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“Dacă nu este nimic care ne așteaptă, să facem o nedreptate; să ne luptăm împotriva destinului, chiar dacă fără speranță de victorie.”
Miguel de Unamuno
Chapter 1

No doubt the one who has arrived at this page is a vagabond, who for more or less time has been wandering in search of an answer to the enigma
of existence. Of course, we do not refer to the word “vagabond” as “poor” or “dirty”, as the term is understood today, but to someone who “walks
without a certain course”, for that means the verb “to wander”. Below we offer you the interpretation of a text from the time of the Saxon-Norman
wars in England. The text may be 1000 years or more, and its author is unknown. The manuscript survived the war but we do not know who was
responsible for putting it on paper, because warriors of pure blood did not need or need to write, nor do they need to follow a list of ethical precepts,
since their conduct is based on ethics Inological. The warrior does not need to memorize, as he guides the memory. Even so, due to the
degeneration of the times in which we live, this type of texts are of great orientation for the lost virya. The text has no title, but it has been agreed to
name it “The Wanderer”, which could be translated as “The Tramp”:

“Often the solitary man finds for himself the grace of the spirit. In spite of this, I must, with a hardened heart, row for a long time
between the icy currents of the ocean, follow the path of exile. Things always develop as they should! ”
Thus spoke the vagabond, aware of the difficulties, the terrible slaughters and the fall of his comrades:
“Often, or always, I have spoken only about my embarrassment, every morning, before dawn. There is no one alive now whom I
dare to speak clearly of my deepest experiences. I know for certain that it is a noble custom among men to keep their thoughts
secret, to keep them in their treasure chest, and to think as one wishes. The tired spirit can not bear the fortune of the times, nor
can a strong and afflicted mind do anything useful. Those anxious for glory often insure within their chest dark thoughts; So that I,
often devastated and afflicted, far from my country and my noble comrades, I had to keep my most intimate memories in
shackles. For many years I have hidden loyalty to the spirit in the depths of the earth, and, shattered, I traveled distressed over the
icy waves, and searched, sad for the absence of a court, a place where I, far or near, could find someone to give me a treasure,
who knew my people, or WHO consoled the non-friends, To this server, and treat me with delights. He who has tried it knows how
cruel it is to have a companion to affliction for the one who has few, but beloved comrades: the way of exile provides him not with
twisted gold, not the reward of the earth, but an icy heart. He remembers the warriors of the court and the offering of the treasure,
how in his youth his guide invited him to the agape. All honor is dead! ”
And so, the one who knows it, the one who must leave for a long time the guidance of his beloved guide: then the affliction and the
dream, both at the same time, often bind him to the lonely, broken. He imagines that he hugs and kisses his guide, and that on the
knees of his guide he places his hands and his head, when in times past he enjoyed the throne. Then the man without friends
awakens again, and sees in front of him wandering waves in which the birds of the sea clean their feathers, and a blizzard of ice
and snow.
It is at that moment that the wounds of the heart become heavier, mournful by the absence of their guidance. Distress is renewed
when the mind goes over the memory of comrades; He greets them with honor, anxiously reviewing the company of men; But they
always swim away. The spirits of the sailors never bring too much content for the known speech.The concern is renewed for the
one who must often send his worn-out heart over the embrace of the waves.
“I certainly can not think why my mood is not darkened when I reflect on the whole of the life of men on the world, how suddenly
they leave the court as proud nobles. So this earth-half falls and decays a little every day – that is why man can not call himself
wise before he has traveled this world for years. A wise man must be patient, he must never be very impulsive, nor too hasty to
speak, nor very weak as a warrior, nor very carefree, nor very fearful, nor very cheerful, nor very greedy of goods, nor ever very
anxious for Woman, Before seeing clearly. A man must wait when he utters oaths until he sees clearly where the intention of those
with a proud heart is headed. A wise hero must realize how terrible it will be when all the wealth of this world was wasted, just as
now in several places across this earth-half the walls rise, windswept, frost-covered, buildings Agitated by the storm. The courts
decay, their private guides of honor, all the troops fallen, the proud along the wall. The war took some, leading them on their way,
one, the bird carried him across the deep ocean, another, shared death with the gray wolf, the other, the man with the dark face,
buried in a tomb. And so He destroyed this city, He, the Creator of Men, until, ceasing the noise of the citizens, the ancient works of
the giants were left upright and empty.
He who thought shrewdly on this foundation, and pondered deeply upon this dark life, wise in spirit, often remembered many
conflicts in the distance, and uttered these words:
“Where did the horse go? And your young rider? Where is the one who gives treasures? Where are the seats of agape? Where are
the delights of the court? Pity, for the shiny cup! Pity, for the armed knight! Pity, for the splendor of the prince! How time has
passed, dark under the cover of the night, as if it never had been!Now there is, on the trail of the beloved troops, a wall,
monstrously high, with serpents coiled in spiral. The warriors fallen for the glory of the spades, the greedy weapons ready for the
massacre, the infamous destiny and the storm that hits these rocky cliffs, a frost falling, immobilizing the earth, bringing the winter;
Then the darkness comes, the shadows of the night deepen, from the north comes a strong storm, Cold and malicious against
men. Everything gives problems in this earthly kingdom, the fortune of the facts changes the world under the skies. Here the money
evaporates, here the friends evaporate, here the man evaporates, here the comrades evaporate, the whole foundation of this world
is wasted! ”

Thus spoke the wise man in his mind, where he settled in guidance. Well is he who holds his steadfastness, and a warrior must not
speak too hastily of the pain in his chest, unless he already knows the remedy – a hero must act with courage. It is better, instead
of seeking mercy, to find the consolamentum of the grace of the spirit, where, for us, lies the eternal.


For those viryas who are not yet familiar with the terminology of the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, we will first present a
brief summary of the boxes using simple words, and then they can study the detailed explanation of each cultural box:
Green box : box that encompasses The majority of humanity. It is the context of habitual meaning of dormant virya, that is, the
materialistic way of life.
Red box : a box that encompasses those minorities who begin to question the materialistic way of life of the green box.These
doubts perceived by the lost virya of what is right and what is wrong come from the education of the sciences of health, politics,
economy and religion,Looking in conspiracy theories for a response.
Blue box : box that encompasses those who stand for their knowledge beyond the questioning of the green box and the red
box. This attained awareness or expansion of consciousness does not mean that he is awake, for by drinking from non-public
knowledge held on the archetypal plane, he still remains in a cultural box as yet another trap to overcome.
Infinite Blackness: awakening of the three cultural boxes, or triads of how the Architect or “eye that sees everything” submits to
Humanity under the three tactical wings of the Synarchy. This experience is the first initiation of the Hyperborean Wisdom, going
from lost virya to awake virya, tearing the veils of Maya, crossing the threshold of death and accessing the memory of the spirit.
————————————————– ——————————-
In the first place we have the green box, our reality usually accepted. This box represents all that the lost virya thinks he knows
about the world, the customs and cultural opinions that have instilled in him, the History and the official science that accepts as
unquestionable truths. It is the perspective of a conditioned mind. Most of the population will live the rest of their lives inside the
green box, which is precisely the purpose of the box. We call this box “green” because it offers security and social acceptance. In
fact the majority of the population does not realize that this box exists.
Then we have the red box. We call this box “red” because it is “forbidden” and entails insecurity and social alienation. Its content is
not taught in the school or church, Is not discussed in our History books or in the media. The points in the red box view are
generally not accepted and are not part of the green box. This is because the red box exposes most of what happens in the green
box as a large-scale hoax. It contains many answers and explanations about the many injustices and nonsense that exist in the
green box, which are usually accepted as “inexplicable”. When a virya wants to understand exactly why these “inexplicable” things
happen, he usually ends up looking for answers in the red box. The population attached to the green box calls the contents of the
red box “conspiracy theories”.
This “surrounding” red box reveals a new and shocking world to viryas who venture into it, but this box also has its purpose: try to
keep people in the green box, and this does it in two ways. One way is that viryas who leave the green box and enter the red box
are “shocked” to such an extent that they return to the green box full of disbelief, accepting even more the green box: “that is life …
“They say, and they strive to live according to what each considers” good. ” The second way is to ridicule the experienced, causing
embarrassment or anger, and this gives rise to two possibilities: One is that the individual can doubt himself, give in to pressure,
feel stupid, Accept the common views of the people of the green box as “the truth”, condemn their credulity and docilely return from
the red box to the green box. The other possibility is that the risky ones stay in the red box. Some will keep hidden their new point
of view before the eyes of society, alienating themselves inwardly and expressing themselves only through the anonymity offered
by the Internet. Others become more belligerent and create conflicts in the personal or the public. In any case, the population of the
red box becomes inadvertently sacralizing activists who will seek arguments and evidence to “convince” viryas attached to the
green box. One significant observation to make about the red box is that apart from exposing the lie and injustice that occurs in the
green box, The red box also contains deceptive programming in itself, which in the end ends up discrediting the truths,
discouraging the virya to enter or remain in it. The population of the red box is generally labeled “terrorists” or “crazy” by those of
the green box. The population of the red box refers to themselves as “seekers of truth.” Those in the green box refer to themselves
as “normal”. Those of the green box are in turn labeled by those in the red box as “sheep,” “flock,” “asleep,” and are described as
living “in a box. “Those of the red box will fight against those of the green box with arguments and evidence. However, this
dialectical battle can not be won and is not a solution to spiritual liberation.
The more you explore the red box, the gloomier the landscape, the more helpless you feel, the more you feel feelings of despair
and anger. Some viryas surrender to the new conditions of the red box and accept this new “real” limitation of reality. For others,
something very profound happens: they discover that they are not only outside the green box, but actually have gotten inside
another box. The second revelation is reached due to the discovery that the red box does not really provide any solution, it only
points out the problems, which is not very constructive because it only produces a conflict between the beliefs of those of the green
box and those of the red box , Judging who is “right” and who “wrong.” Once out of the red box one discovers that both the green
box and the red box were two sides of the same coin, which can be referred to as “dualism” or balanced opposition of forces. The
forces in opposition are both the boxes as a whole, against each other, as what happens inside them. That is, each box has its own
internal struggle between “good” and “evil”. For example, many viryas in the red box act with “good intention”, trying to stop “evil”
through their unmasking, however the tools and methods that they believe can work, such as spreading fear, actually make the
game To “evil”, and once you see everything from a more detached perspective, It can be seen that these methods are not
appropriate for the orientation of the lost virya. All the contents of the green box and the red box belong to the exoteric, the
sensitive, living life from physical eyes or wakefulness.
Finally we find the blue box, which is very different from both the green box and the red box. We will call it a blue box in reference
to heaven, to the “celestial”, that is to say, that which is beyond the exoteric physicalist world perceived from the vigilic sleep of the
organic microcosm, in which the population of the green box and the box Red In using the word “celestial”, we are referring to the
Archetypal Plane, that is, to the esoteric. Blue is also a color frequently used by the Synarchy for symbolic purposes. In the first
place, this box, being not restricted by “physical limitations”, that is, bodily limitations, supposes at first a great relief to those who,
disappointed, end up rejecting the red box. The concepts and rules of this box are very ”
The blue box discovers truths about our perception of reality, and for this reason is a “nebulous” box, in the sense that words and
images do not get the message directly. The result is that a lot of meaning is lost in “translation.” The blue box leaves behind
notions of “argumentation” or “evidence,” and “belief” becomes the primary method for accepting what “is” and continuing the
journey. To some extent, belief can be practiced in the red box, when there is little or no evidence. Sometimes “connect the dots” or
apply the mere faith or the confirmation bias (trusting blindly in your sources if the proposed is in your line thought) was enough to
sustain the “belief system”
So what can be expected from the blue box? The blue box teaches that physical objects are not what our sensitive perception
makes us believe they are. The green box and the red box focus on defining reality from the “material”. The blue box goes beyond
this, and could be labeled by neophytes or “place elders” as a “spiritual” box. After hard work the lost virya realizes that labels and
definitions are not to be taken literally in this box, that the spoken or written word is often inadequate, and that in this box
sometimes the same subject is explored since Many different angles (as is the case of mythology or the populous anthropomorphic
pantheons of non-monotheistic religions). These angles correspond to the Ages or Yugas, Therefore it depends on which
observation point History is observed. When deepening the blue box we must study the ancient civilizations to, by means of an
inverse tantra, to be able to discover the gnoseological “walls” of the blue box, because, as we go back in time the wisdom was
higher. It seeks to remember the ancestors, whose history has been erased as the passage of time causes a degeneration of
civilizations. In each civilization there would be a duality of wisdom, equivalent to the conflict between White Atlanteans and Dark
Atlanteans since the fall of the last Atlantis, that is, in our present civilization.The lost virya, if he wants to recover the wisdom of his
ancestors, must go back in the tantra of the opposite sense to time,Passing beyond our civilization in the direction of the ancient
fallen civilizations like Babylon, Sumeria, Lemuria and Hyperbórea (being the primal, the first Atlantis). After the passage through
the red box, if we have explored enough, we will have realized that Humanity is not as great or as advanced as the green box
wants to make us believe. This, added to the new perspective provided by the blue box, will make our mentality change and
acquire a new and deep respect for the wisdom of our ancestors.
So where do we get this? It is important to understand that the blue box exists, although very few people are able to manifest their
power. The “answers” will be presented to us whenever we accept the guidelines of our superiors in the hierarchy of this box. We
can know about the cycles of life, or astrology related to major events, which would allow us to “transit” to the “high consciousness”
that promises the blue box. After wandering around this box without knowing what to look for or what one is looking for, one finally
reaches a decisive point: either one renounces individuality and remains in this box until the end (possibly after many swings with
the red box) , Or he realizes that the blue box is just another control box, Just like the green box and the red box, only that much
more subtly designed. The deception inherent in the blue box is that the “astral”, although not corporeal and sensitive, is sustained
by energy, and therefore is material. In the blue box, precisely because it is another case to keep the virya in disorientation, the
study of symbols and transcendence is not examined from the possibility of transcending matter and energy. That is, the contents
of the blue box do not promote the jump from the same to the infinite blackness, but, if the virya remains in this box, will be led to
strategic disorientation. The archetype Gravis (true cause of gravity that rational science can not substantiate by being immersed in
psychological ethics) is in the blue box,

It requires a reckless fearlessness, and an infinite will and courage, to make the leap out of the blue box. It is necessary to clarify
that the boxes are “cultural structures”, and that all three exist within the material universe. However, the blackness that surrounds
the boxes is an infinite non-archetypal space, that is, it is not a fourth box but the end of the cultural jail boxes. To reach the infinite
blackness means to jump into the void, to dissolve all the veils of illusion, to empty the whole culture, to remove all the “shells to the
onion” leaving the naked Self in the Infinite Neglect. There is no cultural representation of the Matrix (ones and zeros), that is, the I
is in the NOTHING, it is only the I AM supported by your Spirit. Here is the meaning of the Menhir: the firm self, stripped of
everything, In order to continue from its firmness and to be able to reverse all the gnostic glances attached to the illusion. This is
the true path of return to the Origin, since it is guided by the memory of the Spirit, the true memory. This means orienting itself
towards the Origin, for it is now aware of its eternal Spirit that is beyond this material Universe.

We believe it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that these “boxes” that we have been mentioning (which are actually
“cultural structures” or “gnoseological stages” or even “levels of orientation”) are not closed compartments accessed through a
“Metaphysical flight” that allows access to the next level as “surpassing the wall”. In fact, they are not jumps between DE-
hypnotized boxes but from the culture of each box programmed structures. The drawing on which this introduction is developed
does not constitute an “outer labyrinth” designed to visually express the “inner labyrinth”, but rather an analogy. The problem, of
course, Is that the subjects who inhabit the green box and the red box do not have the same level of perception as the subjects of
the blue box, and therefore their limit of perception stops dry at the beginning of the archetypal plane. In any case, it is essential the
Gnostic vision to cross the archetypal plane, that is to say, the blue box, and from there to be able to jump to the mentioned infinite
blackness, which requires a warlike preparation because the exit of created beings Cultural rights constitutes an act of individual
war, for which the entire will of the individual must be projected, that is to say, dedicate his “life” to drawing up and concertize the
strategic plan of “escape” outside the prison of the material universe.
We have just said in the previous paragraph that the transit between boxes or cultural structures is not a “metaphysical” leap. It is a
mistake to call it that, since the transit is cultural. If one is connected to the Internet, when scrolling between pages is not going out
and entering the Internet, other planes are being accessed within the same Internet. The cultural meaning planes are the same
thing. The question that will surely have been highlighted in the horizon of meaning when reading the previous paragraph is: How
can the portals that communicate the boxes be located? The question is logical but your answer is not. The reader will understand,
after studying the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, that everything metaphysical is cultural. Thus, The disinformation that
has spread the New Age doctrine about the amount of dimensions that exist is wrong. All metaphysics are archetypal planes of
cultural significance that may have a different order in each plane. But all these planes of signification, even though they have a
different energetic vibrational order, are still in Material Creation more dense or subtle connected between portals under the one
Monad (the Breath of the Cosmic Logos) that sustains them all in transcendent time. Our concepts of “distance”, “duration”,
“extension”, “identity”, etc., are mere cultural conventions. The distance between a plane and another plane can not be
measured. It’s like measuring the distance between one web page and another. There is no such distance, Because all the planes
are connected. These concepts are used in the habitual languages to “measure” (or, what is the same, to control rationally) the
world that we perceive.However, as you delve deeper into the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom, you will discover a new way of
conceiving the sensitive reality that is far from the perception of the green box, the red box, and the blue box. Being all within the
metaphysical to culture.
In short, we will say that absolutely everything in the macrocosm (archetypal plane) can be found in the microcosm (the being-for-
the-man or virya) in an inverted way. In spite of this, the virya still has that “spark of divinity” that distinguishes it from any other
being in the material Universe. Therefore, in order to know all that is knowable about the true origin of oneself, it is only necessary
to look from within, and not to look from the outside with the physical eyes. How can you observe from within? Not with the eyes, of
course, but gnostically. The transit between boxes is not external, but internal. That is, the passage between boxes is totally
cultural, restructuring the conditioned mind. All movement within the boxes is a movement within the culture, Because to leave the
boxes is to leave the culture.
In order for the virya to begin his ordeal of return to the Origin, I offer the next 5 chapters in which the virya will be able to lean in his
fight of detachment against the addictive red box. After, The virya will be able to read another 5 chapters in which you will get
guidance to deal with the understanding of the unenviable blue box. We remarked the importance of reading the blog in a linear
way, then, once finished the chapter 11, the virya will have to resolve his will, and only he will be responsible to jump or not to the
abyss of infinite blackness to rescue and isolate his true self .
Chapter 2
2. History


The false sense of security of the virya that lives in the red box usually comes from an incorrect perception of History. The lost virya tends to confuse cultural
facts with historical facts, and for this reason tries to find a solution to the oppression by the Synarchy in books written by mercenaries of the own Synarchy.
Spider web reaches all corners of “democratic” society, and virtually everything is contaminated with carefully distributed disorientation. Synarchical historians
rely on two pillars to construct their ridiculous story: the History of Art and Science. In this chapter we will squander the History of Art, while Science will be
exposed in detail in the next chapter.


The exposition that we are going to do follows linearly the Official History, as pretending that this was the true order of events. Why do we follow a scheme that
we know is false? Because if we used another chronology the reader would lack references and could not follow the text. The reader has been conditioned to
count the years since the supposed birth of Jesus of Nazareth, and is unable to use another chronology when it comes to understanding History. That is why we
are going to talk about topics that the reader may already know but with the difference of adding the understanding provided by Hyperborean Wisdom. We will
not treat Universal History, but only what has been agreed to denominate “History of the Occident”, which includes not only Europe but also North Africa and the
Near East.

One may wonder, why does the Synarchy strive so hard to destroy, hide or distort all evidence that contradicts its version of history? To understand
this, it is necessary to clarify that the basic premise of the Official History, as well as of Science, is “progress”, that is, “the past was bad, the future
will be good.” This is the tactic that the Synarchy uses to deceive the lost virya, making sure that they do not look for answers in the past, dedicating
in its place to advance towards the future, feeding the development of the entelechies with its sense making. After the maniacal work of hiding the
past and persecuting those who dared to tell the truth, now the Synarchy has to carry out the most difficult part of their mission: keep the lie, prevent
it from cracking. For this, the lost virya is encouraged to gobble up hundreds of books and films of historical fantasy that the spectators, in their
ignorance, take them as faithful representations of the historical fact, and this is how the virya receives a vision of the world designed to his
Thus, we will use the outline of the Official History: Pre-History, Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, Contemporary History. Let’s start
with Pre-History. Both the chronology and the cultural framework of this period are totally invented. According to the historians of the Art, there were
two artistic currents: either handprints, or the schematic painting of animals or humans. They take them as faithful representations of the historical
fact, and this is how the virya receives a vision of the world tailored to his captivity.

To the left, view of the ceiling of the Cave of Altamira, located in Santillana of the Sea (Cantabria). To the right, view of the Cave of
Lascaux, located in Montignac (Dordogne). There are three possibilities about the subject of the cave paintings: on the one hand,
they could be totally real, in which case the ritual process we do not know; On the other hand, could be false, painted in the
nineteenth century by fakers with the ludic desire to profit; And finally, they could have been painted by the Sinarquía to corroborate
its evolutionary theory and to distract the attention of the exceptional one of its location.

This is the vision that the Synarchy intends to record in the collective unconscious: the hairy men of Pre-History communicate with
grunts, wearing loincloths of mammoth skin and lived in the entrance of the caves, where they made fire by rubbing a heap of dry
straw with a stick to organize a good feast of meat to the sound of drums. Thus, according to the Synarchy, it was a question of
men who were not very intelligent, “not very culturally advanced.”However, it is well known a synarchic tactic that consists of
holding two conflicting ideas at the same time to weaken the virya’s will, and here is a good example of this. The Official History
states, in addition to the above, that the prehistoric man was also dedicated to erecting megalithic constructions of millions of tons.
For that, They used pure stone extracted from the mountains with laser precision, and then transported the voluminous stone
moles through miles of uneven terrain of ridges, rivers and valleys, and dragged them on the ice only with the help of ropes and
trunks. Is it possible that these “primitive men,” their greatest technological advance being some blunt axes of flint, having not even
perfected a weapon as simple as the bow, could lift such a weight? Is it possible to raise blocks of 50,000 kg of stone with ropes
made of vegetable or animal origin? Scientists say yes. To top off this absurd theory, historians argue that these same people
dominated the subtlest aspects of mathematics, astrology, and physics.
The architecture of the period called “Pre-History” is composed of countless cyclopean constructions that can not be carried out
even with the technology that we have today, necessarily requiring a science superior to materialistic science, ridiculous in
comparison. Surely our “scientists” are able to stack stone on stone, or metal on metal, but they will never know how to do it on
their own so that the stone or material in question acquires unsuspected magical qualities.

To the left, inside the Dolmen of Menga, in Antequera (Malaga), dated in the 4700 before Jesus Christ. Note the perfect polishing
of the stone. On the right, the frame of the film “Conan the Barbarian” (1982) shot almost entirely in Iberian lands. The name of the
location of these cyclopean stones is Ciudad Encantada, in Cuenca.

Historians postulate a narrative line that would link the megalithic monuments with funerary rites carried out by later peoples
thousands of years in time. The official history, which ignores the function of the ancient megalithic monuments, including the
pyramids of the Middle East, resorts to the well-explained explanation that they were both “temples” and “tombs”, in which the
priests carried out their worship. However, they are not able to relate the sudden appearance of this priestly caste to the material
construction of monuments, and attribute it to “evolution” or “progress” without further explanation. In reality, they were neither
temples nor tombs; In fact, the tombs are of recent implantation in Europe, by the hand of judeo-Christianity. The symbol of the
cross was used with the intention of spreading the fear of death and its consequent karmic judgment among the population. The
cemeteries and the funeral business are of recent appearance, before which the corpses were cremated, as has already been
pointed out.

To the left, the mastaba (or stepped pyramid) of Zoser, located near Menfis (Egypt), whose construction is attributed to the
legendary Egyptian scholar Imhotep. On the right, ruins of the ziggurats of Ur, near Nasiriyah (Iraq). It was rebuilt by also én
legendary Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, which is celebrated among the Iraqi population (and reviled by Israelis) as the
destroyer of the First Temple in Jerusalem.
We have no way to check the date of construction of the pyramids because the carbon14 test can not be performed on the stone.
The test applies to the human remains found inside or around, but this does not mean that those remains correspond to the stage
in which the monuments were built. Surely the Egyptians who founded the successive imperial dynasties arrived there and found
the pyramids already built, since it is impossible to build the colossal pyramids with slave labor. In spite of this, the Synarchy
endeavors to entrust to the cinematographic studios countless films, trying to pass its theatrical and sensationalist fiction by
historical facts, in order to, thus, burn it to fire in the retina of the population. This problem in the dating of the pyramids also
happens with all the other megalithic monuments. Archaeology has neither the tools nor the comprehensive capacity needed to
establish a grounded historical relationship. How to explain the discovered pyramids at the bottom of the sea? The entire
chronology of history would have to be rewritten, which would lead to throwing most of the academic books straight into the trash.
And, of course, where there is no Honor, one prefers to lie in order not to lose money. The argument that justifies the synarchic
version around the megalithic monuments is as flimsy and hilarious as the Wikipedia image that explains how a megalithic
construction is made.
After “Pre-History”, we arrive at the beginning of written history, that is, at the beginning of the appearance of documents codified in
usual languages.This is just the rational criterion in which the historians and scientists of the Synarchy are based to establish when
Human History begins. Of course, as was clarified at the beginning of the chapter, we are dealing with the “History of the West”, for
when the civilizations of Assyria, Babylon and Sumer began to take their first steps, in Asia the Indo-China civilizations already took
a long “historical” journey. Thus, it is considered that the “Ancient History” (the beginning of Human History according to the
Synarchy) is determined by the sedentarization, The promotion of the priestly caste and the dissemination and perfection of writing
and cultural artifacts in the aforementioned Near Eastern civilizations.Later, with the decadence of these Empires, other powers
would ascend in the Mediterranean, that is, the Greeks, the Romans and the Carthaginians.Nevertheless, it is of great importance
to briefly expose the essential difference between Greco-Roman civilization and the Carthaginian civilization, and the reader can
later broaden his vision by reading The Mystery of Belicena Villca:
There are two models when it comes to making an empire On Earth: the Greco-Roman model and the Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon
model.The Greco-Roman model is based on the Hyperborean Principle of Honor, So that it respects those peoples defeated
militarily and grants them the value corresponding to their courage, without humiliating or destroying their identity, accepting them
in their place as citizens of the Empire. The Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon model, on the other hand, is based on the Law of King
Solomon represented in the Bible, so that peoples defeated militarily are degraded, dividing their population and their states, until
they become a productive tool for the purposes of Empire. Put differently, the differences are obvious. While societies under the
Greco-Roman model are governed by an ethic consisting of the moral obligation to seek the common good, Societies under the
Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon model are governed by an amoral legal system consisting of the amoral right to divide the common
good to extract its utilitarian value. The conception of the value of the Greco-Roman model revolves around the Ethical Principle of
Honor. On the other hand, the conception of value in the Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon model revolves around the psychological
ethical principle of material utility, that is, economic benefit. Needless to emphasize under what model we are today, at the
beginning of the 21st century.
Continuing with our exposition, the Greek civilization succumbed to the “flourishing of art” in the “classical stage,” marking just the
beginning of decadence coinciding with the fall of warrior aristocracies and the rise of the priestly caste. Priestly interest focused on
extolling the “divine proportion” through the production of statues and temples of hermetic inspiration (a mystical movement of
hyperborean origin that was infiltrated and assimilated into the Synarchy). “Classical” art is based on the numeric kabbalah, and its
purpose, as it is interpreted today, corresponds to priestly worship, commemorations, banal-social, celebrations, tourism, etc. The
institution of the theater probably had an initiatory function, inheriting it from the Mystery schools, but, due to the influence of the
priestly caste, the initiatory component has been disoriented, finally falling such works in the spectacular playful-sacralizing. It is
evident, moreover, If we take into account the Platonic dialogues and other texts of distant Gnostic inspiration, how different would
be the true Greek society, after its cultural fall, of that supposed “wise society” of which the academicians so much speak. Like F.
Nietzsche, he rails with hatred in his book “The Twilight of the Idols” against the immaterial-ism that disintegrates his materialistic
fantasy, in the same way the Athenian citizens would come full of hatred against Socrates for revealing the vanity in their
lives. Therefore, if the virya wants to read Nietzsche, it will have to do it with critical vision. The fact that an author is laureate by the
creators of the National Socialist movement does not mean that the virya that identifies with the values promoted by that movement
must necessarily applaud or even read such authors. Let each one read with discernment to discriminate what is written from the
Spirit and what is written from the Soul.

On the left, the remains of the Tholos of Delphi (region of Central Greece). This place was a celebrated initiation center of antiquity,
although we do not know the details.The term tholos refers simply to a circular construction, which could be on the surface or
underground. In the center and to the right, outside and inside the Tholos of Atreo, located in Mycenae (Peloponnese region). This
same scheme of construction can be found in regions as distant as Almeria, in the deposit of the Millares. The Andalusian coast,
like the Bay of Biscay, is a prominent area in terms of megalithic landscapes and unexplained archaeological remains.
Pay attention to the circular plant of the aforementioned tholos. The half-sphere architectural model on an orthogonal basis,
regardless of the number of sides, is present in monuments from different eras in different parts of the world very separate from
each other. Well-known examples of buildings with domes are San Pietro in Rome, Santa Maria in Florence, Hagia Sophia in
Istanbul or St. Basil in Moscow, Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and Taj Mahal in Agra. This half-sphere, usually crowned with an
oculus (small circular overhang) or with an emblem, represents the sphere-spirit model that Nimrod sets out in the Fundamentals of
Hyperborean Wisdom. The symbolism of the oculus corresponds to the detachment of what is not real, only transcending
“upwards” That which does not correspond to what is to remain “under the sphere.” The “temple” of Agrippa could be a reference
in this sense in the Roman Imperial Mediterranean area until the cultural misrepresentation on the part of the Synarchy
occurred. Rome, heiress of the Hellenic Empire of Alexander the Great, was the source in which the architects of National
Socialism were inspired to remodel their cities around a heroic ideal. The artistic manifestations that have survived of Greco-
Roman civilization fulfilled the ethical principle of the Common Good, that is to say, they were directed to the public, and not to the

On the left, the interior of the Pantheon of Agrippa (also called Pantheon of Hadrian, Pantheon of Rome, or simply Pantheon). Note
that it is not a “temple” dedicated to the Creator, but to a multitude of Gods, who were perceived By the pre-Judeo-Christian people
as spiritual guides. To the right, the exterior, where you can see how the portico of columns has been added later to fit the history
of the “classical world” invented by the Synarchy. In fact, just behind can be clearly seen the true facade.
After the betrayal that took place in the late Roman Empire, replacing its pagan pantheon of hyperborean origin with the Judeo-
Christian cult in the fourth century, came the German takeover of imperial power, beginning a period of about 1000 years (until the
revolution of the Renaissance ) That in the Official History is called “Dark Age” or “Middle Ages” (“media”, as a transit between the
Old Age and the Renaissance). The term “Dark Age” is due to the scarce documentary evidence included in that millennium, which
prevents it from dating and schematizing narrative with sufficient rigor historical facts. Recently a school of historical revisionism
has emerged in Russia, whose most famous exponent is Anatoly T. Fomenko, who suggests that the 1000 years of the “Middle
Ages” are fictitious, And that everything that happened in the Ancient Age actually occurred in the period called the Middle Ages, so
that Jesus (whose true identity would be the Byzantine Emperor Andronicus Comnenus) would have been born 1000 years ago
and not 2000, the Official History being an invented story made up In order to hide the genocide of European peoples who rebelled
against the plans of the Synarchy, as happened the last century in the case of Germany. Reading these books of historical
revisionism should serve the reader to see the manipulation and obscuring of historical facts, and not to blindly commune with his
Russian-centric view of reality. Nevertheless, The reader understands that we are not denying the hyperborean heritage of Russia
and other Slav nations but denouncing the psychological ethics of those scholars whose truth is based not on the memory of Pure
Blood but on partisan funding. And it is precisely because of this lack of documentary evidence that we have mentioned that the
synarchic historians have resorted to the invention of cultural facts, propagating fear with their literary and audiovisual productions
over the centuries. However, as happened in the nineteenth century with Romanticism, the murmur of the Pure Blood is still
present today, and the population, despite the demonization of medieval societies, still has a strong attraction for the stories of
cavalry, Of kings and princesses, of magic and adventure, of sword and blood, And the traditions and popular celebrations of
“medieval” origin or thematic are still widespread in Europe.
The plot line of the Official History is the following: Romanesque is a “primitive” style that thanks to “evolution” has given way to the
Gallic. Note that we say “Gallic” and not “Gothic”, which is the name universally used to refer to this period of Art History. However,
we will not use that term because such a name corresponds to the contempt of the agent without Giorgio Vasari towards the
“goths”, that is to say, by metonymy, to the Germanic peoples, considering the cultural manifestations of the Germans unworthy of
those of the ” Italians ” Of the time (the word appears in quotation marks because then there was no what today is meant by “Italy”,
but different kingdoms, in addition to the genetic component of many “Italian” artists of the time is quite suspicious). In this way, the
simple and robust Romanesque forms would be “inferior” to the complex and spiky forms of the Gallic. Obviously, the objective is to
spread the opinion that the “good” is progress towards the entelechy, in addition to polarizing the axiological axis in favor of the
Cultural Pact, so that an agrarian-warrior society is “bad” and a nomadic- Is “good”. Thus, the most remarkable feature of the “Late
Middle Ages” is the construction of large cathedrals throughout Europe. The very existence of the cathedrals, those gigantic moles
of stone which have remained standing for centuries and whose structure implies an engineering so advanced that the current
science is not able to build up maintaining such exact and efficient mathematical proportions, is in obvious contradiction with the
Stereotype of the “medieval” promoted by the Synarchy, as a stage of illiteracy, poverty and barbarism. The condition for a temple
to have the status of “cathedral” is not its size or visibility, but the fact that within it operates a high-ranking sire in the hierarchy. The
cathedrals constitute a temple whose ritual is the sensory orgy, combining sight (painting, sculpture, architecture) with the ear
(acoustic cabal, through music and recitation of sacred texts),
To the left, correspondence of the cover of the cathedral of Chartres with the system of chakras. On the left below, an outline of its
technology based on the acoustic cabal. To the right, on the floor of the cathedral, you can observe one of the most famous
deformations of the outer labyrinth of Wotan.
We arrived in the XV-XVI centuries. What the Official History calls “Renaissance” refers to a cultural movement fateful to the Spirit,
intentionally encouraged to propagate materialism in Europe. In the Institutes and Universities the professors indoctrinate the youth
in the adoration of the beauty of the art, omitting the occult implications that had the most famous works of art of the
Renaissance. Leonardo Da Vinci is perhaps the most celebrated occultist, but certainly not the only one.The great technical
advance of the Renaissance pictorial and sculptural offensive must not be underestimated, whose aim is to “educate” the
population, drawing in their mind scenes from those times when “no documents are preserved”, creating an unreal old world,
product Of fantasy, To justify thus the historical narrative that in those years was being forged. To this must be added the amorous
regards propagated by the Italian writers of the time, framed in the Dolce Stil Nuovo, distorting with their petty sentimentality the
original initiatory meaning of the Songs of Love of the Cathar troubadours.
For reasons of time, it is not convenient to make a complete review of the multiple contradictions and blind spots that the narrative
of the Official History has. As we announced at the beginning, this chapter would focus on showing the History of Art as a tool in
the service of the Synarchy. For this reason, we will simply say that, although historians have tried to make us see the Renaissance
as a time of prosperity and wisdom, when the truth is that it was as obscurantist and brutal as any other. Although the Official
History of the Middle Ages focuses on crusades, persecutions, massacres, epidemics, etc., in the Renaissance the focus is placed
on the technical advances of Science, and with it, Art, In addition to the celebration of the fall of feudal lordships in favor of the
Nation-States governed under a psychological ethic. With respect to society and its values, materialist social dynamics were
strengthened in the Renaissance period, giving rise to a public opinion that tolerates a sector of the population living in poverty at
the same time as a million dollars of euros. Art, as it is understood at present, does not have an initiatory function, whereas it did
have it in other times, as in National Socialist Germany. The world of art and its trade is based today on the scam, the black money
laundering and the capture of unconscious collectives. Art was and remains an effective tactic on the part of the Synarchy to
propagate cult and psychological ethics.
On the left, we can see the “Vitruvian Man” of the occultist Da Vinci, which is represented on the basis of the proportion of the
number Phi (also called Tau), with its extremities also representing runic positions. Decapitating Medusa, “by Cellini. Works like this
reinforce the Synarchic version of History.
After the terror and violence of the “French Revolution,” as if awakening from a nightmare, the peoples of Europe returned to their
own traditional values. In art, the return of a heroic and mystical aesthetic is known as Romanticism. In view of the already pointed
out about the Romanesque style of architecture, it could be pointed out that Romanticism is a phenomenon of recovery of the
imperial ideology that was common in Europe before the degeneration promoted during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment (ie
the fall from The noological ethics to psychological ethics). In the nineteenth century, therefore, medieval literature was revalued,
rediscovering the Hyperborean Wisdom contained in the old folk legends (despite obvious Judeo-Christian manipulation). Each
European nation has its own heroes embodied in oral or written legends, its own folklore and ancestral identity. The last nation to
rise as a leader in the struggle for the recovery of the Hyperborean Wisdom was Germany, with geniuses like Schopenhauer or
Wagner, among many others. The Greek Greco-Roman Empire remains encapsulated in time as that mysterious nation betrayed
and plunged into economic and moral misery that in 6 years became of its own volition in the undisputed world power.Such an
economic recovery is unprecedented in history, but it could never have been accomplished without a people completely imbued
with a national mystique, a concept that the reader can only comprehend after reading and understanding the work of Nimrod de
Rosario . Finally, It is necessary to declare openly that all historical revisionism works within the cultural framework. The question of
history and its distortion is simple to solve: all culture must be abandoned in the process of spiritual liberation. In the next chapter,
Science, the reader will be better able to understand the fallacies of modern rationalism to definitively dissolve the illusion of the
green box.
“Thor’s Fight with the Giants”, by the Swedish Marten Eskil Vinge (1872). Download the photo, zoom in and note the detail of the
levogy swastika inclined 45 degrees in the belt buckle of Thor. This swastika is the same as Hitler used in designing his flag. To the
right, ” Der Bannertrager ” (The Porta-banner), Austrian Hubert Lanzinger (1935). In the image Hitler is represented as Lohengrin,
as a Wagnerian chivalrous hero.
Chapter 3
Lets continue to deconstruct the archetypal programming of the soul subject.


Man knows that death is an inevitable condition, but, in order to avoid the suffering caused by the idea of dying (which dissolves his materialistic
illusion), the subject subject attaches to a subterfuge with which he relieves his Anxiety: it consists in indefinitely postponing the moment of facing
death by projecting it into the future. It is so great the fear that produces non-existence to the passionate part of man that the fear of death is thrown
to the only place where the subject will never find it: in the future.In a future that is not tomorrow, nor past, nor next month. It is an “abstract” future,
that is, abstracted from concrete temporality, so it is a non-existent future.
However, although we know that the subject of the soul is comforted in this way, the individual is never happy. He always has that chip stuck in the
deepest, which he can not ignore, and he will row against the current, facing the others until he receives a satisfactory answer that never ends. The
Synarchy knows that with this type of man there is nothing to do, so that it focuses on ensuring that subjects do not listen to them. There are control
mechanisms to prevent the lost virya from wondering what is beyond apparent existence. These mechanisms consist in unconsciously conditioning
it with macrocosmic archetypes that function in the cultural structure, so that it continues to live framed within the limits of the green box .
What do we call the word “science”? It could be defined as the rational study of first-degree phenomena, that is, determinism observable with the
senses and quantifiable in a system of measurement comprehensible to man.Now we will distinguish Science in four sections based on where the
different phenomena are located. When they are located in the human body they are called “health sciences”. When they are located in
the VALPLADS (” battlefield ” in Danish) they are called “natural sciences”. When they are located in society, that is, in the meaningful interaction
between the microcosm and the macrocosm, they have recently been identified as “social sciences”. Finally, When these phenomena are localized
in the astral, they are called “occult sciences”. Now we will expose it again with greater clarity. We have said that we have 4 types of
sciences. Recall that the classifications serve the “place” where the phenomena are located:

1. Health sciences or “medicine”: if we adopt a holistic point of view, health sciences not only encompass surgery and therapeutics, but also pedagogy and
understanding of psychic structures.Note that philosophy and philology are always framed within the culture and do not contemplate immateriality, while
psychology, equally, develops only within the realm of psychological ethics.As a solution, we could coin a new term, “psychosophy”, which would consist of
understanding the psychological ethics of the psychic subject from non-being.However, non-being is not contemplated by the pharmacological industry,
which strives to create hundreds of fictional psychological disorders so that the sale of drugs does not decline. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience, it is a cheeky
scam,Having come to invent the “normal personality disorder,” so that now even living in the green box is to be crazy. Your method for ensuring health is not
to prevent the disease, but to invent or provoke the disease and then provide the cure.

We do not resist translating a delirious fragment:
Normal Personality is both extremely common and potentially dangerous, so its importance should not be underestimated.The prognosis
(prognosis) is often insufficient, however, the Normal Personality can sometimes be successfully cured . When dealing with subjects with Normal
Personality, it is best to be alert,And try to be as tolerant as possible. In many cases it may be necessary to avoid antagonizing a subject with
Normal Personality, since normal people tend to show aggression towards those who refuse to follow their “norms”.

2. Natural sciences or “science”: is the study of the movement of bodies and chemical reactions, the energetic properties of the environment, their use and
putting into use (technique).

3. Social sciences or “strategy”: it is the application of the disciplines of History, Law, Linguistics, Sociology, Speech, etc., in a strategic action carried out by a
collective of viryas, either for spiritual purposes or for sinarchic purposes .

4. Occult sciences or “numeral and acoustic kabbalah”: everything that can not be manifested in a density suitable for sensitive perception can be symbolized
by numbers and signs of mathematics.This is because the Demiurge created the Universe with a language that we call “Sacred Geometry”, whose
understanding is forbidden to the pasu but is accessible to the virya.

So, as we have discussed, there are 4 fields in which you can specialize Science.Now, if we take into account what Juan Pablo Rey said, there are
4 entities that govern society, and are: politics, economy, science and religion. Under our classification, politics equals strategy; The economy can
be considered indistinctly “strategy”, ” numeral and acoustic cabal ” or “science”; And religion would enter into the fields of “cabal” and “medicine”
(gregarious sacraments affect psychic structures). Note that the microcosm can also be healed with “science,” and the more subtle components of
the medical field can in turn be encompassed within “strategy.” Result? EVERYTHING IS SCIENCE . A division between scientific branches can not
be established, because the only difference between one type of phenomena and another is the aspect, its being-for-the-man. In fact, all atoms are
essentially the same, for all are ruled by the Gravis archetype. In other words, our reality is a continuum of quantifiable information, similar to the
source code of a computer. This is evident in the discovery of the sequential code of DNA, but the Official Science is not able, because of its
materialism, to understand that the same kabbalistic principle applies to all things.
On the left, frame of “Matrix” (1999), when Neo resurrects thanks to the agape with Trinity. The memory of the spiritual couple
allows him to overcome initiatory death and becomes capable of violating the laws of the Gravis archetype. On the right, a photo of
“Interestellar” (2014), in which the protagonist is in a thesis. This allows you to travel in time, but warm love makes you waste the
opportunity to break free.
According to Hinduism, the age of the world is divided into 4 yugas, which are becoming shorter and have less dharma , Sanskrit
word (“sacred writing”) that could be translated “religiosity”, “piety” or “morality”, although Does not seem to have an exact
equivalent in another language. The dharma is symbolized with a Goddess in the form of a cow. Here are the ages as they appear
on Wikipedia :
1. The first age is the Satya Yuga , “Age of Truth” or “Golden Age.” The dharma cow is held on its 4 legs. This age lasts 1,728,000
years. The man is half a meter and a half tall, and goes on to live 100,000 years.
2. The second age is the Duapara Yuga , “Second Age” or “Silver Age”. The dharmacow is held on 3 legs. This age lasts 1,296,000
years. The man measures of average 6 and a half meters, and reaches to live 10.000 years.
3. The third age is the Tetra Yuga , “Third Age” or “Bronze Age”. The dharma cow is held on 2 legs. This age lasts 864,000
years. The man measures on average a little more than 3 meters, and comes to live 1,000 years.
4. The fourth age is the Kali Yuga , “Age of Discord,” “Age of Vice,” “Age of Hypocrisy,” or “Iron Age.” The dharma cow is held on 1
leg. This age lasts 432,000 years. The man measures on average 1.60 meters, and comes to live 100 years.
The problem with this chronology is that there is no consensus about how many age cycles there are, how long each age lasts, or
what age we are at present. The truth is that we have no guarantee that this classification will not be a ruse of the Brahmanic caste
of India. Undoubtedly, the schematization of 7 masters teachers in 7 ages does not seem too hyperboreal but rather
jehovaíta. Accepting the Vedantist conception implies accepting that after this “dark age” another “golden age” will come … we do
not deny that we live in very dark times, but we deny that they have to be so by the mere fact that it is prophesied in Sanskrit. The
question is:If we hold the belief that the Universe will continue to evolve again in another cycle … where is the usefulness of
collective liberation movements? Is that the result of a Final Battle? Rather it looks like a “revolution” with which to launch us
forward in the evolution towards the archetype Manú. This cycle of manvantaras may well be a cultural historical projection of which
the highest beneficiaries would be wealthy religious corporations such as the Judeo-Christian Church or the Tibetan lamas, always
on the move, intent on taking advantage of the gregarious anxieties of the disoriented Westerners for ritualistic purposes. This
confusion is characteristic of any cultural projection, and we point this out to warn the reader that it should not be based on the
culture expressed by others but, on the contrary, Seek their own individual truth. Having said that, we can not help but concede that
the age that has touched us is certainly similar to that which the Hindus call “Kali Yuga.” However, the key question that this type of
chronology is not able to clarify is, what happens at the human level when there is a change of age? That is to say, how can there
be scientific dates that give greater antiquity than the own Kali Yuga? If we can find entities that survive the change of age, this
produces two possibilities: either scientific calculations are wrong and no entity survives the change of age, producing a cataclysm
or an unknown magic that would radically change the characteristics of life in The Earth … or indeed the changes between ages
are symbolic, And do not produce events that substantially alter the characteristics of life on Earth. In either case, whether by
violent alteration or by slow decline, what is clear is that, as “progresses,” man lives less and less and his blood becomes more and
more dirty.

On the left, the remains of the pyramid of Yonaguni, located near a Japanese island. It is considered a vestige of the “Mu”
civilization, which is the eastern version of Atlantis. To the right, the exhumation of a giant skeleton, which are found in different
points of the Earth. The British recognize that they have hidden information from the public about their archaeological findings.
After the so-called “Scientific Revolution”, anyone who did not accept that the Earth was shaped like orange or plum was
persecuted and imprisoned. From then on, it was very clear that the Earth was not flat. In fact, we do not have any scientific means
that allows us to verify what form the place we inhabit. The reason is very simple: we can not leave this place to examine it from the
outside. Suppose we are a fish that lives in the ocean and has never come out of the water. He lives quietly on the seabed, feeding
on plankton and following his bank of fish of the same type. Does anyone think that fish can get an idea of the shape of water? It
has never surfaced, so you do not even know you are trapped inside the water, that your “home” is your jail.
Something similar happens with humans. In fact, similar to ocean water, the Earth has no definite shape. Why? Let’s say we want
to “prove” that the Earth is round.Pretending to do calculations within the Earth to determine the shape that would be seen from the
outside is the same as if the fish tried to understand the shape of the ocean. This scientific fish, because it has never approached
the surface, after much calculation, solemnly notes before the other fish of his bank: “The ocean is infinitely wide and infinitely
high.The only reference point we have is the ocean floor , But in all directions including upwards, the ocean never ends. ” All the
others docilely accept that the ocean is infinite and they are convinced, Except for a rebellious philosopher fish who holds that the
ocean can not be infinite, for the sea floor sets a limit, which is contradictory to the concept of infinity. The other fish are angry with
him, but the rebellious fish asks them to give him irrefutable proof that the ocean is infinite. As only answer receives only the
ostracism, which accepts stoically. Shortly after wandering alone for days and recklessly approaching the “forbidden surface,” the
philosopher fish is finally caught and pulled out of the water.At first disconcerted, this fish will understand before it dies its fish
nature and will “transcend” the fact of being a fish, while in the background the rest of their fellows stroll in search of plankton
believing the kings of the sea.
The human being is in the same conditions as these fish. It is not possible to get out of created entities without succumbing to an
initiatory death. The fact of leaving the terrestrial psycho-sphere, as intended by astronauts, is not possible, and derives in what is
termed as “space dementia,” or “space madness.” Why does this happen? The reason is simple and we find it in the Fundamentals
of the Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario: the microcosm (man) is an inverted copy of the macrocosm (universe). The
materials with which man’s brain is made are the very materials with which the subtle bodies whose physical appearance we have
called “planets” have been created. That is, it is impossible to leave the terrestrial psycho-sphere without suffering a cut in the
history of the conscious subject. This cut supposes to forget not only who we are, but to forget all the learned skills and all the
cultural objects that we have known. It is the same as being born suddenly at that moment. You do not even know what a human
is, you do not understand what you are or what you are seeing. The result is madness or death. All the movies in which we see
astronauts on their ships is just that: movies. Unfortunately, the propaganda carried out by the audiovisual media is extremely
effective, to the point of being able to create illusions as accepted by society as the “space race” during the “Cold War”. The people
of the green box believe, in their ignorance, that it is possible to leave the Earth, and call crazy or terrorists to those who think
otherwise. In the same way as it happened with the rebellious fish of our allegory.
So, if the Earth is not round, what form does it have? The answer is this: there is no way to know it objectively. We do not have
any guarantee that NASA does not create the images or videos (what is called computer generated image or CGI) and, although
the satellite photos were real, what or who guarantees us that they do not manipulate them later? In addition, the round shape of
the lens distorts the image, just as our round eyes already give us the distorted reality in and of itself.Apart from the above, the
machines we construct to perform the measurements are calibrated by humans, so that they give a result understandable to a
human. What if the truth were incomprehensible in scientific terms? The perception of an external object only exists when there is a
subject to sustain that perception. For example, if human eyes could catch infrared, ultraviolet, etc., meadows and seas
might not be green and blue, but purple and oranges, as the chromoscope shows: /
There are a number of fairly strong arguments in favor of both the Flat Earth and the Concave Earth as well as the Convex Earth
(the current model).However, there are certain perfectly explainable issues under the first two models that in the Convex Earth do
not work. It is a model that produces innumerable contradictions, which gives rise to question the necessity to raise the model of
the Convex Earth in the first place. For example: If the Earth rotates so fast on itself that if it stops in the dry we would all fly away
… so why when you hold yourself static with a helicopter, does not the Earth slide below and fate reaches you? We suppose that
there is a pact of silence between the high command of the air forces by the social shock that would cause this information. It could
be argued that the air of the atmosphere rotates with the Earth due to gravity, but if it were so there would be no wind as we know
it, but the real reason scientists are never able to provide evidence to prove The truth of their models is that they do not understand
what gravity really is. They are simply able to measure a number of physical effects, but they have no idea what causes them. This
unknown cause was called “gravity.” However, knowing the external mechanism of something does not mean knowing it in its
entirety, but knowing a “face” that is offered externally.In reality, what we call gravity can not be understood from reason. Its effects
can be measured and observed, yes, but can not be understood through them.

Here we can observe a series of images created by the proponents of the Flat Earth model.
Rational arguments can also be added to theological arguments. An example is the inability of Muslims to fulfill the divine command
to pray to Mecca under a model of Convex Earth. If the Muslim would like to pray to Mecca, he should orient himself “within” the
Earth, he should be facing the ground, so that the prayers “cross” the subsoil of the Terran sphere (remember well what we were
taught so insistently In the school: Bark, Mantle and Core), and thus, appearing finally “by the ground”, the prayers would arrive at
the Mecca. If the Muslim (or any other religion, it is indifferent) will pray “in a straight line” with respect to the ground, given that
according to official theory, the ground will bend as you go, Absolutely all the prayers would be directed in all directions towards the
space, but never in the direction of the Mecca. For this reason, Islamic societies would be in favor of the Flat Earth or the Concave
Earth, but never of the Convex Earth. Despite how ridiculous the model of Convex Land is, Synarchy shows us since we are
children whenever we have occasion to grow accustomed to it.However, it is a model that can not be disputed, since it is based on
the assumption of an invented mechanism of attraction that they denominate “gravity”.In short, it could be said that there is no
concrete model to which the Earth necessarily adheres, and may be the one the viewer wants to perceive. The key is not to lend
yourself to playing this game.Really,

Fig. 73 of the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom.

There is a current of opinion on theInternet that proclaims that reality is multidimensional. This statement would mean that there are
many forms for the Earth and that all exist simultaneously. In order to understand the consequences of this, imagine the reader that
the spirit is a round mirror, in which one can look at and perceive in a unitary way. One day, a boy throws a ball at the mirror and it
breaks into a thousand pieces, but the pieces do not come off but remain stuck. When you look at yourself in the mirror you will see
yourself again, only this time multiplied by a thousand, deformed in a different way depending on which fragment you focus on. It
could be said that the same thing happens with the lost virya. It is possible that, while reading this, Exist for the virya thousands of
illusory worlds in which its spirit enhances the evolution of different men similar but of different circumstances. All would exist, but it
is only in this space of meaning that we have remembered the Hyperborean Wisdom. In other worlds, subjects continue to feed the
matrix. In this world, we have become a “train derailed,” as in the allegory of Nimrod. Our perception of external entities is re-
nourished by the discovery of the design of being-for-the-man and the subsequent putting of meaning, thus forming the culture. In
conclusion, the physical world is ruled by the Gravis archetype, which holds the laws of first degree determination for evolution to
progress in transcendent time.


