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General Information

1. Customer Name (Optional) :

2. Gender : A) Male B) Female

3. Age : A) Below 20 years B) 25-35 years

C) 36-45 years D) above45 Years

4. Marital status : A) Married B) Unmarried

5. Education qualification : A) HSC& below B) UG C) PG

6. Occupation : A) Housewife B) Student

C) Employee(Govt./pvt) D) Other(specify)

7. Income (per month) : A) Below to 20000 B) 21000-30000

C) 31000-40000D) Above 40000

8. Area of residence : A) Rural B) Semi urban

C) Urban

9. From where did you get the information about the service provided by the shop

A) Advertising B) Friends & Relatives C) Family members

D) Neighbours E) Others

10. Which brand exception your do you use

A) Samsung B) Nokia C) Vivo

D) Oppo E) Redmi F) Lenovo G) Motorola

11. What is your frequent purchase

A) Once in 3 months B) Once in 6 months C) Once in a year

D) During festival times E) On special occasions

12. Your opinion about the mobile products.

A) Very high B) High C) Moderate

D) Low E) Affordable

13. In what aspect you like purchase mobile

A) Small Size B) Medium Size C) Large Size

D) Very Large Size E) Others

14. Which mode of delivery your want.

A) Card Sales B) Cash sales

15. How feel use about the mobile color products.

A) Black B) White C) Gold

D) Blue E) Red

16. Your Expectation to purchase to mobile

A) Retiles B) Online C) Dealer

17. Which factor influenced you to buy the mobile product

A) Price B) Quality C) Service

D) Mobile image E) Others

18. Sources of branded selection.

A) Touch B) Key pad

19. What factor do you consider most important in choosing your mobile product
A) Student like B) Low Price C) Good Quality
D) Retail like to products E) Others
20. Which Person like these products

A) School Students B) College Students C) House Wife

D) Employees E) Others

21. In future will you continue to purchase the mobile product

A) Yes B) No

22. Your opinion about the packing of mobile products

A) Highly Satisfied B) Satisfied C) Undecided

D) Not Satisfied E) Highly Not Satisfied

23. What is the influencing factor to selecting the shop

A) Reasonable price B) Quality products C) Maximum collections

D) Neighbours E) Others(specify)
24. If no, Why not Satisfaction in the mobile product?

A) Quality B) Service C) Price

D) Availability E) Others

25. Service employees have adequate knowledge about current market rate

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Neutral

D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree

26. Service is always a friendly interaction with me

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Neutral

D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree

27. Consumer can get their preferred quality instantly

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Neutral

D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree

28. Consumer can get their preferred quantity instantly

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Neutral

D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree

Customer expectation is something that should be meet by customer service. A lot

of customers have these expectations on how a company can handle their concerns. On

the other hand, customer service teams should be meet, if not, exceed these expectations

through proactive service.

Satisfaction is consumer’s fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or a

service feature or the product or service itself provides pleasurable level of consumption

related fulfillment.

Customer’s influenced by specific product are service features and by perceptions

of quality. It is also influenced by specific service attributions, and their perceptions.

It is a measurement or indicator of the degree to which customers or users of an

organization’s products or services are pleased with those products or services.


Expectation means the difference between the customer & expectation of service and

their perceived service. In this study, the assessment standards of Zeithaml,

Parasuraman & Berry (1990) will be used, which consist of five dimensions: tangibility,

reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

Servqual is an instrument for measuring service quality, in terms of the discrepancy

between customers& expectation regarding service offered and the perception of the
service received Respondents are required to answer questions about both their

expectation and their perception.

Customer expectation means uncontrollable factors including past experience, personal

needs, word of mouth, and external communication about hotel service.

Customer perception means customer & feelings of pleasure / displeasure or the

reaction of the customers in relation to the performance of the hotel staff in satisfying /

dissatisfying the services.


The company's ability to fulfill the business, emotional, and psychological needs of its

 Quality of service delivery expected by the customers.

 An internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need of customer.

 Providing good service in a pleasant manner and meeting the customer's


 The measure of the degree to which a product or service meets the customer's

expectations & Comparison of expectations versus actual experience.

