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Modular Psychotherapy for Anxiety in

Older Primary Care Patients

Julie Loebach Wetherell, Ph.D., Catherine R. Ayers, Ph.D.,
John T. Sorrell, Ph.D., Steven R. Thorp, Ph.D.,
Roberto Nuevo, Ph.D., Wendy Belding, M.A., Emily Gray, M.D.,
Melinda A. Stanley, Ph.D., Patricia A. Areán, Ph.D.,
Michael Donohue, Ph.D., Jurgen Unützer, M.D., M.P.H.,
Joe Ramsdell, M.D., Ronghui Xu, Ph.D.,
Thomas L. Patterson, Ph.D.

Objective: To develop and test a modular psychotherapy protocol in older primary

care patients with anxiety disorders. Design: Randomized, controlled pilot study.
Setting: University-based geriatric medicine clinics. Participants: Thirty-one elderly
primary care patients with generalized anxiety disorder or anxiety disorder not
otherwise specified. Intervention: Modular form of psychotherapy compared with
enhanced community treatment. Measurements: Self-reported, interviewer-rated,
and qualitative assessments of anxiety, worry, depression, and mental health-related
quality of life. Results: Both groups showed substantial improvements in anxiety
symptoms, worry, depressive symptoms, and mental health-related quality of life.
Most individuals in the enhanced community treatment condition reported receiving
medications or some other form of professional treatment for anxiety. Across both
conditions, individuals who reported major life events or stressors and those who
used involvement in activities as a coping strategy made smaller gains than those
who did not. Conclusions: Results suggest that modular psychotherapy and other
treatments can be effective for anxiety in older primary care patients. Results further
suggest that life events and coping through increased activity may play a role in the
maintenance of anxiety in older adults. (Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2009; 17:483–492)

Key Words: Aged, elderly, generalized anxiety disorder, cognitive-behavioral therapy

Received June 20, 2008; revised December 12, 2008; accepted January 9, 2009. From the Psychiatry Department, University of California,
San Diego, CA (JLW, CRA, SRT, WB, EG, TLP); Psychology Service, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA (JLW, CRA, SRT, WB, EG);
Clinical Trials and Research, San Mateo Medical Center, San Mateo, CA (JTS); Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Spain
(RN); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (MAS); Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, Houston, TX (MAS); Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, CA (PAA); Department of Family and
Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego, CA (MD, RX); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of
Washington (JU); and Department of Internal Medicine, University of California, San Diego, CA (JR). Send correspondence and reprint requests
to Julie Wetherell, Ph.D., UCSD Department of Psychiatry, 9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 9116B, La Jolla, CA 92093-9116. e-mail:
© 2009 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009 483

