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Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106

The solids retention time—a suitable design parameter to

evaluate the capacity of wastewater treatment plants to remove
M. Claraa,, N. Kreuzingera, B. Strenna, O. Gansb, H. Kroissa
Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management, Vienna University of Technology, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13/226, Austria
Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Spittelauer Lände 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Received 20 February 2004; received in revised form 10 August 2004; accepted 26 August 2004


Micropollutants as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC) or pharmaceuticals are of increased interest in water
pollution control. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are relevant point sources for residues of these
compounds in the aquatic environment. The solids retention time (SRT) is one important parameter for the design of
WWTPs, relating to growth rate of microorganisms and to effluent concentrations. If a specific substance is degraded in
dependency on the SRT, a critical value for the sludge age can be determined. In WWTPs operating SRTs below this
critical value, effluent concentrations in the range of influent concentrations or a distribution according to the
adsorption equilibrium have to be expected, whereas in WWTPs operating at SRTs higher than the critical value
degradation will occur. Critical SRTs were determined for different micropollutants, indicating that the design criteria
based on the sludge age allows an estimation of emissions. Different treatment technologies as conventional activated
sludge systems and a membrane bioreactor were considered and no significant differences in the treatment efficiency
were detected when operated at comparable SRT. The results of the investigations lead to the conclusion that low
effluent concentrations can be achieved in WWTPs operating SRTs higher than 10 days (referred to a temperature of
10 1C). This corresponds to the requirements for WWTPs situated in sensitive areas according to the urban wastewater
directive of the European Community (91/271/EEC) in moderate climatic zones.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wastewater treatment; Plant design; Solids retention time; Removal potential; Endocrine disrupting compounds;
Pharmaceuticals; Hazardous substances

1. Introduction al., 2003) and they are of increasing importance in water

pollution control. Especially chemicals, which are
Micropollutants are detected in surface waters in suspected to have an impact on humans and wildlife
several European countries (Ternes, 1998; Fromme et hormone systems, so-called endocrine disrupting com-
al., 2002; Heberer, 2002a; Kreuzinger, 2002; Andersen et pounds (EDC) and pharmaceuticals, have to be
emphasised. Negative adverse health effects on aquatic
Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 58801 22661; fax: organisms, which could be attributed to EDC, are
+43 1 58801 22699. documented in various studies (Sonnenschein and Soto,
E-mail address: (M. Clara). 1998; Sumpter, 1998). In regard to pharmaceuticals

0043-1354/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
98 M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106


v reaction rate (mg l1 d1) s soluble substance concentration (ng l1)
vmax maximum reaction rate (mg l1 d1) KD specific adsorption coefficient (l kg X1
SS )
m specific biomass growth rate (d1) kobs transformation rate (l g X1 1
VSS,R d )
mmax maximum specific biomass growth rate (d1)
K half-saturation constant (mg l1) Indices
S substrate concentration (mg l1)
Y biomass yield constant max maximum
Q volumetric flow rate (l d1 or m3 d1) R reactor
V reactor volume (l or m3) 0 influent
F mass flow rate (ng d1) e effluent
R reactor (aeration tank) (m3) ES excess sludge
X particulate material concentration (mg l1 SS total suspended solids
or g l1) VSS volatile suspended solids

