Physiology of Lactation: Clinics in Perinatology July 1999

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Physiology of Lactation

Article  in  Clinics in Perinatology · July 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0095-5108(18)30053-8 · Source: PubMed


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Margaret C Neville
University of Colorado


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Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641 / locate / addr

Mammary physiology and milk secretion

James L. McManaman*, Margaret C. Neville
Department of Physiology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO 80262, USA
Received 11 June 2002; accepted 22 January 2003


The presence of drugs or other potentially toxic materials in milk is an obvious public health risk, especially to infants and
neonates. There is also increasing concern that human breast cancer is principally epigenetic in origin and results from
environmentally produced lesions. Little is known about the mechanisms by which toxic substances enter milk or mammary
tissue but knowledge of these processes is important to toxicologists and researchers involved in drug design and
metabolism. Five general pathways have been described for transport of proteins, lipids, ions, nutrients and water into milk.
Four of these pathways are transcellular, involving transport across at least two membrane barriers; the fifth is paracellular
and allows direct exchange of interstitial and milk components. Solute transport by these pathways is mediated by a diverse,
and complex array of transport and secretory processes that are regulated by hormonal, developmental, and physiological
factors. Current research is beginning to define the mechanisms underlying some of these processes, however the regulation
and coordination of solute transport mechanisms remains poorly understood. In this article we review our current
understanding of the normal solute transport and secretory processes involved in milk production, and discuss potential
regulatory mechanisms.
 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Differentiation; Morphogenesis; Secretion; Transport; Ions; Lipid; Glucose; Amino acids


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 630

2. Functional anatomy of the lactating mammary gland.................................................................................................................. 630
2.1. Cell biology of the lactating alveolar cell ........................................................................................................................... 630
2.2. Solute transport and secretion pathways ............................................................................................................................. 632
2.2.1. Exocytotic pathway (I) ........................................................................................................................................... 632
2.2.2. Lipid secretion pathway (II).................................................................................................................................... 632
2.2.3. Transcytotic pathways (III) ..................................................................................................................................... 633
2.2.4. Membrane transport pathways (IV) ......................................................................................................................... 633 Ion transport.............................................................................................................................................. 633 Glucose transport....................................................................................................................................... 633

*Corresponding author. Department of Physiology, Box C240, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO 80262, USA.
Tel.: 1 1-303-315-7093; fax: 1 1-303-315-8110.
E-mail addresses: (J.L. McManaman), (M.C. Neville).

0169-409X / 03 / $ – see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016 / S0169-409X(03)00033-4
630 J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641 Amino acid transport ................................................................................................................................. 633 Other agents.............................................................................................................................................. 633
2.2.5. Paracellular transport pathway (V) .......................................................................................................................... 634
3. Mammary gland differentiation and milk secretion .................................................................................................................... 634
3.1. Morphogenesis ................................................................................................................................................................ 634
3.2. Secretory differentiation and activation .............................................................................................................................. 634
3.3. Changes in milk composition during secretory activation .................................................................................................... 635
3.4. Effects of milk stasis on secretion and milk composition ..................................................................................................... 636
4. Hormonal regulation of secretory activation and transport processes ........................................................................................... 636
4.1. Paracellular transport........................................................................................................................................................ 637
4.2. Exocytotic secretion ......................................................................................................................................................... 637
4.3. Lipid secretion ................................................................................................................................................................. 637
4.4. Monovalent ion transport .................................................................................................................................................. 637
4.5. Glucose transport ............................................................................................................................................................. 638
4.6. Amino acid transport ........................................................................................................................................................ 638
5. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 638
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 639
References .................................................................................................................................................................................. 639

