this scented oil, Oh Lord. With this offering of
scented oil Om MayB, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female
Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!

scent bath
m g m V f ~ * * l

gandhadv&iW dm&ba~gihnityap- ka1T8ipTm

i h a sarvabhMBnamhtibihapahvaye hiyam
arh hr% h%h krfrh paramehari kalike svaha gandha
sntimub samarpayami
She is the cause of the scent which is the door to religious ecstasy,
unconquerable (never-failing), continually nurturing for all time. May
we never tire from calling that manifestation of the Highest Respect, the
Supreme Goddess of all existence. With this offering of scented bath Om
MByFi, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, K d i , I am
One with God!
Kali Piija

water bath
8 + $ ~
\3 & ~ ~ F R m l

0th g e e ca jamune caiva godavari sarasvati
muma& sindhu kaveri IllrBnHrthalCl pratigFhyatam
arhhAlh ?kihlnllhparameSvarikalilresvaha g a g
Please accept the waters from the Ganges, the Jamuna, Godavari,
Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri, which have been provided for
your bath. With this offering of Ganges bath waters Om May&,Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!

8 %ilclcll&~ld~14 TFN
9i I

arh !Bta v g m sazb ir&mhlajjayai *m p a r a

&- vastratfi atha Sgntith prayaccha me
orh hArh SAh lnllh parameSvari kalike waha vastrarh
To take away the cold and the wind and to fully protect your modesty,
we adorn your body with this cloth, and thereby find the greatest Peace.
With this offering of wearing apparel Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution,
to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!
sacred thread

orb yajrropavhxh paramarh pavilmh prajapateryat

sahajarh putastat
gytqyamagrazhptimuilca Subhuh yajrropavP[tarh
balamastu tej&
Om the sacred thread of the highest purity is given by Prajiipati, the Lord
of Creation, for the greatest facility. You bring life and illuminate the
greatness of liberation. Oh sacred thread, let your strength be of radiant

Samo damastap& Saw& WrSIrjavameva ca

jf@na& vi@ham&&yarhbrahmakarma svabhavajam
Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity of mind and body, patience
and forgiveness, sincerity and honesty, wisdom, knowledge, and self-
realization, are the natural activities of a BrZhmaga.
Kalr Piijsi 59

With nine desirable threads all united together, exemplifying the three
gupas (or three qualities of harmony of our deity), this sacred thread will
be our ambassador. Oh Ruler of the Gods, please accept. With this
offering of a sacred thread Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!

tryambakad~yajamahe sugadbhh p@varcldhanam

We adore the Father of the three worlds, of excellent fame, Grantor of
Increase. As a cucumber is released from its bondage to the stem, so may
we be freed from Death to dwell in immortality. With this offering of
rudrakga Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female
Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!

orh malh male mahamaye s a r v a $ m -

caturvargastvayinyastastasmaMle siddhW bhava
orh biZlh &&hkr9th parameSvari lralike svaha a
Om My rosary, the Great Limitation of Consciousness, containing all
energy within as your intrinsic nature, fulfilling the four desires of men,
give us the attainment of your perfection. With this offering of a Mala
Om Mays, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God!
m ~ ~ ~ r * q ~ q ~ r n ~ v m q qI k a ~ q

a h a m n h m l h Suddhan mukUCphalasamanvitlin
m e m i i n mahadevi dehi me n h d & h dhiyam
o& htllin gfZllh krizh pamne$vari kalike s v 5 akgatan
Oh Great Lord, please accept these grains of rice, spotlessly clean,
bestowing the fruit of liberation, and give us a spotlessly clean mind.
With the offering of grains of rice Om MByB, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!

flower garland

S e - p a d m a japugpgdi Satapalmirviciht8m
puspam4Uda prayac&mi glhaOa tvarh surehari
cnh WIh &Dhkri&pamneSvari k;ililike svHha pugpdBtfi
We offer you this garland of flowers with spiraling lotuses, other flowers
and leaves. Be pleased to accept it, Oh Ruler of All Gods. With the
offering of a garland of flowers Om May&,Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity. Kali, I am One with God!
Kali Pnja


s u g m malitygdini vai prabho

mayit-- pUjMha&pw8pi pratighyatlim
arin hrrth Srfih krlih parameSvari kalike maha pwam
Various flowers such as mallikl and others of excellent scent, are being
offered to you, Our Lord. All these flowers have come from the devotion
of our hearts for your worship. Be pleased to accept them. With the
offering of flowers Oti.1 MByB, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme
Female Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!

establishment of stillness

orh sarvatidhamayajhvari sarvadevasamanvitam

imalh g h a w samtigaccha @@ d e v a g m saha
All the places of pilgrimage as well as all of the Gods, all are placed
within this container. Oh Multitude of Gods, be established within!

lelihana mu&
(literally, sticking out, pointing baby finger)

q* pw?il:m:
sthHrfi sthiro bhava vi&ahga itsurbhava vitjyarwan
pFthlat,hava madastvamagnebpuri#aviiha4
Be Still in the Gross Body! Be Still in the Subtle Body! Be Still in the
Causal Body! Quickly taking in this energy and shining forth as the

Holder of Wealth, Oh Divine Fire, becoming abundant, destroy the..
current of rubbish from the face of this earth.

establishment of life
Om The Infinite Beyond Conception, Creation (the first letter),
Consciousness. Maya, the cause of the movement of the subtle body to
perfection and beyond; the path of fulfillment: control, subtle
illumination, one with the earth, emancipation, the soul of peace, the soul
of delight, the soul of unity (all this is I), perfection, Infinite
Consciousness, this is I.

orh IUWI&fati kfhh paramegvari m e svsrha pr;iEgB iha

Om MZiyB, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God! You are the life of this life!

Om The Infinite Beyond Conception, Creation (the first letter),
Consciousness, Maya, the cause of the movement of the subtle body to
perfection and beyond; the path of fulfillment: control, subtle
illumination,one with the earth, emancipation, the soul of peace, the soul
of delight, the soul of unity (all this is I), perfection, Infinite
Consciousness, this is I.
Kali Piija

orh hrW 6rihktZrh parameSvari kalike waha ji'va iha

Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God! You are situated in this life (or individual


Om The Infinite Beyond Conception, Creation (the first letter),
Consciousness, Maya, the cause of the movement of the subtle body to
perfection and beyond; the path of fulfillment: control, subtle
illumination,one with the earth, emancipation, the soul of peace, the soul
of delight, the soul of unity (all this is I), perfection, Infinite
Consciousness, this is I.

orh htah Srlllh ktZrh parameSvari kalike waha sarvendriyw

W Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,

I am One with God! You are all these organs (of action and knowledge).

Om The Infinite Beyond Conception, Creation (the first letter),
Consciousness, Mays, the cause of the movement of the subtle body to
perfection and beyond; the path of fulfillment: control, subtle
illumination, one with the earth, emancipation, the soul of peace, the soul
of delight, the soul of unity (all this is I), perfection, Infinite
Consciousness, this is I.
orb htlkh &zhkrlllh p8t~meSvari svaha vSg manas-
tvakcakgub. htra ghriQa pH@lihagatya sukhaxi~chub
&thantu svgha
On1 Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God! You are all these vibrations, mind, sound, eyes, ears,
tongue, nose and life force. Bring forth infinite peace and establish it
forever, I am One with God!

orh krlllh Myai mum&

I bow to the Goddess Kali Who Takes Away Darkness.

Om lrrim ipgusthabhY&iIAm thumb/forefinger

om kr2m in the thumb I bow.

Om krItfi taljanibhyBbn svaha thumb/forefinger

om krirh in the forefinger, I am One with God!

Om krOrh madhyamiibhyathvagat thumb/middlefinger

om krDm in the middle finger, Purify!

orh krairin anamilrabhy&iIh a thurnb/ringfinger

om kr& in the ling finger, Cut the Ego!

orh luaumh kan&mbhyH~ thumb/littlefinger
om kraum in the little finger, Ultimate Purity!
Kali Piijii 65

Roll hand over hand forwards while reciting karatala'kara, and

backwards while chanting pr~thlbhylm,then clap hands when chanting
astrlya phat

orh kr& karatala kara #bhya a-ya phaf

om I bow to the Goddess Klli with the weapon of Virtue.

orh kAth Wai nam*

I bow to the Goddess KBli Who Takes Away Darkness.

Holding tattva mudra, touch heart.

orb W y a y a namab. touch heart
om kram in the heart, I bow.

Holding tattva mudrl, touch top of head.

orhkAlhSirasesvaha top of head
om krim on the top of the head, I am One with God!

Make a fist with thumb extended, touch back of head.

* ~ r w T ~

orh krW W y a i vaggt back of head

om krC~mon the back of the head, Purify!

Holding tattva mudra, cross both arms.

orh kraith kava~ayahutb cross both anns
om krairh crossing both arms, Cut the Ego!
Holding tattva mudra, touch three eyes
at once with three middle fingers.

onh kmnh nehhyiiya vawat touch three eyes

om kraum in the three eyes, Ultimate Purity!

Roll hand over hand forwards while reciting karatala kara, and
backwards while chanting pr~thBbhyBri.1,then clap hands when chanting
astrzya phat.

krab karatala kara mfhabhyW aslrtiya pha

om I bow to the Goddess KBli with the weapon of Virtue.

onh IUWIMyai m m d ~
I bow to the Goddess KBli Who Takes Away Darkness.

head :
genital :
anus :
navel :
heart :
throat :
third eye:
right arm :
left ann :
right foot :
Kali Puja

left foot :
back :

orh lu¶lbMyai n
ama (108 times)
I bow to the Goddess Kali Who Takes Away Darkness.

hymn of the establishment of life

orh asyai prQiiI~p r a m asyai pr#i@~kgarantu ca

asyai devatv-yai w e t i kakma
Thus has the life force been established in you, and thus the life force has
flowed into you. Thus to you, God, offering is made, and in this way
make us shine.

lralalrala hi d e v m danavi~~W~
s-ya nirmito yas-t kalasastena kathyate
All the Gods are Fragments of the Cosmic Whole. Also all the asuras are
Fragments of the Cosmic Whole. Thus we make a house to contain all
these energies.
kalahsya mukhe w e mn&it&
mflle tvasya sthito bdmil madhye mileg-
In the mouth of the pot is V i $ ~ uin
, the neck resides Rudra. At the base
is situated BrahrnB, and in the middle we remember the multitude of

firuksautu s a g e sapta saphiWpB ca medM

q*migomatrz caiva cafldrabhagB samsvatrz
In the belly are the seven seas and the seven islands of the earth. The
rivers Arjuni, Gomati, Candrabhagl, Sarasvati,

kaverI lrF6igavep8 ca gaiigil caiva mahanadr

tapti g0dava1-I caiva mahe& mrmada tatha
Klveri. K r $ ~ a v e ~and
H the Galiges and other great rivers: the Tapti,
Godavari, Mlhenb- and Narmada.

na&h vm
i j8a nady& sarv8stathapara
m v
yghyani t9lrth8nikalahsthmi tani vai
The various rivers and the greatest of beings born, and all the respected
places of pilgrimage upon the earth, are established within this pot.
sarve sam- saritast&tUni jalada mdi@
gym- -Q- M*y-
All of the seas, rivers, and waters from all the respected places of
pilgrimage have been brought for the peace of that which is bad or

fgvedo-tha yajunred* sibnavedo hyatharv-

adg* sahi* m e kalaSarin tu Sarna6riW.1
The l$g Veda, the Yajur Veda, Sgma Veda and the Atharva Veda, along
with all of their limbs, are assembled together in this pot.

atra g8yaW s8viW pu$@mrItatha

gym- w--tabyak-ml
Here GLyatri, Sgvitri, Peace and Increase have been brought for the
peace of that which is bad or wicked.

deva danava sarhvade mathya-e mahodadhau

atpanno-si tada kumbha v
im *un8 svayam
The Gods and asuras speaking together are the great givers of churning
to the mind. Rise to the top of this pot to separate them from what is
actually Vis~u,Himself.
tvattoye sarvaMhibi dev* sarve tvayi sthim
tvayi t&@WibhMBni tvayi pra@Wtl@
Within you are all the pilgrimage places. AU the Gods are situated with-
in you. All existence is established within you. All life is established
within you.

$iv& svayath tvamevasi *ustvath ca praj8paa

aditya vasavo rudrii vUvedeviQ sapaiQId4
You alone are Siva; you are Brahml and Vis~u,the sons of Aditi,
Finders of the Wealth, Rudra, the Universal Deities and the ancestors.

tvayi saxvepi yata kthaphalapradi@

tvatprasadadimanhy a m m e jalodbhava
sBnaidhya krrm me &va prasmo bhava saxvada
All and everything has been established in you, from whence you grant
the fruits of desires. From you comes the blessed fruit of the sacrifice
performed with excellence. May those riches increase. Manifest your
presence within us, Lord. Always be pleased.

namo namaste sphamprabhaya

sdve-ya smmigalilya
supilSahast8ya jhagasanatya jaladhiniithaya namo namaste
Kali Piija

We bow, we bow to He who shines like crystal, to He who emits

excellent clarity and excellent welfare. With the net of unity in his hand,
who takes the form of a fish, to the Lord of all waters and that which
dwells within, we bow, we bow!

pgSapa0e namastubhyath paWfian8yaka

pu~yahav&ana&yavat tavattvrtlh saanidhau bhava
We bow to He with the net of unity in his hand, Seer of the Life of the
Lotus One. With this meritorious invocation, please make your presence
adys stobram
The Song of the Foremost
(Kgli as the Supreme Divinity)

@u vatsa pravaksygsni adya stdram up ha lad^

y* pafiet satam bhaktyg sa eva &QU vallabhab.
Listen, my child, while I elucidate the Song of the Foremost, which
grants the great fruit. Who will always recite this with devotion, will
have strength comparable to that of Vi~ou.

m~@~~g,dhibhayruh tasya -ti kiiicit kalau yuge

apllbn,labhate patratfi trip*& Sravaqa& yadi
Neither death nor illness will bring fear, nor anything else of the Kali
Yuga. Those without children will attain children, if they listen (to this)
three times (a day).

dvau M s a u bandhanib rnukth@rav- grutanh yadi

m$hvats8 jTvavats8 $-sib h v a p d yadi
If this be heard from the mouth of a twice-born for two months, one will
be liberated from bondage. If one will listen thus for six months, he will
be liberated from the cycles of birth and death.
Kali Piija

&y91h sa$ka@ yuddhe pamfiayamBpnuygt

W t v g sthapanad gehe nagnicanaabhayarh kvacit
It is a boat to cross the difficulties of war; no one will be able to defeat
the person who recites it. And if it is duly written and established in one's
house, no fear will come from fire, thieves nor from other causes.

ajasthanejayi nityath pra- sarvadeva*

papihi vilayath yanti 0mukti mavBpnuyBt
In the house of kings one will be eternally invincible, and pleasing to all
the Gods. Cleaving asunder the sins of all life, one will be liberated even
from death.

arh Wrh brahmaloke ca v m e sawanmigal8

in- amatavaty&nambika v-ye
Om Hrim (the totality of Maya what can be perceived, conceived or
intuited) in the Brahrna Loka, in the reality of Creative Consciousness, is
Brahmagi, the Energy of Creative Consciousness; in Vaikwtha, the
home of Vi~au,is All Welfare. In the Land of the Immortals (the
heaven of Indra), is Indrani, the Energy of the Rule of the Pure, and
Ambika, the Divine Mother, in the home of Varuga, the Lord of
yadaye kuberabhavane hbha
mahananrlngni kope ca v@yavymmFga v W
In the house of Death, is the Dark Form, and with the Lord of Wealth, is
the Radiant Luster. In the Southeast, home of Agni, the Divine Fire or
Purifying Light of Meditation, is Great Delight, and in the Northwest, the
home of Vayu, She Who rides on the deer.

naiqtygrh-tB ca *ym &la-

patale v-vi *@ silfrhale devamohW
In the Southwest is She with Red Teeth, and in the Northeast, She Who
Holds the Spear. In the regions of Hell is the form of V a i ~ ~ a vShe
i , Who
Pervades All,and in La&$, She Who mesmerizes the Gods.

surasa ca mani&pe U y & h bhachaBW

r&ne$varf setubmdhe vimala pmu$ottame
In the Island of Jewels is the Mother of the Gods, and in the Island of
Lanka, BhadrakZlikB, the Excellent One Beyond Time. The Supreme
Lord of Rama is at the bridge, and in the Excellent Fullness (or excellent
individual), is Vimala, Pure and Stainless.

viraja aujmdese ca k&n&hy@nilaptmate

lralilra bafigadei4e ca ayodhy@y&hmaheivarf
The Great Warrior is in the country of Audra, and K2mZikhyB is in the
Blue Mountains. In the country of Bengal is KZlikB, She Who Takes
Away the Darkness, and in AyodhyH, MaheSvari, the Great Seer of All.
Kali Paja

vmsy-Parpa gayme- gayeh-

kdc$etreb- vraje MtyByanI par8
Annapma, She Who is Full of Food, is at Vlsgasi, and in the fields of
Gays, GayeSvari, Supreme Lord of the Abode. In Kuruk~etra,the Field
of the Family, is Bhadraksli, the Excellent One Beyond Time, and in the
thunderbolt, the Excellence of Illumination, is the Supreme Ever Pure

d v W y W -yB mathuriSyW maheharf

budha tvarfi sarvabhMgnlIlh ve& tvatfi sagarasya ca
In Dvlaka is Maharnsya, the Great L i t a t i o n of Consciousness, and in
Mathurs, the Energy of the Great Seer of All. You are Hunger to all
Beings, and you are the flow of the tides to the sea.

navami pakpisya hklasyaikada&p m

m a s y a duhitB &vi m a y a j b vin8W
On the ninth day of the dark fortnight, and on the eleventh day of the
bright fortnight, remember the Goddess who is Daksa's daughter, the
Destroyer of Dakva's sacrifice.
Also you are Rlma's JBnaki (Sitl), the cause of Rgva~a'sdestruction, as
well as the Goddess who slays Passion and Meaness, destroyer of the
Seed of Desire.

n%umbha Sumbha 1 1 1 8 t hmadhu

~ =)ahha ghiNi~~
w u b M prada dmgg sukhada mobada sada
You are the killer of Self-Conceit and Self-Deprecation, and destroyer of
Two Much and Two Little. Oh Durgl, Reliever of all Difficulties, bestow
eternal devotion upon this Consciousness; always give comfort and

h a x h 8dyiI stavath pugyath ya?~

pathet satatashn d
sarvajvarabhaytuh na syat smavyadhi \lim8Sanam
Whoever will constantly recite this meritorious Song of the Foremost will
destroy all affliction, fear and disease.

kofi t'lcrtha phalafHsau labhate nf5tra s M y &

jays me agrat* pstn ~ j a y 8p86u mthatab
The fruits of visiting millions of pilgrimage sites will be attained without
a doubt. May Victory protect me in my front, and Conquest protect my
Kali Piija

m y @ gzrSadeSe sarvMge s i d h a v w
Sivadllti pratyahge paramesVaI
The Great Exposer of Consciousness protect the area of the head, and all
the limbs be protected by She Who Rides on the Lion, also known as She
for Whom Consciousness is Ambassador, She Who is Terrible to Passion,
the Supreme Empress of All and every body;

d t & H jayadam ca m t t 8 rapapriyg
The Goal of the Infinite, the Great Limitation of Consciousness, the
Ever-Pure One, She Who Holds the Conch, the Energy of Infinite
Goodness; She Who Holds the Discus, the Grantor of Victory, and She
Who is Intoxicated with Delight, She Who is the Lover of Delight;

durgg jayanfill kalr ca b h a m m a h d

ns[rashW ca vatahI siddhidatrf sukhapmb
The Reliever of Difficulties, She Who is Always Victorious, She Who
Takes Away Darkness, and the Excellent One Beyond Time, the
Wielder of Ignorance; She Who is Half Human and Half Lion, and the
Boar of Sacrifice, the Grantor of Perfection, Giver of Comfort;

b h a y m mahllEtslldA d b h a y a vin8W
Who Destroys all fear, the Great Terrifying One Who Destroys all Fear.

iti ady8 sfotram Samaptam

And that is the completion of the Song of the Foremost.
establishment of the conch shell offering
Draw the following yantra on the plate or space for worship with sandal
paste andlor water. Offer rice on the yantra for each of the four mantras.

orh iidhiimSaktaye nam&

Om we bow to the Primal Energy

(nil-ya namah
Om we bow to the Support of the Earth

orh anantBya nama

Om we bow to Infinity

(nilm a i nam&
Om we bow to the Earth

Place a conch shell on the bindu in the

center of the yantra when saying Phat.
~ e n . ? 4 t e f t ~ ~
sdmb sthub sthifo bhava phat
Be Still in the Gross Body! Be Still in the Subtle Body! Be Still in the
Causal Body! Purify!