Why and how to measure Customer Satisfaction

Most companies say that they believe in great customer service, but few set up a

system to ensure that they provide it. To deliver excellent customer service takes

both understanding what your customers want and the way to see that they

receive it.

Delighted Customers Are Profitable:

It is widely accepted that it is almost five times more profitable to sell to an

existing customer than to find a new customer. More important, the difference

between satisfied customers and very satisfied customers can make a big

difference in customer repeat business and the profits. Measuring client

satisfaction is very important and distinguishing between degrees of satisfaction

by using customer surveys is crucial.


There are several ways to gather input from customers. The simplest way to find

out how customers feel and what they want is to ask them. If you have only customers,

you can talk to each one personally. The advantage of this approach is that you'll get a

personal "feel" for each customer. The disadvantage is that you'll gather different

information from each customer depending on how the conversation goes.

Customer surveys with standardized survey question insure that you will collect the

same information from everyone. Remember that few of your customers will be

interested in "filling out a questionnaire". It's work for them without much reward. By

launching a customer survey as an attempt to find out "how we can serve you better" --

your customers will feel less put upon. Here are a few of the possible dimensions that

one could measure:

 Quality of product

 Pricing

 Offers and discounts

 Staff’s behavior
 Complaints or problems

 Billing experience

 Security’s behavior

 Store’s ambience cleanliness and Overall experience in store

Using satisfaction Surveys to achieve a Competitive advantage

Consider these statistics:

 Only 4% of all customers with problems complain

 The average person with a problem eventually tells 9 other people

 Satisfied patients and customers tell 5 other people about their good treatment

 Cost of acquiring a new customer is usually 5-7 times greater than retaining

current ones

 Cost of hiring and training a new employee is up to 10 times greater than

retaining current ones.

These facts underscore the need to satisfy your current customers so they remain with

your organization. Ensuring their satisfaction is vital to your long-term business survival

and profitability. The technology available to both you and your competitors has made it

easier to duplicate each other’s products or services.

Because of this, it is increasingly difficult to rely on features alone to differentiate

yourself from the competition. Excellent customer satisfaction is one of the few ways to

achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Satisfaction (and dissatisfaction) affects your organizations bottom line

The value of satisfaction is often underestimated. Loyal customers affect an

organization’s success, which can be difficult to quantify. Loyal customers grow your

business by increasing market share. Over a lifetime, a loyal customer purchases more,

purchases at a premium (they are less sensitive to price), costs less to sell to, and refers

your business to others.

An essential part of assessing satisfaction includes identifying dissatisfaction. Dissatisfied

customers often hold the information you need to succeed. Understanding when and

why dissatisfaction occurs, helps you implement changes to gain and retain future

customers. No matter what type of business you are in, surveys are an important tool to

help you collect the information you need to understand and evaluate satisfaction.


- For Shep Hyken 2017

Each year, new data comes out that indicates customer service and the customer

experience are more important than ever. According to Forrester, businesses say that

improving the customer experience is their top priority. A study from New Voice
Media indicates that companies lose more than due to poor customer service. No

company can afford to be a customer service laggard. So, what can leadership do to

ensure they stay up, stay competitive and stay relevant? Pay close attention to what’s

trending in the world of customer service. Here are 10 trends you shouldn’t ignore.

There’s something here that will impact every type of business.

1. Customer service is getting better (even if it doesn’t look like it).

With the statistic mentioned above, one might think customer service is getting worse.

I believe that it’s actually getting better. What’s happening is the best companies are

setting the bar and creating a new, higher expectation. There is a new benchmark, and

other companies, even with their efforts to improve, aren’t able to keep up with

customers’ newfound expectations. The good news is that companies are making the

effort, they are improving, and they can catch up to those new expectations.

2. Value and experience continue to trump price.

Unless a company wants to be recognized as a low-cost provider, the value

proposition of good customer service can make price less relevant. That’s how smaller

independent retailers can compete against big box stores. Think about how Ace Hardware

stores compete against big box stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s. Ace Hardware stores

are typically a fraction of the size, don’t have as wide a selection, and may not have the

lowest price, yet they not only survive, they thrive. This concept is not limited to retail. It

crosses into all types of businesses and industries.

