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Between Hobbies and Professions Commented [WU1]: Outline?

Since childhood i likenthings that smell of art one of them is the art of
painting, besides that after i graduated from high school, my parents adviset me to Commented [WU2]: Transitional signal

work in the health field. Commented [WU3]: This paragraph is not unity.

After graduating from high school i went to college at STIKES KEPANJEN, but
besides that i am still thinking about my hobbies that early also will become my
professions. Commented [WU4]: What do you mean?

But finally, i follow the wishes of my parents to take a professions in the field
of health, and untill now i have gone to college in the professions at the same time
my hobby that live on the sidelines of my busyness for the success of my profession,
and i hope this is the best for me. Commented [WU5]: It is not in good order

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