Fill conch shell with water while chanting the mantra.

Kalr Paja

orh g e e ca j a m e caiva godavari sarasvati

narma& sindhu kaveri jale-asmin d mknav
Om the Ganges, JamunB, GodBvari, Sarasvati, NarmadB, Sindhu,
Kaveri, these waters are mingled together.

Offer Tulasi leaves into water

orh aith htfsh kbh SRrh qndavanav&inyai svaha
Om Wisdom, MByB, Increase, to She who resides in VmdBvana, I am
One with God!

Offer 3 flowers into the water pot with the mantras


ete gadhapi$pe orh ath -ya CtVadaSalralatmane

With these scented flowers Om "A" we bow to the twelve aspects of the
realm of the sun. Tapini, TBpini, Dhtimrl, Marici, Jvalini, Ruci,
SudhiimrB, Bhoga-dB, ViSvB, Bodhini, DhBrini, KsamB; Containing heat,
Emanating heat, Smoky, Ray-producing, Burning, Lustrous, Purple or
Smoky-red, Granting enjoyment, Universal, Which makes known,
Productive of Consciousness, Which supports, Which forgives.

ete gandhapw orh mh somamapdalaya &asakalE[tmane

With these scented flowers Om "U" we bow to the sixteen aspects of the
realm of the moon. PrBgadSi, PusI, Tusti, Pusfi, Rati, Dhyti,
SaGini, Cag&-ikB, Kanti, Jyotsna, Sri, Priti, Angadl, PiirgH, Piirgawa;
Nectar, Which sustains l i e , Which supports, Satisfying, Nourishing,
Playful, Constancy, Unfailing, Producer of Joy, Beauty enhanced by
love, Light, Grantor of Prosperity, Affectionate, Purifying the body,
Complete, Full of Bliss.
ete gandhapuqpe orh ma& v-mya dahkd8bmane
With these scented flowers Om " M we bow to the ten aspects of the
realm of fire: DhiimrB, Arcib, Jvalini, Stik~mti,Jvtilini, Visphiilingini,
SuSri. Surtipa, KapilB, Havya-Kavya-Vaha; Smoky Red, Flaming.
Shining, Subtle, Burning, Sparkliig, Beautiful, Well-formed, Tawny,
The Messenger to Gods and Ancestors.

ete g a n d h a m hurh
With these scented flowers hum

Wave hands in matsyti, dhenu and

afkuSa mudr5s while chanting this mantra.

orln gaQe ca jamune caiva godavani sarasvati

nannade sindhu kaveri jale-a& sannidhirh kuru
Om the Ganges, Jamuna, Godtivarf. Sarasvati, NarmadB, Sindhu.
Kaveri, these waters are mingled together.

orfi ~IMI ihX&aparameSvari lralilce sv-

Om MBya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Ktili,
I am One with God!

Sprinkle water over all articles to be offered, then throw some

drops of water over your shoulders while repeating the mantra.
d t a m kuru svaha
Make this immortal nectar! I am One with God!
Kali Puja

paja naivedya
offerings of worship


Bgaccheha mahadevi !sarvasampatpradayini

yavad vra- 88m8pyet.a t8vattva s d d h a u bhava
Please come here, oh Great Goddess, Giver of all wealth! Please remain
sitting still until this vow of worship is complete. With the offering of an
invitation Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female
Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!

ai+iatiy+ I

mekaratna sahyukta& nih&mqig m v i t a m

krtasv-ya dvyam&utna&prat&hyatam
United with many gems and a multitude of various jewels, voluntarily
accept my offering of a divine seat. With the offering of a seat 01%
Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali, I am
One with God!
foot bath
@ -w ¶I- mq-q I

cmh gzulgiidi sarva tiithebhyo m a p pr&bmay-

toyametat suldna spdarh pi4dyiWhaxh prat&hyatafn
cmh hAmb SArh U paramesvari k8like svaha padyath
The Ganges and other waters from all the places of pilgrimage are
mingled together in this our prayer, that you please accept the
comfortable touch of these waters offered to wash your lotus feet. With
this offering of foot bath waters Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!

water for washing hands and mouth


karpttrepa sugandhem surabhisvadu

t o y a m S w t i r h & devidarh pratighyatikn
& i h U paramdvai lralike svaha i i w a r h
With camphor and excellent scent, cool with excellent taste, this water is
being offered for washing, oh Goddess, please accept. With this offering
of washing waters Om Maya, Increase. Dissolution, to the Supreme
Female Divinity, KBIi, I am One with God!
Kalr Pnja

arghya - corsage or bouquet

R e f t . l r ~ ~ m l

ni- sarvadevitn&rh tvmanarghyam byasi

Woparisthite devi ! -&a& namogfu te
OrhhtZlh &MkAthparameSvarik8like waha arghyarh
Presented to all the Gods, you, oh Arghya, bring an abundance of
pleasure. Oh Goddess who is seated upon the lion, accept this arghya. I
bow to you. With this offering of arghya Om MIYI, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KIli, I am One with God!

rnadhuparka - yogurt drink


dadhi madhn g 4 t a s ~ y u k W p8trayugnmb

h samanvitam
madhupadmh gFhapa tva& Subhad8 bhava Sobhane
madhupadmh samarpayami
Yogurt, honey, ghee mixed together, and blended fine in a vessel; please
accept this madhuparka shining with radiant purity. With this offering of
madhuparka Om MlyB, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female
Divinity, KIli, I am One with God!

water bath
\9 * m m l
oth g e e ca jamune &a godavari sarasvati
numade sindhu kirveri snanartharh pratigfhyatam
othhrXxh ~krixhpamneSvarikafikesvaha g a g
snanarh samarpayami
Please accept the waters from the Galiges, the JainunB, GodBvm-,
Sarasvati, NarmadB, Sindhu and KSveri, which have been provided for
your bath. With this offering of Ganges bath waters Om MByP, Increase.
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KBIi, I am One with God!


s u v e g a ye
te svatite swanpe
maya-rpite devi gfhaPa -e
orin SRah krfrh paramegVati m e svaha kahkaqe
0th United with gems and pearls, excellent gold and the alphabets of
Samsma, this bracelet is yours and radiance I am offering. Oh Goddess,
accept this bracelet. With the offering of a bracelet Om MByB, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KBli, I am One with God!

conch ornaments
Kalr Pajzja

oh bdshafica vividhaah citmb b a h m a vibhwaqam

mayti niveditath bhaktys gFhaPa pakamehati
olh lnTih gArh ldllh paramehari kWce svaha
- 6 samarpayami
I am offering you with devotion ornaments worn upon the arms made of
various qualities of conch shell. Please accept, oh Supreme Divinity.
With the offering of ornaments made of conch shell Om Miiyii, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kiili, I am One with God!

@ Raltatlel~y,rn~ I

arh divyaratnasamiiyukt3va'hnibhanusamaprabha$i
ggtrsrpi Sobhayigyd ahuWd~ surmari
- samarpayami
Orb United with divine jewels which are radiant like fire, and stones
which are shining, please accept these ornaments, oh Supreme among
the Gods. With the offering of ornaments Om Mayii, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kiili, I am One with God!

amr*yw<~rn~wwrka~< I
akgataa nirmah hddhtinm~phalasamanvitlh
m e - mahadevi dehi me nbaliW dhiyam
ozh hrT& SrTrfi kArin parameSvari killike svaha matan
Oh Great Lord, please accept these grains of rice, spotlessly clean,
bestowing the fruit of liberation, and give us a spotlessly clean mind.
With the offering of grains of rice Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, Kgli, I am One with God!

food offering
\@ % g d 363&rqr3
ozh satpBtra& Suddhasuhavirv vividhtinekabrnagam
nivedayBmi deveSi s w a m param
This ever-present platter containing varieties of the purest offerings of
food we are presenting to the Lord of Gods to cause all satisfaction most
excellent and transcendental.

c& annapme sada m e Sasrlrata m v a l l a b h e

~ v a i r i i g y a s i d d h bhikqgmh
y~ dehi m o - s t u te
Om Goddess who is full, complete and perfect with food and grains,
always full, complete and perfect, the strength of the life force of Siva,
the Cause of Peace. For the attainment of perfection in wisdom and
renunciation, please give us offerings. We bow down to you.

ca piirvats dem p i . devo mahefivtua4

b W v @ SivabhaldliSca svadeh bhuvanalraym
Kali Piija 87

Our Mother is the Goddess, Parvati, and our Father is the Supreme Lord,
MaheSvara. The Consciousness of Infinite Goodness, Siva, Lord of the
three worlds, is being extolled by his devotees.

orb hrWI SAlfi krfih parameSvari kalike svaha bhog-

naivedyam samarpayami
With this presentation of food Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, Krili, I am One with God!

drinking water
~ ~ ~ ~ w 4

arh samasta devadeve&m a - patam

alrhand8nanda mjalam-
arh hrWI SAmh killh paramehati kalike maha panartharh
jalam samarpayami
Lord of All the Gods and the fullness of Infinite Bliss, please accept this
excellent drinking water. With this offering of drinking water Om Maya,
Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Krili, I am One
with God!

$&7374m-*y w 1
pwphalah mahddivya n8gavalB dalajlutam
eIsr-h+ t8mbtllash prat@hyat&n
a& htfh Sthb krWparamdvarilralilre sv- tambtihh
These betel-nuts, which are great and divine, come from vines that creep
like a snake. United with cardamom ground to a powder, please accept
this offering of mouth freshening betel nuts. With this offering of mouth
freshening betel-nuts Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme
Female Divinity, Kdi, I am One with God!

daksina - offering of money

CP qq19mtlwq
C A e f ~ r n f i l

& pujgphalampldhyartharh tavggre svaapmhui

sthapitaxh tena me prrta p- kuru manmathan
Om For the purpose of increasing the fruits of worship, Oh Supreme
Goddess of all Wealth, we establish this offering of that which is dear to
me. Bring to perfection the journey of my mind.

~ y a g a r b h a g a r b h hemablrjarln
a~ vi'bhavaob
ammtap~yaphahdamat&$gntiahprayaccha me
Oh Golden Womb, in whom all wombs are situated, shining brightly with
the golden seed. Give infinite merits as fruits, we are wanting for Peace.

& htf& &zh krW parame$varikalike svaha dak&iW

With this offering of wealth Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, Kali, I am One with God!

c h a m devi jagaddhahi !gharma vsta PraOgSanam

he e y e ! saubhagyarh swat& kura
orh hrWI SrSrh ldIth patamehari kalike svaha chatmh
Oh Goddess, Creator of the Universe! This umbrella will protect you
from heat and wind. Please accept it, oh Great Maya, and remain always
beautiful. With this offering of an umbrella Om Maya, Increase,
Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kgli, I am One with God!

fly whisk
ami i$
snfftr ! -trilywiimI

camaratfi he mahHdevi !cama~pudmmmhm

. . .

-8 p8paritSrnM1klmq&mh swada kuru

Oh Great Goddess, this fly whisk is made of yak's tail. Please accept it,
and always whisk away all sin. With this offering of a fly whisk Om
Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, KBli, I am
One with God!
-b madhy-tja samanvitam
@ y a m vyajamh durge dehasvedapmuttaye
It moves back and forth with equanimity and has a stick in the middle.
Please accept this fan, oh Kali, to keep the perspiration from your body.
With this offering of a fan Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the
Supreme Female Divinity, Kiili, I am One with God!

qh f+m Tni $@kq~<l4*4,
'a I

darpapuh vimRilarin ramyarh Suddhabimbapradayakam

gtmabimbaprachd-ayW maheSvari !
arh brIzb Wzh IsrfIh parame$varikalilre svaba darp-
This beautiful mirror will give a pure reflection. In order to reflect my
soul, I am offering it to you, oh Great Seer of all. With this offering of a
mirror Om May%,Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity,
Kali, I am One with God!

aratrikam - camphor light

@-~-r-*ql U
Kalr Pnja

arh amh%lityau ca dhm@vidyndagnistathaiva ca

tvameva sarvajyorZ&h ~ t r k u pratighyatam
arh hfZlh SArh krfxh paramegvari kiilike svaha =Irk&
All knowing as the Moon, the Sun and the Divine Fire, you alone are all
light, and this light we request you to accept. With the offering of light
Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme Female Divinity, Kali,
I am One with God!


mallMdi sug- miWy&lW vai prabho

maF-hFt([niplljWmrh puspapi pratigFhyatam
arh hAlh SiIrh krfxh parameSvari m e svaha pwam
Various flowers such as mallika and others of excellent scent, are being
offered to you, Our Lord. All these flowers have come from the devotion
of our hearts for your worship. Be pleased to accept them. With the
offering of flowers W Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the Supreme
Female Divinity, KSli, I am One with God!
adyH lralilradevy* g a t a m stotram
Song of a Hundred Names of Kalr

MsadBgiva waca
The Respected Eternal Consciousness of Infinite Goodness said:

#@u &vi jagadvandye stoimneta-

pa-t hvapadyasya sarvaaiddhi6varo bhavet
Listen, Oh Goddess revered by the world, to this song excellent among
all songs, which when recited or listened to, becomes the Supreme Lord
of All Attainments. 1

asaubhagyaprahwmh s u k h a s a m p a d v i v ~
It removes bad fortune, bestows comfort and wealth, takes away
untimely death, and annihilates all obstacles. 2

Sirmadady-y@ sukhasm-
stavasyilsya prasadena tripur&hhh give
The Respected Foremost Goddess, She Who Takes Away the Darkness,
is the Cause of the Presence of Happiness. Oh Goddess of Goodness, by
the grace of this song of praise, one's being becomes merged into the
Supreme Consciousness which dwells in the three places. 3
Kalr Piljija

stotrasyiSsya gyhdevi sada6va

c h ~ n u g ~ e v a t B lralilra
4 y ~ pdcrditB
The Seer of this divine song is the Goddess Herself, for the Delight of the
Consciousness of Minite Goodness, the meter is anustup chanda (32
syllables to the verse), and it is in praise of the Foremost She Who Takes
Away the Darkness. For the purpose of attaining perfection in the ideals
of perfection, the fulfillment of desires, in procuring the requisite
material necessities, and liberation, otherwise known as self-realization,
this recitation is being performed. 4

@- *-a
hlnhkali IurrsIT ca
She Who is All of Maya, what She Who Gives Increase of
can be perceived through the Perfect Respect; She Who is
senses, conceived in the mind, Formidable and 2
or known through intuition
and beyond; She Who Takes
Away the Darkness 1

muyslrp kauvatr
She Who is the Cause of the She Who Manifests All Qualities 4
Dissolution of the subtle body
into the causal body; Welfare 3
She Who is the Lotus One 5
She Who Destroys the Pride of the
Age of Darkness 6

She Who Gives Grace to the One of Matted Hair 7

kBlM kaamata ca
She Who is the Cause of She Who is the Mother of T i e
Taking Away the Darkness 8 and 9

:- w m
-chnrtih kapardinz
She Who is as Radiant as the She Who Wears Matted Hair 11
Fires of Time 10

kar8lf[sya -m
She Who has a Gaping She Who is the Ocean of the
Mouth 12 Nectar of Compassion 13
Kali Ptija

m y r lspardhara
She Who is the Manifestation She Who is the Supporter of
of Grace 14 Grace 15

wpm wg-

She Who is Beyond Grace 16 She Who Moves in Grace 17

m: e

kFsannb 'kapill[
She Who is Beyond All She Who is the Giver of
Grace 18 Nourishment (Cow)19

She Who is Black, Doer of She Who is the Distributor of the
All 20 Bliss of the Doer of All 21
a: %wmT
She Who is the Dark Night of She Who is the Form of Desire 23
Overcoming Egotism 22

She Who Cuts the Bondage of She Who is l i e a Dark Cloud 25
Desire 24

She Who Supports All She Who Destroys the Evils of the
Qualities 26 Age of Darkness 27


1i c1.91

nlrll n

U ~ * Y H
She Who Loves the Worship She Who is the Time of Worship
of the Ever Pure One 28 of the Ever Pure One 29

