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Agenda London Accumulation and Investment Roadshow

Venue: Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London, EC2V 7HY

Date: Friday 14 Sep 2018

In association with our Partners in Professionalism:


08:45 -
09:30 Registration

09:30 - Welcome and Introduction

09:40 Richard Sheppard, SJPP

09:40 - Guide to the markets - Global macro special

By the end of this session delegates will be able to:

Describe current economic macro investing themes

Identify areas of opportunity to generate positive returns in various market environments
Give examples of ideas and insights to share with clients.

Mark Jackson, J.P. Morgan Asset Management

10:15 - Currency hedging: The next scandal in UK financial services?
Explore how the UK retail investment landscape has shifted over the last 20 years
Learn how the weakening of the pound has led to additional portfolio returns
Understand why this is particularly important for UK retail clients
Understand the excess volatility caused by unhedged currency exposure in a portfolio
Understand how currency risk can affect a fund’s risk rating and compromise any recommendation
to invest in it
Learn what would happen to client portfolio returns should recent trends reverse
Explore the grounds for a client complaint and the feasibility of defending a complaint
Understand why not all fund managers hedge and look at why this is the case
Explore the interests of each party: Fund Provider / Financial Adviser / Client
Look at whether or not these interests are all truly aligned

Steven McGregor, Tavistock Wealth

10:50 -
11:10 Tea & Coffee

11:10 - What a piece of work is man!

An understanding of why we are both rational and irrational decision makers and why it’s important
How we can mitigate the effects of behavioural biases and support our clients varied financial goals
Consider behavioural ‘tools’ that can be used to help us achieve long term goals

Alex Wilcox, Columbia Threadneedle

11:45 - The usual suspects of decumulation

Identify the key risks in decumulation
Clarify how these differ in their impact in decumulation compared to the accumulation phase
Consider how capacity for loss is linked to client spending requirements
Analyse optimal investment strategies for managing clients who require a long term regular income

Lawrence Cook, Thesis Asset Management

12:20 - Have you missed the emerging markets surge (again)?

After the presentation, clients will have an understanding of:

The attractiveness of developed vs developing markets – from population dynamics to economic

The risks and the opportunities
Asset allocation ideas and how both global emerging market equities and bonds might fit into client

Charles Thompson, BNY Mellon

12:55 -
13:35 Lunch
13:35 - Helping clients make the most of smaller company investing
 By the end of this session, you will:

Understand how AIM companies can complement a client’s investment portfolio and help to
achieve their objectives, whether that be for inheritance tax planning, offsetting income tax or
diversifying their portfolio
Recognise the various out-of-date myths that still persist about AIM
Understand the role the fund manager plays in actively managing AIM portfolios and selecting
companies for investment.

Octopus Investments

Richard Power, Octopus Investment

14:10 - The challenge of managing assets for retirement

Understanding the impact that the last 20 years of investment returns has had on investors’
Understanding the impact of the sequence of returns, even in accumulation
Understanding that clients could have multiple risk profiles
The potential impact of reckless conservatism demonstrating that an inappropriate level of risk
doesn’t always mean ‘taking too much’.

Simon Young, Aviva Investors

14:45 - Overview and outlook for the UK economy

Find out what’s been happening to the UK economy
Find out what’s expected to happen to growth and inflation over the next few years
Hear how the Monetary Policy Committee’s views on interest rates are evolving.

Lai Wah Co, Bank of England

15:20 - Closing remarks

15:25 Richard Sheppard, SJPP

Total CPD provided: 4h 40min

The content in each session has been carefully selected and can be considered for both structured and unstructured CPD hours,
depending how this activity addressed each individual's personal development needs.

Structured CPD is the undertaking of any formal learning activity designed to meet a specific learning outcome (this is what an
individual is expected to know, understand or do as a result of his or her learning).

Unstructured CPD is any activity an individual considers has met a learning outcome, but which may not have been specifically
designed to meet their development needs.

Attendance at this event can be included as part of your CPD
requirements should you consider it relevant to your professional
development needs.

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