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San Agustin Institute of technology

Fr. Manlio Carosilli S.J. St.

Poblacion, Valencia City


In Partial Fulfillment of:

SW 302: Social Welfare Projects, Program Development and Management

Submitted to:



Submitted by:


AUGUST, 2018


Project Title : Livelihood Enhancement through Bigasan Cooperative

Project Type : Income Generating

Project Location : Barangay Tongan-Tongan Valencia City

Proponent : LGU Valencia

Funding Source :

Project Status : Proposed



The Municipal Poverty Database indicates high poverty incidences. In

general, the causes of high poverty incidence in some barangay of Valencia
city are low farm productivity, lack of livelihood skills, high dependency on
government services and goods which are grossly limited, and low literacy
rate. Majority of the population have reached only elementary grades
attributing to lack of skills and high unemployment rate. Women accounts for
almost 50% of the population with 5% percent employed as working
professionals, while the rests are part-timers workers, under-employed and
full-time housewives. This situation harbors opportunities for livelihood project
along with other services. Since Valencia has clayey soil which is highly
irrigated and favourable to climatic condition is very conducive for crop
production it is very suitable for irrigated rice to the City known for its variety
of Valencia rice. The infusion of buy and selling of will improve farm
productivity and source of income, food, draft power and organic materials for
environmental sustainability. The project will likewise motivate people,
especially the women to participate more meaningfully in strengthening their
communities by being a partly owner of a cooperative.

Goals and Objectives:

The goals and ojective of the Program shall be as follows:


After three (3) years, project families will have evolved into a learning and
helping communities with sustained income, food and farming within an
improved agro-eco system.


1. By end of the project, participating families in barangay Tongan-Tongan will

have increase in income by selling their crops in a low cost hauling and
trucking of their crops to the nearest buyer which is the cooperative.

2. By end of project, participating families will have increased consumption of

low prize rice from the cooperative in their barangay.

3. By the end of the project, solidarity and sustainability communities are



A. Project Participants

The project will cover the whole Barangay but will give extra income to the
members of the cooperative buy receiving devidends every end of the year
through their income from buying and selling rice.

B. Process of PO Partner Selection

1. Interested POs will signify their intension to partner with the project to the
Municipal LGU

2. Applicant POs shall be screened by the Municipal Coordinator based on the

following criteria.

Must be organized farmers folks, women’s group, and youth groups.

 Must have functional set of officers

 Must be conducting meetings regularly
 Must not be a recipient of similar assistance or projects/programs
 Belonging to the high level of deprivation based on local Poverty
Reduction indices of Bohol.
3. The Municipal Coordinator will endorse qualified POs to the Project
Management Committee (PMC).

4. The PMC will make preliminary screening and prioritization of POs for site
validation by the Community Facilitators.

5. The PMC will make the final selection of qualified POs based on the
results of the site validation.

C. Project Commodities

The project shall provide the following interventions to address the immediate
needs of participating families.


All the harvested rice that is being harvested from the entire Barangay of
Tongan-Tongan will be accepted to be bought by the cooperative. Every family
in Barangay Tongan-Tongan is also free to buy the rice available in the store
of the cooperative in a very low prize but only member of the cooperative will
enjoy the dividend that will given to all members of the cooperative by the end
of the year.

D. Technical Services

To ensure productivity of project, the following technical services shall be


Rice Appraisal

The present NFA grading system is of two types: Field grading during
procurement and laboratory grading after procurement.

Field grading during procurement is a very important phase in post-production

operations. At this stage, all grains being procured from individual farmers,
corporations or cooperatives are inspected and analyzed to establish the
quality of the commodity. By doing so, the commercial value of the commodity
is assessed as well as its fitness for processing, storage or distribution to
insure good quality of rice will be sold in the cooperative store.
During procurement of paddy, moisture content and purity are quality factors
which form part of the basis of payment and are therefore properly determined
before the grain is procured.

At the buying stations, farmers' produce are sampled randomly by means of a

grain probe and the gathered sample is then inspected. Purity, damaged and
discolored kernels are determined by ocular inspection by quality assurance
officers, while moisture content is determined by means of a calibrated
moisture meter. The produce then is graded according to the following NFA
buying specifications:

This way, during harvest time of the barangay, the cooperative will buy
massive amount of rice and can surely be sold to NFA due to its proper rice

Costomer Services

The following are the process and flow of the services

- Proper allocation of sales lady and warehouse laborer to insure smooth

- Regular meeting of the staff for heads up and reporting for monitoring
purpose to insure errors and problems.
- suggestion box will be placed in the store for the costumers suggestion for
more improvement of services and updates of new trends.
E. Training Education

Organizational Trainings

1. VBPM/Diagnostics Training & Farm Planning

A 3-day workshop that aims to develop community plan and individual

farm plans using the Value-Based Planning Model. Participants include all
project families. Training will be held on first and second year.