She Who is the Bliss of She Who Wears the Form of the
Feeding the Ever Pure One 30 Ever Pure One 31
She Who Roams in the Forest
of Kadamba trees 32
She Who Dwells in the Forest
of Kadamba trees 33

ka-lnwpa- kadambaplwpamw
She Who is Satisfied With the She Who Wears a Garland of the
Flowers of Kadamba trees 34 Flowers of Kadamba trees 35

She Who is Young 36

She Who is the Disseminator

of the Subtle Vibrations of
Darkness 38
She Whose Throat is Dark and 37

She Who Drinks the Nectar
of the Kadamba Fruit then 39
She Who Enjoys the Nectar of the Kadarnba Fruit 40

She Who Holds a Bowl Made
of Skull 4 1

She Who is Pleased to Sit on

the Lotus Flower 43
She Who Wears a Garland of
Skulls 42

She Who Sits on the Seat of the
Lotus Flower 44

- y e -
She Who is Established in the She Who is Intoxicated From the
Middle Space of the Lotus 45 Intoxication of the Lotus 46
Kali PUja

- : m

She Who Moves With the Gait She Who is the Destroyer of
of a Black Swan 47 Iniquitiy 48


She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of Desire 49

of Desires 50
She Whose Desire is the Form She Who Reposes in the Center
of Worship of Desire 51

-8 -a
She Who is Desired 52 She Who is All Desires 53

She Who is the Manifestation of That Which is Desired 54
-- -
She Who is Pleased with the She Who Has Tender Limbs 56
Quality of Tenderness 55

She Who Has a Slender She Who is the Cause of the
Waist 57 Nectar of Satisfaction 58

She Who is the Cause of Giving the Perfect Attainment of Bliss 59

She Who is the Cause of the She Who is the Cause of the
Bliss of Recitation 60 Delight From Offering 61

-va-ga mmtaapE]inT
She Who is the Cause of She Who is the Cause of
Moving in Waves or Cycles 62 Protecting Vows 63
Kalr Ptij2

I c e ~
She Who Gives the Intoxicating She Who is the Shining Tilak of
Scent of Musk to the Deer 64 Musk 65


She Who Rejoices in the She Who is the Beloved of the

Worship With Musk 66 Worship With Musk 67

n h
~I<IF~~I+ *w~I~I'+H$@

kaatWdahajanmT -at@@
She Who is the Mother of the She Who Delights Deer With
Radiance of Musk 68 Musk 69

-w=m w-
She Loves Food Cooked With She Who Becomes Extremely
Musk 70 Pleased From the Offering of
Camphor 71
She Who Displays a Garland
covered by Camphor 72
She Who Enjoys Sandalwood
Mixed With Camphor 73

- -

She Who Gives the Cause of

Joy with Camphor 74
She Who Drinks the Nectar with
Camphor 75

- W Y H
She Who Bathes in the Ocean She Who Dissolves in the Ocean
of Camphor 76 of Camphor 77

C h r
gJh?Iqq ilYW
kllrcabijajapa~ ~j~~aparSyaPa
She Who Loves Recitation of She Who always recites the Kmca
the KWca Bija mantra, huib 78 Bija mantra, hu& 79
Kalr Ptijija

She Who is of Excellent
Family 80

She Who is Adored by
Practitioners of Kulacara 81

She Who is the Cause of Love to the Practitioners of Kulacara, the

behavior of excellence 82

F %f-

hntacatvr kamkhr
She Who is the Behavior of She Who is the Joyous One 84
Excellence 83

She Who Illuminates the Path She Who is the Supreme
to Excellence 85 Divinity of KaSr 86

kastahartzr lcmhvarads~
She Who Takes Away All She Who Gives Blessings to Siva,
Difficulties 87 the Lord of KBQi88
She Who Causes the Male
m m
She Who is the Beauty of the Lord
Lord to Become Intoxicated 89 of K2Si 90

- ! m
She Who Moves Swiftly to She Who has Tinkling Bells at Her
Remove Darkness 91 Girdle 92

-gm kagcanacalakamw<lr
She Who Dwells in the she Who Displays Radiant Wealth
Mountains of Gold 93 on the top of Her Cloth 94

kamabIjajapananda kamaujw-
She Who is the Bliss of She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Recitation of the Bija Mantra the Bija Mantra of Desire Kn-fi 96
of Desire Krim 95
Kalr Piija

m u
She Who Destroys the Bad She Who is the Entire Family of
Thoughts of the Worshiper 97 Desires 98

$3 8
kdolh hmb
She Who Dissolves the Subtle She Who is All of Maya, what can
Body into the Causal Body 99 be perceived through the senses,
conceived in the mind, or known
through intuition and beyond 100

She Who is the Ultimate Respect, the perfect perception of peace in
the mind and peace in the heart 101

These are known as the Hundred Names of the Foremost Goddess, She
Who Takes Away the Darkness, that begin with the letter Ka. By means
of these mantras the fear of time is destroyed and

IralrararWaohatimm a w a r o p -
one attains union with the intrinsic nature of the form of She Who Takes
Away the Darkness, the most excellent Manifested Cause. 26
pli#Wle pathedyastu -st&
n m h s i ~ h a v * tasya ki& praadati
If these mantras are recited at the time of worship with the mind fully
concentrated upon She Who Takes Away the Darkness, She Who Takes
Away the Darkness becomes pleased and bestows the attainment of per-
fection. 27

buddhirh vie- labhate gum&bWtratt&

dhanavm klWUinbhtiy8ddilmi6ilo dayBnvit&
By practicing according to the instructions of the Guru, one will gain
knowledge and intelligence, wealth, fame, and become a Compassionate
Giver. 28

putrapa&mkbiharyainnodate SBdhakO bhwi

The children and grandchildren of such a spiritual seeker delight in the
happiness derived from imperishable qualities. 29

piljayitva rnah&iUimildyW tribhuvaneSvarim
Whoever will worship on the Tuesday night of the New Moon, offering
the five principles to the Great Foremost She Who Takes Away the
Darkness, the Supreme Goddess of the Three Worlds, 30
pathitva !kt- sakgst klilfmayo bhavet
nasadhyarh vidyate tasya a u lokegu Mcana
and recite these hundred names, actually becomes the manifestation of
She Who Takes Away the Darkness, and knows no obstacles from any-
where in the three worlds. 3 1

vidyaygth vma* sakgat dhane dhapatirbhavet

smudra iva ggmbbye bale ca p a v a n e
In knowledge one actually becomes the Lord of Vibrations, and in
wealth, the Lord of Wealth; in equipoise like the sea, and in strength like
the wind. 32

-va dqnekgyal~Sa~vatgubhadarh&
w m-o yd-lvdaywmab.
One shines with the radiance of the sun, yet displays the cooling rays of
the moon. In form one displays the image of the God of Love, capturing
the hearts of all. 33

sawabra jayampnoti stavaspsya prasadat&

yarh yarh Iramalcl puraalqtya s t o h a m e t a ~ y e t
Who sings this song is always victorious. Wherever desires are pursued
this song should be loudly sung. 34
mrn).vgpoti avaarntidadyaprasadaw
me risjakule dyOte vivade m s a $ k a @
Wherever desires are fulfiied, it is the Grace of the Respected Foremost.
In battle, in wealthy families, in gambling, in any dispute or life
threatening circumstance, 35

dasyugraste gramadahe sidhvyil@r@e tatha

in the hands of robbers, a burning village, confronted by lions
or tigers; 36

-ye prs[ntare durge graharsjabhaye-pi vg

jvmdahe CiravyiidhaumahamgadiaWe
in the forest or a lonely desert, in fear of the planets or an angry king;
burning with fever, in long periods of Xirmity, or in great illnesses that
place life in danger; 37

bZQa+diroge ca tatha d&waplnadarSane

dustare salile vapi pote vatavipadgate
in the sicknesses of children caused by planetary influences, upon seeing
a bad dream, when sinking in boundless waters, or tossed about in a boat
by the winds; 38
Kalr Piija

vicintya p ~ m B y ~ g t h ~ p a t % t p a t a m
y& pathecchabnihn&i dpjhabhaldisaman~
whoever recites these hundred names with strong devotion will
remember the Supreme Measurement of Consciousness, Greater than
the Greatest, the Foremost She Who Takes Away the Darkness. 39

sarvgpadbhyo vimucyeta devi satyarb na s a y &

na pgpebhyo bhayash tasya na rogebhyo bhayardn kvacit
Truly, without a doubt, the Goddess will remove all dangers. No fear
from sin nor disease nor any other fear will be experienced. 40

sarvatra vijayastasya na kubrapi pariibhav&

tasya Manarntre~papalayante v i p a d g m
For such a one there is always victory, and never defeat. Even at the
mere vision of such a person, all flee. 41

sa vakta sarva$astri[g8lhsa bhokta sarvasampadam

sa kartUr j a m jiWtlbiW prabhmeva s&
That person expounds upon all scriptures and always enjoys good
fortune. That person performs the highest ideals of living beings and
becomes respected as a being of wisdom. 42
vapT tasya vasedvaktre niscals, gFhe
tan- m&mv@sarve lmqmmdi s a s a m b ~
The Goddess of Speech dwells in such a person's mouth, and the Goddess
of Wealth in that person's home. Men bow with respect at the mention of
that person's name. 43

WtYs tasya w y = t e hyapim~dya$B~ddhayab

eSdy~svarOp&khyathS a t a m prakizrtitam
Such a person compares the eight occult powers such as making one's
self small, etc., with the value of grass. These hundred names are known
as the intrinsic nature of the Foremost She Who Takes Away the
Darkness. 44

ag@ttara$atiBvgttyiIpurahryg-sya mate
puraakriyihvitath s t o h & smgbhigfaphalapradam
For the perfection of these mantras in the fire sacrifice, they should be
sung one hundred eight times. The full offering of this song yields the
fruit of all desires. 45
Kalr Piija 11 1

This hymn of a hundred names is the intrinsic essence of the Foremost

She Who Takes Away the Darkness. Whoever will recite it or cause it to
be recited, whoever will listen to it or cause it to be heard, 46

sarvapgpavinirmukto brahmas~yujy~pnuygt
will be freed from all sin and will attain to union with the Supreme
Divinity. 47

km k a v d
The Armor of Kali

Sirsada6iva w#&a
The Respected Eternal Consciousness of Infinite Goodness said:

kathitah paramarh brdmapralqkb stav- mahat

adygy* m y a b . k a v d SfPu sgmpratam
. Oh Supremely Divine Nature, you have been told of the great song of the
Foremost Respected She Who Takes Away the Darkness. Now listen to
Her Armor. 1
Wlokyavijayasyasya kavacasya @ Siv&
ch&nu@xkvaat8 ca BdyiI pmkidat8
The Seer of this hymn of the Goddess who is Victorious over the three
worlds is the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness (Siva). The meter is
anugup (32 syllables to the verse) and the Foremost She Who Takes
Away the Darkness is famous as the Deity. 2

mByBbIjauh bIjamiti ramii- 6

kfhh kihkuh kamyasiddhau viniyog& prakiWit&
The seed mantra of mays is the seed. Beauty is the energy which lifts to
gladness. Kriin is the pin and the perfect attainment and protection of
desires is its application for which it is widely known. 3

himtidya me && patu gfZrh vadanaah mama

fpdayauhmp m payat k
apmp m t p w
Hrim, may the Foremost protect my head. Srim, may She Who Takes
Away the Darkness protect in the face. Krim, may the Supreme Energy
reside in the heart. May the Greater than the Greatest protect in the
throat. 4

netre patu jagaddhaw karpau rafrgatuSarikarf

patu -yB rasanffrh sarvamuigala
In the eyes may the Creator of the Perceivable Universe protect. In the
ears may She Who Manifests Peace. May the Great Limitation of
Consciousness protect in the nose. May All Welfare protect the taste. 5
clantan dqatu kaumatrkapolau lramalalaya
c@idham @ a .d g e t cibdraxh m s i n i
May the Ever Pure One protect the teeth. In the cheeks may She Who
Resides in the Lotus protect. In the two lips may Forgiveness protect.
May She With the Great Laugh protect the chin. 6

math payat k ~ l e ~ kakrrt

a n ~ patu ~qpgmap
dvau baha bahada d g e t karau kaivalyadayW
May the Supreme Ruler of Excellence protect the neck. May the
Expression of Grace protect the upper back. May the Giver of Strength
protect the two arms. May the Giver of Non-Duality protect the
hands. 7

akandhau kapadM patu m m lrailokya-

paTSve payadaparpa me ka* me lramathasan#i
May the Extremely Fierce One protect the two shoulders. May the
Illuminator of the three worlds protect the back. May my sides be
protected by the Indivisible One. May She Who Resides in Strength and
Capacity protect my waist. 8
May She With the Great Eyes protect in the navel. May She Who
Manifests Light protect in the region of the sexual organs. May She Who
is All Welfare protect the thighs, and may Parvati (Daughter of the
Mountain) protect my two feet. 9

jayadurg-vatu sarvwaah sarvasiddhida

rak$ilhimhtuyat shihuuh v@ta& kavacena ca
May the Victorious Reliever of Difficulties also protect the breath and
life-force. May She Who Grants All Attainment protect the whole body.
May all places that have not been mentioned in the recitation of this
armor be protected (as well). 10

tat sarvaah me sada rakgedadya kiW san8tanT

iti te kathitarh divyarfi trailolryavijayabhidham
May I always be protected by the Foremost Eternal Divine Mother Who
Takes Away the Darkness. Hey Divine Ones, this is the explaination of
the knowledge which confers victory over the three worlds 11

kavacarh kiiWcti&vya adyBy@ pamnt~dbhutam

the supremely magnificent armor of the Eternal Divine Mother, She Who
Takes Away the Darkness. 12
Kali Puja

p a j m e pathedyaa gdy-sab
smgn k&ni~~~apnoti tasygdyg supraadati
mantrasimhavedaSu budrasiddhayab
One should recite these (mantras) at the time of worship with the mind
fully absorbed in the Foremost Goddess. When the Foremost is
excellently pleased, She grants the fulfillment of all desires. With the
fullest offering comes the most complete attainment of perfection, and
with a small offering comes a small attainment. 13

aputro labhate patrarh dhanalthT ~pnuy~ddhamm

vidy- labhate vidygllh IC&MIramanav8pmyiit
Those without children will gain children. Those who desire wealth, will
attain wealth. Those who desire knowledge will attain knowledge. Those
who desire desires will attain the fulfillment of desires. 14

sahasrtimpiithena vamaqo-sya puragkriyg

~UrscarapasampannarhyathoktaphalaM bhavet
By reciting a thousand times, one completes the homa offering which
will grant the appropriate fruit, and aspires to the attainment of
perfection. 15

c ~ g a n l k a s ~ * ~
bhwe vilikhya gu@W s v ~ t hh iy ~e d yadi
With sandalwood, wood-apple scent, red vermilion, and red sandal paste
one should write the mantra on the bark of the Birch tree or on a plate of
gold, and the spiritual seeker should wear it 16
SikhayW m i p e bahau kapfhe vB sB- ka@u
tasybdy~lralilra vagya v ~ hprayacehati
i ~
on the crown of the head. at the right upper arm, at the throat or on the
waist. She Who Takes Away the Darkness yields to such a person and
bestows the object of desire. 17

na kuhtipi bhayazh tasya savatra vijayi ka*

arogi cira$ulr sflt balavgn dh8rapakgw
No where is there the experience of fear and everywhere such a poet is
victorious. Such a person becomes free from infirmities, is blessed with
immortal life and wields great strength. 18

sawavidyBsu nip- sawaSBstHrthatattvavit

vaSe tasya mahrprn b h o g m o katasthitau
Such a person becomes accomplished in all branches of knowledge and
knows the subtle principles of all scriptures. Such a person yields for the
protection of the earth and becomes established in enjoyment and
liberation otherwise known as self-realization. 19

kalilralmasayuktananh nibsreya- param

You have been allowed to hear this ultimate knowledge in which the
darkness of the age of darkness is destroyed. 20
- Kali PDja

The Thousand Names of Kali

QTFmrbm aF?3
tham&aw m
She Who is the Remover of She Who is the Remover of
Darkness from the Cremation Darkness 2
Grounds or from Death 1

bhadmkm k a m
She Who is the Excellent She Who is the Bearer of the
Remover of Darkness 3 Skulls of Impurity 4

gahy- mahakm
She Who is the Hidden or She Who is the Great Remover of
Secretive Remover of Darkness 6
Darkness 5

She Who Confronts the Forces of Duality 7

%TRwT -a
Iraw kaaai.rika
She Who is the Cause of She Who is the Dark Night of
Removing Darkness 8 Egotism and 9

w -a
mahmhilsmhinT k~hbhahvabhHty~ ca
She Who is the Eternal Mother She Who is the Wife of the Fear-
of Great Time 10 fulness of Infinite Time and 11
r n

She Who Illuminates the Whole World Family 12

kamada ksmini
She Who is the Giver of All She Who is the Giver of This
Desire 13 Desire 14
Kali Pfija

W4-r wFmmTfm
~ a s v a b l l i c ~
She Who is Desired 15 She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
that which is Desired 16


She Whose Limbs are Anointed She Who Moves like the Lord
with the Juice of Musk 17 of Elephants (Indra's Airgvata) 18

=V+li4 "ltl*

She Who is All the Limbs of

the Letter "Ka," the Cause 19


She Who is This Desire 20

She Who is Beautiful Desire 21 She Who is the Object of Desire 22

She Who is the Form of Desire She Who is the Cow which
and 23 Fulfills All Desires 24

She Who is the Repository of AU Qualities or Arts 25
She Who is Beauty Enhanced
by Love 26

=fNPmr --
She Who is the Intrinsic Form of
Desire and 27

m a
She Whose name is Desire 28 She Who Protects Excellence 29

kdim kulavaQamba
She Who is Excellence 30 She Who is the Repository of
Excellence 3 1

She Who is the Reliever of She Who is the Destroyer of All
Difficulties 32 Various Difficulties 33
Kalr ~ a j a

hmDarr kulitja
She Who is Ever Pure 34 She Who Gives Birth to
Excellence 35

She Who Manifests She Who Has a Dark Body 37
All Action 36

She Who Holds Aloft She Who Embodies All
All Action 38 Action 39

She Who is the Embodiment of She Who Causes Dissolution of the
Excellence and 40 Subtle Body into the Causal Body 41

rn wT
lramala kala
She Who is a Lotus (Lak~mi)42 She Who is Art or All Attributes 43