3. Personalization creates a better customer experience.

Technology has made it easier than ever to track customer preferences and history.

Big data gives us trends and insights with uncanny accuracy. There is no reason to not

create a more personalized experience that caters to a customer’s individual needs.

4. AI and IA assist those who assist the customer.

Artificial Intelligence is coming to the forefront of how a company creates a better

CX. Machines’ ability to interact with humans is stronger than ever. AI will help us

make better business decisions, many of them positively impacting the customer. AI

won’t necessarily take over the human function, although in some places it can and

will, but it will assist customer support people, becoming an IA , or Intelligent


5. Chatbots are getting better.

The online text conversation we have with a company’s customer support center

may not be with a live person, but a computer. When a machine can create a positive

experience for the customer, everyone wins. The best catboats are able to not only

respond to requests and questions, but also recognize when the customer is confused

and seamlessly hand off the conversation to a live customer support rep.

6. There is more focus on customer success.

While it is not new, the concept of “customer success” seems to be gaining in

popularity. There are certain products that seem to have higher levels of frustration or
need for customer support. The goal of a customer success program is to ensure that

the customer has success with the company’s products. For example, when I recently

bought a new software program, the company provided three coaching sessions that

were scheduled at the time of purchase. This eliminated the frustration I might have

experienced as I learned the new program (good for me, the customer) which would

keep my follow-up support calls to a minimum (good for the company).

7. Proactive customer service is gaining in popularity.

Companies are getting better and spotting problems and fixing them before the

customer notices and complains. There are software programs that can alert

companies to issues so they can be proactive in mitigating or eliminating problems. A

good proactive service program creates trust and confidence.

8. The phone is being used less and less.

Alternative customer support channels such as chatbots, social media customer

care, self-service, etc., are gaining in popularity as customers learn how to use them

more efficiently. It is doubtful that the phone will ever disappear completely as a way

for customers to connect with a company. Some difficult-to-solve problems require

that human-to-human interaction, but as a quick first line of support, the alternative

channels are becoming the norm rather than the exception.

9. Fast, Faster, Fastest! Customers want a response.

Numerous surveys have revealed abysmal results for response times to customer

comments, complaints and questions on support channels such as social media, email,

etc. For example, a 2016 study by Eptica showed that email response times averaged

more than seven hours. The good news is that recent studies are showing the response

times are speeding up. And by the way, the company that responds faster than its

competition will stand out and win.

10. Convenience wins the day.

This may be your ultimate customer service and CX weapon. How easy and

convenient are you to do business with? Good service is table stakes. Your competitor

is trying to outdo your customer service. So, all things being equal, how can an

organization tip the scale in its favor? Convenience. Amazon is the poster child for

today’s concept of convenience. For example, its Dash button makes it as easy as

pushing a button to order consumable supplies such as detergent, ink cartridges and

much more. Amazon is even revolutionizing shopping with its new Amazon

Go grocery stores. By featuring the most advanced technology, they have eliminated

lines and the checkout process – you grab and go. If you want to win in business,

figure out how to be more convenient than your competition.

There are dozens of other trends that I could have included here, but these are the

ones that stand out to me. And it’s because these customer service and customer

experience trends are all about the customer. They are the trends you must consider as

you strategize on how to remain competitive and relevant to your customers.

Customer’s service level expectation

A Service Level Expectation (SLE) defines the service response that an Office of

Information Technology customer should expect to receive upon making a request.

Supplier’s service level (hired performance)

A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and

resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply

chain activities involve the transformation of natural resources, raw materials, and

components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. In

sophisticated supply chain systems, used products may re-enter the supply chain at any

point where residual value is recyclable. Supply chains link value chains.

Customer’s service level perception

Customer needs into a customer-centric business, it is necessary for the

relationships between supplier and customer to have the maturity to promote change

management and to review the balance of the following forces: product, customer,

service and process. Customer-centric strategies offer the best solution based on

personalized packages of products, service, support, education, and consulting.

Supplier’s service level (delivered performance)

Supplier measures the performance of a system. Certain goals are defined and

the service level gives the percentage to which those goals should be achieved. File rate

is different from service level.



