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ISESD2018-Call For Paper – 2018 International...


Smart Devices for Big Data Analytic and Machine Learning

I S E S D 2 0 1 8 - C A L L FO R PA P E R

Smart Device emerges as a set of integrated technologies new exciting

solutions and services that are set to change the way people live. Smart Device
is rewarded by many as a fruitful future technological sector in order to
enhance quality of our lives. Smart Device covers a large wealth of consumer
centric technologies (from sensors to communications up to software
platforms) and it is applicable to an even larger set of application domains
(from manufacturing to e-health, smart payments, from logistics to
automotive). Innovation will be nurtured and driven by the possibilities offered
by the combination of increased technological capabilities, new business
models and the rise of new ecosystems.

ISESD has become the premier gathering place where visionary, ground-
breaking research meets leading industry experts in the �eld of electronics,
smart device, and other related technologies. Topics include smart device
system architecture, smart device enabling technologies, smart device
services and applications, and the social implications of smart device.

ISESD is seeking for original, high impact research papers on all topics related

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ISESD2018-Call For Paper – 2018 International...

to the development and social adoption of the Smart Devices. Papers are peer-
reviewed and selected based on technical novelty, integrity of the analysis and
social impacts and practical relevance.

The ISESD 2018 will include regular sessions on the topics listed below.

Devices, Circuits, and Systems

Communication Systems
Multimedia and Systems
Signal Processing
Internet of Things
Cyberphysical System
Smart Devices

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers re�ecting original,

unpublished work in these �elds. Papers should not exceed 6 pages including
results, �gures, and references. Manuscript templates will be made available
on the website. Only electronic submissions with PDF �les will be accepted via
the symposium website.

The CD-ROM/Flash-drive proceedings of accepted papers will be made

available at the symposium.

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18J03-USB

ISBN: 978-1-5386-6669-2

Authors are expected to present their papers at the symposium upon

acceptance and presenting authors are required to register for the symposium.
Only papers presented at the symposium will be submitted to IEEE for further
review to be included in IEEEXplore database.

For more information about papers, please refer to Author Guidelines.

Important Dates

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ISESD2018-Call For Paper – 2018 International...

Paper Submission Deadline: July 30th, 2018 August 20, 2018

Noti�cation of Acceptance: August 24, 2018 September 7, 2018
Early Bird Registration Deadline: September 7, 2018 September 21, 2018
Camera-Ready Submission Deadline: September 23, 2018
Registration Deadline: October 9, 2018
Conference Days: October 23 – 24, 2018

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