1. Introduction physiological factors that affect solute transport and

secretion processes.
Milk is a complex mixture whose composition
reflects the activities of distinct secretion and trans-
port processes of the mammary gland and mirrors the 2. Functional anatomy of the lactating
differing nutritional requirements of mammalian mammary gland
neonates. Milk also can be a source of drugs, dietary
metabolites and xenobiotic agents that can possibly The lactating mammary gland is composed of a
harm newborns [1]. The entry of such substances branching network of ducts formed of epithelial cells
into milk is likely to be mediated by the same ending in extensive lobulo-alveolar (LA) clusters that
transport and secretory pathways used by common are the sites of milk secretion (Fig. 1). A single layer
milk solutes, and influenced by the metabolic and of polarized secretory epithelial cells surrounds each
physiological properties of the mammary gland. At alveolus within these clusters. In turn the alveoli are
present there is little detailed information about the surrounded by myoepithelial cells that function in
mechanisms and factors regulating entry of drugs milk ejection, and a vascularized connective-tissue
and xenobiotic agents into milk. Drugs also have the stroma that contains lipid-depleted adipocytes and
potential to alter transport processes in the mammary fibroblasts. Ejection of milk from alveoli and ducts
gland through direct effects or by altering metabo- requires contraction of myoepithelial cells, stimu-
lism or normal developmental processes [2]. In lated by oxytocin released from the posterior pitui-
addition, mammary tissue and milk possess enzymes tary as part of a suckling induced neuroendocrine
capable of activating drugs and xenobiotic agents reflex.
[3–5], and there is increasing recognition that endog-
enous bioactivation processes may contribute to 2.1. Cell biology of the lactating alveolar cell
breast cancer and other diseases through formation of
genotoxic agents in breast tissue and milk [5,6]. The As expected for highly active secretory cells, the
aim of this chapter is to lay the foundation for cytoplasm of lactating alveolar cells is filled with
understanding the origin and transport of drugs and numerous mitochondria and an extensive rough
xenobiotic agents in milk by providing an overview endoplasmic reticulum network. In addition there is a
of the cell biology and physiology of milk formation well-developed Golgi apparatus, and secretory vesi-
and secretion, and by discussing our current under- cles containing casein micelles are present in the
standing of the normal developmental, hormonal and apical region of the cell [7]. Swelling of trans-most
J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641 631

Fig. 1. Diagram of mammary alveolus and alveolar epithelial cell showing pathways for milk secretion. Milk is secreted by alveolar
epithelial cells into the lumen (arrows). It is then expressed through the ducts by contraction of myoepitheilal cells that surround alveolar and
ductal epithelial cells. The alveolus is surrounded by a well-developed vasculature and a stroma comprising extracellular matrix components,
fibroblasts and adipocytes. The region indicated by the box is expanded to show key structural and transport properties of alveolar cells.
Pathway I depicts exocytotic secretion of milk proteins, lactose, calcium and other components of the aqueous phase of milk. Pathway II
depicts milk fat secretion with formation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets (CLDs) that move to the apical membrane to be secreted as a
membrane bound milk fat globule (MFG). Pathway III depicts vesicular transcytosis of proteins such as immunoglobulins from the
interstitial space. Pathway IV depicts transporters for the direct movement of monovalent ions, water and glucose across the apical and basal
membranes of the cell. Pathway V depicts transport through the paracellular pathway for plasma components and leukocytes. Pathway V is
open only during pregnancy, involution and in inflammatory states such as mastitis. Abbreviations: SV, secretory vesicle; RER, rough
endoplasmic reticulum; BM, basement membrane; N, nucleus; PC, plasma cell; FDA, fat depleted adipocyte; JC, junctional complex
containing the tight and adherens junctions; GJ, gap junction; ME, myoepithelial cell. Redrawn from Ref. [82] with permission.

elements of the Golgi network results from the an apical junctional complex composed of adherens-
osmotic influx of water due to the high concen- and tight-junctional elements [10,11] that function to
trations of lactose synthesized within this compart- inhibit direct paracellular exchange of substances
ment [8]. Lactating alveolar cells have well-de- between vascular and milk compartments during
veloped synthetic capabilities for lipid and possess a lactation. The basal side of alveolar epithelial cells
unique mechanism for lipid secretion [9] that results contacts myoepithelial cells and the basement mem-
in the secretion of triglyceride droplets surrounded brane, which separates the epithelial compartment
by a specialized milk fat droplet membrane [7,9]. from the stroma and the vascular system. Thus, there
Epithelial cells are connected to each other through are a number of potential barriers to the transfer of
632 J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641

