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The PUPWebSite (1998) continues to evolve dramatically as it gives its visitors

information and online services that is relevant and useful to them. And PUPWebSite has

matured into one of the University's most important promotion medium. New Internet and

Web technologies allow the delivery of personalized and relevant information to our

clienteles, who respond by telling us about themselves. That customer information helps

us focus our content and provide services that assist visitors in quickly finding the

information they need.


Marrero (2009) in his study entitled “Student Information S ystem for the University of the

Cordilleras” stressed that the concept of Information Systems (IS) emerged in the early 1960s. More

often, when information system is defined, the field Information Science is always associated, IS is

an academic field that deals with the generation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and

dissemination of recorded knowledge. Furthermore, it is a collection of related components

designed to support operations, management, and decision making in an organization. Generally,

IS is supposed to inform people. Information System supports people or users in making intelligent

decisions based upon the information derived from reliable data.


According to Evangelista (2008) the university’s Student Information System (SIS)

of Nueva Vizcaya State University is a secure, web accessible interactive computer

system that allows user access to grade reports, transcripts, schedule of classes, and

remaining balance for the semester and register for classes online. Through the system,

students would be assigned a unique identification number. All data to and from the

university would use that unique identifier. The use of individual student records would:

1) Increase the admissions capacity to follow a student’s progress over time; 2) provide

better quality data to drive more enlightened policy decisions resulting in enhanced

educational opportunities for all students; 3) reduce data collection burden through a web

enabled SIS; and 4) as a tool of parents in monitoring the academic performance of their


(Al-Busaidi, 2012) has conducted a study in Oman to

investigate the impacts of having corporate portal in academic

institutions on their performance. The study’s result based on

questioners being distributed among the institutional academic

instructors. The researcher had six hypotheses which assumed

that the portal usage will eventually result in enhancing

effectiveness, efficiency, innovation, learning, adaptability and

satisfaction of the learning institutions. All of these hypotheses

were supported after conducting the research. On other the other

hand, some studies have showed that having student portal does

not necessarily imply the good performance of learning

institutions. A comparative study was conducted on three Iranian

universities to assess the impact of using student portal on the

general universities performance. The study results were

considered as shocks for researchers as they found that the

awareness of students in these three universities was less than the

average universities students’ awareness in terms of using

integrated digital portal. The both factors, training students on

how to properly use supporting system plus providing a proper

student portal will contribute to enhance the university

performance (Babalhavaeji an Anaraki, 2013).
According to Pestano (2005), he stated that website
isi n t e n d e d t o p u b l i c i z e t h e c l i e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d i t s
activities to its internal and external target
audiences.The website is also
intended to facilitate PPI's internaland external information
e x c h a n g e , a n d d i s s e m i n a t i o n w i t h its geographically separated target
audiences.The primary target audience of the project is the PPImembers.
The secondary target audiences of the website
are:( a ) p e o p l e i n t h e f i e l d o f j o u r n a l i s m ( e x . N o n -
m e m b e r journalists, journalism students, and researchers);
(b)news subjects (individuals and groups who are common

f e a t u r e d i n t h e n e w s ) ; a n d ( c ) e n t i t i e s i n t e r e s t e d i n fun
ding PPI's future activities. The Web site's features includes: (a) an
archive; (b)o n -
line and downloadable forms; (c) member acc
ountmanagement; (d) a discussion board; and
( e ) m e m b e r directory

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