Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

1) This quotation is valid lor 15 days.

2) Site must be available on the dale the work is to takc place and the cuslomer is to provide
electrjcitl, [30 Amp) al his cosr.

3) Custorrer should provide the neccssary space with the socurily arrangements to keep the
materials of Thrce Sinha lndush ies (pvtJ Ltd unlil the completion of the particular job

4) I hree Sinha Industries (l']vt) Ltd will nor be responsible for any civil \,vork nor do wc underlake
same and is noLresponsible lbr any damages thereto duringthe\,vorks.

5) l'hc .usLomer conditions on Installation of Roller

is roquired to agree lor
Door/Swing/Sliding/Railing, Canopy/Roofing and other work and fonvard thc siEned contract
to 'l hree Sinha lndustries 0'jvt) Ltd.

6) For all yoLrr clal.iiicatior call 0768768 l40andquotetheAPPN0.Civenabove

Pavment Terms
1) lhis is nol a rcccipt.
2) An advance of 50%o should be made on confirmation oi the order and balance before lhe
complction of the u/or k.
3) Cash Payrrents: Bclbrc nraking any cash payments please conta.t our a..ountant on
0768 768 300

4) lfthe cusLorner is agreeablewith lhis Quotation he/she/it may make payments ol50o/o advance
by an Account Pa!,ec Chcquc in Lhe name of l hree Sinha Iidustries [Pvt] Ltd (indicare in the
reversc, your nanre and the APP N0.) or make such paymen! by cash, for borh mode ol
payments Thrce Sinha Industries [Pvt) Ltd's representative will issL]e you a I emporary Receipt
valid fbr 3 worldng days.
5) Upon Three Sinha induslrics [PvtJ ltt] receiving an.l/or realiTation oi the cheque,'lhree Sinha
industries [Pvll ]ld shall dispalch by SMS the Job No. ard lhe ofl'lcial receipt no. via phone no
0768 768 288 and followed w,ith thc official receipt.
6) Collccr Oliicial lteccipts lor all your payments

7) Cuslomcr shall"not wilhout approval lronr Three Sinha Indusldes IPvt] Ltd deposit any monies
or Cheques in thc account ofthe Ihree Sinha lndllsrries IPvt) Ltd.

8) It is specifically staled lhal Lhe customer under no circumstances can deduct any monies due to
1 HI{nl SlNHI II!.DUSTIUIS [PVT) LTD as retenlion in respect of th() rol]er door or ary other
piorluct lah).ic:rted and/or supplied and /or installecl by THREE SINIIA INDUSTRIES [PVT) LTD

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