exogenous substances from blood or stromal cells to charides, phosphate, calcium and citrate. Like ex-
milk: (1) vascular or stromal membranes; (2) the ocytotic secretion mechanisms found in other cells
basement membrane; (3) basal epithelial membranes, these substances are packaged into secretory vesicles
(4) paracellular junctional complexes, (5) Golgi within the Golgi that are then transported to the
membranes and (6) apical epithelial membranes. apical region of the cells, where the vesicles fuse
with the apical plasma membrane discharging their
2.2. Solute transport and secretion pathways contents into the extracellular space. Unique features
of this pathway in alveolar cells are the presence of
Solutes can enter milk through both transcellular high concentrations of lactose, phosphate, calcium
and paracellular routes that can be divided into five and citrate (in non-rodent species) within the vesi-
general pathways (Fig. 1). Two pathways exist for cles. Lactose is synthesized from UDP-galactose and
secretion of endogenously generated substances: glucose within the Golgi by lactose synthase. The
aqueous solutes including the major milk proteins, high concentrations of lactose present in the Golgi
oligosaccharides, and nutrients such as lactose, cit- during lactation lead to osmotic influx of water that
rate, phosphate and calcium are secreted through an contributes to the fluidity of milk. Calcium originates
exocytotic pathway (pathway I) that is similar to from the plasma, entering the alveolar cytoplasm by
exocytotic pathways found in other cell types [12]. a poorly defined process located at the basal mem-
Lipids (primarily triglycerides) and lipid-associated brane. It is transported from the cytoplasm into
proteins are secreted by a process unique to mam- secretory vesicles by an ATP-dependent Ca 21 pump
mary epithelial cells (pathway II) [9]. Two general that is found on Golgi and secretory membranes
transcellular pathways also exist for transport of [19,20]. Within the vesicles calcium forms large
exogenous substances to milk. The transcytosis micellar structures with casein and also complexes
pathway (pathway III) transports a wide range of with phosphate and citrate to effectively reduce free
macromolecular substances derived from serum or Ca 21 levels. The phosphate in secretory vesicles may
stromal cells, including: serum proteins such as be partly derived from the hydrolysis of UDP-galac-
immunoglobulins, albumin and transferrin [13–15]; tose during the synthesis of lactose. Citrate is
endocrine hormones such as insulin, prolactin and thought to be generated endogenously within the
estrogen [14,16]; and stromal derived agents such as cytoplasm of the alveolar cell and transported into
secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), cytokines and the Golgi lumen by a currently undefined process.
lipoprotein lipase [17]. In addition, various mem-
brane transport pathways (pathway IV) exist for the 2.2.2. Lipid secretion pathway ( II)
transfer of ions and small molecules, such as glu- Mammary epithelial cells of most species have
cose, amino acids, and water across basal and apical well developed lipid synthetic, storage and secretion
plasma membranes [18]. Finally, there is a paracellu- capabilities. Milk lipids, primarily triacylgycerides
lar pathway (pathway V) that provides a direct route and phospholipids, are synthesized in the smooth
for entry of serum and interstitial substances into endoplasmic reticulum in the basal region of the cell
milk [11]. Transport through these pathways is from precursor fatty acids and glycerol. Newly
affected by the functional state of the mammary synthesized lipid molecules form into small protein
gland and regulated by direct and indirect actions of coated storage structures called lipid bodies or
hormones and growth factors. The general cellular cytoplasmic lipid droplets that coalesce and are
and physiological properties of solute transport transported to the apical plasma membrane where
mechanisms comprising these pathways are summa- they are secreted by a unique budding process [9], as
rized below. membrane enveloped structures called milk fat
globules (MFGs). This process occasionally results
2.2.1. Exocytotic pathway ( I) in the inclusion of a crescent of cytoplasm within the
The exocytotic secretion pathway is the primary membrane-bound globule [21] enabling any sub-
mechanism for protein secretion by alveolar cells as stance contained in the cytoplasm to enter milk. The
well as for secretion of water, lactose, oligosac- milk fat globule is a major neonatal energy source in
J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641 633

