The Public Health Approach To STD Control: Unaids Technical Update

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The public health

approach to
STD control


Technical Update

May 1998
UNAIDS Best Practice Collection
Best Practice materials
At a Glance The Joint United Nations Programme
on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is preparing
materials on subjects of relevance to
HIV infection and AIDS, the causes and
consequences of the epidemic, and best
practices in AIDS prevention, care and
support. A Best Practice Collection on
& There is a strong link between sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and any one subject typically includes a
the sexual transmission of HIV infection. The presence of an untreated short publication for journalists and
STD can enhance both the acquisition and transmission of HIV by a community leaders (Point of View);
factor of up to 10. Thus STD treatment is an important HIV prevention a technical summary of the issues,
strategy in a general population. challenges and solutions (Technical
& STDs often exist without symptoms. In women, most gonococcal and Update); case studies from around the
chlamydial infections are asymptomatic. However, up to 90% of men world (Best Practice Case Studies); a set
with the same infections will have symptoms. of presentation graphics; and a listing
of key materials (reports, articles, books,
& In developing countries STDs and their complications, even excluding audiovisuals, etc.) on the subject. These
HIV infection, rank among the top five disease categories for which documents are updated as necessary.
adults seek health care.
Technical Updates and Points of View
& The complications and long-term consequences of untreated STDs can are being published in English,
be very serious, in women even more than in men. Newborn babies French, Russian and Spanish. Single
can also suffer from STDs acquired from infected mothers, with copies of Best Practice publications
potentially serious consequences. are available free from UNAIDS
& The aim of STD prevention and care is to reduce the prevalence of Information Centres. To find the
STDs through primary prevention and effective case management. closest one, visit UNAIDS on the
Internet (,
& The magnitude of the problem of STDs, and the strong association with
contact UNAIDS by email
HIV transmission, highlight the need to explore new and innovative ( or telephone
approaches to prevent and control their spread. One such approach is (+41 22 791 4651), or write to
the adoption of the ``public health package''. This package for STD the UNAIDS Information Centre,
control consists of the following components : 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27,
. promoting safer sex behaviour Switzerland.
. strengthening condom programming Journalists seeking more information
. promoting health-care-seeking behaviour about a UNAIDS Point of View are
. integrating STD control into primary health care and other health-
invited to contact the UNAIDS
Geneva Press Information Office
care services
(+41 22 791 4577 or 791 3387).
. providing specific services for populations at increased risk
. comprehensive case management
. prevention and care of congenital syphilis and neonatal
The public health approach to STD
conjunctivitis control : UNAIDS Technical Update
. early detection of asymptomatic and symptomatic infections. (UNAIDS Best Practice Collection:
& The traditional method of diagnosing STDs is by laboratory tests. Technical Update). Geneva:
However, laboratory tests are often unavailable or too expensive. UNAIDS, May 1998.
For this reason, syndromic diagnosis was developed. The syndromic 1. Acquired immunodeficiency
approach consists of : syndrome --- prevention
and control
. classification of the main causal pathogens by the syndromes they
2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
3. Public Health
. use of flow charts to guide the management of a given syndrome
WC 503.71
. treatment of the syndrome, covering all the pathogens with
potential to cause grave manifestations and consequences
. promoting treatment of sex partners.

May 1998 The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update

Around 340 million new cases of curable sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are estimated by the World
Health Organization (WHO) to have occurred throughout the world in 1995 in men and women aged 15-49
years. In developing countries, STDs and their complications rank in the top five disease categories for which
adults seek health care. In women of childbearing age, STDs --- even excluding HIV --- are second only to
maternal factors as causes of disease, death and healthy life lost. The scale of the STD problem is too great to be
dealt with in specialized STD centres alone, and steps must be taken to expand and integrate STD management
in primary health and other health centres (see Global prevalence and incidence of selected curable sexually
transmitted diseases : overview and estimates, WHO, 1995, pp. 3-4).