In this scene of the film “Instinto” (1999) we can observe the arrogant attitude of a psychiatrist who has been instructed to study the
case of a man who went to the jungle and lived with the gorillas for two years. Upon returning to society, the naturist has become
antisocial and doctors can not explain why, so they conclude that he has become “crazy.”When something happens, and does not
fit into the theories of scientists, the people involved are said to be “crazy.” At no time do scientists argue that it is they who live in
ignorance, and that they are the ones who should just learn from these madmen. However, very few are those who awaken from
their sleep vigilic because they have been thinking their whole life that way, And they are not willing enough to want to realize that
they were deeply wrong.
In that scene, the psychiatrist is convinced that he knows everything and that the doctor who lived with the monkeys is a “madman”,
convinced in addition that he is the appropriate subject to tell other subjects what they can or not They can think, what is right and
what is wrong. The psychiatrist feels powerful because they allow him to psychologically torture a group of mentally disturbed those
who lock and drug against his will. Being in a position of power, these types of people feel successful, powerful … when in fact they
are much more disoriented than some crazy ones they deal with.
In this scene, the psychiatrist is talking to the madman in a room. The madman has been “acting” to give the psychiatrist a false
sense of security, which in his carelessness has allowed the madman to be untied in the first place, and has also made the
imprudence of not making sure that guards are nearby They discourage the madman from making an attack on him. Taking
advantage of this moment of weakness of the psychiatrist, who in the melee is inferior, the madman reduces him against his will. In
this situation of total loss of power, the madman asks the psychiatrist what has happened. How could it be that, if the psychiatrist is
so powerful and so successful, he finds himself in such a complicated situation?
The two answers that the psychiatrist gives to the question “what have I taken away from you?” Are “my control” and “my freedom”,
which are incorrect. The psychiatrist never had control, only have been given their bosses because it is useful for the system. As
for his freedom, neither has it, because its unavoidable function is to play the role of psychiatrist, can not be anything else, being
forced to behave and think as such. Finally, give the correct answer: “my illusions”. To see oneself face to face with death, or at
least in a near-death situation, has made the psychiatrist realize that everything important in his life really is worthless. In addition, it
has allowed him to realize that the problem is not the “crazy”, but himself, who is a “looter” as the madman calls them. Looters are
the subjects that fulfill the function of chasing and locking up those who are dangerous to the system.Looters are the psychiatrists
who drug you, the psychologists who lie to you, the cops you are expelled, the guards who beat you, the judges who imprison you,
the bankers who steal you, the entrepreneurs who ruin you, the presenter who programs you Neuro-linguistically … the common
uniform of the caste of the looters of our time is the suit with tie, which symbolizes the bonds of the conscious subject, and a gold or
silver watch on the wrist, as a reminiscence of the proneesting ideology -Bon Franklin Franklin Masonry.
The psychiatrist is not able to see the above because he himself was one of them, and would have remained one of them were it
not because, with that sudden attack, the madman has revealed to him the futile and illusory of his “authority” as a psychiatrist ,
Which is a mere social convention. Finding out that “respectable people” in society are directly responsible for injustices is what
causes a permanent change in the attitude of the psychiatrist, who now defies power rather than serving him blindly. The lost virya
is in the same situation as the psychiatrist before losing his illusions (conscious subject), which he will defend tooth and nail
because he feels attached to them. To deepen the social roles or professions we recommend to review the section dedicated to the
Aberro typology in the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom.
We want to clarify that we are not recommending watching the whole movie or promoting raids similar to the one perpetrated by the
madman. We have only taken a non-sinarquizante scene and explained it based on the understanding of the Hyperborean
Once we have explained how psychiatrists call “crazy” those who do not think like them, we will now expose a series of concepts
for the reader to study from the present comprehensive :

Term from the Latin “perceptio”. By “perception” we have understood in philosophy, in a general way, the direct apprehension of an
objective reality, this apprehension being something different from the sensation and the intellectual intuition.
As much about the intermediate character of the perception, between the sensation and the intellect, as on whether the perception
has an immediate or immediate character, different interpretations were posed. Subsequently, the phenomenological description of
perception, carried out by E. Husserl, concluded in the existence of two perceptions, one internal and one external.For
contemporary psychology, perception is a constructive, selective process, through which sensations are organized into meaningful
sets, In which both the stimuli coming from the external world and the perceptual forms or structures and the motivations,
expectations, previous experiences, etc., take part. Of the perceived subject.


Clairvoyance is a hypothetical extrasensory perception ability that would allow some people to receive information about future
events (without the help of technical means). There is no scientific evidence that such capacity exists, there are only testimonies of
people who claim this ability to themselves. The declared acts of clairvoyance openly contradict the physical laws for a perception
based on known physical means.
This perception would be characterized by capturing phenomena that are beyond the reach of the senses and of guessing future
events or occurring elsewhere.Telepathy is not included in this type of perception. Contrary to the latter, clairvoyance would
explicitly imply the actual physical “view of images”, of the mind (memory) of another individual, of mythological entities or unknown
by current science, and not of grasping abstract concepts of another mind .

Precognition (also known as “premonition”) is the supposed ability to know facts prior to their event and independence of their
special situation that can not be deduced from information acquired in the present through the senses.
Commonly precognition is associated with paranormal abilities and falls within the category of Psi Gamma phenomena.Some of
those who support the existence of precognition maintain that most of the time the precognition that the individual experiences
does not obey his will and occurs in an unexpected and spontaneous way. At the mystical level it is associated with a spiritual

Telepathy (from the Greek τῆλε tēle, ‘far’ and παθέειν pathéein, ‘sufir, to experiment’) consists in the transference of psychic
contents between individuals through the mind, without the use of known physical agents. It is considered as a form of
extrasensory perception or anomalous cognition. Telepathy is often related to various paranormal phenomena such as precognition
and clairvoyance.
The first to give him the current name was one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research: Frederick Henry Myers, who
in 1882 introduced the term in an article published in Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. Myers called the
phenomenon inspired by terms (‘telecommunications’, ‘telephone’, ‘telegraph’

Telepathy is a parapsychological phenomenon that consists in the direct communication of thoughts (words, numbers, figures, etc.)
and / or feelings between one mind and another without any use of sensory means and regardless of the distance that may exist
between the sender And receiver and of the material obstacles (walls, mountains, etc.) that are between them. This phenomenon is
not only associated with extrasensory perception and anomalous cognition, but is linked to the functioning of certain chakras,
certain centers or energy points that channel and transform our psychic energy.
Telepathy exists and is an openly documented fact. Its scope is local and in some exceptional cases, it is global. For some
individuals with a high telepathy emission capacity, The scope can reach any person or populations that are on the same telepathic
frequency as the emissary, anywhere in the world.
We can isolate ourselves from that frequency by means of psychic and physical actions.
There is a system of sending and receiving telepathic messages, many people consciously or unconsciously fulfill the role of
maintaining the interests of more powerful people and political-economic groups and have become tools for manipulation. This role
is frequently performed in some churches and esoteric orders.
Individuals capable of sending and receiving telepathic messages are considered by the present system as “managers”. These
“managers” can act on their own volition or are recruited by the private system,

People’s telepathic channels are currently the object of study of a new branch of science called the Neural Network System. Which
in essence seeks to define the cognitive map of people and their related. In this sense, social networks and similar constitute a risk
for the individual when exposing their related publicly.These are scenarios that increase your vulnerability if you do not have your
care and if you do not have proper management of your energy.
Neurons not only play a role in storing memory but at the same time are points of telepathic emission and reception.Fundamentally
this telepathic exchange occurs with our network of close acquaintances.


One of the goals, usually the most powerful groups seek, is to control the telepathic archetypes, which are a small group of people
telepathically connected to a large group of people. For example hundreds of people rely on the charisma of a religious leader or a
politician, this subject would be the archetype telepath. It is the person who represents the thinking and feeling of a large population
The attack mechanism to control the population consists of breaking down the ‘head’ of the archetypes (the leader of any
group). Each of the individual components of his personality is identified by certain powerful groups, and their agents come to
identify with aliases and assume a role of sending slogans to the unconscious of the archetype (leader), which is collective
unconscious, to dominate that Archetype and through him to dominate the masses that follow him.
These archetypes are often the object of an attempt to control the state, because their thinking encompasses that of the majority. If
the government is just, then the archetype telepath agrees with the government acting. However, if the government is decidedly
tyrannical and incurs constant crimes against humanity, the archetype goes on to combat its ideas with government.
In this circumstance the tyrannical government has two alternatives, trying to control the archetype or eliminate the archetype. And
the elimination of an archetypal person goes through their financial blockade. It closes every source of income and proceeds to the
discrediting of its honorability through defamation or its destruction through organized systems of government telepaths and
mercenaries. This was something common in the lives of many politicians, intellectuals, artists and occultists.

At present, the main means used by the state to control people, along with powerful groups and companies, are some esoteric
churches and orders in which agents or “managers” of conscience have infiltrated.
These people approach the unconscious and tend, unbeknownst to them, telepathic bridges to manipulate them. Being able to turn
them into repeating antennas of telepathic emissions from them, or turn them into destructive people for society, or self-destructive,
with tendencies to suicide.
The vulnerability of people mainly occurs while they sleep. For that reason they move their agents in the early hours of the morning
in order to attack their victims. If the person is religious, the mechanism they use to attack it is to impersonate “spirits” or “demons”
who speak to their subconscious tormenting them and creating the traumas necessary to anchor enagrams in them. In this way
they can make the subconscious of their victims emanate telepathic messages that they install.
Another mechanism that activates telepathic portals is food. That is why some churches to activate the telepathic attunement of
their believers, use the communion of their faithful. Turning all its members into components receiving the same telepathic
frequency. Where each and every one of them will receive instructions from the telepaths.
There is also a mechanism for activating telepathic portals through telephone calls.When one person receives a phone call from
another, he opens a telepathic portal to the group of people who consciously or unconsciously share the telepathic attunement of
the caller. This is a mechanism used by government intelligence systems and religious sects, if they had an interest in reaching the
unconscious of the subject receiving the call.
If he is an unconscious person, he will not realize that a telepathic bridge has been laid towards him and he will receive in his
subconscious the telepathic messages that accompany the conversation that come from the group of telepaths assembled on the
same telepathic frequency as his interlocutor.
Generally, this attack is used by government and religious agents, once the telepathic bridge with the victim is passed to “dreams”
ie sleep your conscious if for some reason had become the issuer of telepathic messages dangerous to the system.

When the subject hears telepathic voices, he activated his ability to receive telepathy. And if its capacity is elevated and well tuned
there can be contacted by sects leaders or much more likely, by government agents, with the intention of using it for their purposes
or to discredit it before society, that what it knows is part of Their mental problems.
If the intelligence agent communicates with relatives that aroused such telepathic capacity, the discredited subject will be made to
believe that he is schizophrenic and the relatives of the telepathic system will be hidden from them.
Then the group of telepaths enters in tune with his victim and to avoid being recognized by the “pseudo schizophrenic” will
communicate with him using aliases.Eg Country names, streets, numbers, etc.They will not identify with him using their first names.
Another solution that intelligence systems usually use in this situation to prevent the subject from being aware of their abilities as a
telepath is to telepathically induce him to believe that it is a question of his mediumistic abilities being activated and using telepaths
perfectly connoisseurs of life Of the subject, who pretend to be spirits of relatives or spirits unknown to the subject to finish
convincing the subject. This is very common in the US.
In this case the subject will be useful to the manipulation system, as long as he does not realize that it is not about spirits but about
human beings who manipulate him.
Epilepsy is considered by many esoteric as a hysterical reaction when an enagram is detonated in the individual by means of a
telepathically received message. This disease is curable when the nail is removed from the subject.
The only way to defend yourself is by taking contact with real telepaths who will at least specify the type of attack the person is
receiving. Contact with a person or spiritual group of great confidence, who knows how to give the necessary tools to avoid that
external influences manipulate their conscience. The magical self-initiations of traditions uncontaminated by political and economic
interests, common tendencies in certain magical orders, are effective to generate changes in our vibration and evade the telepathic
manipulation of any individual or collective organism.
The telepathic attack usually announces its onset with a buzzing focused on one of the cerebral hemispheres. In the unconscious
person ie without telepathic ability, it can become migraine or headache. If you have these symptoms, you should first consult your
trusted doctor, and take advantage of and evaluate your life and relationships; Seek and understand who, who and why they have
been subjected to individual or organized aggression.
“This is what atheists believe is happening.” “This is what is really happening.” From the current materialist point of view the reality
is the same that is perceived sensorially. The inability of a conditioned mind to have a materialistic stance in the face of the
phenomena lies in its ignorance that the entities are built on the basis of sacred geometry.The materialist subject himself would be
able to manipulate the cubes with the power of his mind, if only he were able to realize that he lives inside a cube.
Chapter 4


The purpose of this chapter is to clarify the controversial question of race. The materialistic mentality of those who live in the red box produces a
tendency to place itself in dialectical conflict as a way of understanding a situation. The lost virya, aware that history is being manipulated to its
detriment, and that science is not used to solve the immediate problems of the population, tends to place itself in a “us against them”, be it in
reference to the language, Nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender violence (feminist or machismo hatred), political or economic ideology …
or, as in this case, the issue of race understood as a biological race, Regardless of the terrestrial or transcendental characteristics that derive from
this vision. Note the reader that we are not positioning ourselves for or against anything. Nor are we denying the usefulness of other “scientific”
studies that have been carried out on human races, but emphasizing the obvious inequalities does not seem to us to be beneficial, since no
“science” is necessary to realize this, Emotional hatred. We are simply going to base our understanding by providing data that can be understood
by the reader. As we stated on the Home page, our intention is to promote philosophical reflection and inspiration.The Hyperborean Wisdom
transcends any temporal paradigm and lies beyond dialectical conflicts. Nor are we denying the usefulness of other “scientific” studies that have
been carried out on human races, but emphasizing the obvious inequalities does not seem to us to be beneficial, since no “science” is necessary to
realize this, Emotional hatred. We are simply going to base our understanding by providing data that can be understood by the reader. As we stated
on the Home page, our intention is to promote philosophical reflection and inspiration.The Hyperborean Wisdom transcends any temporal paradigm
and lies beyond dialectical conflicts. Nor are we denying the usefulness of other “scientific” studies that have been carried out on human races, but
emphasizing the obvious inequalities does not seem to us to be beneficial, since no “science” is necessary to realize this, Emotional hatred. We are
simply going to base our understanding by providing data that can be understood by the reader. As we stated on the Home page, our intention is to
promote philosophical reflection and inspiration.The Hyperborean Wisdom transcends any temporal paradigm and lies beyond dialectical conflicts.


Today, it is possible to find a great deal of information on the Internet concerning the discovery of blood types. Everything that has to do with the
family lines of the population has been hidden from public opinion or destroyed, to the point that very few people today know for sure who their
ancestors are, while the vast majority do not even know it Nor is he interested in knowing it. This majority only knows their relatives up to a few
generations back in time, so that the population does not know their origin as a nation, and accepts without a doubt the history that appears in the
books. Subjects are simply born in a society that prevents them from knowing their own ancestral past. This is a cruel act similar to the act of
enclosing a subject in a room since he was born,Without providing information about their origin. Of course, his whole reality will adjust to the limits
of the environment imposed by the one who wants to hide the truth, as in the case of Kaspar Hauser. There are three types of blood: A, B, and O.
A fourth century has appeared, which is actually a subtype product of the union between types A And B. Now we will give more details of each type,
but it is important that it is clear that there are only three types, that is to say, three “lineages of blood”. First, we have the type O, which is the oldest
according to scientific measurements. It is understood in this graph and in the others that one is speaking of towns “natives” to that region. It would
be questionable when a people should be considered as “native” of a place, since it is enough to ignore the origin of a people to consider it directly
“native” to the place where it was found by those who elaborate the culture. So catch the information with pins.

This type can donate to all other types, so science rationally deduces that it is a “primordial” blood, perhaps of the Cro-Magnon
man , that is, the refined man capable of erecting megalithic constructions. Because the Synarchy disseminates works of art in
which the Neanderthal man is depicted with the appearance of a Scandinavian virya (blond and fair-skinned), the neglect of
considering him as the predecessor of the European man could be committed. The argument of the Synarchy is that “we are all
from Africa”, based on evolutionary theory to explain the physiognomic differences between different populations.If we look at
history through a Marxist view, that is, Based on materialism and evolutionism, all we get is a considerable deviation from
FSH. Regarding the “Nordic” theories that consider the Neanderthal the ancestor of the Aryans, we recommend reading Danny
Vendramini, whose articles, for those who do not know English, can translate it with the browser translator they use: https:
//www.themandus .org . And for more information, in the video section you can find the two parts of “La Herencia del Pasú”. For
those who do not know English, can translate it with the browser translator they use: .And for
more information, in the video section you can find the two parts of “La Herencia del Pasú”. For those who do not know English,
can translate it with the browser translator they use: . And for more information, in the video
section you can find the two parts of “La Herencia del Pasú”.
To the left and center, reconstructions of the Neanderthal hominid . He would be able to craft simple weapons and tools as well as
simple combat strategies, but his psychology would be an animal’s own. Signs seem to have been found in archaeological sites
that suggest the practice of cannibalism. On the right, note the difference in bone structure between a Neanderthal (Pasú) and
a Cro-Magnon (Virya).

The physical race is only the result of the inheritance of the genetic code as far as the animal body is concerned. Where the lineage
really manifests is in the legacy of the astral blood of the ancestors, manifesting itself in the gnostic predisposition of the virya. The
graceful-luciferic attitude corresponds to the hyperborean lineage, while the playful and sacralizing attitudes correspond to the
sacred race of the Demiurge, whether or not they are of the blood type. Those of us who have really worried about reading and
collecting sensitive information about theReich know perfectly well that the Reich’sarmywas “multi-racial.” That is, the army
consisted of a wide range of soldiers from different countries, languages, cultures and biological phenotypes. In many photographs
we can see Turkish, Palestinian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Hindu, etc. soldiers, but it is certainly the presence of “black race” soldiers,
dark-skinned African natives, which proves that accusations of “racism” are Unfounded calumnies. In fact, the first recorded use of
the word “racist,” as if it were anathema, belongs to the Hebrew Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as “Trotsky,” one of the
leaders of Marxist subversion in Russia.
On the left, Erhard Milch, Field Marshal of the Luftwaffe .On the right, Emil Maurice, SS Oberführer , founding member of the DAP
(precursor of the NSDAP).
When their blood was mixed with Hebrew blood, both entered the category of Mischling (“mestizo” in German), according to the
racial laws of Nuremberg of 1935.
Interestingly, the highest percentages of blood type O are present in the whole of the American continent, both north and south,
around 90% of the population, while the lowest proportion occurs in Central Asia and Eastern Europe . We can also observe points
of high density type O in northern Australia, Siberia, Arabia, Iceland or Equatorial Africa, so that by now it should be clear that
“race” physically speaking has very little to do with type And it is ignorant to refuse contact or exchange only by the fact that the
other virya has a darker body or a different physiognomy.
We will now call attention to one relevant aspect: The fact that type O is identified scientifically with the “hunter-gatherers” Is in
contradiction with what is revealed by the Hyperborean Wisdom, that is, that the descendants of the Cro-Magnon had the magical
ability to survive thanks to Agriculture, without the need to consume “karmic-meat” products, ie, to eat animals .It is well known that
both pure African “blacks”, Native Americans of the North and South, as well as other indigenous peoples who are still hunter-
gatherers such as the Shompen people of Nicobar (India), have very high levels of type O, As can be seen in this
table: . If a people is not agrarian, or lost the roots with the lands inhabited by their
ancestors, it could be an indication that these people have lost to a great extent the memory of the Origin.Therefore, the
consumption of meat has to be seen as something “close” in time.The image provided by the cavalry Synarchy in loincloths, eating
the flesh of a Diplodocus , making fire with two sticks or two stones, fearful of storms and unintelligent … corresponds ironically to a
very recent period of history, and not upside down. This view is used by the Synarchy to induce us to believe that the past was
“bad” and the future is “good.”Priya virya probably had a vegetarian diet, so identifying the O type consumers of meat with “the
oldest lineage that is known” just because they can donate to other types may be incorrect. Maybe that ability to donate to other
types is because it is a more “common”, or “adaptable” blood, or for any other reason that we do not know, and no longer
ancient. Of course, trying to racially classify millions of viryas who have mingled through ignorance with one another for hundreds
or thousands of years is useless. To this day, unfortunately, we are all “mestizos” with respect to the original family lines.The
conception of “blood and soil” has been totally banished from Europe , the laws of democratic governments favor the
Talmudic law of interest.
Mention should also be made of meat consumption. There is an irresolute debate about whether type O is capable of following a
vegetarian or vegan diet, But these issues have to be solved individually. Over-identification with the blood group to the point of
alienating one’s behavior, or feeling “superior” or “inferior” to viryas of other blood groups or with another RH sign, is ignorant
behavior.In Japan, the mysteries of blood are still respected by a part of the population, who generally lives in rural areas. This has
been sacrosanctly translated into a newly emerging social tendency in urban areas, which consists in identifying blood types with
certain personalities or habits. O type is considered the most appropriate for the command posts, coming to the case of a
Japanese politician who made a mistake apologized saying it is an unstable type B: http: //www.reuters.
Com / article / 2011/07/06 / us-politics-blood-idUSTRE7653PC20110706 The body in which you are born can not be chosen, but
you can choose if you want to stay in Hell or if you prefer instead to return to the Origin. Now let’s talk about type A. Let’s note that
the distribution of type A in the world is concentrated mainly in Europe and Australia.

However, there are certain peoples with very high levels of type A, even higher than many “white” European peoples. This is the
case of the Black-footed Indians of Canada, the Lapps, the Hawaiians, the Portuguese, the Maori, the Swiss, and the Andamanese
of Bengal (India). We can then abandon the belief that type A are “whites”, as this is not true. We wanted to see a direct
relationship between sedentarism (with its consequent consumption of plant products) and the high proportion of type A in a
population.As indicated in the Magic Novel, agriculture was delivered as a strategic weapon to the hyperborean peoples, so that
they could practice indefinite fences when occupying a territory. If this were true, and the “type A targets” were sedentary
farmers, They would never have moved from Europe, so their presence in the whole world could not be explained except in South
America. Since the Black Sea area is a high percentage of type A, one might be inclined to think that the development of the
Neolithic agricultural society, shortly after the events that gave rise to round-trip emigration (all always within the evolutionary model
Of the HO) of the Indo-Europeans, was in full relation with the old India governed from the valley of the Indus by the warrior caste
of the Kshatriyas. However, although it may seem an interesting proposal to understand Indo-European migrations in the Russian
zone, it is dismantled simply to verify that the northern part of India is precisely the area with the highest blood levels of type B
around the world. It is therefore a mystery the origin of these two types, which however were clearly differentiated from type O (or,
conversely, type O was differentiated from them).Speaking of vegetarianism, we can not avoid talking about one of the most
controversial issues in the history of this century … how is it possible that the Nazis, who were so bad and so crazy, defend the
rights of animals arriving some To follow a diet strictly vegetarian, being its maximum figure the own Führer ? The real reason for
the protection of Hitler’s government in the German countryside was due to the need not to be economically dependent as were
France and the United Kingdom with their colonies. It was to “occupy” As a village ( Volk ) a living space ( Lebensraum ), which has
been misunderstood by many ignorant writers. We recommend that Richard Walter Darré, Minister of Agriculture of theReich , be
informed of the strategic need for an agrarian economy in which each family could self-supply.

On the left, a 1933 cartoon in which a group of animals greet Hermann Göring, who had just passed a law banning
vivisection. Above, the Führer eats fruit on a picnic . Below, the Führer shares a public meal with a group of officers. At the table
you can see a large source of fruits and dishes only deep.
Turning to the subject of Hitler’s vegetarianism, much has been written on the subject. It is said that he had digestive problems and
tolerated a vegetarian diet better. If you study Dr. D’Adamo’s discoveries, you will realize that most Type A people who follow the
“American diet,” of meats, natural fats and oils, often end up dying prematurely of cardiovascular collapses or cancers. Regardless
of blood type, however, carnivorous diets appear to be an obstacle to longevity, for it is easy to find century-old elders in vegetarian
cultures such as India or China but very difficult to find in carnivorous cultures such as the Eskimo , The Massai, or the jungle
Indians. The ABO system of blood groups and the RH factor was discovered by a Viennese scientist named Landsteiner, the first in
1901 and the second in 1940 in collaboration with Wiener. The Reich adopted the first system, but not the second one in the midst
of war. Thus, the propitious diet for Hitler, a type A, was the vegetarian. In the same way, Hitler wanted for the eugenics program a
type A competition, hence it has been associated with the “Aryan”, far from the original meaning of “blood nobility”, now
transformed into a materialistic meaning, blond hair , Blue eyes and fair skin. It is to be supposed that the Germanic race had a
high incidence of type A, and therefore it was tried to make the Volk as sanguinely homogeneous as possible, Because the
Reich was a collective liberation movement, a fact that democratic societies do not know. Let us now turn to type B.

On the map we can see a preponderance throughout Asia, especially in the central zone, including Siberia and some Sub-Saharan
African countries. By countries, they stand out in percentages: Vietnam, Thailand, the Mongolian morsels, the gypsies, the Hindus,
the Siberian buryats, China and Japan. Type B, like A, can receive blood from an O. However, neither A can give B, nor B can give
A. This denotes that these two blood groups are facing each other. They are in a subtle struggle difficult to understand, for it is
difficult to identify each blood type concretely with an archetype or function.In spite of this, there is an indicator that soon blows the
alarm. The percentage of type B in closed groups of type O or A tends to zero. For example: Aborigines, Mayans, Lapps,
Hawaiians, Swiss. This seems to indicate, along with the clear lower proportion of B in the world, that B “infiltrate” into society. In
“civilized” countries (that is, they do not resist Synarchy), like the Europeans above all, the fact is that the types have balanced
levels where none appears.
It is necessary to clarify that the “personality” that is associated to the sanguine types is, surely, an inverse process. It is not that
blood types produce in the subject a certain behavior or certain values, but, on the contrary, in those regions where a certain type
predominates there would have been events that would massively determine the cultural programming of a collective.That is why a
“personality” has been associated with each type, but this has no foundation beyond culture. Al B has been described as
speculator, tanned, cunning, but this could be a mere result of the environment and learning in the region of sample that has been
observed. However, the subtype AB, which would indeed be the “jesu-christ” type, seems to have been created ad hoc by genetic
engineering to be the vessel in which to insert the sacralising psychological archetype of the Jesus of Nazareth, the most Jewish
Jew of All, personification itself of MALKOUTH, or Kingdom of the Chosen People. He was the “electro-magnetic” leader of the
sacred race, and as Nimrod seems to indicate in the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, he still remains, and his power is
growing day by day.
This conjecture is our own, and we are not asserting its truthfulness. We simply refuse to accept that Type A and B can be mixed
without genetic engineering. This monstrous union has resulted in the AB suffering from rare physical and psychological illnesses,
as well as certain inbred groups. In very rare cases, the AB gives the appearance of being an O while behaving chemically as an
AB, which is called “Bombay type”, and does not produce any positive aspects but only strange problems. According to the
Japanese descriptions, the AB usually have a fragmentary personality, typical of schizophrenia. They are usually handled by the
“artist” archetype, tend to be intelligent but eccentric, have “several faces” according to whom, that is, they adapt easily to the life of
modern societies, which is where they feel comfortable. It looks like a hybrid in which it has been intended to create a mestizo
blood type, something like an enhanced B to be able to receive the Jesus-Christ archetype, but has ended up creating a strange
subtype, universal blood receptor, with a curious At the same time, in the aforementioned “closed” societies, that is, they do not let
strangers infiltrate to subvert their society from within, the concurrence of the AB is non-existent .Their overall amount is scarce,
and even more so if they have the negative RH … which deserves a section for itself. To conclude for the moment with the AB, we
will say that its suspicious recent appearance seems to indicate that it is the prototype of the “good modern human being”,
peaceful, multicultural, tolerant and submissive to the Synarchy.
We declare once again that we are not promoting violence, not upholding hatred, nor fomenting discrimination. It is simply
conjectures from the data that are observed. The strength of the people lies in their union. It is about cooperating, not about
confronting each other. The “divide and conquer” is the strategy of the elite.
On the left, blood types by country. Note the low proportion of negative RH in the world, especially in Asian countries.Above,
frequency map of negative RH factor. Below, RH factor inheritance scheme.
Finally, we want to give a brushstroke regarding the RH factor. As is well known, the RH factor may be positive or negative relative
to the match of virya blood compared to the blood of a Rhesus monkey. If the result of the comparison is conclusive, the RH factor
is positive. The negative RH would therefore be distant from the animal, being of a clearly extraterrestrial origin. In fact, negative
RH not only gives rise to strange physical and psychological qualities, but is recessive. It seems as if the positive factor, being the
one that relates to the hominid, fulfills the function of suppressing progressively the negative factor. However, having a person
show a positive RH factor in their physical blood does not mean that they are not carriers of a negative RH inheritance. The RH
factor follows the laws of genetics, just like ABO blood types except for mutations. Approximately 85% of the world’s population is
RH positive, although in areas such as Africa it reaches 90-95% and in Asia almost 100%. In Europe, the negative RH is much
more common, located especially in the Atlantic slope of the continent, that is, in Portugal, Spain, France and the British Isles
mainly, reaching 15%. The highest concentration of negative RH in the world is located in the Basque Country (reaching 30-40%),
including areas close to the present Basque provinces.
Although the symbolism of the reptile throughout history is omnipresent, to suggest that it is an inheritance of the “reptilians” is
disorienting, since many do not understand the said symbolism and only get diffused the fear. There is no doubt that it is a strange
element in that a negative RH mother carrying a positive RH fetus produces reactions that can lead to the death of the fetus or
both. Where has Nature been seen to attack itself? This mutation impossible to carry out by Darwinian evolution, and the enigma of
blood type AB should be sufficient to convince the reader of the genetic manipulation that has suffered the homínido throughout its
evolution. In addition to the mystery of negative RH, there are still many questions to be solved, such as the mystery of the Basque
people and the mystery of the Iberian language, keys that might allow us to understand the myth of Atlantis. Perhaps there are
many of these keys in America, and that is why the “discovery” And the subsequent conquest and occupation of America by the
British and the Spaniards obeyed the urgent need to destroy the indigenous peoples of the north as well as the center and the
south, which is well known that they still preserved and preserved the wisdom Of their ancestors. The sacralizing zeal of the Druids
has made the Cultural Pact all humanity, so we close the chapter reminding the reader that nothing can be known with certainty
from the culture. One can not rely on HO, nor on alternative historiographies even though they certainly shed light on certain issues
and sometimes point to certain historical facts. In general, it can be affirmed that if we do not have photos or videos of a fact, we
can not affirm that it happened. And if they give us photographs or recordings, there is still the possibility that they are
manipulated. European history begins, in fact, with the construction of the camera.From then, it is possible to verify that such
personages existed in such places, although not with 100% of certainty. The world we know, the liberal urban world is only 150
years old, the post-industrial world, the democratic-capitalist world created in the United Kingdom (as the History of Greece begins
in the nineteenth century … in fact not even Is called “Greece” that country, nor its inhabitants are called “Greeks”). The bloodlines
go beyond this darkness in which we are living. If the flow of blood goes back, it will be possible to remember the Truth. The virya
must be made to the idea that it is lost in the future, as one who falls through a spiral tunnel, downwards, so that as time goes by its
disorientation increases. We can only drink of the Hyperborean Wisdom if we have previously emptied our glass of knowledge. As
long as it is overflowing with culture, our liberation will be postponed indefinitely.
To complete the above, we attach an extract of the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom.

We said that the Gral DIVINIZES the Hyperborean lineages to prove irrefutably the truth of the origin; And that the reaction of the
Demons has been to regard them as LITHUANIAN HERETICS, deserving of the most terrible punishment.
But while the Demons were engaged in punishing the viryas with the heavy chains of Karma, quite another would be the attitude of
the Demiurge. He, according to his characteristic, has wanted to IMITATE, and even surpass, the hyperborean lineages by
founding a SACRED RACE that represents him DIRECTLY, that is to say, CHANGE HIS WILL; And through it, reign over the
incarnated spirits. A “sacred race” that rises in the midst of peoples condemned to the pain and suffering of life and who, triumphing
over them, End up inflicting on them the final humiliation of subjecting them to the Synarchy of Demons. Then the hyperborean
lineages, sunk in the mud of spiritual degradation, will utter their last lamentations and those cries of pain, those screams of terror,
will be the sweet music with which the sacred race will give to its “God” Jehovah-Satan, the Demiurge from the earth. As we have
already said the Demiurge has tried many times this company; “Gypsies,” for example, are the ethnic remnants of a “sacred race”
that thrived in the late Atlantis, when the Siddhas of the Dark Forest subdued the Horror Synarchy to the Hyperborean
lineages. The incarnated spirits were there precipitated to the most infamous practices: the divine blood was degraded and
confused by means of the indiscriminate mixture of races and, What is worse, they were able to realize fertile town councils
between men and animals with the contest of the black magic;Thousands of human victims were sacrificed to quench the thirst for
blood of Jehovah-Satan, worshiped there in his aspect of “God of the infernal armies.”Cruelty, collective orgy, various forms of drug
addiction, etc., were all “customs” that the hyperborean lineages had adopted; While in the eyes of the “sacred race” the glance of
the Demiurge shone with joy, the Synarchy of Horror exercised its tyranny of orality. In such a state of degradation, no one was
able to receive the light of the Gral or hear the song of the Siddhas. That is why Christ Lucifer decided to manifest Himself TO THE
SIGHT OF MEN. He did, accompanied by a guard of Siddha Hiperbóreos,
And that determined the end of Atlantis … But this is an ancient story. In recent times the Demiurge has resolved to REPEAT
again, in imitation of the hyperborean lineages, the creation of a “sacred race” to represent him and to which he will be reserved the
high destiny of reigning over all the peoples of the Earth. With the covenant of blood celebrated between Jehovah-Satan and
Abraham, the “holy race” is founded and its descendants, the Hebrews, will constitute the “chosen people.” Just as the
hyperborean spirits deified by the presence of the Gral represent the “heretical lineage” par excellence, the Hebrews, in front of
them, will present themselves as the “purest lineage of the Earth.” Israel, a people chosen by Jehovah-Satan to be their
representative on Earth, What titles will he exhibit as PROBLEM IRREFUTABLE that such is His Will?
The Demiurge, following his usual system of “imitate”, reasons in this way: “If by the gem of Christ-Lucifer, the Grail, the
hyperborean lineage has been deified, also by a” stone of the sky “will be consecrated the Abraham, I will put in the world a stone
in which it will be written: My Law as an unprovable test that Israel is the chosen people, before whom the other nations shall
humble themselves. ” Such is the direct reaction of the Demiurge. Choose from the face of humanity the most miserable
people; And after agreeing with him, makes him “grow” in the shadow of powerful kingdoms. When he decides that the “holy race”
has reached the moment of fulfilling his historic mission, he “renews the covenant” Giving Moses the key to Power. Then Israel, the
purest lineage of the Earth, traverses the millennia and marches into its future of glory, while empires and kingdoms sink into the
dust of history. The reaction of the Demiurge has undoubtedly been effective and powerful have resulted in the effects of His Stone,
the strength of His Law. That is why it is asked what is in fact what Jehovah-Satan gives to the Hebrews as an instrument of power
and domination universal? We will say it synthetically: the “tablets of the Law” contain the secret of the twenty-two voices that the
Demiurge pronounced when he ordered matter and by which all that exists has been formed.The set of symbols contained in the
Tables of the Law is what is known in the past as ACOUSTICAL CABALA. In Atlantis this knowledge was in principle patrimony of
another “sacred race”; But later, the Guardians of Lyric Art, ancestors of the Cromagnon and parents of the white race, came to
dominate it completely.
“The tablets of the Law” is then “the stone” that the Demiurge has placed in the world as a metaphysical support of the “sacred
race,” in imitation of the whole “Hyperborean / Gral lineage”. However, as in all the “imitations” of the Demiurge, one should not see
here an equivalence too precise. The Gral, from the past, reflects for each of the viryas the divine origin and constitutes an attempt
by Christ-Lucifer to come to the aid of the captive spirits or, in other words, the influence of the Gral points to the individual and the
spiritual .The Tables of the Law, on the contrary, point to the collective and material; They represent the collective, racial pact
between Jehovah-Satan and the Hebrew people and, in addition, their kabbalistic content reveals the keys to mastering all material
If strategic confusion, incarnation, chain-linking to the Law of Karma, etc. are terrible evils that afflict hyperborean spirits, earthly
coexistence with a “holy race” of Jehovah-Satan is undoubtedly the most dreadful nightmare, Worse than any of the misfortunes
mentioned. For, from the “renewed covenant” with Moses, RACIAL enmity between the hyperborean (“heretic”) lineages and the
sacred lineage (“Hebrew”) will be permanent and eternal,With the irreversible disadvantage for the former that the infernal Will of
the Demiurge will be expressed irresistibly through the latter. After the “apparition” of Israel, only the viryas have the dramatic
alternative to return to the Origin or to succumb definitively. Digging into the Hebrew myth of Abel and Cain, under a veil of
calumnies, a correct description of racial and theological enmity between Hebrews and hyperboreans can be seen.In this myth,
Abel, who is herdsman, represents the basic TYPO of the Hebrew;And Cain, the farmer, to the figure of the virya. Legend has it
that Jehovah-Satan was pleased with the offerings of blood of Abel the shepherd, consisting of the sacrifice of the first-born lambs
“with their fat.”
In evaluating the “blood offerings” The figure of the “shepherd” should not be confused with that of the “hunter”. The pastor is the
one who slaughters his victim PREVIOUSLY DOMESTICATED. The hunter instead, like the warrior, get their prey after fighting
with it and conquering it.
Instead he despised the “fruits of the earth” that Cain exhibited, to which he finally condemned to carry a “mark”, a “sign”, which
gives it its status as a “murderer.”
This curious affective criterion of Jehovah-Satan has been perpetuated through the centuries in the hatred that the Hebrews feel
towards the hyperborean lineages, hatred that, let’s not forget, COMES FROM THE DEMIURGO.
It is interesting to delve deeper into the figure of Cain. According to the Bible was, besides farmer, The first one to BUILD
WIDTHED CITIES and the inventor of weights and measures. Its descendant, Tubal-Cain (mythical splitting of the same Cain) was
manufacturer of arms and musical instruments. If we now observe this figure of Cain, in the light of the Hyperborean Wisdom, we
will find that it has many of the characteristic attributes of hyperborean viryas. First and foremost, the association of agriculture with
the construction of walled cities is an ancient hyperborean strategic formula used recently by the Etruscans and Romans, and has
been perfectly expressed by the German king Henry I, the Pajarero, Idol of Heinrich Himmler and Walter Darré. On the other hand,
the invention of the weights and measures, which the Hebrews attribute to Cain, the Greeks to Hermes and the Egyptians to
Thot, Allows Cain to be identified with these two Hyperborean Gods. And lastly: the accusation of murderer and the condition of
arms manufacturer, clearly reveals that the figure of Cain represents a few WARRIORS, perhaps the BERSERKIR; To denounce or
point out that quality surely points to the famous brand. In the Bible, the sacred book of the “chosen people”, in the myth of Abel
and Cain, are perfectly revealed the rules of the game. In the “preference” of Jehovah-Satan for the Hebrew shepherds,
represented by Abel;And in the contempt and punishment of the Hyperborean lineages, symbolized by Cain, appears the
metaphysical conflict of the origins; But updated now as a cultural and biological confrontation. The sacred Hebrew race has come
to bring the Presence of Jehovah-Satan, (CONSCIOUS Presence, Different from the PANTEISUM BLOW with which the Demiurge
animates matter) to the plane of human life, the incarnation, the pain of suffering. That is why the ancient transcendent enmity
between captive and demon spirits transforms into immanent enmity between the hyperborean lineages and the material universe,
since the sacred race is MALKHOUTH, the tenth SEPHIROTH, that is, one aspect of the Demiurge. The latter must be understood
as follows: ISRAEL IS THE DEMERGY. It is worth clarifying.According to the secret teachings of the Kabbalah and as may be read
in the Book of Splendor or SEPHER YETSIRAH, that is, by referring to the most reliable sources of Hebrew Wisdom for the
“creation” of the “sacred race” Jehovah-Satan manifests One of its ten aspects or SEPHIROTH. The tenth sephiroth, MALKHOUTH
(THE KINGDOM), IS THE OWN PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, according to the official Hebrew texts, which keeps a metaphysical nexus
with the first sephiroth, KETHER (CORONA), which is the supreme Head or Consciousness of the Demiurge. In other words: there
is metaphysical identity between Israel and Jehovah-Satan or, if you will, “ISRAEL IS JEHOVAH-SATAN.”
As we said before, the enmity between the sacred race and the hyperborean lineages, enmity which we have seen declared in the
myth of Abel and Cain, signifies a confrontation between them and the material Universe, given the character of Malkhouth,
splitting of the Demiurge, Israel. With Malkhouth, the Demiurge has wanted to impose THE HISTORY of the Hebrew holy lineage to
the remaining peoples of the Earth. If these Gentile peoples HAVE FORGOTTEN THE PAST and have submitted to the Plan
carried out by the White Hierarchy, then they will gladly accept the HEBREW SUPERIORITY and the world will happily march
towards the Synarchy. But woe to those GOYM who do not give up their hyperborean heritage and persist in remembering the
conflict of origins! There will be no place for them on Earth because with the Presence of Malkhouth, the sacred lineage of Israel,
the Demiurge assures their persecution and immediate annihilation. Dramatic destiny of the captive spirit! For millennia
REMEMBERING ORIGIN, that is, exhibiting a heretic lineage, was punished by the Demons with a strong Karma, and the pain, the
suffering, were so terrible that it was forgotten. But, as this degradation occurred, deep in his heart, boiling in his blood, The
condemned could participate in the Minne and access the GNOSIS; It was his right: if he could rise from the mire of spiritual
confusion, no one could prevent him from receiving the light of the Grail or listening to the singing of the Siddhas. With Israel and
this miserable opportunity to wake up would be already possible, because the conflict was raised in biological, racial, cultural terms
…: anyone who engages in the contest must now risk everything, because facing Israel is facing the same Demiurge .
Israel advances in history with an irresistible force. His great ideas gradually dominate the culture of the West, in parallel with the
growth of his financial power. Who will be able to oppose the joint force of Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-Jewish, Judeo-Marxism,
Zionism, Of Trilateralism?
Who could make “jump” the stands of ROTHSCHILD, JACOBO SCHIFF, KUHN AND LOES, ROCKEFELLER, etc.? And who will
compete with the Hebrews in the fields of science or art? We already described in the First Dissertation the fantastic MATERIAL
POWER of the Synarchy; Against these organized forces, the virya has no chance.
Chapter 5

