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Legitime iii.

The legitimes of the illegitimate children

will be reduced pro rata and without
Different Combinations preference among them.

3. Surviving Spouse as sole Compulsory Heir

LCn alone ½ of the estate (888)
LCn & SS ½ of the estate;
A. Gen Rule: ½ of the estate
share equal to that
one child B. Exception: 1/3 of the estate, if the following
LCd & SS ½ of the estate; SS circumstances are present:
¼ of the estate 1. The marriage was in articulo mortis
(892.1) 2. The testator died within three months
LCn & ICn ½ of the estate; each from the time of the marriage;
will get ½ of share 3. The parties did not cohabit for more than
of one legitimate five years; and
4. The spouse who died was the party in
LCn, ICn & SS ½ of the estate; each
will get ½ of share articulo mortis at the time of the marriage
of one legitimate
child; share equal to 4. Reserva Troncal
that of one
A. Requisites
legitimate child
*The SS’ share is 1. The property was acquired by a descendant
preferred over those from an ascendant or from a brother or sister
of the illegitimate by gratuitous title;
children which shall 2. the descendant died without issue;
be reduced if 3. the property is inherited by another ascendant
necessary (895) by operation of law; and
LCd, ICn & SS ½ of the estate; each
4. there are relatives within the third degree
will get ½ of share
of the legitimate belonging to the line from which said property
child; ¼ of the came
*same note↑ B. Process
LP alone ½ of the estate (889)
LP & ICn ½ of the estate; ¼ of 1. First Transfer: By gratuitous title, from a person
the estate (896) to his descendant, brother or sister.
LP & SS ½ of the estate; ¼ of 2. Second Transfer: By operation of law, from the
the estate (893) transferee in the first transfer to another
LP, ICn & SS ½ of the estate; ¼ of ascendant. It is this second transfer that
the estate; 1/8 of the creates the reserve.
estate (899) 3. Third Transfer: From the transferee in the
SS alone ½ of the estate or
second transfer to the relatives – reservatarios.
1/3 of the estate if
the marriage is, C. Two Basic Rules:
being in articulo
mortis, falls under 1. No inquiry is to be made beyond the
Article 900.2
Origin/Mediate Source. It does not matter who
SS & ICn 1/3 of the estate; 1/3 the owner of the property was before it was
of the estate(894) acquired by the Origin
SS & IP ¼ of the estate; ¼ of 2. All the relationships among the parties must be
the estate(903) legitimate. (891)
ICn alone ½ of the estate (901)
IP alone D. Reserva Maxima & Reserva Minima
½ of the estate (903
2. E. The Rights of the Reservatarios and the
Corresponding Obligations of the Reservista:
Reduction of Shares Rules
1. To inventory the reserved properties;
i. The legitimate children should never be 2. To annotate the reservable character (if
reduced; they are primary and preferred registered immovables) in the Registry of
compulsory heirs. Property within 90 days from acceptance by the
ii. The legitime of the surviving spouse reservista;
should never be reduced; this article 3. To appraise the movables;
prohibits this. 4. To secure by means of mortgage: a) the
indemnity for any deterioration of or damage to
the property occasioned by the reservista’s fault GR: Conveys only the interest or part owned by the
or negligence, and b) the payment of the value testator
of such reserved movables as may have been
alienated by the reservista onerously or Exception: If testator provides otherwise, viz:
gratuitously. 1. He may convey more than he owns – the estate
5. Net Hereditary Estate (process) should try to acquire the part or interest owned
i. Inventory of all the existing assets by other parties. If the other parties are
ii. Deducting unpaid debts and charges unwilling to alienate, the estate should give the
iii. Adding the value of donations inter vivos legatee/devisee the monetary equivalent (by
6. Method of Reduction analogy with Art. 931)
i. Reduce pro rata the non-preferred 2. He may convey less than he owns (794)
legacies and devises and the ii. Legacy/ Devise of a thing belonging to another
testamentary dispositions. Among (930-931)
these legacies, devises, and 1. If the testator ordered the acquisition of the
testamentary dispositions there is thing – the order should be complied with. If
no preference. the owner is unwilling to part with the thing,
ii. Reduced pro rata the preferred the legatee/ devisee should be given the
legacies and devises (911, last) monetary equivalent.
iii. Reduce the donations inter vivos 2. If the testator erroneously believed that the
according to the inverse order of thing belonged to him – legacy/devise void.
their dates (the oldest is the most Exception: if, subsequent to the making of the
preferred) disposition, the thing is acquired by the