Apart from being serious diseases in programmes with STD prevention asis) is another important sexually
their own right, STDs fuel the sexual and care programmes is strongly transmitted agent which causes
transmission of HIV infection. The recommended. Their integration is vaginitis and has also been shown to
presence of an untreated STD also economically advantageous. facilitate HIV transmission. Candida
(either ulcerative or non-ulcerative) albicans, which can be sexually
can enhance both the acquisition and Main STD pathogens transmitted, is the cause of a common
transmission of HIV by a factor of up fungal infection responsible for
to 10. STD treatment is therefore an There are more than 20 pathogens vulvovaginitis in women and
important HIV prevention strategy in that are transmissible through sexual inflammation of the glans penis and
a general population. intercourse --- oral, anal and vaginal. foreskin in men.
The main bacteria are : Neisseria
The predominant mode of trans- gonorrhoeae (causing gonorrhoea), The bacterial infections are curable,
mission of HIV, as for other STDs, is Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydial as is trichomoniasis. The viral
sexual. Almost all the measures for infections), Treponema pallidum infections are not curable, but some
preventing sexual transmission of (syphilis), Haemophilus ducreyi can be controlled.
HIV and STDs are the same, as are (chancroid), and Calymmato-
the target audiences for inter- bacterium granulomatis (granuloma Complications and
ventions. Clinical services offering inguinale, or donovanosis). The consequences of STDs
STD care are an important access principal viruses are : human
point for people at high risk for HIV as immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes STDs often exist without symptoms.
well , not only for diagnosis and simplex virus (herpes), human papil- In women with gonococcal and/or
treatment but also for information lomavirus (genital warts), hepatitis B chlamydial infections there may be
and education. For these and other virus, and cytomegalovirus. no symptoms in up to 70% of cases.
reasons, the integration of HIV/AIDS Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoni- Both symptomatic and asymptomatic

Results of the Mwanza trial, Tanzania

In Mwanza, Tanzania, a randomized trial examined the impact of improved STD case management at primary
health-care level. A randomized sample of 12,000 adults was followed over two years, with HIV incidence and
the prevalence of selected STDs recorded. HIV prevalence at baseline was about 4% in both the intervention and
comparison groups. The incidence of HIV infections over two years was 1.2% in the intervention communities,
compared with 1.9% in the comparison communities, showing a reduction of 42% from the intervention. The
reductions were seen in all age and sex groups.
A detailed economic evaluation showed that the annual cost of the Mwanza intervention programme for a
population of 150,000 was about US$ 68,000 --- or about 45 cents per capita. The cost per case of HIV infection
prevented was about US$ 250, or US$ 11 for each year of healthy life saved. This compares favourably with child
immunization programmes and other highly cost-effective interventions (see Lancet, 1995; 346 :530-536).
The data from Mwanza strongly suggest that improved STD treatment services are both effective and cost-effective
and should therefore be promoted as an essential component of HIV/AIDS prevention and care activities. The
large-scale implementation of STD treatment services could have a major impact on the HIV pandemic worldwide.