Modular Psychotherapy

A nxiety disorders are common in the elderly,

with community prevalence estimates as high
as 14%, and higher rates in medical settings.1 Gener-
In the present study, we developed a modular
psychotherapy protocol to treat older primary care
patients with GAD and ADNOS. We tested the pro-
alized anxiety disorder (GAD) seems to be the most tocol against an enhanced community treatment con-
prevalent condition in community samples,2 but anx- dition in which patients and their primary care pro-
iety disorder not otherwise specified (ADNOS) is the viders were given information about the anxiety
diagnosis most often assigned in primary care set- diagnosis. We conceived of this project as a pilot
tings where older adults with anxiety typically seek effectiveness study to examine how well this novel
treatment.3 approach to psychotherapy would work for patients
GAD and other anxiety syndromes are associated seen in Geriatric Medicine. We hypothesized that the
with many negative outcomes, including disability, modular psychotherapy intervention would result in
increased health service use, poorer quality of life, greater decreases in anxiety and depression and
and risk of developing major depression.4 – 6 Prospec- greater increases in quality of life than community
tive research in the elderly has demonstrated that treatment.
anxiety symptoms are associated with medical ill-
ness such as coronary heart disease,7 self-reported
mobility limitations,8 and higher levels of healthcare
utilization, including more primary care visits and
more time spent during each visit.3
Data suggest that anxiolytic medications are effec- Participants
tive for geriatric anxiety.9,10 Many older adults, how-
ever, prefer nonpharmacological treatments for mood Patients were 31 adults at least 60 years old with a
symptoms.11 Although cognitive behavior therapy principal (e.g., most severe) or coprincipal diagnosis
(CBT) has shown some benefit for late-life anxiety,12 of GAD or ADNOS diagnosed according to the Anx-
the evidence suggests that conventional CBT may be iety Disorders Interview Schedule for Diagnostic and
less effective and associated with higher attrition Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edi-
rates than in younger adults,13 supporting the need tion (ADIS18) administered by a Ph.D.-level clinician.
for the development of new treatment protocols, es- Recruitment was conducted from August 2004 to
pecially ones that can be implemented in primary August 2005 using a primary care screening proce-
care. dure and self-referrals. A screening questionnaire
A relatively new approach in psychotherapy re- consisting of the two GAD items from the Patient
search involves modular treatment, in which differ- Health Questionnaire was mailed to 1,000 patients
ent components are used depending upon the pa- selected at random from a list of 5,132 patients who
tients’ presenting problems or symptoms.14,15 This had received services from the UCSD Geriatrics clin-
approach is consistent with the increasing emphasis ics within the previous year. Two hundred and three
on personalized medicine. The rationale for modular questionnaires were returned, 89 of them with at
treatment of anxiety in older primary care patients is least one item endorsed. Fifty-eight of these patients
twofold: first, anxiety in medical settings may be were screened by telephone using the Mini Interna-
more heterogeneous than anxiety in the specialty tional Diagnostic Interview.19 Of those, 24 received
mental health sector, suggesting that “one-size-fits- an in-person diagnostic interview using the ADIS,
all” packages may be less effective in this setting.16 which was conducted within approximately 2 weeks
Second, the current cohort of older adults is, on of the phone screening. Seventeen of these patients
average, less socialized to psychotherapy and more were enrolled; one additional patient went into the
sensitive to the stigma associated with mental illness hospital shortly after his interview and had to be
than are younger adults.17 Tailoring the treatment to withdrawn from the study.
the specific symptoms and needs of older partici- Thirty-one individuals contacted the study team
pants can ensure that the psychotherapeutic process after seeing recruitment flyers or advertisements. Of
is seen as responsive and clinically relevant as a way those, 11 did not qualify for an in-person diagnostic
of reducing attrition and enhancing engagement. interview. Of the 20 who completed the ADIS, an

484 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009

Wetherell et al.

TABLE 1. Participant Characteristics

Modular Psychotherapy Enhanced Community
Variable (n ⴝ 15) Treatment (n ⴝ 16) t (df) or ␹2 (df) p
Female 86.7% (13) 81.3% (13) 0.17 (1) 0.68
Age (years) 71.0 (7.0) 73.3 (6.3) 0.95 (29) 0.35
Education (years) 15.6 (2.9) 15.4 (2.8) 0.16 (29) 0.87
White 100.0% (15) 93.8% (15) 0.97 (1) 0.32
Married 60.0% (9) 43.8% (7) 0.82 (1) 0.36
Retired 66.7% (10) 75.0% (12) 0.80 (1) 0.37
Annual income $50K or more 40.0% (6) 50.0% (8) 0.31 (1) 0.58
Medical conditions 3.0 (1.8) 3.0 (1.4) 0.00 (29) 1.00
CIRS-G 10.1 (3.2) 11.0 (3.6) ⫺0.77 (29) 0.45
Prescribed medications (not 3.3 (2.0) 2.6 (2.0) 0.98 (29) 0.34
including psychotropics)
GAD diagnosis 86.7% (13) 87.5% (14) 0.01 (1) 0.95
Duration of most recent GAD 30.6 (31.8) 33.3 (32.5) ⫺0.23 (29) 0.82
episode (years)
Percent reporting GAD “all my life” 26.7% (4) 25.0% (4) 0.01 (1) 0.92
Comorbid Axis I conditions 3.02 (2) 0.22
0 66.7% (10) 56.3% (9)
1 13.3% (2) 37.5% (6)
2 20.0% (3) 6.3% (1)

Notes: CIRS-G ⫽ Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics.