Disinheritance testator onerously or gratuitously, the
disposition is validated.
1. Requisites 3. If the testator knew that the thing did not
i. It must be made in a will (916) belong to him but did not order its acquisition
ii. It must be for a cause specified by law (916 – the Code is silent on this. The most rational
in rel. to 919-921) solution seems to be that such a disposition
iii. It must specify the cause (916 & 918) should be considered valid, because:
iv. It must be unconditional 1. The fact that the testator, with knowledge
v. It must be total of another person’s ownership, bequeathed
vi. The cause must be true (918) the things, implies an order to acquire;
vii. If the truth of the cause is denied, it must be 2. At worst, there is a doubt, and doubts
proved by the proponent (917) should be resolved in favor of testacy (788
2. Effect 791)
The disinherited heir forfeits: iii. Legacy/ Devise of a thing already belonging to the
1. His legitime, legatee/devisee or subsequently acquired by him
2. His intestate portion, if any, and (932-933)
3. Any testamentary disposition made in a prior 1. If the thing already belonged to the
will of the disinheriting testator legatee/devisee at the time of the
execution of the will – legacy/ devise
3. Ineffective Disinheritance void. If is not validated by an alienation by
the legatee/devisee subsequent to the
If the disinheritance lacks one or other of the
making of the will.
requisites mentioned in this article, the heir in question
2. If the thing was owned by another person
gets his legitime. As to whether he will also get any part
at the time of the making of the will and
of the intestate portion or not, this depends on whether
acquired thereafter by the legatee/devise:
the testator gave away the free portion through
i. If the testator erroneously believed
testamentary dispositions. If he did, these dispositions
that it belonged to him –
are valid and the compulsory heir improperly
legacy/devise void (930)
disinherited gets only his legitime. If the testator did
ii. If the testator was not in error –
not, the compulsory heir will be entitled to his
a. If the thing was acquired
corresponding share of the free portion as well.
onerously by the
Legacy and Device legatee/devisee –
legatee/devisee entitled to
I. Legacy/ Devise of a thing owned in part by the reimbursement.
testator (929) b. If the thing was acquired
gratuitously by
legatee/devisee –nothing A. GR – the executor or administrator, acting for the
more is due. estate
3. If the thing was owned by the testator at the Exception – if the testator gives the right of choice
time of the making of the will and acquired to the legatee/devisee, or to the heirs on whom the
thereafter from him by the legatee/devisee – obligation to give benefit is imposed (in subsidiary
Article 932 and 933 are silent on this, but legacy or devise)
Article 957.2 can be applied and the B. Limitation on Choice – must be limited to
legacy/devise should be deemed revoked. something which is neither superior nor inferior in
iv. Legacy/Devise to remove an encumbrance over a quality. This rule applies whether the choice
thing belonging to the legatee/devisee (932.2) – belongs to the executor/administrator or the
Valid, if the encumbrance can be removed for a legatee/devisee
consideration. C. Finality of choice – irrevocable, once made
v. Legacy/Devise of a thing pledged or mortgaged D. Transmissibility of right to choose –
(934) – The encumbrance must be removed by 1. If the choice belongs to the
paying the debt, unless the testator intended executor/administrator and he dies before
otherwise. making the choice – right is transmitted to his
vi. Legacy of credit or remission (935-937) successor in the position.
A. Applies only to amount still unpaid at the 2. If the choice belongs to the legatee/devisee and
time of testator’s death (935) he dies before making the choice – right passes
B. Revoked if testator subsequently sues the to his heirs.
debtor for collection (936)
C. If generic, applies only to those existing at Legacy for Education
the time of the execution of the will (937 & 1. Duration – age of majority (18) or the completion
793) unless otherwise provided. of a professional, vocational, or general course,
Alternative Legacies/ Devises whichever comes later. (In the latter instance, only
if the legatee pursues his studies diligently)
A. GR: 1. The estate, through the executor or 2. Amount:
administrator – in a direct legacy/devise a. Primarily – that fixed by the testator
b. Secondarily – that which is proper, as
2. The heir, legatee, or devisee charged – in determined by two variables: (i) the social
a subsidiary legacy/devise standing and circumstances of the legatee, and
(ii) the value of the disposable portion of the
* These parties are, analogously, in the
position of the debtor