The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update May 1998

infections can lead to the develop- Primary prevention messages apply with symptoms of STD. Its main
ment of serious complications. equally to HIV and other STDs. features are :
The most serious complications and Secondary prevention involves . classification of the main causative
sequelae (long-term consequences) of treating infected people. Except for pathogens by the clinical syndromes
untreated STDs tend to be in women HIV and the viral STDs, treatment they produce
and newborn babies. These can cures the disease and interrupts the . use of flow charts derived from this
include cervical cancer, pelvic chain of transmission by rendering the classification to manage a particular
inflammatory disease (salpingitis), patient non-infectious. syndrome
chronic pelvic pain, fetal wastage, . treatment for all important causes
ectopic pregnancy and related The prevention of STDs is a cost- of the syndrome
maternal mortality. effective option for countries to invest . notification and treatment of sex
in. With a common currency for partners
Chlamydial infections and measuring cost and a unit for . no expensive laboratory
gonorrhoea are important causes of measuring health effects, different procedures required.
infertility, particularly in women, with interventions can be compared by
far-reaching social consequences. what it costs to achieve one additional For example, a man presenting with
Chlamydial infection is an important year of healthy life. Outcomes are urethral discharge would be treated
cause of pneumonia in infants. measured in the same unit of for both gonorrhoea and chlamydial
Neonatal gonococcal infections of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) infection. In a person with a genital
the eyes can lead to blindness. that is used to estimate the burden of ulcer, the treatment would most likely
disease. The ratio of cost to effect, or be for syphilis and chancroid.
Congenital syphilis is an important the unit cost of a DALY, is called the
and significant cause of infant The syndromic approach permits
cost-effectiveness of the intervention;
morbidity and mortality. In adults, STD treatment without costly
the lower that number, the greater the
syphilis can cause serious cardiac, laboratory tests. It offers accessibility
value for money offered by the
neurological and other consequences, and immediate treatment, and is
which can ultimately be fatal. effective and efficient.
Treatment of STDs is often highly cost- Studies have shown that syndromic
Some types of genital warts lead to effective in its own right. It becomes
genito-anal cancers. Cervical cancer case management of STDs using
even more cost-effective when the flowcharts is more cost-effective than
is one of the commonest causes of benefits of reduced HIV transmission
death in women in developing diagnosis based on either clinical
are added. Curing each case of examination or laboratory tests.
countries. gonorrhoea among people who are Despite its shortcomings in women
more likely to acquire and transmit with vaginal discharge, this approach
Prevention and care of STDs the infection, such as sex workers and currently provides the best alternative
their clients, saves 120 DALYs, at a guide to STD management, especially
The objectives of STD prevention and cost of well below US$ 1.00 per DALY where resources for laboratory tests
care are to reduce the prevalence of gained when the benefits of fewer are limited. It performs well in the
STDs by interrupting their secondary cases and the reduced risk management of men with
transmission, reducing the duration of HIV transmission are included. symptomatic urethral discharge and
of infection and preventing the in the management of men and
development of complications in women with genital ulcer disease. (See
those infected. Syndromic case Adler et al. 1996, and Dallabetta et al.
management of STDs 1996, Ch. 8.)
Primary prevention, which is
concerned with the entire community, The traditional method of diagnosing A disadvantage of the syndromic
curbs the acquisition of infection and STDs is by laboratory tests. However, approach is over-treatment in some
resulting illness. It can be promoted such tests are very often unavailable patients. This is especially so in the
through health education, and or too expensive. For this reason, case of vaginal discharge where
involves practices such as safer sex syndromic management of STDs has cervicitis (due to gonorrhoea and/or
behaviour, including the use of been recommended by WHO since chlamydial infection) is not the
condoms, and abstinence from sex. 1990 for use in patients presenting predominant cause of the discharge.

May 1998 The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update

There are several reasons why STDs Difficulty of notifying spouse A condom-promotion
continue to spread, and why their or sex partner(s) programme targeted at lower-
complications and long-term health income sex workers in Nairobi
effects continue to be a burden on Partner notification is important for reduced the mean annual
individuals and communities. The interrupting the transmission of STDs incidence of gonorrhoea from
following are some of the factors and preventing possible eventual 2.8 episodes per woman in
hindering the effective prevention reinfection, but in practice there are 1986 to 0.7 episodes in 1989.
and care of STDs. obstacles. Patients may not inform The programme averted an
their sex partners out of fear, estimated 6000---10,000 new
embarrassment, or unawareness HIV infections a year, at an
Many cases are approximate cost of US$ 0.50
of the importance of doing so. In
asymptomatic resource-poor settings, it is usually per DALY gained.
impractical for notification to be In Zimbabwe, a community
As already stated, many cases of done by the health sector. intervention estimated to cost
STDs are asymptomatic, especially in US$85,000 successfully reached
women. Asymptomatic individuals more than 1 million persons,
will not know that they have an STD Unavailability or distributing more than 5.7 million
and hence will not seek care. They unsuitability of STD services condoms, and reducing STDs in
will continue to be infected and the general population by
infectious STD services often do not exist in a between 6% and 50%, according
to others. particular locality. Even where they to the area. Behavioural change
exist, they may be difficult to access, was noticed among sex workers,
who increased condom use with
especially for women and young
Reluctance to seek their clients from 18% to 72%.
people --- or they may lack privacy or (Investing in Health, World
health care confidentiality. Alternatively, clients Development Report, Washington
may be deterred from attending by DC : World Bank, 1993).
Even with symptoms, some people the stigma attached to dedicated STD
may be reluctant to seek STD care. clinics. A final problem, for men who
This can be out of ignorance, have sex with men, is that the health- sexually active than others, unlikely
embarrassment or guilt. They may care provider may not look for or be to be in stable sexual relationships,
also be deterred by an unfriendly able to recognize a rectal STD. and who have poor access to STD
attitude by staff, a lack of privacy or care services.
confidentiality, or an intimidating
setting of the service. Ignorance of STDs, their
causes, symptoms, cures The prescribed treatment
In 1993 a study in men in Harare, and possible consequences is substandard
Zimbabwe, found that of those who
sought STD care at the primary Ignorance or misinformation are Although treatment for STDs such as
health- care clinics only 27% did so always powerful obstacles to syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydial
within resolving problems, and this is infection, chancroid and
4 days of first noticing symptoms, particularly true where STDs and trichomoniasis is effective when the
37% between 4 and 7 days, 15% HIV/AIDS are concerned. While correct drugs are given, government
between 8 and 14 days and 21% ignorance of STDs and AIDS can health departments sometimes opt for
took longer than two weeks. As this exist in all types of people and all cheaper but substandard treatments
was a clinic-based population it was age groups, it is likely to be more in an effort to save money. This
not possible to determine what widespread among adolescents and practice perpetuates infection and
fraction this represented of the young people --- in fact, the very may encourage the rapid emergence
population with a symptomatic STD. people who are likely to be more of resistant organisms.