This chapter is a reflection on the communicative fact, on the very act of communicating. The discourse will be rooted around the importance of the
particular meaning that is given to words when designing a text for the guidance of the lost virya (you, the reader). The objective we pursue by
sending this message is structured in three stages:
1. We express culture in a specific language (in this case, the Spanish language) in a clear and univocal way, with the stated intention of getting the
lost virya to reflect on the facts Of the World and its existential situation.
2. The information that the reader processes cognitively gives rise to an individual and private understanding that manifests itself in a provisional
scale of discriminatory axiological values. It is what is known as ” A drag that prevents us from escaping and from which we have to get rid of. To
achieve our ultimate goal, which is to recover spiritual freedom, it is possible that a previous national freedom is required, constituting then a
strategy of collective liberation as was Germanic National Socialism, Argentine Justicialism, or Occitan Catharism. If the strategy of liberation is
individual, hermeneutics will occur between the individual and the divinity, that is, it will be “direct.” If, on the other hand, the strategy becomes
collective, hermeneutics becomes “indirect”, with intermediaries between man and the divinity, work carried out nefariously by the priestly caste for
a long time. The Gnostic disregards the deontological ethics of play and the teleological ethics of the sacrating, With its noological ethics, only
recognizes a value: Honor. Honor implies knowing, and knowing implies Honor. Both involve Loyalty, which was synthesized in the well-known
motto of the SS: meine Ehre heißt Treue , or “my Honor is called Loyalty”. The only value (or absence thereof) that the Gnostic recognizes is Honor,
which implies everything else. As the transcendent time (or time consciousness of the Demiurge, which is the same), the noological ethics is
reduced by the telluric pressure, preventing the memory of blood. That is why the future is always worse, and any past time was better, depending
also on the area in which the subject is in respect to the Route of the Kaly Yuga .Now the reader can, thinking for himself, understand the
conspiracy of ” In electromagnetic waves interpretable by means of an apparatus …), the range would vary between 1 and 99%. Of this, not even
the Pontiff, Nimrod de Rosario, escapes, with the difference that the percentage of “disorientation” produced by this “hermeneutic work” exercised
by the Pontiff has a very narrow margin, which is manifested in high strategic detail With which the fibers of the Magic Novel were woven. The 0%
macula margin can only be achieved by a Siddha with the transmuted microcosm, but it is just that a Siddha would not need to encode any
messages.There are no 0% coded messages, it is an oxymoron. A message implies a code. If this message is propitiated by the parakito,
mentioned below, it is direct hermeneutics. If there is a coded message, Necessarily is indirect hermeneutics, and therefore, in turn, the message
will necessarily be dirty in a percentage. A Hyperborean Pontiff is best suited to develop indirect hermeneutics, adjusting the margin to the
minimum. The reader, if it is one of the many viryas who with Honor try to express their wisdom in the form of texts on the Internet, may ask: “How
could I reduce tho seek ways to reduce the percentage of disorientation of their texts, but to understand the reason for the fact of writing. We will set
the most obvious example: that of the Pontiff.Some suspect that their works have been manipulated or concealed. We do not know who were in
charge of watching over his legacy, but of course it is clear that not only are we not sure that his “family” are not actors, but we are not sure what
works he wanted to be published or not. Who he wanted to name, say, “protectors,” or “transmitters” of the Hyperborean Wisdom in South
America. We also know that the typing or typing of texts has been plagued with spelling mistakes, as well as Argentine expressions that are
sometimes not fully understandable for Spanish-speaking viryas in other countries. The question is, did they need to correct those details or
not? Would not it have been the ideal to have hired an Argentine Cordoba professor of Chinese or English, to do, prior initiation, A reliable
translation? Or maybe in German, or in Greek, or even in Russian? From what one realizes, leaving aside the aspect of concealment and farce, is
that these books have a strategically important goal. Why does this knowledge appear again? Why not when the Iron Curtain falls? Why not after
9/11? Why exactly in Spanish? Before returning again to Hermeneutics, we want to warn the viryas, as we indicated in the Beginning, of the
dangers involved in searching for information on the Internetabout Hyperborean Wisdom. Do not be influenced by the cultural manifestation of
others. If necessary, stop completely from browsing web pages. Focus on your interior, follow only what you feel is true, and do not trust absolutely
anyone.Neither of us, nor of his own soul subject. As we said, every text has its degree of disorientation. What will be the one of this? We do not
know, but we do know that it is not written with ludic-sacralising intras. We seek the truth naked, even if it hurts. It is very comfortable to meet in a
social event and to throw bombastic speeches without backing the word with the acts. Comfort must be replaced by action. The heat of the group
may end up becoming an addiction. Let’s continue talking about Hermeneutics now. Maybe someone will wonder about the meaning of this strange
word. As a mnemonic trick (to memorize it), remind the reader to God Hermes, one who was culturally represented as a young man in winged
sandals and the Kundalini caduceus in his hand, Whose role in the Greek pantheon (framed in the Cultural Pact) was to serve as a messenger,
among other things. In what sense can a God be a messenger?Are not the Gods omnipotent and can express themselves in whatever way they
please? Yes they can, but the spirits lost in the lower regions (where we are living) would not understand. What, then, is Hermeneutics? It is the
ability to “translate” the divine messages so that humans can understand them, without (very important), the content of the message is unduly
distorted, knowing in advance that at least that 1% will be distorted. If we go deeper into it, we will realize that the figure of Hermes refers to an
ancient Hyperborean Pontiff. In addition to the interpretation in human language of the will of the Gods, Hermes fulfilled for the ancient Pelasgians
the function of taking you from side to side of the “veil”, being the God of transport and astral travel. In the same way, Nimrod is fulfilling the function
of “taking us to the other side” when, with his written expression, he is able to provoke in the reader the memory of pure blood. The reading of his
work translates to the reader of the present extensive to the present comprehensive, making him a participant of the mystique in the Golden
Cord. The written expression of all viryas, without exception, has a range from that inevitable 1% of dirt upwards, to the percentage of orientation
that the virya has achieved, in inverse proportion. Now we will refer not to the communication between a Siddha and a virya, but between two
viryas. In an interview of Carlos Castaneda to Don Juan Matus, The sorcerer refers to the “clarity” that, recently acquired, can “blind” the virya. The
basis of communication is the cooperation of both parties, both the issuer and the recipient. Those who are trapped at the bottom of a well, those
above can throw bread crumbs or can provide a rope for them to climb. This is the difference that determines a factor that we call
ARROGANCE . We can all commit arrogance for what is worth describing. It is not the reckless conduct of the one who knows himself
indestructible, nor the contempt of the spiritual warrior to everything that stands in its way to the Origin. It is more about that “blinding” of when one
becomes powerful and “flushes” of his new abilities. Let us illustrate this: imagine a veteran mountaineer who has agreed to teach climbing an
inexperienced young man whose desire is to be able to crown any mountain however large. The young man, although he shows talent for
overcoming obstacles, does not have enough strength in his arms like the stout master, tanned in a thousand ascents. It happens that, at a certain
moment, under a great blizzard, the young man finds it impossible to reach the next point, where there is his teacher telling him to go up.The young
man, who on other occasions faced difficult chasms, but who, with willpower and determination, and spurred by his teacher’s hard but motivating
words, managed to overcome them even though he thought he would not be able to. However, this time is different. There is no possibility of going
back without dying of cold or starvation, and it really does not seem possible to reach the next rock ledge, for the distance to be saved is too
great. In spite of this, the young man takes courage and throws himself into the abyss. The teacher, observant at all times, extends the hand at the
precise moment to avoid the fall of the disciple, and sustains him long enough so that he can grasp the projection and ascend the risk.In this way,
the young man has learned that the important thing is not whether or not you arrive for yourself, but the heroic action of jumping into the
void.Theologically correct is not to speculate on whether one will live or die, but to stand firm in the determination of the mission entrusted. If one, as
is common when inhabiting a human body, does not seem capable of performing a feat, You must still do it anyway, convinced that the Gods will
recognize your act of Honor and provide you with a solution. This act, which externally observed has the appearance of a suicidal attitude,
supposes a psychological death. The subject before the jump lived conditioned by their fears, whereas the new individuality acquired after the jump
is not afraid of death or any worldly entity, because it has acceded to the infinite blackness when leaving the created beings. This psychological
death constitutes an “initiatory death”. So where is the arrogance in this story? The scene we have described portrays a situation of Honor, in which
the disciple relies fully on the teacher. Where there is a mystical union of Honor, there can be no arrogance.Thus, Arrogance can not be understood
positively, but negatively. Arrogance is a lack of Honor which consists in the absence of loyalty to the comrade. An arrogant master might have
allowed the disciple to take off, for he could consider himself a “great teacher” who should not “tarnish his reputation” by teaching a disciple
incapable of bridging that abyss.Arrogance arises by ignoring the essence behind human conflicts. Because the leap of which we are speaking
is of the metaphysical type, it must be understood that the aid in extremis provided by the teacher is in reality a channeling of the
PARÁKLITO , or divine rescue, facilitated by a superior instance. The arrogant master would not recognize the metaphysical nature of an initiatory
death,Thereby blocking divine intervention. If there is no honor where there is no honor, and where there is no honor arrogance arises, then where
arrogance is a respected ethical-psychological value, there can be no mystique. After this help propitiated to the limit of the human condition, fruit of
the charismatic union teacher-disciple, the disciple is able to continue his process of purification. Let everyone know if you are exceeding your
expositions and for what purpose write what you write. Where do we want to go with this? As we well know, but we do not always have in mind,
culture is the strategic weapon of the enemy. When we want to communicate (which, I remember, is an act of two) with a virya with less level of
orientation than we, The best weapon to use if we want to guide it is without a doubt the MAYEUTICA . In this case, to educate is not to
accumulate knowledge and to compare them, but it is an inverse education. It is not a question of accumulating knowledge, but of cleaning up to the
point of emptiness (Tao). In this method it is based on the principle that the virya already has within itself the memory of the Uncreated and it is only
necessary to make it appear at the level of the conscious subject. What does this mean when the virya, like the master mountaineer of the example,
is a virya of more advanced knowledge? It inevitably involves having to use simpler vocabulary within simpler sentences. If anyone considers this
dishonorable, such as an insult to the intelligentsia, or the death of “good taste” Is because it is a virya phagocytosed by the archetypes that govern
” social status ,” and believe themselves more important than they really are. Let us remember what we said about Hermeneutics: any divine
message that descends to the human level must inevitably be stained. That sacrilegious attempt to pretend to turn the runes into a mere alphabet
by some “neo-paganists” produces disorienting cultural engenders.It is very easy for knowledge to be misrepresented and used for satanic
purposes, so that, when making that “descent” of the teacher towards the student, that “stretch the hand” to pull it upwards and that you can
continue the journey, it must be very careful not tomake what we call nEGLECT , Which can also be transcribed as “lack of alert”. This is our
definition: carelessness occurs due to a false sense of security in what one knows, assuming a passive mental attitude that places him at a strategic
disadvantage. So we have two enemies when it comes to communicating: arrogance and carelessness. It is necessary to clarify that it is not the
same to be strict, meticulous, detailed, disciplined, etc., than to be arrogant.Finally, we want to warn the reader about “poetry” (meaning
“projection”, meaning meaning). When we find a text of obscure meaning, we must suppose that the author’s wisdom was not able to write it in a
clearer way, and had no choice but to resort to a “poetic” form of writing. It does not matter if the text is written in prose or aligned in verses. The
form is not important, the content is. The alert must be permanent. The “Renaissance” writer, or “dolcestilnovista,” who does not endow his letter of
spiritual liberation, is an enemy of the Hyperborean Wisdom. If a virya writes with the deliberate intention of obscuring the message, he becomes a
“poet”, who is one of the most useful and servile types of virya to the Demiurge Plan.Recall that the moral scale of “good” and “evil” correspond to a
psychological ethics. The noological ethics is governed by the presence or absence of wisdom.Look how you look, it is always clear that culture is
the strategic weapon of the enemy … Although sometimes it may be temporary and partially used in our favor.So if we agree that any written
expression publicly disseminated (whether in book or on the internet) has a communicative function, we will also agree that obscuring the message
is not strategic, but rather detrimental, as it further misdirects To the virya lost. The key to communication is to find a balance that is not polarized in
arrogance or carelessness. This imbalance is manifested intellectually when someone denounces a text or a dissertation by the fact that he does
not use the exact words that Nimrod uses, closing his eyes to the wisdom he may contain. This may be because the context is not conducive to
using the terms used in the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, Either because of its high level, or because we are speaking to foreigners, or
using a foreign language, or because the message in question comes from the past, perhaps codified centuries ago or even millennia because of its
dangerous content. Take Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a high linguistic level, at the same time that he does
not even fall into arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce virya, a master authorized by himself and by the Gods
to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason why they write or speak publicly, because we are
constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the Sufi proverb says. Or because we are speaking to
foreigners, or using a foreign language, or because the message in question comes from the past, perhaps codified centuries ago or even millennia
because of its dangerous content. Take Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a high linguistic level, at the same
time that he does not even fall into arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce virya, a master authorized by himself
and by the Gods to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom. Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason why they write or speak publicly,
because we are constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the Sufi proverb says. Or because we
are speaking to foreigners, or using a foreign language, or because the message in question comes from the past, perhaps codified centuries ago
or even millennia because of its dangerous content. Take Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a high linguistic
level, at the same time that he does not even fall into arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce virya, a master
authorized by himself and by the Gods to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason why they write or
speak publicly, because we are constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the Sufi proverb says. Or
using a foreign language, or because the message in question comes from the past, perhaps codified centuries ago or even millennia because of its
dangerous content. Take Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a high linguistic level, at the same time that he does
not even fall into arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce virya, a master authorized by himself and by the Gods
to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom. Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason why they write or speak publicly, because we are
constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the Sufi proverb says. Or using a foreign language, or
because the message in question comes from the past, perhaps codified centuries ago or even millennia because of its dangerous content. Take
Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a high linguistic level, at the same time that he does not even fall into
arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce virya, a master authorized by himself and by the Gods to be a true
master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason why they write or speak publicly, because we are constantly forgotten
that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the Sufi proverb says. Perhaps coded centuries ago or even millennia
because of its dangerous content. Take Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a high linguistic level, at the same
time that he does not even fall into arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce virya, a master authorized by himself
and by the Gods to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason why they write or speak publicly,
because we are constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the Sufi proverb says. Perhaps coded
centuries ago or even millennia because of its dangerous content. Take Nimrod as a balanced writer, who avoids carelessness by maintaining a
high linguistic level, at the same time that he does not even fall into arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce
virya, a master authorized by himself and by the Gods to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason
why they write or speak publicly, because we are constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the
Sufi proverb says. At the same time that he does not fall once in the arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce
virya, a master authorized by himself and by the Gods to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason
why they write or speak publicly, because we are constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the
Sufi proverb says. At the same time that he does not fall once in the arrogance. This is obviously because a Pontiff is a very special and scarce
virya, a master authorized by himself and by the Gods to be a true master of Hyperborean Wisdom.Let all the viryas reflect on what is the reason
why they write or speak publicly, because we are constantly forgotten that when you have nothing valuable to say, it is better to be silent, as the
Sufi proverb says.
At this point, we would like to give a touch of attention to viryas who are in a position of social responsibility. The condition for one to orient others is
to have passed through the same experiences as one who is demanding with his behavior an answer to his concerns. The relationship established
is teacher and student, but this can only be fruitful when the one who exercises the role of teacher is really wise.If the teacher is a profound ignorant
as in many cases, the only answers that the student will obtain are guidelines dictated by the White Brotherhood, guidelines coming from
psychological ethics. If, for example, a subject goes to a psychologist because he has big problems, and that psychologist not only has not gone
through that problem, But also it is possible that it also has and has not been able to overcome it … how is the psychologist to offer an answer that
solves the problem? They merely repeat what they put in a book or what their teachers when they were young told them they had to do, but there is
no originality in their behavior. They do not think, but associate concepts in a pre-determined way. This is the way of thinking of all those who are
governed by a psychological ethic, that is, by logic and feelings, which are already contemplated within the demiurgic plan, so there is no originality
in their thoughts. How is the psychologist to offer an answer that solves the problem? They merely repeat what they put in a book or what their
teachers when they were young told them they had to do, but there is no originality in their behavior. They do not think, but associate concepts in a
pre-determined way. This is the way of thinking of all those who are governed by a psychological ethic, that is, by logic and feelings, which are
already contemplated within the demiurgic plan, so there is no originality in their thoughts. How is the psychologist to offer an answer that solves the
problem? They merely repeat what they put in a book or what their teachers when they were young told them they had to do, but there is no
originality in their behavior. They do not think, but associate concepts in a pre-determined way. This is the way of thinking of all those who are
governed by a psychological ethic, that is, by logic and feelings, which are already contemplated within the demiurgic plan, so there is no originality
in their thoughts.
The key question when a virya is dedicated to guiding others, is: the teaching that is being taught … what is it for? Does it serve to free itself from
matter, or to perpetuate the Self in the flesh? The answer to this question is a huge stone in the shoe for anyone who has a position of responsibility
in the field of knowledge, whether the one that designs the study plans, be it a parent, a doctor, or a school teacher , Be a scientist, whatever. There
is no possibility of fleeing when one is confronted with the naked truth: to what cause is one serving with his acts? The mentality of the new
generations will be shaped by the decisions taken by their elders when they are still small,
Therefore, if one intends to become a teacher, one must inevitably go through initiation. If one is not initiated, it will hardly be able to guide those
who come later so that they can initiate, because it will lack the experience necessary to influence their students correctly. If a group of individuals
are raised in leadership and, based on a mystique, focus on the preparation of young people in the framework of a psychosocial strategy, the result
will be the collective transmutation of a whole people.
If we were to educate the next generation, how would we do it? Despite the hostility one may encounter in their environment, whether in the form of
lost viryas or in the form of synarchic institutions, the worst enemy that can be found, hindering the discovery of truth, will always be the subject of
each one’s soul . No matter how many blows, physical or emotional, you get. No matter how much paperwork and semi-slavery the capitalist-
Communist-Zionist system imposes on you.Ultimately, if the virya does not learn to lift himself from his own misery, whatever the external
circumstance, he will always be overcome by adversity. This is the maximum knowledge that can be passed on to future generations, For once the
virya assumes his spiritual slavery it is no longer necessary to “educate” him; He himself will educate himself by changing the rational
consciousness by the Gnostic consciousness, being self-sufficient for his strategy of liberation.
This is the basic and final principle of all teaching: the struggle only concludes when one is finally released. When a society lives in “peace” it means
that it has committed treason and has forgotten the Origin. The struggle begins from the time we leave the womb until the body stops functioning,
again and again in successive re-incarnations. Failure to recognize this unmistakable truth would mean spreading deception. There can be no
doubt to anyone who is responsible for himself about the harsh reality of the human condition. Life in the Material Universe is a bondage from the
cradle to the grave, and must at all times strive to free the Spirit trapped in matter. However one may ask, “to fight” Against what? How do you
explain a young man against what or who has to fight? The answer is very simple: it is not an external struggle, but rather an internal one. It is a
struggle against ignorance, blindness to the reality of the world.
All that is explained in these paragraphs constitutes the most radical pro-pedagogical position that exists, because it is based on the exaltation of
absolute individuality, the firm recognition of the unique essence of each individual.Therefore, one can not pretend to create an “economic”
pedagogy, which saves time and effort, a “one-size-fits-all” teaching, in which students with different motivations and needs follow a pattern that is
Too fast for some and too slow for others. Approving the imposition of a unique method on students of different characteristics would be like mixing
irreconcilable chemicals. Of course, this is an approach alien to all pedagogies officially promoted in Spain and other countries of the world, Totally
oblivious to the pressing need to mold students into mass classrooms, forcing them to spend hours reading and writing texts that have no other
function than to program the subject neurolinguistically. The school and the institute is designed to be boring, with very uninteresting contents that
students with a graceful Luciferic attitude end up always abhorring (that would correspond in the caste system of India, cataloged in the
Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom as typology Aberro, with the Kshatriyas or Warriors). However, not all students are the same. There are
others who directly reject all teaching for not having blood purity. It corresponds to the Sudra or Pasú caste, the servile caste, who do the work of a
pawn that today is replaced by technology. The Synarchy has replaced them with machines, no longer needs this caste and will try to get rid of
it.Viryas lost in a playful attitude, which would correspond to the caste of the Vayshia or casta ciudadana, accept the teaching and focus on the
material goods of life, working for the love of money. They are those who dedicate themselves to the particular professions, like doctors, lawyers,
professors, farmers, etc. Finally, the viryas lost in a sacrificial attitude use this knowledge provided by the Synarchy to scale in the hierarchy. Their
caste corresponds to that of the Brahmins of India, the priestly caste, developing collective professions, as judges, politicians, priests,
etc. Therefore, spiritual warfare is based on the conflict between the warrior and the sacerdotal, that is, The conflict between the Pact of Blood and
the Cultural Pact. There is the difference between ruling the world with Honor or governing the world in materialistic decline.
The “paternalistic” pedagogical stance (note the relationship with the hierarchical hierarchy) starts from the misconception that learning “comes from
outside”. This means bowing to a knowledge that springs from “heights” creating the illusion to young people that they can not reach such
knowledge because they are not “ready” enough or “valuable enough” for it.The changes of mentality are never gratuitous but they obey to careful
strategies. If we want the youth to become aware that they are the ones who have to “design” in the long run their own style of living and thinking,
their own way of understanding things, their own rhythm and their own personality, Then we must all promote a purely individual responsibility on
the part of those who long to know the truth. However, this responsibility does not mean “penalties”, “limitations”, “punishments”, “restrictions”, but
rather “organization”, “respect”, “self-esteem” and “creativity”.
In our current societies adhering to the Cultural Pact, the concept of “responsibility” is understood as the quality of the one that is predictable and
obeys the dictates of the Synarchy, so that they grant him a position of “responsibility” as a servile laborer World Government. True responsibility is
derived from Honor. It is obvious that a virya without Honor is not going to fulfill his word, reason why it is little right to trust in such a person, and
can only result in the betrayal to the Origin. One who learns to be responsible for oneself can develop fully in its particularity, enriching itself from
the acceptance of its deficiencies and dignifying itself with modesty in its virtues. If a virya is not responsible for himself he will never be able to live
with others in harmony, Because he will tend to impose his vision of the world on others because they have not been taught that nothing is achieved
by subjugating minds, in the way of pedagogical methods from the time of the cathedrals, promoted by druids infiltrated in the Church , But
cooperating in a framework of respect for the different intentions that a group can host, so that in the end everyone recognizes convergence in a
single intention. It is, in short, the difference between a warrior noological ethics and a priestly psychological ethic. In a framework of respect for the
different intentions that a group can host, so that in the end everyone recognizes convergence in a single intention. It is, in short, the difference
between a warrior noological ethics and a priestly psychological ethic.In a framework of respect for the different intentions that a group can host, so
that in the end everyone recognizes convergence in a single intention. It is, in short, the difference between a warrior noological ethics and a priestly
psychological ethic.
Traditional synarchic pedagogy has tried to make us believe that “giving fish” is the correct approach to educational problems.This is the method of
false democracy, the bread and circus, which is to “give fish” today and let them manage as they can the next day. This mentality is so entrenched
in the collective imagination that when one posits that it is better to “teach them to fish, although at first cost” the new proposals are denigrated and
condemned to silence with threats or judgments from the priestly caste due to the fear of losing The power to dominate the masses, because they
live parasitizing the people, since the priests do not produce anything. That is why changes in countries such as Spain, and other countries with a
deeply rooted parasitic caste, occur with such exacerbated slowness,
Again, returning to the question, “fight”, against what? Against ignorance, which is the one that does not let us see that our enemy is not the
neighbor, or the boss, or the foreigner, but ourselves in our emotional blindness, turning our backs on the understanding of our own situation. If a
legion of awakened viryas existed social changes would be carried out with astonishing rapidity, for the forces that try to disintegrate the social unit
would be exposed to the public light. In comparison, these subjects who try to manipulate society on a large scale will appear tiny alongside the will
of charismatic viryas who have not been “educated” (to be good slaves), but educate themselves, for Wisdom is the inner redemption of spirit.If the
particular ancestral memory of each people were respected, the system would come under this ancestral mystique, returning to the origin, not under
the oppression of the priestly caste, which forces us to evolve into the future, where the chaos of The civilization for its subsequent restart in the
next civilization, which are the four yugas or ages of the wheel of Samsara. However, the Synarchy is struggling to suppress the common roots of
“dangerous” peoples, and that is why they try by all means to destroy the European natives with immigration, materialistic propaganda, democracy,
financial bankruptcies and despotic laws that will end For producing the inevitable social outburst. And not under the oppression of the priestly
caste, which forces us to evolve into the future, where the chaos of civilization is found for its subsequent resumption in the next civilization, which
are the four yugas or ages of the Samsara wheel. However, the Synarchy is struggling to suppress the common roots of “dangerous” peoples, and
that is why they try by all means to destroy the European natives with immigration, materialistic propaganda, democracy, financial bankruptcies and
despotic laws that will end For producing the inevitable social outburst. And not under the oppression of the priestly caste, which forces us to evolve
into the future, where the chaos of civilization is found for its subsequent resumption in the next civilization, which are the four yugas or ages of the
Samsara wheel. However, the Synarchy is struggling to suppress the common roots of “dangerous” peoples, and that is why they try by all means
to destroy the European natives with immigration, materialistic propaganda, democracy, financial bankruptcies and despotic laws that will end For
producing the inevitable social outburst.
The Synarchy seeks to obscure what happened in the days of our ancestors. If information was uncovered concerning the past, they would
generate a war to cover it up again. Since its aim is the World Government, we must go in the opposite direction, advancing towards the Origin to
recover the consciousness until the same point of the spiritual fall. What does this mean? Understanding the Fundamentals of Hyperborean
Wisdom does not consist in reading and staying still, in the expectation that “things will happen.” Communicating these truths is an obligation
because this will cause the blood of the ancestors to emerge. If a virya calls itself “awake”, it is its noological obligation to spread the truth, because
in that way, by re-discovering the uncreated memory, Each time more space is gained in the consciousness of the Demiurge. If the spiritual memory
is large enough, his uncomfortable presence in the Created Universe will function as a mirror that will give the Demiurge all his miseries, causing
him an emotional shock to wake up and stop dreaming. That is why the Sinarquía voraciously pursues the memory of the past, compulsively
covering every gap by which spiritual truth can be perceived.
What then is the mission of the virya awake? Be like poisonous mushrooms that appear everywhere, so that even if they start one, flourish 20 in its
place, and to eliminate us have to go through the bad drink to remember the Sign of the Origin. It is in the persecution of the priests when we are
given a chance of liberation, having happened this countless times in History, although always distorted by the Church in their favor, becoming the
victims. We must hold the truth against lying, even if the whole society turns aggressively against the individual. Holding the truth is an unconditional
act, which does not depend on external circumstances and has value in itself, Being also the abnegation to the ideal the defining character of the
pure blood independently of the historical time that we have had to live. Some may argue that in the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom we are
told that we must “wait for the End of History,” passively. We have already mentioned that we do not know how many times Nimrod’s work has been
manipulated. The kairos arises when you face the archetypes, which implies a movement, although this movement is interior. Therefore, if you do
not provoke the kairos, how will you get the initiation?You can not resign the archetype death if you project it constantly into the future. It is possible
that just that initiatory death must be provoked, for an awake virya never gives up, Never stops fighting even if it has all of “losing” from a material
point of view. After all, history is nothing more than a process of creation and destruction, in which civilizations rise and fall in a cyclical loop. It is
evident that the End must come with a change, either with destruction or with a creation. Of course it is clear that if the historical situation were to
continue as it is now the spirit would remain trapped in the matter for millennia.As is well explained in the following videos, the cause of the
immobility of nations towards the Origin is due to the fact that all “spiritual” action has been phagocytosed by psychological ethics, both socially and
individually: History is nothing more than a process of creation and destruction, in which civilizations rise and fall in a cyclic loop. It is evident that
the End must come with a change, either with destruction or with a creation. Of course it is clear that if the historical situation were to continue as it
is now the spirit would remain trapped in the matter for millennia. As is well explained in the following videos, the cause of the immobility of nations
towards the Origin is due to the fact that all “spiritual” action has been phagocytosed by psychological ethics, both socially and individually:History is
nothing more than a process of creation and destruction, in which civilizations rise and fall in a cyclic loop. It is evident that the End must come with
a change, either with destruction or with a creation. Of course it is clear that if the historical situation were to continue as it is now the spirit would
remain trapped in the matter for millennia. As is well explained in the following videos, the cause of the immobility of nations towards the Origin is
due to the fact that all “spiritual” action has been phagocytosed by psychological ethics, both socially and individually: Of course it is clear that if the
historical situation were to continue as it is now the spirit would remain trapped in the matter for millennia.As is well explained in the following
videos, the cause of the immobility of nations towards the Origin is due to the fact that all “spiritual” action has been phagocytosed by psychological
ethics, both socially and individually: Of course it is clear that if the historical situation were to continue as it is now the spirit would remain trapped in
the matter for millennia. The cause of the immobility of nations towards the Origin is due to the fact that all “spiritual” action has been phagocytosed
by psychological ethics, both socially and individually.
The priest will wait for the changes to come to Earth from the Gods, never the other way around. The hero, on the contrary, will make the change
come from Earth to the Gods, pledging his will to a cause. It is the example of Parsifal, myth popularized by Wagner. However, an essential issue
must be clarified. The message of the Gods that was perceived by Wagner translated it from the esoteric to the exoteric, giving us an interpretation
(the opera as a whole) of how psychoid archetypes are manifested to understand the serpent and to proceed to the path of liberation Of the spirit
that each one is transiting. While it is true that it can inspire elevated feelings due to Wagner’s profound knowledge, music as such does not have to
be an end in itself, an object of pleasure, On the contrary, it must be understood as a tool to reveal initiatory aspects within a psychosocial
strategy.Intending to separate its social mystical function (as was the influence it had on Hitler) from its immediate historical context, and further
claiming to extol the “delight that produces such an artistic piece” dangerously approaches the worship of the object, that is, of the work.The
respectful and wise way to understand a work, such as Wagner’s, is, as is well pointed out in the videos, not to separate it from the author’s own
life. So the Gnostic understanding of a work does not pass through its contemplation, but involves its agglutination and improvement. Praising a
work and not trying to overcome it, or at least imitate it, ends up producing an immovable ethic, In which the past is observed as a golden age that
can no longer be returned. Any entity with the power to incite an initiatory process has to be considered in the same way as the ladder that allows
us to climb the wall. Once up, kick and goodbye very good. The next one that comes will have to straighten the ladder in the direction he intends to
climb, that is, that escalation has to be propitiated by oneself, created from scratch by oneself under the inspiration of those who were previously
able to do so. In the case of the much desired “experiences”, which are so widely spoken among the so-called “initiated”, it must be made clear
once and for all that such Gnostic experiences are not moments in which the virya is already free from responsibility, As if he had climbed on a train
and had only to be carried comfortably by a superior force. This mentality is precisely what prevents these experiences from happening, because
the parakito does not “do things for us”, but provides us with a contribution of divine strength so that we ourselves are able to achieve our
goals. This is the way of the heroes, the way of the wise warriors.
As we discussed in Chapter 3, Science, viryas have a serious problem with their own perception of the world and of themselves. There are those
who can feel strong and secure in their worldly position, but this is nothing more than an illusion, and we shall never tire of repeating it.When a virya
sits deep in the Self, it is very difficult to get out of it, Because comfort in his “safety net” in his “comfort area” will not allow him to commit a
“madness” from the material point of view, bogging down and propagating passivity to all who listen to him. When one obtains wisdom from a
particular place or someone, it is his duty to honor that wisdom and try to reach as many viryas as are prepared for it, as far as possible and with
discretion, of course. In the confusion between the Self of Carl Jung and the Self of Nimrod there is a great danger by the noological abyss that
separates both concepts. What are you talking about? So that they acquire more wisdom, or for the admiration and profit of the subject itself? If you
move the others you are supposed to do it with Honor, Based on a psychosocial strategy.If you want to create a movement, lead it, so that those
who come to you are the only ones who receive that knowledge that comes demanding. Taking advantage of spirituality is a characteristic of the
priest who is based on the playful, because he has settled in the material comfort that proprices the priesthood, living of others.
We must take absolute control of the subject of the soul. Without going through the initiatory death, no one can be called strictly initiated and the
culture that propagates will have a high percentage of dirt. The warrior despises the comfort and only lives to fight.
This chapter has raised a number of issues with regard to communication. In the following one will expose a series of common errors in order to find
a neutral axiological balance that purifies to the maximum the contaminating presence of the culture. If someone wishes to go deeper into the
concept of “Maieutic” we recommend following this link: An example of Maieutic: We also link this relevant conversation to the topic Use
google chrome to translate page to English
Chapter 6
In this chapter, in relation to the previous one, we are going to expose various gnoseological errors resulting from the cultural action of the enemy,
which materialize in a series of recurring lies in the media. Today these lies constitute errors, since most of the population is not aware of the
intentional misrepresentation of historical facts. The lost viryas do not distinguish between historical facts and cultural facts of the green
box . Sinarquía, by imposing on the population an omnipresent propaganda, has molded society to the point that cultural facts have become
reality. Today’s society is not aware that it lives in an unreal world, And will even defend with violence the cultural facts with which they have
programmed it neuro-linguistically. In this chapter we will expose the lies of the Synarchy to deprogram the reader’s mind.
It is not necessary at this point to explain to the reader that society has been deceived in everything concerning Adolf Hitler and National Socialist
Germany; But although many viryas are aware of these lies, they persist in the error of using the terms proposed by the Synarchy (“Entente” or
“Allies” in the HO). If we allow a certain ethnic group to determine the words that can and will not be used, they will have decanted the balance of all
public debate in their favor. We will present a series of points to reflect on the virya who has a mental disposition to reject the democratic
neolengua. Let it be clear that it is not our goal to modify the lexicon but to get the reader to notice their lack of freedom in choosing the words.
Words like ” Nazi ” or “III Reich ” are very useful for the media, because they are short, sound good, and can be added all kinds of pejorative
adjectives: “Nazi extremists” sounds good, but “National Socialists” would not have Sense, because in the word itself it is made explicit that National
Socialism is national socialism “national sovereign people.” The first expression is accepted by the conditioned mind of the lost virya, but the second
would cause stupor and cognitive friction in the masses of viewers or newspaper readers, which is dangerous for the stability of the supposed
democracy and objective of conquest of the new world order Without national sovereignties. Therefore, to say that the National Socialists are of
” Etc., without explaining the true motives of these alleged crimes, which makes the lost virya not know what the III Reich is concretely . When the
virya is not able to understand a specific language (not understood this time as “language” or “language”, but as “cultural expression”), the emotion
that invades it is always a minimum level of confusion that usually leads to fear . For example, both the lord of the cleaner and the stock market
investor would feel panic if they had to trade their trades; That is the “language” to which we refer. The lost virya does not understand the
expression “III Reich “, reason why it produces an instinctive rejection to him. Even if it is said: ” Reich means” empire ” You are likely to yell and / or
express yourself aggressively. The sonorous word ” Reich ” is conserved so that its strong and strange sound to the foreign ear causes fear. But the
mechanism of mental programming does not end there. Take the example of a virya who is rebellious and does not conform to social norms,
obtaining, on the part of the sheep kneeling before the power, the motto of “black sheep”. Black sheep show a noological ethic, questioning orders
when they consider a social mechanism to be unjust. This black sheep, the Luciferic virya, has only two alternatives: surrender and lose the battle,
or fight eternally against the ignorance of the social mass.The reason that the word ” Reich ” Is not translated directly into Spanish is that if they talk
to a young man about the bad thing that was the “Third German Empire”, this may come to be posed: “If an empire, being not democratic, is by
definition bad, then What do we consider to be good for the Roman Empire, among others? Why do we study the Roman Empire and the Third
German Empire at school? If both were in wars, including the war against Hebrew … why is there less legitimacy? Third German Empire? Why do
we praise the greatness and progress of the Roman Empire while we only have words of contempt for the Third German Empire? At this point, the
young man, if he is wise, will notice that at no time have they explained clearly why the events occurred in the strange ” Investigate, and wake
up. The Reich was the closest thing to a real European Union that we have had in the last 200 years. As its name indicates , the Reich is The
Empire, with capital letters.The true union and power of the European people materialized in the National Socialist ideal. Let us not look to distant
times of glory: the antiquity of Europe resurrected in the German Reich .Investigate, and wake up. The Reich was the closest thing to a real
European Union that we have had in the last 200 years. As its name indicates , the Reich is The Empire, with capital letters. The true union and
power of the European people materialized in the National Socialist ideal.Let us not look to distant times of glory: the antiquity of Europe resurrected
in the German Reich .

Speer had planned to build Welthauptstadt Germania (“Germania World Capital”) by the renovation of Berlin. On the left, a model
that includes the Volkshalle(People’s Pavilion) and the Triumphal Arch of Hitler. To the center and right, outside and inside of
the Volkshalle . As is evident and has been collected bibliographically, Hitler was very impressed by the Pantheon of Rome (which
we discussed in Chapter 2, “History”) and longed to endow Berlin with its own imperial monument. The dome, if built, would be the
largest in the world.
However, let us now consider that the subject is not savvy, but conformist, and passively accepts the version offered by
society. The subject only knows that in Germany (his particular idea of what Germany is), a long time ago, a new president came to
power, and that this new president could not be “removed”.Before the lost virya analyzes for itself whether such president of that
country did it right or wrong, the trial is already offered chewed. If he is a lazy subject, he will simply accept it, and thus assume that
he was a “bad” president, his voters being “bad”, and therefore it was necessary to massacre the German population, who were
“deceived” to believe The “crazy” who wanted “something” that the lost virya does not know what it is, but that certainly that
” Something “was crazy, because it has been drilled with neuro-linguistic programming in the brain since it was born.This is how the
political opinions of the lost viryas are fixed: it is given a term which does not know its origin And associate words like
“megalomaniac” or “nefarious” to polarize it. By association, because the lost virya does not think, but associates, the result is: “III
Reich ? It was terrible! “If asked,” Can you tell me in detail what happened in the Third Reich ? “He will answer:” I do not know what
happened, but it was terrible. “Instead of saying” The newsman tie-man says … “, the lost virya affirms the opinions of others,
convinced that what he says is true. This insecurity of not detaching itself from the group usually comes from a familiar environment
that has instilled a psychological ethics, added to the passage by the gregarious system sinarquico education. The result is an
unfiltered perception, which unites without question what comes from higher instances in terms of social prestige, whatever the
field. Once his personality in childhood has solidified, the lost virya will take the culture of the mass as its own, and, as we have
already said, expose it in affirmative sentences as if they were their own conclusions. That is why propaganda terms like “III
Reich “, which are almost amarketing item , an advertising slogan(from a “horror” movie in this case),
In these photographs it can be seen with complete clarity that the alleged racism of the Reich is an unfounded slander on the part
of the Synarchy
If we say “III Reich “, we are assuming that there were 2 before, and the same thing happens with the expression “World War
II”. For us there is no “III” Reich . Although the term Das Dritte Reich has been used periodically , we have not yet heard it once or
in speech or in text, any member of the Reich . It is also known that this term was not too popular … why would it be?Because
the Reich is ETERNAL, it is always the same even if it changes materially over time. They made an insurmountable gap pointing at
the enemy forever. The defeat of Germany perceived from the culture is illusory. The first coming was a success. How to call
it, so?Germany National Socialist would be a correct term, because there was only one, and not several. However, the term ”
Reich ” is infinitely wider than that of “National Socialist Germany,” for ” Reich ” refers not only to the German Empire, but to the
concept of the Hyperborean Empire at the macrocosmic level. Now, why do we call it “World War II”? Who invented and
propagated this term? To regard the greatest war of history as the “second part” of another is to despise it in its material and
spiritual magnitude. There are no “isolated wars”, which is how the Synarchy wants to make us see it, but wars are simply
“battles” Which will happen until the end of the great war that encompasses all the others, which is the Essential War. The fact that
the Essential War will continue until the liberation of the spirit of this world takes place is the reason why the Empire will always
exist.The world has always been and will always be in a state of constant war, even if there are small intermediaries of
“peace”. The “Second World War” is to be perceived as the continuation of the “First World War” in the sense that 1918-1939 was a
period of relative rest to prepare the next great battle, and not for all countries, but only For a few, and these few had in themselves
serious internal conflicts as is the case of Germany with Marxism in the so-called Revolution of November (1918-1919). It is not
true that there was peace in the “interwar period,” but that many nations were at war. The “peace period” wars were just as
destructive as “wartime” wars, such as the Polish-Soviet War (1919-1921), the Russian Civil War (1917-1923), the invasion Of
Poland in the east by the USSR in 1939, at the time of the liberation of Poland in the West by Germany, the Spanish Civil War
(1936-1939), the Italian invasion of Ethiopia (1935-1936) The Japanese invasion of China (1937), the Turkish War of Independence
(1919-1923), in addition to many other wars, economic collapses and coups d’etat, which caused millions of deaths. So peaceful
was the “interwar period.” Peace is very brief interruptions of war, and, generally, the longer the peace, the more destructive the
next war. The dead from 1914 to 1945 add up to countless millions, peaking in the winter of 1942, with the Battle of Stalingrad. In
February 1943, after the “defeat” in Stalingrad, Dr. Joseph Goebbels launches his celebrated speech, in which he declares the
In homage to the Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda of the Reich , this is how we propose to call the total offensive
launched by Adolf Hitler against the Powers of Matter, offensive of such dimensions and transcendence that not only profoundly
affected the whole of society German, but also to all the countries of the world. It is interesting to note the case of the Volkssturm ,
or “People’s Assault Forces”, the army formed by the civilian population in the last months of the Total War. The German people
raised in arms, fighting side by side for their own liberation, is the effect that a total war has on society: the masks fall, illusions
dissolve and the Synarchy is exposed to the eyes of all.

the Fuehrer congratulates young soldiers on their courage. Above, a soldier demonstrates to a group of children how to shoot
a Panzerfaust (antitank grenade launcher). Below, the Volkssturm is in formation. On the right, a portrait of a 16-year-old soldier of
the Hitler Youth.Note the bracelet.
To maintain the order of capitalist society or Marxist society, it is necessary that the viryas sacralizantes polarize the ludic ones so
that they accept the surveillance and the taxes. In order for the playful to be fearful and obedient, the sacralizers create “monsters”
and propagate hatred 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from the media; In this way, the lost viryas identify the media monster with an
enemy of the society’s lifestyle, which is exploited through the Cultural Pact. In the societies of the Cultural Pact there have been
from time immemorial imaginary beings towards which the negative feelings of the population are projected. For example, if a
group of druids is dedicated to kidnapping children to do rituals, The Druids will spread the rumor among the villagers that there is a
“chupacabras” on the mount, who is guilty of the abductions, or that there are “vampires” or “werewolves”, or whatever, and that
they are to blame Of all the unresolved crimes of society. Of course, these beings can not be captured simply because they do not
exist, so these crimes continue to occur and the villagers fail to understand why, despite the money the Druids receive to carry out
the “War against the Chupacabras”. Despite the stubborn zeal to capture the monster, they never manage to capture it and thus
avoid crimes, so the solution that the Druids offer the villagers is to give them the keys to their houses so that the Druids can enter
at any time, To reduce the risk that the Chupacabras could suddenly enter their homes and kidnap their children.Mysteriously,
crimes continue to happen, and even increase. A villager can not explain how they may have kidnapped their children, if the only
ones who were at home the day before were the druids.Desperate, he goes to the druids, and they answer him: “We can promise
you that we will promote, advance, cooperate, promote, dialogue, develop, promote and implement measures that allow the
immediate capture of the Chupacabras and that the full weight of We are working on it. ” This happens exactly the same nowadays,
word for word. These monsters are accused of being “violent” or “sectarian” as opposed to “tolerant” And “Democrats” supporters
of the Cultural Pact. The playful, in their ignorance, end up yielding to social influence and prefer material security to spiritual
freedom. If the workers of 70 years ago asked them “why is your country going to war?” They will answer that they are the good
ones and those of the other country are the bad ones, who have “said” it on the radio, hence the reason for the invasion, thus being
totally justified for them. If afterwards you can show them evidence that, on the contrary, it is your country that has committed the
crimes, and that the country perceived as an enemy has done nothing wrong, and therefore there is no evidence against which to
show, the Ludic will exclaim meaningless phrases, such as: “there are neither good nor bad, they are all the same!” Or “neither the
good ones are so good nor the bad ones are so bad”. However, he will go docile every 4 years to deposit his consent to be
governed by those he himself acknowledges to be against his interests.Sadly, the ludic can not awaken from this state of hypnosis
if it is not for a strong emotional shock, that breaks their intellectual dependence on mass media such as television or newspapers,
which are the ones who mold their world view, at To make him a faithful defender of the synarchic version. The ludic is not directly
afraid of this other option, which the media say will be “terrible, apocalyptic, creepy …”, but what others think if he chose to opt for
this new option. We have already seen how, throughout Germany, Marxists closed-minded at first, To see that the society
happened to accept massively another option, they changed of jacket without more and formed next to SA. This is how the
psychology of the masses works, precisely because they are governed by a psychological ethic, which is manipulable, unlike non-
ethical ethics, which is not.
In the so-called “Western society”, conditioned-minded viryas (or, what is the same, inside the green box ) are programmed so that,
upon hearing any phrase that includes the words “Marxist” or “Mason”, Get nervous and react emotionally instead of arguing
calmly. The ability to think critically about this type of virya is so atrophied that it is not worth continuing the conversation with
them.When in a HO book they read that American Masons (in collaboration with the Marxists of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics) launched an atomic bomb on the civilian population of Japan, starved millions of Ukrainians or bombed the demilitarized
German city of Dresden,These viryas do not see any kind of moral fault. It seems all correct, for the death of millions of innocents
does not constitute a holocaust to them … unless, of course, they have seen a film about it. Then yes! If there is a film about it then
it is a holocaust, and since they only see films of Hebrew producers, written by Hebrews, carried out by Hebrews and with
soundtracks composed by Hebrews … then it happens that the only holocaust that exists for them is that of The Hebrews, going so
far as to seriously consider that the only people that can be persecuted or massacred are the Hebrew people, so that when other
ethnic groups or religions are exterminated, they see nothing wrong with it, and show their support for the political party that Carried
out such wars or exploitation’s.
This is the reason why the terms used and promoted by the media should be immediately abandoned in the internal jurisdiction of
each, and in the external jurisdiction if possible. Up to this point, we have just expounded extensively on the functioning of the
ethical-psychological manipulation of masses in relation to neuro-linguistic programming.
The social order entrenched worldwide after 1945 constitutes a “Ponzi scam” (see in Wikipedia the article on Carlo Ponzi and the
article on pyramidal scams) whose ultimate purpose is to deceive the conscious subject. Pyramidal scams need to be distinguished
into two types: “open” pyramidal scam and “closed” pyramid scam. If it is open, we are talking about a Bubble scam, which is not
only habitual but also widely accepted in European societies. If it’s closed, we’re talking about a Ponzi-type scam. The difference
between a Bubble Scam and a Ponzi Scam is an essential element: in the Bubble Scam, investors know to a greater or lesser
extent what the business consists in, ie they are aware of the inner workings. However, in the Ponzi scheme,There is a scammer at
the top who ultimately controls investments, so that investors, even though they may suspect or know the cheating, lack
control. Under this closed pyramidal scheme, the lower ones feed the upper ones (following the hermetic principle: as above is
below, the microcosm reflects inversely to the macrocosm), always within the mind of this self-proclaimed “One God.” Here they
have a simplified scheme of the social system of the Synarchy after the “dissolution” of the USSR, download it to observe it in
detail. The lower ones feed the upper ones (following the hermetic principle: as above is below, the microcosm reflects inversely to
the macrocosm), always within the mind of this self-proclaimed “One God.” Here they have a simplified scheme of the social
system of the Synarchy after the “dissolution” of the USSR, download it to observe it in detail. The lower ones feed the upper ones
(following the hermetic principle: as above is below, the microcosm reflects inversely to the macrocosm), always within the mind of
this self-proclaimed “One God.”
The result of the synarchic and subversive acts since 1945 was the worldwide expansion of the playful ethic, by which the whole
“civilized” world came to recognize the supreme power of money.The truth is that the playful mind blindly believes in the game of
money, has it for an obvious and necessary fact, and it costs him to function without that reference. For the playful it is impossible
to understand that believing in the power of money is the same as believing that football is important, or that television programs or
the lottery are real. Only the minds that are able to climb on the shoulders of giants to see beyond the fold realize that money is
debt. The current money, which we use every day and in which we trust, is not endorsed by the work, So that when a country tries
to support the currency in the value of labor, all the world powers are conflated against it. Both this video and the following has the
option to activate subtitles in Spanish, but you have to enter YouTube to be able to put them.
Human society can not be described as anything other than a pyramid scheme.The work and sacrifice of those at the bottom of the
pyramid enriches those at the top. To remain in stable growth, the economy must incorporate more and more resources in
circulation, colonizing new continents, creating new labor forces and incorporating constant consumption into daily life. The
resulting inequalities can only be kept under control by increasing oppression. From the top steps we are encouraged to compete
against each other to improve our position in an economically interested manner. However, there is not enough space for all
players of this game at the top of the pyramid, and each time the situation is more unstable,Since no pyramidal thymus can expand
eternally. The mentality of playful virya is unable to understand the paradox of productivity, which will never allow the majority of the
population to live in an easy way, with debt being the factor necessary to maintain growth. When a good standard of living is
reached, the bankers will wage wars and epidemics, on the one hand, to profit economically from war, while, on the other hand, the
population will be reduced numerically.The basic premise is that the people are not able to take advantage of advances in
technology for their economic benefit. We will never benefit from the dividends produced by savings in production inherent in
technological advancement.On the other hand, these same advances allow to exploit the virya more efficiently,

As you can see, we are on the verge of collapse, but a playful virya neither can nor want to understand this, because his mind has
concentrated on how to get more money or more social prestige. True democracy, if by democracy we mean “power of the people,”
implies a government based on the defense of blood and soil, around the common socialist good delimited by national
sovereignty. Therefore, the correct concept of democracy is equivalent to National Socialism, while Marxism and capitalism were
created by Golem thinkers with the intention of disorienting nations and infiltrating their governments. What we have lived since
democracy was introduced is not a true democracy, because the army, which is the guarantor of the freedom of a people, Is
subordinated to the desires of the priestly caste, for today, there are no unilateral decisions except for a few exceptions. All
decisions must have the approval of global economic powers. This is because soldiers and their commanders ignore the past, and
believe that they are serving a just cause. As we said earlier, this is not accidental, but intentionally provoked by the international
powers, who try to erase all hint of national identity. Warrior cultures are destroyed by a systematic cultural attack on the past. The
strategy of the Synarchy is very simple: to bury the past to hide the Origin. It is enough to make him forget a community of viryas
who were warriors to make them meek.Then, they create a problem and they are offered a solution. In this way, Will accept the
living conditions of the World Government. If the population is united and the economy well organized, it is possible that a mystical
movement may disrupt the plans of the Synarchy. Therefore, the culture broth necessary to implant a World Government is the
instability of the nations.

The fact that we have lost our memory, erased after centuries of intellectual domination by the Judeo-Christian Church, is because
our recent ancestors have not been united around a mysticism, that is, they have yielded to temptations and Have been allowed to
invade culturally. This confusion can be seen in the impossibility for a current virya to go beyond a few generations, so that it
completely ignores his family tree. Why have we lost the notion that the lineage must be preserved and protected? For the invasion
of towns governed by the Cultural Pact. In the peoples of the Pact of Blood the lineages were structuring of the society. The
present virya is disoriented in the world.He does not know who his ancestors were, he does not know where he came from. You
can imagine, but not contrast.

The purpose of misleading an entire population is to hold total control over the memory of the past. A town without its own
language and its own history is a slave town, as it will obey the guidelines set by a group of foreigners infiltrated inside. The game
of the elite consists in squeezing the masses without the popular fury becoming unleashed. This tug-of-war will work as long as
society remains sedated by a psychological ethic, but Ponzi scams can not extend indefinitely.When the inevitable economic
resettlement finally occurs, it will be an opportunity for both nations and for the Sinarquía, which will guide the chaos towards the
establishment of the World Government. This government will be a Ponzi scam with the four society entities designed on a global
scale. Its intention is to unify the economy, politics and science under a unique and hierarchical-pyramidal model, to create a new
world religion. The question is … can you carry out such a plan? The answer is given by Sinarquía itself: How did the Sinarquía
present us the future when we were little? Surely the reader will have seen those books and movies about cities full of flying
vehicles, efficiently computerized homes and gigantic nuclear power stations. Well, that “utopian future” is really the world of the
late twentieth century if the Synarchy had not attacked Germany. Virtually all the technology of the “Allies” is based on the
advances made by the Reich in the 11½years that Hitler was in power. As is clear,The creation of atomic weapons(open in
google chrome to translate) and anti-gravitational vehicles is not due to human “progress”, but to the fact that Reich scientists were
contacted. The only ones capable of developing the technology necessary to build the atomic bomb were the Germans, and it is
known that they had it ready before the end of the war. Why then did they allow Americans and Soviets to steal their advanced
technology? The result is obvious. If you give some dogs a ham to keep it they will not be able to contain themselves for a long
time, and will end up biting each other for the precious booty. It is the same with the current geopolitical situation. The puppet
governments compete with each other for a piece of cake, while in Antarctica, The Germans have the cake factory. As resources
become scarce, the escalation of violence will be unstoppable. The fact that the Reich can not be destroyed (even if it changes its
shape) is hidden from the population by all possible means, the main tool being distraction. But what will the Synarchy do when the
“bread and circus” is finished? As long as the masses remain dormant, and the memory of their past is not revived, the world will
continue its evolution. However, the desire to know the Origin will increase as the consumerist way of life breaks, causing the
collapse of the axiological values that led to this situation of spiritual decline. The accurate prospect of poverty and slavery will be a
blow to the faces of the sleepers who have swallowed up the promises of prosperity and freedom. The next “world war” will be
much more brutal than the previous coming of the Lord of War, manifested in Adolf Hitler. Prepare spiritually for the coming war.

Chapter 7


Once you have reached this chapter, you need to be aware that you are at a crossroads. After realizing that neither History, nor Science, nor
analysis of race, linguistics, or economics can provide the spiritual answers he is seeking, the reader can act in two ways: he can stumble twice with
the same stone and Go back again, to the red box , or you can continue in your process of release and enter the archetypal blue box . In this
chapter we will provide guidance that will allow the virya to begin to resign the archetypes that keep him tied to the illusion through emotional

In our present state, it is not possible to remember anything that is prior to the moment of the fall in the Material Universe. However, based on the
concepts of “gnostic look” and “hostile back” of the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom, we are going to propose an allegory that allows us to
understand the spiritual fall in a simple way. Remember the reader, and keep in mind, that all cultural expression is essentially non-spiritual, as we
have already explained in Chapter 6, Hermeneutics. Let’s start with the allegory:
Suppose we are all Gods in a world that has nothing to do with it. It is not a physical world, but an “area” (there is no way to express non-being from
the being) immaterial devoid of limits and spatio-temporal determination. As if we were a big family, There are young and old gods, there are
parents and children, even though no one owns or controls anyone.The community is calm and happy, all members are integrated into society … all
but one, a mad autistic old man, unaware of who he is and who the others are, lost in a self-induced delirium. This old man has, as a God, a great
power, which he uses to create imaginary worlds in his mind, in which he is the supreme God and controls the creatures as if they were ants inside
a box.
The “adults” or “chiefs” of this society of gods are aware of the situation of the old man, whom they call “Demiurge.” They know how dangerous it
would be to approach this crazed old man and be absorbed into his nightmares. Therefore, although they can not control them, The “parents” warn
the “children”: “Do not approach that senile old man, he has a very dangerous magic and they could be trapped. Go where you want, but never try
to communicate with the Demiurge.”
The “god children” obey at first, but the seriousness of the “elders” has encouraged their curiosity. This race of eternal gods is perhaps very
intelligent and likes to understand everything they “see”, investigating with kindness and innocence. Fatally, either by their own decision or by a trick
of the Demiurge, these children one day are drawn to the danger of mischief, and they come to watch the mysterious magician … The parents of
the children would be late to the scene of the ” crime”. They realize that the “minds” Of their children have been trapped inside the mind of the senile
old man, which would condemn them to live indefinitely in a material world, condemned to die and be born, to experience pain day after day, forced
to kill to survive, and suffer a thousand follies And diseases. If these children could realize that this world is an illusion, the play would end. But they
do not know it because to enter into that fictitious Universe there is a deletion of memory, and they end up believing that this world of plasticine, that
3D construction, is really the real world. In addition, they have become “hominids”, inhabiting an animal body (ruled by a soul or soul), which makes
them unable to remember their divine origin. They have been reverted spiritually, as when a virya enters a state of deep coma.
Full of fury, the parents are armed with courage and plan a plan: they will voluntarily go into the dream of the Demiurge to rescue the children as if
they were a military command. That is why the divine mission is a battle maneuver, a battle raised to “death”, whose strategy transcends material
death. They risk entering into a world of madness for the love of their children, for love beyond death, for they know that death is illusory.It would not
seem too difficult for parents to enter the Universe, clothed with hostility to avoid falling into the sensual delusion of the Demiurge, and then
awakening the fallen. But the children … They have fallen in love with matter! They do not want to leave! They have forgotten the Origin, they have
betrayed their people and they have agreed with the Demiurge, taking a form of ” Unique norm and value of the community of Gods. In the Final
Battle, all the captive spirits will awaken, including the Demiurge, and we will return to the Origin from where we never moved and where we belong
eternally. This is just a proposal for understanding. Maybe we were wrong.Maybe we fell for treason in a war against other Gods. Maybe we
volunteered to heal the Demiurge from his illness. We do not know, we can not remember. But of one thing we have no doubt: all spirits are
brothers and are united by the Honor, who is not of this world. Everything else is illusion. All that produces society, goods, titles, prestige, material
powers, beauty, intelligence, physical strength … all this is no more than mere illusion, Is nothing more than a network of zeros and ones sustained
by the archetype gravis. The simulation displayed before our senses, after losing the blood memory, becomes the only reality we know. Unless
there is a “computer failure” (a violation of deterministic laws) or there is a gnostic orientation, one has no clue to suspect that physical reality is
actually an illusion.Only those who have a Gnostic predisposition will observe those reddish clouds of summer sunsets, and absorbed in reflection
will say to themselves: “This world does not seem real … it can not be, it is too absurd, it has no meaning at all instance”. The others, the vast
majority, will observe the colors of the sky and marvel at the miracles of the Creator,Preferring pleasure and mental “well-being” instead of the
uncomfortable state of constant struggle that assumes the truth-seeker at any cost. We recommend watching the movie “The Show of Truman”
(1998) in relation to the latter, where you can observe a funny luciferic attitude (the role of Jim Carrey since he begins to realize the
deception). Establish the relationship between Truman and this image of an old engraving.
Universum, Flammarion, engraving, Paris (1888); Colored version of Hugo Heikenwaelder, Vienna (1998).
However, it is not all bad news for us. In this unequal war we have logistical support from the comrades “from above”: the Grail was
installed in this Universe and the message of the primordial gnosis was given to the men so that the sleeping spirits will wake up in
preparation to the Final Battle . Only the power that is released when an eternal spirit awakens from deception is enough to decant
war on our behalf. The liberation of spirits leads to the increase of chaos, because if the wisdom that contains each spirit
disappears, it stops making sense of cultural entities. All meaning-making since falling into matter until liberation constitutes a
structure similar to a tree, from the branches (present) to the roots (past),