 At the lowest level, customers expect accuracy.

 You expect to get what you ordered without errors or missed shipments. You want

your credit card bill to correctly list all your purchases and payments.
 Your customers must get what they paid for and are expecting. Deliver on what

you promise. Accuracy is an assumed standard in doing business. When present,

accuracy is taken for granted. Its absence swiftly leads to customer dissatisfaction.


 Any company that makes itself more accessible will obviously increase the

number of customers who are willing to give it a try.

 You can leverage the power of convenience to reach more potential customers.

When the barriers to entry are lower, you’ve got a better shot of earning first-time

 Availability is important but should not stand by itself or be relied on as a single

benefit to the customer. Since availability is easy to mimic, your rivals can reduce

this “competitive advantage to a commodity.”


 [Customers] want you to listen to them, to be responsive to them, to make them

feel they are on the same side of the fence as you.

 Partnerships can be built only when you:
 Identify customer needs.
 Understand and can identify customer behavior.
 Solicit and act upon customer feedback.

 Customers feel the closest bond to organizations that have helped them learn.
 Think of the free seminars, telecasts, tutorials, workshops, and classes you see

advertised everyday. Remember your alma mater where you earned that degree?
 These are all instances where you have learned or can learn something. As a result,

you are much more likely to reciprocate the favor. You’ve probably donated to an

alumni-sponsored scholarship or even bought that paint you learned to use at a

Home Depot workshop.

 If the customer hires the service level equivalent to its expectation
 If the customer’s perception of the service level is aligned to previous expectation
 If the supplier is delivering the service level as hired by the customer

The combination of these factors defines an aggregated risk index. The lower this

percentage, the higher the risk to which the supplier is exposed. The lower part of the

panel classifies the supplier’s ability to manage the customer’s expectation.


Mobile Phone Service in Chidambaram

The Mobile services dealers are home to some of the latest mobile phones and

the oldest models of the phone, latest being Mobile services Galaxy S6 and Mobile

services Note Edge. Each and every accessory sold here is 100% original. The customers

can purchase the Mobile services in times when the dealer stores hold seasonal

discounts and other attractive offers. All of the stores mentioned above are authorized

Mobile services retailers and thus hold a position in selling original phone and

accessories only. The Mobile services dealers are located in almost every area of the city.

In terms of payments, they accept cash and all kinds of cards. Scroll up to view and visit

the Mobile services online shopping centers as well as offline in Chidambaram.

About Mobile services

Mobile services Group is a South Korean multinational conglomerate

headquartered in Mobile services Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous affiliated

businesses; most of them united under the Mobile services brand, and is the largest

South Korean chaebol (business conglomerate). Mobile services were founded by Lee

Byungchul in 1938 as a trading company. Over the next three decades, the group

diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail.

Mobile services entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s and the construction
and shipbuilding industries in the mid-1970s; these areas would drive its subsequent

growth. Following Lee's death in 1987, Mobile services was separated into four business

groups – Mobile services Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group and Hansol Group. Since

1990, Mobile services has increasingly globalised its activities and electronics; in

particular, its mobile phones and semiconductors have become its most important

source of income. As of 2017, Mobile services has the 6th highest global brand value.

Notable Mobile services industrial affiliates include Mobile services Electronics

(the world's 2nd largest information technology company measured by 2015 revenues,

and 5th in market value), Mobile services Heavy Industries (the world's 2nd largest

shipbuilder measured by 2010 revenues), and Mobile services Engineering and Mobile

services C&T (respectively the world's 13th and 36th largest construction companies).

Other notable subsidiaries include Mobile services Life Insurance (the world's 14th

largest life insurance company), Mobile services Everland (operator of Everland Resort,

the oldest theme park in South Korea) and Cheil Worldwide (the world's 15th largest

advertising agency measured by 2012 revenues).

A mobile service has a powerful influence on South Korea's economic

development, politics, media and culture and has been a major driving force behind the

"Miracle on the Han River". Its affiliate companies produce around a fifth of South

Korea's total exports. Mobile services 's revenue was equal to 17% of South Korea's

$1,082 billion GDP.