some persistent compounds were tracked from munici- result in significant energy and/or biomass recovery
pal sewage to drinking water (Heberer, 2002b). (Schwarzenbach et al., 2003). In biological wastewater
Endocrine disrupting compounds as well as residues treatment usually, substrate utilization and not cellular
of pharmaceuticals are suspected to enter rivers, streams growth rates are measured. Therefore, the enzyme-based
and surface waters through the effluents of wastewater Michaelis–Menten kinetics seems to be more suitable to
treatment plants (WWTPs). Therefore, the elimination describe the concentration gradients of the investigated
of these substances in WWTPs is of elementary interest. substrates. The Monod equilibrium can be interpreted as
In this context, it is important whether a relationship a specific case of Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The
exists between achievable removal efficiencies and degradation of a certain amount of chemical mass
applied design criteria. enables a proportional enhancement in microbial
A parameter commonly used for WWTPs design is biomass. This proportionality factor is called yield (Y),
the sludge retention time (SRT) or sludge age, indicating expressing the ratio of cell production and mass of
the mean residence time of microorganisms in the substrate (S) converted. Applying this factor, the
reactor. The SRT is related to the growth rate of removal rate of a chemical of concern can be
microorganisms. Only organisms which are able to related to the production rate of new cells (Schwarzen-
reproduce themselves during this time can be detained bach et al., 2003). Assuming a constant Y, the
and enriched in the system. According to this definition, Monod approach corresponds to Michaelis–Menten
high SRTs allow the enrichment of slowly growing kinetics
bacteria and consequently, the establishment of a more
diverse biocoenosis with broader physiological capabil- dc S
¼ v ¼ vmax
ities compared to WWTPs operating low SRTs. The dt KMS
correlation between treatment efficiency (e.g. carbon mX VSS S X VSS
¼ ¼ mmax : ð1Þ
removal, nitrification) and SRT is based on this principle Y KS þ S Y
(ATV-DVWK, 2000) and can be described by Monod
kinetics. In a system with biomass recirculation the If a compound is present only in trace levels (ng l1,
installed SRT corresponds approx. to the reciprocal of lower mg l1 range) the removal of this substance does
the growth rate. Considering this relationship, the not result in any significant biomass growth. Such
achievable effluent concentration of a certain compound chemicals are usually transformed by a cometabolism
is dependent on the selected/operated SRT and inde- and the concentration variation rates correspond to a
pendent of influent concentrations. mixed substrate growth. This can be described by the
Monod-type kinetic describes the relationship be- multisubstrate Monod growth relationship, where mtot is
tween the growth rate of a microbial species and the the total specific growth rate and mi is the specific growth
concentration of a critical substance (or substances) rate on substrate i, and the summation is taken over the
sustaining its growth. More ‘‘food’’ means faster growth n substrates (Guha et al., 1999; Schwarzenbach et al.,
until the maximum growth rate mmax is achieved. Beyond 2003)
this point, other factors become limiting. This implies X
m  Si
that the chemical must be sufficiently easy to metabolise mtot ¼ mi ; mi ¼ Pnmax;i : (2)
K i;S þ j¼1 ðK i;S =K j;S Þ  S j
and it also must be available in sufficient amounts to i¼1
M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106 99