Exception: the legatee/devisee, if the testator so Legacy for Support

provides. 1. Duration – the legatee’s lifetime, unless the
testator has provided otherwise.
B. If the person who is to choose dies before choice is
2. Amount:
a. Primarily – that fixed by the testator
1. If the person who is to choose dies before
b. Secondarily – that which the testator during
choice is made:
his lifetime used to give the legatee by way
i. If the choice belonged to executor or
of support, unless markedly disproportionate
administrator – the right is
to the value of the disposable portion.
transmitted to his successor in office.
c. Tertiarily – that which is reasonable, on the
ii. If the choice belongs to an heir,
basis of two variables: i) the social standing
legatee, or devisee – the right is
and circumstances of the legatee, and the
transmitted to his own heirs.
value of the disposable portion.
C. Choice is irrevocable.
Legacy of a Periodical Pension
Generic Legacies/Devises:
Demandability – upon the testator’s death, and the
i. Rules on Validity (941)
succeeding ones at the beginning of the period without duty
A. Generic Legacy – valid even if no such
to reimburse should the legatee die before the lapse of the
movables exist in the testator’s estate
upon his death. The estate will simply
have to acquire what is given by legacy. Demandability, Ownership, and Fruits of Legacies/
B. Generic Devise – valid only if there Devises:
exists such an immovable in the testator’s
estate at the time of his death. i. Demandability
ii. Right of Choice
1. Pure and determinate – upon testator’s iv. Effect if will provides otherwise – All of the
death rules above outlined apply in the absence of a
2. Pure and generic – upon testator’s death stipulation in the will providing otherwise. The
3. With a (suspensive) term – upon the arrival testator’s wishes are supreme
of the term
4. Conditional (suspensive) – upon the Rules in case of Repudiation by or Incapacity of
happening of the condition. Legatee/Devisee:
ii. When Ownership vests: i. Primarily – substitution
1. Pure and determinate – upon testator’s ii. Secondarily – accretion
death iii. Tertiarily – intestacy
2. Pure and generic –
a. If from testator’s estate – upon Legal or Intestate Succession
testator’s death
b. If acquired from a third person – upon I. Instances when legal or intestate succession
acquisition operates:
3. With a (suspensive) term – upon arrival of 1. A person dies without a will
the term, but the right to it vests upon the 2. A person dies with a void will
testator’s death (878) 3. A person dies with a will which has
4. Conditional (suspensive) – upon the subsequently lost it’s validity
testator’s death, if the conditional is 4. The will does not institute an heir
fulfilled (1187) 5. The will does not dipose all the property
iii. Fruits belonging to the testator
1. Pure and determinate – upon the testator’s death 6. The suspensive condition attached to the
(948) institution of heir does not happen or is not
2. Pure and generic – upon determination, unless fulfilled
testator provides otherwise (949) 7. The heir dies before the testator, or repudiates
3. With a (suspensive) term – upon the arrival of the the inheritance, there being no substitution, and
term (885) no right of accretion takes place
4. Conditional (suspensive) – upon the happening of 8. The heir instituted is incapable of succeeding
the condition, unless the testator provides otherwise 9. Happening of a resolutory condition
(884 rel.1187) 10. Expiration or resolutory term
11. Preterition
Rules on Acceptance and Repudiation of Legacies/Devises: II. Basic Rules of Intestacy
1. Rule of preference of lines – The descending
i. A. Acceptance may be total or partial (954) excludes the ascending and the collateral, and
Exception: If the legacy/devise is partly the ascending excludes the collateral.
onerous and partly gratuitous, the recipient can 2. Rule of proximity of degree – The nearer
not accept the gratuitous part and renounce the exclude the more remote (962.1) without
onerous part (954.1). Any other combination prejudice to representation.
however is permitted. 3. Rule of equality among relatives of the same
B. Acceptance or Repudiation by heirs of degree – If the nearer exclude the more remote,
legatee/ devisee – If the legatee/devisee dies logically those of equal degree should inherit in
before accepting or renouncing his heirs shall equal shares (962.2)
exercise such right as to their pro-indiviso Exceptions:
share, and in the same manner as outlined 1. The rule of preference of lines
above. 2. the distinction between legitimate and
ii. Two legacies/ devises to the same recipient: illegitimate filiation (2:1) [983 rel. 895 as amd. 176 FC]

