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Reverse Engineering: Flashlight

Dean Kidder-Buell, Liz King, Ben Klinge, and Austin Marr

To discover in depth how an LED flashlight works and to practice reverse
engineering methods.

A circuit is created within the flashlight when the button is pressed. It turns on the
light and is powered by the battery within it.

Functional analysis
1. Overview- a button is pressed which completes a circuit, lighting a series of LEDs
in the flashlight.
2. Power- 4 AAA batteries are wired in series in the back of the light, providing 6
volts to the LEDs. Electrons flow from the negative terminal of the batteries,
through the LEDs, and back to the positive terminal of the batteries, where there
is an absence of electrons. The electrons are elevated to the negative terminal
by ionic reactions within the batteries, and repeat the process.
3. LEDs- The conductors in the LEDs are made of aluminum-gallium-arsenide, a
material that has no free electrons, because the atoms are perfectly bonded to
each other. This material can be doped to have either extra atoms or holes that
electrons can go into. An LED contains both of these materials, called N-type and
P-type. As electrons move from N to P-type, they drop to a lower orbital,
releasing energy in the form of photons.

Structural analysis
The flashlight is made up of a black plastic casing with a yellow button. The
casing is closed by 6 metal screws. A clear plastic window protects the LED while
allowing the light to be emitted. Within the window, there is a plastic reflector that
enhances the light from the LED. When the button is pushed, the circuit is completed,
sending the electric current to the LED and emitting its bright light. The resistor prevents
too much current from reaching the LED and destroying it.

Material and functional analysis

● Casing
○ Polypropylene plastic
■ 40 MPa (maximum tensile strength) or 5801.51 PSI
○ The purpose of the casing is to protect all of the parts that are inside of the
flashlight and it holds everything together.
● Clear window
○ Polylactic acid plastic (a common clear plastic)
■ 20 MPa (maximum tensile strength) or 2900.75 PSI
○ Clear piece of plastic that protects LED while allowing light to shine
● Reflector
○ Polyethylene terephthalate plastic
○ Magnifies the light by focusing it in in one direction.
○ Light Emitting Diode
○ thin layer of semiconductor material, gallium arsenide and gallium
phosphide are commonly used
○ Aluminum gallium indium phosphide (semiconductor)
■ Has no free electrons, atoms perfectly bonded to each other
■ Material can be “doped” to have either extra atoms or holes that
electrons can flow into
○ Polymethyl methacrylate (acrylic)
■ allows for energy efficient lighting
○ LED contains both of these materials, called N-type and P-type,
○ As electrons move from N to P-type, they drop to a lower orbital,
releasing energy in the form of photons.
○ LEDs output more lumens than regular incandescent bulbs with less
energy input, making them more efficient.
● AAA battery
○ Alkaline, steel can
○ Held by battery compartment, provides power to the LEDs
○ Zinc and Manganese dioxide react in aqueous solution, moving electrons
from the positive to the negative terminal
○ Positive and negative ions created
■ Positive ions flow into electrolyte
■ Negative ions flow around outside circuit (blue)
■ Separate reaction occurs at positive electrode which completes the
● External Button cover
○ SBR Styrene-Butadiene
○ Allows user to turn on flashlight from the outside
● Internal Button
○ Polypropylene plastic
○ When it is pressed, it completes the circuit, which allows the light to turn
● Wires (blue and red)
○ plastic cover and copper wire
○ Transfers electric current from the batteries to the LEDs
● Resistor (3.3kΩ±5%)
○ Prevents LEDs from being overloaded, extends lifespan of lights
○ Battery forces its electrons through the resistor
● Magnet
○ ferromagnetic metals
○ Allows flashlight to be hung on magnetic surfaces
● Screws
○ metal, nickel alloys
■ 345 ksi (tensile strength) or 345000 PSI
○ Holds components in place
● Hook
○ Hard plastic
○ Allows flashlight to be hung from many places
● Battery cover
○ Polyethylene plastic
○ The battery cover serves the same purpose as the casing, but in this case
it specifically protects the batteries from the surface
● Battery compartment
○ plastic and metal used to connect the battery to the object
○ The battery compartment holds the batteries in place and allows the
batteries to power the flashlight.
● Each of these materials are fairly cheap, but still durable, which allows for the
mass production of the flashlight in order to create a bigger profit for the

Manufacturing analysis
This flashlight was manufactured en masse on an assembly line. It was designed
in the United States of America, but fabricated in China.

How the Parts Work Together

The components work together to create light. Pushing the button completes the circuit
between the batteries and LED and allows the current to reach the LED. The resistor
prolongs the life of the light by limiting the amount of current that flows into it. The wires
allow the electrical current to travel to the LED. The plastic reflector enhances the reach
of the light, the plastic window protects it, and the plastic casing keeps the flashlight
together in one, easy-to-use piece.

Works Cited

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