If a micropollutant is biodegradable and this degrada- calculations (mass balances) were performed on a molar
tion can be described by the mentioned kinetics, even in basis in order to be able to sum up the three fractions.
the low-concentration range and in case of mixed
substrate growth (cometabolism) a specific SRT can be
associated to the substance. This specific SRT must be 2. Materials and methods
higher than the reciprocal of mtot (SRT4m1 tot ) and mtot is
predominantly determined by mmax of the primary 2.1. Analytical methods
substrate. In dependency on mmax and KS of a primary
substrate and the specific biomass decay rate a critical The chemical analyses were performed by the
value for the SRT can be identified. At SRTs operated Austrian Umweltbundesamt GmbH and PharmAnalyt
below this critical value, no removal due to biodegrada- Ltd. (Austria). Statistical evaluation of measurements
tion is expected and if a substance is not adsorbed to and determination of limits of quantification (LOQ)
sludge, effluent concentrations in the range of influent occurred according to DIN 32645 (1994). Indicated
concentrations are probable. In WWTPs operated at recoveries are mean recovery rates for the whole
higher SRTs than the critical value a complete removal analytical step, including sample preparation.
of the respective substances is to be expected. Such BPA samples were acidified with 1 N sulphuric acid
behaviour can be observed for nitrification. If loading is and percolated by Isolute-C18 solid phase extraction
very constant over time a distinct value marks the (SPE) columns at a flow rate of approx. 10 ml min1,
critical SRT, whereas strongly varying effluent concen- previously conditioned by 5 ml methanol and 5 ml water.
trations are observed within a certain SRT range at Prior to extraction a surrogate standard was added.
unsteady influent conditions. After drying with nitrogen, the compounds were eluted
If degradation according to the described kinetic can by 5 ml acetone and 5 ml methanol/methyl-tert.-butyl-
be assumed, the achievable effluent concentrations of the ether (1:9). The extracts were evaporated below 0.5 ml
investigated substances are not related to influent by nitrogen and filled up to a final volume of 1 ml with
concentrations but depend only on the operated SRT, acetonitrile. Ten microlitres of internal standard were
whereas treatment efficiencies in percent depend notably added prior to analysis. Aliquots of 10 ml were used for
on inflow concentrations. analysis with LC–MS/MS applying electrospray ionisa-
The maximum growth rate depends on temperature. tion (EI). The recoveries amounted to 80%. The LOQ
Therefore the SRT is temperature dependent, too. Every was 20 ng l1.
increase of temperature of 10 1C leads to a duplication of CBZ was analysed by LC–MS/MS. Ionisation of the
microbial activity. Regarding the influence of mmax on analytes was done by electrospray ionisation in positive
the SRT a comparable dependency of the SRT on mode. Prior to sample extraction, a surrogate standard
temperature can be assumed. According to Eq. (3), the (dihydrocarbamazepine or meclofenamic acid) was
SRT referred to a reference temperature (Tref) can be added to the samples. Two different solid-phase extrac-
calculated from the operated SRT and the actual tion phases (cyclohexane (CH)- and ENV+ phase)
temperature (T). The correction describes temperature were employed for LC–MS/MS sample preparation. The
dependency of mmax of heterotrophic biomass, and seems samples were acidified in the case of the C18 and CH
suitable for the correction of the SRT as the SRT is SPE cartridges, whereas the addition of a neutral EDTA
determined by the excess sludge abstraction and carbon buffer solution was necessary for the ENV+ phase.
removal is the relevant influencing process Mean recoveries of 75% are achieved and the LOQ
amounts to 20 ng l1.
SRTTref ¼ SRTT 1:072ðT ref 10Þ : (3) IBP, DCF and BZF were separated and analysed by
GC–(EI)MS in the multiple ion detection (MID) mode.
Different organic micropollutants were investigated in Analytes were enriched by solid-phase extraction on a
lab-scale facilities operated at different SRTs as well as RP-18 column under acidic conditions. Prior to sample
in full-scale WWTPs in order to detect substances for extraction a surrogate standard (meclofenamic acid) was
which a critical SRT can be defined. Additionally, to added to the samples. After elution with ethyl acetate
conventional WWTPs a membrane plant equipped with and dichloromethane a derivatization with diazo-
ultrafiltration membranes was studied. The investigated methane occurred, followed by a silica gel clean up
substances include the xenohormone bisphenol-A step. Mean recovery rates of 97% for IBP, 98% for
(BPA), the natural estrogens 17b-estradiole (E2), estrone DCF and of 99% for BZF were achieved. For those
(E1) and estriole (E3) and the pharmaceuticals 17a- substances the LOQ was 20 ng l1 in effluent samples
ethinylestradiole (EE2), ibuprofen (IBP), bezafibrate and 100 ng l1 in influent samples.
(BZF), diclofenac (DCF) and carbamazepine (CBZ). Sample preparation for the determination of the
As the natural estrogens are subjected to transforma- steroid hormones included liquid–liquid extraction with
tions among themselves (Ternes, 1999; Joss et al., 2004), ether followed by SPE with ENV+ cartridges eluted by
100 M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106

