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Robers Armand

Ms. Cunning ham

English 2

Rules of the Game

Who is the author’s intended audience?

The intended audience is girls and women who have ad adversarial relation ships with their mother.
What point is the author trying to convey?
She is trying to convey the idea that her mother’s homespun wisdom gave her the conceptual wisdom to
dominate in chess, but that same wisdom was used against her at their home. The concept of ‘the
strongest wind cannot be seen’ reminds me of the Chinese philosophical concept of yin, the yielding ,
receptive , ‘feminine’ force that uses the overexertion of overt strength(‘masculine’ yang)and redirects it
against itself. Waverly used this concept to great effect on the chess boards, using stealth and guile to
manipulate her opponents, seemingly losing certain piece in the short term for the greater long term
strategy of catching her opponent off guard at the right moment. When the inevitable conflict arose
between Waverly and her mother in terms of the embarrassment Waverly felt over being used a as n
object of pride, she herself became the victim of her own technique in a way, because her home is her
mother’s dominion.
Is the Author successful?
I believe the auithor was extremely successful in conveying her ideas. She sues very descriptive writing
and delves deep into the mindset of her main character .

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