Mobile services Mobile Division is one of five business units within Mobile

services Electronics, belonging to the Mobile services Group, and consists of the Mobile

Communications Division, Telecommunication Systems Division, Computer Division, MP3

Business Team, Mobile Solution Centre and Telecommunication R&D Centre.

Telecommunication Business produces a full spectrum of products from mobiles and

other mobile devices such as MP3 players and laptop computers to telecommunication

network infrastructure. Headquarters is located in Suwon, South Korea.

In 2007 Mobile services Mobile Division Business reported over 40% growth and

became the second largest mobile device manufacturer in the world. Its market share

was 14% in Q4 2007, growing up from 11.3% in Q4 2006. At the end of November 2011,

Mobile services sold more than 300 million mobile devices which was a close second

after Nokia with 300.6 million mobile devices sold in the first three quarter of 2011. As

of Q3 2012, Mobile services is the largest manufacturer of devices running Google

Android with a 46% market share.

On 19 August 2016, Mobile services officially released its Mobile services Galaxy

Note 7. As of 2 September 2016, Mobile services announced a voluntary recall and

attached to the new exchange program, after numerous of report showed that the new

Mobile services Galaxy Note 7 burst and exploded. On 10 October 2016, in response to

the new incidents, Mobile services announced that it would once again suspend sales of

the Galaxy Note 7 and recall all devices worldwide. The next day, Mobile services also
announced that it would permanently discontinue the Galaxy Note 7 and cease its


As of October 7, comments have emerged from former CSPC experts following its

launch of the investigation into the above incident.

The lawsuit, filed in the US district court in California, suggests that the tech

malfunctions extend beyond the Galaxy Note 7 and that Mobile services “chose to

conceal the problem from the public despite knowing the foreseeable and predictable

risk that the phone may overheat, flame and destruct from the inside presenting a risk

of serious harm or injury”.

The recall had a major impact on Mobile services 's business in the third quarter

of 2016, with the company projecting that its operating profits would be down by 33% in

comparison to the previous quarter. Credit Suisse analysts estimated that Mobile

services would lose at least US$17 billion in revenue from the production and recall of

the Galaxy Note


Stefan BOhler, Ralf Dewenter & Justus Haucap (2005) examines the causes

and effects of Mobile phoneportability) and provides a survey of its implementation in

Europe and Wefirst examine the competitive effects and the costs of introducing.

Stefan Buehler (2007) examines the consequences of introducing Mobile

phoneportability as allows consumers to keep their mobile number when switching

providers; it reduces consumers’ switching costs. However, may also cause consumer

ignorance if mobile numbers no longer identify networks.

Surabhi Jain (2010) with current scenario, if a customer is dissatisfied on the

service by mobile operator either he has to reluctantly accept the service or switch to

another service provider that he wishes. This paper highlights the importance of Mobile

phone portability which enables mobile users to retain their mobile numbers when

changing from one mobile network operator to another. And requirements and

compatibility for switching the network as Mobile phones used for all business and

family correspondence. This paper provides an in-depth description of how it affects the

switching cost for consumer, it also include various flavors of call routing

implementation, mobile messages (SMS, MMS) to a number once it has been ported.

Despite of so many networks why user wants to switch to other network will be discussed

in this paper. The research paper addressed various arguments related to the pros and cons
of Mobile phone portability such as How Could Disrupt Mobile Service Providers and

how can Mobile Service Providers Benefit from? A more pronounced effect is likely to be

an increased focus on improving the customer experience. The research papers also give

an insight into the disruptive effect of on Indian Telecom Industry.

Dong H. Shin (2007) investigate the effect of Mobile phone portability on mobile

subscribers in Korea by focusing on subscribers' perception and behavior related.

Statistical analyses in this study reveal that subscribers perceive the switching barrier still

as high, discouraging subscribers from switching carriers. While lowered switching costs

considerably, a significant level of switching costs still remains despite. Carriers develop

new subscriber lock-in strategies that make them stay with current carriers. In addition,

there are hidden costs other than that should burden subscribers with number portaging.

