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1.11 Do you have a written statement for your Health, Safety and Environmental policy
Please provide a copy
  Yes, AVA has a written statement for its Health, Safety and Environmental policy ( copy here attached)
1.12 How is the safety policy communicated to employees
  Please give details and methods of how this is achieved
AVA policy is communicated to all employees by several media: posted on bulletin boards in
head-offices, periodic meetings, newsletters, e-mail, or by any other medium required.
Policy document is distributed also to AVA customers and suppliers. Policy document is also available on
AVA’s website (www.avaspa.it)
Any possible change of the safety policy is brought to the notice of AVA employees whenever required both,
by displaying the concerned document and, by organizing a safety meeting with all the employees.
1.13 Is senior management accountable for HSE performance
  Please give details how this is practiced, including personal objectives
 Management is responsible for ensuring that Company’s health and safety statements comply with by all
they ensure that all efforts necessary to maintain safety and good working practices are carried out
Management participates to periodic meetings and reviews. The General Manager manages the whole

HSE-Q system. He establishes objectives, targets and programs and approves HSE-Q system

documentation (policies, procedures, work instructions);he guarantees and controls that all activities

are executed respecting all the procedures and in compliance with local legislation.

All senior management, responsible for further HSE system implementation, participate to periodic

meetings and reviews

Every three months all the HSEQ data are collected in a Report analyzed during a meeting and at least

once a year; all the managers are involved in the management review .

2.11 Do you have an emergency response plan; Yes, AVA has an emergency response plan
2.12 Please provide list of procedures
 AVA has some procedures in place for the emergency situations such as: PR-HSE-01: Accidents emergency
transportation of AVA products, PR-HSE-02: Accidents during work day, PR-HSE-11: Emergency first aid,
  PR-HSE-14: Emergency response procedure.
2.13 Describe how emergency preparedness is maintained and the command structure in case of
 Emergency preparedness is maintained by performing periodic drills (using different scenarios) to test the
effectiveness of the personnel reaction in case of emergency ( e.g. injured person evacuation, big products
spillages, etc.). Bill stations are available and displayed in visible places inside the company, establishing
personnel involved in case of emergency and responsibilities by departments.
3.11 List your HSE procedure manual(s)
  Please provide a copy
   The list of AVA HSE procedures is attached to the HSE Manual (see here attached copy).
3.12 Do you have a written working practices and safety manual covering such things as:
  scaffolding, lifting, heavy equipment, chemical handling, working at heights, safe driving or
  excavation. Please provide a copy
 The HSE issues listed here above are covered by the AVA HSE procedures listed inside the here attached
  HSE Manual (see here attached copy)
3.13 What arrangements does your company have for combating road and vehicle accidents
 To combat the road and vehicle incidents AVA is giving to all its drivers’ defensive driving training and has

implemented a Drive Right system for its fleet of vehicles. In house CPR an AED: Chain of Survival & Off

Piste driving training are done for the drivers too; First Aid training sessions are also organized. Transportation
are periodically audited. PR-HSE-17: Journey management procedure is also in place.