most, if not all species, and the membrane surround- apical plasma membranes, or at the basal plasma
ing these structures is a source of phospholipids and membrane and Golgi or secretory membranes. Trans-
prevents fat globules from coalescing into large fat port mechanisms for various small molecules have
droplets that might be difficult to expel during been identified on these membranes and are summa-
lactation. From the standpoint of potential drug rized below.
metabolism within milk, the milk fat globule mem-
brane is known to contain numerous enzymes, Ion transport
including oxidases, reductases and hydrolases with Transporters or channels for sodium, potassium
relatively high specific activities [22]. In particular, and chloride have been identified on the basal and
milk fat globule membranes are highly enriched in apical plasma membranes of alveolar cells [18]. In
the purine oxidizing enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase contrast, calcium, phosphate and iodide transporters
(XOR) [22]. XOR has broad substrate specificity and appear to be limited to the basal membrane [28,29].
is a potent oxygen radical generator [23], and recent As indicated above, calcium pump activity has been
studies have demonstrated its ability to metabolize demonstrated on Golgi and secretory vesicle mem-
xenobiotic agents, including activation of cancer branes, however it is unclear if these membranes
chemotherapeutics [24]. possess transport mechanisms for phosphate or
2.2.3. Transcytotic pathways ( III)
Transcytotic pathways for transport of proteins Glucose transport
and other macromolecules are active in a variety of Glucose transport systems have been detected in
epithelial cell types including mammary alveolar the mammary gland at both the apical and basal
cells [13,15]. These pathways involve endocytic plasma membrane, and on Golgi and secretory
uptake of substances at the basal membrane, forma- vesicle membranes. Two distinct glucose transport
tion and maturation of endosomes, and sorting to mechanisms have been identified in the mammary
lysosomes for degradation, or to the apical recycling gland; a GLUT1 transporter mechanism [30,31] and
compartment for exocytosis at the apical membrane a sodium dependent glucose transporter [32].
[15]. Although information about specific trans- GLUT1 appears to mediate glucose transport at the
cytosis of substances by mammary alveolar cells is basal and Golgi membranes, but data from immuno-
limited, transcytotic secretion of immunoglobulin A fluorescence and 2-deoxyglucose transport studies
in rabbit mammary glands has been shown to occur suggest that it is does not contribute to glucose
by a pathway similar to the one outlined above [25]. transport at the apical membrane.
In addition, limited prolactin and transferrin trans-
cytosis have been detected [14] and transfer of Amino acid transport
labeled low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from blood to Both sodium-dependent and sodium independent
milk has been reported [26]. Considering that xeno- amino acid transport mechanisms analogous to those
biotic agents, including carcinogens and some drugs, found in other organs have been demonstrated at the
can bind to and be transported by lipoproteins [27], basolateral component of the mammary epithelium
the transcytotic pathway is a potentially important [18,33]. It is unclear at present if apical membranes
route for transfer of these agents to milk. have similar transport mechanisms for amino acids,
and it is unknown how amino acids get into milk. It
2.2.4. Membrane transport pathways ( IV) is also uncertain if the mammary gland has special-
This category of transport pathways is composed ized systems for transport of intact peptides.
of several distinct, solute-specific, mechanisms for
transport of monovalent and polyvalent ions and Other agents
small molecules such as glucose and amino acids. The presence of higher than expected concen-
Obviously, transcellular transfer of these substances trations of certain drugs in milk have raised the
from blood to milk by these pathways requires the possibility that alveolar cells may have active trans-
presence of specific transporters at the basal and port mechanisms for such compounds. In support of
634 J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641