Dr.V. Kumaravel (2009) Mobile phone portability permits to a mobile subscriber

to switch operators without changing his/her mobile number. This research paper

describes that Impact of Mobile phone Portability on Mobile Users Switch over

Behavior-Indian Mobile Market. Mobile phone portability is now a crucial issue for

mobile service providers. The most challenging job for the present day is that retain

existing mobile customers. The mobile operator’s ability to retain its customer has a

direct impact on its profitability and effectiveness. Losing a customer will affect the

mobile operators in terms of cost.

Sanjeet Singh (2010) the paper evaluates the customer perception and

expectation from Mobile phone Portability‖ means the facility, which allows a subscriber

to retain his mobile number when he moves from one cellular service Provider to
another irrespective of the mobile technology or from one cellular mobile technology to

another of the same Access Provider. The mobile portability is the process to change the

mobile company without changing your mobile number. The study mainly concentrates

in north India and the companies, which are available and popular in the north India.

Tülin Durukan (2009) Mobile phone portability is defined as a system that allows

consumers to change operator without a necessity of changing the mobile phone number.

the aim of this study, the effects of the Mobile phone portability application are examined

theoretically at first. Then, the relationships among Mobile phone portability application

satisfaction, perceived public illumination activities and knowledge (information level)

about the application‖ with the intention to change the operator (switching intention)‖ are

scrutinized and the results are interpreted. Especially nowadays the global crisis is tried to

overcome, taking into consideration of results, which is obtained from such scientific

studies, is crucial to reach the aimed results of these kinds of consumer centric


A K Talukder (2010) Growth in telecommunications population directly impacts

the economy. Advanced economies have discovered that Mobile phone portability helps

the economy. Keeping this in mind, this paper proposes a technology solution for SMS

data portability in scenario. It provides experimental results to support such a claim.

Indian Institute of Science.

Dr. V. Mallikarjuna, Dr. G. Krishna Mohan, Dr. D. Pradeep Kumar, The

present study employs discriminate function analysis and independent-samples t-test to

identify the key differentiating factors that discriminate brand loyal customers from

switchers among the mobile users in AP telecom circle of India. Satisfaction of customer

with network access, call tariffs, customer care, network coverage and use of mobile for

voice calls or MMS are found have strong discriminating power between the loyal

customers and switchers. Mobile operators in India have to invest in network and

technology to improve the coverage, connectivity and speed. Improvement in the quality

of basic service the voice calls will prove to be an excellent strategy for enhancing

customer loyalty. Portability and its effects are conducted by various researchers and

authors in many countries. Major focus of theses researches focus around implementation

of Mobile Portability, policy and regulatory benefits, market competition, benefits to the

customers, switching costs, etc.

Klemperer (1995) defines switching costs as a result of a consumer’s desire for

compatibility between his current purchase and a previous investment. Consumers are

less attracted by a price cut and have less elastic demand. Consumers are less attracted by

reduced price and they have less elastic demand. The overall effect of reduction in

switching costs is unclear behavior

Shin (2006) conducted a study on 684 U.S. cell phone subscribers to know the

perceptions and behavior of subscribers and its effect of Mobile phone Portability. It was

found that switching barriers such as switching cost and other hidden costs were

perceived high by the subscribers.

Mobile companies used lock-in method to hinder switching by the customers. The

findings imply that Mobile phone Portability has more directly affected the industries to a

greater extent than Subscribers.

Reinke (1998) suggests that Mobile phone Portability implementation means can

ensure or threaten competition. Aoki et al. (1991) Mobile phone Portability can reduce

switching costs for the customers. Time and process of implementing Mobile phone

Portability are the biggest problems before policy maker of the country (Park Myeong-

Cheol, Kim Dan, Lee Sang-Woo, Demand for Number Portability in the Korean

Telecommunications Market: Contingent Valuation Approach, So far studies done on

Mobile phone Portability focus on benefits of Mobile phone Portability and how to

maximize effectiveness of Mobile phone Portability. There are not many empirical

researches done on Mobile phone Portability. Park et al. conducted one of the pioneer

studies estimating customer demand for Mobile phone Portability, applying Cost-Benefit

Analysis using empirical data collected from mobile service providers. The study

examined how customers’ estimated willingness to pay for Mobile phone Portability

varies with socio-economic characteristics (age, gender, income, education, etc.), is there

any brand effect problem in Korean telecom industry, and finding out the way of

implementing Mobile phone Portability in Korean cell phone market which will not

affect the competition negatively. The study estimated the demand for Mobile phone

Portability among Korean mobile service subscribers found existence of a difference in

Mobile phone Portability demand among subscribers and service providers. The study

revealed that demand for Mobile phone Portability was higher than estimated considering
average monthly payment of the subscribers. One of the limitations of this study is that

results of the study do not give complete economic analysis of Mobile phone Portability.