T-=mmm m a
lurrHlHsya lcaralrca
She Who Has a Gaping She Who Dissolves All into Her
Mouth 44 Being and 45
?jmmTsmrRm m
lclbkma-~jita wm
She Whose Excellent Beauty She Who is Terrible 47
is Undefeated 46

m m


She Whose Objects of

Consciousness are Varied 50
She Whose Light is Terrible 48 She Who is Light 49

She Who has a Great Face 51

She Who has the Complexion
of a Dark Cloud 52

She Who is Verse 54

She Who Exemplifies the Freedom
of a Swan and 53

She Whose Positions of Her Limbs
are Extremely Elegant 55

W a p T
She Who is Creative Energy 56 She Who is the Exposer of
Consciousness 57
Kali Piija

'T3 rn
bhadw subhadra
She Who is Excellent 58 She Who is the Excellent of
Excellence 59

She Who Nourishes All Devotees 60

*fi =f m
mlhhuTca -ma
She Who is the Great Seer of She Who Moves in the Paradigm
All and 61 of Consciousness 62

She Who is the Boar of She Who is the Ferocious Half

Sacrifice 63 Human Half Lion of Courage 64

va- m
She Who has Limbs of She Whose Head Shines Like
Lightning 65 Lightning 66

n~mmd=wW &a
She Who is Adorned by a She Who is the Energy of the Con-
Garland 67 sciousness of Infinite Goodness 68
mailli -wm
She Who Wears a Garland She Who holds the Head of

of Skulls 69 a man 70

sala-w =
From the Garland of Skulls She Whose Limbs are Covered by
around Her Neck Fall Drops Red Sandal Paste 72
of Blood 71

She Whose Forehead is Marked with the Vermilion of Love which
Brings the Light of Wisdom 73

l&=w d=adamw
She Who is of Fearful Form 74 She Whose Teeth are Fearful 75
Kalr Ptija

She Who is Auspiciousness She Who is Pure 77
which Takes Beyond
Inauspiciousness 76

She Who Has Great Teeth 78 She Who is the Great Definition of
Consciousness 79

2- rn
sudmu m
She Who Has Excellent She Who is Beyond the Ages of
Teeth 80 Time 8 1

rn b e 8

aulocana vimm
She Who Has Beautiful She Whose Eyes are of
Eyes 82 Indescribable Form 83

She Who Has Great Eyes 84 She Who Has Three Eyes 85
She Who is Pleased as the
Autumn Moon 86
She Whose Purity Shines in Her
Lotus Eyes 87

B- -a amera-
She Who Has a Great Laugh in She Who Speaks Words of
Extreme Pleasure 88 Remembrance 89

She Who Has Excellent She Whose Lotus Lips Smile 91
Expression 90

fmmT fmTFMt
She Whose Face is Always She Who is the Beloved
Happy 92 Expression of Love 93
Kalr Pfija

komw knla8t.est8
She Whose Eyes are 94 She Who is the Excellent of Excel-
lence or of Excellent Family 95

b d m
She Who Has a Great Mind 96 She Who Has Various Expressions 97

g4-R: g-R:
-a htib
She Who Has an Excellent She Who has a Devious Mind 99
Mind 98

caOQB ~ m p d H * e m
She Who is Passion 100 She Who Destroys Passion, Mean-
ness and Other Negativities 101

She Who is Great Terrible She Who Tears Apart Thought 103
Passion 102

caBQika cwbvem
She Who is the Cause of She Who Destroys All Passion 105
Tearing Apart All Thought 104
w q
She Who Has Beautiful She Who Has Unbound Hair and 107
Hair 106

dughakesr mahaw
She Who Has Long Hair 108 She Who Has Large Breasts 109

She Who Has the Ears of the
Cosmic Body 110

twl Y U 0 i

She Who Has the Hands and

Waist of the Cosmic Body 11 1

She Who Sits with She Who is the Beloved of
Disembodied Spirits 112 Disembodied Spirits 113

She Who is the Land Where Disembodied Spirits Reside 114
Kali PUja

$ma!mavw m g
She Who Resides in the She Who is Merit 116
Cremation Grounds 115

plPPyada kdappjitB
She Who is the Giver of She Who is the One of Excellent
Merit 117 Knowledge 118

rn m

She Who is the Residence of She Who Embodies Merit 120
Merit 119

She Whose Every Utterance is She Who Blows Like a Fresh
Merit and 121 Breeze 122

pPsa pa*
She Who is the Daughter 123 She Who is Pure 124

pgnrma P-mJya*~
She Who is Supreme 125 She Who Illuminates the Fullest
Merit 126
m- bhmara
She Whose Name is She Who Takes away Fear and
Meritorious 127 Doubt 128

She Who is the Grantor of She Who Has the Sword of
Boons 129 Wisdom in Her Hand 130

npm-aaa chinnamasta
She Who Holds the Skull of She Who holds the Severed Head
Impure Thought and 131 of Duality 132

sunasikH dalnrini

She Who Has an Excellent She Who Looks to the South; She
Organ of Scent 133 Who is the Offering Made in
Respect for Guidance 134

vmm m
She Who has a Dark She Who is Dark 136
Complexion 135
She Who is Peace 137
Kali Paja

She Who Raises the Trident in Her

Hand 138

m Yliil4T

digamba -8
She Who Wears Space 139 She Whose Sound is Terrible 140

m e
She Whose Beauty Creates 141 She Whois the Vehicle of
Passion 142

-8 &-
She Whose Sound is She Who is with Siva 144
Terrible 143

visarbgr madaJatm8
She Who is Without Any She Who is the Ultimate
Other 145 Intoxication 146
ma@ Pfa-m
She Who is the Great Mind or She Who is the Foremost Mind or
Thinker 147 Thinker 148

She Who is the Giver of She Who Resides in the Ocean of
Preeminence' 149 Purity 150

aham mahllmatllr
She Who is the Extremely She Who is the Great Great
Great Mind 151 Mind 152

She Who is the Cause of All Attraction 153

mpriya vwma pretW@ap-yapa

caturbhuja daSabhuja aMdahbhuj8 tatha

m m
She Who is the Beloved of She Who is Extremely Pleased by
Songs 154 Music 155
Kali Piija

P ~ ~ a O a catucbhqja
She Who is the Eternal Dance She Who Has Four Arms 157
of Disembodied Spirits 156

d&bhPjE W b h u j H tafha
She Who Has Ten Arms 158 She Who Has Eighteen Arms
also 159

%Fm=n VF4ml
She Who is Ever W e 160 She Who is the Mother of the
Perceivable Universe 161

j a g a m param&azr
She Who is the Supreme
Ruler of the Perceivable
Universe 162

She Who Creates the
Perceivable Universe 164
She Who is the Friend of the
Perceivable Universe 163

j a w
She Who is the Cause of Bliss in
the Perceivable Universe 165
jaga4i-W haimavatr
She Who is the Manifestation She Who is Born of Himalayas 167
of All Life in the Universe 166

m rn
She Who is the Great Measure- She Who is the Great
ment of Consciousness 168 Expression 169

figayam- Mgim
She Who is the Sacred Thread She Who is the Snake 171
on the Body of the Snake, the
Adornment of Ku~dalini170

She Who Rests on Snakes 172
Kali Piija

She Who is the Daughter of
She Who is the Daughter of the
the Snake 173 Gods 174

She Who Sings Celestial She Who is the Supreme Ruler of

Divine Tunes 175 Heavenly Beings 176

mh=atrib -trib
She Who is the Night of She Who is the Great Night 178
Ignorance 177

d-W bhasvarlimnT
She Who Supports All 179 She Whose Radiance Destroys
Duality 180

She Who Grants Great She Who Has Wealth 182
Knowledge 181

Y- 90-
She Who Gives Wealth 183 She Who is Always in Union 184
j d m a
She Who is Old 185 She Who is the Mother of All

Demons 186

a v-9
She Who is the Female She Who is the Expression of
Demonic Being 187 Wisdom 188

She Who Illuminates Wisdom 189

She Who is That Which Has She Who is That Which is
Been Heard 190 Remembered 191

maha- gunyavidya
She Who is Great She Who is Hidden Knowledge 193
Knowledge 192

praa- cintyH
She Who is the Oldest She Who is Thought 195
Manifested Existence 194
Kali POjg

-8 wadha
She Who is Unthinkable 196 She Who is Oblations of
Ancestral Praise 197

w rn
svaha ni&
She Who is Oblations of I She Who is Sleep 199
am One with God 198

tandtg ca PgrVaa
She Who is Partially Awake She Who is Daughter of the
and 200 Mountain 201

319nlf Rm
a m ll&a&
She Who is Without Parts 202 She Who Cannot Be Divided 203


She Who has a Protruding She Who is All Knowledge 205
Tongue 204

She Who is the Performer of She Who is the Holy River 207
Purifying Austerities 206
She Who is the Expression
of All 23 1

She Who Resides in Silence 233
She Who is the Illuminator 232

w rn
Suddha t=M@

She Who is Purity 234 She Who Makes Waves 235

h rn
medha lHhinr
She Who is the Intellect of She Who is Manifested
Love 236 Energies 237

b a h m

She Who is Subtle 240
She Who has Many Forms 238 She Who is the Gross Body 239

She Who is the Subtle Wave 241
Kalr Piija 141.

bhagavaI a=@@
She Who is the Female She Who is the Feeling of
Ruler of All 242 Emotions 243

She Who is the Form of
Supreme Bliss and 244

y r
She Who is the Expression
of All Bliss 246
She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
the Bliss of Consciousness 245

She Who is Eternal 247

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of All Bliss 248
SubhadH nanrlinr
She Who is Giver of Purity 249 She Who is Blissful 250

-3 stavaoryasvabhaviui
She Who is Praise 251 She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Songs of Prayer 252

rarhlrinr bharhkiaa
She Who Manifests She Who is Ferocious 254
Subtlety 253

f%T faem-r
crtza vicia
She Who is Artistic 255 She Who has Various Artistic
Capacities 256

She Who is the Form of All Art 257

pgdmH -
She Who is a Lotus 258 She Who Resides in a Lotus 259
Kalr Ptijija

She Who has Lotus Mouth 260 She Who Shines L i e a Lotus 261

haka !akhT
She Who is the Energy of the She Who is the Energy of
Divine "r' 262 Peace 263

She Who is Peace 264 She Who is the Energy of
Subtlety 265

She Who is the Beloved of Those Who Cry 266

She Who is Confusion 267

She Who is the Energy that

Removes Suffering 269
She Who is Manifested Existence 268

She Who is the Rhythm of
L i e 270
Satrmnardjln apendrorpr
She Who is the Destroyer of She Who is the Highest Energy
All Enmity 271 of the Ruler of the Pure 272

mahe- &-
She Who is the Great Energy She Who Radiates Light 274
of the Ruler of the Pure 273

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of the Moon of Devotion 275

s ~ a l m i k rudrapatnr
a raxldR stir pn&t& pUman
-6 stkthmatinn8tB bhukthuktil~p a t i n a

She Who is the Soul of the She Who is the Wife of Rudra, the
Light of Wisdom 276 Reliever of Suffering 277

fm ?%5q$a:
randfI -paak.Ftib
She Who is Fierce 278 She Who is the Woman of Nature or
the Nature of Women 279

m nm:
Imman Baklib
She Who is Masculine 280 She Who is Energy 281
Kalr PUja

qh: *
She Who is Happiness 282 She Who is the Mind 283

b h a
She Who is the Mother 284 She Who is Enjoyment 285

She Who is Liberation 286 She Who Observes the Vow of
Devotion to Her Husband 287

She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who is Mother of All 289
of All 288

rn m
hW haravallabhH
She Who Dwells in All 290 She Who is Siva's Strength 291

&IT m
mjmra ltkldhm
She Who is Knower of All 292 She Who is Giver of the
Attainment of Perfection 293
siddhH Wvya
She Who has Attained She Who is Existence 295
Perfection 294

She Who is All Attitudes 296 She Who is Beyond All Fear 297

d Fff
kartrr harbtr
She Who Creates 298 She Who Transforms or
Destroys 299

WTfWl 2l=M
She Who Protects 300
She Who Gives Rest 301

amaa day8
She Who Manifests She Who is Compassionate 303
Darkness 302

tamim mna@
She Who Mixes or Mingles 304 She Who Manifests Darkness 305
Kali Piijzja

q: m
-& sthir3
She Who is Established 306 She Who is Still 307

dbm taw-
She Who is Stationary 308 She Who Performs Austerities 309

She Whose Body is She Who is Restless 311
in Motion 3 10

m =TFmFa
She Who has a Protruding She Whose Character is to
Tongue 312 Heal 313

pa h
She Who Saves from Fear 314 She Whose Spirit Saves from
Fear 315

-?a m
la33 vilaja
She Who is Modesty 3 16 She Who is Without Modesty 317
lnlrb rajovaa
She Who is Humble She Who is the Repository of
Modesty 318 Rajas Gwa 319

She Who is the Personification She Who is the Strict Observance
of One's Own Ocean 320 of the Ideals of Perfection 321

She Who is Ultimate 322 She Whose Vibration is Extremely
Subtle 323

She Who is Always Happy She Who Dissolves All Evil 325
to See Her Devotees 324

v=m kym
She Who is Especially She Who is the Ultimate 327
Beloved 326

She Who is Hatred 328
Kali Piijz

9-ftsr WFTm
bhmna bhaym
She Who is Terribly Fierce 329 She Who is Extremely Fearful 330

Q'¶lfm Pft:
She Who Has a Fierce Roar 331 She Who is Fierce 332

FPTlzlTff mm
pbhavalr v g m
She Who is the Spirit of She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
Illumination 333 All Vibrations 334

a: w
rn JranwnH
She Who is Respect 335 She Who Manifests Complete
Control 336

WFn q:fmr
y a m yajdwW
She Who is the Performer of She Who is the Beloved of Union
Union or Sacrifice 337 or Lover of Yajur Veda 338
m- 'TTPToft
rlrs-vanilaya mw
She Who Resides in the Three She Who is All Rhythm 340
Vedas (pg, Yajur, Atharva) 339


S o b -
She Who is the Supreme She Who Has a Dark Throat 342
Ruler of Illumination 341

She Whose Neck has Lines She Who is Always Playing the
like a Conch Shell 343 V h a Instrument 344

-v vai@avT
She For Whom All is She Who Pervades the Universe 346
Family 345

M'aCPI m
SV&CCbB dhaliifI
She Who Desires Herself 347 She Who Holds the Three 348

smftfl q
jagtu3fSvarr madhumair
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who is the Nectar of
of the Perceivable Universe 349 Honey 350
Kali Piija

She Who is the Manifestation She Who is Prosperity 352
of Individual Energy 35 1

siddhib SncismDits
She Who is the Attainment She Who is the Remembrance of
of Perfection 353 the Pure 354

lmlbhmvasr ratr ramH

She Who is the Apsaras She Who is Extremely
RambhZ and UrvaSi 355 Beautiful 356

rohipa =vat
She Who is the Luminous She Who is Abundance 358
Light of the Heavens 357

mgas fwikha
She Who is Infinite Wealth 359 She Who holds a Conch Shell 360

cakripr lwPa
She Who holds a Discus 361 She Who is Dark, She Who is the
Performer of All Action 362
m crfiT;ff FT~;TT
sa<tinr padminr tatha
She Who holds a Club 363 She Who is a Lotus then 364

She Who holds a Spear 365 She Who holds the Weapon of
Good Actions and 366

TfHl mh@M
pasinr ~ P W
She Who holds the Net 367 She Who Holds the Bow named
SIniga in Her Hand 368

f%mmfwl 7Y
- dhtlmrvl
She Who Holds the Spear 369 She Who Obscures Perception 370

rn wnR=ft
Saraw v-
She Whose Strength is Greater She Who is the Gardener of the
than Lions or Elephants 371 Forest 372
Kali Ptija

ralilinT mm
She Who Conveys All 373 She Who Loves the Battle 374

vegird ra~a-
She Who is Swift 375 She Who is Expert in War 376

jaw WL@$
She Who Has Disheveled She Who holds the Thunderbolt or
Hair 377 Lightning 378

Ma -val
She Who is the Divine She Whose Beauty Radiates the
Drama 379 Light of Knowledge 380

=@@m T
bdipriyii sadspujyii
She Who is the Beloved of She Who is Worthy of
Sacrifice 38 1 Worship 382

PPapa daityendramalilinT
She Who is Full, Complete, She Who is Welcomed by the
Perfect 383 Leader of All Asuras 384
She Who is Destroyer of the She Who is All Desires 386
Great Ruler of Duality 385

She Who Has Red Teeth (also Passion or bloody teeth) 387

She Who Protects Passion 388 She Whose Body is Covered With

She Who Bears a Cup of
Passion in Her Hands 390
* .,
I=IilWcllW?hY IIM
Passion 389

She Who Loves, or is the Beloved
of Passion 391

She Who Delights in Eating Meat and Drinking
Intoxicating Spirits 392
Kali Piija

Ed=h~wYm -v'bhmW
She Who Wears a Garland She Who Wears a Garland Upon

of Heads Dripping Blood 393 Her Neck 394

m m:
w l
davasanH c i m
She Who Sits Upon a She Who is Established in the
Corpse 395 Ulimate Consciousness 396

mall& vfeavmni
She Who is the Greatest Seer She Who Rides Upon the Bull of
of All 397 Determination 398

=4iwm=m =a=&bn
She Who Wears a Garment of She Who Moves with the Speed of
Tiger Skin 399 a Deer 400

She Who Rides Upon She Who is the Beloved
a Lion 401 Goddess 402
mamevr m=
She Who is a Great She Who is Rays of Light 404
Goddess 403

She Who Illuminates All Wisdom 405

=Tt%=m m
blrlilat tamn
She Who is a Young Girl 406 She Who is a Middle Aged Lady 407

9 m
vEddha a
She Who is an Old Lady 408 She Who is the Mother
of the Aged 409

jwtm8 sub-
She Who is Beyond Age 410 She Who Has an Excellent
Forehead 41 1

vmim lzahavw
She Who Resides Within She Who is the Vibration of
Herself 412 Supreme Divinity 413
Kalr PajZ

baahmapI mabr
She Who Creates Divinity 414 She Who is Earth 415

m!mh f%+m

mpnavatr citfabm
She Who is the Spirit of She Who is Various Writings 417
Dreams 416

m SmeSvBtr
She Who is the Manifestation She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
of that Which is Beyond All Divinity 419
Manifested Existence 418