A. If both gratuitous – The recipient may accept or 3. the rule of division by the line in the ascending
renounce either or both. line (987.2)
B. If both onerous – same rule as [A] 4. the disntinction between full-blood and half-
C. If one gratuitous and the other onerous – The blood relationship among brothers and sisters,
recipient cannot accept the gratuitous and as well as nephews and nieces (1006 &1008)
renounce the onerous. Any other combination is 5. representation
permitted (955.1) III. Rules of Exclusion and Concurrence
iii. Legacy/Devise to one who is also a compulsory 1. LCn:
heir. – The recipient may accept either or both, viz., the i. Exclude parents, collaterals & State
legacy/devise and the legitime (955.2) ii. Concur with the SS & ICn
iii. Are excluded by no one ii. Concurs with LCn, ICn, LP, IP,
2. ICn: brothers, sisters, nephews & nieces
i. Exclude IP, Collaterals & State iii. Is excluded by no one
ii. Concur with SS, LCn, LP 6. Brothers & Sisters, Nephews & Nieces:
iii. Are excluded by no one i. Exclude all other collaterals & the State
3. LP: ii. Concur with SS
i. Exclude Collaterals & State iii. Are excluded by LCn, ICn, LP, IP
ii. Concur with ICn & SS 7. Other Collaterals:
iii. Are excluded by LCn i. Exclude collaterals in remoter degrees &
4. IP: the State
i. Exclude Collaterals & State ii. Concur with collaterals in the same
ii. Concur with SS degree
iii. Are excluded by LCn & ICn iii. Are excluded by LCn, ICn, LP, IP, SS,
5. SS: B&S, and N&N
i. Excludes collaterals other than brothers, 8. State
sisters, nephews & nieces, & State i. Excludes no one
LCn alone The whole estate, divided equally 979 ii. Concurs no one
LCn & ICn The whole estate, each ICd getting ½ the iii. Is excluded by everyone
share of one LCd 983 & 176[FC]
LCn & SS The whole estate, divided equally (the SS Representation
counted as one LCd) 996
LCn, SS, & The whole estate, the SS being counted as I. Instances when representation operates:
ICn one LCd and each ICd getting ½ the share 1. Predecease
of one LCd 999 & 176[FC] 2. Incapacity or Unworthiness
LP alone The whole estate, divided equally 985 3. Disinheritance
LA (other The whole estate, observing, in proper II. Kinds of Succession Representation Operates
than P) alone cases, the rule of division by line 987 1. Legitime
LP & ICn ½ of the estate; ½ of the estate 991
2. Intestacy
LP & SS ½ of the estate; ½ of the estate 997
LP, SS, & ½ of the estate; ¼ of the estate; ¼ of the III. Lines
ICn estate 1000 1. With respect to the legitime – in the direct
ICn alone The who estate, divided equally 988 descending line only (972)
ICN & SS ½ of the estate; ½ of the estate 998 2. With respect to intestacy –
SS alone The who estate i. In the direct descending line (972)
SS & IP No law but SS get ½ of the estate [analogy ii. In one instance in the collateral;
with Art. 997] i.e., nephews and nieces
SS & LB&S, ½ of the estate; ½ of the estate [the N&N representing brothers and sisters of
N&N inheriting by representation, in the proper
cases] the deceased (975)
SS & IB&S, Same IV. Representation of ICn:
N&N 1. If the child to be represented is legitimate –
IP alone The whole estate 993 only legitimate children/ descendants can
IP & children Excluded; accordance with nos. 1, 2, & 10 represent him
of any kind 2. If the child to be represented is illegitimate
LB&S alone The whole estate, with a brother/sister of – both legitimate and illegitimate
the half blood inheriting ½ the share of a
children/descendants can represent him
brother/sister of the full-blood 1005 &
1008 (902, 989, 990)
LB&S, N&N The whole estate, observing the 2:1 V. Adopted Child
proportion of the full- and half-blood An adopted can neither represent nor be
fraternity and the N&N representing in the represented
proper cases 1005 &1008 VI. Representation by a renouncer – Although a
N&N with By inference uncles and aunts – excluded renouncer cannot be represented, he can
uncles & N&N inheriting in accordance with No.22 represent the person whose inheritance he has
aunts 1009
renounced [The representative does not succeed
IB&S alone No law. The whole estate, observing 2:1
proportion full-and half-blood fraternity – the person represented but the one whom the
by analogy with 18 person represented would have succeeded]
IBSNN No law. The whole estate, as in No. 19 by
N&N The whole estate, per capita, but observing
the 2:1 proportion for the full-and half-
blood 975 & 1008
Other The whole estate, per capita, the nearer in
Collaterals degree excluding the more remote 1009 &
State The whole estate 1011

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