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Lecture Notes 101

Writing Effective Notes From Lectures

What Do I Write Down in My Notes?

Write Down:
★ Bold​, ​Italicized, ​Highlighted​ ​and ​underlined​ phrases.
★ Information given in boxes
★ Headings & Subheadings
★ Repeated Information. Repeated Information. Repeated Information.
★ Drawings, Diagrams, & Charts
○ Write what they explain ​or​ recreate them.
★ Definitions, Vocabulary Terms & Key Words
★ Examples
○ Include examples given during discussions
★ Important Events, Dates, & people
★ Anytime the teacher says, "You need to know this," or "This will be on the test."

What Should My Notes Look Like?

★ Do write short handed
★ Do use visuals
★ Do use
○ Bullet points ​OR
1. Numbers to separate facts
★ Do ​use ​color​ or ​color ​code
★ Do write in order to remember
★ Don’t write really really really really long sentences​.
○ Don’t write word for word ​everything​ your teacher says or what they have
on the board.
★ Don’t write down unimportant facts / off topic conversations
○ Like when you teacher says in the middle of the lesson “ I dog’s name is
George Washington” -- That’s not useful or important for you.
★ Don’t have a blank page
Lecture Notes 101
Writing Effective Notes From Lectures

But What IF….

My teacher talks to fast​?
★ Use abbreviations
★ Compare notes with other students
★ Ask your teacher nicely to repeat

I am having trouble understanding my teacher’s accent​?

★ Write down questions you want answered in class
★ Listen for main ideas, examples, and cues to important information
★ Ask your teacher nicely to repeat
★ Talk with your teacher frequently to better understand their speech

I don’t write fast enough​?

★ Type your notes if you type faster
★ Write short handed
★ Listen for main ideas, examples, and cues to important information
★ Ask your teacher nicely to repeat or to slow down.

I don’t know how to use my notes​?

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