The sustenance on which the emotion of affection or hatred created from the reversion of spirit to matter is based, because it is not
satiated, causes pain.The totality of the Gnostic looks would constitute all the Gnostic power under the Nimrod model of the “spirit-
sphere.” This uncreated spirit, which is eternal and indivisible, usually manifests itself in a sympathetic present (the true equivalent
to the so-called “free will”). In eternity, uncreated spirits hold up for themselves in the infinite, nondetermined “infinite universes” (we
can only communicate it from the human point of view), where they can be and manifest in their absolute individuality. Seen from
the primordial gnosis, The state of pure possibility in the Absolute Self is reversed when the orientation to the center is lost astray
within a dream.
The Creator of Illusion is dreaming, and in doing so creates a space-time Universe in which memories of uncreated “regions” are
imitated in extensive present. This dream, perhaps created by some illness or disease that has separated it from the primordial
Origin, is based on pain. The Demiurge has passed a threshold of pain such that it has ended by phagocytizing it, being now
unable to react with Honor after the impurity absorbed by this hypothetical trauma of fear. This Universe is governed by the
dualistic process of cause-effect, action-reaction. The created birth of the Universe is what rationalist scientists call the Big
Bang, While we identify with the creative will of the Demiurge. Everything that is contained in this dream, from the beginning to the
end of transcendent time, will end up invariably dissolved in Chaos, or Great Pralaya. The mystery of the pain of the Creator, which
is the cause (or perhaps the effect) of his betrayal of the Origin, must be solved and corrected by the other spirits in order to
awaken from this deep infernal trance that has created its twisted ” mind”. When his spirit finally awakens and becomes aware of
the immense fantasy he has created, all created forms will be re-absorbed in his mind with the consequent definitive end of the
created Universe, which seems to be a sine qua non requirement for the total liberation of The enslaved spirits.
In the eternal realms there exists a center of orientation of the highest purity, which the hyperborean gnosis denominates God
Unknowable. The word itself indicates: it is not possible to know it in the state in which we are. As long as we remain “enclosed”
within the mind of the Demiurge, the only thing we can perceive is its parakito. These moments of grace occur when the virya
performs acts of Honor, providing an “extra” power to support him in his spiritual battle. The “channel” by which this force comes to
us is unknown, for it is not causal, just as the whereabouts of the Black Sun of the Spirit (Schwarze Sonne) or the Luciferic Grail
itself is unknown. And yet, if the virya is “concentrated in its spiritual center,” that is, If he does not allow himself to be moved by
cultural facts, he can perceive that non-illuminating star, black as a chasm, cold and lonely, somewhere “outside” us, so far that he
seems to be very much “in” in fact.
The pain comes from the emanations of the Cosmic Demiurgic Logos, which generate the creative energy of all material forms in
the different planes of signification. This cosmic logos contains the other logos (Solar and Earth) and the entire archetypal (Mayan)
psychoid network that supports the entire micro-macrocosmic cultural superstructure of all planes of meaning. Here is a fragment of
the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom:
QUANTUM ARCHATIPIC GRAVIS, After suffering a trauma, the Demiurge loses absolute orientation and decides to create his
own world by imitating the Unknowable God. This insane envy can be seen in that it has manifested itself to ancient peoples as
“the only God,” while at the same time concealing the cowardly truth beyond it. As if it were a parasite, the Demiurge feeds on the
gnostic glances of the captive spirits, exploiting the Vril or Spiritual Power to maintain his Creation.Both the spiritual fall and the will
to heal demiurgic dementia are a mystery of A-mort. The Demiurge is incapable of being loyal and acting with Honor to the eternal
Origin, and this is reflected in the madness of his Creation in which all the entities depregate each other to survive. Lacking
courage and loyalty, The Demiurge is overwhelmed with fear, and despite the insistence on wanting to keep this Illusory Creation,
everything ends up falling apart with the inevitable awakening of the sleeping spirits, which happens sooner or later. By ceasing to
feed the demiurgic fantasy, the awakening of this impostor God is generated with the consequent dissolution of his Material
Universe. To accomplish this, it is as simple as captive spirits realize through the pain of their wickedness and withdraw their
meaning, “killing” it of starvation. How does the Demiurge keep the spirits deceived so that this does not happen? At the level of
Humanity has a strategic weapon that is called “culture”, or “cult”, which is the same, and is composed of 4 entities that act in
society: Economy, Politics, Science and Religion. When a virya awakens, he is attacked by demiurgic cunning, to try to drown his
wisdom as punishment for wanting to leave his infernal world. Only viryas with a will to fire and an icy heart are able to understand
with the sign of the Origin of the serpent and overcome all deception. It is then that the warrior can return to the Origin from where
he never really moved. The most prominent emotion of the Demiurge is envy. From this emotion all the dementia is triggered,
clearly observing in Nature that everything is imitation and plagiarism, made with the plasticine of matter, because the Demiurge is
not able to create authentic things, things not created, things that do not have Neither beginning nor end. Your consciousness-time
is imbued with this emotion, And that is why the ludic and sacralizing types act in such a way. It is these types that the Demiurge
favors and promotes to strengthen his Work, so that they are pressed to concentrate the power (Synarchy) and to concretize the
World Government. The Demiurge receives his tajadita on the basis of a nonexistent fear that infuses the viryas, feeding on the
archetype predatory hunger and thirst for blood. Therefore, the sense that these psychological types promote makes the Demiurge
the security it needs to continue dreaming of the entelechy of its plan, moving towards its final goal. The subjection suffered by the
viryas manifesting the grace of the spirit is the result of the envy that the Demiurge feels in reminding him of the Origin. However,
however much effort it takes to create a perfect dream, It will always be impossible. This is because, in his madness of wanting to
appropriate himself cowardly of what he can not do for himself, the Demiurge produces pain to the viryas. The envy generated by
the lost viryas themselves is a demiurgic reflection due to the influence of the part pasú that created the Demiurgo to miscegenar
the spiritual blood with the non-spiritual blood. Spiritual grace, which is honor, does not foster the urge to take away the position or
property of others, but the simplicity of character and the practice of honesty. If the virya is able to identify this pain as an alien, the
same pain (or rather, the overcoming of pain through its understanding) can be the cause of spiritual awakening. The virya, in its
orientation, traces the path of transcendent time to the point Tau, Which is the beginning of the fall of the spirit in matter. By
understanding the serpent with the sign of the Origin, the virya will revert the “sphere” of his spirit to normality and again will be free
in the Origin. In the journey of pain of the virya all the experiences are useful to remember and to be strengthened, as long as the
fight is not abandoned due to the suffering. The strategy of the enemy is to harm the awake viryas who are in some gnostic way of
spiritual liberation. It is therefore necessary to despoil itself of all drama (pain), because, when losing the fear, the psychoid
archetypes are resigned and the death is transcended. Fear, the cause of pain, is like a parasite that must be fenced and
quarantined, which destroys itself when it has no one to feed on. The same applies to the human soul, which is the temporal
consciousness of the Demiurge. By surrounding this dementia, forcing the Demiurge to awaken, all Creation will dissolve, freeing
all spirits while the Tyrant will be properly quarantined. This material Universe is a constant create and destroy, and that is the
essence of its imperfection. The true eternal Origin is the truth that does not degrade, just as opposed to the matter that sustains
the Demiurge, which is corrupted. Traitorous spirits who allied themselves with the Demiurge committed the utmost lack of dishonor
to Origin by falling in love with matter. All betrayal of the Origin comes from the Demiurgic dementia that is reflected in the ludic and
sacralizing types, desecrators of the Primordial Gnosis,Manipulating it and hiding it so that it is not accessible to the virya. The way
of the warrior is solitary.
Having reached this point, knowing the spiritual fall and the cause of pain, we will now provide a small guide of emotional
management that can be extended by reading the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom. In the example we will treat the conflict
of two viryas, one oriented and the other disoriented, but the lost virya can have an emotional conflict with any entity of the material
The fragile subject to the environment is unable to withstand the external emotional changes confronting his own.The loss of
stability that occurs when the subject’s inner emotion reacts to an external emotion, engaging in drama, manifests itself in a mood
disorder. This mismatch involves a conflict with its consequent making sense, yielding the psychic energy, Feeding the beings.
At the moment that the subject decides to move away from the conflict the emotional energy exchange is interrupted.The drama
dissolves when the other party does not receive that energetic contribution that it considers necessary in the mutual
communication. When the first subject decides to isolate himself from the conflict, the second subject will increase his energy input
to try to feed from the drama in communication to the point of saturation itself. Before the conflict, the second subject already had
the emotional disorder. When he finally gets tired of insisting, the subject will return to the starting point, before
communication. Once the subject has exhausted all his psychic energy, his brain enters a state of shock, followed by stillness, and
this is the right moment to take advantage of and make him understand, If the subject still has ears to listen to, that such behavior
is not adequate to resolve the drama in which he is involved.
If an individual stands firm in an emotional shock, without changing his inner emotion, he becomes aware of the fundamental
difference between emotion and feeling. Emotion is the expression of the soul subject towards a virya or a situation, involving
himself. The psychic relation to the person or thing will be of affection or hatred according to the characteristic of the archetypal
pattern and the closeness that is maintained with it. This relationship affects the subject by taking part in the conflict of the drama,
be it friendly or hostile, which removes it from the center of itself.
The sentiment, however, It would be the fact of observing the situation of the subject or thing without the external emotions and
reason interceding with the emotions of the individual. In this case we are a spectator able to not internalize in the emotion the
emotional disturbances of the exterior, avoiding harmful emotional or physical repercussions. In this way we create an isolated area
of the environment, where the internal feelings are not disturbed, in which, if we do not allow or are not created cracks by certain
emotional traumas or problems to overcome, no external conflicts that disturb us The internal state with respect to the exterior. In
this case it will be possible to be fair in the most complicated situations, since the point of view of the situation will be objective
without getting involved in the conflict of the participants, but being aware of it.Having no need to give or take away psychic energy,
the need to be a bidder for Maya disappears, and, by not feeding the conflict, this archetype is resigned.Therefore, if it were hostile
to us, we will act in self-defense without the conflict affecting us. To get control of the emotions you have to keep in mind that all the
conscious or unconscious fears have to be resigned. Taking for granted that the fears in the conscious have been resigned, it is
necessary to submerge in the shadow of the unconscious to bring light to the fears that we do not know, to emerge them to the
conscious and thus to be able to resign them. As we scrabble and resigned to each fear discovered with will, will leave the other
fears, one after another, To go resigning them and to reverse those lost Gnostic glances towards the center of the Self. Fear is
definitely overcome and emotions do not again disturb the individual’s interior. According to the Hyperborean Wisdom, when it is
possible to surround the emanations of the soul, preventing that nothing of the exterior or the interior takes it out of its center of
action, it is said that the individual has the power to control the emotions in their own benefit of return to the Origin Primitive of the
comprehensive present.
The family archetype is the guarantor of Creation. Without the continuity of births provided by the social mechanism of forming a
family, the Creation would be in serious imbalances that could lead to forced intervention. This can be easily understood if we look
at the capitalist system: it is necessary to father children so that, when they grow up, they will pay the pensions of the parents, who
are now working to pay the pension of the grandparents of these children. When these grandparents die, and the parents become
grandparents, the children will become working adults and their children will be the children who will work as adults to pay the
pension when the adults are elderly. This is repeated in an infinite loop. At a time when a generation is not able to pay the pensions
of their elders, there will be a social breakdown that will lead to civil war, famine, massive unemployment or any other type of social
The family, in its minimal expression, is composed of a woman, a man, and a descendant, whether this man or woman.Mother
represents matter, warm love, energy, animality. It is what the Hebrews call Binah. The father, on the other hand, represents the
Demiurge, and plays a role of owner, master, dictator of behavior and molding of thought. The goal is that this offspring, still to be
programmed, will become its reproductive age either in a mother or in a father. To prevent virya from trying to free himself from
biological and social determinism, There are a lot of psychological mechanisms that must be faced in order to achieve total
independence. The current family is designed to bind the virya to the lifestyle of the Cultural Pact. When the virya deviates from this
path, the archetypes possess the progenitors, although also possessions are produced in descendants and siblings or
cousins. Subjects are invaded by a sense of emotional terror that forces them to act against what they would normally consider
“reasonable” or “normal.” It is possible that relatives, while phagocytosed, harbor absurd thoughts in their minds, incurring
contradictions or hallucinations, which they do not remember or do not perceive as such once they leave the phase of possession.
The best way to deal with these situations is to remain unmoved by the emotions that will be projected onto the gnostic virya. It is
vital not to participate in the drama with which they want to surround the virya in order to disorient him and make him fall into a
trap. It is necessary to observe how archetypes work in their harassment process without being offended or feared. The most
important thing is to keep in mind that all the attacks of the archetype family are always focused on ATAR to virya, in any way. All
archetypical effort will be directed at preventing the virya from having freedom, be it economic, emotional, physical, political, or of
any kind. The way to defeat the archetype family is to conquer independence in all its aspects. For that,The virya will have to face
strong emotions that will try to cow him during his fight. In order to disarm them, the virya must show a graceful luciferic attitude,
which in itself makes the emotions into ridiculous alienations. The virya who succumbs to the aggressive emotions of the archetypal
family sees the conflict and the subjects in which it manifests itself as a huge problem that seems insurmountable unless it repents
and returns to the fold. On the other hand, the virya who is firm in his conviction will see the psychic subjects who try to control him
as insecure insects that scurry around him, in the vain hope of “making him come to reason”, that is, that he returns to the fold. It is
not about hating the family, but about sticking to it. It is about maintaining a friendly relationship but without emotional ties or any
kind. The optimum in this regard would be to maintain a healthy relationship with all members of the family, while respecting the
absolute sovereignty of the virya in question.However, there are families especially ill-treated by the archetypes, and in extreme
cases the best option of virya is to move away without violence from the family environment and seek independence elsewhere.
Now is the opportune moment to expose a capital detail in the understanding of the archetype family: when a virya has a
descendant, the first will always see the second as his “offspring”, his “creature”, even if they spend decades, refusing to recognize
that already He is not dealing with a child but with an adult. When the descendant virya agrees to fulfill the role of son, it is a
limitation, because he will always act according to what his parent approve or disapprove. This keeps the ego asleep, not letting it
awaken individuality.The virya with the frozen heart will deactivate the karma that his parents have bequeathed to him so that it
does not splash him more never, thus avoiding to pass from parents to children. If he fails to do so, this karmic pattern will be the
rector of both partners and friends, thus perpetuating karmic affective bonds.Although he no longer lives with his parents, the virya
will not be “independent”, but will be tied up again in another affective environment. What determines the particular programming
that the conditioned virya will continue in the future? The affective deficits during growth, whether by the mother or father, or
both, Or protected by other persons exercising father and mother, will cause the virya seek to address these shortcomings through
a relationship with another virya. If we want to have a partner but avoid falling back into the conflict that produces the family
archetype, it is necessary to have previously resigned the karma in its entirety in order to make the choice with freedom, and not
determined by the psychosocial mechanics.
What is mentioned in the previous paragraph will be decisive in the relationship between viryas who seek to orient
themselves. When a virya meets another on the Gnostic path two circumstances may arise, depending on the understanding in the
communicative act: that there is a connection of wisdom from the present comprehensive, or that there is emotional conflict from
the present extensive. This is because not all viryas have the same degree of orientation. When a less oriented virya is related to
another more oriented virya, the acts of Honor of the second will function as a spring mechanism on the first, triggering the
questioning of that sustenance that the first virya believed to be firm. It will depend on the less oriented virya to understand it to
reverse that outward-looking gnostic gaze, or to reject comprehension by polarizing emotionally.In the second case, the virya will
fail to discern that coincidence or opportunity that came before him to understand. As is evident, the offended virya will cut off the
communication by claiming that he is the one who is oriented, and not the other.Sooner or later, The disoriented virya will go
through the same experience in different scenarios unless he reflects on his behavior. Because that spring was already touched in
its day, this virya will repeat the same pattern over and over again until, because of the pain, it ends up eliminating that which is
alien to it and is located in the unconscious, or sphere of shadow.
We will now highlight the difference between emotional hostility and essential hostility. In emotional hostility, the virya, who is
asleep, is emotionally involved in conflicts, polarized in the duality of love and hate. The self-impostor of the created soul manifests
itself from the conscious subject, being bidder of sense of the illusory drama in the transcendent time. In this way, Virya evolves
unconsciously through pain and suffering in the present extensive.
On the other hand, the essential hostility of the awake virya arises from the Gnostic predisposition proper to Luciferic graceful
attitude. Conflicts are observed from the cold fire, without being emotionally involved in them. Each conflict of drama surmounted
with essential hostility is a Gnostic glance that reverts to the center of itself. Through the murmur of his pure blood the virya
remembers that all is illusion. The Material Universe is the scene of a drama, a theatrical spectacle of illusory psychoanal
archetypes, in which the lost virya is forced to be an actor without realizing it. The virya, if he wants to return to the eternal Origin of
his uncreated spirit, Has to confront the Powers of Matter with cold fire.
Finally, we want to remind the reader that these guidelines we offer are not a Buddhist, Hindu, or any New Age type of roll intended
to cleanse karma. Our intention is not that, but it is the integration of the family archetype. The main question is that the ego must
have been isolated in order to fully comprehend the resignation of the family archetype. The act of resigning the archetypes is a
necessary premise to purify the blood with the aim of enlarging the flow of blood memory of our ancestors, on a path that goes
backward and not forward in transcendent time, reverting all the gnostic glances in The center of the isolated Self, completing the
Self or selbst.
It is said that a sage visited a region in which monkeys are very abundant, to the point of being part of the daily life of people, both
the lower and upper classes.The monkeys are a sacred animal there, to the point of being more valued than the same Gods of the
naturalist pantheon of the villagers, who is anyway related to the monkeys: Rain that wets the monkeys, the Sun that warms the
monkeys, the Wind that refreshes the monkeys … you could almost say that the monkeys, carrying lives without any sense, are the
rulers of the so-called Monkey Region, because its inhabitants are folded to their desires. If the monkey pricks this part of the body,
or the monkey craves such or such food, the issue becomes a priority to which efforts and resources are dedicated. The monkeys
are everywhere, Everything is full of dirt, and they produce night and day an infernal clamor based on howls and musical
instruments bought with the taxes extracted from the locals.
The official culture was that which the monkeys produced, with the help, of course, of their interpreters, the Priests of the
Monkey. The peasants were forced for hours to observe and worship the stupid monkeys. This had to be carried out every day,
without exception, because the one who dared to dissent was labeled as “antimonite” or “monophobic,” which is the worst thing that
can happen to an inhabitant in the Mono Region. The dissidents are punished with fines and jail sentences, in addition to their
offspring being abducted, raped and interned in the Mono Camps where they are “invited” to live with monkeys, So they can see
how wonderful it is to live in the Monkey Region.
It should be added that these monkeys can bear arms, unlike the inhabitants of this region, who are absolutely forbidden anything
that can be used in self-defense, and are not allowed to carry a utensil unless it can be demonstrated that Was to be used in a
concrete way for a trade or work. As imbued with a collective eigégoro, the psyche of monkeys is dominated by a generalized
feeling of hatred towards man, which they perceive as an “intruder in their territory”, even though these monkeys come from
another region. The monkeys have been organized into gangs which, while for most of the day (in which they eat, copulate, And
are dedicated to their games) are harmless as long as they are not disturbed and given what they want, at night they organize
gangs with the sole intention of having fun, causing the constant discomfort of the population.
They, after maintaining these behaviors for years without reprimand, consider to this day something ordinary and even acceptable,
reason why turning the streets into a real hell sees it almost like a duty.They are, in the words of the local workers, like a plague
thrown upon them. As a result of the impunity of the monkeys, a real reign of terror has been imposed on the unhappy and pious
villagers, to the point of being worth more the life of a monkey infectious than that of a hardworking and honest citizen. Doctors are
employed in curing and treating monkeys, While the peasants suffer all kinds of calamities. Sometimes they go hungry, but it is
forbidden under severe penalties to use the reverse of food for the monkeys. In short: the laws are made not to the measure of the
man, but to the measure of the monkey, made by the Priests of the Monkey.
The wise man observed with amazement the uses of these people, so filled with fear of the sacred symbols. After investigating
among the peasant population, he discovered that this state of affairs had been propitiated not by the monkeys themselves after a
war in which they would have won, but quite the contrary, men themselves had endowed themselves with such a system of
government . His way of counting the years is based on the supposed beginning of the Monkey Age, But no one remembers in
what year they were considered to be before the calendar change, and to ask these questions is a sin, for they are forbidden
mysteries to all who are not part of the Priests of the Monkey, the most powerful social class in the region. The villagers were
convinced that this new order of things was better than the previous one because the peasants are “very evil, evil, antimonite”, and
that if we want equality in society, that’s the way things should be.
The wise man remained there just and necessary time to understand the nature of such madness. Shortly thereafter, he confined
himself for days in the monastery of the contiguous region to reflect on what he had witnessed. When he left he issued the
following lessons:
– If you want to destroy a city, Arm your best men. If you want a city to destroy itself, it arms its worst monkeys. Tell me who to
legislate for a government and I’ll tell you who controls them.
– The purity of a town can be measured by its memory. A people who are not able to remember behind cultural obscurantism are
impure people. A people that has no past did not fight to the death, but chose cowardice with its consequent forgetfulness. This is a
betrayal. The impure people are those people who prefer to live a few dozen years as a slave to die in the act by their ideal, and for
this sells their eternity. Treachery is ignorance, and ignorance is treason.
– If you smell like a monkey, you’re a monkey. Smell is now the most valuable sense, For in this age people no longer listen and
constantly create an infernal vibration. Some peoples smell different, and this makes it possible to identify them even if they
camouflage themselves with the aspect of the people they intend to destroy.
– If you eat like a monkey, you’re a monkey.The monkeys do not reflect on the act of eating: they only eat because it is dictated by
the archetype hunger, which also dictates when, even if the occasion is not propitious. The monkey does not know how to distribute
the food: it eats until it is satiated, although the next day it will be hungry. This is so in all societies in which monkeys have been
conferred rights proper to men.
– If you act like a monkey, you’re a monkey.The population has forgotten how it was that time past in which the man was master of
his destiny. In their confusion,The difference between monkey and man has been diluted, and many men have adopted monkey
customs. People who do not understand what a man is and what a monkey is, in a different way, is a monkey village, not a man. –
Only one monkey looks at another monkey. If you look at a monkey, you’re a monkey. A look at where you want to get, or what you
want to become. The monkeys want to remain monkeys. They are very happy being what they are and doing what they
do. Instead, man looks to the Gods, for he himself wants to be a God again. People who despise the monkey, and who even
reduce it by force if necessary, and who focus their efforts on looking to the Gods, is a people of pure men. This is as valid today as
for yesterday and as for tomorrow, Until the day when there are no monkeys on this Earth. That will be a tragic day for the forces of
Nature because they will have lost their mammalian son: the monkey.That day will also be a memorable day for the violence that
will unleash, and will be as fleeting as a blink.
“The spiral: the sacred symbol of the pasu. Evolution in transcendent time always ends in the same way: in a Holocaust of Fire.”

Chapter 8
When the virya is stripped of the emotional drama, not wanting to continue to nourish the psychoid archetypes, there is the “punishment”, and will
invade a feeling of loneliness, absence, abandonment with respect to the culture of the blue box , the same Time that nostalgia for the uncreated
grows. To put you in touch with your ancestors we will dedicate the first part of this chapter to the Albigensian Crusade, the crusade against the
Cathars. With this historical framework, we will then provide our particular vision of courtly love, or A-mort, hyperborean love beyond death.
Nowadays groups of subjects proliferate that claim to be “heirs” of the Cathars, staining with their ignorance the name of the pure men. We would
like to share with the readers of the blog the remembranceand respect for the immaterial work that the pure men carried out in their time, whose
echoes still reverberate for those who see with the eyes of the spirit. We will do it through a song called “Hymn of the Cathars”. It would be
extraordinary if this song were prior to massacres like that of Beziers, as if it were a prophecy that announces the fate of those who rebel against
slavery (remember the “mark of Cain” and the epithet of King Nimrod : The “Defeated”). However, it seems to be a popular song, after the crusade.
Walled city of Carcassonne, department of Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon region. It was one of the scenarios of the Albigensian
Because of their status as an independent church over the papacy, the Cathars hardly used sacraments, so there is no guarantee
that this song will be used in the liturgy in the same way as they are used in the Judeo-Christian liturgy. The German who has
uploaded the video, a composer and arranger, has versioned the song, which in other videos has a more “popular” sound, with
rustic instruments, suitable to be danced. If a state of relaxation is added to the use of the echo and synthesizers, preferably at
night, an immersion effect can occur, which may give rise to old memories lost in the leafy humidity of a beech tree, which returns
to us floating in a fresh gust Of winter air,
The text of this Cathar hymn contains a codified message, with Joan being the medieval Cathar church, which has been weakened
and removed from southern France (Occitania) by the horrible Albigensian crusade. The spiritual essence of the Cathars is still
vibrating in caves and waters. ” In the analysis we will continue the interpretation based on that key to understand the letter from
the point of view of Hyperborean Wisdom. But before we will offer the lyrics of the song in Spanish. The rest of the languages can
be consulted in the description of the video. TRANSLATION TO SPANISH: 1. When the shepherd returns from work, he plants his
gallows. 2. He finds his wife at the foot of the fire, all disconsolate. 3. ” If you are sick, say yes. We will make you a stew, 4. with
coli-radish, cabbage-cabbage and a fine lark. ” 5.” When I die, bury me in the depths of the cave. 6. Put your feet against the wall
and your head under the gutter. ” 7. And the pilgrims who will pass by will take the holy water, and say,” Who died here? It is poor
Joanna, who went to paradise, to heaven, with her goats. ” Who died here? It is poor Joanna, who went to paradise, to heaven,
with her goats. ” Who died here? It is poor Joanna, who went to paradise, to heaven, with her goats. ”

The pastor is the Roman Judeo-Christian church. Joan, his wife, is the Cathar church. Let us remember that church is a Greek
word that means “community”, that is to say, it is the community cátara, although also that word designates the physical building
where that community meets and, due to its political and economic power, “Church” ended up designating In general, to Judeo-
Christianity especially in the Western Church, not so much the Orthodox, and to a greater extent in the Catholic area than in the
Protestant area. The pastor returns from work, has completed his work, and plants his “gallows”. Why does a shepherd need a
gallows to direct his flocks? In any case it would need a staff, not a gallows that is a sharp instrument used to collect the fodder and
give it to eat the cattle.Nevertheless, The mention of planting the gallows at the end of the work gives a slight impression that, at
the same time that he takes care of his cattle, he is also mistreating him. “Plant the gallows” after “work”, it sounds like “planting the
cross” after “having carried out the massacre”.But why do we identify Joan as her “woman”? Because the Cathar church was
considered the “wife” of the Roman Church, something like a “younger sister”, identifying it with femininity in contrast to the
masculinity of the papacy. It is the lunar influence opposite to the solar influence, the dark opposed to the bright, the cold opposed
to the hot, the introspective opposed to the extroverted.Note the difference between a Romanesque “cathedral” and a Galician
cathedral. Of course, That companion of the Roman Church would be “sick”, would be a “heretic”, rebellious, malignant … and
therefore condemned to death. The reader will already be familiar with this language, used by the Synarchy whenever it wants to
destroy any group that obstructs the attainment of World Government. Thus, the shepherd returns home and finds his wife at the
foot of the fire. This is obviously a reference to the bonfires where not only the good men but also the whole Cathar church, the
Cathar community, were killed: the “civilians” who collaborated or accepted the Cathars as their spiritual guides. The population
was condemned thanks to the inciting zizañero of the Benedictine monks and executed without consideration by an archetypal
controlled mercenary army. So the pastor sees his wife at the foot of the fire, with clear signs of being in poor condition, and
sardonically tells him to tell her if she is sick. Of course he is, but on behalf of others! The word that is used to describe the situation
of Joan is touto déscounsoulado in Occitan. It can literally be translated as “all disconsolate.” It might seem a mere qualifier but it
actually goes beyond. It is known that the only functional sacrament of the Cathars was the consolamentum , a concept strongly
related to the Greek terms kairos andparaklito . That is, poor Joan is sick, looking at the fire, her mind fixed
onreceiving the consolamentum and thus ending her situation of ”
Feeling Joana’s gnostic-warlike predisposition, the pastor offers him a plurality of potions (a mixture, ie, blood confusion, strategic
disorientation) in order to “heal” her. To prepare the stew, the shepherd offers, besides coli-radish and col-cabbage, a “fine
lark”. The lark is a bird with strong religious symbolism. It has been associated with “religious services” for its peculiar singing or the
announcement of “new spiritual day” as a morning bird. Offering these foods seems to be a “mockery” on the part of the shepherd,
a humiliation, requiring the Cathar people to surrender, as he did not do and fought to death with joy.
Joan, ignoring what they have just said, He asks the pastor directly that when he dies he buries it in the depths of the cave, deep in
the memory, and away from the light of day (the occitan word is ambiguous because it could also mean basement or cellar). Coldly,
it indicates how it should be placed: with your feet against the wall / wall (which describes two right angles, in addition contact with
a presumably stone wall) and with the head well in / under “the pile” or ” Gutter “of water, or in / under” cinnamon “. We can not
distinguish directly from the Occitan its true meaning.In any case, it is intuited that cinnamon has medicinal properties known in the
rural area, but perhaps the symbolism is closer to a canal with water, As it is then mentioned that the pilgrims will take holy water,
which is possibly blessed because of the seepage of blood from some part of Joan’s head (perhaps the mouth, symbolizing the
spiritual message, as the lark), for, by adding Greater complexity, cinnamon has astringent properties. In any case, Joan knows
she’s going to die, but she does not want to die without leaving a message to posterity. To who?To the pilgrims. Who are these
pilgrims? It is us, trying to re-enliven the memory of good men (and women), and make it not a part of the past, but rather present
“the spiritual essence of the Cathars that is still vibrating in caves and waters “, As pointed out by the composer who uploaded the
video. Pilgrims will pass (falling through transcendent time), will take that “holy water” (a possible metaphor for Hyperborean
Wisdom) and, as if suddenly stirring their memory, will say “who died here?” And immediately answer: Poor Joan, who went to
paradise, to heaven with her goats (an animal attached to the mountain, that is to say, to the stone mounds on which the castles
were built).That is, the martyred Cathar church, with each and every one of its members, reached eternity, being faithful to the end
to the truth of the spirit. To the sky with its goats (animal linked to the mount, that is to say, to the stone mounds on which the
castles were constructed). That is, the martyred Cathar church, with each and every one of its members, reached eternity, being
faithful to the end to the truth of the spirit. To the sky with its goats (animal linked to the mount, that is to say, to the stone mounds
on which the castles were constructed). That is, the martyred Cathar church, with each and every one of its members, reached
eternity, being faithful to the end to the truth of the spirit.
Castle of Puilaurens, located in the province of Aude. It was a refuge for the perfect Cathars, defended militarily to the last
To conclude this hermeneutic, remember, as Nimrod points out on page 72 of “The Secret History of Thulegesselshaft “, that the
slogan AEIOU, of the House of Austria, repeated throughout the song, dates from the fifteenth century. Its meaning isAustriae Est
Imperare Orbi Universo , which translated into Spanish is “It is up to Austria to Govern the Whole World”. It is for this reason that
we commented at the beginning that the song is not a “Cathar hymn”, as its title says, but that it is obviously a popular song after
the time of the Cathars, dating from the fifteenth century onwards. It is suggestive to find the motto of the House of Austria in a
song with such outstanding Gnostic elements.
Courteous love is a liberation strategy promoted by the Cathars, using their troubadours (“composers”) as agents of diffusion. It
should be noted that the HO does not record the mad madness of a man towards a woman in history prior to the time of the
Cathars, being since then a constant in literature and art. This is due to the uncontrolled archetype Dama after the Albigensian
crusade. The strategy was to awaken the memory of Lillith in Eve, or in other words, to awaken the memory of the spiritual couple
from the observation of the woman of flesh. It would necessarily be an idealized or “platonic” love, but at the same time an
impossible, and therefore suffering, love. This kind of love had to be given under the necessary conditions of mysticism and social
order,So that the movement of the troubadours could not have occurred spontaneously. In the courtly love (court love), on the one
hand, a vassal on the orders of a feudal lord, be he of low or high social status, and on the other hand, the wife or fiancée of his
lord, or That is inaccessible in general by being married or being a woman of the court. The songs of hyperborean love are present
in many kingdoms, not only in Europe, but in the whole world, so that Occitan society would be “the model to follow” in terms of
society and government ideal for the promotion of courtly love. In spite of this, strictly troubadour love songs have been
characterized under Occitan compositions or directly influenced by the dissemination of poems in the Oc language. After the
Albigense Crusade, the love songs were deformed, and they were governed not by cold love, but by the warm love, being the ones
in charge of carrying out this psychic offensive the Italian poets of the dolce stil nuovo . In appearance the new wave of poems are
very similar to the previous ones, but the reality is that they constitute a crude imitation. They simply copied the songs of love
without shame and gave them the disguised “turn of the nut” that the Synarchy gives above all to the conclusion of the stories, so
that a “moral” remains in the memory of the spectator.The culmination of this movement is the figure of the fraudulent golem
Francesco Petrarca. This is an example of the degeneracy inherent in the transcendent passage of time. As a rule, The more in the
future an epoch is placed, the further away from the Origin will be found. This is true for communities of lost viryas, but not for
societies that carry out a strategy of collective liberation. When Hitler claims that a 1000-year-old German Reich has been
established , the lost virgins, who exclude the mystical component from politics, understand the phrase as that
theGerman Reich “will last 1000 years evolving in transcendent time.” That is, they understand that the duration of theReich is
1933-2933. This does not make sense because National Socialism, on a political level, has disappeared decades ago from the face
of the Earth. In addition, it is unlikely that the Kaly Yuga will expand beyond one or two centuries . We hold that, quite the contrary,
the meaning of Hitler ‘s 1000-year Reich is that the hyperborean magic of the runes has teleported the German people back in
time. The fate of a people whose symbol is the levogratic swastika is the past, not the future. The Reich carried out, in opposition to
the “progress”, a great “return” to an era closer to the Origin, which would be the year 933. The duration of the Reich of Adolf Hitler
is 1933-933, so that the German people Arrived at a time before the disappearance of Gnosticism in Europe. That is why prominent
individuals of the Reich , such as Himmler, Hess or Rosenberg, and many others, Were so obstinately opposed to the Judeo-
Christian customs so prevalent in Europe.Strictly speaking, these men are the representatives of true Christianity, luciferic
Christianity. They are the heirs of King Arthur’s knights, the Grail guardians, the pure men of our time, the legendary warrior caste
of the Aryans (Arius means “twice born,” that is to say, he who has passed through initiatory death) . Let no one miss Hitler’s
support for Catholicism, which has nothing to do with the Jesus Christ, but with the remnant of loyalty to the Empire that existed
within the Roman Church. The Reich was an unavoidable turning point in world history by bringing millions of people back a
millennium back in time. With this video you can check it:Strictly speaking, these men are the representatives of true Christianity,
luciferic Christianity. They are the heirs of King Arthur’s knights, the Grail guardians, the pure men of our time, the legendary
warrior caste of the Aryans (Arius means “twice born,” that is to say, he who has gone through initiatory death) . Let no one miss
Hitler’s support for Catholicism, which has nothing to do with the Jesus Christ, but with the remnant of loyalty to the Empire that
existed within the Roman Church. The Reich was an unavoidable turning point in world history by bringing millions of people back a
millennium back in time. With this video you can check it:Strictly speaking, these men are the representatives of true Christianity,
luciferic Christianity. They are the heirs of King Arthur’s knights, the Grail guardians, the pure men of our time, the legendary
warrior caste of the Aryans (Arius means “twice born,” that is to say, he who has passed through initiatory death) . Let no one miss
Hitler’s support for Catholicism, which has nothing to do with the Jesus Christ, but with the remnant of loyalty to the Empire that
existed within the Roman Church. The Reich was an unavoidable turning point in world history by bringing millions of people back a
millennium back in time. With this video you can check it:They are the heirs of King Arthur’s knights, the Grail guardians, the pure
men of our time, the legendary warrior caste of the Aryans (Arius means “twice born,” that is to say, he who has gone through
initiatory death) . Let no one miss Hitler’s support for Catholicism, which has nothing to do with the Jesus Christ, but with the
remnant of loyalty to the Empire that existed within the Roman Church. The Reich was an unavoidable turning point in world history
by bringing millions of people back a millennium back in time.With this video you can check it: They are the heirs of King Arthur’s
knights, the Grail guardians, the pure men of our time, the legendary warrior caste of the Aryans (Arius means “twice born,” that is
to say, he who has passed through initiatory death) .Let no one miss Hitler’s support for Catholicism, which has nothing to do with
the Jesus Christ, but with the remnant of loyalty to the Empire that existed within the Roman Church. The Reich was an
unavoidable turning point in world history by bringing millions of people back a millennium back in time. With this video you can
check it: That is to say, he who has passed through initiatory death). Let no one miss Hitler’s support for Catholicism, which has
nothing to do with the Jesus Christ, but with the remnant of loyalty to the Empire that existed within the Roman Church. The
Reich was an unavoidable turning point in world history by bringing millions of people back a millennium back in time. With this
video you can check it: That is to say, he who has passed through initiatory death). Let no one miss Hitler’s support for Catholicism,
which has nothing to do with the Jesus-Christ, but with the remnant of loyalty to the Empire that existed within the Roman
Church. The Reich was an unavoidable turning point in world history by bringing millions of people back a millennium back in
time. With this video you can check it:
At the time that came after the fall of Occitania and other peoples of pure blood in Europe, there was the disorder of social
classes. It is what the HO knows as the “modern state,” “absolute monarchy” or “enlightened despotism,” which is the same, and it
happened after the Renaissance Revolution, to which other revolutions would follow: the Parliamentary Revolution ), The Industrial
Revolution (in the United Kingdom again, which in turn led to the Demographic Revolution), and the Liberal Revolution.Revolutions
are only wars carried out by the Synarchy, which, once won, are disguised as a “spontaneous popular movement”. It could be said
that the Renaissance Revolution and the Industrial Revolution were “cold wars” While the Parliamentary Revolution was a war of
national scope that lasted about 40 years according to the HO and the Liberal Revolution was a war of international scope that
lasted about 60 years according to the HO. Never forget two principles by which History is governed: that “peace” are only small
interludes of rest between wars, which is the true nature of this world; And that golem governments, without a higher instance that
controls them, tend to attack each other for the craving for material power.
As we said, all these wars caused the destruction of the previous social order, with the nefarious consequence of the decline of the
hyperborean courts, around whose mysticism the people revolved charismatically. The people were indirect participants in the
national mysticism, And there was a healthy balance between raising the court and supporting the villagers. Today, these values
have been lost, and is clearly manifested in two aspects. On the one hand, due to the nefarious Druidic influence, the derogatory
term “genteel” (of “people”, with the connotation of: populous, vulgo, gentuza, lumpen, mass, peat …), having produced a
Nietzschean Transposition of values.Formerly, the “gentle” constituted the “people”, that is, the village customs, and therefore
inferior; While the “courteous” was the court’s own, high. Through successive wars (“revolutions”) and the establishment of “Modern
States” There was an effect of disintegrating materialist mingling of nations: the “gentle” became the elegant and distinguished; And
the “courteous” became obsolete and ridiculous. This can be seen in El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. The book is,
in essence, a mockery of the chivalric way of life, which has been worth to him to be promoted by the Sinarquía in the whole
world. Its author, Miguel Cervantes, sent golem to the East to fight against the Ottoman Empire (which was possibly faithful to the
Origin, being demonized by its enemies), was, presumably, a marrano, and, besides that, would have been a member of The
Society of Jesus. On the other hand, the “scientific-rationalist” Thanks to the influence of the illustrated masonry of the eighteenth
century and the subsequent establishment of the Neolengua by the Frankfurt School after the Total War. It is worth noting the
invention of the term “citizen” to refer to the inhabitant of a country. When we want to speak of, for example, an indigenous
belonging to a tribe lost in the density of the Amazon jungle, we must say “a Brazilian citizen” if we do not want to be persecuted by
society, although ironically this same society calls itself ” People “in the Marxist sense of the term. At present it is very difficult to
become completely independent from the system. Although we live in the countryside without using the services administered by
the Modern States, we are forced by force of arms to be “citizens” paying taxes. A few years ago, healthy and honest countrymen
were called “paisanos” (members of a country), and maintained a racial identity and respect for traditional uses. Now, with the
advent of democratic-capitalist progressivism, one is forced to adhere to the rules from birth until he dies. The city is a hive of
degeneration and filth, where noise makes it impossible to remember ancient days of honor, victorious armies and glorious paces
won by blood and steel. All that has been left in the past and that is why it is necessary to rescue it. One is obliged to adhere to the
rules from birth until he dies. The city is a hive of degeneration and filth, where noise makes it impossible to remember ancient days
of honor, victorious armies and glorious paces won by blood and steel. All that has been left in the past and that is why it is
necessary to rescue it. One is obliged to adhere to the rules from birth until he dies.The city is a hive of degeneration and filth,
where noise makes it impossible to remember ancient days of honor, victorious armies and glorious paces won by blood and
steel. All that has been left in the past and that is why it is necessary to rescue it.
“Tristan and Isolde” (1902), by Edmund Blair Leighton. In the picture the three essential characters of the courtly love are
represented: the lover, the beloved, and the gentleman to whom the lover renders loyalty. This story, originally loaded with
Hyperborean Wisdom, was contaminated with Judeo-Christianity as time passed, but this was warned by Richard Wagner, who
rescued the story to popularize it through the opera of the same title.
After offering this historical perspective, it is time to give the reader a song of love. In spite of the distance that separates us from
those viryas and the loss of wisdom it entails, we will try to analyze the following composition to extract its essence and keep the
memory of the uncreated. The video that we present below is composed of two pieces. The first one is entitled “Eh, Amable Dama”,
of century XIII by an unknown author. The second, which we will analyze, is entitled “Dulce, Amable Dama”, from the fourteenth
century, attributed to the composer Guillaume de Machaut, who probably took a popular song and then immortalize it bequeathed
to the future.The simple and pleasant melody of the first piece serves to relax and empty the mind, Retro-bringing us to the time of
pure men. We propose this translation into Spanish, in which we have tried to reach a balance between the literal and
metaphorical sense of the words, while at the same time we have changed the distribution to 7 verses of 4 verses. We also warn
that the translation is not based on the archaic French letter but on the translation in modern English of the same, although the
Iberian familiarity with the French language allows to intuit the true meaning of certain words. Even so, unfortunately, something will
always be lost in the translation: Sweet, kind lady for God, do not think of me that anyone who is not you has dominion over my
heart. All the days of my life I have served you with humility and joy without villainous thoughts forever and without betrayal. Oh
… for hope and relief I am here begging, for my joy is over if you do not give me your compassion. But with your sweet mastery
you dominate my heart so hard, tormenting it and tying me in a bond of unbearable love. My heart desires nothing, only to be at
your mercy and I am not a relief, not even your own heart. And without you, sweet enemy that you delight in my torment, will
never be annulled , my curse. For a long time I have agonized.
Undoubtedly, it is a poem of a sublime romanticism, which develops in two levels of understanding. In one, the troubadour
addresses the beloved, expressing himself with an intensity of madness. In the other, the interminable spiritual chain ends up
causing him to agonize and desire the death of the soul in order to be able to free himself.
In the first stanza we see how the lover addresses his beloved in “positive” terms: sweet and kind. You have to be aware that the
lover is telling the truth. He already knows that she will give him liberation, after suffering and death. It is in contradiction that we
find semantic richness as we shall see later. He then mentions God to just afterwards assure her that “anyone other than her” can
dominate him ( dominus = lord, The one who controls something , Sunday, Dominican, domini-canis , lords of the dog, those who
control the animal-man).Obviously, the lover is despising all possible lovers including God, in favor of his beloved. It was common
for the troubadours to use irony in their compositions (raging the Judeo-Christians of the time), and this seems to be a little
brushstroke. Finally, mention that the word “heart” is commonly used to symbolize love in general, and hot love in particular.Only
the beloved is capable of mastering her hot love through her cold love. In this composition the heart has a dual character: it
includes the two types of love, suggesting that while the lover goes through this process of purification, his soul and spirit have
been confused, identified, And he perceives it both for himself and for her.
The second paragraph reveals what we mentioned in relation to the duality of court-village in perfect balance. The lover is a servant
because he is able to recognize the divinity in the beloved, He perceives the spirit of it and therefore surrenders unconditionally. He
puts himself at his service and will enjoy every moment of “servitude”. If we look at it from the point of view of the soul, this
servitude is a misfortune, a condemnation. If we look at it from the point of view of the spirit, this servitude is a gift from the Gods, a
blessing. Fidelity to the Lord under all circumstances is a recurring theme in the Arthurian cycle, and is present where there is a
chivalric ethics,As is the well-known case of the Japanese people (hence the nexus that Hitler himself recognizes between them
and the Germans, which would be an a-causal, and thus a-racial nexus in the biological, and a-temporal sense). Note also how he
uses the word villain , which would be equivalent to villain in Spanish, country man, that is, gentle. In this case, the “low instincts” or
“sexual thoughts” are equated with “villainous thoughts”. It is a society whose morality has not yet been reversed.
In the fourth paragraph it emphasizes what we have been saying about the master-serf duality. It is clear that this unbearable bond
of love is only unbearable to the carnal part of the lover.As already stated with sincerity, she is sweet and kind. It is that “loop”,
popularized as ”
In the fifth paragraph a very interesting thing happens: we begin to see the effects of the loving rejection of the beloved, which
supposes a worldly detachment from the lover. His desires are extinguished, and he begins to be aware that not even the “heart” of
the lady will give him comfort. What does this mean?The lover is being purified and knows that even if the lady finally surrenders, in
reality her suffering would not be mitigated, because she realizes that the desire itself carries the pain. After this conscious death
the lover begins to open himself to eternal wisdom.
In the sixth paragraph a wonderful fact happens, the next step with respect to the previous paragraph: the lover suddenly knows
that his sweet and kind lady is his enemy. But not inimical to his spirit, but an enemy of the animal-man, whom he despises, Of
which he laughs haughtily, having no regard for being created and temporary. That is why it is sweet, because animal emotions can
not affect it. As a ray of illumination striking the lover’s mind, the idea is illuminated in the song: without you, immaterial lady, will
never end this curse of life on Earth (or inferes = inferes, lower regions, denser), The time of pain will never end without the grace
of a wise lady. Following an unknown instinct, perhaps through an intricate mechanism of “non-causal causalities” (intervention of
the parakito ?), Is how the lover arrived at that court, to find the blue look of the lady that will freeze the heart. Finally, in the seventh
paragraph comes the time of liberation.The lover, tired of living, wants to forget this world forever, and asks for death to get out of
hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort, immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically supposes the death of the conscious
subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her for the liberation, thus concluding the
strategy of liberation.After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all her kindness to
open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the nauseating heat
of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind lady, that no one is
master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Tired of living, wants to forget this world forever, and asks
death to get out of hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort, immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically supposes the death of
the conscious subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her for the liberation, thus
concluding the strategy of liberation. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all
her kindness to open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the
nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind
lady, that no one is master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Tired of living, wants to forget this world
forever, and asks death to get out of hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort, immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically
supposes the death of the conscious subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her
for the liberation, thus concluding the liberation strategy. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the
lady is ready with all her kindness to open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of
death, and not the nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding
his sweet, kind lady, that no one is master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Wants to forget this world
forever, and asks for death to get out of hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort, immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically
supposes the death of the conscious subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her
for the liberation, thus concluding the strategy of liberation. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the
lady is ready with all her kindness to open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of
death, and not the nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding
his sweet, kind lady, that no one is master and master of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE.Wants to forget this world
forever, and asks for death to get out of hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort, immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically
supposes the death of the conscious subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her
for the liberation, thus concluding the strategy of liberation. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the
lady is ready with all her kindness to open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of
death, and not the nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding
his sweet, kind lady, that no one is master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. And asks death to get out
of hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort, immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically supposes the death of the conscious
subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her for the liberation, thus concluding the
strategy of liberation. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all her kindness to
open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the nauseating heat
of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind lady, that no one is
master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. And asks death to get out of hell. Death by a-mor, or a-mort,
immortal love, love beyond the death of the soul, logically supposes the death of the conscious subject but not the death of the
spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her for the liberation, thus concluding the strategy of liberation. After
purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all her kindness to open her heart to the faithful
servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth
finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind lady, that no one is master and lord of his
heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Love beyond the death of the soul, logically supposes the death of the conscious
subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her for the liberation, thus concluding the
strategy of liberation. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all her kindness to
open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the nauseating heat
of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind lady, that no one is
master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Love beyond the death of the soul, logically supposes the
death of the conscious subject but not the death of the spirit. The lover makes a final appeal to the lady, asking her for the
liberation, thus concluding the strategy of liberation. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is
ready with all her kindness to open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death,
and not the nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his
sweet, kind lady, that no one is master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Thus concluding the liberation
strategy. After purification, the lover has dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all her kindness to open her
heart to the faithful servant. However, that marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the nauseating heat of Mother
Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind lady, that no one is master
and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND NOBODY MORE. Thus concluding the liberation strategy. After purification, the lover has
dominated his animal part, and now the lady is ready with all her kindness to open her heart to the faithful servant. However, that
marble heart contains only the coldness of death, and not the nauseating heat of Mother Binah. The truth finally imposes itself, and
the troubadour ends the song by reminding his sweet, kind lady, that no one is master and lord of his heart, EXCEPT HER, AND
“God Speed!” (1900), by Edmund Blair Leighton. The lady dismisses the knight before leaving for battle. In the Arthurian cycle, it is
common for the knight to go into combat to prove his value as a prerequisite for addressing the lady. The principles of merit, for
man, and of purity, for women, no longer exist in our time regarding marriage and family formation.
Once we have concluded the understanding of courtly love, we can undertake an attempt to understand the current reality. The
archetype Dama is a creation of the Cathar knights to be used for the benefit of the Occitan population.Occitan men would be
phagocytosed by Cathar culture with the strategic goal of being purified emotionally. In this way, not only an individual liberation but
also a collective liberation. However, following the Holocaust (“sacrifice by fire”) suffered by the Cathars, the archetype Dama was
out of control.
The current virya who wants to be free of the archetypes that close the passage to the Origin must defeat the archetype Dama,
once used strategically in our favor but now is used against us. Thus, In the face of the impossibility of perceiving Lillith, the
question will now be to find Kaly in the world. Because of the situation described above, the courtesy has been vilified and
persecuted. It will be the unpleasant work of the troubadour of the twenty-first century to find Kaly in the gentle, instead of Lillith in
the polite. Virya will dive into the mire of materialism that permeates our society seeking a black pearl while avoiding demands for
divorce and unwanted pregnancies. We warn the virya, especially the young, but also the one entered in years, of the dangers of
hot love. It is a silent trap, which traps the virya with its tentacles without realizing it and as time passes the escape becomes more
difficult. When the time comes, the virya has to be aware that this way is vetoed the bride, Couple, wife … as well as the mother,
sister, daughter … that is, the woman type Eva, and should look instead for the woman type Kaly in order to definitively resign the
archetype Lady.
However, with this we are not saying that all viryas should constantly try to find that “special woman”, far from it. We want to say
that for the virya whose way of liberation includes the presence of a spiritual woman, one should not expect to find the sweet and
kind Lillith of the Cathar knights, for in this age it is impossible or almost impossible to find.Instead, it is much more common to find
the black Kaly, which will kill the soul in a much more painful way. Every life and circumstance is totally different, and it is up to the
individual to see within him his own path to liberation. Surely, for many viryas the presence of the woman is totally unnecessary. In
the event that you are a woman, you must apply the same principles. If appropriate, look for that spiritual man. If it is not for you, do
not do it, and go your own way. Man or woman, it does not matter, liberation happens in any case for the memory of the
uncreated. We urge the virya to have the courage enough to be an ice man, to laugh at the danger and never to give in to the
Kundalini attacks we call colloquially “doubts,” “jealousy,” “repentance,” “fear,” “envy,” ” Sadness “,” anxiety “… In fact the archetype
Dama is one of the most difficult to resign,But once overcome the path is paved to the resignation of the remaining psychoid
archetypes. It is like a wall to climb to access the Hyperborean Wisdom in all its understanding. In short, and directly for the virya
phagocitado in a sentimental relationship: it is necessary to gather forces to face the abyss that frighten us so much, which is at
bottom an illusion, only the aforementioned Kundalini attacks To give up on the attempt and back down.We must jump into the
black abyss, where we will find the courage inherent in the spirit. For this it is necessary to be an honorable gentleman who, when
galloping with his comrades to the battle, the only thing that lodges in his mind is the memory of his immaterial beloved. It is like a
wall to climb to access the Hyperborean Wisdom in all its understanding. In short, and directly for the virya phagocitado in a
sentimental relationship: it is necessary to gather forces to face the abyss that frighten us so much, which is at bottom an illusion,
only the aforementioned Kundalini attacks To give up on the attempt and back down.We must jump into the black abyss, where we
will find the courage inherent in the spirit. For this, it is necessary to be an honorable gentleman who, when galloping with his
comrades towards the battle, the only thing that lodges in his mind is the memory of his immaterial beloved. It is like a wall to climb
to access the Hyperborean Wisdom in all its understanding. In short, and directly for the virya phagocitado in a sentimental
relationship: it is necessary to gather forces to face the abyss that frighten us so much, which is at bottom an illusion, only the
aforementioned Kundalini attacks To give up on the attempt and back down.We must jump into the black abyss, where we will find
the courage inherent in the spirit. For this it is necessary to be an honorable gentleman who, when galloping with his comrades to
the battle, the only thing that lodges in his mind is the memory of his immaterial beloved. It is necessary to gather strength to look
at that abyss that so frighten us, which is at heart an illusion, it is only the aforementioned Kundalini attacks so that you give up in
the attempt and you fall behind. We must jump into the black abyss, where we will find the courage inherent in the spirit. For this it
is necessary to be an honorable gentleman who, when galloping with his comrades to the battle, the only thing that lodges in his
mind is the memory of his immaterial beloved. It is necessary to gather strength to look at that abyss that so frighten us, which is at
heart an illusion, it is only the aforementioned Kundalini attacks so that you give up in the attempt and you fall behind. We must
jump into the black abyss, where we will find the courage inherent in the spirit. For this it is necessary to be an honorable
gentleman who, when galloping with his comrades to the battle, the only thing that lodges in his mind is the memory of his
immaterial beloved.

Chapter 9
Having discussed uncreated love, in the next chapter we will deal with conscious death. Uncreated love can only be understood in its fullness after
surpassing the archetype of death. We do not refer to physical death, but to initiatic death, which gives the virya the seat of the cold stone from
which the entire noological runic process can be understood, resigning all the archetypal psychoid, which are the three cultural boxes that we have
exposed In the Introduction, to purify the blood in its entirety. We recommend, before or after reading this chapter, to watch the movie “Ghost Dog”
(1999), which is about a virya who, after reading HAGAKURE(“Hidden between the leaves”),
Needless to say, the text of Yamamoto Tsunetomo, which contains the essence of the samurai’s Honor code, has been misinterpreted, probably
manipulated and possibly mistranslated. Therefore, everything must be read with a sharp hyperborean look that discern the truth of the lie.
Here we link the book:
– In Spanish:
– In English:


The way in which the beginning of human life in the cycle of reincarnation is stipulated is through animal birth. A priori, from a modern materialist
point of view, it seems that we are born as a new, totally original subject that is born, grows, reproduces and dies, and ends. There is nothing
beyond death, say the materialists, and they welcome the Creation because they affirm that “it is not a Creation, but an Evolution.” For atheistic
materialists, if the Creation is made by a God, then it is “bad”, but if the Creation is made by a mysterious hidden force that can not be known, then
Creation is “good.”The material jail remains the same, but atheistic materialists feel emotional hatred for folk traditions and ancestral
wisdom, Because they are indiscriminately equated with religious institutions, so they are polarized, and they consider “good” everything that
evolves, even though they do not know what it evolves, and they consider “bad” everything that implies the existence of an instance superior to man
.How is it going to be a creature that ignores its Origin the supreme intelligence of the Universe? They justify the nonsense of existence arguing that
we are “animals evolving” for no other purpose than to continue to evolve indefinitely, without any concrete goal beyond procreating and depleting
resources. They say to consider the human being as the highest being of all, the most worthy of having “rights”, but the truth is that these
materialists treat animals better than humans, Preferring to feed and protect a dog or an Arctic seal, for example, rather than a disadvantaged virya
in their own country, which they call ” Lumpen “, which can be translated as “populous” or “gentuza.” This is the point of view of all those who reject
the idea of death: playful and emotional. They are so attached to life that they do not want it to end. A similar understanding of life and death is
based on avoiding the most basic and common existential questions, such as: What was there before the Universe?Why are we cast into
existence? What lies beyond death? Does our death have a meaning? In our present state we can not choose to be born, but we are already born
when we take conscience and control of our acts. This is why the value of choice shifts from birth to death. Because birth is imposed and
unchangeable, death is the fact that we can really endow it with a noological meaning. Depending on what eyes one looks at, the meaning of this
question will have two aspects. By observing life with the eyes of the soul or soul subject, death can not be perceived or understood as the
liberation of the eternal spirit. The soul only knows rational love and emotional hatred, and neither sees nor poses that there is non-material.It is
subject to the designs of its Creator, who bind him in the evolutionary suffering, forcing him to lead a life of slavery, forced labor, unconsciously
feeding a God who is crazy. Therefore, the sleeper’s response to existential uncertainty will be that being born is a “The virya that prepares to
transcend death, on the other hand, no longer sees life as a gift, but as a phase within the development of an essential war. Virya with a gracious
attitude is temporarily caught in a Universe of matter, and therefore declares war on the Demiurge, the Creator of illusion and deception. The text
will focus on the warrior spiritual vision, leaving aside the ignorance of animal reasoning.
To begin by talking about death, let us first postulate that, except for babies or the mentally retarded, all people are aware of their
own mortality. As we have already pointed out above, the problem is that most of humanity, in a playful way, understand death as
something “bad”, and therefore tend to avoid what reminds them that they are mortal. In contrast, life is considered “good”, and that
is why radio, newspapers, television, movies, etc., constantly remind us how good life is and how bad death is. Ever since we were
little, the elders put on faces of pain or a threatening tone when we speak of death, so that we mentally associate “death-pain”, “life-
not-pain”, transferring their fears, Thus conditioning us for life. If the elders had a minimal philosophical formation, they would
understand that it is just the opposite, that pain only happens during life, and that pain does not exist in death. A living person feels
pain and suffers threats; A dead man did not.

