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EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Day Date: 9/21/2018

(Include: Date, Subject, Duration, Grouping/# of students) Subject: 8th Grade Science
Duration: 15-20 minute
Number of Students: 5 periods (15-30 students per period)
How will this lesson support the learning goal? ● This lesson is a review of the food Web since the students were
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) introduced to this topic in sixth grade.

Objective(s) ● Students will be able to create a personal food web that contains
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) decomposers, producers, and consumers.
● Students will be able to write how they obtain energy from a
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the decomposer.
objective(s) of this lesson that will support progress toward
the learning goal.

Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher

will do or accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be
measured), and target a specific outcome. Please refer to
the SLO User Guide for the “ABCD” method or “I CAN”
statements that can be used as a guide.

PA Standards Standard - 3.1.6.A2 - Describe how energy derived from the sun is used by or plants to produce sugars (photosynthesis) and is transferred within a food Web from producers (plants) to consumers to decomposers.

Standard - CC.3.6.6-8.C - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the

development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


ISTE Standards (if applicable) ISTE Standard - 1.1a - Set professional learning goals to explore and
apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect
on their effectiveness.

Technology Materials/ Resources ● PowerPoint

(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) ● Notebook
● Writing Tool
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this ● Laptop
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning ● Copy of Slides
objective(s)? If appropriate, what educational technology will
be used to support the learning outcomes of this lesson?
How do the resources support the learning objectives?

Cite publications and any web resources.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Anticipatory Set ● I will set the purpose and help students learn why today’s lesson
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and is important to them as learners by directly stating why.
Pedagogy) ● I will pique the interest of the student by giving them choice and
5 minutes getting them active.
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why ● Prior knowledge will be built because they should already know
today’s lesson is important to them as learners? what an herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore are.
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the
lesson topic? First, I will begin class by introducing the topic of our lesson, The Food
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? Web. The purpose of this lesson is to review important terms of the
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or Food Web because moving forward it’s important to know what these
skill? terms mean. I will start by going over the lesson objectives. I will ask
someone to read them back to me. I will begin the lesson asking the
Provide very detailed steps. students to write down one of three animals on their paper (Horse,
Bear, or Lion). I will pause and give them time to write down their
answers. Then I will ask them ALL to stand up. I’ll begin by asking that
if anyone picked an Herbivore (plant eater). I will instruct those
students to sit down. I will ask a volunteer to explain why they knew
they could sit down. The anticipated response would be “because
Herbivores eat plants and my animal eats plants”. I will explain that
Herbivores do in fact eat plants, so all the horses should sit down. I
will ask if anyone chose Omnivores (plant and meat eater) to sit down.
I will ask a volunteer to explain why they knew they could sit down. The
anticipated response would be “because Omnivores eat plants and
meat and my animal eats plants and meat”. I will explain that
Omnivores do in fact eat both plants and meat, so all the Bears should
be seated. Lastly, I will explain that the remaining people standing
must be carnivores (meat eaters), but why? The anticipated response
would be “because Carnivores eat meat and my animal eats meat”. I
will explain that Carnivores do in fact eat meat, so all the Lions should
still be standing. Now everyone can take a seat. I will introduce what
Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers are. The students will be
given examples through pictures. They will be given the opportunity to
give me the definition. I will show the definition on the screen.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Good morning/afternoon class, today we will be reviewing the