-I@ arlmdhatr
She Who is Always She Who is the Purity of Devotion,
Rewarding 420 Epitome of Commitment 421

She Who is Sharp 422 She Who is the Spirit of All
Enjoyment 423

She Who is the Spirit of All Feeling 424
She Who Organizes the Mind
to Optimum Efficiency 425
She Whose Mind Always
Laughs 426

-J3@ v
Sv- aImmt&
She Whose Face Radiates She Who is the Cause of the End
Light 427 of the Forces of Duality 428

manada mnnirH
She Who is the Giver of She Who Creates Discipline 430
Discipline 429

She Who is Discipline 431 She Who is the Supreme Lord of
Discipline 432

She Who is Completely Intoxicated 433
Kali Piija

madits med.llrormnad8 medhy~
She Who is Intoxicated with She Who is Born of Intellect 435
Divine Spirit 434

mw m

She Who is the Performer of She Who is the Prasiida or Con-
All Discipline 436 secration of Offerings 437

~ ~ l l c a ~ w r
She Who Resides in the All the Beings of All the Worlds
Middle of Infinite Excellent Consider Her to be Greater than
Qualities 438 the Greatest 439

jayada m
She Who is the Giver of She Who Grants the Boon of
Victory 440 Victory 441

j a jayaslrb
She Who is Victorious Over She Who is Victorious with
the Three 442 Respect 443
wv@m m
jaya&W Subhad
She Who is the Repository of She Who is the Giver of Purity 445
Victory 444

She Who is the Giver of She Who is the Manifestation
Happiness or Comfort 446 of Truth 447

m w
- -as
She Who is the Cause of Purity for the Entire Community 448

Bivadm bhtitimatr
She For Whom Siva is the She Who is the Expression of All
Ambassador 449 Manifested Existence 450

:@%f ,QwlT=m
vibhatib m-
She Who is the Expression of She Whose Face is Free From
the Expressionless Deity 45 1 Fear 452

m m
trnrmHtr kulaja
She Who is the Manifestation She Who is the Giver of Birth to
of the Ever Pure One 453 the Family 454
Kzjali Piijzja

fl %-
kmlu ,-

She Who Takes Away the She Who is the Woman of the
Deficiency of Others 455 Family 456

She Who is the Protector of the Family 457

m wlfmt
kmlib yasa-
She Who is Fame 458 She Who is Welfare 459

'v F
bhasa bhnstha
She Who is the Peace of She Who is the Cause of Peace to
All Beings 460 All Beings 461

She Who is Loved by the Lord She Who is With Qualities 463
of All Disembodied Spirits 462

mI- m
She Who is Without She Who is All Thirst 465
Qualities 464
rn m3
nisthH kHstha
She Who Obeys All the She Who is the Cause of
Rules 466 Desire 467

She Who Establishes 468

She Who is the Beloved
Wealth 469
She Who is the Giver of
Wealth 470

dhws vagadha
She Who is Wealthy 471 She Who Supports the Earth 472

saparlraginr lavr
She Who is Excellent She Who is the Supreme Lord
Illumination 473 of Circumstances 474

Tff ?Fh
She Who is the Supreme Lord She Who is the Ultimate Guru 476
of Gurus 475
Kalr ~ n j a 163

saagnoa w3-
She Who is With Qualities of She Who is the Manifestation of
Truth 477 the Soul of the Three Qualities 478


She Who is the Wisdom of the She Who is the Great Ultimate

Order of the King 479 Wisdom 480

She Who is With Qualities 481 She Who is the Manifestation of
the Soul of the Three Qualities 482

mabiwma ninlrirmn
She Who is the Mother of the She Who is Without Desire 484
Great Family 483

m iTw=kM
salrlrma -iwm
She Who is With Desire 485 She Who is the Life of Desire 486
kHmadevak& lmnfiw
She Who is the Attribute of She Who is the Energy of
the Lord of Desire 487 Perfection in the Subtle Body 488

g i v e
She Who Dances With She Who is the Jewel of All
Siva 489 Thought: 490

She Who Clings to
Thought 49 1

She Who Wakes Up the
Universe 492

She Who is the Refuge of the Downtrodden 493

km&i kFtilrH
She Who is the Expression She Who is the Doer or the Cause
of All That is Done 494 of All Doing 495
Kalr PUjB

kFtyE ayodhyEvkmkwn8
She Who is That Which is She Who is the Same as the Place
Done 496 Where There is No War 497

She Who is the Excellent She Who is the Energy of
Mantra Which Takes All Mantras 499
Away the M i d 498

splf rn
rn lllmtli
She Who is Perfect 500 She Who is Always Happy 501

She Who is the Destroyer of All Imperfection 502

IndokyajjanaaI h e
She Who is the Mother of the She Who is Oldest 504
Three Worlds 503

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature She Who is the F i e of All
of Vedic Knowledge 505 Digestion 506
~ w ' l l w h l k 4

She Who Wears a Garland of Dried Limbs 507

a v ~ t h ~ y trailokyapgvam&ama
She Who is the Heart of She Who Brings the Winds of
Mathurii and Avadha, Birth- .Forgiveness to the Three
places of K r s ~ aand RZma 508 Worlds 509

=lMw%@m m-
v y ~ v y a k t a l m i k i c m ~ &abh;rbhfmanadinT
She Who is the Image of the She Whose Sound is Extremely
Manifest and Unmanifested Loud 5 11
Soul 510

m ma
ks- !wlkafrca
She Who is the Welhre of She Who is the Cause of Peace
All 512 and 513
~ a t m m m o ~
She Who is the Ignorance
of All 514

Kalr Piija

She Who is the Rising Light
of All 515

klirma mahtitejasvinr tatha

She Whose Heart is Very She Who is the Great Light
Soft 516 then 517

- -
She Who Enjoys Non-
Duality 5 18
She Who is Worthy of
Worship 5 19

She Who is Young 520 She Who is All Welfare 521

- a m bhosYa
She Who is the Cause She Who is Enjoyed 523
of All Love 522

dharapr pita-
She Who Supports All 524 She Who Sits Upon a Deer 525
vmfl m
bhay- parpa
She Who is Fearful 526 She Who Takes Away All Sins
(Confusion) 527

She Who is Without Fault 528 She Who Controls 529

She Who is Hope 530

She Who is the Digit of the
Moon, Attribute of
Devotion 532
She Who is Thirst 531

She Who is the Energy of the
Ruler of the Pure 533

She Who Moves With the Freedom of Emancipation 534
r .
t i ~ ~at l q t PI
l+ I ~

She Whose Illumination is

Like a Thousand Suns 535
Kali Piija

She Whose Illumination is Like
Ten Million Moons 536

ni$umbhasumbhas~ raktabrjavinmW
She Who Dissolves Self- She Who is the Destroyer of the
Deprecation and Seed of Desire 538
Self-Conceit 537

madhukai@bhahm&rca -gm-
She Who Dissolves Too Much She Who is the Destroyer of the
and Too Little and 539 Great Ego 540

v-d lsamsattvapra~tB
She Who is Situated in the She Who Establishes All Truth 542
Middle of the Circle of Fire 541
She Who is the Spirit of All
that Does Not Move 543
She Who is the Supreme Goddess
of All Divine Females 544

Y-H dalrsayajtlaaHW
She Who is the Daughter of She Who is the Destroyer of the
Ability 545 Sacrifice of Ability 546

She Who is the Reliever of Difficulties, Who Takes us Across the

Ocean of Objects and Relationships 547

m w
ijyH Po!
She Who is Desired 548 She Who is Worthy of Worship 549

:@%%I wm!k
vibmhllql satfwtib
She Who Manifests the She Who is True Fame 551
Greatest Fears 550

3EFbfl T=i?F:

She Who Has the Capacity of She Who is the Beautiful One
Form of Supreme Divinity 552 Residing in the Thighs (UrvaSi) 553
Kali PUja


She Who Manifests the Four She Who is Victory 555
of Creation 554

She Who is Compassionate 556 She Who is the New Moon 557

manasvim devam8tB yabsya bmhmacSr@

siddhida m d a sarvBdya sarvadayhi

She Who Reflects Mind 558 She Who is Mother of Gods 559

She Who is Worthy of She Who Moves in the Supreme
Welfare 560 Consciousness 561

m %m
girlrfhida vFdahiaa
She Who is the Giver of She Who is the Giver of Change or
Perfection 562 Modification 563

vFdahib fJ-mg
She Who is Change or She Who is Foremost of All; She
Modification 564 Who is Before All 565
She Who is the Giver of All 566

- ahyeyg
She Who is the Intrinsic Nature She Who is Meditated Upon 568
of That Which Does Not End 567
h n
illcllltflct rn
She Who Resides in the She Who Orders Creation 570
Mnladhara Cakra 569

P=m pmruunaaHb
She Who is Primordial She Who is of Full and Complete
Wisdom 57 1 Mind 572
+ p wWq , ~ l m

~ u k h y a u ~
She Who is the Complete Collection of the Face of the Moon 573
Kali Piija

vgvadm ni-hhih
She Who Charms Everyone She Whose Navel is Indented 575
with Her Speech 574

-- --
?FRml w

She Who Has Found Truth 576 She Who is Determined in Her
vow 577

She Who Embodies All She Who is the Punishment by

Spiritual Knowledge 578 Which Discipline is Prescribed 579

hyr tridiv-
She Who is Three 580 She Who is the Beauty of the
Three Divinities 581

=if+M =dwr
jvalird jvaitlT
She Who Burns 582 She Who Causes to Burn 583
3lFWM-r fwmTtm
Wtanayg vindhyavHsird
She Who is the Daughter of She Who Resides in Mountains of
the Mountain 584 Knowledge that Breed Humility 585

pratyayg khecarT
She Who Sees All Concepts 586 She Whose Spirit Soars 587

w w
dhairya w
She Who is Determination 588 She Who is Beyond 589

She Who is the Highest Expression of Purity 590

p r a m
She Who is Confident 591

She Who is the Radiance of
the Moon 593
She Who is the Reflection of the
Cause of Equilibrium 592

She Who has Subtle Radiance 594

Kali Piijzja

*: m:
bhaldib nirldhih
She Who is Devotion 595 She Who is Perfection 596

She Who is Always
Beloved 597
W y a
She Who is the Foremost of
All Desires 598

She Who is the Mother Who is the Jewel of the Earth 599

m: =&ma
v&B ca
She Who is the Perfection of She Who is the Supreme
All Desires 600 Controller and 601

rMwndhvaaivW lagbha caiva

She Who Resides Above All She Who is Extremely Small
that is Desired 602 and again 603

maw smitar
She Who is the Wisdom She Who is the Illuminator of
of the Three 604 the Three 605
She Who is the Supreme Ruler of Manifested Existence 606

mallow cita
She Who Takes Away She Who is Consciousness 608
Thoughts 607

divyH &-
She Who is Divine 609 She Who Holds Aloft All
Goddesses 610

She Who Exemplifies Beauty She Who is a Subtle Avenue by
of the M i d 61 1 Which Energy Flows 612

b=m jihv&asa#US
She Who is Like a Cow, a She Who Has the Nectar of
Giver of Pure Nourishment 613 Wisdom on Her Tongue 614

raaiLa ramH
She Who is All Nectar 615 She Who is Beauty 616
Kali Paja

~ e Q a y o g a ~ ~ sHndhsrr
She Who is the Spirit of Union She Who Wears an Excellent
Within the Su~urnna617 Scent 618

=iwFmT m
lm&mbkn particalr
She Who is the End of She Who Belongs to the Five
All Hell 619 (Draupadi Married to the five
Paadava Brothers, or all fives) 620

M rlrdha
She Who is the Jewel of All She Who is the Beloved of I(r~ga;
Circumstances, The Wife of She Who Supports Consciousness
&$aa 621 in the Subtle Body 622

m m a
*g bhamaca
She Who Causes Conscious- She Who is the Mother of
ness in the Subtle Body 623 Illumination and 624

She Who is the Beloved of Kr~aa;She Who is the Cause of
Illumination of Consciousness in the Subtle Body 625
amCta tulasr
She Who is the Nectar of She Who is the Basil Plant 627
Immortality 626

m w
vplda kaifabhr
She Who is the Giver of She Who Constricts 629
Change 628

efi -fi
kapatehm lw=w%af2
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who is the Ruler of Fearful
of All Fraudulent Beings 630 Passion 631

mjamn vllam&a
She Who is the Mother of All She Who is the Beautiful of All
Heroes and Warriors 632 Warriors 633
Kalr Pujzj%

She Whose Illumination

is Fearful 634

She Who is the Mother of
She Who is the Light in the Eyes
of Yaboda 635

She Who is Obeyed by the

Q s ~ a ;She Who Causes Gods 637
Divinity to Manifest 636

nirarhjans ciSa devr

She Who is Formless She Who is the Goddess 639
Consciousness 638

IuodbT knladrpilrlr
She Who is Angry 640 She Who is the Light of
Excellence 641

kdav8gT$varT jvala
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who Radiates 643
of Vibrations of Excellence 642
v m
She Who is the Mother in the She Who Manifests What You
Form of Letters 644 Value 645

dravB Y O ~ ~ W
She Who is What You She Who is the Supreme Ruler
Value 646 of Union 647

m m
fnahmm bhamati
She Who is the Great She Who Comes in the Form of a
Destroyer 648 Bee 649

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of the Form of Knowledge 650

She Who is Ambassador 651 She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
Life 652

F w
# bahlllH
She Who is Hidden 653 She Who is Everywhere 654
Kalr Piija

dHmarl P=bM
She Who Plays the damaru She Who is Radiant Light 656
Drum 655

m m
She Who is Hunchbacked or
She Who Manifests Wisdom 658
Crippled 657

She Who is Oldest 659 She Who Holds the Sling 660

She Who Manifests Without Doing 661

m m
*vipa m
She Who Manifests Wealth 662 She Who is Secretive 663

m -fl
mays kamabrjesVarr
She Who is the Supreme She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
Measurement of the Seed of Desire 665
Consciousness 664
priya gHkambharr
She Who is the Beloved 666 She Who Nourishes With
Vegetables 667

kOkanaii3 m c a
She Who Engenders the She Who is Consistently Excellent
Seed 668 (like a stone fixed in excellence)
and 669

She Who is Excellently Pure 670

She Who Manifests
Unsurpassed Grace 67 1

She Who is the Conveyance
for the Offering of
Blessings 673
She Who is Spinning in the Attach-
ment for the Loss of Wealth 672

She Who is the Beloved 674
She Who is the Mother of
Circumstances 675
Kali Piija

She Who Makes the Body Free

From Sin 676

bpinr apinr
She Who is Heat and Light 677 She Who is the Cause of Heat
and Light 678

She Who is the Universe 679 She Who is the Giver of
Enjoyment 680

She Who is the Supporter of She Who Has Three Parts 682
Enjoyment 68 1

afw m
bodhinr va$a
She Who Manifests She Who is Controlled 684
Wisdom 683

sakala visvlirIlp@
She Who is All 685 She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
the Universe 686
She Who is the Form of the
Seed 687
She Who is the Great
Configuration of the Cosmos 688


She Who Controls 689

She Who is the Flower of
Infinity 69 1
She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Union 690

She Who Wears the Girdle of

Infinity 692

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of Infinity 693
Kali Pnja

-m-d- gj
= mP'
e m
She Who is the Intoxication She Who is the Limit of
of Infiity 694 Infinity 695

=m@ft mwm
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who is the Gardener Who
of the Goad of Infinity 696 Cultivates M i t y 697

kmlehm SBN-
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who Performs Discipline for
of All Desire 698 all Objectives 699

88~ataWramayI -Y-
She Who is the Expression of She Who is the Intrinsic Nature
All Applications of Spiritual of the Intoxicating Light of
Knowledge 700 Infinite Love 701

vajcethafr ca janm
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who is Mother 703
of Lightning and 702
She Who Dissolves All Pain into the Infinite 704

sa~ywa@ yogayafrta
She Who is a Young Lady She Who is United in Union 706
with Six Limbs 705

She Who is the Cultivator of She Who Resides in the
Radiance 707 Distance 708

FM m

d-dh=M durjleylr
She Who is a Difficult Ideal She Who Gives Knowledge that is
to Attain 709 Difficult to Attain 710

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of the

Reliever of Difficulties 7 11
Kalr Piija

She Who is the End of She Who Takes Away Evil
Distance 712 Action 7 13

5- m

W e y a duratikramn

She Who is Knowledge that She Who is the Mother of All
is D i c u l t to Attain 714 Difficult Action 7 15

She Who is the Supreme She Who Resides in a Triangle
Ruler of Laughter 716 (Kiimakalii, All the Threes) 717

She Who is the Feeling of Nourishment from
Vegetables and Produce of the Earth 718

-78 *.a
She Who Resides Beyond the She Who is Eternal 720
Triangle 719
p-jia luamidyesvarll
She Who is the Enjoyment of She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
the Supreme Nectar of the Great Knowledge 722
Immortality 721

Sveta bhermpQH
She Who is White or Pure 723 She Who is Formidable 724

She Who is the Beauty of Excellence 725

t v a
She Who is Quick 726 She Who is Completely United in
Devotion 727

bhaktiva@H Sanstani
She Who is Under the She Who is Eternal 729
Control of Devotion 728

ru- bhaktatuvia
She Who is the Manifestation She Who is the Attitude of
of the Bliss of Devotion 730 Devotion 731
Kalr Paja

She Who is the Cause of the Peace of Devotion 732

m-ya s#ammubhagy-
She Who is the Repository of She Who is the Repository of all
all Beauty 733 Good Fortune 734

sarvasambhogabhavm s a r v a ~ ~ ~
She Who is the Mother of All She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Enjoyment 735 the Feeling of All Comfort 736

She Who Enjoys the Worship
of the Ever Pure One 737
She Who Continues the Perform-
ance of the Vow of Worship for
the Ever Pure One 738
lrumaA bhalrfisakhinl:
She Who is the Ever Pure She Who Gives the Pleasure of
One 739 Devotion 740

3 4 1i l + m

She Who Wears the Form of the Ever Pure One 741

w'iIqhqq,4! I N
m j -
h h

She Who Loves the Worship

of the Ever Pure One 742

.e \
l il.Hcl*ltlT
~ s e v a k 8 ~ 1 [
She Who is United in the
Service of the Ever Pure
One 744
- h
"SY' ~
h h
I ~ ~ I ~ < I Y T

