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6 Spin Density Waves 385

more mean-field-like.
What about three-dimensional systems (including quasi-one-dimen-
sional and quasi-two-dimensional ones) ? We feel now on safer ground;
after all, we do have chromium and ( T M T S F ) ~ P F GThe
. likely result
is that two-sublattice antferromagnetism prevails in a finite range of n
on both sides of n = 1, going over into incommensurate SDW states
at smaller (larger) band fillings, and eventually into a featureless para-
magnetic state [118, 3831. The status of metallic ferromagnetism is a
debated matter, and we take up its discussion in Ch. 8.
Finally, what about finite temperatures? The Mermin-Wagner the-
orem prohibits the development of magnetic order in one- and two-
dimensional systems. If a three-dimensional system shows SDW order,
the U/t-dependence of its critical temperature resembles that shown
in Fig. 7.6, with one essential modification: ordering sets in at a finite
threshold value of U / t (see also Fig. 5.5). Remember, however, that the
large-U part of Fig. 7.6 is not a Hartree-Fock result; we obtained it from
a plausibility argument, using the equivalence to an equivalent Heisen-
berg model. Away from half-filling, we should invoke the equivalent t-J
model. It remains, however, true that the energy (and temperature)
scale of magnetic ordering is given by J 4t2/U.

Problem 7.6. Mean field transition in a finite system. Do the SDW mean
field calculation for the two-site Hubbard molecule (with two electrons) de-
scribed in Sec. 2.5.2. Compare the result a) to the exact solution, and b) to
the M F solution of the infinite system.
Problem 7.7. SDW in the absence of nesting. In the absence of nesting,
SDW appears at a finite critical Ucr. Derive the gap at T = 0, assuming that
U - U,,is small.
Problem 7.8. Linear versus circular polarization. Discuss the nature of the
gap opened by a circularly polarized SDW. Is it true that a linearly polarized
SDW is energetically preferable to a circularly polarized SDW?
Problem 7.9. The SDW trial state. The T = 0 mean field theory can be
reformulated as a variational theory, in which a factorization property of the
wave function plays the role of the decoupling procedure. For the sake of sim-
plicity, assume perfect nesting, and a half-filled band. Devise the variational

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