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1. Number your pages across your entire solutions document.

2. Your document should include the ANSWERS ONLY with each answer labeled by its
corresponding number and subpart. Keep the answers in order. Do NOT include the
questions in your submitted document.

3. Generate all requested graphs and tables using StatCrunch.

4. Upload your document onto Blackboard as a Word or pdf document using the link
provided by your instructor.

Elements of good technical writing:

Use complete and coherent sentences to answer the questions.

Graphs must be appropriately titled and should refer to the context of the question.

Graphical displays must include labels with units if appropriate for each axis.

Units should always be included when referring to numerical values.

When making a comparison you must use comparative language, such as “greater than”, “less
than”, or “about the same as.”

Ensure that all graphs and tables appear on one page and are not split across two pages.

Type all mathematical calculations when directed to compute an answer ‘by-hand.’

Pictures of actual handwritten work are not accepted.

When writing mathematical expressions into your document you may use either an equation
editor or common shortcuts such as: x can be written as sqrt(x), p̂ can be written as p-hat, x
can be written as x-bar.

Problem 1: How Americans like their Steak

Are risk-averse people more likely to order their steak well-done? A survey was conducted that
asked individuals a series of questions about risk and how the individual prefers their steak (if at
all). In particular, one question asked respondents, “Consider the following hypothetical
situations: In Lottery A, you have a 50 percent chance of success, with a payout of $100. In
Lottery B, you have a 90 percent chance of success, with a payout of $20. Assuming you have
$10 to bet, would you play Lottery A or Lottery B?” Raw data from 412 American steak eaters
are presented in our StatCrunch Group. The data set is called “Steak Preference.”

a) Use StatCrunch to create a one-way table for the variable “Steak Preferred” using both
counts and percentages. Select Stat  Tables  Frequency and select both ‘Frequency’
and ‘Percent of total’ in the Statistic(s) box by holding down the Ctrl Key (Command
Key on Macs) when making these selections. Copy your table into your document and
then manually round the values in the ‘Percent of total” column to two decimal places in
the StatCrunch table that you have copied into your document.

b) Interpret your findings from the table in part (a) by identifying the least and most popular
steak preference by percent of total (method of cooking and the corresponding
percentage). Use complete sentences with context.

c) Use StatCrunch to generate a two-way table for the variables Steak Preferred and Lottery.
Go to Stat  Tables  Contingency  With Data (since you have the raw data in the
first two columns in StatCrunch). Select “Steak Preferred” as your row variable and
“Lottery” as your column variable. In the display box, select only Percent of Total.
Lastly, unclick (or deselect) “Chi-Square test for independence” since it is highlighted by
default by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on it. Copy your table into your document.

d) What values are the same when looking at both your one-way table and your two-way

e) Now, create two more two-way tables keeping “Steak Preferred” as your row variable
and “Lottery” as your column variable. One table needs to include row percentages and
the other needs to include column percentages. To do this, change what you select in the
display box from percent of total (in part (c)) to row percent for the first table and column
percent for the second table. Include both tables in your document.

f) Specifically define the meaning of the row percentage found in the “Medium Rare” and
“Lottery A” cell of each table. Note that there are 70 individuals in that cell.

g) Now, specifically define the meaning of the column percentage found in the “Medium
Rare” and “Lottery A” cell of each table. Note that there are 70 individual in that cell.

h) Overall, are risk-averse people (those choosing Lottery B) more likely to order their steak
well-done? Answer this question and provide a one sentence explanation.

Problem 2: Steak Preference Revisited

Which steak preference is most popular among a random sample of 412 steak eating Americans?
Use the “Steak Preference” data set posted in our StatCrunch group to answer the following

a) Using the variable named “Steak Preferred”, produce a relative frequency bar chart
using Graph  Bar Plot  With Data. Please properly label axes and provide a
meaningful title and copy it into your document.

b) Using the variable “Steak Preferred”, produce a relative frequency Pareto chart. Begin
with your bar chart, and edit it by changing “Order by” to Count Descending. Properly
title and label your graph and copy it into your document.

c) Using the variable “Steak Preferred”, produce a Pie Chart using Graph  Pie Chart 
With Data. Add an appropriate title and copy this entire graph including the legend into
your document.

d) Use the three graphs to answer the question: Which steak preference is most popular?
Write your answer in one sentence.