methanol. After evaporation to dryness a derivatization 2.3. Full-scale wastewater treatment plants
with dansylchloride occurred. Prior to extraction surro-
gate standards were added. The analysis was performed Sampling campaigns were performed at selected full-
using LC–MS/MS using an injection volume of 20 ml. scale municipal wastewater treatment plants of different
Ionisation of the analytes was done by electrospray sizes and different treatment efficiencies. A characterisa-
ionisation in positive mode. Recovery rates of nearly tion of the investigated plants is summarised in Table 1.
100% for the extraction with ether and of more than WWTP 4 and WWTP 5 were sampled three times at
80% for the SPE were achieved. The LOQ for E1, E3 different loading conditions. Daily composite samples of
and EE2 was 1 ng l1 and for E2 5 ng l1. influent and effluent were taken. In addition to the
conventional WWTPs (WWTP 1–WWTP 4) a pilot
plant (WWTP 5) equipped with membrane technology
and operated at different SRTs, was sampled. In the
2.2. Lab-scale experiments membrane bioreactor (MBR) the separation of treated
wastewater and sludge is achieved with an ultrafiltration
Laboratory-scale treatment plants (LP) were operated membrane.
at four different SRTs. Characteristic SRTs for waste-
water treatment design according to ATV-DVWK
(2000) were chosen (1, 5, 13 and approx. 26 days). The 2.4. Mass balances
temperature in the lab-scale reactors varied between
20.3 1C and 27.4 1C. The test facilities were fed with A plausibility analysis of the measured values was
synthetic wastewater according to EN-ISO-9887 (1994). made, using mass balances of phosphorus, nitrogen and
The spiked substances were purchased from Sigma- chemical oxygen demand (COD) according to Nowak et
Aldrich. al. (1999). Based on that data, an evaluation of process
The lab-scale plant running with a SRT of approx. characteristics (e.g. SRT, specific excess sludge produc-
one day was operated as a sequencing batch reactor tion, etc.) was performed.
(SBR, VR=4 l), whereas the experiments with higher Describing the removal of micropollutants different
SRTs were performed in compact lab-scale plants with a possible pathways during wastewater treatment were
total volume of 10 l (bioreactor 8 l, final sedimentation taken into account. The most important processes to
2 l). The plants were inoculated with sludges from which an organic compound is subjected are volatilisa-
WWTPs with comparable SRTs as the installed ones. tion, adsorption and degradation, determining the
All test facilities were operated with inflows of about relevant removal pathways. According to Struijs et al.
4.5 l d1. Hence, the hydraulic retention time was about (1991) volatilisation is negligible for the selected
one day for the SBR and approx. two days for the other substances. The removal is dependent on adsorption
experimental plants. While the SBR was aerated and degradation/transformation processes. The flux
continuously, the other bioreactors were intermittently adsorbed to the sludge was calculated from the
aerated, thus allowing nitrification and denitrification. measured dissolved effluent concentrations using equili-
Excess sludge was removed once a day directly from the brium solid/liquid partition coefficients KD (Clara et al.,
reactors. In order to establish a biocoenosis typical for 2004; Ternes et al., in press).
the installed SRTs and to obtain equilibrium in the
F 0 ¼ Q0 s0 ð1 þ K D :X SS;0 Þ; (4)
system, the plants were operated for adaptation two to
three SRTs prior to sampling. The lab-scale experiments
are described in Clara et al. (2003). F e ¼ Qe se ð1 þ K D :X SS;e Þ; (5)

Table 1
Characterisation of the investigated STPs

Plant characterisation Design capacity (pe) SRT10 1C (d) VR (m3)

WWTP 1 PS, AS C, P 2,500,000 2 42,000

WWTP 2 AS+AS, AD C, P, N, DN 167,000 19 644+10,456
WWTP 3 PS, AS, AD C, P, N, DN 135,000 48 22,800
WWTP 4 AS, SSS C, P, N, DN 6,000 4100/42 3,200
WWTP 5 MBR C, N, DN 50 22/82/40 4,2

PS—primary settling, AS—activated sludge system, MBR—membrane bioreactor, AD—anaerobic sludge digestion, SSS—
simultaneous sludge stabilisation, C—carbon removal, N—nitrification, DN—denitrification, P—phosphorus precipitation, pe—
population equivalent, SRT10 1C–SRT related to 10 1C (see Eq. (7)), VR—biological treatment reactor volume.
M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106 101

Contradictory results were obtained for diclofenac and

F ES ¼ QES se ð1 þ K D :X SS;R Þ; (6)
ethinylestradiole. The antiepileptic drug carbamazepine
removal ¼ ðF 0  F e Þ=F 0 ; (7) is not removed during wastewater treatment and effluent
concentrations within the range of the corresponding
influent concentrations were measured. The measured
biotransformation ¼ F 0  F e  F ES
influent and effluent concentrations (ng l1) of the
¼ kobs X VSS;R se V R : ð8Þ investigated compounds in the different sampled treat-
To compare the results obtained for the different ment facilities are shown in Table 2.
treatment plants, total sludge retention times related to The results of the mass balances and the calculated
10 1C (SRT10 1C) were calculated for all plants (Eq. (3)). mean removal rates (%) for the investigated substances
The reference temperature of 10 1C was chosen accord- are qualitatively summarised in Table 3. The removal
ing to the design guideline for municipal wastewater indicates the elimination from the liquid phase including
treatment plants of the German Association for Water, adsorption and degradation/transformation (Eq. (7)).
Wastewater and Waste (ATV-DVWK, 2000). The The mass balances for the steroid hormones do not
calculation is based on the SRTs resulting from COD include metabolites.
mass balances, mean measured temperatures (T) in the Bisphenol-A, the natural estrogens, ibuprofen and
bioreactors and a correction coefficient (fP=1.072) for bezafibrate were removed nearly completely in depen-
the temperature. dency on the applied sludge retention time. Fig. 1
illustrates the calculated removal rates (%) and the
measured effluent concentrations (ng l1) of these
compounds in the different treatment facilities in
3. Results and discussion
dependency on the SRT10 1C (d).
At SRTs10 1C higher than 10 days removal rates of
Different removal efficiencies were calculated for the
more than 80% were observed for bisphenol-A. These
investigated substances. With increasing sludge age,
results confirm the ‘‘ready biodegradability’’ of BPA,
enhanced removal is observed for most substances.