this possibility Kari et al. [34] and Toddywalla et al. progressive reorganization of the mammary gland
[35] demonstrated active transport of the antibiotic away from a predominately adipose organ to one
nitrofurantoin across the mammary epithelium in with secretory epithelial functions. Gene knockout
lactating rats and in cultured mammary epithelial experiments have demonstrated that formation of
cells, thus suggesting that membrane transport mech- lobulo-alveolar structures depends on the actions of
anisms may play an important role in the transport of progesterone and prolactin receptors functioning
water-soluble chemicals into milk. through the STAT5, cyclin D1 and Wnt pathways
2.2.5. Paracellular transport pathway ( V)
Transport through the paracellular pathway ac- 3.2. Secretory differentiation and activation
counts for direct, bi-directional, extracellular move-
ment of both low-molecular-weight substances and Secretory differentiation of the mammary gland
macromolecular solutes between the alveolar lumen (lactogenesis) begins around mid-pregnancy in most
and the interstitial space during pregnancy or with species and has been divided into initiation and
mastitis or after involution. This pathway is closed activation phases based on differences in the com-
during lactation in humans and most other species position of mammary secretions, gene expression,
(in the rabbit tight-junction closure may not be and structural and functional properties of alveolar
complete) by the presence of very tight tight-junc- cells [7,40]. The initiation phase (previously called
tions between epithelial cells, with the result that lactogenesis I) is characterized by increased expres-
only the transcellular transport pathways (I–IV) sion of some milk protein genes and biosynthetic
function to transfer solutes to milk. enzymes, and accumulation of neutral lipid droplets
[7,40]. Alveolar cells become capable of limited
secretion of some milk components during the
3. Mammary gland differentiation and milk initiation phase, which in humans is detected by
secretion measurement of increased concentrations of lactose
and alpha-lactalbumin in the plasma or urine [41,42].
The ability to secrete milk develops during preg- However, in situ analyses of mouse mammary glands
nancy when the mammary gland is transformed from has shown that significant numbers of alveolar cells
a simple ductal tree to a highly efficient exocrine do not express milk protein genes during pregnancy
organ with expansive lobular-alveolar structures. [43], and many alveoli have little or no luminal
This transformation is hormonally regulated and volume during pregnancy. Moreover, analysis of the
involves changes in both the cellular composition of secretory product extracted from the breasts of
the mammary gland and the structural, cellular and pregnant women showed an absence of casein and
biochemical properties of alveolar cells that are markedly reduced concentrations of lactose. Thus, it
critical to development of efficient solute transport is likely that the secretion that occurs during the
and secretory functions. initiation phase of lactogenesis is restricted to a
limited number of alveolar cells with incompletely
3.1. Morphogenesis developed secretory mechanisms. Copious milk sec-
retion is induced during the secretory activation
There is marked proliferation of ductal and alveo- phase of differentiation (previously called lac-
lar epithelial cells during pregnancy. Studies in mice togenesis II) that occurs at the end of pregnancy in
showed that ductal cell proliferation, resulting in rodents and ruminants, and shortly after parturition
formation of side-branches, peaks within the first 5 in humans. This phase is characterized by homoge-
days of pregnancy [36]. Alveolar cell proliferation, neous expression of milk protein genes by alveolar
however, remains elevated from day 6 through day cells [43], induction of additional milk protein gene
15 of pregnancy [36]. During this period there is a and biosynthetic enzyme expression, polarization of
marked increase in the number of lobular-alveolar organelles, expansion of mitochondria and RER,
structures and the loss of the fat pad, implying a maturation of the Golgi apparatus, and closure of
J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641 635

tight-junction complexes [7,40,44]. These changes in made by the epithelial cells, from passing from the
the cellular and gene expression properties of alveo- lumen of the alveolus to the plasma, and sodium and
lar cells are reflected in dramatic modifications of the chloride from directly entering the lumen from the
solute composition of milk and increased secretory interstitial space. These changes result in decreased
volume (Fig. 2) and indicate coordinated maturation concentrations of sodium and chloride, and increased
of secretory mechanisms and alterations in transport concentrations of lactose in the mammary secretion.
pathways. The increased lactose concentration reflects de-
creased dilution by water entering the lumina with
3.3. Changes in milk composition during secretory the ions, rather than an increase in its secretion.
activation Second, there are transient increases in the rates of
secretion of sIgA and lactoferrin in the milk of
Changes in the solute composition of milk are an women shortly after delivery (Fig. 3). The con-
index of the relative activities of solute synthesis / centrations of these two important protective proteins
transport pathways. Three temporally distinct remain high, comprising as much as 10% of milk for
changes in milk composition take place at the onset the first 48 h after birth then fall rapidly after day 2,
of lactation. The earliest is a fall in sodium and both from dilution as milk volume secretion in-
chloride and an increase in the lactose concentrations creases and from actual decreases in their rates of
of milk (Fig. 3). These modifications occur immedi- secretion, particularly of immunoglobulins. Although
ately after delivery and are largely complete by 72 h both these proteins are found at high concentrations
postpartum [45]. They precede increases in milk in colostrum, they are likely to be secreted by
volume by at least 24 h, and can be explained by different mechanisms; as lactoferrin, an endogenous
closure of the tight junctions that block the paracellu- protein of alveolar cells, is secreted by the exocytotic
lar pathway. Blocking this pathway prevents lactose, pathway (pathway I) [46], while sIgA, a plasma

