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Our Mind

As Christians, we have been born of God in our human spirit (John 3:6).
Jesus Christ now lives in us (II Cor. 13:5). His Spirit and our spirit have
become one spirit (I Cor. 6:17). This is a fact and this is eternal. Although
we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and forgiven of all our
sins, we still possess the sinful flesh; this fallen nature remains in our
mortal bodies (Rom. 6:12). Because of this, there is still the potential for
Christians to live a sinful life (I Cor. 3:3). A genuine born again believer in
Christ can chose to live, walk, and act in the flesh and not according to the
Spirit (Gal. 5:16).
This is our struggle; this is our fight. Will we live according to the Spirit or
according to the flesh? This will be determined by the position and
condition of our mind. To life a Spirit-filled overcoming life, our minds
need to be continually set on the spirit and daily renewed by the Spirit
(Rom. 8:6; 12:2; Eph. 4:23). This is both a daily moment by moment
exercise and a lifelong ongoing process. If we do not intentionally set our
mind on the spirit, it will automatically gravitate to the flesh. The more we
set our mind on the spirit, the more our minds will be renewed and
function according to Christ.
Although we are eternally one with the Lord, we can still be alienated from
Him and a hindrance to Him if we continue to operate out of an unrenewed
mind set on the flesh. We have the mind of Christ because He lives in our
spirit (I Cor. 2:16). But if we allow our mind to be set on the flesh and on
the things of earth and man instead of the spirit, we will not have the mind
of Christ in our daily practical application and experience (Matt. 16:23; Col.
3:1-2). Just because you have something doesn't guarantee you will use it.
The more we set our mind on the spirit, the more it will be renewed. As
such, we will practically think and live according to the mind of Christ. The
mind of Christ is a sober mind; it is a mind that is consciously and
continually aware of the need to deny itself and live according to the leading
and will of God (John 8:28-29). The mind of Christ is a humble mind; it is
not one that puts himself above others; it does not think more highly of
himself above others; it is a mind of sacrifice for serving others (Phil. 2:3-
8). God gives grace to those with lowly minds (I Pet. 5:5). This grace
empowers believers to live Spirit-filled overcoming lives (I Cor. 15:10). An
overcoming life is a life lived according to the mind of Christ.
The mind of Christ should also be the "one mind" in the Body of Christ (I
Cor. 1:10; Phil. 2:2). The greatest frustration to the building up of the
church for the past two millennial has been that there are too many minds.
As the mind is the origin of most of our words and actions, so an
unrenewed mind, which is according to the flesh, is a great hindrance to the
building up of Christ's church. How many dear saints over the years have
acted and reacted, spoken and gossiped, functioned and operated, led and
followed, worked and served, taught and preached, fought and submitted
etc. according to the flesh with an unrenewed mind? And how much
damage, division, and disgrace has the church suffered as a result, and
often with good intentions.
The mind of Christ is the only mind that should have preeminence in the
church. Therefore, only those who live and work according to this mind,
that is, according to the Spirit, bring true blessing and genuine building up
to the Body of Christ. It is only in this way that there can be an adequate,
practical, and genuine expression of the church. So, let this mind be in you
which was also in Christ Jesus!

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