Table 2
Mean measured influent and effluent concentrations (ng l1) of the investigated substances at the sampled treatment systems


LP 1 in 1895 57 35 n.d. 28 1900 4700 4189 3670

out 1840 18 38 n.d. 106 2000 3700 3480 3828
LP 2 in 1895 57 35 n.d. 28 1900 4700 4189 3670
out 410 n.d. 1 n.d. 8 63 362 2700 3872
LP 3 in 1895 57 35 n.d. 28 1900 4700 4189 3670
out 166 n.d. 2 n.d. 11 19 33 3267 3725
LP 4 in 1895 57 35 n.d. 28 1900 4700 4189 3670
out 164 n.d. 2 n.d. 10 18 108 3320 3462
WWTP 1 in 1710 54 34 336 8 2300 7600 1400 670
out 1530 30 72 275 5 2400 4800 1300 690
WWTP 2 in I 1255 35 51 23 4 3650 1525 1040 453
in II 1153 14 69 24 3 3675 1625 1440 517
out 723 n.d. 8 17 3 300 1030 1300 758
WWTP 3 in 720 46 670 143 70 1200 1550 905 325
out 125 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 24 715 780 465
WWTP 4 in 2025 67 71 326 20 1480 1960 3250 1850
out 26 n.d. 4 n.d. 4 n.d. n.d. 1536 1594
WWTP 4 in 2376 82 29 372 3 2679 2014 4114 1200
out 35 8 n.d. 1 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1533 1337
WWTP 4 in 2151 125 81 660 3 2448 6840 3190 704
out 76 4 2 n.d. n.d. 20 692 1680 952
WWTP 5 in 2025 67 71 326 20 1480 1960 3250 1850
out 28 n.d. 2 n.d. 4 22 103 3464 1619
WWTP 5 in 2376 82 29 372 3 2679 2014 4114 1200
out 16 3 21 1 n.d. 22 73 2033 1147
WWTP 5 in 2151 125 81 660 3 2448 6840 3190 704
out 158 6 n.d. n.d. 2 69 1550 2140 794
102 M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106

Table 3
Qualitative removals rates calculated from the mass balances according to Eq. (4)–Eq. (7) and related to the correspondent influent
mass fluxes

Lab-scale WWTPs Full-scale WWTPs

L1 L2 L3 L4 1 2 3 4 5

SRT10 1C (d) 2 10 34 68 2 0.6 19 48 42 182 550 22 40 82

BPA  + ++ ++  + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
E1+E2+E3 + ++ ++ ++   + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
IBP  ++ ++ ++   ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
BZF  ++ ++ ++    + ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++
EE2  + + + +   ++ + ++ + ++  +
DCF         + + +  + +

removal o20%; , 20%premovalo40%; +, 40%premovalo60%; +, 60%premovalo80%; ++, 80%premovalo100%.