She Who is the Beloved of the

Beloved of the Ever Pure One 743

She Who Resides Within Those
Who Serve the Ever Pure One 745
Kalr Piija

mmdabllairavr bHlabhairaH
She Who is the Bliss Beyond She Who is the Strength Beyond
All Fear 746 All Fear 747

ba@bhairavr SmaMrnabhairavr
She Who is Youth Beyond She Who is in the Cremation
All Fear 748 Ground Where All Fear Ends 749

mF%& rn
kslabhairavr purabhairavr
She Who is Time Beyond She Who is Completely Beyond
All Fear 750 All Fear 751

mahabhairavapalnica p~uamm&bhairavr
She Who is the Spouse of the She Who is the Supreme Bliss
Great One Beyond All Fear Beyond All Fear 753
and 752

~bllairavrca Unma-bhairavr
She Who is Divine Bliss She Who is Bliss Beyond All
Beyond All Fear and 754 Fear 755
r n u l d y i b d a W v X c a tatha tanqmbhahavT
She Who is the Bliss of She Who is the Energy that Pulls
Liberation Beyond All Fear Beyond Fear 757
and then 756

jilmmdabhairavica am@mdabhairaw
She Who is the Bliss of She Who is the Nectar of
Wisdom Beyond All Fear Immortality Beyond All Fear 759
and 758

m 8m-r
mahabhayadhrI U'vH
She Who is Greatly Fearful 760 She Who is Very Swift 761

m rn
She Who Moves Swiftly 762 She Who Takes Across 763
Kali Pnjs


She Who is the Resident of
the Three Cities 764

She Who is the Beautiful
One 766
She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
All 765

She Who is Completely
Beautiful 767

IlipureSvaA p a b d a a p a f t m putavasinT
mahasaptaha caiva 6ipurei4vaA

w m paflcadasr
She Who is the Supreme She Who is the Fifteen Lettered
Ruler of the Three Cities 768 One 769

=EN m
m puravw
She Who is the Fifth 770 She Who is the Resident of the
City 771

mahasaptadasl caiva soQasi

She Who is the Great She Who is the Sixteen 773
Seventeen and again 772

She Who is the Supreme Ruler of the Three Cities 774
-m Ca mahHcalrresvadtaths
She Who is the Intrinsic Nature She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
of the Great Goad and 775 the Great Centers of Energy
then 776

nav- cakdva
She Who is the Supreme She Who is the Supreme Ruler of
Ruler of the Nine Centers the Centers of Energy 778
of Energy 777

She Who is the Gardener of the Three Cities 779

riijacakdvatr vm
She Who is the Supreme Ruler She Who is the Female Hero 781
of the King of all Centers of
Energy 780
Kali Piija

mah3- -dnis
She Who is the Great Beautiful She Who is Completely Delighted
One of the Three Cities 782 with the Red Spot of Vermilion 783

She Who is the Respected
Beautiful One of the Three Cities 784

mwF=- raw

She Whose All Limbs are She Who is Passion 786
Beautiful 785

*wstrottarlryakH Y-
She Who is Clothed in a Red She Who is Young 788
Garment 787

She Who Wears Vermilion and Red Sandal Paste 789
y a v 3 y ~ v ~ ~ a ~
She Whose Youthful Countenance is Constantly Adorned
with Red Vermilion and Red Sandal paste 790

She Who is Inconstant 791 She Who is Spoken of as One Who
Has Pure Dark Wavy Hair 792

vajnmddhmwdy- @a@
She in Whose Crown the Pearls and Jewels are Shining Like
Lightning 793

- - s - =
She Who Disseminates a Beautiful Scent is Wearing a Necklace of
Radiantly Shining Jewels Which are United Together 794
Kalr PUja

She Who Wears an Extremely Beautiful Nose Ring which is made
from the Supreme Lord of All Jewels and Pearls 795

nm -*-ab-
She Who Wears a Necklace of Exquisitely Beautiful Pearls and
Jewels in the Region of Her Breast 796

She Whose Throat is Shiniig by the Ultimate Touch of the Sun and
the Moon 797

She Whose fifteen Excellent Teeth are Completely Shining with
Bija Mantras 798
She Whose Eye in the middle of Her Forehead Disciplines
Desire 799

mBtallgakumbhavalrqqjB h
She Whose Breasts ave She Who Especially Loves the
Nourishment to Existence 800 Red Lotus Flower 801

n h PI
-wasknldrasla halwgathi@&u
She Who Knows the Entire Path She Who is the Mother of
from the Ear to the Mind 802 the Swan's Motion 803

She Whose Lotus-like Body is the Illuminator of the Four
Vedas 804
Kali Puja

She Who Wears Bracelets Shining with Various Gems and
Jewels 805

n 8 g ~ v a l a ~ ~
She Whose Fingers of Her Hands Bear Rings made of Ivory and
other Gems 806

-- --
She Who Wears Rings on
She Who Holds an Unusually
Various Parts of Her Body 807 Small Bell 808

pattamb-pglr- W ! !
She Who Wears Shiny Silk She Who Enjoys the Tinkling of
Cloth 809 Cymbals to Accompany
Devotional Chanting 810
c h . -\ h

*4! iI'J*qq i1 3 3 4
She Who Wears Unguents of Camphor, Woodapple, and Musk,
mixed in Red Paste 8 11

She Who is Situated on the Earth Covered with Various Jewels at
the Foot of the Tree of All FuKiment 812

h h. 14
She Who Sits Upon a Seat of Jewels From the Purity of the Island
of Jewels 813

She Who Pierces the Six She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Centers of Energy 814 the Supreme Bliss 815
Kalr Piija

She Who Resides in the Regions of the Moon at the Apex of the
Thousand Petaled Lotus 8 16

She Who Resides in the Form of Supreme Divinity, in the Anger of
Siva, and in Various Forms of Pleasure 8 17

h h n \ h


She Who is Served by Siva, Vi$~u,
Brahma, Indra and the Leaders
of the Planets 8 18

g-yd -mi4
She Who is the Womb of the She Who is the Womb of Supreme
Soul 819 Divinity 820

jagam ayox@js
She Who is the Womb of She Who Does Not Take Birth
Perceivable Universe 821 from any Womb 822
=m?=n wwm-%
bhagampli bhamtb
She Who is the Form of She Who Resides Within
Wealth 823 Wealth 824

~l!wbwadhHripl bha@lmwt
She Who Upholds Wealth and She Who is the Capacity for the
is the Wealth 825 the Support of Wealth 826

bha8- bhagaWM
She Who is the Intrinsic She Who Reposes in Wealth 828
Nature of the Manifestation
of Wealth 827

Iihg-yinT ~priyH
She Who is a Progenitor of the She Who is the Beloved of the
Subtle Body 829 Subtle Body 830
- -
She Who Resides Within the
Subtle Body 831

Kali Piija

She Who is Situated in the Subtle
Body 832

ww wwww
She Who is the Capacity of She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
the Subtle Body 833 the Subtle Body 834

She Who is the Beautiful One in the Subtle Body 835

r m f : I",MT

wa-m wga-
She Who is Greatly Enamored She Who Derives great Pleasure
of the Songs of Subtlety 836 from the Wealth of Song 837

k~114~<11<1 w:
She Who Always Takes She Whd is Always Inspired by the
Delight in the Subtle Name 838 Name Which Bears Wealth 839
She Who is Always in Bliss
with the Names Which Bear
Wealth 840

k s i 4 1 m 1 9 3C\u m

She At Whose Throat Shines
Forth the Garland of
Subtlety 842
She Who is Always Inspired by the
Names of Subtlety 841

She Who Shines Forth with the
Garland of Wealth 843

b~tWQ4-m bhagalh@mfastmilrH
She Who is Beloved of the She Who is the Capacity of the
Subtle Nectar of Wealth 844 Subtle Nectar of Wealth to
Manifest 845

~'1rm~1141rn Y+li\mgjtclsrfl
bhagaliflgmm b h a g w
She Who is the Beloved of the She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Offering of Subtle Wealth 846 Subtlewealth 847
Kali Puja

ylal- aww I1 ? ? ?

She Who is the Essence of
Subtle Wealth and 848


Flower Which is Born of

Itself 850
She Who is the Conveyance of the
Pleasure of Subtle Wealth 849

m y a m b h ~ t s
She Who is the Beloved of the She Who is the Offering of the
Flower Which is Born of
Itself 851

svayambhllkomumm svayamb-
She Who is the Life Force of She Who Raises Aloft the Flower
the Flower Which is Born of Which is Born of Itself 853
Itself 852

may-tH m yambhapqatarpita
She Who is Bathed by the She Who is the Offering to
Flower Which is Born of Ancestors of the Flower Which is
Itself 854 Born of Itself 855
s v a ~ - ~ B h a w svayambh-
She Who is the Refuge of the She Who Upholds or Supports the
Flower Which is Born of Flower Which is Born of
Itself 856 Itself 857

svayambhtpuqmW svayambhllpu#paamits
She Who Wears a Tilak Made She Who Offers the Flower Which
of the Flower Which is Born is Born of Itself 859
of Itself 858

She Who is Absorbed in the
Essence of the Flower Which
is Born of Itself 860
She Who is Beyond the Worlds

of the Flower Which is Born of

Itself 861
Kalr PUja

svay-yajfUkb@ svayambmtmik8
She Who Offers in Sacrifice She Who is the Capacity of
to Her Own Self the Flower the Soul to Manifest the
Which is Born of Itself 862 Flower Which is Born of Itself 863

avayambhi@qpm& s v a y a m b h ~ ~
She Who is the Expression of She Who is the Beloved of the
the Flower Which is Born Flower Which is Born by
by Itself 864 Itself 865

She Whose Mind is Intoxicated with Desire for the Flower Which is
Born by Itself 866

h h

s v a y m d g d h a d e h i n r
She Whose Friendly Body Experiences Waves of Bliss from the
Flower Which is Born by Itself 867
svayambh- svayambhpkusudcdif
She Who Supports the Flower She Who is the Family of the
Which is Born by Itself 868 Flower Which is Born by Itself 869

svayambhqm@adayB svayambhUpu$pav&W
She Who Resides in the Flower She Who Sits on the Flower Which
Which is Born by Itself 870 is Born by Itself 871

She Who is the Friend of the She Who is the Supreme Pleasure
Flower Which is Born by of the Flower Which is Born by
Itself 872 Itself 873

svayambw- svayambhmwapalika
She Who is the Cause of the She Who is the Protector of the
Flower Which is Born by Flower Which is Born by
Itself 874 Itself 875
Kali Ptija

svayambhl&umdhygnH my-prabhs
She Who is the Student or She Who is the Radiance of the
Meditator on the Flower Flower Which is Born by
Which is Born by Itself 876 Itself 877


Itself 878

She Who is the Bliss of the
Flower Which is Born by
Itself 880

She Who is the Wisdom of the She Who is the Enjoyer of the
Flower Which is Born by Flower Which is Born by
Itself 879

She Who Causes the Rain of the
Flower Which is Born by
Itself 881
svayambhukwm svaWlwWW@@
She Who is the Enthusiasm of She Who is the Flower of the
the Flower Which is Born by Flower Which is Born by
Itself 882 Itself 883
\ .
~ ~ c % w Y ku9jy~i.m
svayambhllkusumotsab@ svayambh-
She Who is Always With the She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
Flower Which is Born by the Flower Which is Born by
Itself 884 Itself 885

J-yq-rHy yl.q(<('

svayambhlbmmmmW s v a y a m ~ a s ~
She Who is the Intoxication of She Who is the Beauty of the
the Flower Which is Born by Flower Which is Born by
Itself 886 Itself 887

svayambhukusummhya ~ayambht&mm&hv~
She Who is Delighted by the She Who Gives Birth to the Flower
Flower Which is Born by Which is Born by Itself 889
Itself 888
Kali Piija

gvayambh~kmmavyagw ~v~mQwpavanpita
She Who Distinguishes the She Who Expresses the Flower
Flower Which is Born by Which is Born by Itself 891
Itself 890

M~~Y qulqn311

svayambhapajakaprajfia my--
She Who is the Supreme She Who is the Mother of the
Wisdom of Worship of that Supreme Wisdom of Sacrifical
=ch is Born by Itself 892 Worship of that Which is Born
by Itself 893

myambhlldat@@~I m y m b h a v i k a
She Who Protects the Bestower She Who Intuitively Understands
of that Which is Born by the Attitude of Devotion of that
Itself 894 Which is Born by Itself 895

svayambh~kusumapraw svayambhapajalrapdy~
She Who is the Wisdom of the She Who is the Beloved of the
Flower Which is Born by Worship of that Which is Born by
Itself 896 Itself 897

wayambha~and&dh&8 svayambhnnhUWaU
She Who Supports the Cause of She Who is the Cause of the End
Worship of that Which is Born of that Which is Born by
by Itself 898 Itself 899

S V ~ Y ~ ~ s v~ a yV a mH b h e
She Who is the Bestower of all She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of
that Which is Born by Itself 900 the Bestower of that Which is Born
by Itself 901

svayambhtlpradasamerll svayambhaddhasatnilp
She Who is the Remembrance She Who is the Half Body of that
of the Bestower of that Which Which is Born by Itself 903
is Born of Itself 902
Kalr Paja

sarvaModbhavaprria mhavatmmc
She Who is the Beloved Who She Who Has the Capacity of the
Gives Birth to All Time 904 Expression of the Soul Which
Gives Birth to All Time 905

88~aMlodbhavodbhava sarvak&xibhavodbhava
She Who is the Attitude of She Who Gives Birth to Time 907
All Time 906

kdaPW~Pfw g o l a m m a
She Who is the Beloved of She Who Always Moves with the
All the Flowers in the Flowers of Light 909
Receptacle 908

kmhgolodbhavaaprlrts hq&golodbhavatmika
She Who is the Beloved of the She Who has the Capacity of the
Light in the Receptacle 910 Soul to Express the in the
Receptacle 91 1
She Who is the Supporter of
Purity 912
She Who is the Form of Purity 913

She Who Resides Within the Ocean of Purity 914

m m
-YH * W H
She Who has Indestructible She Who is the Enjoyer of
Purity 915 Purity 916

w: m
hpajasadasatilra -ys
She Who is Delighted by She Who Rests in Passion 918
Worship with Purity 917

rakhbhog~ rakhpojjHsadHrati4
She Who is the Enjoyer of She Who is Constantly Delighted
Passion 919 by Worship with Passion 920
Kali Ptija

-.g ralrtahamH
She Who is Worshiped with She Who is Offered Sacrificial
Passion 921 Offerings With Passion 922

ralrCastha raktavaw
She Who is Situated in She Who Takes Refuge in
Passion 923 Passion 924

*varpa rakCadeha
She Who is the Description of She Who has the Body of
Passion 925 Passion 926

She Who is the Daughter Born From Worship With Passion 927

She Who is the Dignity of
Passion 928
She Who is the Touch of
Passion 929
MJ Tf@
&vial dtam&I
She Who is the Goddess She Who is Beautiful Passion 93 1
and 930

She Who Knows Passion 932 She Who is Worthy of Passion 933

She Who is Celebrated as the Passion of the God of Love 934

ttlamaw nddabhavB
She Who is Great She Who Exists in Passion 936
Passion 935

rzlkta-yini mktafata
She Who Gives the Creation She Who Bathes in Passion 938
of Passion 937

nTf&m zT+dw%a
raktasm raktasevyaidw
She Who is Soaked in She Who Becomes Extremely
Passion 939 Passionate with the Selfless
Service of Passion 940
raktanandakatf ddwdmdavidhayinl

raktaSaya raktapm raktasevp man-

She Who Manifests the

Bliss of Passion 941
She Who Always Gives the Bliss
of Passion 942

-YH *m
She Who Rests Within She Who Gives Full, Complete
Passion 943 and Perfect Passion 944

*WE ma-
She Who is Served by She Who is Beautiful 946
Passion 945

She Who is Worshiped in All She Who Destroys the Criticism of
With Passion 947 Passion 948
raktatmika raLtarlrpg
She Who is the Soul's Capacity She Who'is a Form of Passion 950
for the Expression of Passion 949


She Who is the Cause of the Attraction of Passion 951

She Who is the Enthusiasm
of Passion and 952

She Who Drinks With
Passion 954
d d h y g
She Who Rides Upon Passion 953

She Who is the Mother of the Bliss
of the Female Seed of Life 955

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of

Attachment to the Family 956
Kali ~ u j a

sa-ts&vr par*
She Who is the Goddess She Who is h e Nourishment 958
Who Goes Inside Stidhus 957

She Who is the Destroyer of
All Sin (Confusion) 959

sa ' " & I T

She Who is the Giver of Delight to
All SZdhus 960

She Who Destroys the Impurity of All SZdhus 961

She Who is Situated in the
Heart of All Stidhus 962

mbakEWh jananI
She Who is the Mother of the
Bliss of All Stidhus 964
She Who is the Cause of the Bliss
of All Stidhus 963

She Who is the Cause of the Love

of SZdhus 965
~ y i ~ i < t i ~w. r f d t i c m
adhaka-atti sukhadayi~
She Who Gives the Wealth of Delight and Extreme Bliss to
SZdhus 966

hkrapoiyti -antngtB
She Who is Worshiped by She Who is Satisfied With
Purity 967 Sacrificial Offerings of Purity 968

PIw*q*o r
She Who Takes Refuge in Purity 969

She Who is the Image of She Who is the Embodiment of
Purity 970 Purity 97 1
Kalr PUja

v'm3F@ m
$&Tad*- fillha*
She Who is the Daughter of She Who is Situated in Purity 973

Worship with Purity 972

M w v
She Who is Supreme She Who is the Complete Touch
Purity 974 of Purity 975

She Who is the Beauty of Purity 976

She Who is Bathed in
Purity 977

She Who is the Supreme
Purity Served by the Pure 979

She Who is the Manifestation of
Purity 978

She Who is the Great Purity 980

She Who is Pure She Who is the Giver of the Rain
Existence 98 1 of Purity 982
She Who is the Supreme
3*' ++4-4=@='k~
t h ~ W d a ~
The Pure of the Pure Consider
v ~ v ~

Wisdom of Purity 983 Her as the Worshiped of the
Worshiped 984

She Who is the Expression of

She Who Aways Gives the Bliss of
the Bliss of Purity 985 Purity 986


She Who Enjoys the Festivals She Who Always Manifests Full,
of Purity 987 Complete and Perfect Fkity 988

She Who is the Beauty of She Who is Worshiped As the Pure
Purity 989 in All 990
Kalr Ptija

She Who is the Destroyer of the Criticism of Purity 991

She Who Has the Capacity of
the Soul of Purity 992
r h


She Who is the Cause of

Attraction of the Wealth of
Purity 993

m ?lTvwrm

She Who is the Giver of All She Who is the Lifeforce of
(as the energy of creation) 994 Sgdhus 995

She Who Disables the Divisive Thoughts of Sadhus 996

She Who is the Female SBdhu She Who is the Refuge of
of all Excellent SBdhus 997 Devotees 998

I-UL- sadhaudhi-
She Who is Completely She Who is the Destroyer of All
Pleased With Bliis 999 Thoughts of Sadhus 1000



She Who is the Knowledge of She Who is the Knowledge of
the Soul 1001 Supreme Divinity 1002

She Who is the Intrinsic Nature She Who is Established in
of Supreme Divinity 1003 Three Places 1004

She Who is Established in She Who is the Embodiment of All
Five Places 1005 Places 1006
Kali PUja

-av-Yr varpaja-q
She Who is the Expression She Who is the Giver of the
of All That Can be Garland of All Expressions
Expressed 1007 Which can be Recited 1008
Consecration of Tanbric Offerings

OrhhAlh- -have an@avar&i

anqhm&qay&qaya siddhhh dehi kalilrarh me
od~hAmh hllh kriih pamneSvrUri lralilre s v m vijayw
Om hrim the nectar which comes forth from nectar, you who pour forth
nectar, again and again bring nectar to me. Give me control of Kalika,
the Goddess Who Takes Away the Darkness. Give me siddhi, the
attainment of perfection. I am One with God.