3.14 Who is responsible for updating and controlling the Safety manual
   The responsible for updating and controlling the Safety manual is the HSE Coordinator of AVA Algeria.
3.15 What is the date of the current version
 The date of the current version is the 4th of February, 2010.
3.16 How often are the procedures reviewed.
 The procedures are periodically reviewed by the HSE Coordinator and in any case after any accident
  occurrence and/or major legislation or specific technology changes.
How is the Manual made readily available to all operational employees; the HSE Manual is made ready
3.17 available to all operational employees in AVA’s intranet system.
Please provide details on the process for auditing staff and to ensure compliance: AVA has a documented
auditing procedure describing the process for auditing
staff and to ensure compliance ( PR-SYS-03: Internal Audit Procedure) as well as different forms to be used
  for the same purpose ( audit).
3.18 Please provide information how you will manage Algerian HSE regulatory & legal compliance:
 The Algerian HSE regulatory & legal compliance is managed as per the item 2 (Norms and Regulations
Applicable) of the AVA Algeria Quality Management Manual (QMSM-00-01-FR: Quality Management System
Manual). Besides, periodically the Algerian regulatory & legal compliance is checked by the QHSE
4.11 Do you have a procedure for the reporting, investigation and follow up of accidents,
  dangerous occurences or occupational illnesses
  Please attach procedure and provide details on the filing system or database that is used
AVA has a procedure for the reporting, investigation and follow up of accidents dangerous occurrences or
occupational illnesses ( see the here attached, PR-HSE-02: Accidents during work day procedure and the
FO-PR-HSE-02-04 Event Report form to be filled in case of accident, near miss or dangerous occurrence)
4.12 Are the results of accidents investigations communicated to the workers
  Please give details including also periodicity of update, alert system
 The findings following an investigation or a relevant incident occurring elsewhere in the Company are
discussed at the next safety meeting and corrective action taken where appropriate. Copies of completed
investigation reports or of the relevant incident report are submitted to the General Manager. The safety
alerts system is used in AVA group too; if one of the branches has a work incident or an unsafe condition,
  the HSE Coordinator send a safety alert to all the HSE Coordinators of the group
4.13 Please provide copies of investigations reports for the last 12 months
Copies of investigations reports for the last 12 months are here attached (Event Reports of 16/04/2010
  & 10/05/2010).
4.14 Please attach your accident / incident reporting and investigation procedure
 Please see the here attached, PR-HSE-02: Accidents during work day procedure describing the
accident/incident reporting and investigation procedure.
5.11 Do you have an HSE Orientation training program for new hires, newly hired or promoted
The new hires, newly hired or promoted supervisors are given a safety induction before effectively
  entering the company’s premises
Describe the content of the program, length of the program and who delivers the information: To ensure

that AVA new employees and/or supervisors are given the

required knowledge to carry out their work activity safely the safety induction is done as well as the In house

training including: the most important HSE issues

such as: AVA QHSE Policy, PPE, Chemical handling, Journey management, Driving safety, Emergency

Evacuation Plan, Waste Management, etc. More

detailed /specific training is then given as per the specific job description of each employee. The training

program lasts at least one day ( 8 hours) depending

on the specific personnel category and the training program is given by the HSE Responsible.
Do you organize in house safety meetings. Yes, AVA organizes in house safety meetings such as: pre tour,
pre job safety meetings and weekly meetings. In-house safety training is held for all the employees with
a frequency of one year and training certificates are released for the trainees
Please describe the frequency, attendance and topics; these safety meetings are attended by all the base
personnel and are organized on daily and weekly basis. The HSE discussed topics are well before
scheduled (e.g. PPE, Waste management, Emergency procedures, etc.).
6.13 Do you organize campaigns to stimulate safe working practices
  Please give details
To stimulate safe working practices a safety incentive program is in place. For instance, the best HSE
contribution of the week and of the month is rewarded by the company by giving a prize to the winner.
7.11 What safety training is given to your employees
  Please provide details and examples including providers
 In-house safety training is held for all the employees with a frequency of one year and training certificates
are released for these trainees. More specialized training such as First Aid, Defensive driving, Fire Fighting)
  is given outside the company using specialized trainers (e.g. Naftogas, Civil Protection, etc.)
7.12 Do you undertake specific job safety analysis to determine training and
  competence requirements. Please provide details and examples
 Yes, to determine training and competence requirements, specific job safety analysis are undertaken (please
  attached some JSA examples).
7.13 Have the workers who will undertake specific work received formal training in safe working
  practices and in the use of protective equipment relating to the potential hazards of the work
  Please provide details
  Yes, the workers who will undertake specific work are receiving formal training in safe working practices
and in the use of protective equipment relating to the potential hazards of the work. Besides the In house
training using specific HSE topics for these potential hazards of the work (PPE to be used is included),
pre tour and/or pre job safety meetings are organized for any hazardous operation to be performed
specifying which are the hazards and PPE and equipment to be used to reduce the possible encountered
hazards to a reasonable/acceptable residual risk for the operators and equipment.
7.14 Do your company supervisors attend specific supervisory training or induction courses.
Yes, the company’s supervisors are attending specific supervisory training or induction courses according
to their specific tasks described by their job descriptions. This is done both, internally and outside training
  using external qualified trainers.
7.15 How does your company select and train people to be competent to do their jobs.
AVA selects and train people to be competent to do their jobs using specific procedures for personnel
selection, recruiting and training. Besides, AVA has a competency training scheme for its employees
consisting in training (trainer’s evaluation included) evaluation done both, immediately after performing
the training and after a certain period of time (minimum three months).
8.11 Do you consider safety inspections / audits of your operations
  If so, at what frequency and how are unsafe acts and conditions resolved
 Yes, AVA has an inspection program of its operations; every rig is inspected at least once per month using
specific check lists and the findings are included into the inspection report and distributed to the involved
departments for settling the disclosed problems (unsafe acts and conditions, equipment and materials linked
  possible failures) .
8.12 Do you run a Behavioural Safety program
  Please provide details
Yes, AVA runs a Behavior Safety program mainly based on the personnel training using the identification
of the unsafe acts &unsafe behaviors, results of the previous working accidents and feedback for moving
  away from unsafe behavior of its personnel.
8.13 What arrangements are there for converting observations into actions
 For converting observations into actions, the personnel is -first, aware about the noticed unsafe acts and/or
unsafe behaviors then, the same personnel is trained /explained how to safely work in order to move away
from unsafe behavior. Meanwhile, observations are done to check for compliance with the requirements and
feed back provided to the top management.
9.11 Do you have an HSE organization
  Please provide the organization chart for the WORK and a description of responsibilities.
The preliminary organization chart for the WORK is here attached; for the description of responsibilities,
  please see the here attached Preliminary QHSE Plan.
9.12 Who is the most senior person for coordinating HSE matters related to the WORK
  What is his experience. Please provide CV and also details on his back to back
The most senior person for coordinating HSE matters related to the WORK is the HSEQ Coordinator