Technical Trainings

1. (NATCCO) National Training Center for Cooperatives in 1977 to

standardize the training of co-op leaders, managers and staff so
that co-ops can serve their members better.The local government
agriculture office will facilitate the training.

2. Organic Gardening
One day basic training on backyard vegetables and herbal
production utilizing animal manure and other farm by-products. All
participating families will undergo this training, which will be
conducted and facilitated by the Municipal government staff with
support from OPV.

F. Repayment Scheme

The following repayment scheme shall be observed;


10% of the net income for the whole year will be deposited in the
cooperative account.

Knowledge, skills and values

Participating families will pass-on knowledge, skills and values

acquired from the project to the next in-line recipient or other
members of the group. It maybe in the form of group training,
mentoring and/or coaching. I.

Organization and Management

The Local Government Unit shall create a Project Management Team who
shall oversee project implementation. It shall be composed of Municipal
Mayor as chairman, Municipal Agricultural Officer as V-chairman, and the
Municipal Planning 4 and Development Officer, Crops Technicians and
Barangay Aides as Members.

The management team shall have the following duties and responsibilities.

- Oversee the implementation of the Project;

- Prepare Work and Financial Plan;
- Render project status/progress reports; - Establish network with other
- Have direct supervision over the operation staff;
- Recommend policies and guidelines for Project implementation;
- Facilitate the conduct of Project Reviews and Planning; and
- Validate and approve applications of POs as project partners.
Set of Officers:

President: Rogelio Ursula

V-President: Lolita Gregory
Secretary: Rosa Ayohun
Treasurer: Rumualdo Datuin
Auditor: Dodo Muti

Store Staff

Maria De Mercedes - Cashier

Mario Super - Labor
Carda Dalisay - saleslady

Total members in Cooperative: 100 members .

J. Project Monitoring and Evaluation

The Project shall be monitored and evaluated in 3 levels; Peoples’

Organizations (POs), LGU Valencia and shall be done based on members
status, cooperative management and organizational development.



The project will directly benefit the all qualified member in the barangay of the
city. This is at least for the initial operation of the project. It can be assumed
that more poor families will be benefited from the income generating
cooperative. Other families, even those who are not covered by the project,
can still benefit from the project, by learning the technology and methods

Social Benefits

The project will be implemented in such a way that poor families will be given
the opportunity be a partly owner of the business of the cooperative. The
selection of beneficiaries shall prioritize those mostly deprived families but can
sustain and act on the responsibilities expected from them. In the long run,
these beneficiaries shall have the chance to improve their living condition
expected from the economic benefits in buy and sell cooperative.

Economic Benefits

This buy and sell project, in the long run, would provide members with better
economic gains. This will provide beneficiaries with more stable cash inflows
as the business grew bigger and becomes self sustaining. Increase in income
would stimulate economic growth in the barangay as this will lead to
increased expenditures for goods and services, thereby promoting a healthy
economic backward and forward linkages in the ciity. The project will also
support in expanding the supply-base of rice in the city, in support to the food
sufficiency thrust of the national government.

Social and Economic Costs

There are no actual or foreseen negative social or economic effects of the

project to the community, economy or to the environment. It conversely
promotes better welfare to the people and stimulates economic development
in the city.


A cost-sharing scheme shall be adopted by the project. The LGU Valencia

and the PO partners shall provide matching of fund to the amount that shall
be provided by the funding partner as shown below.

1. Rental and renovation

 Rent - 1500/mos.

 5 kg common nails & 2kg umbrella nails - 500

 Ply-board 2 pcs. - 3000

 Wood 2x2 15 pcs. - 15x200 = 3000

 Roof 10 pcs. - 200x10 = 2000

 Labour for the renovation - 6000

 Total

2. Supply
 rice - 150 sacks of rice with an average weight of 45kg/sacks x 20 pesos per kilo
(150x45=6750kgx20= 135,000

 Trucking - 500

 Labour to dry the rice - 1000

 Milling of the rice - 30 per sack milled rice (30x75 = 2,250

 Porter - 1,500

 Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143,250

3. salary

 1 cashier - 200 per day (200x26) = 5,200

 1 sales lady - 200 per day (200x26 = 5,200

 1 labour = 200 per day (200x26 = 5,200

 Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,600

 Total Expenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------176,200

Summary of the expenses.

Capital of rice - 135,000.000

75 sacks of milled rice x 50 kg per sack = 3,750 kilos x 60 pesos per kilo =
225,000.00 profit

-15,600 salary of staff

-135,000 capital of rice

74, 400.00 net income per month/

Allocated funds of LGU 300,000.00 thousand - 159,000.00 thousand

supply and infrastructure expenses = 140,750.00

Prepared by:

Engr. Joanne S. Borbon

Agricultural Officer

Reviewed by:
Municipal Planning and Development Officer


HON. Romeo D Languedo, RSW.

Municipal Mayor

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