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for our Eyelash Extension clients!!

Please read and sign your name at the end to assure you read and agree to all our policies,
and bring a copy to your appointment!

This is a list of things that can affect reten1on and need to be avoided or controlled (where
possible) if lashes are to last. These products, medica1ons and factors that can also play havoc
with reten1on.

Of course there will be clients who cannot avoid taking certain medica1ons, or partake in
ac1vi1es that will cause poor reten1on. But if we are aware of them, at least we can educate
our clients as to why their lashes may not be las1ng.
* Extremely oily eyelids need to be cleansed more oDen. Natural oils break down the adhesive.

• Oils - Break down the bond of the adhesive

• Glycol - avoid products containing this ingredient, it will break down the bond of the adhesive
• An1 depressants - change in chemical balance - cycle speeds up or slows down
• Argon oil - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive
• Skin/hair/nail supplements - make lashes grow quickly resul1ng in a faster lash cycle
• HRT (hormonal changes) - changes natural lash growth cycle/ severe cases lash growth can
stop altogether
• Steroids - can cause loss of lashes or rapid growth resul1ng in a faster lash cycle
• Intense face creams/eye creams - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive
• Mascara - cakes the lashes/breaks down the bond of the adhesive and prevents thorough
cleansing which can cause bacterial infec1ons (Blephari1s)
• Heavy makeup - cakes the lashes/breaks down the bond of the adhesive and prevents
thorough cleansing which can cause bacterial infec1ons (Blephari1s)
• Lack of aDercare/cleaning - can cause bacterial infec1ons (Blephari1s) and breakdown of
bond of adhesive
• Eyeliner (liquid/crayon/gel) - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive - advise to use a powder/
eye shadow instead
• Eye drops (latanaprost and Xalatan) - causes the eye to produce more tears, a client on this
medica1on is highly unlikely to be suitable for eyelash extensions
• Facials - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive
• Sun beds - extreme heat exposure will shock the cure - advise to wait 24-48 hours post
treatment & use eyewear.
• Sunless tanning- must wear goggles & cleanse lashes immediately aDer service, The solu1on
breaks down the adhesive.
• Swimming - constant exposure to humidity and water will affect the bond
• Swea1ng - contact with skin oils will affect the bond, good cleaning rou1ne needed and more
frequent infill appointments advised
• Thyroid (under or over ac1ve) - can cause loss of lashes or rapid growth, if well managed by
clients then shouldn't be too much of a problem
• False lash strip glue - very s1cky and stringy and very difficult to remove properly and keep
lashes underneath clean therefore risking infec1on
• Saunas - extreme heat and humidity exposure, affects bond of adhesive
• Some lash cleansing foams - may contain ingredients not compa1ble with our adhesives and
can break down bond
• Acne meds - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive
• Self tanning lo1on - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive
• Sun creams - Breaks down the bond of the adhesive
• Hay fever - excessive watery eyes or itching/rubbing of eyes will cause lash loss
• Living in high humid areas - even if well controlled in the salon, you can’t control the
environment when you leave the salon. High humidity adds moisture to the air which in return
breaks down the adhesive faster.
• Chemical peels - acids are applied to the skin and can have an adverse reac1on with the
• High Stress- causes excessive shedding/faster loss of lashes
• Any surgery- anesthesia and stress on the body greatly affects the lash cycle and the bond of
the adhesive.
• Menstrual cycles - changes in hormones can cause lash cycles to speed up/slow down

Things to remember when maintaining lashes:

Treat them with care and clean them regularly!

You can s1ll wear eye makeup, but you must not apply mascara to the extensions or use any
form gel eyeliner to the upper eyelid. These products will break down the lash glue, satura1ng
the extensions and causing them to s1ck together, and will cause damage. Mascara cannot be
cleaned from the extensions without damage, and can lead to bacterial infec1ons such as
Any client that arrives to a fill appointment with dirty extensions, or evidence of the use of
mascara maybe required a removal and a full set again. We do not tolerate dirty eyelash
extensions here at Embrace Salon, Spa & lash bou1que.

Why do eyelash technicians charge higher prices?

The applica1on of a set of quality eyelash extensions is a very intricate skill that can only be
undertaken by a highly trained and skilled professional. Good technicians invest heavily into
their training, and con1nue to take trainings. Clients put their absolute trust in their technicians,
who work on their delicate eye area while using sharp tweezers and strong adhesives. The
products used are of the highest medical grade quality and, as such are expensive to purchase.
With this said our lash extensions have slightly increased and could subject to change!

How much do they cost and how long is the appointment?

The ini1al cost for a Classic eyelash applica1on is $200.00 for a full set, this appointment is 120
minutes. Your maintenance appointments known as a fill are as follows:
One week Classic Fill (20 minutes) - $23.00
Two week Classic Fill (40 minutes) - $33.00
Three week Classic Fill(60 minutes) $43.00

*Any appointments exceeding the 1me allowed will be charged accordingly.

These prices do not include tax, as tax will be added (7%)

Anything aDer 4wks will be up to the lash technicians discre1on and a minimum charge of
When coming in for lash fill you must have 50% of lash extensions s1ll applied or you will could
be charged for a fullset!

*Please do not alempt to remove your lashes yourself; please seek assistance from your
eyelash technician. If you choose to have them removed the appointment is typically 30
minutes at a cost of $30.00. We will not be held liable for any damage that you may cause by
trying to remove your eyelash extensions on your own.
*If you get any infec1on in your eye please wait 48 hours aDer you are finished with medica1on
before any lash service.
*To ensure a safe and relaxing experience for all our guests, we do not allow babies or children
under 10 years of age in the lash rooms/salon with being accompanied by an adult(18 years of
age and older). This policy is also for the safety of your children, as you are not able to alend to
them during your appointment. We cannot perform your service if you arrive with children. This
policy is strictly enforced.

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