Considering death as “bad” and life as “good” we are declaring that we will use our will to get closer to “life” and away from
“death.” What results from this attitude is a slave morality, in which “freedom of action” is exchanged for “material security.” Indeed,
in our present society the majority prefer to “live on their knees” than to “die on their feet” because of their attachment to the stimuli
produced by worldly life. It is not necessary to explain to those who have decided to follow the path of “gnosis” that the “good and
bad” consists of a moral dualism that does not help us to achieve our goal, that is, escape from material hell, and therefore Has to
be discarded immediately.
The subjects immersed in duality are aware that one day they will die but they try by all means to postpone their death, while
confessing to believe that there is “a moment for each one”, a moment in which “the hour”. That is, they sense that there will be a
precise moment to die, but they want to be the last to do so, and of course, to die with the least possible pain, always at the
expense of every ideal or promise.The source of their error is the self-ignorance that they live projected into the future from their
past. Or put another way: they do not live in the present moment.Therefore, in saying that “the time will come” they never say it in a
comprehensive present (as an immanent experience) but as an extensive present (historical rationalization). That is, according to
them ”
In other words, the best moment to die is the present moment. The samurai warriors of feudal Japan sought in battle
their kairos when attacking (heroic mentality inherited in the famouskamikaze pilots ), and therefore their victory did not depend on
the individual survival like physical human being. They asserted that at the precise moment when you are up against the enemy
wrapped in a mystic furor (like the Nordic warrior berserkr ), without your mind harboring speculations or fears, it happens that you
suddenly wake up from all your dreams. It is well known that a section of the adherent Japanese of Buddhism regarded mundane
existence as a dream from which we must finally awaken.
As we have said, the precise moment is now. They seem to be two separate moments but in reality they are the same: there is no
temporal discrimination in the authentic “present”. The Western mentality is not accustomed to think in these terms, because in the
school and in the work the virya is trained to project the future in function of previous premises, which have been registered in the
past and are unverifiable from the present . The student or worker starts from A to get to B, and they limit themselves to rationally
agreeing the principle with the end. They do not know the reason for this mechanic, but more and more people are beginning to
suspect the established system. It is evident that we live in a historical moment in which technology would allow all the viryas of the
world to be healthy and well fed without having to work as slaves … and yet we are more enslaved than ever.The evident social
poverty is easily solvable with a National Socialist policy (in which natural food, housing and work were a guarantee, not a “right”),
and yet the masses are obliged to accept the laws of “progress “And of the” free market “, because it depends on their subsistence.
The Gnostic virya, unlike the student or the worker, does not consider TIME as a determining factor. Quite the contrary, the ethics
of those who have recalled the Hyperborean Wisdom is not based on rational measurements or comparisons of any kind, but the
“decision making” and the “application” themselves constitute an identity that is in a temporal plane “Parallel”, isolated from the
influence of transcendent time (world time). That is to say, the Gnostic lives in a “presentcontinuous “, the kairos already
mentioned, like a samurai who only waits, patient but attentive, the exact moment to use his sword. Your mind does not seek
answers in the past, nor does it try to solve complications of the future. It acts within the circumstance, And not outside it as if it
were an observer. It acts when the action is propitious to fulfill its objectives.
Returning to the subject of death: once one surpasses childhood, which is equivalent to innocence, a third state alien to ignorance
or wisdom, must accept as true the fact that he is going to die someday. From here the reader can see with complete clarity that it
is not at all important WHEN one should die, but HOW he dies. One has to die one day, what does it matter to die today or
tomorrow, or next month, or within 5, 15, 30 or 60 years?When this “opportune moment to die” (which ordinary people intuit exists
even in the distant future), the only way we have to deal with it is in the present of that future moment that will inevitably come.Put
another way: we can only use our will in the present, never in the past or the future, which are alien to us. It is now when we can
decide. We can not decide “last week” or decide “next year”. No, we can only decide “now”. Decisions are produced in the
FOREVER. If they are past decisions, then “decided”, or if they are future decisions, “they will be decided”, but in no case we can
modify or eliminate them from the comprehensive present, which is the only point that we can control in our current state. This is
because our own time is the immanent time of the spirit (which is when we find ourselves within the ODAL archemon ),
and the transcendent time (the mundane evolutionary succession) is AJENO to us and imposed by an alien will Demiurge, the
architect of this prison). Recall a fragment of the Hagakure , which says, “If you only think about what you have to do today, you will
be able to do anything.” The message has to be understood as that no matter how hard it is that you face today, because nothing is
so hard that you can not face it for a single day. Whatever happens tomorrow you can not know it, because it is not your present,
and therefore it is useless to raise it now. The key is to have the will to face, DAY TO DAY, whatever comes, whatever. This is how
they survived and fulfill their mission heroes like Fritz Christen. If he is to die today, the warrior will do it. The warrior does not
understand what it means to “die tomorrow”, because tomorrow is not today, and the only thing we can control is “today”, the
“now” Of the SELBSTpermanent kairos . Time should not be planned, but it should be based on a strategy of liberation. This
requires a constant state of alertness, of distrust towards the created, because the strategy of liberation is projected from the
uncreated to the created.
It has been paying attention to the principles of Japanese mysticism so we have been able to draw clear material for this
exhibition. We will make a small paragraph where we will distinguish two types of Buddhism, very briefly and in broad strokes. On
the one hand, we have the synarchic current of Buddhism, known worldwide as “Tibetan Buddhism”, which can be found mainly in
Asian countries such as Nepal, India, China and Southeast Asia. Visible heads are the “lamas,” self-proclaimed leaders of those
who follow the teachings of the “Buddha.” It could be said that his Buddha is similar to the Hebrew Jesus-Christ of the Brahmanic
tradition, So that the version that the lamas advocate on the historical-mythological figure of Kshatriya Siddhartha Gautama is
distorted and reduced to a “pacifist” priest. The ultimate aspiration of the lamas and their followers is to merge with the cosmic
consciousness and attain “nirvana.” We will only say that the objectives of this cult of the ONE (Demiurge) are not at all
“spiritual”, as they claim, but, on the contrary, Satanic traps inimical to the Spirit. A concrete example of this would be Miguel
Serrano , whom the lamas tried to climb in the hierarchy, but ended up fleeing when he realized the error he was about to
commit. It is evident that this slope of Buddhism has strengthened its material power in this time of so high telluric pressure. We
will only say that the objectives of this cult of the ONE(Demiurge) are not at all “spiritual”, as they claim, but, on the contrary,
Satanic traps inimical to the Spirit. A concrete example of this would be Miguel Serrano , whom the lamas tried to climb in the
hierarchy, but ended up fleeing when he realized the error he was about to commit. It is evident that this slope of Buddhism has
strengthened its material power in this time of so high telluric pressure. We will only say that the objectives of this cult of the
ONE (Demiurge) are not at all “spiritual”, as they claim, but, on the contrary, Satanic traps inimical to the Spirit. A concrete example
of this would be Miguel Serrano , whom the lamas tried to climb in the hierarchy, but ended up fleeing when he realized the error
he was about to commit. It is evident that this slope of Buddhism has strengthened its material power in this time of so high telluric
pressure. But he fled when he realized the error he was about to commit.It is evident that this slope of Buddhism has strengthened
its material power in this time of so high telluric pressure. But he fled when he realized the error he was about to commit. It is
evident that this slope of Buddhism has strengthened its material power in this time of so high telluric pressure.
On the other hand, we have the hyperborean current of Buddhism, called “Zen Buddhism ” (although it may have other names),
which is popular in Japan but can be found very narrowly in the countries mentioned in the previous paragraph. In fact, it could be
said that Zen is not even Buddhism, but something totally different. We have spoken of Zen as “Buddhism” for the usefulness of
comparing it with Tibetan Buddhism, so that the reader can understand it by exposing its insurmountable differences.To consider
Zen as a bastard heir to the Buddhist schools of Tibet or India seems rather a manipulation by the Synarchy.Despite this, of course,
much of the original meaning of Zen has been lost in our time. The differences are substantial: Zen Buddhism has no visible heads,
for it considers that examples like Siddhartha Gautama are just that, examples of behavior, and, not needing to follow a collective
cult, each one has to stand sovereign of himself. Japanese Buddhist monks are famous for their “warrior” attitude (if only in the
mental realm), and not for a priestly-sacrificing-sacralizing attitude. His vision of the Buddha is like a conquering imperial leader. In
this way, Asians would also be Christians, but not Judeo-Christians, but ancient Christians, luciferic Christians. This would also
marry the Fomenkian conception that Genghis Khan was actually a Russian Siddha emperor and that the “Mongol horde” was
actually the army of the Tartars, Which reminds us of Tartessos. Do not forget that there are two Iberias, the peninsular and the
The ultimate aspiration of the ZenBuddhist is to empty the consciousness to see beyond the dream of reality, which they
called Gen (“Maya”). Needless to say, death plays an essential role: death is what gives meaning to the warrior’s path,Bushi-do ,
which is nothing other than the path of liberation carried out by the ancient Japanese hyperboreans. It is here that we can establish
the link between ZenBuddhism and Taoism of the Kula circle to continue our dissertation about death. As Bruce Lee put it
(precipitating his death), when one is freed from the created forms he is arriving at a non-being in the world, a non-doing, thus
approaching the reality of his spirit. This “non-being” Was known as TAO by the hyperborean Chinese. In this way, to follow
“Taoism” would be to follow “the path of not-being”, of “not-being” an entity in this world. For the samurai, thebushi-do meant not
the presence of human qualities, but quite the opposite, the absence of commonly human qualities, such as fear or the instinct of

In view of the above, the simple secret is illuminated before the mind of the reader: the basis of the fear of death consists in the
attachment to life. Without attachment to life, there is no fear of death, and no fear of anything that may exist in the world. As we
detach ourselves from life, we lose fear, and fear is the main obstacle that prevents us from returning. Some say that truths are
hidden behind fear, and that is why only the brave get to know the truth. If in the course of your life your volitional acts suppose
your death, what happens? Nothing, just eliminate your character within the game of Jehovah.The spiritual warrior KNOWS that the
world is only a dream, and therefore he is not afraid of “killing his character” because he knows that he is not his assigned
The only moral of the warrior is the HONOR , and cowardice to death implies lack of Honor. Being afraid of death means that this
subject loves life, which is the same as loving slavery, because life is a prison that is based on the endless cycle of re-
incarnations. The Gnostic gaze knows that life is an illusion, and therefore, if the Gnostic must die at that moment, he dies without
more (and even contented) because it is known within a fantasy. The essential difference is now very clear: the person who is
afraid of death DOES NOT KNOW that life is a fantasy. The person who fears to die believes that this is the reality, believes that
this is real, forming part of the System and being an enemy to beat, as the soul subject will defend the System that sustains his
worldly consciousness. It is as simple as this: since the things of the world are deceitful, sincerity reveals itself only in death. The
way of the warrior is to live as if one were already dead. It is then that one walks the path of truth and can return to the
Origin.Sincerity consists in not lying to oneself, in accepting openly that the precise moment to die can only occur in the
present. This willingness to die at any moment is characteristic of the gracious attitude, one that does not take the farce of the
world seriously. Sincerity consists in not lying to yourself, in accepting openly that the precise moment to die can only occur in the
present. This willingness to die at any moment is characteristic of the gracious attitude, one that does not take the farce of the
world seriously. Sincerity consists in not lying to yourself, in accepting openly that the precise moment to die can only occur in the
present. This willingness to die at any moment is characteristic of the gracious attitude, one that does not take the farce of the
world seriously.
This act of courage, the conquest of the return to the uncreated Origin of our eternal spirit, lacks doubts and
questions.This kairos will be seen by some as a suicide and, for others, a release, just as for some life itself is torture and for others
a blessing. We are not all equal; Some depend on the causality represented by the mother (matter), the father (its creator) and the
son (the soul of humanity); Others feel freedom run through our blood, and we struggle to return to the Origin of the uncreated
spirit. For the awake virya, “liberation” means to overcome illusory death, awakening the uncreated spirit and putting an end to its
captivity; Instead, “suicide” Means for the awake virya to be attached to the life created around emotional needs to satiate
(“happiness”).When they are not satisfied, pleasure gives way to pain, which ends up being transformed into suffering, and the
subject ends up asking for death as the end of ontic existence, but being at all times unaware of the inevitable re-incarnation. It
would be stupid on the part of the jailers of this system to leave clues that insinuate the slaves their true past.On the contrary, they
review and pursue in a meticulous crusade inquisitoria any indication that makes the virya think that there is a possible escape. If
we can write these words it is because others have succeeded, leaving their legacy so that we can read it and experience it for
ourselves.Only the fear we harbor in our mind dampens our struggle for spiritual liberation. If all the fears are overcome, it can be
said that, in some way, the virya is already free in the Origin, although physically we only see how the priests persecute to him and
they martyr him.


We will analyze from a hyperborean point of view the song “How the Gods Kill”, by Glenn Danzig. The correct translation of the
letter is as follows:
If you feel alive
in a dark room,
do you know the name
of your loneliness?
If you do not have the answer
if you do not know the truth
if you want the power
then let it flow
Would you let it go?
They can not finish this lament of my life
show me how the Gods kill
If you feel alive
and you are not afraid
do you know the name
of the one you are looking for?
If you want the answer
if you want the truth
Look inside your empty soul
there you’ll find the rope
Would you let it go?
They can not finish this lament of my life
show me how the Gods kill.
At the beginning of the video, we see Danzig and his guitarist, Framed by a pseudo-Cistercian architecture. It is noteworthy that
both carry crucifixes around his neck, and that the guitarist also wears the hair and beard in a style very similar to the cultural
images of Jesus of Nazareth. In fact, his stage name is John Christ (“John Christ”). This song is one of the most interesting songs
he has composed, and we do not recommend listening to his other songs because of his satanic strategic disorientation, even
though Danzig is a subject who knows the esoteric roots of National Socialism.Always remember the reader that everything has
two readings. We do not know what they wanted to represent in this videoclip from the standpoint of the synarchic, but we simply
offer an interpretation from the present comprehensive.
This is our analysis: Danzig, His companion and a woman with a dagger-shaped crucifix are sitting in a dark room, head bowed,
melancholy, singing softly: “If you feel alive in a dark room (or darkened) … do you know the name of your solitude? “. If the virya
feels his individuality, perceiving that his spirit is there, but is asleep, and feels alien to the cultural obscurantism that surrounds
him, it is important that he knows the reason for his isolation. In the live versions, Danzig introduces an innovation: he emphasizes
“in THIS dark room,” pointing to himself on the forehead, as if the jail were the mind itself. Why the “name”? Because the magic that
chained the spirit consists of a series of names in which the Demiurge was unfolded in creating the Universe. “Know the
name” Means to use the Kabbalah, although it can be used for various purposes.
Danzig stands up, and addresses the viewer in a slightly more enthusiastic tone: “If you do not have the answer, if you do not know
the truth … if you want the power, then let it flow.” Here they are indicating that the answer to the mystery of the chain is something
that is blocked and that is bidding to leave. It is about the blood memory, whose emergency entails remembering the truth and
recovering the lost power. Then he stands still, twists his neck toward the sky, and, with his eyes closed, returns to the whisper of
the beginning, repeating over and over: “Would you let him go?” In a concert, Danzig improvises and responds: “and of course the
answer is no!”, In which case what he is referring to is material power, Which is illusory. This is because the singer, in his
disorientation, identifies material power with true spiritual power. Therefore, in his ignorance, he clings to illusory power, which
prevents him from liberation. If, on the contrary, the reader understands that “letting go” is the way to get power to flow, then the
understanding is totally different: to “let it go” one is detached from worldly attachments. Only by overcoming illusion, letting go of
the illusory power of the world, is it capable of making spiritual power flow.
In the video, while Danzig wonders if he can let it go, he faces heaven (where he is popularly called the Goddess’s dwelling) and
closes his eyes on the world. This video has several versions, and, in a scene that was eliminated, Danzig, When he looks at the
sky as if looking for a response from the Gods, the face of John Christ appears, much larger in the transposition of planes, which
looks slightly downward, as if listening to the lament of Danzig. There is a moment in which the contact of the faces occurs, as if
there had been a divine contact. We will relate this to the final scene. Then the tone of the guitar and the voice of Danzig are
slightly sharpened: “They can not finish this lamentation (or mourning) of my life … show me how the Gods kill”, and John Christ
suddenly stands, surrendering To a frantic solo. Danzig asserts that “they”, perhaps referring to priests, can not alleviate the
spiritual suffering of mundane existence, and asks the Gods for initiatory death. The musicians move convulsively, as if possessed,
to the rhythm of the drumming, as if it were a ritual. At the back of the room is a giant skull, which could symbolize death. Now, with
a powerful voice, Danzig again rebukes the viewer: “If you feel alive and you are not afraid … do you know the name of the one you
are looking for?”. If the virya feels unique and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit,
which has been waiting for him since the beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look
inside your empty soul, there you will find the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you
can use that rope to hold on and leave the created world of illusion. As possessed, to the rhythm of the drumming, as if it were a
ritual. At the back of the room is a giant skull, which could symbolize death. Now, with a powerful voice, Danzig again rebukes the
viewer: “If you feel alive and you are not afraid … do you know the name of the one you are looking for?”. If the virya feels unique
and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit, which has been waiting for him since the
beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look inside your empty soul, there you will find
the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you can use that rope to hold on and leave the
created world of illusion. As possessed, to the rhythm of the drumming, as if it were a ritual. At the back of the room is a giant skull,
which could symbolize death. Now, with a powerful voice, Danzig again rebukes the viewer: “If you feel alive and you are not afraid
… do you know the name of the one you are looking for?”. If the virya feels unique and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is
time to find him again with his own spirit, which has been waiting for him since the beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want
the answer, if you want the truth … look inside your empty soul, there you will find the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If
the virya is determined to be free, you can use that rope to hold on and leave the created world of illusion. As if it were a ritual. At
the back of the room is a giant skull, which could symbolize death. Now, with a powerful voice, Danzig again rebukes the viewer: “If
you feel alive and you are not afraid … do you know the name of the one you are looking for?”. If the virya feels unique and has
been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit, which has been waiting for him since the beginning
of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look inside your empty soul, there you will find the
rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you can use that rope to hold on and leave the
created world of illusion. As if it were a ritual. At the back of the room is a giant skull, which could symbolize death. Now, with a
powerful voice, Danzig again rebukes the viewer: “If you feel alive and you are not afraid … do you know the name of the one you
are looking for?”. If the virya feels unique and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit,
which has been waiting for him since the beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look
inside your empty soul, there you will find the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you
can use that rope to hold on and leave the created world of illusion.Which could symbolize death. Now, with a powerful voice,
Danzig again rebukes the viewer: “If you feel alive and you are not afraid … do you know the name of the one you are looking
for?”. If the virya feels unique and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit, which has
been waiting for him since the beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look inside your
empty soul, there you will find the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you can use that
rope to hold on and leave the created world of illusion. Which could symbolize death. Now, with a powerful voice, Danzig again
rebukes the viewer: “If you feel alive and you are not afraid … do you know the name of the one you are looking for?”. If the virya
feels unique and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit, which has been waiting for
him since the beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look inside your empty soul,
there you will find the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you can use that rope to hold
on and leave the created world of illusion. If the virya feels unique and has been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him
again with his own spirit, which has been waiting for him since the beginning of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if
you want the truth … look inside your empty soul, there you will find the rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is
determined to be free, you can use that rope to hold on and leave the created world of illusion. If the virya feels unique and has
been stripped of the fear of death, it is time to find him again with his own spirit, which has been waiting for him since the beginning
of time. Danzig continues: “If you want the answer, if you want the truth … look inside your empty soul, there you will find the
rope”. This can be interpreted in two ways. If the virya is determined to be free, you can use that rope to hold on and leave the
created world of illusion.
After the moments of euphoria after the first death request, they recover their calm, and Danzig again whispers: “Would you let it
go?”, Remarking perhaps that the condition to know the truth is to ignore Maya, and again reiterates The petition: “Show me how
the Gods kill”, this time more convinced than the previous one, because it has decided to cross the threshold, and we see that the
skull appears again symbolizing the death. As the deafening music of the initiatory death re-sounds, Danzig watches a woman,
who seems to be having a nightmare on a bed.A woman drops a translucent juice on the sleeping woman, and while Danzig
screams as if her soul-mate is being extirpated, the sleeping woman awakens violently from her sleep. It could be interpreted that
the blond woman represents Kaly and the woman to whom it awakens represents to Lillith . Juice could be a metaphor for the
mundane semen transformed into a subtle plasma through cold love. In her vision, Lillith has seen a female-looking monster with a
horned head similar to that of the skull that appears in the background during ritual death, so that perhaps that viscous, sensual
monster symbolizes the knowledge of the Snake, whose forbidden knowledge entails the death of the soul subject to be reborn in
the true being. In the final scene, we see Danzig sitting back in architecture, this time alone. While issuing the same laments from
the beginning of the video, Holding in front of him the dagger-shaped crucifix that the blond woman wore before, and examines it
with a reflective air, perhaps wondering whether what she has experienced was real or only her imagination. The dagger crucifix
would be the sword with which Lillith, manifested through Kaly, executes the Sadhaka during the Maithuna . Note also that
Danzig carries two crosses, one of orthodox crucifix type, with equidistant arms, and another similar to an Iron Cross.Returning to
the reference we made to the guitarist symbolizing Christ, let us remember that at the beginning, this one played a soft melody as
guiding the direction of Danzig. There is no trace of John Christ, but the melody continues to ring, As if Danzig had finally found the
true Christ of Uncreated Light behind the cultural image of Jesus that has been inculcated. In the last image we see the monster
fleetingly, which could be an analogy of Medusa , as if it were a reminder that, in the last analysis, initiatory death is always the
necessary condition in the path of spiritual truth, but it is essential not to confuse To Lillith withShakti , which is the intention of the
To understand what we are facing we add an extract of the FSH.


Let’s turn to a concept of Hyperborean Wisdom to define Kundalini; But bear in mind that it would require several books to support
this explanation in the “essence” of Kundalini and that, as a criterion here, it is much shorter, and suggestive, to refer to it by
analogically describing its “behavior”, which does not fit , Of course, that of a blind force.
And we have said, in speaking of the Acoustic Kabbalah, that, “The Universe has indeed been made from a number of different
elements, not more than twenty-two, which bear, by their infinite combinations, all existing forms.” These twenty-two elements (or
fifty, according to the Traditions of India), can be considered like sounds or “bijas”, that is to say,Universal acoustic roots. Thus it
follows that every “form” comes to be supported by a “name,” which is the formulation of a certain combination of the principal
daughters. But, as we have said elsewhere, a “concrete form” is the expression of a “state” in the evolutionary process of
Archetypes. There is, then, a relationship between the Archetypes and the “sacred names” of all things, which it is convenient to
Initially Archetypes are “thought” by the Demiurge One (Brahma) and projected into the “great primordial psychic ocean” or
“akasha”, where they remain in potential state. It is the Breath of the One, that is: the pronunciation of the “names”, the impulse that
initiates the evolutionary process of the Archetypes Manu who,When deployed in matter, determine the existing forms; Forms that
progress towards the entelechy, towards a more complete manifestation of its own archetype. It is true, then, that “to each thing”
corresponds a secret, archetypal name; A concept that is always managed by magic and is deeply developed in the philosophical
systems of India, but which, fundamentally, forms the basis of the acoustic Kabbalah.
When the Demiurge utters the Words, that is, modulates the Breath, it acquires the appearance of a Cosmic Word or Logos.For the
characteristic of the space to be an expression of the archetypal monads, whose manifestation is how many psychophysical
energy, trutis or UEVAC units, the breath of the Demiurge, his Words, They reach all points of the cosmos, making it possible for
shapes to be shaped where matter allows the evolutionary processes of each particular Archetype. This interpenetration is evident
in the microcosm of the human body, where all processes of the macrocosm are reflected. Especially we will cite that part of the
microcosm that represents the “Logos” or “Verb” aspect of the macrocosmic Demiurge: Kundalini.
Kundalini is, in the human body, the Logos “creator” or “form-shaper,” an analogous expression of the Solar Logos or Cosmic
Logos. He is “asleep” because the microcosm HAS ALREADY BEEN CREATED, and evolves, following the process of the
Archetype Manú of his race. But the main motive of Kundalini’s inaction is the rhythmic synchronization of the microcosm with the
macrocosm of El Uno, because such synchronization means that there is simultaneity of processes and that the evolution of the
microcosm will not depart from the archetypal process.
S iendo by nature a Logos, the “awakening” of Kundalini, involve pronunciation (japa) of certain names (mantras). Indeed, during
the ascent through the Shushumna channel, and in its “rest” in each chakra, Kundalini, PERMANENTLY recites bijas and mantras
as it corresponds to an authentic Logos, thus fulfilling a function of superior quality to which it attributes the belief Vulgar: “igneous
energy”, “serpentine fire”, etc .;But in all cases: reflex action force.
This character of ” Balancing all disharmonies and synchronizing all biological rhythms. It will now be understood why we called
suicide, for the one who seeks absolute individuality, the pursuit of the exoteric goal of the yogas (awakening Kundalini): BECAUSE
It must be perfectly clear, then, that Kundalini SHOULD NOT BE AWAKENED if the keys are not possessed to take advantage of
her RE-CREATOR power, for her VERB can so represent the Will of The One, IN THE MICROCOSMOS, to ensure evolution, Like
self-will, to produce the mutation.
The Hyperborean Wisdom assures that Kundalini has the “secret mission”, among others, to intervene immediately “IF THE
ITS DESTINY TO EVOLVE TO THE ENTELEQUIA OF ARCHITECT MANU. “The danger to a hyperborean virya is therefore
understood, HATE THE WORK OF THE DEMIURGO, if he “awakens to Kundalini” and this adds him in a Nirvanic ecstasy: it is
possible to derive madness or some serious injury in his physical or subtle body, which is why the Hyperborean Wisdom tells the
virya that he plays with yoga : “What will you do, you who still believe THAT SEX” IS BAD “,
And: “what will you do, you who still suffer ANGUSTIAS AND FEAR, when Kundalini says VAM and your adrenaline DISSOLVE?
And, “what will you do, you who still SUFFER and enjoy the things of the world,and still feel the FIRE of anger and COLD of
indifference, when Kundalini says RAMand your pancreas CALCINE?
And: “what will you do, you who still LOVE and HATE, when kundalini says YAM and your heart explode and VOLATILIZE?
And “what will you do, who still SPEAK and HEAR, when Kundalini says HAM and thy thyroid DISINTEGRE?
And,” what will you do, who still SEEUNKNOWN when Kundalini says OM AND THERE COME YOUR DEATH?
These questions, and many more, make the Hyperborean Wisdom AL VIRYA HIPERBOREO, that is, TO WHOM THE DEMIURGO
WILL TAKE FOR ENEMY and try to destroy. However the answer does not imply ABANDONING the practice of yoga “A PRIORI”
but, as we said before, to operate strategically with tantric techniques after knowing “what” means to awaken to Kundalini,
(something we have already explained) and “for what” And “when” can be safely used to seminal retention techniques in the
maithuna. We must investigate, then, These last two conditions.
In order to know exactly when a virya can successfully use the sexual techniques of Tantrism, it is necessary to start with a
fundamental affirmation of the Hyperborean Wisdom: the sadhaka SHOULD NOT LOVE “WITH THE HEART” TO THE WOMAN
OF MEAT. This revelation will surely be taken with surprise or disdain by those who perform tantric practices “with the beloved
woman,” a figure very dear to Western fantasy. To those who do so the Hyperborean Wisdom simply calls them “ignorant viryas”
because “they ignore everything about Kaly.”
It truly causes laughter to think that ignorance goes so far as to believe that in the maithuna with the “wife” (or “friend” or “lover” )
Will find the liberation promised by the Eastern sacred texts: that is to have a poor idea of Shiva and Kaly. But laughter ends here
because such ignorance is extremely dangerous because, for a Western couple, the results are often disastrous and it is more
likely that instead of the longed for “liberation” what is obtained are irreversible psychic alterations.
One should not, therefore, love the woman with whom one adjusts to practice Tantric maithuna, but then what feeling must one feel
towards it ?: NO SENTIMENT. We have raised this question to highlight the difficulty that exists in the West to conceive a non-
affective relationship with women, a difficulty that is not present in the minds of the Orientals FOR WHOM THE TANTRIC METHOD
Oh Pyrena,
Goddess of Smiling Death
You who have the address
Beyond the stars
Come to the Land of the Chosen
That For You cry!
Oh Pyrena,
You who used to love the Heat of Fire to the Chosen
And then the Matabas
Remember the Promise!
Assassinate them first with the Cold of Fire,
To Love You Later in Your Home!
Oh Pyrena,
Make Warm Living Die in Us!
Let us know Kâlibur,
The Cold Death of Your Gaze!
And Make Us Live in Death
Your Frosty Life!
Oh Pyrena,
You once granted us
Cereal Seed
To Sow in the Groove of Infamy,
Kill that Created Life!
And deposit in the Heart of the Chosen One
The Frozen Seed of the Talking Stone!
Oh Pyrena,
White Goddess,
Show us the Naked Truth
By Kâlibur in Your Look,
And we will no longer be Men but Gods
Of Frozen Stone Heart!
Kâlibur, Your Chosen Call You!
Kâlibur, Your Chosen One Loves You!
Kâlibur, Death Freeing!
Kâlibur, Frozen Stone Seed!
Kâlibur, Bare Truth Remembered!
Chapter 10
In the previous chapter we have dealt with initiatory death. The overcoming of the archetype death entails understanding the mystery of A-mort, the
true love beyond death, as we saw in chapter 8, A-mort. In chapter 7, Emotions, we have already dealt with the difference between the emotional
duality of affection and hatred in transcendent time, and the essential hostility from the present comprehensive towards all illusory, not to be
deceived again by the psychoid archetypes of Rational / emotional soul. All the chapters discussed so far are focused on the understanding of
Honor, or loyalty to the Blood Pact of Origin. The reader, after having read the previous chapters in a linear way, and holding with the Gnostic
predisposition the basic concepts that we have exposed, will now be able to base the mystery of A-mort. Through this understanding, which comes
from within (the murmur of spiritual blood), the virya can be endowed with a vertical axis, firm as a menhir, around which to deploy a noological
ethics. Honor is present in the Virya of Luciferic graceful type as an unconscious gift. His behavior in the world is governed not by reason, but by an
ineffable cold fire that burns within. Those who have not been born with this gift will have to isolate the Self to remember and rescue the Luciferic
grace they have forgotten. Then the virya, in its process of purification, will understand the etymology of the word “human”: born of soil, earth, a
“man of clay”, what dust is and the dust will return.
If the reader recalls what was explained in Chapter 2, History, Will be aware of the intentional concealment of his past. The key question is: when
does History begin? As we pointed out at the end of chapter 4, Raza, you can only talk about History from the mid-nineteenth century. However, if
by History we mean the beginning of written records, whose statements are absolutely unverifiable, depending on the version contributed by this or
that priest to reconstruct the past, then European history would have only a millennium. Based on the stories bequeathed in book form, Fomenko
and others have placed the life of Jesus in the twelfth century after the fictitious “year zero.” One wonders … how do you get a whole continent to
change suddenly the year in which they live? How were the years “before Jesus” counted, upside down? Evidently they did not count the other way
around; Had their own calendar, which would be banned and pursued by the Templar armies. If we consider that Jesus was not a humble Jewish
carpenter, but was an emperor of Byzantium, it is easy to understand then that his persecution and death led to a confrontation between factions
that gave rise to the legendary “war of Troy” (in Constantinople, capital of Byzantine Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire). This would provoke the
Crusades with the objective of looting Jerusalem, being the most important the obtaining of the Tables of the Law. This is a logical order of the
events. Does it make sense to wait a millennium to avenge the death of Jesus and recover the “sacred land”? All the wars attributed to “ancient
Greece” and ” All religions, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism … everything has been subverted in favor of the Cultural Pact, although they still retain a
minimum of blood memory. Note that it is the peoples of the Cultural Pact who strive to record history with the intention of endowing themselves
with a mythical past with which to justify oppression over nations. On the other hand, the peoples of the Pact of Blood do not need to deceive their
societies by indoctrination in cathedrals (or their modern version: the university), but they had initiatory centers, with a priestly caste serving the
warrior caste, and Not the other way around, as it is today.
Although the plans of the Synarchy for the realization of World Government in the fourteenth century were succeeded, the influence of Judeo-
Christianity spread throughout Europe.The main effect of this cultural invasion is the subversion of the value attributed to death. Before the arrival of
the archetype Jesus, the dead were not buried, but burned. The people of the Pact of Blood knew that once the physical body is dead, the only
thing left in this plane is a set of bones, muscles and viscera, which decomposes at great speed. So they opted for the most economical, fast,
healthy and respectful option to deal with the situation: they were doing a ceremony in which they burned the corpse in a bonfire. The people of the
Cultural Pact, on the other hand, have internalized the habit of mourning (the famous Wall of Lamentations being represented in Jerusalem)
because of the suffering caused by their attachment to matter. This habit was instilled by the Dark Atlanteans,To take advantage of the emotional
energy in their magic rituals of the numeral cabal, which is the one that they have since the fall of Atlantis, and the acoustic cabal, which was the
treasure buried by King Solomon, whose possession was the cause of the Crusades. In the fourteenth century they failed at the hands of the
hyperborean king Philip IV of France, but now they will try to concretize the World Government 7 centuries later, following the cycles of the Hebrew
cabal. A Shemittah occurs every 7 years, with the 49 year cycle being a Great Shemittah .The crisis runs from 7 to 7: 2015, 2008, 2001, 1994 …
Interestingly, if we subtract 49, a Great Shemittah , we arrive at 1967, the Six Day War. If another GreatShemittah is subtracted , it is reached until
1918, with the Treaty of Versailles. If another Great Shemittah is subtracted , it would reach 1869, the Black Friday crisis.The Great Shemittah mark
years of great symbolic meaning for the Chosen People, being generally years of harvest, although it does not have to be only of economic
character. Using these patterns, the reader will be able to understand the development of History, which is guided on the basis of the Hebrew
Kabbalah. The appearance of the tombs would mark the beginning of decay, the end of the Kaly Yuga .
The priests have made the people live in constant fear of death, do not accept death as a fact, are so attached to life that they treat a decomposed
corpse as if it were still their “beloved”, and embalmed To try to keep it. With these rituals of tragedy, of pain, the priests have managed to direct the
spiritual outward look, instead of inwardly, where the truth is. The attention to oneself is reversed due to the constant propaganda that the
sacerdotal caste makes of its idols and icons. The cross is a reminder of death, but not understood as liberation, but as a condemnation, because it
“takes away your life”. Death is inevitable, because of the idolatry of the cross, it seeks to internalize the subject that is totally tied to the wheel of re-
incarnations, to Samsara , the cycle of death in the world. This is how the priests annulled the spirituality of Europe: they displaced the
transcendence of the spirit over the physical body, promising a “resurrection of the dead” at the end of time, Which would be something like a
“Zombie Apocalypse”.
This doctrine of immortality is promoted by the Judaized part of the world religions of the Cultural Pact. What the priests hide faintly is that it is only
the part inherited from the animal, that is, the soul or pasu part. The virya, to awaken the divine part, needs to shed the animal part. Once the soul is
empty and the Self is isolated, anamnesia is activated. The virya, in its successive experiences of anamnesia, is resigning the psychoid archetypes
of the cultural superstructure, resolving the will to its totality, reaching the Self. Although the virya has begun his process of blood purification, he
must be aware that he is still bound by the soul. Therefore, what is born of the soil is the being, is the human, and, Although consciousness
expands into infinity, it remains only a conscious subject. It is only when the Self is isolated that an individuality of its own is held, from which it can
be done fairly, with Honor. The fact that the viryas do not have the isolated self is the reason why they lie to themselves and for which there is
always betrayal.
Regarding the personality of the soul subject, we will say that the patriarchal and monotheistic is transmitted emotionally through the father. The
matriarchal and feminist is transmitted emotionally through the mother. When there is an imbalance in parenting, the child, if he does not wake up,
will end up phagocytosed by one or both poles. The personality of the stem is created from the outside, In the first instance by the parents and
secondarily by the paradigm of their environment. All that is inherited is karma and dharma, of which one can only be liberated by isolating the
Self. The children of the Golden Sun, his father, and the Moon, his mother, are mortal. They live and die on Earth because of the warmth they
receive from their master, Jehovah Satan. The Golden Sun that we can see and feel is not real, but the photons of the archetypal Sun or Solar
Logos are filtered by Chang Shambala, which is between the Earth and the Sun, giving us the usual aspect of the Sun as we know it. If we go
beyond Chang Shambala and the Solar Logos, we will experience the Black Sun. But it is not to be perceived as a physical distance, the physical
body does not intervene in this journey, it is a noological, spiritual movement. Returning to the scheme we proposed in Chapter 1, Introduction, we
could say that the green box is the physical world in which only the effects of the archetypes are seen. In the red box , the virya begins to intuit the
existence of archetypes. In the blue box , you can see the archetypes, being in the infinite Self, subject to the Solar Logos. Beyond the Solar Logos
begins the black enclosure, the Black Sun, outside the archetypal cultural superstructure. Beyond the infinite blackness is the Self, the true Selbst,
the Grail or blood of the Gods, the Green Ray, the liberation of the spirit.
So, All those who settle in the temple of the Hebrew Yod are independent of the transcendent time but remain subject to the archetypal structure of
the material Universe. Those who do not go beyond the Self of the soul, and develop the infinite Self towards the attainment of the entelechy, even
if they are rewarded with onic autonomy or immortality in the plane of meaning that is found, are following the evolutionary plan.If you really have
Honor and the intention is to free the spirit, it is about creating a path of your own following one of the 7 + 1 ways of liberation of the Blood Pact. For
this, we must leave the dynamics of the search-choice-choice. When one isolates the Self, it stops choosing among the options that are being
offered, But has the will to leave the domain that has been imposed. If you do not get out of a situation where you are at a strategic disadvantage, it
is because you still do not have enough will to get out of it. In passing through a conscious death, the initiate has the necessary will to take control
from the Golden Cord, temporarily detaching himself from the Silver Cord, which binds him to the soul.
As the reader was able to verify in chapter 6, Mentiras, in this society in which we live the Honor has been demonized, deformed, and vilified by the
propaganda of the Synarchy, so that the population does not know what Honor is And, therefore, lacks the values that would derive from it. Viryas
with Honor in this dark time have to go through the Nigredo (bottoming out, sinking into the dark, Rescuing the I to isolate it), the Albedo (blood
purification from the isolated Self, arriving at the clarity of the spirit) and the Rubedo (resurface with fury like the Phoenix bird to leave this Universe
of madness). This is an individual struggle which has as its beginning, as a means and as an end, the initiatory tantra of the warrior spirit,
manifested in history in German National Socialism. That is why the German flag, the real one, is composed of the black of the swastika, the white
of the Ehre sphere, and the red of the spiritual furor that comes from the memory of blood.
Finally, we will remind the reader of what Honor is. Honor is never to lie to oneself. Honor is to fight to the death for justice and truth. Honor is to
stand firm under the firestorm. Honor is to remain faithful to your charismatic leader and your people to the last consequences.Honor is to be willing
to work tirelessly and carry the heaviest of burdens on top.Honor is to throw to illusion a total war, a more total and radical attack than anyone can
imagine. Honor is to be absolutely original, having the innocence of a child, the idealism of a young man, the strength of an adult and the wisdom of
an old man.Honor is to stand in the face of fear and, when we begin to move, to say: “no, you move”. Honor is not to fear anything or anyone and
never surrender. Honor is our flag, and our flag is greater than death. In Chapter 7, Emotions, we have already exposed the difference between
man and monkey. So that all can understand what Honor is, then we present to you the strategically decisive breakthrough in the History of a
people of pure men, carried out by a charismatic leader who fought until getting his people back to the Origin.Access the following link to experience
the reconstruction of History based on Honor:
Here’s a personal version of a well-known band. It is not a translation, but an individual adaptation of the warrior sentiments that it
arouses. To die with Honor is the act that ultimately defines the Gnostic sage. You can never choose how to be born, but
fortunately you can choose how to die, and it is indeed one of the most important moments in life, perhaps even the most
If at the end of the battle only my body remains
Tell my son that I preferred to die rather than give in.

My life will soon be only a memory

But you still have a lot to do

You must continue to fight always with gallantry

Remember me as one who would never kneel

If you can not see me, then you think I’m dead
Feel with the blood, forget the thought

Look at the Origin, I will go to your meeting

Together with you, loyal, at all times

Go to combat, hit with fury

Do not fear the future, there is no tomorrow

Armed with my sword, forged in the cold fire

There I will be, in the heat of battle

In dark times, we are persecuted by the rogue

They are filled with hatred, dominated by fear

But we do not fall into the illusion of Maya

And we stand firm, cold as ice

We question their dogmas, we despise their clergy

They are horrified, and pray to heaven

For them we are cursed: we do not fear death

They can not help us laughing happily

Facing the black abyss, that’s my way

And I am faithful to my path because I have chosen it myself

We have emptied our hearts of fear

Now they are cold, Honor and Valor full

The Spirit has awakened, we have remembered, it is time to leave

Fighting with my comrades, back to back, so I’m going to die

My eyes are my blood, I can see eternity

I will transmute with Honor in the Final Battle.
Chapter 11

To conclude this book, we will offer guidelines for those interested in starting to prepare gnostically for their individual act of war,
which may have begun at the beginning of the reading of this text.
1. In the first place, it is necessary to overcome the soul subject in a direct pulse. Will against temptation, in a face-to-face
battle. This is very simple to get: the courageous virya fast between 7 and 9 days. This practice is compatible with active work or
student life. If you want to fast 10 days or more, you would need to rest and meditate to conserve energy. We ensure that the
practice of voluntary and controlled fasting has a number of positive consequences. Among the mental consequences are
increased concentration, brain calm, The emergence of new ideas or points of view, a willingness to listen and observe both
externally and internally, and greater contact with the Self. Physical consequences include cleansing of organs in general, re-
adjustment of sleep cycles, renewal of appetite, a restatement of bad eating habits (“junk” food will result to the body “poisonous”
after The fasting, feeling an instinctive rejection) producing an opportunity to change to an alkaline diet and the always welcome
loss of several kilograms of body fat, which is not only positive by the mere “aesthetic” appearance, but by the relief of pressure on
Nerves and joints, so that our ankles, knees, hips and back will thank us.
We note that during fasting it is extremely important to stay well hydrated throughout the day, drinking as pure water as possible. If
you can not get water from a mountain spring, buy water with a suitable level of mineralization, with a pH from 7.3, with a low
sodium content.
If it is the first time you are doing it, or you are in bad physical shape, you will undoubtedly find it very helpful to make a preparation
as we propose:
Take a large bottle of water, a lemon and a stevia leaves (which sweetens but has Healing properties of diabetes among other
diseases). In the bottle include sea salt water with a proportion such that: if a bottle of 1500 ml (1.5 liters) had 7 parts, fill 2 parts of
sea water (if you do not live on the coast you can buy, Coming already filtered; If you live on the coast inform yourself about how it
is collected correctly without waste) and 5 parts of fresh water (the water of the bottle itself). If you run out of half-fast, nobody
prevents you from preparing another, but always be cautious not to be overcome by hunger and end up consuming solid fruit,
which can ruin the process both physically and psychologically.
It is possible that in the transit between the third day and the fourth the virya suffer dizziness, slight losses of balance or a
sensation similar to when one has been intoxicated and has to vomit. Do not give in to pressure, gather strength and overcome this
“little death”. He is just the scared psychic subject because you are increasing the will and can become master in himself. Non-
eating is a ” Nor do we recommend getting involved in arguments or conflicts, which anyway the fasting mind will reject as one who
dodges a puddle on the ground. Focus, instead, on contemplation, reading, or writing, like the old uses of the monks of old.
2. After this small personal victory the virya will be in an optimal state to begin to read The Mystery of Belicena Villca and the
Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom.You will notice that your mind is clear and clear, in a propitious state to absorb the wisdom of
Nimrod’s work, while not being invaded by constant bewildering thoughts as is common in the mind conditioned by the archetypes.
3. It is highly recommended to practice an esoteric martial art to temper the sword in cold fire by governing the energy flow KI of the
soul chakras. If for various reasons it is not possible or prefer to practice a physical training even if it does not involve melee
combat, this should also be considered a “martial art” as long as the practitioner mentalises that he is channeling and enhancing
his will in hardness And proof of his training, and also keep in mind that his is a soldier training, not a playful “sportsman”.
4. The most important thing to keep in mind is brain repair. Different substances and energies of the brain intervene in the
production of semen, So the seminal losses are a real catastrophe for the brain. Repeated orgasms weaken the brain until it is
completely exhausted.Masturbation and orgasm during sleep are the three ways in which orgasm can occur.Of these, the most
destructive is masturbation. It produces much more exhaustion and psychophysical annihilation than the common orgasm effected
during intercourse. Those beings so depleted of energies are common that they resort to alcohol, drugs or food in excess, in an
unsuccessful attempt to fill the terrible energetic vacuum that orgasms have produced. The energies of the brain and the seminal
energies are one and the same energy. These energies provoke sexual excitement if they accumulate in the genital area, But if
they are accumulated in the brain they have the faculty to repair it and increase all their latent powers and powers. Semen must be
preserved as the greatest treasure because it contains all the energies capable of producing repair and evolution of the
brain. Because of the loss of seminal energies the brain is deteriorated, exhausted and asleep, in most humans. It is only through
the accumulation of these same energies that their repair and subsequent development is possible. That is why it is difficult for
anyone who has experienced the virtues of sexual yoga to ever return to the void of orgasm. The practices of sexual yoga can be
performed only for a time, until having reached the total repair of the brain, taking care of then not to weaken it again. Those who
do not settle for a repaired brain and want full brain development, that is, the awakening of all their latent, magical and spiritual
potentialities, will have to persevere much longer with these practices, perhaps forever. It is all a matter of experimenting and
insisting in the same direction. The maithuna is the sacred sexual act and in it all sexual play is allowed minus one thing:
orgasm. In the New Sexuality for this Kali-Yuga era, sex and sexual intercourse should not be denied. Only orgasm, the loss of
energy, should be avoided. In this case the vacuum of orgasm is changed by the cultivation and development of sexual
energy. The immediate purpose of maithuna is to stir and increase sexual emanations and to bring about an exchange of subtle
effluvia between the two partners. In addition, the practice of maithuna diminishes the possibility of involuntary orgasms during
sleep, although this possibility is very far if the seminal emanations have been elevated to the brain. The subtle and subtle seminal
emanations respond easily to the human will, in man and woman alike. Not only the man, also the woman possesses semen,
although slightly different in appearance.The elevation of the seminal emanations immediately decongests the genital area and this
is very easy to check. It produces immediate sexual relief, totally diminishing the possibility of involuntary orgasms. So the sexual
desires are calmed and the brain is turned on.
5. As we gain ground to transcendent time by replacing it with immanent time, we will become more sovereign of ourselves to
occupy a space without dependencies of anyone and to be able to apply the way of the strategic opposition . After this small
conquest of sovereignty and understanding of the FSH, a Kairos will occur, a mystical experience of the uncreated spirit that
happens to have isolated the Self taking control of the soul . The false personality will have disintegrated (initiatory or conscious
death ) and will now govern a new one of the memory of the spirit, centered in the Selbst, Possessing a source of energy
independent of the archetypes in order to be able to resign until they fully resolve the will.
6. In our passage through the Nigredo (existential crisis) we will walk the old ways without fear, in a way that surpasses the
psychological complexes, and the familiar archetype in its comprehension will be integrated producing the purification in Albedo ( r
eversión of all the looks Gnostic or Selbst). In this transit , the virya will find other viryas who will act as mirrors in the understanding
and integration of the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom. With the astral power that is derived from the tetrarques lift by means
of the will until arriving at the first or , The virya will be able to reach the point Tau (memory of the beginning of the fall in the
7. In the course of this personal and non-transferable battle, the Gnostic glances are reverted to the center of their Self (or Selbst),
building the infinite staircase, which is called “pontificate”. In this kairos the mystery of A-mort is revealed and proceed according to
the teachings of the Loyal Siddhas. Toconquer the Selbst the virya can choose between two alternatives. On the one hand, one
can take the path of the Rubedo (coronation), in which transmutation takes place in Siddha Berserker with an incorruptible body of
vraja. In this way, he will wait for the beginning of the Final Battle next to the Loyal Gods in Agartha. The other option is to release
directly by going immediately to the Source. In any case, the result is the conquest of Vril, stripping forever of slavery and
exploitation in the Material Universe.
We will briefly and simply present an introduction to the processes that the virya will have to go through in its battle to free its
spirit. After reading “The Mystery of Belicena Villca”, the Novel, to be magical, acts by disrupting the mind conditioned by the
Synarchy. This reading is followed by the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom, which are the guiding instruction. The
understanding of the Foundations causes in virya an initiatory kairos.
The created runes have two meanings: one exoteric, profane and common knowledge, and another esoteric, of interior and
specialized knowledge. The runes created are cultural, and therefore determined in transcendent space-time. In contrast,
uncreated runes are not cultural,But nonological as they are outside the transcendent time of the material world.Its meaning is
only accessible to virya warrior faithful to the Pact of Blood.Following the initiatory path of True Gnosis produces a complete inner
The gnostic predisposition of the virya, the murmur of his pure blood, translates into a spiritual verticality, a firm attitude, straight
and in a constant state of mental ludidez.The ISA rune exposed at the beginning of this entry represents the spirit that remains
unmoved by the agitation of external phenomena and the entropy of the created material universe. In this constant state of alert,
coming from the will and the value, you will be able to remember and understand the other uncreated runes that reside in the blood.
When a virya with Gnostic predisposition experiences the double rune KENAZplunges into the deep waters of her blood memory,
and the cold fire of the Goddess Freya will awaken her Infinite Self.Possibly this experience arises before beginning in the
Hyperborean Wisdom, to be chosen. When he does not find answers in the media controlled by the Synarchy, the virya, fed up with
so much mediocrity and deceptions of the White Brotherhood, ends up looking for the Novel for himself in order to understand his
situation. Others, however, will arrive at the Novel through other comrades to perceive in them
the nologicalpredisposition necessary to understand it.If so, the reading of the Novel and its understanding will provoke this

The process of virya in relation to the INGrune , in an initiatory sense, is to be understood as the seed of cold stone, conceiving a
new being from the potential of something pre-existing. You can isolate the Infinite Self, rescued in the first awakening of the
previous process. This process is an initiatory death or separation of the conscious subject. Therefore, it has come out of all
created beings of the soul, experiencing the infinite blackness and integrating the double rune KENAZ , along with the ING rune ,
bursting into the ODALrune . The original mystical homeland isreflected in the world created by the ODALrune of noble and free
men; In a kingdom made up of comrades who share the same race and spiritual blood; A kingdom in which the outer and inner
enemies are defeated and a common infinite center (golden cord) projects a space and time of its own to detach itself from the
conditionings of the created world. Up to this point comes the first initiation of the three that offers the path of strategic opposition.

The process of virya in relation to the TYRrune is based on struggle, courage, bravery, leadership, self-sacrifice and self-discipline
to rise spiritually. Regarding the previous step with the ODAL rune , theTYR rune represents the resurgence of the waters and the
orientation towards the center of the Self or Selbst. The virya, in this fight in honor and loyalty to the Origin, initiates itself like
Gentleman Tirodal. This process may be faster or slower depending on the purity of blood. The runeTIRODAL exposed in the main
image of this web page and also at the beginning of this entry, is composed of the other runes, which we have separated to explain
each step and its meaning.
The Rune Guibur , exposed at the beginning of this entrance, will lead the warrior virya in its processes to temper
the KALIBUR sword in the cold fire, which will increase its will and valor until completing the Selbst or pontificar, that would
constitute the second initiation.Then you may face one face to face with the Demiurge, forcing him to open the doors to the KEY
KALACHAKRA and power r evert the sphere of the spirit to normal. This act of war supposes the conquest of the VRIL and the
definitive liberation of its spirit.
TIRODINGUIBURR is the sacred symbol of virya. Its meaning expresses all the Hyperborean Wisdom, qualifying as “the
solution WOTAN the problem of spiritual chain”. As a result of his marvelous feat, Wotan RE-DISCOVERED the runes to reveal
them to the Aryans and that is why the Tirodal Crystal Book is also a language: the “tirodal” language, based on thirteen plus three
runes, that is thirteen archetypal runes Plus three noologicalrunes , which we have exposed: TYR –ODAL – GUIBUR . The virya
warrior, after integrating the family archetype and resigning all psychoid archetypes, will remember the Blood Pact. This process
is solved when Wotan’s resolution is applied to the outer and inner labyrinth. The Primordial Gnosis is the legacy of
Wotan written in the book “Tirodal”, which contains his experience of incarnating to solve the captivity of the spirit in the
matter. All pure blood virya can be consulted in the glass library of Agartha or Valhalla.

This section is aimed at viryas who have read the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom and still have doubts about the first step
of isolating the Self. Previously the virya has had a first awakening to discover the Infinite I, assuming the passage from the finite to
the infinite an expansion of the conscious subject. After experiencing a mystical ecstasy you will embark on a quest to understand
it, but this does not mean that the Self is isolated. In Figure 29, A is represented by the symbol of the origin reflecting the infinite
Self. Therefore, every virya when it expands consciousness to the Infinite Self is still lost in the conscious subject. Being lost can be
captured by the Synarchy in the cultural dogmas of the Self (which is how Carl Jung came), which would be the false archemon or
Yod, that is,
Fig. 29
What is having the self isolated? The answer is: to have experienced the initiatic death, which is to resign the archetype of death
out of all created beings and access the infinite blackness based on the cold stone I AM inside the archemon, focus of the
Selbst. In this state there is no cultural representation, because it is outside the cultural superstructure. No sense is attributed to
any being. Therefore the symbol of the origin reflects the infinite Self creating a siege and isolating it from the conscious subject.

The conscious subject may have as much learned culture as a computer. You can program it to execute the inserted thing
culturally, but having a lot of knowledge does not mean that one has isolated the Self, but, instead, is still attached to the conscious
subject without being able to think for itself, depending on the gregarious mind to Which is fastened. The conscious subject, in
reading books, can develop a text or a discourse on the argument already made by others, such as priestly preachers who know
the thing, but it does not mean that they can substantiate it, which is equivalent to knowing that it is the thing, of There its constant
revision in the transcendent time adapting the thing to the reason of the being for the man in the microcosm, consoling itself in the
illusion of the archetype gravis. Thus, Understanding the difference between learning culturally as a robot on the one hand and
remembering the blood memory of the spirit on the other is not possible without having the isolated self. Understanding the
Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom means experiencing them in the comprehensive present, not arguing them in the present
extensive. If one argues producing a culture focused on guiding others, one will only be able to disorient them as a White Fraternity
teacher would.If the archetype is not transcended death is because there is attachment to life, which means being afraid of losing it,
projecting it indefinitely into the future.Fear is incompatible with the way of the wise warrior. If the virya is afraid his way would be,
instead, the path of the priest sacralizing. And remembering the blood memory of the spirit, on the other, is not possible without
having the self isolated.Understanding the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom means experiencing them in the comprehensive
present, not arguing them in the present extensive. If one argues producing a culture focused on guiding others, one will only be
able to disorient them as a White Fraternity teacher would. If the archetype is not transcended death is because there is attachment
to life, which means being afraid of losing it, projecting it indefinitely into the future. Fear is incompatible with the way of the wise
warrior. If the virya is afraid his way would be, instead, the path of the priest sacralizing. And remembering the blood memory of the
spirit, on the other, is not possible without having the self isolated. Understanding the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom
means experiencing them in the comprehensive present, not arguing them in the present extensive. If one argues producing a
culture focused on guiding others, one will only be able to disorient them as a White Fraternity teacher would.If the archetype is not
transcended death is because there is attachment to life, which means being afraid of losing it, projecting it indefinitely into the
future.Fear is incompatible with the way of the wise warrior. If the virya is afraid his way would be, instead, the path of the priest
sacralizing. Understanding the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom means experiencing them in the comprehensive present,
not arguing them in the present extensive. If one argues producing a culture focused on guiding others, one will only be able to
disorient them as a White Fraternity teacher would.If the archetype is not transcended death is because there is attachment to life,
which means being afraid of losing it, projecting it indefinitely into the future.Fear is incompatible with the way of the wise warrior. If
the virya is afraid his way would be, instead, the path of the priest sacralizing. Understanding the Fundamentals of Hyperborean
Wisdom means experiencing them in the comprehensive present, not arguing them in the present extensive. If one argues
producing a culture focused on guiding others, one will only be able to disorient them as a White Fraternity teacher would.If the
archetype is not transcended death is because there is attachment to life, which means being afraid of losing it, projecting it
indefinitely into the future.Fear is incompatible with the way of the wise warrior. If the virya is afraid his way would be, instead, the
path of the priest sacralizing. If the archetype is not transcended death is because there is attachment to life, which means being
afraid of losing it, projecting it indefinitely into the future. Fear is incompatible with the way of the wise warrior. If the virya is afraid
his way would be, instead, the path of the priest sacralizing. If the archetype is not transcended death is because there is
attachment to life, which means being afraid of losing it, projecting it indefinitely into the future. Fear is incompatible with the way of
the wise warrior. If the virya is afraid his way would be, instead, the path of the priest sacralizing.