additional five did not qualify. The remaining 15 r (df ⫽ 29) ⫽ ⫺0.45, p ⫽ 0.01, indicating that those
patients were enrolled into the study. with poorer cognitive functioning reported higher
Results from the Mini International Diagnostic In- levels of anxiety. This pattern is consistent with other
terview and ADIS concurred in 24 of the 31 cases; in research on cognitive functioning and anxiety.20 Axis
those cases in which the raters disagreed, a third I comorbidities included major depression (four pa-
Ph.D.-level clinician viewed the videotape of the tients), panic disorder (four patients), dysthymia (two
ADIS, and diagnosis was determined by consensus. patients), agoraphobia without a history of panic dis-
The majority of patients who did not qualify for the order, social phobia, and specific phobia (one patient
study did not meet criteria for GAD or ADNOS each).
(84%). Other exclusion criteria were cognitive im- Participants were permitted to take psychotropic
pairment (N ⫽ 1), substance use disorders within the medications or use concurrent mental health services
past 6 months (N ⫽ 1), serious medical conditions
provided that they had been on a stable regimen for
(N ⫽ 2), and language barrier (N ⫽ 1). Written
at least 2 months before enrollment. We permitted
informed consent was obtained from all participants,
concurrent treatment to allow better generalization
and the study was conducted in compliance with the
of the results to primary care patients, many of
Human Research Protections Program of the Univer-
whom receive pharmacotherapy or other treatments
sity of California, San Diego, CA, and a Data Safety
in that setting. Data on mental health treatment at
Monitoring Board.
Demographic and clinical information about the baseline and changes over the course of the study are
participants is presented in Table 1. Almost all were presented in Table 2. At baseline, 26.7% of the mod-
diagnosed with GAD. Overall, they were a well- ular psychotherapy group and 50.0% of the commu-
educated, affluent group. Those with higher levels of nity treatment group were taking daily prescribed
education reported lower levels of anxiety symptoms psychotropic medication, which was not significant
at baseline, r (df ⫽ 29) ⫽ ⫺0.39, p ⫽ 0.03. Although according to Fisher’s exact test, p ⫽ 0.17. There were
cognitive performance as measured by the Mini- no differences in anxiety or worry symptoms be-
Mental State Exam was high on average, we found a tween individuals taking medications and those who
significant inverse relationship between Mini-Mental were not. An additional person in the modular psy-
State Exam scores and baseline anxiety symptoms, chotherapy group and three in the community treat-

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009 485

Modular Psychotherapy

TABLE 2. Mental Health Service Use at Baseline and Changes Over the Course of Study Participation
Service Modular Psychotherapy (n ⴝ 15) Enhanced Community Treatment (n ⴝ 16)
Selective serotonin reuptake Escitalopram 10 mg QD at baseline; increased Citalopram 10 mg QD
inhibitors to 20 mg QD at 4 months
Escitalopram 10 mg QD Citalopram 20 mg QD at baseline; increased to 40 mg
QD at 4 months
Fluoxetine 20 mg QD Escitalopram 20 mg QD
Paroxetine 10 mg QD at baseline; Paroxetine 20 mg QD
discontinued at 4 months Paroxetine 20 mg QD added at 4 months
Sertraline 200 mg QD
Benzodiazepines Alprazolam 0.25 mg QD Alprazolam 0.25 mg QD
Lorazepam 0.5 mg PRN Alprazolam 0.25 mg PRN at baseline; discontinued at
4 months
Clonazepam 0.5 mg QD
Lorazepam 0.5 mg PRN at baseline; increased
to 0.5 mg QD at 4 months
Other prescribed Duloxetine 30 mg QD at baseline; decreased Buspirone 30 mg QD
medications to 20 mg QD at 4 months
Zolpidem 10 mg PRN Buspirone 20 mg QD added at 4 months
Eszopiclone 1 mg PRN
Neurontin 200 mg QD at baseline; discontinued at
4 months
Neurontin 800 mg QD at baseline; increased to
900 mg QD at 4 months
Zolpidem 5 mg PRN
Trazodone 50 mg QD (2 patients)
Over the counter Diphenhydramine 25 mg PRN Diphenhydramine 25 mg QD added at 4 months
medications Diphenhydramine 25 mg PRN added at 4 months
Professional mental health Therapist: two visits Psychiatrist: five visits and therapist: six visits
services Neuropsychological testing: one visit Therapist: four visits
Therapist: two visits
Self-help groups Parkinson’s support group: one meeting Alcoholics anonymous: 84 meetings
Cancer support group: two meetings Spiritual support group: six meetings
Self-help strategies More communication with family and More communication with family and friends: 6
friends: 3
Relaxation techniques: 3 Relaxation techniques: 1
Meditation: 8 Meditation: 5
Spiritual participation: 1 Diet: 1
Self-help books: 1 Spiritual participation: 4
Talked with medical provider: 2 Self-help books: 5
Helping others: 3
Talked with medical provider: 6
Pain treatment: 3