Food Web. The purpose of this lesson is to review important
terms and ideas of the Food Web. For our learning objectives
can someone please read them both for me? Thank you. As
you can see on the board we’ve got three animals, a horse, a
bear, and a lion. Now what I would like you to do is to choose
one of these animals and write it down on a piece of paper.
Once you are done please stand up and stay standing until I say
otherwise. If you picked an Herbivore, take a seat. Can
someone who has taken a seat please explain why you are an
Herbivore? Yes, the Horse is an Herbivore because it eats
plants. Now if your animal is an Omnivore please take a seat.
Can someone explain to me why their animal is an Omnivore?
Yes, the Bear is an Omnivore because it eats both plants and
meat. Lastly, those who are left standing are the Carnivore’s.
Can someone who is standing explain to me why their animal is
a Carnivore. Yes, Lions are Carnivore’s because they are meat
eaters. Please be seated. Now, I would like to review what a
Producer, a Consumer, and a Decomposer are. Would
anyone like to tell me what they think the definition is for each
one? A Producer is an organism that can produce its own food
like grass, plants, and fruit. A Consumer is an organism that
feeds on plants and other animals. Examples of Consumers are
herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. Decomposers are
organisms that feed on decay like bacteria and fungi.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Instructional Activities ● The students will explore these concepts by creating their own
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and food Web.
Pedagogy; ● I will guide them with the “I do, we do, you do” strategy.
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
10 minutes Exploration: I’ll go through an example of a Food Web description of
how wheat gives energy to an Eagle. I will write my description in full
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new sentences.
concepts? How will you model or provide explicit instruction?
You MUST include a teacher think-aloud using student- Now I’m going to demonstrate how to describe the relationship
friendly language here. between two organisms, in this example I’m describing how
wheat gives energy to an Eagle. I am going to write this
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students description in full sentences. So first, the wheat gives energy to
as they apply the new concept? How will you allow them to the Cricket because the Cricket eats the wheat. Next, the
practice (with teacher support)? Cricket gives energy to the Bunny because the Bunny eats the
Cricket. Lastly, The Bunny gives energy to the Eagle because
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify the Eagle eats the Bunny. In conclusion, the Eagle gets its
these concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How energy from wheat through the Cricket and the Bunny.
will you monitor and provide feedback?

Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where


Bold/highlight academic language that will be used/taught

throughout the lesson.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Guided: Now, I will have the students turn to a partner and try this one
out on their own with a friend. I’ll be walking around helping those who
need it. We will reconvene and will go over what the students have.
It’s important to note that there are multiple methods of getting from one
animal to another.

Now, that I demonstrated what to do I want you to turn to a

partner and try this one out. Describe how a Phytoplankton
gives energy to a Killer Whale. When you and your partner are
done turn your paper upside down. Who would like to share
their answers. Did anyone get anything different? What did you
have? It’s important to understand that there are many ways
energy is transferred and that there are multiple right answers
since there are multiple ways of going about it.

Independent Practice: Students will then have to create a personal

Food Web, on their own, containing a Decomposer, a Producer, a
total of 6 organism’s. One of those being the student. They will then
turn it in for grading as a formative assessment.

Now that we’ve had some practice it’s time for you to do it on
your own. On a separate sheet of paper, I want you to come up
with your own personal Food Web that contains a Decomposer,
a Producer and 6 organisms. Additionally, one of those
Organisms must be the human species. Then, write a
description of how the decomposer gives you energy. Please
use complete sentences. Once you are done put your name on
it and place it in the bin in the back of the room.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Closure ● Students will show that they understand what a food Web is by
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) creating their own food Web.
● I will restate the teaching point by asking the students why we
5 minutes did this lesson.
How will students share or show what they have learned in ● I will provide opportunities to extend ideas and check
this lesson? understanding by modeling, guiding and allowing independent
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do practice.
so and clarify key concepts?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and Now that the students are done I will explain how the Food Web is a
check for understanding? big huge cycle. Once, the top Tier Consumer dies he decomposes into
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson? the ground and becomes a Decomposer. The Food Web is just
another example of the many cycles here on earth. Lastly, I will ask
them what were the learning objectives, and did we meet them?

Now that everyone is finished, does anyone know what happens

to an animal when it dies? What happens to its remains in the
ground? The animal decomposes and becomes a Decomposer.
Yes, the Food Web is a cycle. Like many cycles on earth the
Food Web is just like them. It’s constantly occurring around us
and keeps our food Web fresh with nutrients. Can someone
remember what the learning objectives were? Thumbs up or
thumbs down if you succeeded to reach the learning objective.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Differentiation ● This lesson is differentiated because it connects with kinesthetic,

(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) visual, and auditory learners
● ELL students are encouraged to work with a peer to help
What differentiated support will you provide for students understanding
whose academic development is below or above the current ● Students who are above level are encouraged to try and make
grade level? extra Food Webs to develop a greater understanding
What specific differentiation of content, process, products,
and/or learning environment do you plan to employ to meet
the needs of all of your students?
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic,
cultural, and experiential resources that they bring to their
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking
and inventiveness?