(Rolea Valentin). Details about his experience and formal safety qualifications can be found inside the here

attached CVs.

9.13 What type of HSE qualifications does your staff have
  Please describe
The HSE qualifications of the AVA Algeria staff are including the HSE Responsible and HSE Engineers
specific qualification worldwide accepted. They have an HSE experience of at least two years and they are
trained at mainly for the following HSE issues: PPE, Environmental issues, Driving safety, Work on height,
Emergency evacuation, Fire fighting, First aid, PTW/LOTO, etc.
10.11 What procedures do you follow for identification, assessment, control & mitigation
  of hazards and effects
AVA has in place an integrated QHSE management system including documentation regarding the

identification, assessment, control & mitigation of hazards and effects. The process starts by the

identification and assessment of the main HSE aspects (PR-HSE-08). At the same time, HSE audits and

inspections are periodically performed and findings analysed by the involved departments and

management. Corrective and preventive action is then established and practical application and

compliance is also checked with the occasion of the next inspections and audits and feedback

given to the management.

10.12 How do you translate this into action to mitigate risk.
The practical action to mitigate the evaluated risks consists in giving proper training to the concerned
personnel and adequate preventive action taking concerning the procedures, work instructions and
equipment to be used for this purpose.
10.13 Please describe how you train staff to mitigate hazards and associated risks.
To mitigate hazards and associated risks, the personnel is periodically trained (both, in house and externally)
considering the assessed hazards and risks and procedures, work instructions and equipment/materials to be
mitigate hazards and risks, are presented to the concerned personnel; the given training is evaluated to check
effectiveness and inspections are then performed to check the compliance with the requirements.
11.11 Do you have an industrial hygiene program
  Please describe its content
 Yes, has an industrial hygiene program is in place and its main objectives are to ensure that its personnel
exposures to hazardous chemicals are minimized. The PPE is used as a last barrier to protect the people
against the assessed risks and hazards. Health screening is also ensured all the employees being medically
checked at least once per year depending on their positions in the company.
11.12 Do you have a risk assessment or similar type to monitor exposure of your workforce
  to chemical and physical agents such as chemicals, noise, radiation etc.
  Please describe the process and provide examples of risk assessment
Yes, AVA periodically performs a risk assessment to monitor exposure of its workforce. The copy of the last
PR-HSE608 Identification and evaluation of the significant HSE aspects and Risk assessments performed
in AVA Algeria (both, for the base and the rig activity) including the process description, are here attached.
11.13 How does your company translate this into action
To monitor exposure of the workforce to chemical and physical agents, besides the performed risk
assessment, periodical parameters values of the work environment are measured to detect any abnormal
value (e.g. noise level, toxic gases, value, etc.). Detected values are registered into a specific file and
corrective and preventive actions are taken if required and the monitoring is then performed again to check
the effectiveness of the taken action.
11.14 If you introduce hazardous materials, substances into the work site, describe the process
  you will use to document and control their use.
  The introducing of hazardous materials, substances into the work site, is done in a controlled way meaning
that adequate procedures and work instructions concerning the use of such materials are previously
established and presented to all the personnel involved in the handling and use of such materials
and/or substances. Documents such as: MSDS, labels including Safety and Risk phrases, procedures for
handling such products, etc are made available and the personnel aware about their content. Specific PPE
and protection equipment are also established and made available for all the personnel supposed to handle,
transport and/or use these hazardous materials and/or equipment. Training of the personnel about its use
and maintenance is also given.