Fig. 2. The rate of secretion of milk volume and macronutrients in milk during the first 8 days postpartum. Data were derived from a study
of 12 multiparous women who weighed their infants before and after every feed for the first 7 days postpartum and gave frequent milk
samples. These data illustrate the high level of coordination required to produce milk of consistent composition during early lactation.
(Taken from Ref. [47], with permission).
636 J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641

volves the actions of several distinct transport path-

ways and biosynthetic processes, such tightly
synchronized increases implies the presence of a
common activation switch and mechanisms for coor-
dinating their activities.

3.4. Effects of milk stasis on secretion and milk


Incomplete milk removal is known to reduce milk

volume in both women and dairy animals [47–49].
Studies in goats showed that decreased milk yield
was due to inhibition of secretion and that acute
reduction of milk removal sharply increased con-
centrations of lactose and a-lactalbumin in blood and
sodium and serum albumin in milk [50], indicating
increased paracellular permeability. Importantly, it
was shown that chemically increasing tight-junction
permeability by isoosmotically injecting the calcium
chelators EGTA [51] or citrate [52] into the lumens
of goats also decreased milk yield, thus mature
Fig. 3. Changes in the concentration of certain milk components secretory function appears to require closure of tight-
during the first week post-partum. (A) Time course of changes in
junctions and consequently closure of paracellular
the lactose, chloride and sodium concentrations contrasted with
the mean milk volume transfer to the infant. Changes in these milk transport.
components begin immediately postpartum and are complete at
least 24 h prior to the achievement of a steady state in milk
volume. As described in the text the decrease in sodium and 4. Hormonal regulation of secretory activation
chloride and increase in lactose concentration reflect closure of the
and transport processes
tight junctions between the mammary epithelial cells. (Adapted
from Ref. [45], with permission). (B) Changes in the concen-
tration of secretory IgA and lactoferrin during the onset of The fall in progesterone at parturition is generally
lactation in women (data replotted from Ref. [83], with permission agreed to be required for the onset of milk secretion,
of the Pediatric Clinics of North America). and activation of milk protein gene expression and
biosynthetic processes [40,53]. In humans it is
derived protein, is secreted by receptor mediated known that removal of the placenta, the source of
transcytosis (pathway III) [25]. In addition, the peak progesterone, is necessary for the initiation of milk
secretion rate of lactoferrin occurs at the same time secretion, and it has been reported that the retention
as that of lactose and the major milk proteins, while of placental fragments with the potential to secrete
sIgA secretion peaks 1 day earlier [45] (Fig. 3), progesterone delays lactation [54]. Exogenous pro-
suggesting that the exocytotic and transcytosis path- gesterone has been shown to prevent lactose and
ways are regulated differently during early lactation. lipid synthesis in mammary glands of pregnant rats
The third phase occurs about 36 h postpartum and [53] and cattle [55] after removal of the ovary—the
is associated with massive and concerted increases in source of progesterone in these species. Progesterone
milk volume and the rates of synthesis and / or has also been shown to suppress b-casein expression
secretion of almost all the components of mature in the rat mammary gland during pregnancy [56,57]
milk including, but not limited to, lactose, protein and the fall in progesterone levels at parturition are
(mainly casein), lipid, calcium, sodium, magnesium, linked to increased b-casein synthesis [58]. In gener-
potassium, citrate, glucose and free phosphate. Con- al the mechanism by which the fall in progesterone
sidering that the secretion of these substances in- induces secretory activity and the extent to which
J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641 637