Notes: Some individuals were taking more than one medication. QD: daily; PRN: as needed.

ment group were taking prescribed psychotropic ing or stratification, following the baseline assessment
medications on an as-needed basis. and diagnostic case conference, using a coin toss.
Modules were included in the intervention pro-
Procedures tocol based on empirical evidence of efficacy from
Participants were randomly assigned to receive previous investigations and theoretical relevance
either 12 weekly, individual sessions of modular to GAD, anxiety symptoms, and frequently comor-
psychotherapy (N ⫽ 15) or enhanced community bid conditions in older medical patients (for addi-
treatment (N ⫽ 16). Twelve sessions were chosen tional information about the protocol, see Ref. 21).
based on the average number of sessions delivered Modules included: 1) education about anxiety and
in other late-life GAD treatment studies; patients symptom monitoring; 2) relaxation training, in-
took on average 14 weeks to complete these ses- cluding diaphragmatic breathing, progressive
sions.12 Randomization was performed without block- muscle relaxation, and imagery; 3) cognitive

486 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009

Wetherell et al.

restructuring; 4) thought stopping and scheduled therapy sessions were videotaped and reviewed in
worry; 5) exposure through systematic desensiti- individual supervision sessions to maintain fidelity
zation; 6) behavioral activation, consisting of to the treatment protocol. Review of a random sam-
pleasant events scheduling; 7) sleep hygiene ple of four tapes (one per therapist) for adherence
guidelines; 8) problem-solving skills training, and competence (each rated on a 0 – 4 scale) by an
which involved learning to specify a problem and expert rater indicated that all therapists achieved a
brainstorm, evaluate, and implement solutions; 9) score of 4 (“excellent”) on adherence, and three
life review, a structured journaling exercise de- scored 4 on competence (the remaining therapist
signed to change long-standing negative beliefs; scored 3, “good”). Participants were given daily
10) acceptance, which included mindfulness exer- homework assignments. They had an 82% average
cises, discussion of values, and goal setting; 11) completion rate, defined as the proportion of days on
assertiveness training; 12) time management; 13) which the patient reported completing at least some
pain management; and 14) relapse prevention. homework, as documented on forms turned in
Most participants received seven or eight of the 14 weekly to the therapists; the rate excluding data from
possible modules. The decision about which mod- one participant who completed no homework was
ules to use for each patient was based on a problem 95%. Assessments were conducted by two research
list generated by the patient and comorbid diagno- assistants who were not informed of the patients’
ses or symptoms (e.g., those with a comorbid depres- treatment conditions. All patients completed assess-
sion diagnosis were targeted to receive the behav- ments at baseline and after approximately 3– 4
ioral activation module). Both therapist and patient months (following treatment for the modular psy-
agreed on modules that would target the patient’s chotherapy patients).
most distressing problems and symptoms. Of the 12
patients who completed the modular psychotherapy Measures
intervention, all received education, relaxation, and
relapse prevention; 11 each received problem solving The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale22 is a 14-item
and acceptance; 8 received thought stopping and interviewer-rated measure of anxiety primarily as-
scheduled worry; 7 received sleep hygiene; 6 re- sessing somatic symptoms. It is considered the “gold
ceived behavioral activation; 5 received assertiveness standard” outcome measure in studies of anxiety
training; 3 received life review; 2 each received cog- pharmacotherapy treatment. It has been validated in
nitive therapy and time management; and 1 received samples of older GAD patients and normal commu-
pain management. nity volunteers.23 Interrater reliability as measured
Patients randomized to enhanced community treat- by the interclass correlation coefficient was 0.94.
ment and their healthcare providers received informa- The Penn State Worry Questionnaire24 is a 16-item
tion about the patients’ anxiety disorder diagnosis. Pa- self-report instrument designed to measure trait
tients were contacted after their in-person assessment worry. It has been validated in samples of older
and informed of their diagnosis. Additionally, a letter adults diagnosed with GAD.25 It was chosen for this
was sent to their healthcare provider documenting the investigation because it is the most widely used self-
diagnosis and instructing them to continue to treat the report measure of pathological worry. Cronbach
patient as they otherwise would. Patients were not alpha in this study was 0.77.
given specific referrals or other information about en- The Beck Depression Inventory-II is a 21-item
hanced community treatment, only that they should self-report scale listing common symptoms of de-
continue to be followed by their chosen provider. Pa- pression that the respondent may have experi-
tients received a second in-person assessment but no enced in the past 2 weeks.26 The scale is a revision
other contact or referrals from study staff. Table 2 dis- of one that has been used extensively in research
plays treatment received during the course of the and clinical settings since its development in 1961
study; most participants received psychotropic medi- and has been used with geriatric populations.27 It
cations from their community healthcare providers. is the most widely used self-report depression
Psychotherapy was performed by M.A. and Ph.D.- measure in clinical samples. Cronbach alpha in this
level clinicians supervised by the first author. All sample was 0.86.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009 487