12.11 Do you provide appropriate personal protective equipment, PPE for your employees
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is managed according to European and local regulation.
The PR-EHS-04-EN: Personal Protective Equipment Procedure defines types and use of adopted
PPE. AVA, in conjunction with a qualified physician, determines PPE according to the specific job and risks
AVA provides free of charge all the necessary PPE to develop a project. The list of the PPE to be provided
for the performances of the works envisaged for this project is including at least the following: hard hat,
safety goggles, safety glasses, coverall, safety gloves, safety boots, mask anti vapors and, hearing protection
12.12 How requirements for PPE are assessed
The requirements for PPE are assessed first, by performing a risk assessment done by every work station.
Depending on the residual risk (after taking other specific actions to diminish the risk to an as low as
reasonable possible level), the adequate PPE is chosen and provided to the concerned personnel.
12.13 Please provide a list of the PPE for the scope of this WORK
 The list of the PPE for the scope of this WORK should include – as a minimum, the following items: safety
helmet, safety glasses/goggles, coverall, safety boots, different types of safety gloves (depending on different
protection ear plugs, respirators, and safety harness.
12.14 Do you provide training on how to use PPE
  Explain the content of the training and any follow up
One of the most important items in the successful implementation of the PPE system is the training of the
operators in the use and maintenance of the equipment. Separate training is carried out for each type of
PPE used by the operators; on completion of the training the trainee and the instructor sign and date the
form which should be kept with the personnel records of the holder of the PPE.AVA employees are aware
that the PPE use is compulsory.
12.15 Do you have a program to ensure that PPE is used and maintained
 To ensure that PPE is used and maintained safety inspections are performed even on regular basis or,
spot checks. All requests for PPE replacement, or requests for purchasing new PPE after new hazards have
came up should be made by the technician in charge of the competent function. For the old PPE
replacement, this is changed with a new one as per the AVA PPE Procedure ( PR-HSE-04).
13.11 Number of accidents resulting in environmental damage in the amount greater
  than USD 50,000 for the last 24 months
  Please attach copies of reports
AVA Algeria never registered  environmental accidents resulting in significant environmental damage
(in the amount greater than USD 50,000 or even less);
13.12 Do you have procedures for waste disposal
Please provide details
AVA has a procedure for waste management ( PR-HSE-15). Waste segregation by type is done inside the
  base then, the waste recovery is done by an authorized company only.
13.13 Do you have procedures for spill reporting
  Please provide details.
  Yes, AVA has in place procedures for spill reporting. The spill reporting is done using the Event report form.
Details about the AVA spillage procedure could be found inside the here attached WI-EHS-24: Spills
prevention and response procedure.