If ALL gnostic looks NO are directed to thecenter, no loyalty, no camaraderie, there isalways a fear that betray the honor because
the subject clings to matter.When the “I” is isolated, the “Minne” can already be perceived, and it is then that the encounter between
comrades occurs in the golden cord, being until then mere sensorial encounters of the pasu, being still trapped in the conscious

If you divest yourself of the conscious subject and isolate the Self, it is because you reject everything in the created hell.You do not
want to make sense of the entelechies, you just want to give up the sensual deception because you know it’s illusory. The will to
isolate the Self entails not wanting anything in you that is created. You only want what is absolutely yours, what is absolutely
insubstantial and immaterial. By dying for her (pureer hyperbore feminine spirit), “he and she” are unified, fear is resigned, and the
Loyal Gods resurrect you in a true Aryan, “twice born.” If we have reached this circle of Honor, the culture takes a back seat, for
from now on the murmur of blood is the new eyes, it is seen “with blood”, as Belicena, and every virya awake will identify others
directly In his Minne. The kairos will arrive when the blood is sufficiently purified, and it will be recognized in its moment, that will
only happen when it is prepared. We will expose what is perceived so that each contrasts with himself if he really has the isolated
self. In separating from the conscious subject one experiences death, but that agonizing pain is alien to the virya. It is the pain that
causes the demiurge’s mind to amputate the Captive I of the material substance, as well as to remove a parasite by discovering it
alien to you. Once you have gone through the initiatic death, having the will and the courage to see beyond that pain of others, you
experience the infinite blackness having broken into the Odal or archemon focus of the Selbst. In this state, virya having taken the
first step, He is revealed the secret that his Self is immortal and will not be phagocytosed by the Manvantara.However, having
separated from the conscious subject, in this state there is no representative or archetypal psychoid memory to represent any of
the created entities. Therefore, you will remember nothing of the Pasú, the created, nor of the life that you were living, you will
simply be “I am” the focus of the Selbst in the infinite blackness. The Loyal Siddhas from the abode “Agartha or Valhalla” out of
transcendent time will run the isolated Self in one of the tetrarchs of the Labrelix road, returning to the virya to the physical body
with the memory of immortality, to finish its process of purifying the blood.After this experience the anamnesia, which is the memory
of the memory of the blood pact, is activated. In successive experiences through the anamnesia the virya will proceed to trace in
the memory of blood until the first tretarque. This is the first initiation of the Hyperborean Wisdom (figure 30).

Fig. 30 focus of the Selbst

From the first step you can understand the second step with luciferic graceful attitude, being the virya inside the square
Tau. Therefore, it will be possible to go back to the first Tetrarque of the Tau point by completing the snail staircase in the real
systems and thus be able to generate the sphere Ehre remembering the fall of the Spirit in the matter. The transit from the first to
the second step could be instantaneous if one had the very purified blood, he would remember the fall in the blood and later build
the infinite staircase and thus be able to pontificate in the Selbst and complete the second initiation (figure 32).

Fig. 32
In the present times of End of Kaly Yuga the blood of the viryas is very impure after the passage of time transcenderte and it is
necessary to perform the three initiations step by step tracing the memory in memory of blood.
How to isolate the Self? The path of strategic opposition laid out in the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom explains the three
steps towards the liberation of the spirit, but the first step is the most difficult to realize, since we have no pontiff to create the
archemon in the outer maze and To be able to take you to the inner labyrinth of Wotan, where the pontiff himself runs the self in
that kairos with the permission of the loyal Siddhas.Therefore, it is going to be very difficult for lack of visible pontiff, but it does not
mean that it can not be done using the elements of water, air and blood of the physical body generating the inner archemon. The
irruption within the Odal’s archemon must be provoked. How to provoke an initiatory death? All virya with infinite value, after
understanding the first step as explained by Nimrod, He knows he has to provoke this kairos. Therefore, being on constant alert will
know to see that opportunity that is presented. How do we know what that opportunity is? We do not know, it will arise in the kairos
of the synchronistic synchronistic coincidence between the two worlds, simply that opportunity will arise in an act of Honor when
facing with courage to the archetype death. We will expose a method that causes initiatory death.
If the virya is stuck and does not know how to resign the conscious subject, not seeing the opportunity mentioned above for not
knowing hidden fears, ayahuasca could serve as a pontiff to shed the conscious subject through the manifestation of initiatory
death (for the word ” Ayahuasca “means in Quechua” noose of the dead “). Here are the ideal conditions for initiatory death: First,
the virya must have knowledge of the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom for the accomplishment of this act to be successful. It
is an action of war proper to the noological ethics, not a game of psychological ethics, so it is an experience to be taken in all
seriousness. Second, The site where the ayahuasca is made must have as a reference the structure of Tirodinguiburr, four corners
and a corridor.Third, the virya is to be placed on one of the corners, for the right angle reflects the infinite pole of the reverted
sphere spirit.Fourthly, among the participants of the take there must be a woman, bringing with her presence the archetype Dama
that will remove the energies propitiating the emergence of the sacred symbols. Fifth, the proportion of the participants must be
approximately one woman for every five men, in addition to the shaman. Sixth, it is convenient for the participants to have a
conversation to get to know each other before the ritual, so that the virya removes the conscious subject from others with their
same presence, as well as giving the woman the opportunity to interact with men, And in case the woman is a Kaly woman
(although she does not know it) will end up “choosing” the virya that will begin as a metaphysical reference in the act of ritual (for
incarnated in the world is Kaly, but in experience Interior of virya becomes Lillith). Seventh, the ritual must be performed in the dark,
without electric light, and at night, so that the predominant astral force is not that of the Sun but that of the Moon, if possible Full
Possibly in the first shot do not isolate the “I”, but will resignate fears that he did not know. In later takes, when no fear has to be
resigned, the representations of demiurgic sacred geometry that I had previously seen will no longer manifest when they are
resigned. Then the serpent will be represented to be able to understand it with the sign of the Origin through it (Lillith), but it will not
be able to see it, although yes that will know that is she. It should only be carried away by ayahuasca towards initiatory death
(which is not a physical death). Keep in mind that if you are going to take the brew, it is advisable to discard all representations of
dogmas or demiurgic rites. You are determined to die for it, regardless of what others do in that group of ayahuasca.Therefore, the
family archetype has to be integrated, to be sovereign and self-sufficient in the valplads before the ayahuasca taking. The
composition of the brew has to be known by the virya. It is composed of the liana Banisteriopsis Caapi, and the Psychotria Viridis,
or Chacruna, Which are the two main components of ayahuasca. We recommend that the brew be prepared in Peru, which is
where the true ayahuasca is collected. Therefore, let the virya keep in mind that there is much virya of playful attitude in this
market, and if you have decided to take this concoction, look for the shaman suitable for his purpose. It is not advisable to have
more plants as an addition to the brew. The knowledge of ayahuasca is so ancient that it is unknown who discovered it, so that it
does not accept new strange components. This concoction must have the right dosage for the viryas who want to experience the
“rope of the dead” or “initiatory death”. One must be very prepared to jump into the abyss of infinite blackness. No matter which
route of liberation is taking place,For all conclude by isolating the Self, both for the woman and the man, and each one has to
integrate well to him, or to her. For them, it is Lucifer (purest masculine spirit). For them, it’s Lillith. Ayahuasca will lead you to your
spiritual will, which should not be confused with emotional control, since this control is of the conscious subject. The archetype
death will manifest itself to him if it is such the will of the spirit, depending on its value if it resigns it or not. But do not worry if you
do not get it, it is very difficult to emerge victorious the first time you take it. Keep in mind that you are agonizing, because your true
Self is being separated from the conscious subject. All unknown fears alien to virya will emerge to prevent the conquest of its true
Self. This process is very similar to that experienced by the two comrades in the initiation of John Dee, Rudolf II and Wilhelm von
Rosenberg. The experience of Rodolfo II, having the most impure blood, caused him such agony that it cost him to recover and,
evidently, when he overcame his fear, he discarded to try again. The courageous virya will change his rational consciousness by
the Gnostic consciousness throughout this process, with the determined intention to eliminate all the illusory. When you return to
the physical body, you can realize the external siege, for you have recognized it internally and know how to do it in order to proceed
towards the Selbst or Myself. Discarded to try again. The courageous virya will change his rational consciousness by the Gnostic
consciousness throughout this process, with the determined intention to eliminate all the illusory. When you return to the physical
body, you can realize the external siege, for you have recognized it internally and know how to do it in order to proceed towards the
Selbst or Myself.Discarded to try again. The courageous virya will change his rational consciousness by the Gnostic consciousness
throughout this process, with the determined intention to eliminate all the illusory. When you return to the physical body, you can
realize the external siege, for you have recognized it internally and know how to do it in order to proceed towards the Selbst or
Ayahuasca is just a “kick” or “push” to jump into the black abyss stripping itself of the conscious subject, an emotional shock that
affects all created cultural entities to rescue the true self. If the virya is determined to do so, it is important to be prepared for
it. Therefore, that any lost virya that does not have a minimum level of understanding of the Fundamentals of Hyperborean
Wisdom, and without having a graceful Luciferic attitude with infinite value, give up trying, then, if one is not prepared for initiatory
death , It is impossible to isolate the Self, and will only find disorientation in fanciful visions of the psychoanalytic archetypes without
being able to “resign” them, like the majority of ayahuasqueros.
Here ends the electronic book. For our part there is nothing left to say. We leave the reader reminding him that: “You lost the
Origin and prisoner are Snake: With the Sign of Origin comprises the serpent, and be free again in the Source” E s your
turn to decide how to Act from now on.Our Honor is called Loyalty


After completing the chapters, as an epilogue, we offer you a collection of phrases from various thinkers, to which we add our own phrases:
Hermann Hesse’s phrases: “Most men do not want anything before they know, is it? This is spiritual, they are born for the earth, not for water, and
naturally do not want to think, as they have been created for life, not for thinking. He may be very far away in this, but he has confused water with
the earth, and sooner or later he will drown. “”Man is by no means a firm and lasting being, it is rather an essay and a transition, it is nothing other
than the narrow and dangerous bridge between nature and spirit. Towards the spirit, toward God, is driven by the most intimate determination;To
the nature in return to the mother, attracts the most intimate desire: between the two powers he hesitates his life trembling with fear ” ” … I have
been a man who seeks and I am still, but I do not look now in the stars or in I am beginning to listen to the teachings that my blood murmurs in me.
My story is not pleasant, it is not smooth or harmonious like invented stories, it knows foolishness and confusion, madness and dream, like the lives
of all men who They do not want to lie to themselves … ” Friedrich Nietzsche’s phrases ” Every writer should be regarded as an evildoer who in
very few cases deserves pardon and grace. This would be a remedy against the invasion of books. ” “Is a woman and never loves but a warrior. ” ”
Humanity does not represent an evolution towards something better, or stronger, or higher, in the way that is believed today. Progress is merely a
modern idea, that is to say, a false idea. ” ” Man is no longer derived from “spirit”, from “divinity”, we have placed him again among animals. ” ” God
has to be a person , And, so that the lower instincts too can speak, God has to be young. For the ardor of women, a beautiful saint must be brought
to the fore, for the one of the males, a Mary. ” ” Disobedience to God, that is, to the priest, to “the law,” is now called ” sin”; Only the priest redeems.
Psychologically calculated, “sins” become indispensable in every organized society in a priestly way: they are the true levers of power, the priest
lives of sins, he needs to “sin.” Supreme article: “God forgives the one who does penance” – clearly stated: to whom he submits to the priest. We
must know today that in every sentence a theologian, a priest, a pope … not only errs, but lies. ” ” There are days when I feel blacker than the
blackest melancholy Contempt for men. And to leave no doubt about what it is that I despise, about who it is that I despise: it is the man of today,
the man of which I am fatally contemporary. ” ” Philosophy, as I have understood it and lived up to now, is a voluntary life on the ice and in the high
mountains: search for everything problematic and strange in existence, everything that has been banished so far by morality. It is necessary to be
accustomed to live in the mountains, and to see at our feet the miserable charlatanry of developed peoples. ” ” All achievement , every step forward
in knowledge, follows from courage, hardness against oneself, from Cleansing in relation to oneself, remembering wisdom. Neither comfort nor
material well-being nor wealth nor power in the material sense constitute the goals of the superman. ” ” Man suffers so terribly in the world that he
has been compelled to invent laughter, And sex is a trap of nature not to be extinguished. ” Phrases of Lao Tse (also known as Laotzu,
Laozi, Laotius or Old Master). ” He who obtains a victory over another man is strong, but whoever obtains a victory over He himself is mighty. ” ”
He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know. The wise man does not teach with words, but with deeds. ” ” The wise man has no
self-interest, he assumes the interests of the people. ” ” The government, with its laws and regulations more numerous than the hair of an ox, is a
vicious oppressor Of the individual, more fearsome than the fiercest of the tigers. The more restrictions there are and the more artificial the taboos
in the world, the more people will become impoverished. The more prominence given to laws and regulations, the more thieves and bandits there
will be. ” ” Of the best leaders, people do not notice its existence. When the work of the best leaders is completed, people will say, “We have done
it.” “The people who travel the most are the ones who least learn. The sage knows the world without needing to leave his house. ” ” Better not to fill
up than fill to the brim.Sharpen the blade too much, and soon it is deflated. Accumulate gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Get the flow and
titles, and the disaster will come. The rich and proud loses himself, and in consequence will attract the misfortune.The man who walks the Path of
the Tao retreats after finishing his work. ” ” Project the difficult from where it is still easy. Do the great from where it is still small. ” ” Among the
animals, the birds fly, the fish swim and the beasts run. Those who run can be stopped by a trap; Those who swim can be stopped by a net; And
those who fly can be stopped by an arrow. But then there is the Dragon; I do not know how he travels under the water or how he travels the earth, I
do not know how he rides in the wind or how he crosses the skies. No one can stop the Dragon. Today I have seen Lao-Tse and I can say I’ve seen
the Dragon “(Confucius, also known as Kongzi, Kung-fu-tzu, or Master Kong, referring to Lao Tse)..
Our phrases: ” The virya who knows The road, if in its walk distributes Honor, will receive the grace of truth. In the struggle the stone speaks: “I
am”, And with the sword tempered in the cold fire dissolves the illusion. ” ” The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that archetypes are
knowledge of the soul, while transcending them is the wise memory of spirit. ” ” Life in the created entity Of sense is governed by demiurgic time
consciousness. This is the non-life for the spirit, which continues to be reincarnated from being into beings, living the lives of the soul. How intrepid
can one get out of the entities by jumping into the void of the abyss? There you will be able to observe the infinite blackness isolated from the
beings. In rescuing the true self, the virya must be oriented at the Tau point of the spiritual fall. Then he must, without the soul interfering in
reflecting the spirit, overcome the Demiurge with the tempered sword Kalibur and return to the Origin. ” “The family is the lineage of blood that
integrates with Honor, respecting the power that grants the virya the overcoming of all adversity without separating from the Origin.” “The virya will
never be free as long as she has material dependencies. Her fear of death makes her prostitute in dishonor to her spirit.” “Internet is like a sea
where fish are looking for food (search-choice-choice) to remain in comfort. Others, however, no longer look for food at sea (they have the isolated
self), and that is why They confine themselves to bait in the reed, in order to fish the fish that have Gnostic predisposition to stop being fish, to
remove them of the sea of the ignorance and to prepare them for the final battle “Trying to understand the behavior of Humanity is useless, and it
can also cause madness. For those who show a psychological ethic, fighting to get out of Creation is incomprehensible. “