Modular Psychotherapy

Mental health-related quality of life and function- stone” birthday, medical problems), and involve-
ing was evaluated using the Mental Component ment in activities (e.g., “keeping busy”).
Score of the Medical Outcomes study 36-item short
form self-report health survey.28 This variable is re-
Data Analysis
ported as a T score in which higher numbers repre-
sent better quality of life. It has been validated in Analyses were conducted using SPSS release 11.5.
large, mixed-age medical and psychiatric samples Groups were compared on clinical and demographic
and used with older GAD patients.29 variables using t tests and ␹2 tests. Outcomes were
Data were collected on medical conditions using evaluated using repeated measures analysis of vari-
the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale-Geriatrics,30 and ance (RMANOVA). Because of the high proportion
use of health services including primary care visits, of participants receiving concurrent daily pharmaco-
medical specialist visits, mental health visits, and therapy, this variable was included as a covariate in
self-help group attendance using the Cornell Service the RMANOVA models. Data were analyzed on an
Index.31 In keeping with the pilot nature of this intent-to-treat basis; all patients completed both assess-
project, patients assigned to modular psychotherapy ments. The assumption of equality of the variance-
were asked to rate the helpfulness of the individual covariance matrices was fulfilled for all of the
modules they received. Patients also rated their sat- RMANOVAs (Box’s M values ranging from 8.19, p ⫽
isfaction with the overall treatment using the 8-item 0.06, to 0.503, p ⫽ 0.93). No dependent variable dis-
Client Satisfaction Questionnaire.32 played a significant departure from normality based on
Finally, we conducted brief, semistructured inter- Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (z values ranging from 0.59
views with 26 patients, 15 in the community treat- to 0.76).
ment condition and 11 in the modular psychotherapy
condition, by telephone to inquire about their sub-
jective perceptions of improvement in anxiety symp-
toms (rated as “better,” “about the same,” or
“worse”). Only one patient reported worsening
symptoms, so ratings were dichotomized into im- Outcomes
proved versus not improved. They were also asked
about coping strategies, life events, and other factors Results from the outcome analyses are presented
that may have influenced change in anxiety levels. in Table 3. We found substantial and comparable
Patients generated their own list of life events and decreases in anxiety, worry, and depressive symp-
ways of coping in response to a standard set of toms and improvement in mental health-related
open-ended questions; this method could have been quality of life in both the community treatment and
biased by retrospective recall. This procedure was modular psychotherapy groups. This pattern of re-
added to the study after it was in progress, so calls sults did not change when medication use was re-
occurred in some cases as long as 12 months after the moved from the models. The within-group mean
4-month assessment; by that point, five individuals effect size (weighted average Hedges’ g) for change
had dropped out or could not be reached. Interviews in worry and anxiety symptoms for the modular
were transcribed and responses were coded by two psychotherapy condition (g ⫽ 1.23) is somewhat
independent raters. larger than in most previous studies of psychother-
Codes were developed by the first rater based on apy with anxious older adults (e.g., Refs. 29, 33). The
interview content. The kappa statistic was used to within-group effect size for the community treat-
evaluate agreement between raters on each code; ment condition (g ⫽ 1.67) is, to our knowledge,
kappas ranged from 0.77 to 1.00, representing good higher than has ever been reported for a minimal
to excellent agreement. For analysis, we grouped the contact condition in a GAD treatment study.13
responses into the broad categories of professional The attrition rate for patients who received mod-
help seeking (e.g., psychotherapy, talking to a health- ular psychotherapy was 20% (although all patients in
care provider about anxiety), self-help strategies both groups returned for posttreatment assess-
(e.g., meditation), life events or stressors (e.g., “mile- ments). The three patients who dropped out of ther-

488 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009

Wetherell et al.