The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update May 1998

The effective prevention and care Promote health-care-seeking maternal and child health centres,
of STDs can be achieved using a behaviour family planning clinics and private
combination of responses, including clinics --- one of the key elements in
the ``public health package''. STD Health authorities should develop the public health package --- makes
service delivery should be expanded and deliver messages through a STD services available and
to embrace the public health variety of channels to encourage accessible to far more people than
package. Some of the components of people who either have STD are currently being served, and
the public health package are symptoms, or suspect they may have especially to sexually active
discussed in more detail below. contracted an STD, to seek health adolescent females. It also has
care early. the great advantage that people
Promote safer sex behaviour seeking care can avoid the potential
To reduce the obstacles faced by stigma of going to a dedicated STD
Governmental bodies and people seeking care, health clinic.
nongovernmental organizations authorities should integrate STD care
(NGOs) should develop and activities into other health-care
disseminate messages promoting Comprehensive case
facilities. Patients seeking STD care
safer sex and educating people should be received in a friendly management of STDs
about risk reduction. They should setting where they can be interviewed
provide barrier contraceptives which Comprehensive case management of
and treated in privacy. Efforts should
protect against pregnancy and STDs --- another key element of the
be made to improve the attitudes
infection, educating people about public health package --- comprises
of health-care workers who are
condoms and encouraging their use. the following.
sometimes hostile or judgemental
Schools and community-based towards patients with STDs. Young Identification of the syndrome
programmes should provide people, and men who have sex
appropriate sex education to with other men, are among those in This can be done through syndromic
adolescents before sexual activity need of friendly and confidential diagnosis or laboratory tests. The
starts. Some studies have shown that services. syndromic case management
such education tends to delay the approach, using flow charts, is well
onset or frequency of sexual suited to settings in which resources
intercourse, rather than increase Integrate STD prevention and for laboratory facilities are limited or
promiscuity (see UNAIDS, Learning care into primary health care unavailable. A diagnosis can be
and Teaching about AIDS at School, made within a short time without
Technical Update, Geneva : Integrating STD prevention and care expensive and complex laboratory
UNAIDS, 1997). into primary health care facilities, tests.

The public health package for STD prevention and care : the essential components
. promotion of safer sex behaviour
. condom programming --- encompassing a full range of activities from condom promotion to the planning
and management of supplies and distribution
. promotion of health-care-seeking behaviour
. integration of STD control into primary health care, reproductive health-care facilities, private clinics and
. specific services for populations with often high-risk behaviours --- such as female and male sex workers,
adolescents, long-distance truck drivers, military personnel, and prisoners
. comprehensive case management of STDs
. prevention and care of congenital syphilis and neonatal conjunctivitis
. early detection of symptomatic and asymptomatic infections.