documented by various authors (Staples et al., 1998; According to the presented results it can be deduced,
Langford and Lester, 2003). In addition, the achievable that WWTPs designed for nitrogen removal achieve
effluent concentrations reflect the dependency of the high eliminations for certain micropollutants through-
removal efficiency on the SRT10 1C. At sludge ages out the year.
higher than 20 days, effluent concentrations near or Contradictory results were obtained for 17a-ethiny-
below the LOQ of 20 ng l1 were measured. According lestradiole and diclofenac. In some of the investigated
to prior explanations and Fig. 1 a critical SRT10 1C of treatment facilities high removal rates were observed,
about 10 days can be identified from the presented whereas in other WWTPs at comparable SRTs10 1C no or
results. However, the wide variation range of this critical only slight removal rates were obtained (see Table 3).
value has to be mentioned. The calculated removal rates (%) and the measured
The natural estrogens 17b-estradiole (E2), estrone (E1) effluent concentrations (ng l1) of the different treatment
and estriole (E3) are eliminated from the wastewater in systems in relation to the SRT10 1C are shown in Fig. 2.
dependency on the SRT10 1C. At SRTs10 1C higher than For none of the two substances a correlation between
10 days nearly complete removal of those compounds achieved effluent concentrations or removal efficiencies
was achieved and effluent concentrations in the range of and the SRT10 1C is detectable and therefore, no critical
the LOQ were measured. Comparable results are value for the SRT10 1C can be identified. For diclofenac
reported by Joss et al. (2004). The critical SRT10 1C the effluent concentrations vary within a wide range,
determined for the natural estrogens amounts between 5 whereas the effluent concentrations of EE2 are between 1
and 10 days. and 5 ng l1, except for the lab-scale experiments
Similar results were obtained for the pharmaceuticals resulting in effluent concentrations of approx. 10 ng l1.
ibuprofen and bezafibrate. Both substances were re- Similar contradictory results are documented in litera-
moved to a large extent during wastewater treatment ture for the analgesic drug diclofenac. Whereas Buser et
and treatment efficiencies of more than 95% were al. (1999) and Heberer (2002a) report no significant
calculated. Comparable results are reported by several elimination of diclofenac, Ternes et al. (1998) observed
authors (Stumpf et al., 1998; Buser et al., 1999; Zwiener elimination rates of up to 70%. Further contradictory
et al., 2001). A critical value for the SRT10 1C can be observations were documented with regard to EE2.
defined for those compounds, amounting to about 5 Whereas Ternes et al. (1999) observed no significant
days for ibuprofen and to about 10 days for bezafibrate. removal of EE2 during batch experiments, Baronti et al.
Whereas the range of variation is small for ibuprofen, (2000) and Joss et al. (2004) report eliminations of more
stronger fluctuations of the effluent concentration were than 85% in full-scale wastewater treatment plants.
observed for bezafibrate. According to prior explanations, it has to be
Summarising these results it can be stated, that high mentioned, that treatment efficiencies in percent are
removal rates and low effluent concentrations are dependent on the influent concentrations. Especially for
achieved at SRTs10 1C higher than 10 days. Compared ethinylestradiole influent concentrations in the range of
to the design guideline of the German Association for 5 ng l1 were measured. Since the measured effluent
Water, Wastewater and Waste (ATV-DVWK, 2000) this concentrations were within this range, no or only slight
corresponds to the design criteria for nitrogen removal. removal was observed. In regard to this observation it
M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106 103

120 2000
removal [%]

se [ng l-1]
60 1000


0 0
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
SRT10°C [d] SRT10°C [d]

120 1.4
E1 + E2 + E3 E1 + E2 + E3
100 1.2

removal [%]

se [nmol l-1]
20 0.2

0 0.0
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
SRT10°C [d] SRT10°C [d]

120 4000
removal [%]

se [ng l-1]

60 2000


0 0
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
SRT10°C [d] SRT10°C [d]

120 5000
removal [%]

se [ng l-1]


20 1000

0 0
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
SRT10°C [d] SRT10°C [d]

Fig. 1. Calculated removal efficiencies (%) and measured dissolved effluent concentrations se (ng l1, nmol l1) in relation to the
SRT10 1C for BPA, E1+E2+E3, IBP and BZF in the different treatment facilities (K, LP1-LP4, J, WWTP 1; m, WWTP 2; n, WWTP
3; ’, WWTP 4; &, WWTP 5).
104 M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106

100 4000
removal [%] 3000

se [ng l-1]
40 2000


0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
SRT10°C [d] SRT10°C [d]

100 14
80 12
removal [%]


se [ng l-1]
0 2
-20 0
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
SRT10°C [d] SRT10°C [d]

Fig. 2. Calculated removal efficiencies (%) and measured effluent concentrations (ng l1) for DCF and EE2 in the sewage treatment
facilities (K, LP1-LP4; J, WWTP 1; m, WWTP 2; n, WWTP 3; ’, WWTP 4; &, WWTP 5) in relation to the SRT10 1C.