Accommodations ** (see note below) ● Students with IEP’s will still work with the class, however they will
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) be given a cheat sheet with the vocabulary terms, their definition,
and an example.
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to ● Students with ADHD will benefit because we get up out of our
increase curriculum access for students identified with seats during our lesson.
special education needs or 504? ● Select students will have access to the PowerPoint slides before
the lesson so they can follow along with the slides.
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as
applicable (avoid using actual names of students).

Modifications**(see note below) ● If necessary, students will be given specific choices instead of
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) thinking of an example on their own.
● If necessary, I’ll only be looking for a student to get partial
What curricular modifications and/or changes in correctness in their Food Web.
performance standards, if any, do you plan to employ to
facilitate the participation of students identified with special
education needs?

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


Assessment (Formal or Informal) Formative:

(1f: Assessing Student Learning) ● Students will hand in their creative Food Web. Things I will be
looking for:
How will you and the students assess where the learning ○ Themselves within the Food Web
objectives, listed above, were met? ○ Description of how they gain energy from decomposer
○ 6 total organisms
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it ● Students will put their thumbs up if they reached the objectives or
is aligned to the above objective(s). thumbs down if they didn’t reach the objectives.
**Aligns with the objective
Reflection on Instruction I believe my lesson went well. It was my first time teaching a lesson for
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the 5 classes in one day I can say that going into the lesson I was very
lesson. The reflection should go beyond simply answering nervous. However, once I got started I really started to enjoy it and my
the question “Was this a good lesson?” Below are some nerves went away. Growing up a son of teachers I always heard them
questions to assist you in your reflective process (Danielson, talk about how their last period got the best version of the lesson and
2008): now I can relate. I felt as if each lesson I taught got better and better. I
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that was able to word directions differently and handle confusion before they
your students have met or are progressing towards even came up. By the end of the day I felt like a teacher.
the learning outcomes/objectives?
o View student work samples. What do they reveal The evidence I collected to demonstrate that my students met or made
about the students’ level of engagement and progress towards the learning objectives was the students personal
comprehension? food web they created on a piece of paper. They also wrote a
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if description about the flow of energy between organisms. I was able to
you teach this lesson in the future? What tell who understood the material and who didn’t.
misconceptions, if any, do you need to clarify before
teaching the next lesson? By looking at students work I was able to see multiple levels of
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and engagement and comprehension. There were students who clearly
why? understood what a food web looks like and how energy is passed and
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student then there were others who had a hard time understanding.
conduct, and your use of physical space. To what
extent did these contribute to student learning? If I could make any changes to the lesson for the future I would give
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional them specific organisms to use instead of having them create their own
delivery (e.g., activities, grouping of students, webs. A lot of the questions and confusion that came up were based
materials/resources utilized). To what extent were off what specific organisms eat. If I gave them specific organisms I
they effective?

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


would know which organism eat what. Each student would create a
similar food web.

I didn’t stray away from my lesson plan that much. I would say that my
teacher talks portion of my lesson plan didn’t go exactly as planned, but
that was expected. I don’t think a teacher should memorize it like a
script. I had to go off lesson plan when clarifying directions and answer

I think I used m physical space very well during this lesson. I was
always moving, walking around, seeing if anyone needed help. My
students were up for a portion of my lesson using that space. They
seemed to enjoy that, and it got their attention. The students behaved
well, and I didn’t have to yell at anyone. I think the students were
refreshed to have a different teacher teaching a lesson.

I had some trouble with the white board, however that was expected.
It’s new so I need to get used to using it. Also, the first period I taught
the lesson I allowed them to use their laptops. I found it to be too
distracting so for the rest of the day I told them not to use their
computers. Their attention increased and so did their comprehension.

**Accommodations and Modifications

Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general
curriculum. Both are essential to consider when planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities.
Accommodations refer to changes in how a student learns the material but they do not change knowledge content. With
accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or express knowledge
in different ways. Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to learn. This may
include adaptations made to instruction and assessment that change or reduce learning expectations. (Please refer to the SLO User
Guide and SLO template for additional explanation.)

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material
based on the accommodations or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the
Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of the lesson plan template.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018


RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

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