May 1998 The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update

Antibiotic treatment for the syndrome relationship. (The UNAIDS Technical Women should be educated and
Whichever means are used for Update on Counselling and HIV/ motivated to attend antenatal clinics,
diagnosis --- flow charts or laboratory AIDS deals with counselling in more early in pregnancy, where they will
tests --- the availability and use of detail.) be routinely tested and, where
effective antibiotics is an absolute necessary, treated for syphilis
Information on partner notification promptly and appropriately (see
requirement. The drugs must be and treatment
available at the first point of contact Dallabetta et al. 1996, pp. 173-177).
with a patient with an STD. Effective Contacting sex partners of clients Because of the high prevalence in
treatment must also be available and with STDs, persuading them to developing countries of gonorrhoea
used in the private sector. The use of present themselves to a site offering and chlamydial infections, and the
ineffective or partially effective drugs STD services, and treating them --- consequent risk of newborn children
actually results in an escalation of promptly and effectively --- are developing gonococcal or
costs, as patients repeatedly seek essential elements of any STD control chlamydial ophthalmia, routine
treatment for the same condition or its programme. These actions, however, prophylactic treatment for such
complications. Partially effective should be carried out with sensitivity, ophthalmia at birth is strongly
treatments may also be responsible with social and cultural factors taken recommended.
for the rapid appearance of resistant into account. This will avoid ethical
strains of organisms. problems, as well as practical pro-
blems such as rejection and violence, Monitor drug sensitivity
Educating the patient particularly against women.
It is essential that health authorities
The importance of taking the full
In communities where STDs are regularly monitor and detect the
course of medication must be stressed
particularly prevalent, health emergence of resistance to STD
to all patients undergoing courses of
workers, social workers and the drugs. This will enable programmes
drug treatment that are longer than a
media should educate people about to adapt their treatment protocols
single dose. Patients should also
the reasons for partner notification. accordingly.
understand that during treatment
This will alert people to the possibility
they are still infectious to others; for
that in the future they themselves may
this reason, and because intercourse Carry out further research
be notified by their sex partner that
could prolong their own symptoms, and evaluation
they may have been infected, and
they should be advised to abstain
that treatment is important.
from sex during the course of By definition, the syndromic
Syndromic case-management flow
treatment. management of STDs cannot help
charts specify that partners of STD
individuals with no symptoms of
Condom supply patients must be treated. This is
STDs. Also, the vaginal discharge
particularly important in gonorrhoea
With people being encouraged to algorithm has less than optimum
and chlamydial infections, which are
use condoms, health authorities sensitivity and specificity for cervi-
asymptomatic in most women.
should ensure that there is an cal gonococcal and chlamydial
adequate supply of good-quality infections. Risk factors that are used
condoms at health facilities and at Control congenital syphilis to increase the validity of the vaginal
various other distribution points in and neonatal conjunctivitis discharge flow chart need to be
the community. Social marketing of modified in order to make them
condoms is another way of Congenital syphilis occurs in about a applicable to the site. This is an area
increasing access to condoms. third of newborn babies of women for local research. It is especially
with untreated syphilis. Syphilis important that overall research
Counselling prevalence rates of up to 19% have should be speeded up, so that
Counselling should be made been reported from some developing affordable, simple, and non-invasive
available for cases where it is needed countries. Prenatal screening and diagnostic tests for the early detection
--- for example, in chronic cases of treatment of pregnant women for of STDs in both symptomatic and
genital herpes or warts --- either for syphilis is cost-effective, even in areas asymptomatic women and men can
individuals or for couples in a sexual of prevalence as low as 0.1%. be developed.