e) Now produce two grouped relative frequency bar charts (to copy to your document) by
following the directions below.
Go to Graph  Bar Plot  With Data.
For the first grouped bar chart, graph the variable “Lottery” and group by “Steak
Preferred.” To “group by” click the arrow next to Group by box (the third box down)
and select the variable you are asked to group by. In the Type box (5th box down from
the top) choose relative frequency within category. Title these graphs clearly. You may
keep the default labels for the x and y-axis.
For the second grouped bar chart, graph the variable “Gender” and group by “Steak
Preferred.” In the Type box (5th box down from the top) choose relative frequency
within category. Title these graphs clearly. You may keep the default labels for the x
and y-axis.

f) Describe what you see from each graph in one sentence each. To do this, compare the
graph variable among the categories of the steak preferences. Specifically with the
Lottery graph, revisit your answer to 1(h) in your comment.

See next page for Problem 3

Problem 3: Systolic Blood Pressure

There are many risk factors for cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure. Blood
pressure readings are presented as two numbers. Systolic blood pressure (the top number)
measures how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery wall when the heart
beats. Diastolic blood pressure (the second number) indicates how much pressure your blood is
exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between beats. The “Blood
Pressure” data set includes a random sample of 398 individuals from central Virginia. For each
individual both blood pressure readings are presented.

a) Create a frequency histogram for the variable “Systolic BP” by using Graph 
Histogram. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your document.

b) Interpret the shape of this distribution in one complete sentence.

c) Use StatCrunch to obtain the sample size, mean, and standard deviation for the “Systolic
BP” variable: by using Stat  Summary Stats  Columns. Note: in the Statistics box,
select the summary statistics listed above in the exact order given. Copy the entire table
into your document and manually round each value to two decimal places.

d) Use StatCrunch to obtain the five number summary and the IQR for the “Systolic BP”
variable (the five number summary includes Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max). Go to Stat 
Summary Stats  Columns to obtain these values. Note: in the Statistics box, select the
summary statistics listed above in the exact order given. Copy the entire table into your
document and manually round each value to two decimal places.

e) Choose the appropriate summary statistics for center and spread (presented in either 3c or
3d) based on your stated shape of the distribution in 3b.

f) Use your summary statistics from part 3d and the fence rule to mathematically identify
outliers for the “Systolic BP” variable. Show all steps in your calculations manually
including how you obtained the upper and lower fence boundaries. State your findings in
a sentence.

g) Construct a horizontally oriented boxplot of the “Systolic BP” variable by using Graph
 Boxplot. To do this, click the “Draw boxes horizontally” box. Properly title and label
and copy this graph into your document.

h) How many outliers do you identify (please use both the boxplot and your results from
3f)? For each outlier, list the corresponding Systolic Blood Pressure.

See next page for Problem 4

Problem 4: Body Temperature

Is a human’s body temperature actually 98.6 degrees F? This data set consists of the body
temperatures of a randomly selected sample of 130 individuals. The data set is called “Body

a) Construct a relative frequency histogram using the “Body Temp” variable. Properly title
and label your graph and copy and paste your graph into your document.

b) Describe the shape of this distribution in context in one sentence.

c) Use StatCrunch to obtain the mean and standard deviation of the “Body Temp” variable.
Copy and paste the table into your document. Round your answers to two decimal places
in your document.

For parts 4d-4f, determine how well the Empirical Rule does in predicting the percentage
of observations within some number of standard deviations of the mean.

d) Use your rounded summary statistics from part 4c to calculate the interval corresponding
to one, two, and three standard deviations about the mean for body temperature. Round
the endpoints of the final intervals correctly to two decimal places and clearly label and
list these three intervals in your document as shown below:

68% interval (lower value, upper value)

95% interval (lower value, upper value)
99.7% interval (lower value, upper value)

e) Use StatCrunch to determine the count and percentage of observations falling in each of
these intervals by following the instructions listed below or using another appropriate
counting method. Properly label and list these counts and percentages in your document.

Start in the “Body Temp” data set. Go to Data  Row Selection  Interactive Tools.
In the slider selectors box, click the variable Body Temp into the variable box. Then
Click compute.

The box that appears has a slider under the words Body Temp that allows you to create
ranges of temperatures that you determined in 4d. Use the slider to obtain the count by
looking at the “# rows selected” presented in the first line of the box. Calculate the
percentages from the counts you obtained.

f) Do each of the three percentages found in part 4e match to what the Empirical Rule
predicts? State your answer in a sentence.

g) Suppose a new student with a body temperature of 98.6 degrees was recorded. Calculate
the z-score of this ‘new’ body temperature and explain in a complete sentence what this
z-score indicates.

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