Stefan and Justus (2004) analyzed relationship between competition and

ignorance by the customers about Mobile phone Portability. They examined that Mobile

phone Portability eliminates switching cost and affect the ignorance by the customers

about Mobile phone Portability as well. They introduced analytical framework showing

results of the analysis done. It shows that Mobile phone Portability is going to bring

substantial changes in mobile services market. Mobile service providers, landline phone

customers, and mobile phone customer-these three groups get affected by Mobile phone

Portability. The research also discusses policy implications and social welfare effect of

Mobile phone Portability. Mobile phone Portability will decrease aggregate profits of cell

phone service providers. Mobile phone Portability increases the variable prices paid by

fixed network customers. Cell phone users are not likely to get benefits from Mobile

phone Portability in case mobile networks are close substitutes of one another. The study

shows that in severe competition among market players, Mobile phone Portability does

not affect customers’ decision regarding subscribing. Though benefits of Mobile Number

Portability are relatively little, toll-free enquiry numbers, acoustic signal etc. alternatives

generate benefits provided implementing these alternatives is not expensive and they do

not disturb the customers much.

Sheikh Taher Abu (2010) analyzed the effect of technological innovations and

competition policies on the diffusion of 3G mobile phones in Japan. The research

identified the factors promoting 3G cell phones in Japan. The author developed an
estimation model taking variables such as number of subscribers to 3G mobile phone

services, GDP and charges, competition policies, and technological innovations.

Nakamura (2010) carried out research to estimate switching costs involved in

changing mobile service provider in Japan. Nakamura found that government policy

related to SIM locks does not exist in Japan. Mobile phone market in Japan is saturated.

This type of policy can improve portability of cell phone handset. It can also reduce

switching costs incurred by the cell phone users while changing network providers as

market competition can be boosted up.

Shi, Chiang, and Rhee (2006) studied relationship of switching costs with price

competition and related the analytical results to the empirical evidence from Hong Kong

market. This study focuses on how price competition and market shares of the firms are

affected by reduction in switching costs. They suggested that switching costs can be

reduced by implementing Wireless Number Portability. Incurring positive interconnection

costs, the companies charge lower call charges within the same networks rather than for

calls between the networks. Research concludes that consumer switching costs tend to

increase the firms’ abilities to exploit their existing customers and to reduce the firms’

incentives to attract new customers.

Viard (2007) carried out to determine whether switching costs make markets more

or less competitive by analyzing the case of toll free number portability. First

examination was carried out for long-distance services through contracts of AT&T virtual

private network services. Second examination was carried for unbundled services offered

by MCI and AT&T. Findings show that portability had no significant effect on prices for
toll services, which were always portable. The author estimated that portability lowered

toll-free prices by approximately fourteen percent for the average customer and

concluded that companies reduced their prices when switching costs declined. So far

various researchers have focused on Mobile phone Portability and its related aspects such

as implementation, pricing, costs etc. Much research is not done by directly asking the

cell phone users about whether they are satisfied with the current MSP, their preferences

to make use of MNP, and the reasons if any. The present research is an outcome of a need

felt for investigating these aspects.


 To find out the consumer expectation about the product.

 To analyze the perception about mobile phone and its competitors.

 To study the advertisement impact of the product.

 To take advantage of the trend of health conscious consumers.

 To deliver consumer value and satisfaction.

 To convert our existing consumers into loyal consumers.

 To increase market share and attract new consumers.

Sampling Size

60 samples were collected in mobile phone service at Pondicherry 605 001,


Analysis was done on data collected and the results were tabulated using

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).

Sampling Technique

The convenience sampling was adopted for the Haphazard Sampling or

Accidental Sampling based primary data collection.

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