TABLE 3. Repeated Measures ANOVA Results With Effect Size Estimates and Power After Controlling for Daily Prescription
Psychotropic Medication Use
SF-36 Mental
HAMA PSWQ BDI Component Summary
Modular Psychotherapy
(n ⫽ 15)
Pre M (SD) 19.8 (7.7) 58.1 (8.4) 14.3 (9.4) 37.7 (9.3)
Post M (SD) 9.3 (6.6) 46.8 (13.6) 7.5 (4.1) 47.4 (11.5)
Enhanced community treatment
(n ⫽ 16)
Pre M (SD) 19.0 (4.3) 57.4 (5.7) 15.8 (6.9) 37.5 (8.4)
Post M (SD) 9.5 (3.9) 50.6 (7.5) 10.8 (7.0) 42.9 (12.7)
Fa (time)
Value 48.66b 23.37b 16.41b 6.42c
Partial ␩2 0.64 0.46 0.38 0.19
Mean change scores (SD)
Modular psychotherapy 10.5 (7.6) 11.3 (13.9) 6.7 (9.8) 9.8 (15.0)
Enhanced community
treatment 9.5 (4.5) 6.8 (8.0) 5.1 (6.3) 5.4 (14.3)
F (group)
Value 0.10 0.09 1.14 0.16
Partial ␩2 0.004 0.003 0.04 0.006
Fa (group ⫻ time)
Value 0.08 0.28 0.00 0.37
Partial ␩2 0.003 0.01 0.00 0.01

Notes: HAMA ⫽ Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale; PSWQ ⫽ Penn State Worry Questionnaire; BDI ⫽ Beck Depression Inventory; SF-36 ⫽ MOS
Short Form 36-item Health Survey.
F distributed as Snedecor F with degrees of freedom ⫽ (1, 29).
p ⬍0.001.
p ⬍0.05.

apy did so after two, five, and six sessions; one cited More individuals in the community treatment group
health problems, one a lack of time, and the third were taking prescribed medications for anxiety daily
reported that she was doing much better and no at the 4-month assessment, 56.3% versus 26.7%; this
longer required help with anxiety. Participants who difference approached statistical significance accord-
received modular psychotherapy reported higher lev- ing to Fisher’s exact test, p ⫽ 0.096. Across both
els of satisfaction than those who did not, t(26) ⫽ 2.11, groups, those taking such medications (N ⫽ 13)
p ⬍0.05. For modules received by at least three par- showed less change in their worry symptoms than
ticipants, the mean rankings of helpfulness, from those who were not (N ⫽ 18), t(29) ⫽ 2.34, p ⫽ 0.03.
most to least helpful, were as follows: 1) relaxation,
2) pleasant activities, 3) psychoeducation and moni- Semistructured Interviews
toring, 4) acceptance, 5) worry control, 6) relapse
prevention, 7) sleep hygiene, 8) problem solving, 9) A significantly higher proportion of the modular
assertiveness training, and 10) life review. psychotherapy group than the community treatment
group reported subjective improvement in anxiety,
90.9% versus 40.0%, p ⫽ 0.01 according to Fisher’s
Mental Health Services Use
exact test. Those who reported improvement, how-
Table 2 displays data on changes in mental health ever, did not show greater change on objective mea-
service use for patients in the modular psychother- sures of anxiety or worry than those who reported no
apy and community treatment conditions. There improvement. Specific self-help strategies are dis-
were no statistically significant differences between played in Table 2. Across both conditions, individu-
the conditions in use of “as-needed” psychotropic als who reported receiving professional help for anx-
medications, over-the-counter medications, profes- iety (N ⫽ 15) and those who used self-help strategies
sional mental health services, or self-help groups. like bibliotherapy or meditation (N ⫽ 18) showed no