this decline affects individual secretory and transport effects, however, is uncertain and may reflect multi-
pathways remain largely unknown. However, it is ple actions of prolactin. For example, evidence
increasingly clear that other hormones, in particular suggests that prolactin promotes alveolar survival,
prolactin and cortisol [44], must be present in maintenance of tight-junctions and milk protein and
appropriate concentration if a decline in progesterone lactose synthesis [40,62,63]. However, there is evi-
is to trigger secretory activation. dence that prolactin stimulates casein secretion by
activating the release of arachidonic acid in rabbit
4.1. Paracellular transport mammary epithelial cells [64]. Disrupting the Golgi
with brefeldin A inhibited casein secretion and
By following the appearance of 14 C-sucrose in arachidonic acid release, but did not affect prolactin
blood after periodic injections into mammary ducts receptor phosphorylation or interfere with activation
of pregnant animals, Nguyen et al. [44] demonstrated of the a-casein response element [65]. Thus, the
that tight junction closure was triggered by a fall in possibility should be considered that prolactin may
progesterone, but both glucocorticoids and activation activate exocytotic secretion through an arachadonic
of the prolactin receptor by either prolactin or acid mediated pathway that is distinct from the one
placental lactogen were necessary for closure to used to activate gene expression.
occur. The mechanisms by which glucocorticoids
and prolactin receptor activation affect tight-junction 4.3. Lipid secretion
permeability are unknown. However, local injections
of cortisol are also known to decrease tight junction As for the exocytotic pathway, little is known
permeability in goats [59] and dexamethasone, a about the regulation of lipid secretion by mammary
synthetic glucocorticoid, has been shown to induce alveolar cells due to the lack of a suitable model
closure of tight junctions in mammary epithelial cell system and potential difficulties distinguishing ef-
lines [60,61]. While direct effects of prolactin on fects on biosynthesis from effects on secretion. In
tight junction formation have not been demonstrated, particular, given the prominent role of glucose in
it is required for survival of alveolar cells and the both de novo fatty acid synthesis and lactose syn-
maintenance of lactation [40]. Thus, progesterone thesis in non-ruminants, hormonal regulation of
may antagonize inductive actions of glucocorticoids, glucose uptake mechanisms (see Section 4.5) may
and or prolactin, on tight junction formation and significantly affect the amounts of both materials
interactions between the activities of these two available for secretion in humans. One study in rats,
nuclear receptor hormones, and the prolactin sig- however, suggests that different hormones may
naling pathway may be critical determinants in the regulate lactose and lipid secretion. Flint and Gard-
closure of these structures. ner [63] found that bromocriptine depletion of
prolactin significantly decreased lactose concentra-
4.2. Exocytotic secretion tion and increased lipid concentration of milk. The
basis of this difference was not defined but the
Surprisingly little is known about regulation of results suggest that exocytotic and lipid secretion
this pathway given its prominent role in secretion of pathways may be under different hormonal control.
aqueous milk components. In part, this is due to the
complex and intimate linkage between solute synth- 4.4. Monovalent ion transport
eses, and vesicle formation and secretion, that makes
it difficult to distinguish effects on secretion from Prolactin is an osmoregulator in some species of
those on synthesis. In addition, there is a lack of fish, birds and amphibians [66] and it has been
suitable cell culture or in vitro models of mammary shown to induce a ouabain sensitive increase in K 1
exocytosis. Nevertheless, prolactin appears to be and decrease in Na 1 in mammary tissue taken from
required for secretory activation in all species, and is rabbits treated with bromocriptine to inhibit prolactin
necessary to maintain milk yield in humans and rats release [67]. Initially this effect was attributed to
but possibly not ruminants [40]. The basis of these prolactin-induced increases in Na 1 –K 1 pump num-
638 J.L. McManaman, M.C. Neville / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55 (2003) 629–641