13.14 Do you have procedures for spill clean up

  Please provide details
For details concerning the spill cleanup, please find here attached the AVA spillage procedure WI-EHS-24:
Spills prevention and response
13.15 Please provide details of any of your equipment related to environmental matters
  Please detail list that will be available per WORKSITE and on service base
Concerning the equipment related to environmental matters we mention that AVA has available Mud Cuttings
Separators equipment treating on line the OBM cutting as well as the. Verti G dryers. A fleet of Vacuum trucks
available for environmental issues treatment as well as mini vac and diaphragm pumps equipment.
13.16 Who is the person in charge of coordinating environmental matters
  What is his experience. Please provide CV and also details on his back to back
 The person in charge of coordinating environmental matters is the QHSE Coordinator. During his absence,
he’s replaced by the HSE Responsible assisted by the HSE engineers (the CV of the
QHSE Coordinator - Rolea Valentin, HSE Responsible and HSE engineers are here attached).
13.17 Detail the procedures which would be followed to limit the potential environmental impact of
  your activities
To limit the potential environmental impact of AVA activities, AVA Algeria put in place an Environmental
policy statement AVA Products Environmental impact ( here attached). Spill prevention and response
procedure is also available in order to prevent and also mitigate the spillages environmental impact.
Besides, Waste management procedure is in place, too for the waste segregation by type and a contract
with an authorized company for the waste recovery, is also in place.
13.18 Do you have procedures to cover activities which have potential impact to the environment
 Yes, AVA has procedures and equipment to cover activities which have potential impact to the environment
( see item 13.17 here above)
13.19 Detail briefly what training is provided to employees on environmental issues
Training on environmental issues such as : AVA environmental policy, waste management and reducing of
the natural resources ‘ consumption), AVA Products Environmental impact, is provided to our employees
13.20 Please give details of planned inspections addressing environmental issues
Inspections addressing environmental issues are regularly performed and are including the checking the
chemical products packaging shape, their storage, availability of the retention walls and trays to prevent
spillages of dangerous products, chemical products compatibility storage, efficiency of the treated cuttings
by specific equipment ( such as MCS – remaining oil on cuttings after treatment),application of the AVA and
client’s environmental policy ( and other environmental procedures and work instructions) and waste
segregation on rig.
13.21 Where are details of environment standards and measures available and
  where are these documented
Details of environment standards and measures available are mentioned inside the AVA Environmental
Policy, AVA Products Environmental impact (here attached) and inside the local legislation concerning the
environment (norms and standards).
13.22 How and by whom are these measures assessed
The practical application of these measures is assessed by the HSE Department with the occasion of the
performed HSE inspections and audit.
13.23 Detail your latest independent environmental audit
Details about the latest independent environmental audit are included into the here attached HSE inspection
check lists (LMP & General work environment).
13.24 What arrangement does your company have in reviewing compliance with
  your environmental policy
The reviewing compliance with AVA environmental policy is done by performing HSE inspections, audits
and/or spot checks. Results of these inspections are then communicated to the involved departments and
to the top management for corrective (if necessary) and preventive (to avoid recurrence) action to be taken.
14.11 Do you conduct inspections on operating equipment (cranes, forklifts, heavy equipment...)
  in compliance with regulatory requirements
 Yes, AVA conducts inspections in compliance with regulatory requirements on its operating equipment
(forklifts, centrifuges, mud cabins, MCS, screw conveyors, etc.) every six(6) months; these inspections are
done by authorized companies and inspection certificates are released.
14.12 Do you maintain the appropriate inspection and maintenance certification records for
  operating and maintenance equipment
 Yes, appropriate inspection and maintenance certification records for operating and maintenance
  equipment are maintained by the HSE and Maintenance departments.
14.13 Would you allow JV Gas to audit your HSE management systems and to inspect
  your equipment at your facility or upon arrival at JV Gas site
 AVA Algeria will allow JV Gas to audit its HSE management systems and to inspect AVA equipment at
our facility or upon arrival at JV Gas site.
15.11 What type of safety record do you maintain
  Fatalities Dangerous occurrences or near misses
  DAFWC injuries Environmental damage costs
  First aid injuries Propreties and vehicle damage costs
AVA Algeria maintains safety records such as: fatalities, injuries, near misses, dangerous occurrences,
environmental damage costs, medical treatment cases, first aid injuries, property and vehicle damage costs.
15.12 Please provide the details of your annual safety record for the last three years in Algeria
  and your company definition of these terms
  to injuries or illness
  Number of DAFWC Number of hours worked
  Number of recordable injuries
 Fatalities (2007:0; 2008:0;2009:0) : A death resulting from a work injury regardless of the time intervening
between the injury and the death
Number of workdays lost due to injuries or illness (2007: 114 days; 2008: 17 days; 2009: 30 days):
Any day lost due to any work-related injury which renders the injured person temporarily unable to perform
regular Job or Restricted Work on any day/shift after the day on which the injury occurred; the day of the
accident is not counted when calculating Lost Workdays. Fatalities and Permanent Total Disabilities are
included in the calculation of the total the number of the Lost Time Injuries.
Number of DAFWC : (2007:0; 2008:0; 2009:0) :Total number of calendar days counting from the day of
starting restricted work until the person returns to his regular job.
Number of hours worked : (2007:593.832 hrs.; 2008:732.954 hrs;; 2009:778.407hrs.); The total number of
hours of direct work activities within the site boundaries including training and paid overtime but not including
the holidays, sickness and other absences. 
Number of recordable injuries : (2007:3; 2008:2; 2009:1) : any work-related harm for the employee which
renders the injured person temporarily unable to perform any regular Job or Restricted Work on any
day/shift after the day on which the injury occurred
15.13 Please provide the incidence rate of your company over the last three years in Algeria
  using the following formula: Incidence Rate = N x 200,000 / H(t) where:
  N = number of injuries or illnesses which resulted in lost work days
  H(t) = total hours worked by all employees during that year (if unknown, 173.3 hours
  per employee per month should be used)
Incident Rate for 2007:1.011
Incident Rate for 2008:0.546
Incident Rate for 2009:0.257 
15.14 Has your company received any statutory notices, improvement orders or prohibition orders
  from a regulatory or enforcing authority in the past 3 years in Algeria
 AVA Algeria didn’t received any statutory notices, improvement orders or prohibition orders from a regulatory
or enforcing authority in the past 3 years in Algeria
16.11 What safety requirements do you, the contractor, specify for your sub-contractors
  Please provide details
 AVA has a selection and control system to ensure that his subcontractors fully comply with the HSE