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009 489

Modular Psychotherapy

greater change in anxiety or worry symptoms than adults. Major life events, both positive and negative,
those who did not (N ⫽ 11 and N ⫽ 8, respectively). and stressors were also associated with less improve-
Individuals who reported major life events, either ment in anxiety symptoms. This finding is consistent
positive or negative, or stressors (N ⫽ 11) showed with much research documenting that stress is asso-
less change in anxiety symptoms than those who did ciated with both positive and negative events, and
not report such events (N ⫽ 15): t(24) ⫽ 2.44, p ⫽ further suggests that factors beyond an individual’s
0.02. Those who reported increasing their engage- control may influence anxiety outcomes regardless of
ment in activities (e.g., keeping busy, getting more treatment.
involved in groups or organizations; N ⫽ 10) showed Overall, these data provide no evidence that a
less change in anxiety symptoms than those who did modular psychotherapy protocol for anxiety in older
not (N ⫽ 16), t(24) ⫽ 2.26, p ⫽ 0.03. primary care patients is more effective than en-
hanced community treatment, when the latter in-
volves aggressive pharmacotherapy and multiple
other services and strategies. Although the within-
group effect size for the modular psychotherapy in-
CONCLUSIONS tervention was quite high relative to other late-life
anxiety trials, the effect size in the community treat-
In a comparison between a modular form of psycho-
ment condition was substantially higher than has
therapy and enhanced community treatment (in
been reported in the past for a minimal contact con-
which patients and their primary care providers
dition. Thus, results from this study should not be
were given information about their anxiety diagno-
used to support an argument that services available
sis), both groups experienced equivalent symptom- in most primary care practices are sufficient to treat
atic improvement. Substantial, statistically significant chronic anxiety in older adults.
improvements were found in anxiety symptoms, Other forms of psychotherapy currently under in-
worry, depressive symptoms, and mental health-re- vestigation in younger adults with GAD and similar
lated quality of life in both groups. disorders include an integration of CBT and inter-
Individuals in both conditions used a wide va- personal therapy,34 acceptance and commitment
riety of anxiety management strategies, including therapy,35 attention training,36 and therapies target-
medications, psychotherapy, and various self-help ing intolerance of uncertainty,37 emotion dysregula-
techniques. Despite randomization, a higher pro- tion,38 and metacognition.39 Only two have been
portion of individuals in the community treatment tested with older adults: Ladouceur et al.37 reported
group were using psychotropic medications; med- success treating eight older GAD patients using ther-
ication use was therefore included as a covariate apy based on the intolerance of uncertainty model,
in the analyses. Those who used medications and Papageorgiou and Wells36 published a case se-
showed less improvement in worry symptoms ries of three geriatric patients with hypochondriasis
than those who did not, suggesting that medica- who responded to attention training.
tion use might have represented a marker for treat- Age-related changes may make some of these al-
ment resistance rather than a successful treatment ternatives particularly appropriate for anxious older
strategy in this sample. adults. For example, some evidence suggests that
Professional services and self-help techniques were older adults regulate emotion better than do younger
not associated with greater improvement in anxiety. adults,40 making an emotion regulation-based ap-
Although individuals reported pleasant activities as proach potentially appealing for use in geriatric pop-
the second most helpful module, those who in- ulations. With the high prevalence and negative con-
creased their involvement in activities showed sequences associated with anxiety in late life, testing
smaller declines in their anxiety symptoms than such innovative protocols with older anxiety disor-
those who did not. These results are interesting given der patients should be a high priority.
that behavioral activation has been an effective treat- The chief clinical implication is that many types of
ment for geriatric depression. “Keeping busy” may interventions and strategies can lead to improve-
be an unhelpful avoidance strategy for anxious older ments in symptoms and quality of life for older

490 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17:6, June 2009

Wetherell et al.

people with anxiety. This is a positive message for Scientifically, it is of interest to discover why the
older adults with this chronic and distressing condi- types of psychotherapy for geriatric anxiety investi-
tion. It is important to note, however, that the level of gated thus far seem to work less well than medica-
care provided in this study across both the modular tions10 or than psychotherapy for anxiety in younger
psychotherapy and community treatment conditions individuals,13 whereas the same is not true for geri-
is not representative of care for late-life anxiety dis- atric depression.41 Additional research on psychoso-
orders in most primary care settings. These results cial, biological, and cognitive factors associated with
should be interpreted with some caution given that anxiety disorders in late life may ultimately inform
this sample was white, well educated, and wealthy. new and more effective behavioral treatment protocols.
Participants had the means and access to alternative
treatments such as yoga and meditation classes. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions
Older persons without the protective factors and of Georgia Birchler, Debora Goodman, Dilip V. Jeste,
resources of subjects in our sample may not have M.D., Laura Otis, Ph.D., and Murray B. Stein, M.D.,
shown improvements despite positive attitudes M.P.H. This research was supported by NIMH grant
about care. MH067643.

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