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In this very moment, I’d like to tell you about how to wash your hand according to

WHO standard. As we know, to wash your hand, you just need clean water source and a
soap. So here we go and follow me:

Step 1 - Wet your hands and apply enough soap (coin size).

Step 2 - Rub your palms together.

Step 3 - Rub the back of each hand

Step 4 - Rub both your hands while interlocking your

Step 5 - Rub the back of your fingers.

6 - Rub your thumbs and the ends of your wrists.

Step 5 - Rub the tips of your fingers.

7 - Rinse both hands properly with water.
And finally dry with a clean towel/disposable tissue paper.
1. Timbang bahan sesuai dengan standar diet formula makanan cair
2. Masukkan bahan ke dalam alat pembuatan Formula Cair
3. Lakukan pengadukan selama 15 menit
4. Pindahkan formula cair yang sudah jadi ke dalam wadah yg bersih.
5. Lakukan pengemasan sesuai standart porsi
6. Salurkan/distribusikan sesuai dengan permintaan
7. Seduh sesuai dengan resep berdasarkan permintaan makanan cair siap minum.
8. Simpan sisa/stok dalam Tempat tertutup.



Full cream milk powder

Skim milk power

Canola oil



First - measure each ingredients according to the standard

Second – Put the full cream milk powder ,skim milk and sugar in to the bowl

Turn on the mixer

Third - set the timer for 10 minute

Than – mix the ingredients in slow speed

Step 5 – add canola oil in to the bowl

Step 6 – mix well until it forms powdery state, approximately for 5 minutes

Step 7 - turn off the mixer

Step - move it into another clean and dry jar

Step put the formula into the package

Measure each for 40 grams

Finally enteral nutrition formula ready to distribute to all patient

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