requirements of the contracts. It has also a control system to ensure that any equipment, material, product

consumable, mobilized or utilized for the services fully comply with the HSE and quality requirements of

the contracts.

Before any subcontracting organization is permitted to perform any works for Company they must submit

their Safety Manual for approval, to establish that their document and Company policies conforms with

that of Company expects that all of its Sub-Contractors' personnel comply with the health, safety and

environment interests of Company as well as those of Client. Company is responsible for every one of its

employees as well as those of its sub-contractors.

The Health, Safety and Environmental Plan have to be presented and approved prior to any sub-contract

works commencement.
16.12 Do you have procedures for the control of the safety performance of a sub-contractor
  Please give details
To control the safety performances of its sub-contractors, periodically one AVA Representative performs

inspections of the sub- contractors and depending on the findings; AVA will notify the Sub-Contractor

verbally and in writing of any non-compliance with safety requirements of contract. The Sub-Contractor

shall after receipt of such notice immediately take corrective action.

If the Sub-Contractor fails to take corrective action, the Company Representative will have the right to

stop all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken.

16.13 Please provide the names of any third party or subcontractors that you intend to
utilise during the execution of the CONTRACT
AVA doesn’t intend to use any third party or subcontractors to utilize during the execution of the CONTRACT
  excepting some transporting companies
17.11 Do your employees for the WORK read, write and understand French and Arabic
 Yes, all AVA ‘s employees for the WORK read, write and understand at least French and Arabic
17.12 What language will you use to communicate with employees to safely complete the WORK
The language AVA will use to communicate with employees to safely complete the WORK will be either
French, Arabic or English
17.13 Do any of your employee for the WORK suffer from chronic medical conditions
  requiring control by administration of medication
None of AVA employees for the WORK suffers from chronic medical conditions
17.14 Please provide the details of any significant HSE achievements or awards
 AVA Algeria is part of the AVA Group and its mother company – AVA Spa, has been certified by a third

party (DNV) for an integrated QHSE Management system including the following certifications:

 ISO 9001,
 ISO 14001,
 ISO 27001
 OHSAS 18001
AVA Algeria has been certified for the ISO 9001:2008 standard ( by SGS) and is continuously improving

an integrated quality, environment, health and safety management system based on proper planning,

implementation, monitoring and review to ensure compliance with applicable management system

standards (quality, health, environment and safety).


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