This is the mantra for the consecration of the Vijaya, a preparation

of the leaves of cannabis. Then inwardly reciting the miilamantra seven
times over the Vijaya, show the Dhenu, the Yoni. the Avlhani, and other
mudras: (Sthapani, Sannidhapani, Sannirodhini, Sammukhi-karani
Then satisfy the Guru who resides in the Thousand-petaled Lotus by
offering the Vijaya three times with the Sarhketa-Mudra. Then worship
the Devi in your heart by offering the Vijaya with the same mu&%.
reciting the miila mantra three times: ozh brM hllh paramehati
katike avW. Then offer oblations to the mouth of Kundalini with the
Vijaya, while reciting the following mantra:

ainh vada vada vtigvtidini mama jihvtigre s W h a v a

Kali Piija 227

Akh Oh Goddess Sarasvati, Who Rules over all vibrations, inspire me

and remain forever on the tip of my tongue, I am One with God!

After drinking the Vijaya he should bow to the .Guru by placing his
folded palms over his left ear, then to Ga~eSaby placing his folded palms
over his right ear, and lastly to the Eternal Adya Devi by placing his
folded palms in the middle of his forehead. Then he should meditate on
the Devi.

wine or alcohol
@ * P i R @ ~ C \ m ~ ~

ash ekameva p d brahma sthQlasUk$mamayarh dhruvam

M h a v B t h bmhahaty&h tena te n8iSayBmyaham
O h There is only One Supreme Consciousness, without a second, which
is both gross and subtle. Oh Divinity, destroy the sin of slaying a
Brahma~awhich became attached to wine by the death of Kacha.*

sury-yasthe v~yasambhave
adbljamaye devi S ~ i S p ~ u c y a t 8 m
Oh you who reside in the regions of the Sun, where the light of wisdom
always shines, and your birth was in the dwelling place of the Lord of
Ocean, in the churning of which this nectar was produced, who are one
with the bija mantra of the Divine Mother, be free from the curse of

* Kacha was the son of Brhaspati and the disciple of Sukta, priest of the asuras. Kacha was bumt
by the asuras, and his ashes were mixed in the wine which Sukra drank. When Sukta discovered what
he had done under the influence of intoxication he cursed wine.
vedib8d1prapavo Wjazh -yazh yadi
tena satyem te devi bmhmahty~vyapohatu
Oh Goddess, the of the Vedas is the seed of the bliss of Supreme
Divinity. May the sin of slaying a Brahma~abe destroyed by the
recitation of this principle.

orh hillin h- w a dvasur~asaddhotB

nf~advarasawsad vyomasadabja goja a j a adrija @un
Om Hrim the Supreme Hainsa, the swan who flies on the wings of
Consciousness and Nature, dwells in the brilliant Heaven. As Vasu, the
Lord of Wealth, It moves throughout the space between heaven and
earth. It dwells on earth in the form of the Vedic fire, and in the
sacrificer, and is honored in the Guest. It is in the household fire and in
the Consciousness of man, and dwells in the honored region. It resides in
Truth and in the ether. It is born in water, in rays of light, in Truth, and
in the eastern hills where the sun rises. Such is the great Illuminator of
Light, the Truth, which cannot be bound or concealed, the Great
Consciousness Who dwells everywhere -- Supreme Divinity.

(repeat seven times)


orh vatin mi^ vIlrh vahh vauh vab. brahmaSapavhocitByai

sudhadevyai namd)
I bow to the Goddess of Nectar who is relieved of the curse of Brahma.
Kali Piija

sdUq$&iCpa& m o c a y m Wvaya Wvaya sv-
Remove the curse of & $ ~ ain the wine: pour nectar again and again. I
am one with God.

ha sa h a ma la va ra ymfi &mdabhairaviCya nam&

I bow to Anandabhairava, the Bliss of Fearlessness.

sa ha kga ma la va ra yirrh sudhadevyai vaugat

I bow to SudhZ Devi, to the Goddess of Wine, Purify!

Om MZiyZ, Increase, Dissolution, to the highest female divinity KBli, I
am One with God!

Wave lights and incense over the container of wine:


byambakaxh yajamahe sugandhirh p@v-

mw&ukamiva b-ormm-a m&~#t
We adore the Father of the three worlds, of excellent fame, Grantor of
Increase. As a cucumber is released from its bondage to the stem, so may
I be freed from Death to dwell in immortality.
arfi akha&&ms- patasndhaM
svacchandasphmqpmatra nidhehi lnb@i@
Oh Intrinsic form of the Universal Family, infuse the thrill of joy into the
essence of this excellent wine, so that it produces full and unbroken bliss.

anaiigas- 6uddhajiWuhlevare
nidhehyaamin vastrmi
You are the nectar which is infinite and the embodiment of Pure
Knowledge. Fill this liquid with the nectar of the Bliss of Infinite

tadrUpepaikatasyafkaWB-rghya tatsv-
bhotva kuh@Mmh mayi visphmgarh kuru
You alone are the form of That, the Infinite Unifying Principle. Make
this respectful offering of the intrinsic nature of That, and having become
this divine nectar, blossom in me.

Bpari- mahapBtmhpryasarasLLmavaha
Fill this sacred vessel of wine with the nectar of immortal wisdom
produced from the essence of all that is in the world, and containing all
kinds of taste.
Kali PUja

p h t a m a y e vahnau hamas-aqam
Lord, may this cup of Self, which is filled with the nectar of the Self, be
sacrificed in the fire of the Supreme Self.

Wave lights and incense over the container of wine :

@ w w - ~ ~ y l \3

htfzh tryambabb yajamahe sug-

' ~ p w ~ v a b ~ o m m u k $ i y ~ t
We adore the Father of the three worlds, of excellent fame, Grantor of
Increase. As a cucumber is released from its bondage to the stem, so may
I be freed from Death to dwell in immortality.

Draw a square

aaersms~gm~Ttmrwz x

ha sa kga ma la va ra ymh ~ d a b h a h v a y avagat

iinandabhairavruhta?pay&ni nama svaha
I offer to Anandabhairava, the Bliss of Fearlessness, Purity! I bow. I am
one with God (male)!
I offer to Anandabhairavi the Bliss of Fearlessness, Purity! I bow. I am
one with God (female)!

Om I bow to my guru with the offering of respect. I am One with God!

ash aimin Sfi parama- tarpayitmi mm& svaha

Om I bow to my guru's guru with the offering of respect.
I am One with God!

ash ah& Sfi partiparagumkt tarpaygmi mm& svaha

Om I bow to the Gurus of the lineage with the offering of respect. I am
One with God!

aah ah& Sfiparame$figm& tarpaygmi mm& svaha

Om I bow to the Supreme gurus with the offering of respect. I am One
with God!

three times

aah hfLrh Sfirh krilh paramdari svaha

ilciyw kalrrfi tarpayitmi mum& svaha
Om Mgyg, Increase, Dissolution, to the highest female divinity, I offer
and bow to the Foremost Kiili, I am One with God!
Kali Paja

arh aQadevatBstmpayaminamah waha

I offer and bow to the Gods of the body, I am One with God!

orh ~ ~ ( v a n a d e v a ~ a y namah
a m i waha
I offer and bow to the most worshipful Gods who have been invited as
attendants to the Goddess, I am One with God!

arh Wrh gfllfi ldllh paramehari kalike waha s 8 y d h W

sap-dyw- talpayaminamah waha
Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the highest female divinity, I am
One with God! I offer and bow to the Foremost Kali accompanied by
devoted attendants, I am One with God!

arh bawebhyo tarpayami namah svaha

Oh I bow to the young people. I am One with God!

arh aith Wrh gfllfi barh ba0nfri5yatarpayami namah waha

Oh Creation, Maya, Increase, I bow to the young people.
I am One with God! (east)

arh y w yoghlbhyo tarpayami nam& waha

Om I bow to the energies of the Goddess which assist in union.
I am One with God! (south)
o& k s a ksfbhk s a ksm kSatr ksehpmya
tarpaygmi nam& svaha
Om I bow to the Protectors of the field of existence.
I am One with God! (west)

g a mmg a g- gaoapataye
tarpayami nama svaha
Om I bow to the Lord of Wisdom. I am One with God! (north)

aJh bArh &zb sarvavighakydbhy~sarvabhtitebhyo

hfbh phat tarpayami namah svaha
Om Maya, Increase, I bow to the Beings who cause the removal of all
difficulties or obstructions. I am One with God!

arln glh8qur. devi mahabhiige give lciilii-

6ubhaSubM phahh vyaktatin br&i balith tava
Om Oh Goddess, one of Great Parts, S i v ~ ,Oh Energy of Infinite
Goodness, the intrinsic form of the final conflagration of total dissolution;
please accept this sacrificial offering, and reveal to me the good and evil
fruit of action.

The Kula worshiper should sanctify the wine by repeating over it the
Pashadi-trika-bija one hundred and eight times. (Mahlnirv~gaTantra,
Arthur Avalon, 8:170)
Kalr Piija

Creation, May%,Dissolution, I am One with God!
Take the cup to your heart and meditate upon the presence of the
deity. Then put it back upon the square and ring the bell.

If one has the desire to eat meat, it should be offered with the
highest respect and appreciation, and shared with the community as a
rite of worship. The offering conveys all impurities and sense of
separation which are actually the offerngs to be sacrificed in worship.
The entire ceremony from the slaying of the animal, to the preparation,
offering and partaking, should be designed to encourage the surrender of
the animalistic nature of each the participants. It is very common to
substitute a squash or pumpkin for an animal, and much more respectful
than the purchase of packaged meats from a grocery store.

orh hmil Srlllh krBb p m e h a r i svaha

ega bm o& Sivgyai nam&
Om Maya, Increase, Dissolution, to the highest female divinity, I am One
with God! I offer and bow to the Energy of Infinite Goodness with this

parama v-p- m p m -
h Wmhi dehi me mo@amavyayam
You are the cause of the end of ten million ages of time. Please accept
this excellent offering and grant to me eternal liberation.

Sprinkle water over the offering.

DhenurnudrZ. Worship the offering.
I bow.

orh paSup&48yavidmahe Visv-e
Pah p r a d y g t

Om We meditate upon the bondage of the life of a beast, contemplate

the Doer of all Action. May that Lie-Force grant us increase.

Worship the sacrificial knife:

Cut the ego!

vEmafhdmlibhy&lI nam*
I bow to the female Lord of all vibrations with her husband, the Creative
Capacity. (end)

-yapabhyW namah
I bow to Lakgmi and NIrSiyaga. (middle)

I bow to Um2 and MaheSvara. (handle)
Kalr Paja

brabma muSiva &ikfiyaktaya U g y a nam&

I bow to Brahrna, Vis~u,Siva along with their Saktis situated in this

Hold the victim into the air. Take Sa&alpa:

...paahmu imam ampmhk.

Return the sacrificial victim to 'the ground.

Meditation. Then sever the sacrificial victim with one stroke of the knife.

With iff krl% place a candle on the severed head, and offer it to the

sapra&pa!BQabal@SAmadadymyai devyai nama

I bow to the Goddess with this offering of a head with a light upon it.

While repeating the mtila mantra o h i&h pamdvari

kalilre svaha sprinkle the water of the special offering three times over
the Deity, and then make nyasa of the Devi to the six parts of Her body.
This ceremony is called Sakalikaraoa or Sakaliwi. Then worship again
with all the sixteen offerings. These are water for washing the feet, the
water for the offering, water for rinsing the mouth and for Her bath,
garments, jewels, perfume, flowers, incense sticks, lights, food, water for
washing the mouth, nectar (or alcoholic beverage) pana (or mouth
fresher), and obeisance. In worship these sixteen offerings are needed.
(Mahanirvaga Tantra, Arthur Avalon, 6:77-79)

The Sripatra should be placed in the company of own's own viauous

iakti. She should be sprinkled in the form of a bath with the purified wine
or water from the common offering. The Mantra for the sprinkling of the
iakti is:
a& kBrh sa* tripurilyd nan& imaah tlakthh pavilrikmu
mama hkthb kuru sv-
Creation, preservation, all existence, I bow to Tripursi, to She who
resides in the three cities. Purify this Sakti, make her my Sakti. I am One
with God!

If she who is to be Sakti is not already initiated, then the Msiysi Bija
should be whispered into her ear, and other Saktis who are present should
be worshiped and not enjoyed.
Let the assembled worshipers then joyously take up each his own
cup filled with excellent nectar. Then let him take up each his own cup
and meditate upon the Kula-Kugdalini, who is Consciousness, and who
is spread from the Miiladhsira lotus to the tip of the tongue, and, uttering
the Miilamantra, let each, after taking the others' permission, offer it as
an oblation to the mouth of the Kuadali. When the Sakti is of the house-
hold, the smelling of the wine is the equivalent of drinking it. Worshipers
who are householders may drink (a maximum of) five cups only.
Excessive drinking prevents the attainment of success by Kula
worshipers. They may drink until the sight or the mind is not affected. To
drink beyond that is beastly. How is it possible for a sinner who becomes
a fool through drink and who shows contempt for the ssidhaka of Bakti to
say, I worship Adysi KBliksi, the Supreme Female Divinity?
(Mahsinirvsiga Tantra, Arthur Avalon, 6: 18-19)
Kalr Pnja

The System of Making Spiritual Children

Offering to the Sun

@ f3g Rqw f3m: maF f3&@m: I

arh visva Visvapm visvat& kartta visvayonij&

navapqpotsave cikghyarh gFhaOa tvarh divaha
Om You are the universe, the nourisher of the universe, the creator of the
universe, and the womb of the universe as well. Oh Radiator of Light,
you please accept this offering comprised of all nine flowers. 1

arh sampa-fie b b m jagatprabho

dqi tvarh sarvabhMBaltrh -yarh div-
Om You are the unattainable wealth which resides in the atmosphere, of
the most beautiful form, Lord of the Worlds. You are the Witness of all
the elements, Oh Radiator of Light, you please accept this offering. 2

arh m a p ca yat k.Ftarh karma s8qwatarh phalahetave

ijmiraglma mahatejo g@@kghyarhdivaha
Om You grant the fruit to be obtained from all of the actions which I have
performed. You who Take Away the Darkness, Oh Great Light, Oh
Radiator of Light, you please accept this offering. 3
omh navapuspotsave w y r u h dadiimi bbaklitatpar&
sampadihh he* kartta ca g&~~&ghyruh d i v h
Om This offering comprised of all nine flowers I am giving with the
highest devotion. And you are the Maker of all wealth, please accept this
offering, Oh Radiator of Light. 4

omh namaste bhagavan smya l o k a s m vibhavaso

puWr& ca prapaxmo-ha& ghtiqibghyruh d i v h
Om I bow in devotion to the Lord Sun-God, Light of Wisdom, the Seer of
all the worlds (and inhabitants), the attitude of all beings. For the purpose
of having a child I am extolling you. Please accept this offering, Oh
Radiator of Light. 5

omh kam* devetia s- tv- jagatpate

bhaktastava prapaxmo-hazh @i@rghya& d i v h
Om With your lotus throat, Lord of all Gods, you are the Witness of All,
and the Lord of the World. With this song of devotion I am extolling you,
please accept this offering, Oh Radiator of Light. 6

0th svargadipa namaste-stu namaste viSvat8pana

navapugpotsave cQghyruh g&Q&ghyruh d i v h
Om Oh Light of Heaven, I bow in devotion to you. I bow in devotion to
the heat of the universe. Oh Radiator of Light, you please accept this
offering comprised of all nine flowers. 7

orh namaste padminl[k8nta dchamo~apradayaka

chayapate jagat svgmin svargadipa namo-stu te
Om Oh lotus throat, I bow in devotion to you. You are the Grantor of
pleasure and liberation. Lord of the shadow, Master of the Worlds, Oh
Light of Heaven, I bow in devotion to you. 8

orh visvBQ1BVisvabandhuSCa visve$o visvaloam&

navap-ve c&ghyarh g@@a tvarfi div-
Om Soul of the Universe, Friend of the Universe, Lord of the Universe,
Eye of the Universe. Oh Radiator of Light, you please accept this
offering comprised of all nine flowers. 9

orh jav&usumasa&hh Hsyapeyarh mahadydm

tame* sarvap8paghah-to-smi divakam
W With the redness of the Hibiscus flower, Oh son of K~iSyapa,of Great
Splendor, Remover of the Darkness of all sin, I bow in devotion to you,
Oh Radiator of Light.
give arghya:
@ ; y c i l M = q M m l

oh namo vivasvate brahman busvate visputejase

jagatsavitre Sacaye savitre karmadayhe
idamarghyash orh ~sUcyadevByamm&
Om I bow in devotion to He whose own self is the Universe, Infinite
Consciousness, Whose own self Shines, the Light of Universal
Consciousness, to the Light of the worlds, to the One who indicates (or
shows), to the Bearer of Light who gives all karma.

oh Wxh prajapataye sv8h8.