The possibility of establishing the Universal Synarchy in the Middle Ages had disappeared in the Bonfires of the Inquisition. The Enemy would take
seven hundred years before, in the present day, with another such possibility. Here, then, it would be time to abandon the theme of the Medieval
Synarchy and continue with the history of the House of Tharsis, which, as I have repeatedly advanced, would move in part to America and found
the lineage from which I descend. However, dear and attentive Dr. Siegnagel, it is my wish that you may understand the Hyperborean Wisdom as
deeply as possible, because it is the true cause of the drama of the House of Tharsis. I know that in many places the narrative of the history of the
House of Tharsis has been obscured by the absence of details, For the unknown that results to the profane Hyperborean Wisdom. That is why,
before continuing with the story, I will take a few Days to present a “General Synthesis” of what I have already seen about Hyperborean Wisdom:
fundamentally, I will try to clarify the main ideas mentioned or referred to so far. I believe that the best way to achieve this goal will be to describe
four concepts of Hyperborean Wisdom and define them through a language accessible to you. Such concepts are: “Culture is an enemy strategic
weapon”, “The Self, in Created Man, is A product of the Uncreated Spirit, “” The Allegory of the Prisoner I, “and” The Odal Strategy of the Liberating
Gods. ” While the exposition of these subjects lasts I will subtitle the Days: “General Synthesis of the Hyperborean Wisdom”.
Of course, That such synthesis will cause the natural interruption of the story about the history of the House of Tharsis. That is why, if you are very
interested in continuing with the basic narrative, I suggest you skip to day 49. On that day the story continues and your expectation will be satisfied,
but I warn you that it is indispensable that in the end read the days passed by , To complete his general knowledge of Hyperborean Wisdom.
In the letter I wrote on the Third Day, I explained that “the principle to establish the affiliation of an allied people of the Atlanteans consists in the
opposition between the Cult and the Wisdom: the maintenance of a Cult to the Powers of Matter, to Gods Who stand above man and approve of his
miserable earthly existence, to Creator Gods or Determiners of Man’s Destiny, Automatically places its cultists within the framework of the Cultural
Pact, whether or not the Priests are in sight. ” The first concept is easy to understand as a consequence of this definition. For the Enemy of the
Blood Covenant, ie the members of the Cultural Pact, “Culture is a strategic weapon.” Throughout my entire letter, I have already shown that truth in
the many examples in which the members of the Cultural Pact were seen to dominate human societies by controlling the main social
variables. However, Hyperborean Wisdom states that the enemy objective is more subtle and that its Strategy aims at controlling the Spirit of Man,
in man, that is, he intends to control his Self.
When the criticism of the modern urban culture of the “Christian West” is made, the “evils” that it provokes in some individuals are often detailed:
alienation;Dehumanization; Slavery to consumption; Depressive neurosis and its reaction: dependence on various vices, from narcosis to the
perversion of sex; Ruthless competition, motivated by dark feelings of greed and greed for power; etc. The list is endless, but all charges
deliberately omit the essential, emphasizing, “external” evils to the Soul of man, originating in “imperfections of society.” As a complement to this
fallacy, it is argued that the solution, the remedy for all evils, is “perfecting society”, its “evolution” towards more just, more humane forms of
organization, etc. The omission is that evil, the only evil, is not external to man, does not come from the world but lies within the structure of a mind
conditioned by the pre-eminence of the cultural premises that underpin reason and that Deform their vision of reality. On the other hand, modern
society has succeeded in judaizing the ordinary man who has transformed him – a miracle that can not even dream of genetic biology – in turn a
miserable Jew, eager for profit, happy to apply the interest Composed and happy to inhabit a world that glorifies usury. Needless to say, this
society, with its millions of biological and psychological Jews, is for Hyperborean Wisdom only a bad nightmare, which will definitely be swept away
at the end of the Kaly Yuga by Wildes Heer.
In Germanic traditions Wildes Heer is called the “Furious Army” of Wothan. According to the Hyperborean Wisdom, the Army of Navután will be
present during the Final Battle, next to the Great Chief of the White Race.
It is convenient to summarize, now, several complementary concepts of the Hyperborean Wisdom, some of them already explained. For
Hyperborean Wisdom, the animal-man, created by The One, is a being composed of the physical body and Soul. As the product of an Original
Treason, perpetrated by the Traitor Gods, the Uncreated Spirit, belonging to an extra cosmic Race, has been chained to Matter and lost as to its
true Origin. The spiritual linkage to the animal man causes the historical appearance of the I, a principle of intelligent Will: lacking eternal Spirit,
The man animal possessed only a psychic subject which allowed him to acquire some consciousness and to perform primitive mechanical
psychological acts, due to the purely archetypal content of such mental acts. But suddenly in History, because of the Original Treason, the Self
appears in the midst of the soul subject, immersed in it. Thus, the “I”, the expression of the Spirit, is sunk in the soul’s soul without having any
possibility of orienting itself towards the Origin, since he is unaware that it is in such a situation that there is a possible return to the Fatherland of
the Spirit: I am usually lost without knowing that it is; And seeks Origin without knowing what to look for. The Traitor Gods chained him to the Soul of
the man animal so that the volitional force of his useless quest is exploited by the Soul to evolve towards the Final Perfection. Submerged in the
soul subject, the Self is incapable of acquiring control of the microcosm, unless it passes through the Hyperborean Initiation, which produces the
effect of isolating the Self from the Soul, through the Uncreated Vrunas, revealed to man by Navutan . Hence the Hyperborean Wisdom
distinguishes between two classes of I: the awakened I, proper to the Hyperborean Initiate or Stone Man; And the sleeping I, characteristic of the
sleeping man or “normal” man, common and current, of our days. Referring to the normal man, it can be said that the psychic subject, with his lost
Self incorporated, dominates the psychic sphere, which can be considered, Roughly, as composed of two clearly differentiable and distinguishable
regions: the sphere of shadow and the sphere of light; Both regions are separated by a barrier called threshold of consciousness. The sphere of
shadow has close conceptual relation with the region of the psyche called Unconscious that defines the Analytical Psychology of Dr. CG Jung. The
sphere of light is basically the sphere of consciousness, where the activity of the conscious soul occurs during the vigil. The I, which is essentially a
volitional force, has nothing to do with the temporal nature of the soul subject, yet remains immersed in it, confused in its history, artificially
temporized, in a word, asleep. That is why the Hyperborean Wisdom clearly distinguishes between two forms of the Self: the lost Self and the
awakened Self. The Lost Self is characteristic of the sleeping man, of the lost man in the Labyrinth of Illusion of Great Deception: the sleeping man
is that man animal in whose Soul is chained, unknowingly, an Uncreated Spirit.The awakened I is characteristic of the awakened man, that is, of the
animal man whose chained Spirit has discovered the Deception and tries to find the way to the Origin, the exit of the Labyrinth. The awakened man,
the Hyperborean Initiate, is one capable of acting according to the “strategic way of life” demanded by the Blood Covenant. That is, one capable of
applying the strategic principles of the Occupation, the Siege, and the Strategic Wall. With respect to the second principle, as regards the Regia
Function, I said Day Sixteenth: Philip IV should “apply the principle of the fence in the real occupied space”.According to this, it would seem that the
principle of the Siege lay exclusively in the awakened man, who should “apply” or “project” such a principle in the occupied area;However,
according to the hermetic principle: “The microcosm reflects the macrocosm,” a principle which, as seen in Bera and Birsa’s exposition, is also
Kabbalistic: Adam Harishon is the reflection of Adam Kadmon; Does this mean that the principle of the Siege must also be present in the
macrocosm, for example as a law of nature?If this were to happen, it might be possible, at least in theory, to detect in some characteristic
phenomenon a certain fence function, which would reveal to us by another way, this external time, the strategic principle mentioned.Although I can
say that the result will be negative, It is convenient to examine this possibility of external search because its analysis will allow to understand
diverse genetic and cultural aspects that affect the man. If we accept the hermetic principle of equivalence between macrocosms and microcosms,
it will become evident that all laws of the macrocosm are reflected in analogous laws of the microcosm. But such correspondence is far from being a
mere passive reflection between structures. Man, in discovering and formulating laws, unbalances that relationship and assumes a prominent
role. As a consequence of this dominant attitude, a cultural model elaborated by a cultural subject based on principles and concepts of a cultural
structure now appears, separating the I and the macrocosm. In the Hyperborean Wisdom, Dr. Siegnagel, these three elements are defined and
studied;Synthetically, I will say that the “cultural subject” is only the soul subject by acting dynamically on a “cultural structure” constituted in the
“sphere of shadow” of the psyche;Likewise, when the mental subject acts in the “rational sphere”, it is called “rational subject”; And if it manifests
itself in the “sphere of consciousness,” “conscious subject”;But always, the Self is submerged in the soul subject or Soul, be rational, cultural or
conscious its field of action.Thus, it is the “cultural model” that is primarily responsible for man’s deformed view of himself and the world, since he
stands between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The cultural model is a content of the cultural structure of a collective or sociocultural
character; Therefore, consists of a systematic set of concepts, Proposed by the cultural subject and translated into one or two habitual languages,
for example, mathematical and linguistic. In short, the cultural model is usually composed of mathematical principles and cultural premises. The ego
of man when it is confused with the conscious subject, accepts in solidarity as representations of external entities, as its truth, cultural objects that
come from the intermediate cultural model, cultural objects whose meaning has been proposed by the cultural subject as a premise in Usual
language Let us now examine what man understands by “law of nature.” Without entering into complications it can be affirmed that a law of nature
is the mathematical quantification of a significant relation between aspects or magnitudes of a phenomenon.We clarify this definition. Given a
phenomenon it is possible that by observation and empirical experimentation we can differentiate certain “aspects” of it. If among the several
aspects that stand out, some of them appear as “significantly related to each other”, and if that relation possesses statistical probability, that is, a
large number of times is repeated or is permanent, then a “law of the nature”. For this, it is necessary that the “aspects” of the phenomenon can be
reduced to magnitudes in such a way that the “significant relation” is reduced to “relation between magnitudes”, that is, to mathematical
function. The “Laws” of physics have been deduced in a similar way. The concept of the “law of nature” I have described is modern and aims to
“control” the phenomenon rather than explain it, Following the current trend that subordinates the scientific to the technological. Thus phenomena
are “governed” by eminent laws which are not only accepted as determinants but are indissolubly incorporated into the phenomenon itself,
forgetting or simply ignoring that these are rational quantifications. This is what happens, for example, when you notice the phenomenon of an
object falling and it is said that such a thing has happened because it “acted the law of gravity.” Here the “law of gravity” is eminent, and although
“other laws are known to exist” which “intervene also but with lesser intensity”, it is blindly believed that the object in its fall obeys the law of Newton
and that this ” Law of nature “has been the cause of its displacement.However the concrete fact is that the phenomenon does not obey to any
eminent law. The phenomenon simply happens and there is nothing in it that points intentionally towards a law of nature, let alone an eminent
law. The phenomenon is an inseparable part of a whole that is called “reality,” or “the world,” and which includes, in that character, all phenomena,
those that have already occurred and which will occur. That is why in reality the phenomena simply happen, perhaps happening to some that have
already occurred, or simultaneously with others similar to it. The phenomenon is only part of this “phenomenal reality” that never loses its character
of totality: a reality that is not expressed in terms of cause and effect to sustain the phenomenon; In short, a reality in which the phenomenon
happens regardless of whether or not its occurrence is significant for an observer and whether or not it complies with eminent laws. Before
approaching the problem of the “pre-eminence of cultural premises” in the rational evaluation of a phenomenon, it should be deprived of any
possibility that separates it from pure mechanical or evolutionary determination, according to the “natural order.”To this end I will establish, after a
brief analysis, the difference between the phenomenon of “first” or “second” degree of determination, an essential clarification given that eminent
laws always correspond to first degree phenomena.
For the Gnostic, “the world” that surrounds us is nothing more than the ordination of matter effected by the Creator God, the One, in the beginning,
and to which we perceive in its temporal actuality. The Hyperborean Wisdom, mother of the Gnostic thought goes further in affirming that space,
and everything that it contains,
Is constituted by multiple associations of a single element called “archetypal quantum of energy,” which constitutes a physical term of the archetypal
monad, that is, of the absolute formative unit of the archetypal plane. These quantum, which are true archetypal atoms, non-conforming or
structuring of forms, each possess an indiscernible point through which the pantheist diffusion of the Creator takes place. That is to say, thanks to a
punctual system of poly dimensional contact, the presence of the Demiurge in every weighable portion of matter, whatever its quality, becomes
effective. This universal penetration, being checked by people of varying degrees of confusion, has led to the erroneous belief that “matter” is the
very substance of The One. Such vulgar conceptions of the pantheistic systems or of those that allude to a “Spirit of the World” or “Anima Mundi”,
etc. In fact matter has been “ordered” by the Creator and “driven” to a legal development in time whose evolutionary force does not escape even the
smallest particle (and of course the “human body”) . I have made this synthetic exposition of “Hyperborean Physics” because it is necessary to
distinguish two degrees of determinism. The world, as I described it recently, develops, mechanically, oriented toward an end; This is the first
degree of determinism. In other words, there is a Plan whose patterns conform to the “order” of the world; The matter left to the mechanics of this
“order” is determined in the first degree. But, As such plan, is sustained by the Will of the Creator, and His Presence is effective in every portion of
matter, as we have seen, it could happen that He abnormally influenced otherwise in some portion of reality, whether to teleologically modify his
Plan or to semiotically express its intention, or for strategic reasons; In that case we are facing the second degree of determinism. “Strategic
reasons” means the following: when the awakened man undertakes Return to Origin in the framework of a Hyperborean Strategy he uses secret
techniques that allow him to effectively oppose the Plan. In these circumstances the Creator, abnormally, intervenes with all His Power to punish
the intrepid. We can now distinguish between a first degree phenomenon and a second degree phenomenon,According to the degree of
determination that involves its manifestation. It should be well understood that in this distinction the accent is placed on the different ways in which
the Demiurge can act on the same phenomenon. For example, in the phenomenon of a flowerpot falling from a balcony to the sidewalk, we can not
see anything but a determination of first degree; We say: “the law of gravity acted.” But if such a flowerpot fell on the head of the awakened man,
we may suppose a second determination or, strictly speaking, a “second intention”; We say: “the Will of the Creator acted.” The first and second
degree of determination of a phenomenon is also called, from another point of view, First and Second intention of the Creator. In general, Every
phenomenon is capable of manifesting itself in the first and second degree of determination. In view of this possibility, we shall agree as follows:
Unless otherwise indicated, “phenomenon” means that which is purely mechanical, that is, of the first degree;Otherwise it will be clarified, “of
second degree”. It is only now that we distinguish between “the two degrees of the phenomenon,” to clarify the statement I made at the beginning of
this analysis that all laws of nature, including those of eminence, describe the causal behavior of phenomena of the first degree of determination. It
is easy to understand and accept this because when a second-degree determination intervenes in a phenomenon, the natural sense of mechanical
chaining has been temporarily alienated in favor of an irresistible Will. In that case, the phenomenon will no longer be “natural”, although apparently
it will be endowed with an intentionality superimposed on the evil nature of man. On the other hand, the phenomenon of first degree, always
manifests itself in its functionality, which is a direct expression of its essence, and to which it will always be possible to reduce mathematically an
infinite number of “laws of nature.”When the phenomenon of first degree is especially appreciated by a law of nature, which is eminent for one
because it highlights an interesting aspect, it is evident that it is not dealing with the whole phenomenon but with that “aspect” of it. In that case, the
sad fact must be accepted that an illusion will only be perceived from the phenomenon. Mutilated sensorially, deformed
gnoseológicamente, Masked epistemologically, it should not be surprising that the Indo-Indians would call Maya, Illusion, the ordinary perception of
a first-degree phenomenon. I will now raise a question, whose answer will allow us to face the problem of the “pre-eminence of cultural premises”,
based on the last conclusions: “if every first-degree phenomenon appears necessarily complete (for example: at 6 AM ‘ ) “, What is the specific
reason that his apprehension through the” scientific or cultural model “prevents dealing with the phenomenon in its entirety, and circumscribes
around partial aspects of it? (For example when we say: “terrestrial rotation is the cause that has produced the effect that at 6 AM the sun has
become visible on the East horizon”). In this last example, it is evident that explaining the phenomenon by an “eminent law” does not do more than
referring to certain partial aspects (the “terrestrial rotation”) leaving aside – not seeing it – the phenomenon itself (“the Sun”), . The answer to the
question raised leads to a fundamental principle of structural epistemological theory: the relationship between aspects of a phenomenon,
mathematically quantifiable as a “law of nature”, originates from the pre-eminence of cultural premises from Which reason modifies the perception
of the phenomenon itself. Needless to say, this happens because of the “masking” effect that reason causes in every image that the conscious
subject reflects: reason “responds to the question”, that is to say, the flexions of the conscious subject, In which the lost self is submerged. As if it
were a fantasy, reason interprets and forms a rational scheme of the representation of the phenomenal entity, a schema whose image overlays
representation and masks it, endowing it with the propositional meaning that determines the pre-eminent cultural premises. When a “scientific”
observation of a phenomenon is made, rational functions become preeminent to any perception, eminently highlighting those interesting or useful
aspects and “tarnishing” the rest (of the phenomenon). In this way reason operates as if it masked the phenomenon, previously torn from the totality
of the real, and presented from it a “reasonable” and always understandable appearance in the realm of human culture. Of course nobody cares
that the phenomena are, from there, hidden behind their reasonable appearance;Not if it is possible to use them, control them, harness their energy
and direct their forces. After all, a scientific and technological civilization is built on phenomena and even against them; What does it matter if a
rational view of the world cuts through perceived phenomena and confronts us with a cultural reality, the more artificial the blinder we are?What
does it matter, I repeat, when such a gnoseological blindness is the price that must be paid to enjoy the infinite variants that, in terms of enjoyment
and comfort, offers scientific civilization? Is there danger that we can not conjure technically, we who have eliminated many old diseases, That we
have prolonged human life and created an urban habitat with a luxury never seen?
The danger exists, is real, and threatens all those members of humanity who possess hyperborean ancestors; The Hyperborean Wisdom calls it
psychic phagocytosis. It is a danger of a psychic gender and a transcendent order consisting in the metaphysical annihilation of consciousness, a
possibility that can be realized in this or another world, and at any time. The destruction of consciousness happens by satanic phagocytosis, that is,
by assimilation of the soul subject to the substance of Jehovah Satan. When such a catastrophe occurs, all possibility of transmutation and return to
the Source is completely lost.
Nevertheless, It is necessary to repeat that confusion is the main impediment to the transmutation of the man asleep in Stone Man. And, to the
permanent confusion, the gnoseological blindness that mentioned before, product of the modern rationalist mentality contributes. It is lived
according to the guidelines of Western “Culture”, which is materialistic, rationalistic, technological and amoral scientific; The thought starts from pre-
eminent cultural premises and conditions the world view making it pure appearance, without being noticed or has any idea of it.The Culture, then,
keeps in the confusion and prevents to orient and to march towards the center of the psychic reintegration, trasmutando the man asleep in Man of
Stone. Is it by chance that such a thing happens? I have said it many times: Culture is a strategic weapon, Cleverly employed by those who desire
the perdition of the Hyperborean Inheritance.
Thus, the “intermediate cultural model” between the I and the macrocosm makes it extremely difficult to find the principle of the siege in the world as
the law of nature.
The foregoing complementary concepts have revealed the fact that a “law of nature” originates in certain relations which rational judgment
establishes between significant aspects. My purpose is to make it clear that, although these aspects really belong to the phenomenon, the
relationship that gave rise to the eminent law has been created by reason and can in no way be attributed to the phenomenon itself. The reason,
based on pre-eminent cultural premises, Uses the world as a projective or representational model in such a way that any phenomenon expresses
correspondence with an equivalent intellectual conception. In this way man uses rational concepts of the phenomenon that have a weak link with
the phenomenon itself, with its truth.
In making reasoning and analysis on the basis of such concepts adds up the error and the result can be none other than the gradual immersion in
unreality and confusion. This effect is sought by the Enemy, I have said.You will see what is the way to avoid it taught by Hyperborean Wisdom.
When I mentioned earlier the hermetic principle I said that all the laws of the macrocosm are reflected in equivalent laws of the microcosm. But the
“laws of nature” of the macrocosm are only representations of a mathematical model originated in the human mind, that is, in the microcosm, as I
have analyzed. In the process that gives rise to the “scientific idea” of a phenomenon, there are elements of two main sources: “mathematical
principles” and “pre-eminent cultural premises”. The “mathematical principles” are archetypal, they come from hereditary psychological structures:
when we “learn mathematics”, for example, we only consciously actualize a finite number of formal systems that belong to the field of Culture, but
“mathematical principles” are not really “Learned” but “discovered” because they constitute basic matrices of the structure of the brain. The “pre-
eminent cultural premisses” arise from all the cultural elements, learned throughout life, that act as content of the cultural structure systems and to
which the cultural subject comes to formulate the judgments.
The distinction I made between “mathematical principles” and “pre-eminent cultural premises,” as two main sources involved in the mental act of
formulating a “law of nature,” will allow one of the most effective tactics employed by the Creator to keep men in confusion and the way the Loyal
Gods counteract it, charismatically inducing them to discover and apply the “law of the siege.” That is why I have insisted so much on the analysis:
because we are before one of the most important principles of the Hyperborean Wisdom and, Also, one of the secrets better kept by the Enemy.
When the principle that says “for Sinarquía, Culture is a strategic weapon” is usually thought of as referring to “Culture” as something “external”,
characteristic of man’s behavior in society and of influence Which it exercises on it. This error stems from an incorrect understanding of the
Synarchy, which is supposed to be a mere “political organization,” and the role it plays in the Plan of the Earthly Demiurge Jehovah Satan. The truth
is that man tries to orient himself towards the Origin and does not obtain it by the state of confusion in which he is; To maintain it in that state
contributes the Culture as enemy strategic weapon;But if this attack came only from the outside, that is, from society, it would suffice to move away
from it, With becoming a hermit, to neutralize its effects. However, it is sufficiently proved that solitude is not enough to avoid confusion and that, on
the contrary, this tends to increase in the most hermetic retreat, being very probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the
Origin. It is the inner cultural elements that confuse, divert, and accompany man at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the
obstacle imposed by cultural elements if it tries to save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma,
indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the
universe able to stop it. To neutralize its effects. However, it is sufficiently proved that solitude is not enough to avoid confusion and that, on the
contrary, this tends to increase in the most hermetic retreat, being very probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the Origin. It
is the inner cultural elements that confuse, divert, and accompany man at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle
imposed by cultural elements if it tries to save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent
to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe
able to stop it. To neutralize its effects. However, it is sufficiently proved that solitude is not enough to avoid confusion and that, on the contrary, this
tends to increase in the most hermetic retreat, being very probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the Origin. It is the inner
cultural elements that confuse, divert, and accompany man at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed
by cultural elements if it tries to save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the
deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to
stop it. However, it is sufficiently proved that solitude is not enough to avoid confusion and that, on the contrary, this tends to increase in the most
hermetic retreat, being very probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the Origin. It is the inner cultural elements that confuse,
divert, and accompany man at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed by cultural elements if it tries to
save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open
to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to stop it. However, it is sufficiently
proved that solitude is not enough to avoid confusion and that, on the contrary, this tends to increase in the most hermetic retreat, being very
probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the Origin. It is the inner cultural elements that confuse, divert, and accompany man
at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed by cultural elements if it tries to save the distance that
separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood,
can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to stop it. This tends to increase in the more hermetic
withdrawal, being very probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the Origin. It is the inner cultural elements that confuse,
divert, and accompany man at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed by cultural elements if it tries to
save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open
to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to stop it. This tends to increase in the
more hermetic withdrawal, being very probable that by that way the reason is lost long before finding the Origin. It is the inner cultural elements that
confuse, divert, and accompany man at all times. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed by cultural elements if it
tries to save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but
open to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to stop it.That is why the
awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed by cultural elements if it tries to save the distance that separates it from the Source. A self
deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards the
Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to stop it. That is why the awakened I must first be freed from the obstacle imposed by cultural
elements if it tries to save the distance that separates it from the Source.
A self deprived of all morality, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood, can march gallantly towards
the Origin and there will be no force in the universe able to stop it.
It is a beautiful image that of the man who advances fearlessly, wrapped in warrior fury, without the Devil being able to stop him. We will always
present it; But he will ask: How is it possible to acquire such a degree of purity?Because the normal state of man, at this stage of the Kaly Yuga, is
confusion. I will now explain, in response to such a sensible question, the tactics of the Loyal Gods to guide spiritual men and neutralize the effect
of the Synarchical Culture.
In the sleeping man the ego is subject to reason. She is the rudder who guides the course of her thoughts, who for the world would not turn
away; Out of reason are fear and madness. But reason operates from cultural elements;How the “pre-eminent cultural premises” participate in the
formulation of a “law of nature”. So the yoke that the Enemy has wrapped around the Self is formidable. It could be said, in a figurative sense, that
the ego is the prisoner of reason and its allies, the cultural premises; And everyone would understand the meaning of this figure. This is because
there is a clear analogical correspondence between the I, in the sleeping man, and the concept of “captivity.” For this reason I will then develop an
allegory, in which the correspondence will be made evident, which will then allow us to understand the secret strategy that the Loyal Gods practice
to counteract the cultural weapon of the Synarchy.
I will begin to present the allegory by drawing attention to a man, To whom they have taken prisoner and condemned, in an unappealable way, to
life imprisonment. He does not know this sentence, as well as any information after his capture from the outside world, since it has been decided to
keep him indefinitely incommunicado. For it has been locked in an inaccessible tower which is surrounded by walls, abysses and trenches, and
where it seems seemingly impossible to escape. A garrison of enemy soldiers, to whom it is not possible to go without receiving some punishment,
are in charge to watch permanently the tower; Are ruthless and cruel, but terribly efficient and loyal: neither think of buying or deceiving them. Under
these conditions there does not seem to be much hope that the prisoner will ever regain freedom. And yet, the real situation is quite
another. Although outside the Tower the exit is cut by walls, moats and soldiers, from inside it is possible to go directly to the outside, without
tripping with any obstacle. How? By means of a secret exit whose access is cleverly concealed on the floor of the cell.Naturally, the prisoner ignores
the existence of this passage as neither do his jailers.
Let us now suppose that either because he has been convinced that it is impossible to escape, either because he is unknown as a captive, or for
any other reason, the prisoner shows no predisposition for escape: he shows neither courage nor courage and, of course, It does not seek the
secret exit; He has simply resigned himself to his precarious situation. Undoubtedly it is his own negative attitude the worst enemy since, to keep
alive the desire to escape, or even, If he experienced nostalgia for lost freedom, he would revolve in his cell where there is at least one million
chance of finding the secret exit by chance. But it is not so, and the prisoner, in his confusion, has adopted a gentle demeanor that, as the months
and years pass, he becomes more and more pusillanimous and idiot.
Having surrendered to his fate, one could only expect the captive an outside aid, which can only consist in the revelation of the secret exit. But it is
not so simple to expose the problem since the prisoner does not want it or does not know that he can flee, as I said. Two things must be
accomplished: first, that he should assume his status as a prisoner, of a person to whom he has taken liberty, and, as far as possible, that he
remember the golden days when there were no cells or chains. It is necessary that he becomes aware of his miserable situation and desires
ardently to leave, previously to: 2do to reveal to him the existence of the only possibility of fleeing. For it would suffice, now that the prisoner wishes
to flee, only if he knows of the existence of the secret exit; He will seek it and find it for himself.
In this way, the problem seems very difficult to solve: it is necessary to wake him up, to awaken him from his lethargy, to guide him, and then to
reveal the secret to him.That is why it is time to ask yourself: is there anyone willing to help the miserable prisoner? And if so, how would you
manage to meet the two conditions of the problem?
I must state that, fortunately, there are other people who love and seek to help the prisoner. They are those who participate of its ethnic group and
inhabit a country very, but very, far, Who is at war with the Nation that imprisoned him. But they can not attempt any military action to free him
because of the reprisals that the Enemy could take on the countless captives who, in addition to the tower, keep in their terrible prisons. It is
therefore a question of directing the aid in the manner envisaged: awakening, guiding and revealing the secret.
To do this, it is necessary to reach him, but how can he do so if he has been locked in the heart of a fortified citadel, saturated with enemies in
constant alertness? The possibility of infiltrating a spy due to insurmountable ethnic differences must be ruled out: a German could not infiltrate as a
spy in the Chinese army in the same way that a Chinese could not spy in the barracks . Without being able to enter the prison and without the
possibility of buying or deceiving the guards, there is only the possibility of sending a message to the prisoner.
However sending a message seems to be as difficult as introducing a spy. Indeed; In the improbable case that a diplomatic management obtained
the authorization to present the message and the promise that it would be delivered to the prisoner, this would be of no use because the only fact
that it has to cross seven levels of security, where it would be censored And mutilated, renders this possibility completely useless. In addition, by
such legal route (previous authorization), the condition would be imposed that the message be written in clear language and accessible to the
Enemy, Who would later censor part of its content and transpose the terms to avoid a possible second encrypted message. And let us not forget
that the secret of the exit conceals so much interest that the prisoner knows it, as the Enemy ignores it. And the first thing: What to say in a mere
message to get the prisoner to wake up, be guided, understand that he must escape?However much we think it will become evident in the end that
the message must be clandestine and that it can not be written. Neither can it be optic because the small window of his cell allows only one of the
inner courtyards to be seen, to the point where no signs usually arrive from the outside of the prison.
In the conditions I have set out, it is not obvious, How their Kameraden can solve the problem and help the prisoner escape. It may be light if one
keeps in mind that, despite all the precautions taken by the Enemy to keep the captive disconnected from the outside world, they failed to isolate
him acoustically. (For this, they would have had to have him, like Kaspar Hauser, in a soundproof cell).
I will now show, as an epilogue, the mode chosen by the Kameraden to provide effective help; An aid such as 1ro: wake up and 2do: reveal the
secret, the prisoner, guiding him towards freedom.
When deciding on an acoustic way to get the message the Kameraden realized that they had a great advantage: the Enemy ignores the original
language of the prisoner. It is then possible to convey the message simply, without double meaning, Taking advantage that it will not be understood
by the Enemy. With this conviction the Kameraden did the following: several of them climbed a nearby mountain and, armed with a huge conch,
which amplified the sound of the voice very much, began to send the message. They did so without interruption, for years, since they had sworn not
to abandon the attempt until the prisoner was free again. And the message descended from the mountain, crossed fields and rivers, crossed the
walls and invaded to the last corner of the prison. The enemies at first were surprised, but, since that language meant nothing to them, they took the
musical sound from the song of some fabulous and distant bird, and in the end they became accustomed to it and they forgot it. But, What did the
message say?
It consisted of two parts. First the Kameraden sang a children’s song. It was a song that the prisoner had heard many times during his childhood
there, in the golden homeland, when the black days of war were still far away, and perpetual captivity could only be an impossible nightmare to
dream. Oh, what sweet memories that melody evoked! What Spirit, sleepy as it was, would not wake up, feeling eternally young, to hear again the
primordial songs, the ones that I listened to, enthralled in the happy days of childhood, and that, without knowing how, they became an old dream
and mysterious? Yes; The prisoner, however numb his Spirit might be, though forgetfulness had closed his senses, he would wake up and
remember! He would feel the nostalgia of the distant country, he would verify his humiliating situation, and he would understand that only those who
count with an infinite value, with an intrepidity without limits, could perform the feat of escape.
If this were the prisoner’s feeling, then the second part of the message will give you the key to finding the secret exit.
Note that I said the key and not the secret exit. Because it happens that through the key the prisoner must seek the secret exit, a task that should
not be so difficult considering the small dimensions of the cell. But when he finds it, he will complete his feat, descending to incredible depths,
traversing corridors mired in impenetrable darkness, and finally rising to remote summits: such a complicated route of the enigmatic secret
exit. However he is already saved, at the same moment that he begins the return, and nothing and no one will be able to stop it.
We only need, to complete the epilogue of allegory, to say a word about the second part of the acoustic message, the one that had the key to the
secret. It was also a song. A curious song that told the story of a forbidden and sublime love between a Knight and a Lady already
betrothed.Consumed by a hopeless passion the Knight had undertaken a long and dangerous journey through distant and unknown countries,
during which he became skilled in the Art of War. At first he tried to forget his beloved, but after many years, and having found that the memory was
always alive in his heart, he understood that he should live forever slave to impossible love. Then a promise was made: it would not matter the
adventures that had to run in its long way, nor the joys and misfortunes that they implied; Inwardly he would remain faithful to his hopeless love with
religious devotion, and no circumstance would succeed in removing him from his firm determination.
And so the song ended: remembering that somewhere on Earth, now a warrior monk, the valiant Knight, armed with a mighty sword and a spirited
steed, marches, carrying a bag containing the proof of his drama, The key to his secret of love: the Wedding Ring that will never be worn by his
Contrary to the infantile song of the first part of the message, this one did not produce an immediate nostalgia but a feeling of modest curiosity in
the prisoner. Hearing, coming who knows where, in his old native language, the story of the gallant Knight, so strong and courageous, so complete
in battle, and yet so sweet and melancholy, so torn inwardly by the Memory of A-mort , Felt the captive prey to that modest curiosity that children
experience when they perceive the promises of sex or intuit the mysteries of love. We can imagine the prisoner pondering, perplexed by the enigma
of the evocative song! And we can assume, too, that he will finally find a key in that Wedding Ring … that according to the song would never be
used in any wedding. By induction, the idea of the ring, will lead you to seek and find the secret exit.
So far the allegory. We must now emphasize the analogical relations that bind the prisoner to the Self of the sleeping man.
In order that the analogical relationship be clearly evidenced, I will proceed according to the following method: first, I will affirm a premise regarding
the allegorical history of the “prisoner”; Secondly, I will affirm a premise regarding an analogous situation in the sleeping man; Thirdly, I will compare
both premises and extract the conclusion, that is, I will show the analogy. It is understood that I can not expose all correspondences without the risk
of extending indefinitely. Therefore I will only emphasize those relationships that are essential for my exposition and I will leave, as an exercise of
imagination, Dr. Siegnagel, the possibility of establishing many others.
Remember only that in the sleeping man, the lost Self is immersed in the conscious soul subject, that is, confused with the soul-evolving soul. Here
I have preferred to consider the lost Self directly linked to reason, that is to say, to the rational soul subject, by virtue of being this subject who is
closest to the world and who first receives the impressions of external beings. By “reason”, in any case, it must be understood, “the evolutionary
animic subject” of man animal, who evolves by the confused action of the Self, that manifestation of the chained Spirit.
– 1 – a – The prisoner is at the mercy of his guardians, who keep him in perpetual captivity. B – The I, of the sleeping man, is a perpetual prisoner
of “reason”, that is, Of the evolutionary psychic subject. C – The “prisoner” and the Self are analogous. – 2 – a – The “guardians” are the dynamic
intermediaries, stingy indeed, between the “prisoner” and the “outside world.” B – “Reason” is dynamic intermediary, very poor, between the Self
and the “outside world” (in the sleeping man). C – “Guardians” and “reason” are analogous (remember that when “law of nature” elaborates reason
“mathematical principles” and “pre-eminent cultural premises” are involved). – 3 – a – “Guardians” use a “proper language”, different from the
language of the prisoner, to which he has forgotten. B – “Reason” uses logical modalities, Different from the original “Hyperborean primordial
language” of the sleeping man whom he has forgotten because of his strategic confusion. C – The “own language” of the guardians is analogous to
the logical modalities of the cultural structure. The “native tongue” of the prisoner is analogous to the “Hyperborean Language” of the sleeping
man. – 4 – a – The first environment of the “prisoner” is its “cell” of the tower, which contains almost completely with the exception of the openings
(door and window) where only the senses can spread very weakly. B – The first environment of the Self is the “sphere of shadow”, which contains
almost completely. C – The “cell” of the tower is analogous to the sphere of shadow of the sleeping man. – 5 – a – In the “cell” there is a “lattice
window” by means of which the prisoner obtains a precarious but “direct” image of the outside world. B – Establishing a permanent contact with the
I is the “sensory sphere”, by means of which it obtains a precarious but “direct” image of the outside world. C – The “latticed window” is analogous
to the “sensory sphere” (or “the senses”) in the sleeping man. – 6 – a – In the cell there is a “lattice door” through which the guardians enter, and
with them the censored news, that is, where the prisoner obtains an “indirect” image of the external world. B – The I can form an “indirect” image of
the external world through “reflection”, that is, The act by which the “reasoned” information is received. C – The “lattice door” is analogous to the act
of reflecting or perceiving. – 7 – a – The cell of the “prisoner” is in a “tower” and this in a “walled courtyard”. Surrounding the walls there are “deep
pits”, and then other walls, and other moats; And so on until completing seven turns of wall and pit. The seven safety circuits of this formidable
“prison” are linked together by “drawbridges”, “corridors”, “gates”, “lifting rails”, etc. Beyond the last wall extends the “outer world”, the country of the
Enemy. In short: it is the “prison” a static structure that is interposed between the prisoner and the outside world. B – Between the Self and the
outside world a complex static structure called “cultural” intervenes.”Reason”, in order to make the information of the external world “reasonable”, is
based on certain elements of this static or “cultural” structure, for example the “pre-eminent cultural premises”, which mean concepts about the
perceptions of entities or objects Cultural contexts. C – “Prison” is analogous to “cultural structure”. Also: certain parts of the “prison”, walls, moats,
bridges, etc., are analogous to certain parts of the “cultural structure,” that is, the “pre-eminent cultural premises.” Keep in mind, Dr. Siegnagel, that
in the allegory, both “guardians” and “prison” are intermediaries between the prisoner and the outside world. But “guardians” are “dynamic”
intermediaries (analogous to “reason” in the sleeping man), while “prison” is a “static” intermediary (analogous to the “cultural structure” of the
sleeping man). – 8 – a – Beyond the last wall of the prison extends the “outside world”, that reality that can never be seen by the “prisoner” because
the structure of the “prison” limits its movement since a Permanent “watch” ensures that this situation is maintained. The ego, in the sleeping man,
is usually submerged in the depths of the cultural structure, floating lost between its artificial and static elements and at the mercy of the implacable
tyranny that reason exercises. The cultural structure completely surrounds the I, except for some slits, Where the “sensory sphere” loosely
appears.Beyond cultural structure, as the object of the instinctive and sensorial spheres, the “outer world” extends, the reality that can never be
“seen” (in its truth, “as it is”) by the lost self. C The “outside world” beyond the prison is analogous to the “outside world” beyond the “cultural
structure” that holds the Self in the sleeping man. – 9 – a – On a nearby mountain, the Kameraden try to help the “prisoner” flee from the
“prison”. For this they send a message, in their native language, using the acoustic medium. In this message there is a “children’s song”, to “wake”
the prisoner, and a “love song” with the “key of the ring”, to seek the secret exit and flee. B – In a hidden “center” called Agartha,The Loyal Gods try
to help sleeping men to break the chains that keep them subject to the material world of the Demiurge. For this they charismatically send a
message in the “language of the birds”, using the Vrunas of Navután. In this message there is a “primordial memory”, to awaken and orient the
man, and a “Song of A-mort”, with the “key of the ring”, to seek the center, return to the Origin, and abandon, as a God, the material hell of Jehovah
Satan. C – There are many analogies between “a” and “b”. I will only highlight the most important: The Kameraden are analogous to the Liberating
Gods. I believe that the nine preceding arguments constitute an effective demonstration of the analogical correspondence that exists between the
“allegory” and the situation of the sleeping man. But this is not all. I have reserved three components of the allegory, children’s song, Song of Love-
t, secret exit, to make a last analog correspondence and extract the final conclusion. As the validity of the existing analogical relationship has been
evidenced in the preceding arguments, it will not be necessary to resort to the same method in the next comment: I will prove the analogies I
mention. I will now remember the reasons that led me to develop the allegory. I proposed to show, analogically, the method used by the Loyal Gods
to counteract the action of “Culture”, strategic weapon of the Synarchy. I have previously clarified that the “inner cultural elements” are the true
instrument that Synarchy uses to keep man “asleep”, that is, in confusion. In that state the Self is subject to reason by the cultural structure, source
of which nourishes, finally, all the mental activity. Thus it happens that the I, that is, the present consciousness of man, is “directed towards” the
world through the cultural structure “by” reason; The result, I said several times, is a deformed image of the world and a state of psychic confusion
that greatly hampers the “strategic reorientation” of man. Against this situation the Loyal Gods, like the Kameraden of allegory, are ready to come to
the aid of “sending a message”. The main objective is to “get around all the walls” and reach the prisoner, the “I”, with a message of double
meaning: 1st. wake; 2nd. guide. For this, the Loyal Gods “transmit the message”, charismatically, For many millennia; Some hear it, wake up and
leave; Others, the more, continue in confusion. Of course, it is not easy to recognize the message because it has been emitted in the language of
the birds … and its sounds can only be perceived with the Pure Blood. Is it clear then? The message of the Loyal Gods permanently resounds in
the blood of sleeping men. Who does not hear it is because it suffers the strategic confusion or it does not know its existence, that comes to be the
same thing. But how should the charismatic message fulfill its function? In two steps. In the first place the Gods speak, in the blood of man, of a
primordial memory, of something happened at the beginning of Time when the Spirit had not yet been captured by the Gods of Matter. How the
Gods manage to do so is a very great Mystery, Of which only they can respond. This “primordial memory”, the “childish song” of the allegory, has
been induced with the purpose of “activating” the memory of Blood proper to the sleeping man. If such a thing happens, then the sleeping man will
experience a sudden “nostalgia for another world,” a desire to “leave everything and leave.” Technically it means that the Memory of Blood has
arrived “where the lost I was”: on the conscious subject. Such contact, between the Self and the Blood Memory, is performed independently of the
cultural structure and reason; And that is the goal sought by the Loyal Gods. It was then possible to reach the marrow of the I, through the blood; It
will be then, in that fleeting moment when the “Song of A-mort” will be heard. I will now speak of the second part of the message, which I have
allegorically called, “Song of A-mort.” First of all I will say that such a name is not capricious because Hyperborean Wisdom teaches that, from its
Origin in the physical Universe, that is to say, from its synchronization with Time, the Spirit remains chained to Matter by a Mystery of A-mort
. When the Blood Recall, activated by the first part of the message, opens a path (not rational, not cultural) to the Self, then the Loyal Gods sing the
Song of A-mort, engaging man in the Mystery. If his blood is pure enough that the charismatic message can be conscientized then man has the
possibility of “orienting” himself to the Origin and remaining definitely “awake”. The Mystery of A-mort can only be revealed by the Pure Blood,
inwardly, in a transcendent contact with the Self that is realized without intervention of cultural or rational categories. It is, therefore, an absolutely
individual experience, unique to each man. Whoever knows the secrets of the Mystery of A-mort is a transmuted Hyperborean Initiate, that is, an
Immortal Stone Man. The Mystery of A-mort is a personal discovery, I repeat, unique to every man on the Truth of his own Fall. No one can know
this secret and remain the same. And no one, much less, would dare to speak of it once the Supreme Experience has taken place. On the contrary,
many times the lips are sealed forever, the eyes blinded, and the ears closed. Not a few hair that turns white, but the minds that sink into the
darkness of madness. For only an infinite value can sustain, alive and sane, the one who has seen the Deception of the Origins and has finally
understood the Truth of his Fall. The weight of the secret being so terrible, one can understand why I say that there can never be in the world an
indication of the Mystery of A-mort, and only someone irresponsible or insane would say otherwise. The Hyperborean Wisdom brings blood
purification techniques that aim to bring the Mystery closer. But the Mystery, in itself, is discovered inwardly, is unique to each man and should not
be discussed. At most you can offer some suggestions, such as the ones I gave on the Eighth and Ninth Days when narrating the Cold Fire
Ritual. The allegorical story of the prisoner has allowed to expose in a simple way the method used by the Loyal Gods to guide the sleeping
men. The charismatic message gets, if heard, “awakening” the man by putting him in contact with his Blood Memory. Next he makes him participate
in the Mystery of A-mort, Supreme Experience that annuls, as we said, the Cultural Strategy of the Synarchy. But it is not possible to know the
Mystery of A-mort until it has lived individually. Only the general indications that have been left are those that have been transmuted and left. On the
basis of such indications it can be affirmed that the Mystery of A-mort is experienced in seven different ways by man and that, precisely, That is why
the Hyperborean Wisdom foresees seven initiatory ways of liberation. According to the way in which the Mystery of A-mort has been gnostically
perceived, it will be the Way of Liberation adopted and that is why it is commonly referred to as a “Mutation Way” or “Lightning”; Of a “Dry Way” or
“Path of the Right Hand”; Of a “Wet Road” or “Left Hand Path”; Of a “Path of Strategic Opposition” or “Path of Warrior Gnosis for Absolute
Orientation”; etc. I will not speak, of course, of all means of liberation, but of that which has special relation to this history, that is to say, the “Path of
Strategic Opposition,” which was followed by the House of Tharsis.But the Path of Strategic Opposition is the ultimate interpretation of the ancient
Mystery of the Labyrinth,Founded by Navután after the collapse of Atlantis: the House of Tharsis, the second part of the Song of A-mort, which was
“heard” during the Cold Fire Ritual, revealed the Mystery of the Labyrinth as a means of individual liberation . That is to say that the Lords of
Tharsis, always, understood the Mystery of the Labyrinth when being transmuted in Men of Stone. With regard to the allegory of the prisoner I, it
must be understood that Navutan’s solution to the Mystery of the Labyrinth, to the Mystery of spiritual chaining, to the Mystery of Death,
is analogous to the solution of the Song of A-mort: a way for the 1st ., wake up; 2nd , guide. Such a mode is what is ultimately called the
“Strategic Opposition Road” and includes, necessarily, The use of Vrunas and the principle of the siege. In the allegory, the second part of the
message was quite extensive because it also referred to “the other ways” of liberation that the Mystery of A-mort can “open”. But the prisoner has
found the key in the Wedding Ring and this means, analogically, that he has opted for the Path of Strategic Opposition. The message has come to
him “acoustically”, that is to say, gnostically, and, upon becoming aware of its content, by means of the revealed key, finds in the cell a ring, which
allows to open the secret exit. The “cell”, according to argument 4, is analogous to the sphere of shadow. But as a substrate of the sphere of
shadow, we find the cultural structure: a ring “hidden” on the floor of the cell corresponds without a doubt to a mathematical principle,
Allegory allows us to understand, then, that the Liberating Gods with their charismatic message, discover a mathematical principle that remained
unconscious in the cultural structure, which we call “the principle of the siege.”Hence:
– 10 – c – The “ring” in the prisoner’s cell is analogous to the”beginning of the siege , ” mathematical principle, or collective Archetype who
remained unconscious in the sleeping man and the message of Gods Liberators un- it covers. I showed, Days ago, that in the mental process that
gives rise to the “scientific idea” of a phenomenon, there are elements of two main sources: “mathematical principles” and “pre-eminent cultural
premises”. This is especially true when formulating a “law of nature”, Which explains the behavior of a phenomenon by establishing causal
relationships between aspects of the phenomenon.I will give you a simple example: you want to “measure” the side of a regular polyhedron. Here
the phenomenon is a body with a form of regular polyhedron, that is, a “phenomenal entity”. The “graduated ruler” is taken, that is to say, a flat
surface on which are recorded the units of length and of which we are sure that one of its sides is perfectly straight. The zero of the rule is matched
with the “beginning” of the side to be measured. It is now observed that the “end” of the side coincides with the number five of the rule and is simply
stated “in the polyhedron, the side is five centimeters.” It has been realized, as will be seen, a series of subjective operations whose conclusions,
however, Can be confirmed by other observers; This possibility of verification is what gives weight of “law of nature” to the fact mentioned. But it
happens that in the rule, which is thought to be numbered, there are actually engraved signs that represent numbers, not numbers
themselves. Numbers are mathematical principles of the cultural structure, or subjective elements, that intervene in the act of “recognizing that the
boundary of the side coincides with the sign 5”. If you say “five centimeters”, an affirmation of an empirical quality is being made: “there is a
proportion (that is, a mathematical relationship) between the length of the side of the polyhedron and the length of the terrestrial meridian.” This
ratio is fixed or constant (= 5 cm.) And constitutes a “relation between aspects of a phenomenon”, that is, a “law of nature”. The centimeter is
equivalent to the hundredth part of a meter and this one to the ten millionth part of a quarter of the terrestrial meridian. The phenomenal entity
appeared complete, integral in its manifestation. However, it is not possible to apprehend it in its entirety; To little that it is observed a part of the
same one becomes eminent, standing out and standing out over other aspects. The unity of the phenomenon has been broken in favor of the
plurality of qualities that can be attributed to it. Two square faces are distinguished, and on each face, four edges and four angles, etc. Then the
measurement of an edge or side is established and a “law of nature” is established: “the length of the side is proportional to the length of the
terrestrial meridian and its ratio is 5 cm. ” In this operation which has just been described,” mathematical principles “(when two faces, four edges,
etc.) and the” pre-eminent cultural premises “have intervened (when the face, side, or Any other quality). The two sources concur in the rational act
of “relating” (measuring) aspects of the phenomenon and postulating a “law of nature” (measuring 5 cm) that can be universally proven. I hope I
have made it clear that mathematical principles (the one, the two, the square, etc.), being intrinsic properties of the mental structure, intervene a
priori in the formulation of a law of nature. As for the “numbers” of the world, those that appear engraved in the graduated rule, They are only
cultural signs of representation which are distinguished by conventional learning. There were ancient peoples who represented numbers with knots
or ideograms; It is presumed that a measuring instrument composed of a rod on which hieroglyphs have been engraved, would in principle mean
nothing to us if we fail to “read” the signs, that is, to perform the numerical representations. The epistemological analysis of the way in which man
establishes a law of nature inevitably leads to the conclusion that it would be impossible for the principle of the siege to be located in the world as
property of the entities and could be formulated in a sociocultural language. On the contrary, what can happen, in any case, is that the principle of
the fence is projected, consciously or unconsciously, About a phenomenon and then discovered in it as an eminent relationship between
qualities; The complexity with which the fence principle is empirically recognized and introjected into the psychic structure will naturally depend on
the type of phenomenon represented.In short, the “siege principle”, discovered to consciousness by the message of the Loyal Gods, is also a
mathematical principle and as such will intervene “a priori” in all phenomenal perception. Natural numbers (which are in the mind) allow “counting”
(one, two) halves of that apple (which is in the world). The principle of the fence (which is in the mind) allows to apply the “law of the fence” on that
phenomenon (that is in the world). I have come a long way to arrive at this conclusion. I will express it now in a general way: The principle of the
fence will make possible the determination of the law of the fence in every phenomenon and in any relation between phenomena. But the principle
of the siege is generally unconscious and only those who manage to hear the message of the Loyal Gods can incorporate it into the conscious
sphere. And only they, the men awake, will be able to apply the law of the fence in a Warrior Strategy that assures the Return to the Origin. I
mentioned Navutan’s solution to the Mystery of the Labyrinth and said that it includes the use of the Vrunas and the principle of the siege. Now I will
add that this solution, called Tirodinguiburr, translates into the archaic technique of Hyperborean Wisdom. This technique, which is essential to
master in the “strategic way of life”, allows defining in the Universe a “Strategic Siege” To which I referred to the Third and Thirsty-Sixth Days. Well,
according to the Hyperborean Wisdom, every Strategic Siege is technically an “Archemone” or “Infinite Siege”. In other words, the awakened man
discovers the principle of the siege and projects it into the World: this is not enough to constitute a Strategic Siege; The principle of the siege is a
mathematical principle and, therefore, is an archetypal element, that is, created by The One: could hardly be used an element created by The One
to try to isolate itself from the Strategy of the One; Therefore, the law of the fence must be modified to obtain the desired insulating effect; In what
form? Indeterminating or making the royal encirclement infinite; This is achieved with the use of the Increased Vruna: the inclusion of the Increased
Vruna in the law of the fence produces the “Strategic Enclosure”,The Infinite Enclosure within which it is possible to practice the strategic way of life
and develop a Return to Origin Strategy. The Way of the Strategic Opposition is applicable by every man who is awake, who has a Strategic Siege
and a Lapis Opposite. This last element is only a Stone of Opposition, that is to say, a Stone that represents the One and against which the
strategic opposition is realized that allows to approach, inversely, the Origin. The Oppositional Lapis is situated outside the Archemon, in front of the
infinite point of the Strategic Siege: when the Hyperborean Initiate effects the strategic opposition, the interior of the Archemon becomes a liberated
square, with a Space and a Time of its own, independent of space-time Of the Created Universe; Thus isolated, Without abandoning at any moment
the strategic opposition, the Initiate advances without obstacle towards the Origin, leaves the Labyrinth, is freed of the material prison. I will clarify
the etymological meaning of the word Archemone and the philosophical meaning it denotes in Hyperborean Wisdom. Archemon, above all, is a
word composed of two Greek words, arke, principle and monas, unit. Initiation by the archeonic technique allows us to arrive at a unique principle of
the psyche, that is, to the egoic individuation of the Selbst, from which it is feasible to experience the absolute possibility of the Spirit in the Origin:
such is the hyperborean sense of the Archemon. For the Stone Men, Hyperbaric Initiates of the House of Tharsis, the “world” in which everyday life
occurs is simply a “battlefield” A lecture occupied by mortal enemies who must be fought unceasingly as they “cut off the path of Return to Origin”,
“obstruct retreat” and seek to “reduce man to the most vile slavery” which is “the submission of the Spirit Eternal to Matter “, its” linking to the
Evolutionary Plan of the Universe, created by the Demiurge and his court of Demons. ” The world is, then, for the Stone Men, the Valplads. In Norse
mythology and the Eddas, the Valplads is the battlefield where Wothan chooses those who fall fighting for Honor, Truth, in short, for the Virtues of
the Spirit. The House of Tharsis, based on the Hyperborean Wisdom, extended the concept of Valplads to the whole “world”. But the “world” is the
macrocosm, within which the potential microcosm of the awakened man subsists; The reality of that “world,” which surrounds the awakened man
like Valplads, is Maya, the Illusion of Great Deception.When the awakened man has settled in his Archemona and liberates the inner square by the
Strategic Opposition, indeterminating or making infinite the real fence, the lapis oposis that is in the Valplads, it is said that its place constitutes
fenestra infernalis of the Archemona, The infinite point of the Strategic Siege: fenestra infernalis is the point of greatest approximation between the
liberated square and the Valplads, and in front of it are faced the man awake and the Demiurge Face to Face, two Strategies Totals, the
Hyperborea and the Satanic. As a final reflection on the allegory, I will say that when the prisoner “pulls the ring” and discovers the secret exit, he is
performing an action similar to when “the man awake” applies the law of the fence, according to the archaic technique, and “opens “Univocal and
irreversibly a way to the Origin. It has been explained then the method that the Loyal Gods use to counter “the Culture”, enemy strategic
weapon. They send out His message that is intended to awaken in man the Blood Memory and to direct it towards the Origin, its “secret exit.” For
the latter they induce him to discover the “principle of the siege” and to apply, then, the “archeonic technique”. The fence principle is infallible for the
proposed strategic purposes and can be applied both individually and collectively. History abounds in examples of men who have applied
techniques based on the Hyperborean Wisdom to immortalize themselves as Gods or to lead a People of Pure Blood to the collective mutation; As
proof of these glorious actions there have been numerous stone constructions that no one understands in our days because for this we would have
to have a vision founded on the principle of the siege. A man who is aware of the archaic technique, a single glance at the megalithic constructions,
or on Montsegur, or on the KZ, is sufficient for him to correctly interpret the Hyperborean Strategy on which his construction was based. The Castle
of Montsegur, worth clarifying, was built by the Cathars according to the archeonic technique, as well as the KZ or konzentrationslager, “Fields of
Concentration” of the German Black Order , which were not sinister prisons as intended by the synarchic propaganda but wonderful “magic
machines” to accelerate the collective and racial mutation, based on the archeonic technique of Hyperborean Wisdom: within the isolated area Of
the KZ, the most egregious racial elements of society, that is, the degenerate, delinquent, vicious, even the Jewish, could be transmuted and
reoriented in favor of the National Strategy. I will say finally that whoever is aware of the principle of the siege has surpassed the Enemy cultural
strategy and can realize the double isolation of the I and the microcosm. The principle of the siege will allow the limits of the conscious subject to be
fixed, isolating the “I” from the pre-eminent cultural premises, And transferring it to the “center” or Selbst. The archeonic technique will then allow
the microcosm to be isolated from the macrocosm, gaining a time and a space of its own, that is, immortality: the microcosm or physical body will
have transmuted in vajra incorruptible matter. On the previous day I mentioned “a Strategy that the Loyal Gods use to counteract” Culture, enemy
strategic weapon “and I explained it, by means of an allegory, as consisting of a charismatic message. This message pursued two objectives: 1st: to
awaken; 2nd: orient towards the “secret exit”, “center”, or “Origin”; And in that particular example the “exit” was found after discovering “the ring”,
that is after having made the beginning of the siege conscious.However the second part of the message, The Song of A-mort offered to those who
heard it the possibility of “finding the way out”, by six different routes to the Strategic Opposition, which is based on the principle of the siege. In any
case this Strategy as I have described it, with its seven possible ways of liberation, responds to purely individual goals, that is, it is directed
exclusively towards the sleeping man. That is why I now have to declare that it forms part, the “individual” part, of a larger conception, which is
called the Odal Strategy. The Odal Strategy is fundamentally aimed at obtaining the individual liberation of man, but, on certain favorable historical
occasions, the Gods try to “guide” the Race as a whole to force the collective mutation. In that case the “leaders” Many times “sent” by the Loyal
Gods and sometimes “inspired” by them, are responsible for projecting charismatically in the people the strategic guidelines, seeking to reintegrate
it into the essential War. For such a task to be performed with probabilities of success, it is necessary for the “Leaders” to have an external element,
situated in the world, that irrefutably represents the Divine origin of the Race. This external element must also prove the commitment assumed by
the Gods to “induce” men to recommence the war against the Creator and their resolve to “wait” for the Kalpas that are necessary while they gain
freedom. By these conditions it can be understood that this “external element” is a true Stone of Scandal for the Creator and his demonic hosts and
that all His Power, Or the Great Deception, is set to achieve its destruction or failing that it remains within the reach of man. But, despite the
contrariety that such action would cause in the Enemy, the Gods have fulfilled their part of the Primal Pact and, with an admirable disregard for the
Power of the Powers of Matter, deposited it in the World and sheltered it from any Attack for men or their charismatic leaders to discover and use
their meaning. The Odal Strategy of the Gods is then directed to the internal of each man by the “Charismatic Chants”, trying to awaken in them the
Blood Recall and to induce them to follow some of the seven ways of liberation. But it also seeks to impel the Race as a whole to cease to march in
the “evolutionary” or “progressive” sense of history and, in rebellion to the Plan of the One, in an inverse leap, transmute the “animal tendencies” of
man and Recover your Divine Hyperborean nature. To achieve this second purpose, no longer individual but racial, I have said that an “external
element” is available. What, in particular, is this “external element”, this “thing”, to which I have attributed such marvelous properties? This is
something whose single description would carry several volumes and which in previous Days I have called “Gral”.Being impossible to reveal here a
Mystery that has been impenetrable to millions of people, I will try, as usual, to “approximate” it by means of some comments. I wondered what that
wonderful thing called Gral would be. I’ll start there. Concretely the Gral is a Stone, a Crystal, a Gem; Of this there is no doubt. But it is not a
Terrestrial Stone; No doubt about this. If it is not a Terrestrial Stone it is possible to ask its origin: the Hyperborean Wisdom affirms that it comes
from Venus but does not assure that that is its origin. It can be supposed, therefore, for lack of another precision, that the Lords of Venus brought it
to the Earth, from that green planet. But the “Lords of Venus” do not originate from Venus but from Hyperborea, an “original center” that does not
belong to the material Universe and whose “Blood Memory” has led many sleeping men to mistakenly identify it with a “Nordic continent” or
“Disappeared polar”. According to the Hiperbórea Wisdom the Gral was brought to the Solar System by the Gods immediately after that they burst
through the Gate of Venus to settle in K’Taagar, that is in Valhala. Be that as it may, there is another concrete aspect that should be taken into
account: the Gral is a gem that is of the utmost importance to the Gods, to the point that they are not willing to abandon or lose it. By camaraderie
and solidarity with the sleeping men they have placed it in the World; But at the end of Time, the Gral will be recovered and returned to its Place of
Origin. Why is this interest unimportant to preserve the mysterious Gem? That it has been momentarily removed from The Most Beautiful Jewel
ever seen in the Universe of The One, that jewel that no one would be able to imitate in this or other Worlds: Neither the Master Goldsmiths nor the
Devas Builders nor the Planetary, Solar or Galactic Angels, etc. Because the Gral is a Crown Gem of Kristos Lucifer, He who is purer than the
purest of the Loyal Gods, the only one who can speak Face to Face with the Unknowable. Kristos Lucifer is who being in Hell is beyond Hell. Being
able to remain in Hyperborea, in the light of the Unknowable, Kristos Lucifer wanted to come to the rescue of the captive Spirits starring the
incomprehensible sacrifice of His own self-captivity. He has been installed as the Black Sun of the Spirit, charismatically illuminating Venus through
Venus, directly into the blood of sleeping men. How a Gem of the Gallardo Lord has tarnished falling here, to Earth, One of the most disgusting
sewers of the Seven Hells? Because He has prepared it. Kristos Lucifer has given the Gral to men as a guarantee of his commitment, his sacrifice,
and as irrefutable material proof of the Divine Origin of the Spirit.The Gral is, in this sense, a reflection of the Divine Origin, which will guide like a
beacon the hesitant course of the Rebel Spirits who decide to abandon the enslavement of Jehovah Satan. You have already seen what the Gral is:
a Gem of the Crown of Kristos Lucifer; You will now see what the Gral represents for the captive Spirits. First of all the Gral is linked to the
incarnation of the Spirits and its meaning must first be sought in relation to such a Mystery.This is explained if we consider that millions of years
ago,When the Traitor Siddhas allied themselves with the Demiurge Jehovah Satan to carnage the Hyperborean Spirits, Kristos Lucifer surrendered
his Gem so that the Truth of the Divine Origin could be seen with mortal eyes.That is why the Gral, placed in the World as proof of the Divine Origin
of the Spirit, gives meaning to all the hyperborean lineages of the Earth. By him the blood of men, still mired in the most tremendous confusion, will
always claim their alien heritage. The presence of the Gral, in principle, prevents the Enemy from denying the hyperborean ancestors. But as the
Gral gives a cosmic sense to the History of man, connecting it with the eternal Race of the origins, and divinizes the hyperborean lineages of the
Earth, as well as for the Demiurge, by the presence of the Gral, These lineages become a “cause of scandal” and object of persecution and
derision, punishment and pain. The Divine Hyperborean lineages will be, from the Gral, heretical lineages “condemned forever” (a manvantara) by
Jehovah Satan. The Gral has come to arouse undesirable memories, to value the past of man;Will be the memory and the past what will be
attacked and to erase its influence will point to a large extent the Synarchical Strategy. If one is able to detect this attack, which is evident for the
gnostic view, the historical function of the General will be understood in greater depth. To put it in evidence, I shall dedicate the following
paragraphs. The chief crime of man has been to deny the supremacy of “God,” that is, of the earthly Demiur, Jehovah Satan, and to rebel against
his bondage. But man is a miserable being, immersed in a Hell of Illusion in which he feels foolishly “at ease,” with no chance of breaking the spell
on his own. If it has denied the Demiurge and has “rebelled” it has been by virtue of an outside agent, but: What “thing” in the World can be able to
awaken man, to open his eyes to the forgotten divinity? “If such a thing exists, say the Fiends, it is the most abominable object of material
Creation.” But that “thing”, that “abominable object”, is not from this World and from it has “eaten” the man-Spirit-captive. That “green fruit”, which
will later be called Gral, is a food that nourishes with primordial gnosis, that is, with knowledge about the Truth of the origins. For the Gral, fruit
forbidden par excellence, man will know that he is Eternal, Which possesses a Divine Spirit chained to matter, which comes from a World
impossible to imagine from Earth’s hell but for the one who feels nostalgia and who wants to return.By the Gral the man has remembered! This is
his first crime. Remembering the Divine Origin will henceforth be a terrible sin and those who have committed it will have to pay for it; That is the
Will of the Demiurge, the “Law of Jehovah Satan.” They will be their Ministers, the Chang Shambalá Demons, who will execute the sentence by
charging the punishment in a coin called: pain and suffering. The instrument will naturally be the incarnation, repeated a thousand times in
transmigrations “controlled” by the “Law” of Karma, cynically stating that pain and suffering are “for the good” of the Spirits, “to favor their
evolution.” If “evil” lies in the blood then it will weaken it by favoring the racial mixture and it will become impure by poisoning it with the fear of
sin. The result will be the strategic confusion of the Spirit and complete darkness over man’s past. “In the past there is nothing worthy to be
rescued,” affirmed for millennia wise people, in chorus with the Fiends of the Fraternity. Theology, and even mythology, will speak of the evil of man
with the language of the Demiurge: “sin,” “fall,” and “punishment.” “Science”, on the other hand, will show us a more disheartening panorama: it will
“prove”, by handing over fossil filth, that man descends from a protosimio called “hominid” or from that miserable and despicable man animal that
was the ancestor Of the sleeping man. “Science” has taken man’s past to its most dramatic degradation by linking it “evolutionarily” with reptiles and
worms. For modern man there will be no Divine ancestors but apes and trilobites. It really needs to start from a superhuman hatred to want the man
to humble himself so sadly. But let’s leave the sad, let’s be optimistic, why look at the past, say Synarchy with the Voice of Science and Theology, if
man is “something projected into the future”? In the past there is nothing worthy of respect: primitive marine crustaceans sunk in the mud trying to
win the terrestrial environment, driven by “evolution”; Millions of years later some apes decide to become men: once again driven by the miraculous
“law of evolution” they become bipedal, they make tools, They communicate by talking, they lose their hair and they enter History; And then comes
the History of man: documents, Civilization, Culture. And in history, “evolution” is still implacable, now turned into a more inflexible law called
dialectics: the mistakes of humanity, wars, intolerance, fascism, are “mistakes”; The successes, peace, democracy, the UN, the Sabin vaccine, are
“successes”. From the puja between successes and errors there is always a superior stage, a benefit for future Humanity, confirming the
evolutionary or progressive tendency. Is not this progressive trend in history all the good that can be expected from the past? That is why we are
optimistic; Let us look to the future; There are all the goods, all the realizations; The theologian says that after a future judgment the good will open
the doors of paradise, the Rosicrucians, Freemasons and other Theosophists, put in the future the moment in which, partially concluded the
“spiritual evolution”, man is identified with his Monad, or with his “Divine Archetype” and is incorporated to the Cosmic Hierarchies dependent on the
Demiurge; And even the materialists, atheists or scientists, present a happy image of the future: they show us a perfect society, without hunger or
disease, where a technocratic and dehumanized man reigns happily over legions of androids and robots. I will not dwell on details of a fact that is
too obvious: we have tried to erase the past from man by disconnecting him from his hyperborean roots; It has not been possible to completely
erase the past, but, In compensation, a metaphysical split has been created between man and his Divine ancestors, so that, at present, an abyss
separates him from the primordial memories; An abyss that has a name: confusion. Parallel with such a sinister purpose has been “projected to the
man to the future” euphemism used to qualify the illusion of progress suffered by members of modern civilizations. Such “illusion” is generated
culturally by powerful “force ideas” deftly employed as a strategic weapon: “sense of history”, “historical acceleration”, “scientific progress”,
“education”, “civilization versus barbarism” etc. Men, conditioned in this way, blindly believe in the future, look only at him, and even the fatalists,
who envisage a “future black” Admit that if an unforeseeable exception or a miracle offers an “exit” to the Civilization it is, however, in the
“future”; The past is in any case a reason for general indifference. This “obvious fact” certainly represents an important triumph for the
Synarchy; But a triumph that is not definitive. In fact, Dr., Has seen that the maximum pressure of the Synarchic Strategy is applied in erasing the
past, in obscuring the memory of the Divine Origin, and that such an attack occurs in reaction to the Gnostic action of the General, but the Gral is
not only a forbidden fruit , Consumed by the man in the remote times, immediate to his enslavement. The Gral is a reality that will remain in the
world as long as the last Hyperborean Spirit continues to be captive. For Gral it is always possible for man to wake up and remember. But to enjoy
his gnosis, it is imperative to understand that the Gral, as a reflection of the Origin, shines in the blood from the past. Its light comes backwards from
the sense of time and that is why no one who has succumbed to the Synarchic Strategy can receive its influence. You have already seen that a
powerful cultural strategy “projects man to the future” and tries to erase his past and confuse his memories. But the Gral should not be looking for
the future, for it will never be found. Strictly speaking, the Gral should not be sought at all, if by such a verb, to seek, we mean an action that implies
“movement.” Only the Gral “seek” those who have not understood their metaphysical meaning and believe, in their ignorance, that it is an “object”
that can be “found”. I will recall one of the medieval histories on the Gral which, although deformed by its Judeo-Christian adaptation, retains many
elements of the Hyperborean Tradition. In it, Parsifal, the pure madman, goes out to “look for” the Gral. By ignorance he commits the folly of
undertaking the search “traveling” chivalrously by different countries. This “displacement” points essentially to the future, because in every
movement there is an immanent and unavoidable temporality, and naturally Parsifal never “finds” the Gral “seeking” it in the world. They spend
years of useless searching until he understands this simple truth. Then one day, completely naked, he appears before an enchanted castle and,
once inside, he appears the Gral (he does not find it) and his eyes are open; Then warns that the throne is vacant and decides to reclaim it,
It should be seen in this allegory that Parsifal understands that the Gral should not be sought in the world (Valplads), through time (Flowing
Consciousness of the Demiurge), and decides to use a Hyperborean Strategic Way. In order to do this, it is situated “naked” (without the pre-
eminent cultural premises) in a castle (“square” fortified by the law of the fence) desynchronizing of the “time of the world” and creating an “own
time”, inverse, that ” past”. Then the Gral appears and “open your eyes” (Blood Memory).Parsifal warns that “the throne is vacant” (that the Spirit
can be recovered) and decides to reclaim it (it undergoes the tests of purity of the Secret Paths of Liberation) and becomes King (it transmutes into
Stone Man).
I hope I have made it clear that the Gral should not be sought because he appears when the conscience of man has become desynchronized from
the time of the world and has stripped of the cultural mask. I want to show another aspect of the enemy reaction that has motivated the presence of
the General.
By the Gral the man commits the crime of awakening; Has sinned, and punishment is charged with the coin of pain and suffering, by the incarnation
and law of Karma. Those who watch over the Law, and those who most offend the hyperborean memory of the awakened men are the “guardian
angels”, that is, the Demons of Chang Shambala and his White Brotherhood. There is, apart from this, a direct reaction of the Demiurge to be
known. But, As such a reaction has been repeated many times since the Hyperborean Spirits have been chained to the yoke of the flesh, a
complete exposition should cover a huge span of time, which goes beyond official History and is lost in the night of Atlantis and Lemuria. Of course,
I will not be able to embark on a similar account and therefore I will only refer to the reaction of the Demiurge in historical times, but it should not be
forgotten that everything that is said about this fact is not exclusive of an era, but has already been and Will surely be again. A brief introduction will
allow you to understand such a direct reaction.
When the ingenuous question is asked about “How are the worlds from which the Captive Spirit comes?” Believing that there may be some image
that represents the unimaginable Hyperborea, Hyperborean Wisdom often responds with a metaphorical figure; Says to the ignorant apprentice:
“Imagine that a speck of dust receives a faint reflection of the True Worlds, and supposes that this speck is then divided and rearranged into infinite
particles. Make another effort of imagination and now assume that the material Universe you know and inhabit has been built with pieces of that
speck of dust. The Hyperborean Wisdom tells you: if you are able to reintegrate in an act of imagination the immense multiplicity of the Cosmos in
the original speck, then, seeing it in its totality, you will perceive only a weak reflection of the True Worlds. If you are able to reintegrate the Cosmos
into a speck of dust you will see only a deformed image of the Motherland of the Spirit.That is all that can be known from here. ”
The metaphor becomes transparent if one considers that the Demiurge has constructed the Universe imitating an awkward and deformed image of
the True Worlds. He has breathed His Breath into Matter and ordered it with the purpose of “copying” the weak reflection he once received from the
Uncreated Spheres. But neither the substance was adequate nor the Architect was qualified for it and, added to these evils, it must be considered
the perverse intention of claiming to reign like God of the work, in similarity (?) Of the Unknowable. The result is in sight: an evil and insane Hell, in
which, a long time after its creation, by a Mystery of A-mort countless Eternal Spirits were enslaved, chained to matter and subject to the evolution
of life.
The main characteristic of the Demiurge is evidently the imitation, by means of which he has tried to reproduce the True Worlds and whose result
has been this vile and mediocre Material Universe. But it is in the different parts of His Work that the hallucinating persistence in imitating, repeating
and copying is noticed. In the Universe “the whole” is always a copy of “something”: the “atoms”, all alike; The “cells”, which are divided into
analogous pairs;The “social animals,” whose gregarious instinct is based on “imitation”; The “symmetry”, present in infinity of physical and biological
phenomena; etc. Without elaborating on more examples, it can be said that the overwhelming formal multiplicity of the real is only an illusion
resulting from the crossing, intersection, combination, etc. of a few initial forms. In truth the Universe has been made from a number of different
elements, not more than twenty-two, which, by their infinite combinations, support all existing forms.
Bearing in mind the imitative principle that governs the work of the Demiurge, one can now consider its direct reaction to the presence of the
I said that the Gral divinizes the hyperborean lineages by proving in an irrefutable way the truth of the Origin and that the reaction of the Demons
has Have been to regard them as heretical lineages, deserving of the most terrible punishment.
But while the Demons were engaged in punishing men with the heavy chains of Karma, quite another would be the attitude of the Demiurge. He,
according to his characteristic, has wanted to imitate, and still surpass, To the Hyperborean lineages by founding a Sacred Race that represents it
directly, that is, that channels its will, and, through it, reign over the incarnated Spirits. A “Sacred Race” that rises in the midst of peoples
condemned to the pain and suffering of life and who, triumphing over them, will eventually inflict on them the final humiliation of subjecting them to
the Sinarquía de las Demons. Then the Hyperborean lineages, sunk in the mud of spiritual degradation, will utter their last lamentations and those
cries of pain, those screams of terror, will be the sweet music with which the Sacred Race will give to his “God” Jehovah Satan, the Demiurge of the
As I said the Demiurge has tried many times this company;”The gypsies”, for example, Are the ethnic remnants of a “Sacred Race” that flourished in
the late Atlantis, when the Traitor Gods subjected the Horror Synarchy to the Hyperborean lineages. The incarnated spirits were there precipitated
to the most infamous practices: the Divine blood was degraded and confused by means of the indiscriminate mixture of Razas, and, what is worse,
they were able to realize fertile town councils between men and animals with the aid of the black magic; Thousands of human victims were
sacrificed to quench the thirst for blood of Jehovah Satan, worshiped there in his Aspect of “God of the infernal armies.” Cruelty, collective orgy,
different forms of drug addiction, etc., Were all “customs” that the Hyperborean lineages had adopted while in the eyes of the “Holy Race” the
glance of the Demiurge shone with joy, and the Synarchy of Horror exercised its Orphanage tyranny. In such a state of degradation no one was
able to receive the light of the Gral or hear the Song of the Gods. That is why Kristos Lucifer decided to manifest himself in the sight of men.
He did it, accompanied by a guard of Liberating Gods, and that determined the end of Atlantis … But this is an ancient story. In recent times the
Demiurge has resolved to repeat again, in imitation of the hyperborean lineages, the creation of a “Sacred Race” that represents him and to which
he will be reserved the high Destiny of reigning over all the peoples of the Earth. With the Blood Covenant celebrated between Jehovah Satan and
Abraham, the “Holy Race” is founded, and its descendants, the Hebrews, will constitute the “Chosen People”. Just as the Hyperborean Spirits,
divinized by the presence of the Gral, represent the “heretical lineage” par excellence, the Hebrews, in front of them, will present themselves as the
“purest lineage of the Earth.”
Israel, a people chosen by Jehovah Satan to be his representative on Earth, what titles will he exhibit as irrefutable proof that such is His Will? The
Demiurge, following his habitual system of “imitate”, reasons in this way: “If by the Gem of Kristos Lucifer, the Gral, the hyperborean lineage has
been deified, also by a ‘Stone of Heaven’ will be consecrated the Strain of Abraham . I will put in the world a Stone in which My Law will be written
as irrefutable proof that Israel is the Chosen People, before whom the other Nations must humble themselves. ”
Such is the direct reaction of the Demiurge. Choose from among the heath of humanity to the most miserable people and after agreeing with him
makes him “grow” in the shadow of powerful kingdoms. When he decides that the “Holy Race” has come the time to fulfill his historic mission
“renew the covenant” by giving Moses the key to Power. Then Israel, the purest lineage of the Earth, goes through the millennia and marches
towards its future of glory, while the Empires and the Realms sink into the dust of History. No doubt the reaction of the Demiurge has been effective
and powerful have resulted in the effects of His Stone, the force of His Law. That is why we must ask ourselves what is really what Jehovah Satan
gives to the Hebrews as an instrument of power and universal domination? I will repeat it synthetically: the “Tables of the Law” contain the secret of
the twenty-two voices that the Demiurge pronounced when he ordered the matter and by which all that has been formed has been formed. The set
of symbols contained in the Tables of the Law is what is known as the Acoustic Kabbalah. In Atlantis, this knowledge was in principle patrimony of
another “Sacred Race”, but later, the Guardians of the Lítica Art, ancestors of the cromagnón and parents of the White Race, got to dominate it
“The Tables of the Law” are then “the Stone” that the Demiurge has placed in the World as a metaphysical support of the “Sacred Race” in imitation
of the whole “Hyperborean / Gral lineage”. However, as in all the “imitations” of the Demiurge, one should not see here an equivalence too
precise. The Gral, from the past, reflects for each of the men the Divine Origin and constitutes an attempt by Kristos Lucifer to come to the aid of the
Captive Spirits or, in other words, the influence of the Gral points to the individual and the spiritual. The Tables of the Law, on the contrary, point to
the collective, between Jehovah Satan and the Hebrew people, and, in addition, their kabalistic content reveals the keys that allow to dominate all
the Material Sciences.
If the strategic confusion, incarnation, The chaining to the Law of Karma, etc., are terrible evils that afflict the Hyperborean Spirits, the earthly
coexistence with a “Sacred Race” of Jehovah Satan is undoubtedly the most dreadful nightmare, worse than any of the misfortunes mentioned.For,
from the “renewed covenant” with Moses, the racial enmity between the hyperborean (“heretical”) lineages and the Hebrew (“sacred”) lineage will
be permanent and eternal, with the irreversible disadvantage to the former that the infernal Will Of the Demiurge will be expressed irresistibly
through the latter.
After the “appearing” of Israel, man has only the dramatic alternative of returning to the Origin or finally succumbing.
Digging into the Hebrew myth of Abel and Cain, under a veil of slander, A correct description of racial and theological enmity between Hebrews and
hyperboreans can be seen. In this myth, Abel, who is a shepherd of flocks, represents the basic type of Hebrew and Cain, the farmer, to the figure
of the man of hyperborean lineage.Legend has it that the blood offerings of Abel the shepherd were made pleasing to Jehovah Satan, consisting of
the sacrifice of the first-born lambs “with their fat,” and instead he despised the “fruits of the earth” which Cain exhibited.Such an attitude on the part
of the God of Matter was a revelation for Cain: the discovery of the true intentions of the Creator and the materialistic and servile essence of the
shepherds. Then Cain decided to kill Abel, the created Soul, which motivated Jehovah to denounce that he was bearer of a mark that betrayed his
condition of assassin. This sign would be recognized in all the Epochs, by those who were “like Abel,” in those who proved to be “like Cain.”
That special affective criterion of Jehovah Satan has been perpetuated through the centuries in the hatred that the Hebrews feel towards the
Hyperborean lineages, hatred that, not to forget, comes from the Demiurgo since “Israel is Jehovah”. Foolish men, who have been brainwashed to
become Bible-believing fanatics, find it hard to justify Jehovah’s “God’s” predilection for Abel’s bloody sacrifice and contempt for production
Agricultural development of Cain. However, everything is clarified if one reads under the Kabbalistic, coded language of Genesis, an ancient
interpretation of the Holocaust of Fire. Indeed, “The holocaust of the firstborn lamb with its fat” [Genesis 4: 4], represents the Holocaust of the Final
Death of Humanity and its transformation into the bleach that will “wash the Abominable Sign that is engraved on the Hot Stone”: the oblation Of
Abel would then be burned, as the Hebrews still do today with the bodies of the sacrificed animals, and “fat”, mixed with ash, would form the soap,
the bleach, which would wash away the symbolic stain of the “sin of Cain” ; Such a “sin” is, of course, to be “farmer”, grain sower, worshiper of the
Goddess Ama, or Ceres, or Demeter, or the Virgin of Agartha, the mother of Navutan, that is, who delivered the wheat seed to The men, the Seed
of the Stone Child. The “mark of Cain” is, then, the Signal in the Hot Stone, The Symbol of the Origin that causes the chain of the eternal Spirit to
Matter; That is why Cain, in bearing that mark, can never die: he will be “immortal”, as are all men who possess Spirit, even though they ignore him
because they are “asleep.”
Robert Graves and Rabbi Raphaël Patai in the book “The Hebrew Myths” have extracted and synthesized the Cain Myth of numerous Talmudic
midrash. Here is one of the official Hebrew versions which demonstrate Cain’s luciferic spiritual character and the “created” nature of Abel: “Cain
responded to the rebuke of God with a cry that blasphemers still repeat:” There is no Law or Judge When soon
after he found Abel in a field, he said to him, “There is no future World, no reward for the righteous, no punishment for evildoers. This World was not
created with mercy, Nor is it governed with compassion. Why else has your offering been accepted and my own rejected? Abel answered simply:
“Mine was accepted because I love Jehovah God; Yours was rejected because you hate it. Then Cain decided to beat and kill Abel. ”
It is interesting to delve deeper into the figure of Cain.According to the Bible he was, besides farmer, the first one that built walled cities and the
inventor of the weights and measures. Its descendant Tubal-Cain (mythical splitting of the same Cain) was manufacturer of arms and musical
If this figure of Cain is now observed, in the light of Hyperborean Wisdom, it will be proved that it possesses many of the characteristic attributes of
the Hyperborean lineages.
First and foremost, the association of agriculture with the construction of walled cities is an ancient hyperborean strategic formula recently used, for
example, by the Etruscans and Romans, and has been perfectly expressed by the German king Henry I, the Pajarero. On the other hand the
invention of the weights and measures, which the Hebrews attribute to Cain, the Greeks to Hermes and the Romans to Mercury, allows to identify
Cain with those two hyperborean Gods. And finally, the accusation of murderer and the condition of arms manufacturer, clearly reveals that the
figure of Cain represents a fearsome warriors, the Stone Men: to denounce or point out that quality clearly points the denunciation of the famous
brand. In the Bible, the sacred book of the “Chosen People,” in the myth of Abel and Cain, Are perfectly revealed the rules of the game. In the
“preference” of Jehovah Satan for the Hebrew shepherds, represented by Abel, and in the contempt and punishment of the Hyperborean lineages,
symbolized by Cain, appears the metaphysical conflict of the origins, but updated now as a cultural and biological confrontation.The Hebrew Holy
Race has come to bring the Presence of Jehovah Satan; (Conscious presence, different from the pantheistic breath with which the Demiurge
animates matter) to the plane of human life, incarnation, pain and suffering. That is why the ancient transcendent enmity between Captive Spirits
and Demons is transformed into immanent enmity between the Hyperborean lineages and the material Universe, since the Holy Race is Malkhouth,
the tenth Sephiroth, ie, an Appearance of the Demiurge.The latter must be understood as follows: Israel is the Demiurge. It is worth
clarifying. According to the secret teachings of Kabbalah and as can be read in the Book of Splendor, Sepher Yetsirah, or in the Book of the
Holocaust of Fire, Sepher Icheh, that is, by referring to the most reliable sources of Hebrew Wisdom, Creation “of the” Holy Race “Jehovah Satan
manifests one of his ten Aspects or Sephiroth. The tenth sephiroth, Malkhouth (the Kingdom), is the own people of Israel, according to the official
Hebrew texts, which maintains a metaphysical nexus with the first Sephiroth, Kether (Corona), that is the Supreme Head or Consciousness of the
Demiurgo . In other words: there is metaphysical identity between Israel and Jehovah Satan or, if you will, “Israel is Jehovah Satan.”
As I said before, The enmity between the Holy Race and the Hyperborean lineages, an enmity that has been declared in the myth of Abel and Cain,
means a confrontation between them and the material Universe, given the character of Malkhouth, splitting the Demiurge, which Israel boasts. With
Malkhouth, the Demiurge wanted to impose the royalty of the Hebrew holy lineage on the remaining peoples of the Earth. If these Gentile peoples
have forgotten the past, and have submitted to the Plan that the White Brotherhood is carrying on, then they will gladly accept the Hebrew
superiority and the world will happily march towards the Synarchy. But there are those Goym who do not give up their hyperborean heritage and
persist in remembering the conflict of origins! There will be no place for them on Earth because with the Presence of Malkhouth, the sacred lineage
of Israel, The Demiurge assures his persecution and immediate annihilation.Dramatic destiny of the Captive Spirit! For thousands of years
remembering the Origin, that is, exhibiting a heretic lineage, was punished by the Demons with a strong Karma, and the pain, the suffering, were so
terrible that it was forgotten. But, as this degradation occurred, in the depths of his heart, boiling in his blood, the condemned could participate in the
Memory of Blood and access to Gnosis;Was his right: if he could rise from the mire of spiritual confusion no one could prevent him from receiving
the light of the Gral or listening to the Song of the Gods. With Israel and this miserable opportunity to wake up would be possible because the
conflict was raised in biological, racial, cultural …: Whoever commits himself in the contest must now risk everything because confronting Israel is
facing the same Demiurge. Israel advances in history with an irresistible force. His great ideas gradually dominate the Western Culture in parallel
with the growth of his financial power. Who will be able to oppose the joint force of Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-Masonry, Judeo-Marxism, Zionism,
Trilateralism? Who could “jump” the benches of Rothschild, Jacobo Schiff, Kuhn and Loeb, Rockefeller, etc.? And who will compete with the
Hebrews in the fields of Science or Art? I have already described the fantastic Material Power achieved by the Templar Synarchy in the Middle
Ages;Think, Dr. Siegnagel, what must represent such Power today; Against these organized forces man has no chance.Therefore, before such
formidable Power, the only valid strategic alternative is racial confrontation: to the Sacred Race of Jehovah Satan oppose the hyperborean lineage
of the captive Spirits. And in this clash of lineages, in this war carried to the blood, the man who is awake, who remembers and wishes to return,
must listen to the Song of the Gods and, following a secret path of liberation, find “the way out” Return to the Origin, and transmute into Stone
Man. It will have fulfilled the first part of the Odal Strategy. But if a charismatic, awakened, and transmuted Leader takes the lead of a racial
community and decides to guide the men together of Return to Origin, he will be able to fully apply the Odal Strategy, Taking advantage of the
presence of the General In this case the Leader will raise the Total War against the demonic forces of the Synarchy, but especially will exert its
maximum pressure on the Holy Race because it represents directly the Enemy or the Captivating Demiurge. However, only in modern times, when
the universal presence of the Synarchy and the power of the Holy Race are evident, will it be possible for any Great Boss to correctly identify the
Enemy and declare against them the Total War.
The irreconcilable enmity between the Hebrew sacred lineage and the heretical hyperborean lineage could be exemplified by considering the
countless times that clashes have occurred and describing the different results.It can be assured that there would be material to fill several
volumes, Which is why I must be cautious and refer to what is strictly necessary for the understanding of the Odal Strategy of the Loyal Gods. It is
with this criterion that I will consider just one example, but an example that will be highly clarifying.
After the collapse of Atlantis, and under the guidelines of the Cultural Pact, the Hyperborean lineages have always agreed that human society
should be organized around three main functions: Regia, Priestly and Warrior. The harmony and independence of the three functions would ensure
a certain appropriate balance for times of peace and prosperity, when society progresses materially into the future. At different times of its history,
many peoples of hyperborean lineage experienced brief periods in which the balance of the three functions allowed to enjoy that social tranquility,
mediocre and courteous, which concealed in reality a total absence of charismatic contact between the mass of the people and their Leaders,
typical situation characterized by general indifference. When a society stabilizes in this way the White Fraternity of Chang Shambala states that it
“evolves” and that it “progresses.” It is therefore of the interest of the Demons to bring to Humanity a state of permanent equilibrium of the three
functions; With what object ?: to prepare the advent of the Synarchy, that is to say, the Concentration of the Power in the hands of a Secret Society
or hidden brotherhood. What is the purpose of concentrating power in the hands of beings who act in the shadows? The answer is related to the
manifestation by the Demiurge of Malkhouth, the Sacred Race: power over nations belongs (at this stage of the Kaly Yuga) to Israel as an
inheritance of Jehovah Satan and proof of his theological lineage. As long as Israel’s time comes the Synarchy will be the ruler of power
concentrated by the White Brotherhood.
It is understood that the Loyal Gods, in the face of such a conspiracy, try to destabilize the synarchic balance of societies and influence men
charismatically in order to awaken one of them and transmute it into Hyperborean Leader. This is, fundamentally, the goal of the Odal
Strategy. That is why the Song of the Gods calls ceaselessly in the Pure Blood and the Gral is a permanent presence that shows, to whoever wants
to see it, the reflection of the Divine Origin of the Spirit. But it should not be believed that the Odal Strategy is only successful when there is an
authentic transmutation of the man asleep in Stone Man; This is undoubtedly the most important success, but it is not very frequent, especially in
the case of leaders or drivers of towns. There are, on the other hand, other cases, not so colorful or evident as a transmutation, but whose
beneficial influence on the organization of societies has motivated them to be considered as successes of the Odal Strategy as well. I refer
specifically to those Leaders who, with some degree of unconsciousness, Listen to the Charismatic Song and intuit some principles of Hyperborean
Wisdom. Since they are not completely awake and ignore the origin of the “message”, they proceed to apply the strategic principles in the
government of their peoples by taking them for their own invention. It may be abundant in examples, but it will be of particular interest to you, Dr., to
consider the case of those who have “unknowingly” discovered the principle of the siege.
When the “siege principle”, its Pure Blood, and with it the Song of the Gods, has been incorporated into the mental structure of a Leader, it is
impelled to apply the “law of the Siege” in all its concrete acts. They arise from particular societies to political, philosophical, moral, etc., conceived
and executed according to the law of the fence, within the framework of the Odal Strategy. A typical example is the idea of the “Universal Empire”. It
is worth commenting.
When the Odal Strategy manages to awaken the Divine nature in some Leader, it is possible that its subsequent activity provokes remarkable social
changes. If he is King, that is, if he exercises the Regia Function, he will advance gibberingly on the Priestly Function and, with the support of the
Warrior Function, will try to expand the limits of his State. If the Leader is a remarkable warrior, it will not be long before the crown is stuck for later,
crushing the Priestly Function, to engage in the task of organizing a military state. In most cases the imbalance of the three functions is carried out
at the cost of the Priestly Function which is usually lunar and sinarchic. The important thing is that the Leader, King or Warrior, By applying the law
of the fence in his view of society generally concludes by coinciding in the idea of the Universal Empire as the most appropriate to demonstrate the
superiority of his Race and to perpetuate the memory of his Strain.
The Universal Accad State; The empires of Assyria and Babylon; The Great Persian Empire, destroyed by Alexander the Great; the Roman
Empire; Etc., have been conceived in the same way: by the application of the law of the Siege, within the framework of the Odal Strategy, which
have been made by Hyperborean Leaders over the course of the millennia. I can not fail to mention that many “modern ideas” record the same
procedure in their conception: such different variants of “nationalism”; The “fascism”; The “falangismo”; The “National Socialism”, the “federations”
and “confederations”; etc. These and many other political theories are the product of the application of the law of the Siege by some modern
Leaders. In the case of “fascism,” “national-socialism,” etc., it is evident that they have a very close nexus with the very ancient idea of the Universal
Empire which eloquently explains why such ideologies have been pursued until annihilation by The Chosen People and the forces of the Synarchy.
It is precisely that the idea of the “Universal Empire”, which is hyperbore and arises from the application of the law of the Siege, is irreconcilably
opposed to the idea of the “Universal Synarchy” promoted by the White Brotherhood of Chang Shambala, Forward in favor of the Chosen People.
I had set out to give an example of the irreconcilable enmity between the heretical hyperborean lineage and the Hebrew sacred lineage, and this
has been evident in the opposition between the Universal Empire and Synarchy, that is, between their respective ideal conceptions of
society. Armed with these keys anyone can review the history and draw their own conclusions; It is not necessary to insist more on it.
I said earlier that the “Sacred Race” was created by the Demiurge in imitation of the Hyperborean lineages and showed that “The Tables of the
Law”, and the terrible knowledge with which they were written, were given to the Hebrews in the likeness of Gral. I can now add that the “imitation”
did not end there;
I have already mentioned that, during the days of the greatest spiritual decay of Atlantis, Kristos Lucifer manifested himself in the sight of the
sleeping men. His Presence had the virtue of purifying and guiding many men, who, thanks to this descent to the Hells realized by the Lord
Gallardo, could thus embark on the path of Return. However, the cowardly reaction of the Traitor Gods, who resorted to the use of black magic to
prevent the ransom, finally led to an all-out war that only ended when the last Atlantis had disappeared. And although the Atlantean continent
disappeared devoured by the waters and thousands of years of barbarism and strategic confusion erased these facts of History, It is no less true
that the drama experienced was so intense that it never darkened completely in the collective memory of the Hyperborean lineages. That is why
when the Demiurge conceived the sinister idea of immitating the redemptive image of “Kristos Lucifer descending among men,” it was inexorable
that such infamy would unleash irreversible changes and definitive confrontations.
What did the Demiurge claim this time? Although it seems incredible, he wished to produce, in imitation of hyperborean transmutation, a leap in
Humanity. But let us not be too astonished: what was sought was a leap forward, towards the future, and above all, it was tried to bind the members
of Humanity, without any distinction by their Race or religion, a psychological “typo” Universal or to a collective Archetype. That Archetype, of
course, Was that of the Hebrew Race because what was ultimately wanted was to Judaize humanity and prepare it for the World Government of the
In order to carry out such an ambitious plan, many forces would be set in motion, which would concur with the figure of the Messiah and make
possible his earthly ministry. For the mission to “prepare the vehicle” by which Jehovah Satan would manifest himself to men, one of the Masters of
Wisdom of the White Brotherhood was commissioned, who would be known, after his incarnation, as Jesus of Nazareth. Neither was the issue of
lineage neglected, and therefore the Master Jesus incarnated within a Hebrew family whose genealogy could be traced back to Abraham.But the
physical body of the Messiah would have a constitution different from that of a simple Hebrew: Mary would be pregnant “with her gaze” by one of
the Demons of the Hierarchy, the “Gabriel Gabriel”, who actually uses the “intersection of fields” method, one of the three forms of parthenogenesis
that exist: Also imitated to the Virgin of Agartha, Ama, the Mother of Navután, that was pregnant in Venus by another “Angel”, “Serafín Lucifer”. The
Master Jesus would animate that upper body for thirty years, but it would be the Essene sect that during all that time would be in charge of
developing its esoteric potentialities, training it in the secrets of acoustic Kabbalah. In this task the Essenes would be assisted by the Masters of the
Hierarchy, and these by the Traitor Gods; All Chang Shamballah had concentrated on sustaining the Messiah since the success of his mission
would depend to a large extent on the future “evolution” of Humanity. If the work of the Messiah triumphed, the entire Humanity would be “civilized”,
that is, Judaized, and the “barbarity”, ie the mythological memory of the Divine ancestors, would end.
The most horrible thing about this conspiracy was that the Demiurge and his Demons counted this time with the Blood Memory that the
Hyperborean lineages still kept from the Kristos of Atlantis to “lure” them to their imitation, Jesus Christ, and through a fantastic confusion Definitely
subject them. With what colossal hypocrisy was planned and executed the scam! After Jesus Christ Who would be able to distinguish between the
Kristos of Atlantis and his caricature? Only a few have suspected the deception, Gnostics, Manichees, and Cathars, and against them has fallen the
anathema of the Dark Forces, persecution and annihilation. It is that this Jesus Christ, as a Jewish Archetype that is, allows many interpretations, all
“legal”, according to the convenience of the Synarchy: there is a Christ redeemer; A Christ of piety; A Christ “to come”; A Christ-God, a Christ-
man; A social Christ-revolutionary; A Cosmic Christ; A Christ-Avatar, etc.
What will never be allowed to conceive (or “remember”) anyone is a Kristos of Uncreated Light, that is, a Kristos Lucifer. After Jesus Christ that will
be the greatest sin, the greatest heresy and the punishment deserved will be exemplary punishment.
“In the year 30 of the Christian Era the Word became flesh and dwelt among men.” The One by whose Word the World was created, clothed
Himself in the garment of His Hebrew Archetype, Malkhouth, and manifested Himself to men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Phenomenon of
phenomena, Marvel of wonders, what a prodigious spectacle it will have been to see the Demiurge made man!Admittedly, this time there was an
undeniable quality in his hellish idea of imitating the Kristos of Atlantis and taking advantage of the Blood-recall of men. The result is in sight.Little
by little the peoples left the “barbarism” and “Civilization” spread to the last corners of the Earth. And men slowly but inexorably have adapted to the
Jewish psychological pattern. How did this success come about?Why collective alchemy did the ephemeral life of Jesus Christ succeed in
influencing the peoples for millennia until it led to their complete Judaization? Was it only the Blood Memory of the Kristos of Atlantis that
determined such an outcome or were there other hidden factors that contributed to the confusion of Humanity and its present Judaization? Without
going into too much detail, since the subject gives for long, I can say that the Hebrew Archetype of Jesus Christ, which was like all the Archetypes
in the Archetypal Plane, was precipitated to the physical plane or updated during the incarnation of the Demiurgo In the body of Jesus of
Nazareth. Such an update of the Malkhouth Archetype means that a permanent force has been established on Earth, which acts in an equivalent
manner to the gravitational force “pushing” man towards the Jewish form. This is due to a reason that is also a terrible secret: Jesus Christ has not
disembodied! On the contrary, it has since been placed “in the center of the Earth”, next to the King of the World, radiating from there its “archetypal
power” (today we would say “genetic information”) in infinite geotopocentric axes that leave the terrestrial center and cross The backbone of
men. This is the permanent archetypal force of Jesus Christ. But it is not the only one: it also acts on the man an emotional Jewish
influence,Radiated from Israel’s own “Chosen People” since the Sacred Race is part of the hidden anatomy of the Earth fulfilling the function of
heart chakra or anhata chakra.
With respect to the last question it is worth noting that the “animal-man” created by the Demiurge millions of years ago to “evolve” according to the
Plan followed by the seven Kingdoms of Nature, tended naturally to conform a type that Responded to some basic archetypes. However, since the
year 33 of the Christian Era, it can be ascertained that the Jewish Archetype of Jesus Christ is now the psychological Archetype of man, that is, the
type toward which he tends by evolution. This means that in men, who possess by the ancient Mystery of A-mort an animal heritage, Animal
tendencies will unconsciously propel you towards the Jewish Archetype. Only purity of blood can prevent the predominance of animal tendencies
and the consequent danger of corresponding psychologically with the Jewish Archetype.
I have already shown how the Demiurge brought the original conflict into the realm of racial confrontation, after creating the Sacred Race in
imitation of the hyperborean lineages divinized by the Gen. Now we have just seen how a new imitation, this time of Kristos Lucifer , Has meant
another destructive breakthrough against the hyperborean lineages. The powerful forcing force of the Jewish Archetype of Jesus Christ, acting from
the center of the Earth at all times and places has tremendously increased the dream in which the “Blood Consciousness” of men had once
been. On the battlefield of blood, two esoteric forces are now fighting without quarters: the Song of the Gods and the archetypal Jewish tendency of
Jesus Christ. And “awakening” has become, then, a terrible and desperate struggle waged within and without, often unconsciously.
That is why, after Jesus Christ, it will no longer be possible to qualify either peoples or organizations, but the degree of confusion of men will have to
be specifically addressed. It must be so because in many cases whole synarchic organizations may fall under the command of a man suddenly
aware of some hyperborean principle (product of the esoteric struggle that is fought inside), who could even “twist” momentarily the course of this.
And vice versa, In other cases it may happen that a group qualified as “hyperborean” is led by characters more or less Judaized. At the end we will
have Hebrews (blood Jews) who rebel against Jehovah and try to dramatically recover their hyperborean heritage, a case that may occur more
frequently than one might imagine, as we will often find people who “by the Blood” claim to be Perfect “Aryans” but who psychologically prove to be
more Jewish than the Talmud. A very eloquent example will be obtained by observing the Catholic Church in which the worshipers of Jesus Christ
and the Demiurge live together with nationalist and patriot priests who serve the cause of Kristos Lucifer and the Loyal Gods without knowing it.
One must therefore be prudent in describing human organizations and, Even in those purely synarchical ones, always stop to evaluate the degree
of confusion of the men with whom it is treated. The ability to locate the “just man”, even within a synarchic organization such as Masonry, is
considered a sign of strategic ability to be discussed later, trying to isolate it from the organization in which it militates (by appealing to the
application of the law Of the fence) in order to be addressed by appropriate symbols to its hyperborean part.
An example of what I have been saying is the case of the soteriological heresy of Pelagius, also called “Pelagianism.”At the beginning of the fifth
century this British bishop began to defend the theory that man, by himself, is sufficient to lead his salvation. This is possible, according to
Pelagius, Because “there is in man a principle of spiritual perfection.” It is evident, therefore, that in Pelagius prevailed the hyperborean lineage. His
Pure Blood soon allowed him to realize that man’s “salvation” (his “guidance”) depended on “a spiritual principle,” which should be “discovered” and
“cultivated” inwardly. But where the “heretical” position of Pelagius was clearer was in regard to original sin: man has not sinned at all and “if Adam
sinned, his sin died with him; Was not transmitted to human offspring. ” In short “man is free” and “born without sin”; From there to raise the injustice
of pain and suffering, or any other punishment imposed by Jehovah Satan, there was only one step. Consequently the persecution against Pelagius
began immediately and did not end until its elimination, in Africa; Was carried forward by the most important ecclesiastical authorities of his time,
which proves the fear of his ideas, among whom the Popes Innocent I and Zosimus, St. Jerome and the Gnostic apostate St. Augustine stood out.
At the Synod of Carthage in the year 411, seven propositions, a synthesis of its doctrine, were condemned.It is worth remembering them now to
verify that they are derived from the Hyperborean Wisdom.
Here are the seven condemned propositions:
1 – Adam, mortal by his creation, would have died with sin or without it. 2 – Adam’s sin damaged him alone, not the human lineage. 3 – The
newborn children are in that state in which Adam was before his prevarication (that is: Before testing the forbidden fruit of the Gral). 4 – It is false
that neither by death nor by the prevarication of Adam must all the human race die and that it must be resurrected by the resurrection of Jesus
Christ. 5 – Man can easily live without sin. 6 – The right life, of any “free man”, leads to Heaven in the same way as the Gospel. 7 – Before the
coming of Jesus Christ there were “impeccable” men, that is, they did not sin.
While the Golen marched with the Celts to Europe, the Kingdom of Judah in the Middle East was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and his people
taken captive to Babylon in 597 AD They were liberated in 536 and twenty years later in 516, Rebuilt the Temple of Solomon without finding the ark
with the Tables of the Law. In the fourth century they were dominated by the Greeks of Alexander and in the second century they allied with the
Romans against the Greeks (140 AJC). After the death of Julius Caesar the Senate of Rome granted the title of King of Judea to Herod I, in 37 AD
and in the first year of the Christian Era (or in 4 ADJ if you want) the Savior was born, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.
After Herod I, the Romans removed the Chosen People from the possibility of having a King of their lineage and placed in power a series of
procurators who vainly tried to dominate the growing social upheaval. The “crucifixion of Jesus Christ”, which did not exist, or the “struggle against
Christians”, which is usually given as an explanation of the warlike and suicidal attitude of the Jews, Are not correct, the real cause of the malaise
being the fact, presentiment by all members of the Sacred Race, that the Hebrew Archetype “would be thrown to the Gentiles.” It was palpable to
them, by virtue of sharing the substance of the Demiurge, the Judaizing action to be performed from then on on the whole world. What was not so
clear to them was: how, after the presence of Jesus Christ could the old covenant with Jehovah Satan be fulfilled, the promise that the sacred
lineage would inherit power over other nations?It would take several centuries and the work of eminent Kabbalistic Rabbis to recover the faith of the
Hebrews over their role in history. But while that time came the patience of the Romans was exhausted much earlier: in 70 AD DJC General Tito
destroyed Jerusalem, The Temple of Solomon, and “dispersed” the Jews from all corners of the Roman Empire. With the Diaspora of the year 70
begins the modern history of the Chosen People, whose culmination is to take place in our days, when the Synarchy transfers to the hands the
totality of the world power.
When in 313, Emperor Constantine the Great recognized Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire, a difficult time for the Holy Race
began. The motive was that in the recently Christianized villages the Blood Memory of Kristos Lucifer predominated more than the Jewish
Archetype of Jesus Christ, a fact that almost always led to a widespread anti-Jewish sentiment. Although in the long run the permanent influence of
the “geotopocentric ray” of Jesus Christ would eventually triumph, Over the hyperborean memory, and the masses would end up Judaized,
meanwhile the Sacred Race would be in danger of being exterminated. But the “threat” would soon be conjured.
If there really was an actual danger against the Hebrews, this must be doubted, for in the fifth century St. Benedict of Nurcia founded the Order in
which the “Christian” Golen would enter massively, Of mediating between the Church and the Synagogue.
As I reported in previous days, the Tables of Law remained where Solomon had hidden them and were only found by the Templar Golens in the
Middle Ages. Those tables have been made by the Demiurge Jehovah Satan to imitate the founding action of the Gral. One has to inquire, then,
what was of the Gral, The metaphysical “model” of the Tables?
Contrary to the question of the Tables of Law, which forced to refer to facts of history, the question of the Gral will take me to the strictly esoteric
ground. But in the first place it should be clarified that the question has been badly posed.I have already clarified that the Gral should not be
sought; I will now add that it is an object from which it can not be appropriated and that, therefore, it must still be where it has always been. It is a
mistake, therefore, both to “look” for the Gral and to question: what has become of him? But, you will ask, how will that Mystery have to face, then,
to obtain some additional knowledge, free of paradoxes? The only way, in my opinion, to advance in the knowledge of the Mystery is to deepen the
analogies that link the Gral’s “guiding function to the Origin” External function, with the “secret paths of spiritual liberation” of the Hyperborean
Wisdom, which are internal functions, “orienting towards the Origin.”
In this sense a very significant analogy can be established between the “Gral” of the Odal Strategy and the “lapis opponents” used in the “Strategic
Opposition” path.
I have already explained, synthetically, that the Path of Strategic Opposition consists in the use of the archeonic technique, that is to say, in the
disposition of an Archemon or Strategic Siege and of a lapis opponentis outside the siege, in fenestra infernalis that gives the Valplads .Applying
the law of the siege to the Archemona is possible to isolate the square of the Valplads, that is to say, it is possible to liberate an area in the World of
the Demiurgo.But this is not enough: It is necessary that the Initiates dissociate themselves from the Time of the World and generate an own time,
inverse, that allows them to go towards the Origin. For this they practice the Strategic Opposition against the opponents lapis, that are located on a
Rune in the Valplads, in front of fenestra infernalis.
It is my turn to approach the Major Secret, the one who explains the method used by the Gods to maintain, permanently, eternally if you will, the
Gral in the World. I will start by asking the following: What is the Residence of the Loyal Gods? One can start from a known answer, which I have
repeated many times: the Gods reside in K’Taagar, in the Valhala of Agartha. Such a response is correct, But insufficient as it might be asked in
turn what is the Valhala? where is it located? In view of these questions, two criteria can be adopted: one, recourse to elements of Norse mythology
and say, for example, that “at the top of Fresno Iggdrasill lies the Valhalla, where warriors killed in combat will reside, governed by Wothan, etc.
“And a second criterion, which seems to me to be more correct, consisting of stripping the answers of folkloric adornments and expressing them
with symbols of the Hyperborean Wisdom, which can be easily interpreted by means of analogies.
With this criterion it is possible to affirm immediately that the Valhala is the square released by the Gods (or Aces) somewhere in the Universe of
The One. This square, of course, Has the dimensions of a country and is totally fortified. In it inhabit the Lords of Venus and many Gods and
Walkirias, who are prepared permanently for the fight while awaiting the end of the Kaly Yuga and the awakening of the captive Spirits. His
countless warrior gods, immortalized with their vajra bodies, form in the ranks of Wildes Heer, the raging army of Wothan, and guard the walls of
Valhalla, though the Enemy would never dare before such a dreadful hyperborean garrison.
The Gods have liberated the stronghold of the Valhalla applying, with His Mighty Will, the law of the siege to the stone walls. The conquest of the
own time that reigns in the Valhalla, and which separates them from any “cycle” or “law” of the World of the Demiurge, Comes from a wonderful
operation of Strategic Opposition. But what was the stone, the lapis opponentis, that the Gods used in their Hyperborean Strategy? Since the
Origins Conflict occurred millions of years ago, the Gods practice the Strategic Opposition against a precious extraterrestrial Gem facilitated by
Such effect by the Gallardo Lord, Kristos Lucifer. That stone is called Gral: “und dieser Stein ist Gral gennant”. (Wolfram Von Eschenbach).
The analogical relationship between archemonona and Valhala becomes even more evident if one considers that it has a “infernalis portal”,
equivalent to the “fenestra infernalis” of that one. The porta infernalis is an opening in the wall that is permanently guarded by attentive sentinels.In
front of the infernalis door, but outside the Valhalla, that is, In “the world,” is located the Gral, on a Vruna; Against him, as has been said, the Gods
practice strategic opposition.
It is necessary to go deeper into the description of this provision because of its extraordinary importance for the approach to the Mystery of the Gral.
First of all, I will say that the Gral, as a lapis opponent, was deposited in the Origin, on a Vruna and still There: on the Vruna and on the Origin. It is
not a game of words but a property of the Gral that must be examined carefully: the Gral, as a reflection of the Origin, can not become in time in the
likeness of the material “things” created by the Demiurge; In other words: the Gral can not be in the present. In truth the Gral is in the remote past,
at that time and place in which it was placed, And therefore should not be sought using “movement” (and time) to achieve it as such an attitude
points to the future, or in the opposite direction, as I have already explained. But if the Gral is in the past, if time does not drag it into the present
with its uncontainable fluency as with material objects, and has always remained there (in the past) how is it that we have come to know of it ? And,
most importantly, how can it act in the present, as demanded by the Odal Strategy, regardless of time? That is to say, by virtue of what “element”
does the Gral connect, “from the past” with “the present”, for example, to a Hyperborean Leader? The solution to these problems has been, from
ancient times, a dangerous Secret … which I will now try to reveal. The enigma is solved by reasoning in this way: Although the Gral has always
remained in the past, a property which only possesses in the Universe the Gem of Kristos Lucifer, the same has not happened to the Vruna who
supported it (and who still holds it). Here is the Great Secret: while the Gral, a reflection of the Divine Origin, remains as such “situated in the
Origin”, the Vruna on which it was settled has crossed the millennia and has reached the present. Of course the Vruna “is always present”, which
means “in any historical circumstance.” I’ll talk a little about Vruna.
It is known as Vruna of the Origin or Vruna of Oricalco, but it is possible to clarify that such names not only designate the “symbol” of the Vruna but
also to the Piedraterrestre that was primordial seat of Gral. That is why when in Hyperborean Wisdom the “Vruna de Oricalco” is alluded to, what is
actually being treated is a stone, very old, violet blue, in which the Gods set a vrunic sign of oricalco. It is necessary, therefore, to know the origin of
the same and the reason for its construction.
I have mentioned on other occasions that at first the Gods entered the Solar System “by the door of Venus” and that a group of them, the “Traitor
Gods”, was associated with the Plan of the Demiurge, causing, in combination with it, The catastrophe of the captive spirits. ” The Hyperborean
Spirits were chained to Matter for having fallen into a cosmic trap, the Mystery of A-mort, but I will not speak of it for now. The effect that occurred in
the evolutionary world of the Demiurge in assimilating the confused spirits is what we would call today: a collective mutation. To the evil of the
imitative ordering of matter, made by the Demiurge, was added the evil of the mutation of his Work and the chain of Spirits, that is, the modification
of the Plan made by the Traitor Gods. And in order to “control” such an evil company, the Traitor Gods decide to found the White Brotherhood, in
which the different deviant manifestations of the Demiurge must be organized. The “headquarters” of Power, Chang Shambala, is also the key to
the collective mutation of the seven Kingdoms of nature. In fact: how did the Demiurge keep the stability of the form on the Earth and how, before
the mutation, That the seven Realms will evolve according to your Plan? There are two principles that intervene in the execution of the Plan, one
static and the other dynamic. The Plan rests statically on the Archetypes and dynamically on the Breath of the Solar Logos. That is, it was a force
from the Sun, the physical vehicle of the Solar Logos, which maintained the evolutionary impulse in the seven Realms of terrestrial nature. Well: to
provoke any permanent alteration in the Plan of the Demiurge it is imperative to intercept the energy stream coming from the Sun that, crossing the
ocean of prana, converges on the Earth. To fulfill this condition, the Traitor Gods were installed from the beginning between the Sun and the Earth,
in a fixed position that never misses a ray of light, that is, a photon, without having been intercepted before. This statement may seem fantastic, and
indeed it is, but more fantastic and foolish has been the construction of Chang Shambala, since what we have described is the “technical” function
of the seat of the Power of the Traitor Gods.
Here is another “Secret” that is no longer such; The “location” of Chang Shambala can now be determined from this data: it is always between the
Earth and the Sun. Actually Chang Shambala is very close to Earth, which will give an idea of its enormous size. However, this is not a whim, but
should have been constructed as a result of its modulating function of the solar genetic plasma.
Of course, it will not be absurd to say foolishly that all this is nonsense since “the traditions of Tibet and India” affirm that Chang Shambala “is a
Kingdom located in Asia,Between the Altai Mountains, the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas. ” Undoubtedly a comment of this type will be a greater
nonsense than my statements. In principle the so-called “traditions of Tibet and India” are products of the strategic disinformation that for many
years the Fraternity has deployed to ignore the truth. And secondly I will say that the most serious data of the Tradition, since there is some credible
data, always mention the location of “The Gate of Chang Shambala” and never to the Kingdom itself.This subtle distinction is highly suggestive
because the fact that a given geographical place exists a door does not imply that the Kingdom is immediately behind. Thus a primitive mind could
be understood, conditioned by the belief that the straight line is the shortest distance between two points, And in fact such a thing happens
frequently. But here I am handling the information on another level and so I will advance four verses of the Song of Princess Isa, which you will
already have an opportunity to know when you tell the story of Nimrod, “The Defeated.”
“But even though Dejung is far away,
his doors are everywhere .
Seven gates has Dejung,
and seven walls surround it. ” These “induced gates” refer to the Oriental legends, which “are everywhere” and lead to the Kingdom which obviously
does not occupy a single geographical place. A reference to events as remote as the perverse association between the Traitor Gods and the
Demiurge was intended to serve as an introduction to a fact that I will immediately highlight: When the Demiurge agrees with the Traitor Gods to
yield to these the control of the Hierarchy gives them the sign Tifereth that represents one of the ten Sephiroth and allows a total control on the
Formal Aspects of the Creation. The Sign Tifereth is the symbolic expression of the “material manifestation of the Divine Archetypes”, an aspect
that is usually synthesized as “Beauty of the Demiurge”. In case it is not well understood it is worth repeating that the Demon of Chang Shambala
was in possession of a sign that represents the whole Tifereth aspect of the Demiurge, allowing him to access and share his Power. Naturally the
sign Tifereth is the key to Maya, the Illusion of the Real, and therefore: the most terrible tool of witchcraft. Whoever observes the sign Tifereth,
which is quite complex, “from the world,” that is,Incarnated karmically, runs the risk of abysmal immediately losing all point of reference and
therefore reason. For this reason the Hyperborean Wisdom recommends applying the law of the fence to the sign Tifereth to be able to observe it
without danger. It is worth noting that in any hyperborean offensive against the Chang Shambalá Demons sooner or later, a confrontation with the
sign Tifereth occurs, given that his evil influence is relied upon to overcome the awakened men.
After the Traitor Gods received the sign Tifereth and built Chang Shambala it was no longer possible for the Loyal Gods to remain on the earth’s
surface. But they did not wish to leave the Solar System, leaving behind billions of captive Spirits. And then they planned the Odal Strategy.But
before what picture did a Captive Spirit present ?: basically the loss of Origin and consequent unconsciousness, that is, the loss of one’s own
time. The chaining to matter is fundamentally linked to the “immanent flow of the Demiurge Consciousness,” that is, of the synchronization to World
Time. The Captive Spirits, linked to Time, were going to take millions of years to regain their consciousness, if they ever succeeded. In such
circumstances the Gods, In a marvelous display of courage and intrepidity, they begin the Odal Strategy.
The first problem they had to face was to keep themselves “independent” from Time, but not “outside it,” since they would have to follow closely the
misadventures of the captive Spirits to help them avoid strategic confusion and eventually rescue them. On the other hand the independence of
Time was necessary so that the Gods could preserve their own time, their consciousness of the Origin, otherwise they would risk falling into the
Great Deception as well. But, as long as the aeons happened, the Gods should have a pleasant place, apt to be occupied and defended by a
garrison of terrible stellar warriors. These were the main problems; There were others, but I will ignore them in tribute to brevity.
The procedure was as follows. The Loyal Gods searched for a suitable Earth site for their purposes. As such a site was to disappear, after the
Strategic Opposition, they did not choose it within a continent because this would have perhaps caused a cataclysm, which would further delay the
fate of the captive spirits. Instead they sought among the islands and chose one of them, situated in what would now be the extreme north, but
which in those days was a tropical zone, proceeding at once to surround it. Being a huge island the work to be done, to build a cyclopean stone wall
around its perimeter, would seem an impossible task today. But the Hyperborean Wisdom that the Gods disposed gave them the solutions to finish
quickly with such work and in a short time a colossal wall transformed to the paradisiac island in impregnable fortress. It is not possible to describe
the extraterrestrial architecture of the walls because I would lose myself in explanations and would not advance much; I will only say that in some
sections the construction was similar to the pre-Inca fortress of Sacsahuaman close to Cuzco in Peru, but such similarity, I must say, was very
approximate, since Sacsahuaman is still too human.
In the wall they practiced a single opening, something that will surprise to those who do not know the strategic principles of the Hyperborean
Wisdom. And outside this opening, which I have already named with a modern denomination: porta infernalis, was placed the Vruna of
Oricalco. The time then came to return to the Greater Mystery.
The Great Chief, Kristos Lucifer, boldly installed in an unthinkable place, behind Venus, like Black Sun or expression of the Origin, decided to
respond to the vile conspiracy of the Traitor Gods with an act of war. To fulfill His Will was that the Liberating Gods occupied the island and walled it
off by initiating the Odal Strategy. But the Odal Strategy aimed to “awaken” and “orient” men, individually or racially, we have already said; Then:
what was the “act of war” with which Kristos Lucifer responded to the Betrayal of the Gods of Chang Shambala?Concretely: the war blow was given
by the General
Hyperborean Gem, removed from the Front of the Gallardo Lord and settled in the World of the Demiurge, Would prevent the Demons from denying
the Divine Origin of the Spirit, since their in-shine brilliance would at all times dismiss the reflections of the Primordial Fatherland. The Gral, in
divinizing the Hyperborean lineages, was the greatest challenge because it threatened to send infernal plans to failure. The conflict would be
eternally posed by anyone who succeeded in awakening, whatever the Hell it might be in, since the Gral would be settled on the physical plane, that
is, in the lowest of the infernal regions, and its Brightness would be seen from all corners of the World, including the astral plane and all those
“purgatories” that the Demons prepare there to deceive the Spirits; Even on those subtle planes of the monads emanated by the Demiurge, Where
there are also completely idiotised Hyperborean Spirits, who have been led to believe that “they must remain there while their ‘other bodies’, more
dense, evolve.” Finally, the Gral was, if I may have the metaphor, a gauntlet thrown into the face of the Demons, for a challenge to which they, by
their cowardice, would not be able to respond.
But it was not so simple to achieve that the Gral, once entered the physical plane remained simply located in a place, for example on an
altar. Because of its timeless character, as a reflection of the Origin, the Gral as a true universal diluent would cross everything and would be lost
sight of … especially if the time of the world passed for whoever looked at it. The Gral can not be settled on any substance that flows at the impulse
of the Breath of the Logos, that is, That flows temporarily, because it would be lost in the past, since its essence is always in the Origin.What to
do? It is necessary to “prepare” a material seat in such a way that it will support the Gral even if it remains in the past and although the World Time
actually takes place for that seat. Can you build something like that? Only if between the substance of the seat and the Gral is inserted a sign that
neutralizes temporality. This means that the sign must represent the reverse movement to that used by the Demiurge to construct the Solar
System. Such a sign, which is the height of heretical symbols, was employed by the Gods to build the seat of the Gral, which I have called Vruna de
Attention to this because I will say it once: the Vruna of Oricalco, which is a very complex sign and tremendous magical power,
Is derived following mutilation and deformation, the Swastika Rune, of which so many nonsense has been written. In order to construct the seat of
the Gral one opted for a crystalline stone of blue violet color, similar to an agate. At its upper part, in a slightly concave area, a Vruna de Oricalco
cleverly crafted by the Loyal Gods. And once the seat was finished he was deposited outside the walls of the island, in the direction of the port
infernalis, but many miles away, in a continental region.
It will be difficult for anyone to imagine the wonderful spectacle of the Gral descending into the seven hells.Perhaps if one thinks of a Green Ray, of
blinding sheen and gnostic influence on the seer, before whom the Demons turn their fierce faces frozen with astonishment; A Ray that,Like a
mowing blade of invincible Sword, is renting the four hundred thousand worlds of Deception looking for the Heart of the Enemy; A Green Flying
Serpent that carries between its teeth the Fruit of Truth, denied and hidden until then; If one thinks of the Ray, the Sword, the Fruit, the Serpent,
perhaps it is possible to intuit what happened at that crucial moment when the Truth was placed within the reach of the captive Spirits. Yes because
since the Gral settled on the Vruna of Oricalco the Tree of Science was planted within reach of those who, completely confused, lived in Hell
believing to inhabit a Paradise. From now on they could eat their fruit and their eyes would be opened!
Hallelujah by Kristos Lucifer, the Serpent of Paradise!Hallelujah for those who ate of the Forbidden Fruit: The men awake and transmuted!
What was the next step of the Gods? Before the fall of the Gral, but when this phenomenon was already happening in other planes, they applied the
law of the fence to the walls of the island isolating the inner area from the outside. In order to understand the effect that such a strategic action
produced, we must bear in mind that this was the first time a space was released in the Solar System. When a ring of fire seemed to spring from the
imposing walls and was no longer seen inland, wrapped in a strange fluttering vibrating cloud, the Demiurge began to feel its substance
amputated. The Strategy of the Gods aimed to beat him, not only the flat area of the island but also its relief, its mountains and valleys, its lakes and
forests, its vegetables and animals; the island, A vast country, was also a gigantic Noah’s Ark that should receive for millennia men who managed
to wake up and flee from the material chains and also to those who had been transmuted by fighting to the death in battles.
A whole country deprived of the immanent control of the Demiurge was a new experience, but as this would have been possible, the truth is that the
island was still there: hidden by a barrier of fire but in the same place. That is why the reaction of the Demiurge made Earth tremble, trying to affect
in some way that incomprehensible phenomenon and regain the dominion of the “square”.Terrible seaquakes stirred the adjacent seas and unseen
winds blew vainly against the titanic walls; The sky was darkened by the ash clouds of suddenly awakened volcanoes, and the ocean floor
threatened to split and try to swallow the “liberated” island.
The world seemed to have gone mad, showing the terrifying spectacle of all the “uncontrolled” forces of nature, when, “as if it were the height of
abominations, the Gral descended upon the Earth.”
What could you add to give an idea of what happened there? I have already said that it is very difficult to describe, and even mention, an event that
generated a perpetual irritation in the Demons. Perhaps this comment tells you something, Dr., if you remember the cabalistic explanations of Bera
and Birsa: “when the Gral fell on Earth, beyond the three hundred seventy times ten thousand Worlds, The Great Face of the Old One uttered a
howl of horror that is still heard reverberating in the confines of the Cosmos. ”
As soon as the Gral had settled on the Rune of Oricalco, the Loyal Gods practiced the Strategic Opposition, now succeeding in making the walled
island invisible, disappearing forever from the earth’s surface. From then on, sleeping men would speak of Valhala, the abode of the Gods, and also
of Hyperborea, the “island swallowed by the sea,” for the original Myth, transmitted charismatically by the Gods, has suffered various falls in
exoterism due to The blood impurity of sleeping men.
The question that started the previous esoteric comment said what has been of the Gral … ? In response it was obtained that it is erroneous to
inquire about the Gral since this is virtually the Origin, and never has moved of there. Its seat, on the other hand, the Vruna of Oricalco, possesses
the dimensions of a material object and is supposes that, to a great extent, this one is affected by the physical laws.One can then rephrase the
problem: what has become of the Vruna of Oricalco? Are you still holding the gem of Kristos Lucifer? In the latter case the answer is affirmative: the
Vruna of Oricalco has since been the seat of the Gral, a situation that has not changed at all in modern times. As to the first question, it should be
understood that it would be an impossible task to summarize here the complete itinerary followed by the Vruna of Oricalco to the present day; It
would force to mention Civilizations disappeared and, Many of them, completely unknown to the official Culture. I will then refer to historical times,
beginning with establishing some guidelines that will allow us to deal with the problem correctly, avoiding many superstitions or disinformation.
1st – The Vruna of Oricalco has often been confused with the General. I have already demonstrated why the Gral should not be sought; However
on some occasions transport has actually occurred and it has been rightly thought that it was the General. But the Gral is not an object of which one
can appropriate, let alone manipulate or transport. With all verisimilitude what has been transported is the Vruna of Oricalco, within the framework of
a racial strategy. In that case confusion can not be blamed solely on enemy strategic action because, In the degradation of the ancient Hyperborean
myths, the greatest responsibility rests upon the blood impurity of men.
2nd. – The presence of the Vruna of Oricalco among the members of a community of hyperborean lineage has the virtue to favor the charismatic
connection and to legalize the conduct of its Leaders.
3rd – The presence of the Vruna of Oricalco is the presence of the Gral and the people to whom the Gods have entrusted their custody is
undoubtedly, at that moment, the most pure Hyperbore Lineage of the Earth.
4th – To certify if a certain town has been in possession of the Vruna of Oricalco must study its hyperborean war architecture:
The possession of the Vruna of Oricalco requires the construction of stone structures with peculiar topological properties. Such constructions may
not seem made for war, but such appearance is due exclusively to the ignorance that exists about the Hyperborean Strategy. An example is the
“castle” of Montsegur, on Mount Pog, in the French Languedoc. This construction, which is not a fortress nor much less, was raised to allow the
Hyperborean sect of the Cathars to receive and conserve the Vruna of Oricalco. The principles that prevail there are those of the “law of the siege”
and of the “Strategic opposition” being futile task to pretend to make of Montsegur an astronomical observatory or a solar temple.But as the
architecture of Montsegur has been designed according to the Vruna of Oricalco who does not attend to this key will never come to any positive
5th . – It is necessary to distinguish between the seat of the Gral, which we call Vruna of Oricalco, and the Sign of the Origin, which the Vruna of
Oricalco represents. I said that on the violet blue stone the gods set a figure of Oricalco and we call the whole, stone and figure, Vruna de
Oricalco.But the Sign of the Origin, which was chiselled in Oricalco and set, owns by itself the power to present “affinity” with the Gral. That is why
many Hyperborean lineages, which did not reach the High Honor to guard the Vruna of Oricalco, received in Change the Sign of the Origin as a
reward for his Pure Blood and recognition of the effort pledged in his Strategy. This is how the Sign of Origen had, in the course of History, a
particular proliferation among certain lineages that proudly incorporated it into their standards. Naturally; The Leaders tried in the beginning to
partially watch over their symbolic content by simplifying the figure, that is, by removing some suggestive elements, but, after the fall in exoterism
and vulgarization, the true aspect of the Sign of the Origin was forgotten; I already said, for example, that the Swastika proceeds by mutilation and
deformation of that Primordial Sign.
However in many cases, due to the extraordinary blood purity of some lineage, the Sign of the Origin was displayed complete, allowing the Leaders
to use their enormous power to project the light of the Gral on the mass of the town. I could give several examples of Asian communities bearing
the Sign, but we have at hand the case of the Saxons who had engraved the Sign of the Origin in a trunk of tree that considered column of the
world, column universalis. The end of such bold determination also deserves a comment. When in 772 Charlemagne conquered Teutoburger Vald
proceeded quickly to destroy the Irminsul trunk and to execute to five thousand members of the Saxon nobility. Not conforming to this, after three
decades of heroic resistance, the Saxon Breed, of pure hyperborean lineage, was totally “Christianized” (after the execution of its purest offspring). I
have learned that many cultured Germans consider this dreadful Carolingian campaign “fortunate”. For example, Professor Haller bluntly opines
that “without the submission of the Saxons today there would not be a German nation” for “for the historical development of the German nation, as it
is today, the incorporation of the Saxons into the empire of Charlemagne was a precondition essential”. This generalized opinion is based on the
analysis “a posteriori” of the historical facts, and for that reason, considering that the extinction of the Carolingian dynasty made possible that two
hundred years later the Saxon blood arrived with Otón I to put to the front of the western world, It is assumed that the domination and “conversion”
of the Saxons was “necessary” and positive. Here is my humble opinion: the Judeo-Christianization of the Saxons represents the most severe blow
that the Hellenic powers dealt with the hyperborean lineages in the Christian Era,Even greater than the conversion of the Vikings, the Celts, or the
destruction of the Cathars, comparable only to the annihilation of the Gothic Kingdoms. And the destruction of the Irminsul tree, with the loss to the
West of the Sign of the Origin, is a catastrophe very difficult to evaluate.
The 6th . – It is not essential, or even necessary, that the Vruna of Oricalco is in the heart of a town so that the influence of the Gral acts on it. The
Gral acts on the men from the Origin, property that can not be affected by any physical variable, is located where the Vruna of Oricalco is.That is
why it is to some extent absurd to attribute to this or that people that they have reached “a high degree of Civilization” because “they were in
possession of the Gral”Given that the Gral can not be in the possession of anyone because it is, by the disposition of the Lord Gallardo, proof of the
Divinity of all captive Spirits. What a people can have in custody is the Vruna of Oricalco, but only as a reward and recognition for a racial purity
obtained previously.
That is the fact of taking into custody the Vruna orichalcum is not the cause of the greatness of a people but conversely, the purity of their lineage
earned him the high honor of being depositary seat Gral. But while The Vruna of Oricalco is only given to those who deserve it, it is true that its near
presence affects the environment creating a mutant microclimate. That is why the Gods usually deposit the Vruna of Oricalco, during the Dark
Ages, In appropriate places to influence the less confused lineages.
7th. – From all the exposed until here the capital importance importance that would have for a community of hyperborean lineage to obtain the
custody of the Vruna of Oricalco. It is therefore necessary to deal in detail with this possibility. The problem can be summarized in the question:
what does a King, or whoever performs the Regia Function, need to find the Gral, or the Vruna of Oricalco?Then Dr. Siegnagel, I will invite you to a
brief reflection on the attitude that must be adopted when taking cognizance of the facts carried out by the Liberating Gods, and then I will answer
the problem by going a little deeper into the symbology of Gral.
It requires a deep meditation on the symbols that I have presented to capture its ultimate meaning, which must always be perceived as dramatic
and tragic, full of spiritual urgencies. No one who has become aware of the incredible sacrifice made by the Gods in maintaining the Gral in the
world for millions of years through the Strategic Opposition, that is, by a constant and continuous act of Will, no one who has understood, we
repeat, can remain Impassive, in the midst of the confusion, without experiencing urgency to be freed from the chains of the Demiurge and
departing, trying to alleviate, somehow the task of the Gods. No one who verifies with his blood the truth of these symbols will be able to prevent
that the Honor, the only moral of the man, urges him with insistence to “abandon everything” and to leave. But that game will be “with arms in hand”,
ready to give battle without quarter to the Demons and feeling that the blood has been lit by the Furor of the Warrior; By “essential hostility” to the
work of the Demiurge, by transmuting the weak organic substance of the physical body into vajra, incorruptible matter. It is the least that man can
do to respond in some measure to the help that the Gods have lent to the Hyperborean lineages, making possible with his Hyperborean Strategy
that the Gral proves the Divine Origin.
Now I go to the pending question.
The Stone-Gral, the Gem of Kristos Lucifer, is sustained in the World by the Opposition of the Gods, where it fulfills its function of reflecting the
Origin and Divinizar hyperborean lineages, but, being temporally related to the Valhala, To every waking man, a path to the abode of the
Immortals.That way is followed by the Warriors fallen in battle, the Heroes, the Champions, guided by the hyperborean women, those that were
promised to them at the beginning of the times and that for thousands of years, by the fear that the blood poisoned them, They had forgotten. If the
value shown in the feat has been enough purge, she will inevitably be there, next to the fallen Warrior, to heal her wounds with the A-mort Ice-
cream of Hyperborea and guide him in the opposite way that leads to Valhala. And that road begins in the Gral. To the House of Tharsis, for
example, the white Atlanteans promised that one day, when the Blood of the Lords of Tharsis would be sufficiently purified, a Noyo or a Vraya
would see in the Stone of Venus The Lytic signal of K ‘ Taagar, which would indicate the moment of departure: such a Sign would show, as seen,
the road to Valhala, the Abode of the Loyal Gods.
But it should not be thought that the Light of the Gral aims at the individual salvation of sleeping men, for it is available the “Song of the Gods” and
the seven Secret Paths of spiritual liberation. On the contrary, within the Odal Strategy the Gral must fulfill the fundamental role of restoring the
Regia Function, that is: it must serve a racial or social purpose. That is why the Gral will be required in all cases in which attempts are made to
establish the Universal Empire or any other system of government based on the social application of the law of the siege: monarchy, fascism,
National Socialism, aristocracy of the Spirit, etc.
The historical facts leading to the “search for the Gral”, always similar, can be summarized symbolically as follows. In principle the Kingdom is
“earth worn” or the “King is sick” or simply the throne has remained cephalus, etc. There may be many interpretations, but essentially the symbol
refers to an exhaustion or decay in charismatic leadership and a power vacuum, whether the government is exercised by a King, Caste, or
Elite. The best Knights set out to “seek the Gral”, in an attempt to put an end to the evils that afflict the Kingdom and bring back the old
splendor. Only one is able to find the Gral and return the welfare to the Kingdom, either “healing the King” or “crowning himself.” Curiously, the
triumphant Knight is always presented as “fool”, “pure mad”, “naive” But especially as “plebeian.”
The “best Knights” are equivalent here to any of the multiple social forces that are ready to launch on the Regia Function when there is acefalía or
emptiness of power.Finally “one of them” triumphs and restores order in the Kingdom; “Was the plebeian and is now King, with the approval and
consent of the people.” In my interpretation this clearly means that a “social force” has predominated over the rest (the “other Knights”) and has
replaced the existing order (which was in-between) by a New Order, unanimously accepted by the people. But if the problem is reduced to a mere
struggle for power: what does the new King (or new Elite, Aristocracy, Caste, etc.) need to find the Gral ?: because the Gral confirms the Regia
When in times of crisis an Elite or a charismatic Leader accedes to the power, with intentions of regal restoration, he must hurry to legalize his
situation because another Elite or Leader will come to question his titles and will also try to occupy the vacant place, happening thus an endless
Series of battles, political or military. But if there is a struggle for Power no one has control and it may happen that in the end the Kingdom ends up
divided between several factions. It is necessary to settle the question, consult an infallible judge, an undisputed and transcendent authority. This is
where the need to resort to the General is raised. Why the Gral? Because the Gral is also the Tábula Regia, the “list of Kings”; He says who should
rule, who is responsible to rule, because he reveals who has the Most Pure Blood. But this revelation is not simply oracular and arcane but through
the intermediary of the Gral the purity of the Leader, his right to the Conduct, will be known by all and recognized by all, charismatically. Hence the
pure madman, of hyperborean lineage but of Plebeian Strain, after “finding the Gral” is “recognized by the people” as the undisputed King.
When a Hyperborean lineage relies on the light of the Gral for the election of its Leaders it can properly be said that a dynasty of “Kings of the Gral”
will happen. During the reign of one of these it is possible for the lineage to reach such a high degree of purity that it becomes worthy to obtain
custody of the Vruna of Oricalco. This is what happened, for example, in the 13th century in the French County of Toulouse when the Vruna of
Oricalco was entrusted to the Perfect Cathars. It will be alleged against this assertion that the Cathars were Manichaeus, that is to say, heirs of a
Gnostic tradition, and that is why they were annihilated, existing only a circumstantial relationship between them, the Counts of Toulouse and the
Occitan population . Such an argument, of modern Golenan origin, attempts to divert attention from the most important fact of the Cathar epic: its
relation to the General The fact that they were Gnostics, which no one discusses, and that they teach one of the seven Secret Paths of Release
based on the Song of A-mort of the Loyal Gods, origin of the Culture of troubadours, which few know, does not explain at all his relationship with
General El Gral, in the framework of the Odal Strategy, has a Purely racial sense. If the Vruna of Oricalco was entrusted to the Cathars, It is
because they actively participated in techniques of collective transmutation, which can not exclude the Regia Function, and not simply “because
they were Gnostic affiliation.” A subject connected with the property that the Gral possesses of being Tábula Regia is that of the Imperial Messiah
and his imitation: the Jewish Messiah. In principle I will say that he is King of the Gral by the purity of blood, absolutely individual attribute that does
not depend neither on the Race, nor on the Strain, nor on any other material patrimony. A King of the Gral exhibits purely personal virtues such as
Courage, Intrepidity, or Honor, and never grounds his prestige on material possessions or the value of gold. The authority of a King of the Gral, for
these reasons, comes exclusively from his personal charisma,Which extends to the rest of the people thanks to the “connection” established
between the King and each of them, in his blood, through the mediation of the Gral: that is the principle of psychosocial mysticism. That is why a
King of the Gral, in his community, is recognized by the people. Naturally all peoples would have their King of the Gral if the action of the Synarchy
and the Hebrew Race, with their “Democracy,” “Socialism,” “Communism,” etc., would not have usurped the Regia Function. Anyway, it is worth
asking: would there be, at a universal level, for hyperborean lineages, the possibility that a King of the Gral would be recognized by all? It would be
a person of undeniable purity whose majesty would be evident to all the lineages of the earth, those who could accept their power or not, but whom
they could not deny the right to rule. All right; It is easy to answer that the one Lord who accredits, for all hyperborean lineages, such a right, is
Kristos Lucifer. If He were to appear before the Hyperborean lineages, his right to Rule by Blood, based on his undeniable purity, may be accepted
or rejected, but never unknown.
But the idea of an Imperial Messiah does not come from mere speculation. It was in the dark days of Atlantis that, in response to the cry of the
Gods, the possibility arose that the exalted Presence of Kristos Lucifer should manifest itself before the eyes of men. In those days the confusion of
the captive Spirits was so complete that no one answered the Song of the Gods and was not able to perceive the Light of the Gral. That is why for
centuries the coming of the Imperial Messiah, the King of the Kings of the Gral , Who was to restore the Regia Function to restore the spiritual
aristocracy of the Hyperborean Leaders and to destroy the hierarchical Hierarchy imposed by the Demons.The prophecy was finally fulfilled with the
arrival of Lucifer, the Kristos of Atlantis; But their Divine Presence was cowardly resisted by the Chang Shamballa Daemons who resorted to black
magic and opened a gap between the infernal regions of the astral plane and the physical plane.From there generalized a terrible conflict that only
concluded when the continent of the Atlantis “had sunk in the waters of the Ocean”. It is not the case here to relate here events that nobody
remembers today and that, perhaps, it is not convenient to remember. I will only add that when the Demiurge, as I explained above, conceives the
sinister idea of copying the Presence of Kristos from Atlantis, he decides to “announce” also the arrival of a “Messiah” imitating in his own way the
figure of the Imperial Messiah. But the differences are huge. Here are some: 1st . – The Imperial Messiah comes to restore the Regia
Function; The Hebrew Messiah comes to exercise the Priestly Function. 2nd. – The Imperial Messiah credits his right to the Blood; The Hebrew
Messiah credits his right to the Heart. 3rd – And that is why the Imperial Messiah will be recognized by the people by the Blood
(charismatically);And therefore the Hebrew Messiah will be recognized by the (Judaized) people by the Heart (emotionally).
————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————-

