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In the opening scene they show footage of a tribe in Nigeria.

This tells
the audience automatically what the documentary is about. The
footage looks like it’s from a long time ago so this also tells the
audience that the documentary will portray historical events and
information. The BBC logo in the top corner also informs the audience
watching that it’s a BBC production. The non-diagetic sound that we
hear used at this point is traditional chants and singing. This is
effective because it gives the audience insight of the documentary topic
and it gives it a more ethnic feel.

Costume, Colour & Character Positioning

 The clothes on the people are wearing in the background

highlight that they are living in a third world country.
 One man is positioned higher than the rest. Shows that he has
more power than the rest around him
 The man’s cloth is colored white. This may suggest purity and
superiority over the men around him.
 The men holding up the man in white shows that they are
physically strong. At the same time it shows that they are loyal
and prepared to do anything for the one they consider important
to them.
 The people in the back ground crowding round the men in the
middle also shows that he man in white is important because all
the attention is on him.
 The two men in the second picture have different clothes from
one another. The way one is dressed is considered smartly where
he comes from. The other is dressed more tribal and authentic.
Compared to the other picture it shows that they are not from
the same country.
 The two men in the second picture are standing side by side.
Unlike the first picture the positioning don’t determine their
 status to one another. The two men who are side by side show
that there isn’t a case of who has more power.

 The settings show that this is a deprived area.

 The mud huts tell us that the people who live there don’t
have much money.
 Showing these kinds of settings is important because it
links to what the documentary is about.
 This scene also tells the audience what the documentary
will be about.
Camera shots

 In this picture we see a boy with his bike. This

medium shot shows his surroundings telling us he is
in third world conditions.
 The girls below are shown in a medium close up
frame. This was done to show their faces clearly and
feed the audience the emotions that are portrayed.
 The medium shot in the first picture not only shows
the conditions the boy is living in but it also
highlights the bike. When the audience sees the bike
they assume that he has no money for proper
 This can also go for the second picture. The girl with
the basket balanced on her head gives us some kind
of insight of what country she may be from and
what kind of society she lives in.
 When the camera cut to both these pictures just by
looking at the
 The picture below shows the low anlge being used when showing
all three men. The low angle highlights the fact that they are
looking down at an object. This also gives us as the audience the
effect that we are looking up at them. It lets us focus on their
faces better.

 The picture below is accompanied by a voice over which is non-

diagetic. The voice tells the audience more about the
documentary with facts and information. It’s important for the
voice over to have things like this in the script so the audience
isn’t confused. The informations given in through the voice over
give the documentray it’s purpose, which is to infom.

 The first picture we see is a fade is used for a transition into

another scene. This fade is effective because is doesn’t take away
form the scene that was on screen before. The fade makes the
transitions soft and subtle making the rules of continuity more

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