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1. A agrees to sell to B 20 bags of rice out of 100 bags lying in his godown for Rs.

5000, the
wheat is completely destroyed by fire before the execution of the agreement to sell by fire
without the fault of any of the parties. Can B compel A to supply the wheat as per the
2. A sells to B a horse which is to be delivered the next week, A has kept the horse separate
from other horses, however the horse dies before the delivery. Who shall bear the loss?
3. There was a contract of sale between the parties for the sale of a new car, however the car
which was sold was not new but second hand, what is the remedy available with the buyer?
4. Two parcels of wheat were sold by sample. The buyer went to examine the bulk after a
week later, one parcel was shown to him but the seller refused to show the other parcel? Is
there any remedy available with the buyer, if yes what?
5. As a general rule the risk of loss of goods prima facie lies with whom? What are the
exceptions to the general principle?

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