Om MBYBto the Lord of all created beings, I am One with God!

omh v&~uryonhbkalpayatu tvagw rllpapi W a t u

&h&catu praj8pamtB garbhath dadhatu te
May V i ~ a ugrant the power to concieve, may T v a ~ f give
a the form. May
Prajapati sprinkle it with blessings, and may DhBta support the womb.

oh garblmh dhehi sWvalr garb- dhehi sarasvatll

garb- te asvinau deviivBdhaWhpu&arasrajau
May Sinivgli support the womb, may Sarasvati support the womb. May
the ASvins who wear garlands of lotuses support the womb.
Kali Piija 243

Offer flowers:
@' ifff @ @ $, 'To the woman's name in the dative case"
l hsWlb hAlh &W hW "To the Woman's name in
arh kX
the dative case" p-yai g m e h i svaha
Orb Klim Strim Hrim Srim hi hi^ grant conception "To the Woman's
name in the dative case" who desires a child SvShl, I am One with God!

arh vi$goj y e g m rUpega natygmasyaih v-asam

sutamiidhehi svaha
Vi~uu!In thy excellent form give to this woman an excellent child.
I am One with God!
This ends the Qtu Sanskara which should be performed daily by both
husband and wife together from the time of taking the sa&alpa until
On the night of union before physical intercourse, first the wife
should perform piijl to her husband as Lord Siva, according to the com-
plete system of worship. Then the husband should worship his wife as the
Divine Mother.
After the husband and wife have completed the worship and honor
of the divine through their spouse, the worship of communion proceeds:

touch bed with tattvamudrl:

arh bdLth gvayob suprajayai tv& Sayye ?Sub- bhava
&-m Oh Bed, be propitious so that together we may conceive children.
touch wife's navel with a gold ring:

or;h ji'vavatsti bhava tvarh hi supdmtpattihetave

ta-t tv& bhava kalyapi avighna garbha-
Om Child of Life, let you be. Let an excellent child be born. Thus let you
bring welfare and freedom from obstructions to She who supports (or
bears) the womb.

Place the ring on her finger, right hand if

a boy is desired, left hand for a girl.
@ G ; ~ i y c i w w ~ ~ ~ 1 1 'a

& &gW+ vaadharadn putrarin janaya s m t e

Om Oh One of Excellent Vows, long life to you, bearer of progeny,
giving birth to a child!

Ona aruhya bharyayti Sayygth prilhukho vti-

upavisya striy& pawan hastamadhaya mastake
vgimena ----a sthane sthane manwh japet
Then the husband and wife should get on the bed with their heads facing
either East or North. Looking at his wife, with his right hand over her
head and embracing her with his left arm, he should make japa on the
various places of her body.
Kalr Paja 245

arh m e kamath hhhj a m cibuke vagbhavarh Batam

-the ramibh Matidha stmadvandve Bahh Batam
On the head of her body KBma Bija, Klim, one hundred times; On the
chin VBgbhava Bija, Airh, one hundred times; on the throat Rams Bija,
Srim, twenty times; and the same bija (Srim) one hundred times each on
each of the two breasts.

arh -ye daBadha mytiah n~bhautatfi paficaMatim

japtvg yanau kamh d a m kamena saha vagbhavam
On her heart ten times Maya Bija, %-m, and the same twenty-five times
over her navel. On the genital placing the hand, KBma Bija together with
VBgbhava, Klim with Aim.

ah htama@ttamh japtva Wepyevath s8m8-

VikaSya myaya yonirh striyath gacchet sutaptaye
One hundred eight times he should recite, and again over his own
genital the same mantra the same number of times. Pronouncing the
MBya Bija, Hrim, he should part the lips of his wife's genital, and enter

arh retx&sampgtasamayedhygtva v i s v m pat*

Mbhmdhastat ci-e raktWygmh prapgtayet
The Lord of all Causes and Effects of the Universe should be meditated
upon at the time of discharging semen through the vaginal passage into
the uterus just below the navel.
cnh SulnSfsekanWe v i & M mantramhyet
As the semen enters within, the intelligent one will recite this mantra.

cnh yatha-pinif sagarbha bhwauryatha vajmWr@t

vayunii diggarbhavavr tatha garbhavatrr bhava
As the earth is pregnant with fire, as the heavens are pregnant with the
Wielder of the thunder (Indra), as all the directions are pregnant with
wind, so let you also become pregnant.

After discharge, both should make japa according to their respective

mantras. Thereafter obeisances should be repeated to each other:

The Cause Which Moves the Subtle Body to the Infinite Perfection and
Beyond, cut the ego! Cut the ego! Maya! Maya! Oh Goddess Who
Removes All Darkness, the Cause Which Moves the Subtle Body to the
Infinite Perfection and Beyond, cut the ego! Cut the ego! Mayl! MSiyB!
I am ONE with God!
Kali Piija 247

Om Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness, Goddess Who Takes Away

Darkness, Great Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness, beloved Goddess
Who Takes Away Darkness, Who Takes Away All Sin. Give the way of
peace and harmony, the necessities for physical sustenance, and
liberation or self-realization. Oh Goddess, Exposer of Consciousness, we
bow to you.

orh krillh kalyai nam&

I bow to the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness.

s m e a l a maiigalye Sive sm&tha stidhike

Sarapye tryambake gami m y a @namo-stu te
To the Auspicious of all Auspiciousness, to the Good, to the
Accomplisher of all Objectives, to the Source of Refuge, to the Mother
of the three worlds, to the Goddess Who is Rays of Light, Exposer of
Consciousness, we bow to you.

m v i n a f i 8 n i b h $aktibht!te saaitani
-&aye -ye m y @ namo-stute
You are the Eternal Energy of Creation, Preservation and Destruction in
all existence; that upon which all qualities depend, that which limits all
qualities. Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.
gmgata- p = i mp~yape
sarvasyarti hare devi m y @ muno-stu te
For those who are devoted to you and take refuge in you, you save from
all discomfort and unhappiness. All worry you take away. Oh Goddess,
Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

duagw Sivw sm- brallmapmhbrahmapabpriym

sarvaloka prapetrika p r w sad8 Siv-
The Reliever of Difficulties, Exposer of Goodness, Cause of Peace,
Infinite Consciousness, Beloved by Knowers of Consciousness; all the
inhabitants of all the worlds always bow to Her, and I am bowing to
Goodness Herself.

ma$gal&h Sobhanath Suddh8zh ni&&W param;2[lhkalam

ViSveSvm visvam~tathcapditrPtthprapamamyaham
Welfare, Radiant Beauty, Completely Pure, Without Limitations, the
Ultimate Limitation, the Lord of the Universe, the Mother of the
Universe, to you CaoQi,to the Energy which Tears Apart Thought, I bow
in submission.

sarvadevamayIrh deflnh sarvarogabhaytipaham

brahmeSav&mamit&hprapamami sada Sivm
Composed of all the Gods, removing all sickness and fear, Brahma,
MaheSvara and V i ~ p ubow down to Her, and I always bow down to the
Energy of Infinite Goodness.
v 3 n d h y a w vhdhyanilayB;rhdivyasthananivB&@m
yo- yogajanaarth-c pmpmnyaham
The dwelling place of Knowledge, residing in Knowledge, Resident in
the place of Divine Illumination, the Cause of Union, the Knower of
Union, to the Energy Which Tears Apart Thought, we constantly bow.

~ ~ ~ d e ~ ~ a r a p l i y B m
-to-smi sad8 durg&bsaths8[rl5rpavat8rigrm
The Mother of the Supreme Consciousness, the Goddess Who is the
Supreme Consciousness, beloved by the Supreme Consciousness, we
always bow to Durga, the Reliever of Difficulties, who takes aspirants
across the difficult sea of objects and their relationships.

olh d d e v a m a h a m mahayogi maheSvara

88napapaIm-W deva maWicya n a m ~ nam&
O& The Great God, the Great Reliever, the Great Yogi, Oh Supreme
Lord, Oh God who removes all Sin, in the form of the letter "M" which
dissolves creation, we bow to you again and again.

arh givaya SEaSgya k&qmtrayahetave
nivedayiimi ciitmanathtvarh gat@pammesVara
Om I bow to the Consciousness of M i t e Goodness, to Peace, to the
Cause of the three worlds, I offer to you the fullness of my soul, Oh
Supreme Lord.

tvameva mata ca pita tvameva

tvameva bandhuh sakha tvameva
tvameva vidya d r a w tvameva
tvameva swam mama deva deva
You alone are Mother and Father, you alone are friend and relative. You
alone are knowledge and wealth, Oh my God of Gods, you alone are

kayena VMmornasenQiyaifvB
buddhyabm8 nava Pralqta svabhavat
karami yadyat sakalam parasmai
n&%yapayeti samarpay8mi
Body, speech, mind, the five organs of knowledge (five senses) and the
intellect; these nine are the natural condition of human existence. In their
highest evolution, I move beyond them all, as I surrender completely to
the Supreme Consciousness.

arh papa-harh pap- papasma papasambhava

WIhi mssh pug-& sowapapa ham har&
Om I am of sin, confusion, duality; my actions are of duality; this entire
existence is of duality. Oh Savior and Protector, Oh Great
Consciousness, take away all sin, confusion, duality.
Kalr Ptij8

arh man- My- bh&Whuh surehari

yatpajitarh maya &vi paripUmuh tadastu me
Ori.1 I know nothing of mantras. I do not perform good conduct. I have no
devotion, Oh Supreme Goddess. But Oh my Goddess, please accept the
worship that I offer.

tvameva pratyaam brahmii-si

tvmeva pratyaam bralrma vadisygmi
vadigytimi, satyam vadisygmi
tam -vatu, tada vaktlhmavatu
avatu m&n, avatu vaktMam
You alone are the Perceivable Supreme Divinity. You alone are the
Perceivable Supreme Divinity, so I shall declare. I shall speak the
nectar of immortality. I shall speak Truth. May this body be your
instrument. May this mouth be your instrument. May the Divine always
be with us. May it be thus.

arh saha mavatu, saha nau bhunaksu

saha *am karavavahai tejasviav-stu
mii vidv&avahai
Om May the Lord protect us. May the Lord grant us enjoyment of all
actions. May we be granted strength to work together. May our studies
be thorough and faithful. May all disagreement cease.
anh asatoma sad gamaya tam- jyotirgamaya
mFty- -gamaYa
Om From untruth lead us to Truth. From darkness lead us to the Light.
From death lead us to Immortality.

anh sarvegm svastir bhavatu sarveggrh Siintir bhavatu

s a w e m patpathbhavatu sarvegd mailgalath bhavatu
sarve bhavantu sukhim& sarve santu nh%may@sarve
bha- paSymtu mii kaScid d m bhagbhavet
Om May all be blessed with the highest realization. May all be blessed
with Peace. May all be blessed with Perfection. May all be blessed with
Welfare. May all be blessed with comfort and happiness. May all be free
from misery. May all perceive auspiciousness. May all be free from

gurur m u 4 gururdevo maheSv$t&

guru4 s w a t p d brahma t a d gAgurave nama
The Guru is BrahmB, Guru is Vi~uu,Guru is the Lord Maheivara. The
Guru is actually the Supreme Divinity, and therefore we bow down to the
Kali ~ a j a

mil -m ~~~~~aha-gnau
brahmaiva tena gantavyath b m h a b m a s-clhinii
Orb The Supreme Divinity makes the offering; the Supreme Divinity is
the offering; offered by the Supreme Divinity, in the fire of the Supreme
Divinity. By seeing the Supreme Divinity in all actions, one realizes that
Supreme Divinity.

p-dab PW~ &

pmpat pmwlwate
plhpasya pthqamadaya p-ev8va @yak
Om That is whole and perfect; this is whole and perfect. From the whole
and perfect, the whole and perfect becomes manifest. If the whole and
perfect issue forth from the whole and perfect, even still only the whole
and perfect will remain.

arh 6mt&Santib. smlil)

Om Peace, Peace, Peace
a8irb8d - blessings

anh 6ifwatcasv8m8yu$yam&ogyamlivkIhilt
pavamilmh -ate
dhanyarfn d h m h p a $ a
bahupuhMha&iatasatfivatsaratfi v y u l r
You are blessed with the Highest Respect, with Wealth, with Life, with
Freedom from disease and freedom to be One with the Greatness; with
food, with wealth, with animals and with many children, and with a
long life of one hundred years.

m a n t r m sapham santu p- santu manorathi@

buddhinaiio-stu mimudayastava
May the meanings of the mantras bring excellent fruit, and may the
journey of your mind be full and complete. May all enmity be removed
from your intellect, and may friendship continuously rise.

~yugkamoyaSaakamo ma-pautrastathaiva ca
iirogyarh dhanakamaka sarve kEma bhavantu me
May you enjoy life, may you enjoy fame, children and grandchildren
throughout the generations; may you all live without disease, with
abundance of wealth, and may all your desires be fulfilled.
Kalr Ptija

m ap
removing the divine energy
@ i $ 3 : + i VJy P F & & ~ l

orh it& pUrva prtiqabuddhidehaot-

jagrat svapna6u$uptayavasthaSu manas&
Om Thus the full and complete intelligence of the Life Force, the
Cause of Dharma, the Way of Truth to Perfection, has been given.
Waking Consciousness, dreaming (or thinking) Consciousness, and
Consciousness in dreamless sleep (intuitive Consciousness) in which all
thoughts are situated.

v w karmapa hast8bhyW padhbhyitmtkbega SiSna

yat k&& tadyukhuh yat sm$tahtat brahmWpa@~
bhavatu waha
All speech has been offered with folded hands raised in respect while
bowing to the lotus feet. That activity, that union, that memory, all of
that has been offered to the Supreme Divinity. I am One with God!

madfyafka &ah& &i caqt$W carape samarpaye

orh tat sat
All of me and all that belongs to me entirely, I surrender to the feet of
the respected cagdik8, She Who Tears Apart Thought. The
That is Truth.
o d bmhm&pm
~ brahma havhbmhilgnau brahmapa
brahmaiva tena gantavyalh bnhmbma sama-
Om The Supreme Divinity makes the offering; the Supreme Divinity is
the offering; offered by the Supreme Divinity, in the fire of the Supreme
Divinity. By seeing the Supreme Divinity in all actions, one realizes that
Supreme Divinity.

pEtrpasya p-aya p m e v a v a &yak
Om That is whole and perfect; this is whole and perfect. From the whole
and perfect, the whole and perfect becomes manifest. If the whole and
perfect issue forth from the whole and perfect, even still only the whole
and perfect will remain.

Please forgive me.

olh SiwilJ SBntilJ SBntilJ

Om Peace, Peace, Peace
The Sankrllpa Mudra is used for
stating the date, time and place.
the performer, proposed activity
and purpose, prior to the
commencement of worship.

The MatsySi Mudrl is the mudrl

of the fish, which symbolizes
swimming across the ocean of
worldliness without fear. Shree
Maa tells us to be like the fish at
the bottom of the pond. He is
always in the mud, but never

The Dhenu Mudrg is the mudra of

the cow, which indicates the one
who pours forth nourishing
goodness in abundance.

The AlikuSa Mudr3 is the much2

of the goad or curved sword,
which symbolizes prodding
seekers on towards their ultimate
goal, or cutting down the iniquities
of the ego.
The Prarthanti MudrH is the
mudra of prayer, and the
worshiper who demonstrates this
mudra prays for purity and

The Lelihtina Mudra literally

means "Sticking Out." It is the
mudra which indicates, "It is You
and only You who is our

The A v ~ h a nMudra
i is the mudrH
of invitation. It is used to invoke
the deity into the presence of the

The Stapani Mudra is the mudrB

of establishment. The worshiper
actually places the presence of
the deity into his or her heart.

The Sannidhapani Mu&% is the mudrz

which indicates apology for any
inconvenience it may cause the deity to be
summoned in this manner. We understand
that many devotees are requesting Her
presence. Even still, we request Her to pay
attention to our worship, and apologize for
Her inconvenience.
The Sambodhini Mudr5 symbolizes
that "I am binding You with all my
power not to leave me until this
worship is completed. For so long as
I pay attention to You, You must
stay and receive it."

The Tattva Mudra is the mudra of

the Principle. It refers to the
establishment of divinity within,
and most often indicates those
places on the body which are
different seats of the various

The Tarpana Mudr5 is the mudra of

offering. Tarpana usually is
performed in ceremonies respecting
ancestors who have passed on, in
respect of the Guru, the Sun, or any
other deity. With the thumb and ring
finger we offer a pinch of whatever
offering is being made. In the Pitri
Shraddha the offering is sessamee
seeds in water. In the Kali Piija it is

The Yoni Mudra symbolizes the

womb of creation. It shows that She
is the origin of all beings, and as
Mother She nurtures Her creation.
The UpasamhEra Mudr%is a call to
all divine beings to assemble. "May
all Gods and Goddesses make their
presence manifest, right here, right
by S h e Maa and S WSaty~
Annapiir~aThousand Names
Before Becoming This
Bhagavad GitZ
C h a ~ dPath
Cosmic PUj2
Cosmic Ptijii Bengali
Devi Gita
Devi Mandir Songbook
D ~ g Piija
a Beginner
GaneSa PcijH
Gems From the Chaw$
Guru Gita
Hanuman PtijB
Kali Dhyanam
Kali PiijL
Lakgmi Sahasra Nlma
Lalitsi TriSati
Rudra~f adhya yi
Sahib Sadhu
Saraswati PiijI for Children
Shree Maa's Favorite Recipes
Shree Maa - The Guru & the Goddess
Shree Maa, The Life of a Saint
Siva Pfija Beginner
Siva Ptija and Advanced Fire Ceremony
Sundara KH&a
SwFimi Puraua
Thousand Names of GaneSa
Thousand Names of Gayatri
Thousand Names of V i ~ u uand
Satya Naraya~aVrata Kathg
W e & Tages and @9)s by S h e %a
Chaadi Path
Durga Piijfi Beginner
Lalita TriSati
Mantras of the Nine Planets
Navama Mantra
Oh Dark Night Mother
Om Mantra
Siidhu Stories from the Himalayas
Shree Maa at the Devi Mandir
Shree Maa in the Temple of the Heart
Shiva is in My Heart
Shree Maa on Tour, 1998
Siva PiijjZ Beginner
Siva Piijii and Advanced Fire Ceremony
The Goddess is Everywhere
The Songs of Ramprasad
The Thousand Names of KBli
Tryambakarh Mantra

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