Table 4
Observed degradation/transformation rates kobs (l g X1 1
VSS,R d ) for the different investigated WWTPs, according to Eq. (8)

Lab-scale WWTPs Full-scale WWTPs

L1 L2 L3 L4 1 2 3 4 5

SRT10 1C (d) 2 10 34 68 2 0.6 19 48 42 182 550 22 40 82

XSS,R (g l1) 0.5a 0.9a 1.8a 3.2a 4.0 5.1 5.9 3.1 4.9 4.0 4.0 6.3 4.5 11.8
XVSS,R (g l1) 0.4a 0.7a 1.5a 2.7a 3.2 3.5 4.1 2.0 3.2 2.4 2.7 4.7 3.2 9.3
BPA 1.5 2.2 4.1 2.6 0.7 — 0.8 2.1 1.6 3.6 4.4 45.2 0.5 73.7
E1+E2+E3 0.9 12.0 4.6 7.6 0.7 0.7 1.3 51.5 4.5 1.6 1.4 23.1 3.3 6.0
IBP 1.0 37.9 47.5 44.6 0.1 0.1 6.5 20.1 3.2 2.7 9.2 29.0 1.0 42.6
BZF 0.2 22.7 79.5 17.4 2.2 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.2 4.3 7.1 7.7 0.1 10.2
EE2 1.8 1.8 0.6 1.2 2.8 0.5 0.1 29.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.9 0.0 0.8
DCF 0.4 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.8 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4
CBZ 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
Values valid for the reactors with BPA and the steroid hormones. The reactors with IBP, BZF, DCF and CBZ were operated with
lower volumetric loading rates resulting in lower suspended solids concentrations: XSS,R (XVSS,R) in L1 0.2 (0.15) g l1; L2 0.6 (0.4)
g l1; L3 1.0 (0.8) g l1; L4 1.2 (1.0) g l1.

has to be indicated, that if a substance is degraded Degradation/transformation rates kobs were calcu-
according to the kinetics described, a nearly complete lated according to Eq. (8) and summarised in Table 4.
removal associated to negligible effluent concentrations Negative values result due to negative mass balance
can be anticipated at correspondent SRTs10 1C. A performance.
possible explanation for the observed behaviour of The presented biotransformation rates have to be
EE2 is that the measured concentrations are lower or interpreted as rough estimates, as they were derived
within the range of the respective KS value. from average values assuming a completely mixed and
M. Clara et al. / Water Research 39 (2005) 97–106 105

steady state system. Different redox conditions were not only show a high optimisation potential in regard to the
considered. The calculation assumes comparable rates removal of conventional wastewater parameters (e.g.
for aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic conditions, as none or nitrogen) as well as of micropollutants. Sensitive area
only poor data on degradation pathways and required requirements according to 91/271/EEC not only
redox conditions are known for the investigated strongly reduce oxygen consumption for C and N
substances. Joss et al. (2004) observed a dependency of oxidation in receiving waters and contribute to eutro-
the removal of E1 and EE2 on redox conditions, phication abatement by N and P elimination, but also
maximum rates occurring under aerobic conditions. achieve efficient removal of micropollutants, partly
Additional information would allow an adjustment of target compounds (e.g. BPA) included in the European
the coefficients presented in Table 4. Furthermore it is Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
annotated, that if a plant operates SRTs10 1C higher than
the critical one and degradation is observed, kobs
depends on the influent concentrations as calculated
removal rates do. Acknowledgments
Regarding the different investigated treatment tech-
nologies (conventional activated sludge systems versus Results are derived from POSEIDON Project ‘‘As-
MBR) no significant difference is observed if run at sessment of Technologies for the Removal of Pharma-
comparable SRT10 1C. However, MBRs allow achieving ceuticals and Personal Care Products in Sewage and
high SRTs10 1C within a compact reactor, resulting in Drinking Water Facilities to Improve the Indirect
higher volumetric reaction rates as compared to Potable Water Reuse’’ supported by the European
conventional treatment systems. Union, Project number EVK1-CT-2000-00047 and the
Project ARCEM ‘‘Austrian Research Cooperative on
Endocrine Modulators’’ funded by Austrian Ministry of
4. Conclusions Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water, Kom-
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behaviours during the wastewater treatment process.
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