ber during differentiation [18], but recent studies and GLUT1 protein levels at the basal-lateral mem-
have shown that prolactin can increase Cl 2 transport brane of mammary alveoli increase between preg-
activity in cultured mammary epithelial cells by nancy and lactation and decrease when milk secre-
JAK2 dependent phosphorylation of Na 1 –K 1 –2Cl 2 tion ceases [31]. Second, GLUT1 targeting to Golgi
co-transporter [68]. Transport of iodide in mammary in alveolar cells was shown to correlate with the
tissue also appears to be hormonally regulated. onset of secretion and to be lost when secretion was
Iodide uptake and levels of the sodium dependent inhibited [73]. Additional experiments in cultured
idodide symporter (NIS) sharply increase in rat mammary epithelial cells showed that targeting of
mammary tissue at parturition [29] and similar GLUT1 to Golgi complex was induced by prolactin
changes in NIS mRNA have been observed in mouse and cortisol treatment [74] and raise the possibility
mammary tissue between pregnancy and lactation that lactogenic hormones regulate the substrate func-
[69]. Prolactin and oxytocin are required to maintain tions of glucose by affecting GLUT1 targeting.
iodide transport into lactating rat mammary tissue, Finally, both the GLUT1 and GLUT4 transporter
but not other tissues, and prolactin has been shown isoforms have been shown to be recruited to the
to induce expression of NIS in explant cultures of plasma membrane of adipocytes by a process that is
mouse mammary glands [70]. These findings are dependent on activation of PI3 kinase and its direct
consistent with a prolactin-mediated induction of down-stream target, the ser-threonine kinase AKT
NIS expression at the onset of lactation. Although [75,76]. Phosphorylated (active) AKT levels have
progesterone effects on NIS induction have not been been shown to increase in mammary tissue between
reported, the abrupt nature of the increase in NIS at pregnancy and lactation and to decrease when milk
parturition raises the possibility that progesterone secretion is inhibited [77], and prolactin has been
may suppress NIS expression during pregnancy. shown to activate phosphorylation of PI3 kinase and
AKT in cell culture models [78]. Thus, PI3 kinase
4.5. Glucose transport and AKT activation may be a common thread in the
regulation of glucose transport in adipocytes and
Glucose, derived from plasma, is required for epithelial cells.
lactation and serves as a substrate for several key
metabolic processes in alveolar cells, including lac- 4.6. Amino acid transport
tose synthesis, where it is an obligate precursor, fatty
acid synthesis in non-ruminants and triglyceride Using arteriovenous differences as an assay it was
esterification [71,72]. The glucose transport prop- shown that bromocriptine treatment reduced trans-
erties of lactating mammary tissue also indicate that port of all amino acids at the basal membrane of
GLUT1 is a major glucose transporter [18] and mammary alveolar cells, and that exogenous prolac-
GLUT1 has been immunolocalized to the basal tin restored transport of most, but not all, amino
membrane of alveolar cells in lactating rat mammary acids to their normal values [79]. However, milk
glands [31]. As indicated above, because lactose is stasis also reduced amino acid transport [80], thus
synthesized from UDP-galactose and glucose by the effects of bromocriptine and prolactin on amino
lactose synthase within the Golgi apparatus, there is acid transport may have been indirect, resulting from
also a requirement for glucose transport across Golgi alterations in tight junction permeability. Prolactin
membranes and recent studies have demonstrated was also shown to increase amino acid uptake in
co-localization of GLUT1 with the Golgi marker cultured mammary epithelial cells, but it was unclear
b-COP in lactating mouse mammary tissue [73]. if the effects were directly related to uptake or to
The factors regulating GLUT1 levels and glucose indirect effects on survival and metabolism [81].
transport in alveolar cells are not well understood,
but several lines of evidence suggest that membrane
targeting of GLUT1, possibly mediated by prolactin 5. Conclusions
in combination with growth hormone or other lac-
togenic agents, may be an important regulator of Significant advances have been made in our
function. First, glucose uptake in the mammary gland understanding of milk secretion and solute transport
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