3 D), Then For

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368 Ch.

7 Itinerant Electron Magnetism

where the notation

A=Um (7.64)
h q been introduced.
The nonmagnetic solution m = 0 is always there, only it need not
correspond to the actual ground state. We are, of course, interested
in the case when the true minimum corresponds to some rn # 0, the
solution of the gap equation. At the new BZ boundary, €k = 0, and
X*=-&A. (7.65)
The lower and upper SDW-split bands are separated by a gap of the
size 2A.
At exact half-filling, where the lower band is full, and the upper
band is empty, the SDW state is insulating. For lattices with perfect
nesting, the ground state of the half-filled Hubbard model is predicted
to be an antiferromagnetic insulator for any U > 0.
Let us discuss the weak-coupling (U << W ) behaviour of A, and m.
Using the symmetry of p(e) about the centre of the band, (7.63) can be
rewritten as

If p(0) is finite (as in 1 D or 3 D ) , then for U << W we expect A << W .

Dividing the integral in two parts

(The estimate for the first term is obvious. The extreme smallness of
A permits us to assume that the second integral is likewise dominated
by the contribution from a small neighbourhood of 6 = 0 where 1 / is
large.) The second term dominates, giving


The U-dependence is given by the extremely weak, non-analytic e-tlu.

(The precise large-D result is quoted in (10.82) on p. 588). The sublat-
tice polarization
m - I;-[

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