The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update May 1998
Key Materials

Sexually transmitted diseases : policies and weaknesses of data available and Paxman JM, Zuckerman RJ. Laws and
and principles for prevention and care. indicates ways in which data on STDs in policies affecting adolescent health.
Geneva : UNAIDS, 1997, UNAIDS/ adolescence can be used for promotion Geneva : WHO, 1987. This document
97.6. A concise outline of policies and of adolescent health. covers aspects of life affecting the 10-
principles for prevention and care of 24-year age group, examining how
STDs to assist Ministry of Health Adler M, Foster S, Richens J, Slavin H. legislation affects health-care delivery
officials and others with responsibility Sexual health and care : sexually to young people. Topics include sexual
for developing and implementing STD transmitted infections --- guidelines for and reproductive health care,
programmes. It discusses prevention, prevention and treatment. (Occasional treatment of drug abuse, mental health
effective STD care and programme Paper). London : ODA, 1996. This care, and care for disabled. The
management. The issue of STD care paper raises critical questions in STD simplified presentation enables
in children and adolescents is also management. It examines advantages administrators and policy-makers
explored. and disadvantages of various without legal background easily to
treatment options, including syndromic understand concepts.
Global prevalence and incidence of approach and mass treatment, in
selected curable sexually transmitted different population groups, and assists Reese RE, Betts RF (eds). A practical
diseases : overview and estimates. programme managers to select approach to infectious diseases : an
Geneva : WHO/GPA, 1995. WHO/ worthwhile projects for support. It MSD handbook, 3rd edition, Boston :
GPA/STD/95.1 Rev.1. Contains mid- Little, Brown, 1991. This concise
outlines range of options for
1995 WHO estimates of prevalence textbook with inputs from different
comprehensive STD programmes.
and incidence of some curable STDs authors present medical information on
based on information from world Dallabetta G, Laga M, Lamptey P (eds). infectious diseases in practical way for
scientific literature and WHO archives. Control of sexually transmitted health-care providers with sufficient
An annex describes the methods diseases: a handbook for the design material on each topic for thoughtful
used to calculate estimates. This is the and management of programs. diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
first WHO attempt to estimate STD Of interest are chapters on
Arlington, VA : AIDSCAP/FHI, 1996.
incidence based on epidemiological genitourinary tract infections, STDs,
This comprehensive account of STD
modelling. gynaecological and obstetric
management and prevention
infections, and antibiotic use. It should
Management of sexually transmitted addresses the full spectrum of issues
be especially useful for health-care
diseases. Geneva : WHO/GPA, 1997. that STD managers at national/local
students and general practitioners,
WHO/GPA/TEM/94.1 Rev.1. levels must consider in designing and
gynaecologists and other specialists.
Revised WHO recommendations for implementing STD programmes. It is
comprehensive management of not clinical, but contains relevant Robertson DHH , McMillan A, and
patients with STDs within broader technical material. Young H. Clinical practice in sexually
context of control, prevention and care transmissible diseases, 2nd edition,
programmes for STD and HIV infection; Holmes KK, Mardh P, Sparling PF, and Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone,
it also provides information on Wiesner PJ. Sexually transmitted 1989. This book, primarily for STD
notification and management of sexual diseases, 2nd edition, New York : specialists, brings together information
partners, and STDs in children. McGraw-Hill, 1990. This textbook from standard literature. It also
with inputs from experts in different presents clinical and laboratory
Sexually transmitted diseases amongst fields of STD prevention and care aspects of various subjects. Although
adolescents in the developing world. explores STDs from historical, social, primarily for medical readers, those
Geneva : WHO, 1993. WHO/ADH/ clinical and microbiological involved in nursing, counselling, or
93.1. The document reviews devel- perspectives. HIV/AIDS is covered. It tracing partners, or in health education
oping countries' data on STDs and also includes up-to-date information can find some of the factual information
adolescents. It also examines strengths on research findings. they may require.

# Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 1998. All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reviewed, quoted, reproduced or translated, in part or in full, provided
the source is acknowledged. It may not be sold or used in conjunction with commercial purposes without prior written approval from UNAIDS (contact: UNAIDS Information Centre,
Geneva - see p.2). The views expressed in documents by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors. The designations employed and the presentation of the
material in this work do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNAIDS concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are
endorsed or recommended by UNAIDS in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are
distinguished by initial capital letters.

May 1998 The public health approach to STD control : UNAIDS Technical Update

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