-Oh Princess Isa:

The lot of the Race is in your hands.
We have traveled many lands
and crossed countless countries,
to get here,
seeking to give the Final Battle.
Years of roads and
hardships since we left the sacred mountains
where we were born twice
and in the summit Kus met
us and spoke of the Primordial Times.
We knew in those distant days
that we are not from here.
And, after
remembering our Divine Origin, how could we remain there,
deceived by Him, the “Elder” Enlil?
Yes, everything was debased before our eyes.
The fields abren abrant.
The flowers made their perfume horrible,
And the heat of Shamash no longer seemed good to us.
Suddenly we saw the stony spikes
and even the mountains lost their imposing height.
All this happened when we looked at the world
after the Sage Kus
told us about the
forgotten Heaven filling our hearts with nostalgia.
That’s when we decided to
embark on the Path to Return to Origin.
And to face the betrayal of the demons
that had deceived us with their magic.
Many were those who set off
from the sacred mountain,
in different directions.
And many are the Kings
who with their hyperborean peoples
look for
the path of Heaven.
But Kus had warned us
that some would not come soon
if they were again deceived
by the cunning Demons.
But he directed us rightly
because we have no other end
than to conquer Heaven.
The invincible Nimrod guides us
to whom He fears
because His Blood is Pure
as blue as the sea
and as red as the dawn of Shamash.
We are a courageous people like the lion
and fly high like the eagle,
but our eye is sharp
and our claws tear the Enemy.
We are a hard people
who do not know the pardon
and does not give truce in the fight.
Nimrod leads us
as no other archer on Earth.
The stars drew him
hunting in the sky.
We take with us
the Green Stone of Kus
so that we do not lose again
what more can we ask for?
Stand aside, hellish demons!
For there is an awakened people here
whom they can never fear
or deceive.
On guard, damn demons!
Because an Untamed Race has risen
That will present you to fight to the death.
Today the road has come to an end.
Behind is the great sea Kash
And the country of Kashshu;
Buried in trails
Our women and children remain,
Our elders and the best warriors.
Many have fallen for the glory of Kus
And to follow the heroic Nimrod,
The boss who will lead us to victory
In this or in other skies.
In Borsippa we have camped.
To build the tallest tower in the world
And tame the Fire Serpent.
As our Ziggurat there is no other
Neither in Babylon nor in Assyria,
Nor in the distant Egypt,
Nor in the land of the Aryans.
Since the Flood covered the Earth
And punished the demons
That inhabited the islands of Ruta and Daitya
No other Tower has been seen.
The Gods rejoice for us
And the Demons fear us.
How much we have worked to build it!
Oh Isa, this effort should not be in vain.
We came here to die fighting
And you sweet Princess
You have chosen to die first
To open the Gate of Heaven.
We will punish the demons
And we will avenge your death, Divine Isa,
Daughter of the Serpent of Venus!
The Constructor of Worlds of Illusion,
The infamous Enlil,
Has sunk into an eternal dream,
While his body fertilized
Born and reborn in everything that exists.
He has allied himself with the Demons
Who live in Dejung,
The city a thousand times cursed,
The city of Horror and Deception,
Whose Seventh Wall
Has a hidden entry
In the country of the yellow men.
He has trusted the demons
So that they may continue their wicked work.
And they have chained us
And prevent us from returning to the world of Kus,
Where is the palace
Of the true God HK,
Whose name can not be pronounced without dying.
But although Dejung is far,
Its doors are everywhere.
Seven Doors has Dejung,
And Seven Walls surround it.
Demonia Dolma owns the keys
But only fools would let themselves be guided by Her.
How will they put site then
The brave Kassitas
To the fortress of Dejung?
If the Demons already know
Of our holy intentions
And if his eye is nailed to us
From the Kampala tower?
We will do it as he taught us
Our God Kus, the Lord of Venus,
Waking up from sleep
The miserable Enlil and forcing him
To open the Door of Heaven
On the gloomy walls
Of Dejung Kampala.
Kassitas Initiates: See All
That Enlil has awakened!
The sleeping God is idiot,
Like flutes and drums,
Of dances and songs
And worship His Name,
But also wants blood
For the priest is of priests,
Of filthy shepherds and sacrificers.
Only the pure blood
Will sprout the monster
From the depths.
Proceed Hierophants!
That Isa is willing
To die in the war,
Of all, the first!
I will travel the worlds
Where the dead watch
The demons lurk
And the Gods wait.
Kus will accompany me
Whom everyone respects.
And on behalf of Nimrod
I will force the beast
To open the doors
In the good of our deed.
Proceded Hierophants
That Isa is ready!
– Spirit of Enlil, El, Yah and Il
That you fertilize the earth
And you produce life
And you deceive men
With your false opulence
And those illusory riches that you offer.
God who was once in the air
But now you have fallen
And you’ve become completely stupid,
Do not chain us too
In this infernal universe
What have you built
Imitating the true Heaven.
We will go
Because we are already tired of you,
Of all your traps,
And of the Demons that follow you.
Open the entrance of the infernal den
Where your cowardly minions live!
I conjure you to do it
In the name of the true God,
Father of Kus
To whom you betrayed!
By HK!
I conjure you to open the door
On behalf of HK!
This blood that has been shed today
And toward which you have rushed,
Lord of all things,
Is my blood: a sacred blood
Of the lineage of the Gods of Venus.
In her is the memory
Of our Divine Origin
And of the true God HK.
With your substance I have anointed my fingers
And now I will plot on your forehead
The Sign of the Origin.
There is no defense before him.
I conjure you to open the door
Enlil, king of the Shepherds,
By the name of HK
And the Sacred Sign!
Valiant Kassite warriors!
Your feat will illuminate forever
To all hyperborean peoples
That decide to take the Sky by storm
And return to the primordial origin
Of which Jehovah Satan has deprived them.
Because they fought the demons
And awakened from the Great Deception.
But so far nobody has achieved
To equal the glory of Nimrod, “the Defeated.”
That’s why those who stayed here
We must try again
Next to Kristos Lucifer “the Envoy”.
The God of those who “lose” during the Kaly Yuga,
And the Gods Loyal to the Spirit of man
Waiting for the designated moment
In which twelve men
Of the Purest Blood
And a Siddha
Meet at the end of Kaly Yuga
On American soil.
Then the Gral will be found
And after a thousand years of betrayals
The blindfold will fall, awakening;
The door will be opened again
And Chang Shamballah with their Demons
Will definitely be annihilated.
But so far nobody has achieved
To equal the glory of Nimrod, “the Defeated.”
It is true that few tried:
Some Iberians, some Celts,
Trojans, Achaeans, Dorians or Romans,
Many Goths and many Germans.
But no one so far has achieved
To equal the glory of Nimrod “the Defeated.”
Maybe in Montsegur the Cathars
Or the Teutonic Knights
Of Frederick II Hohenstauffen,
Or the greatest of all,
Our Führer, with his magic Axis
And a courageous people who, before anything, recoils;
Perhaps He has not sought it.
And so many eternity won
And of this Hell they have departed.
But not definitely
Because a Final Battle will be fought
And Nimrod shall return
Together with the great Heroes of the past.
Odin, Wothan, and Wiracocha,
Heracles, Indra and Quetzacoatl,
From Valhala they will arrive singing,
Surrounded by exquisite Walkirias
And music of yesteryear.
And they will raise huge armies
Of Living, Immortal and Resurrected.
A single virtue will be required:
Is called honor and dignifies man
Which of the Deception has awakened.
The War Will Be Essential
And the Demiurge and his hosts, defeated,
Will at last liberate the Eternal Spirits
That came from Venus
To return to where God waits,
In a World that has not been created.
And when starting from the Universe of Matter,
Of madness, of Evil and Great Deception,
Those who return will sing in chorus
The deeds of Nimrod, “the Defeated”!

Nimrod de Rosario

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