Homework 3

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEC230 Electromagnetics Winter 2018

Homework #3
Due 17:00pm Friday March 2nd by e-mail at jsgomez@ucdavis.edu

1. Problem 2.4. Orfanidis’s book.

2. Problem 2.5. Orfanidis’s book.
3. Problem 2.6. Orfanidis’s book.
4. Problem 2.7. Orfanidis’s book.
5. Problem 2.8. Orfanidis’s book.
6. Problem 2.9. Orfanidis’s book.
7. Problem 2.10. Orfanidis’s book.
8. Let us a consider a plane wave incoming to the interface between two lossless media. In order to find out
how much energy is reflected from the boundary and transmitted into the second media, it is required to
consider the ratio of the Poynting vector power flow of the reflected and transmitted wave to that of the
incident wave, leading to the definition of reflectance and transmittance
𝑒𝑒̂𝑛𝑛 ∙ 𝑆𝑆⃗1𝑎𝑎
𝑅𝑅𝑎𝑎 = � �
𝑒𝑒̂𝑛𝑛 ∙ 𝑆𝑆⃗1𝑎𝑎

𝑒𝑒̂𝑛𝑛 ∙ 𝑆𝑆⃗2𝑎𝑎
𝑇𝑇𝑎𝑎 = � �
𝑒𝑒̂𝑛𝑛 ∙ 𝑆𝑆⃗1𝑎𝑎

Where ‘a’ denotes either TE or TM polarization, 𝑒𝑒̂𝑛𝑛 is the unit vector normal to the interface, and the
superscripts ‘i,r,t’ denotes ‘incident, reflected, and transmitted’ respectively. Compute the reflectance and
transmittance of TE and TM waves as a function of the Fresnel coefficients, and demonstrate that energy
must be preserved, i.e., R+T=1.

9. Let us consider a TE wave incoming to an interface, as shown in the figure

a. Derive the general expressions for the electric and magnetic fields related to the incident, reflected, and
transmitted waves. For simplicity, please use Fresnel coefficients. The power density of the incident wave is
b. Let us assume that the second medium is a perfect electric conductor. Derive the current density induced
on the surface. Please detail all steps.
10. Let us consider a plane wave at 1 GHz defined as

a. Obtain its direction of propagation. (Hint: Use Gauss’ law).

b. Calculate the magnetic field of the plane wave.
c. Calculate the power density carried by the wave. Towards which direction is the power flowing?
d. What is the polarization of the wave? Draw the polarization in the transverse plane and provide all details.
(Hint: Do not use the time representation for the polarization, use the frequency-domain approach explained
in class).
e. Decompose the plane wave into two plane waves that have circular polarization, one RHCP and the other
LHCP. (Hint: for the initial decomposition, use two-unit vectors in the transverse plane. Then, assign +j
phase to one-unit vector in one plane wave, and -j phase to the same unit vector in the other wave).
f. Let us assume that the plane wave impinges to an infinite dielectric with relative permittivity 4, located
at z=0 (‘z’ is the direction perpendicular to the dielectric face). Obtain the incidence angle, incidence plane,
and draw the situation.
g. Decompose the incoming wave in two linearly polarized plane waves, one TE and one TM. Derive the
amount of power that each linearly polarized wave carries.
h. Using the reflectance previously derived, compute how much % of power is transmitted to the dielectric
on each linear polarization.

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