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Updated: 01/02/2018

ENGR 100 – Interpersonal Skills for Engineering Leaders

Spring 2018

Instructor: Angie Monheim

Office Location: W136 Nebraska Hall (College of Engineering)

Professor Office  Students should address questions and issues about class with their Lab
Hours: Section TAs or with the TAs during TA Office hours.
 For major issues that require my attention, the TAs will provide a
referral to me, and I will contact you to set up a meeting, usually for the
next Tuesday morning or early afternoon. DO NOT make an
appointment for yourself using Canvas.
 In the extremely rare event that you have an issue which can’t be
discussed with the TAs, send me an email with a brief summary of the
issue and we will determine a way forward based on the specific issue.

TA Office Hours  TA office hours are held on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in the
Olsson Room located in the Engineering Library
 Appointments are not required but are appreciated.


E-Mail Etiquette:  In the subject line include: Course Name/Number/Section (ENGR 100
Sec. #). Include in a few words the reason for your message. For
example, “ENGR 100 Sec.010, Question about Sep 5 assignment.”
 Sign with your FULL NAME and STUDENT ID #.
 Proofread your message before you send.

E-Mail Policy:  Allow 48 hours for emails to be answered before resending.

 There is no expectation for the Instructor or the TAs to check email over
the weekend or holiday breaks. Sending emails after 3:00 pm on Friday
or the day before a holiday break means you will not receive a response
until Monday or the next work day following the holiday break.
 Emails containing vague questions about topics/issues that are clearly
outlined in the syllabus and/or course packets will not be answered. If
something in the provided documentation is unclear to you, reference
the specific document, specific verbiage, and ask a specific question you
require clarification about.

Blackboard: Canvas technical questions should be directed to Canvas Support Hotline at

(877) 244-8884 or by using the 24/7 chat function. For login in problems
only contact: (402) 472-3970 or toll-free at (866) 472-3970.

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Title: Interpersonal Skills for Leadership

Authors: Fritz, S.M., Brown, F.W., Lunde, J.P., & Banset, E.A.


Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2nd edition, 2004

Description: This book is a guide to develop interpersonal skills that will serve students well in all
aspects of their life—on campus, at home, in the community and in the workplace.

Additional Supplemental articles and videos will be made available on the course Blackboard page.

This course establishes a foundation in communication and leadership skills that is needed for
engineering students to be successful in their academic and career opportunities. It is an introduction to
the principles and practices of positive interpersonal relationships for leadership development. The
course focuses on self-awareness, awareness of others, effective interpersonal communication, and the
building of trusting relationships as a basis for understanding and developing leadership.

This course fulfills, in part, the criteria of the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology) student outcomes:
 An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams,
 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,
 An ability to communicate effectively,
 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning, and
 Knowledge of contemporary issues.

At the end of the course students will:
 Improve their written and oral communication skills,
 Identify their leadership strengths and areas of improvement,
 Produce and articulate a personal leadership philosophy,
 Understand the need for interpersonal skills for leadership within the context of engineering,
 Become actively engaged in the community and obtain real-life job skills,
 Develop and initiate the achievement of their academic and professional goals,
 Appreciate and value differences in self and others, and
 Better understand and interact with others.

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Students will learn and practice:

Topic Subtopic Corresponding Textbook


Effective  Writing and speaking coherently and  Chapter 2 – Active Listening

Communication effectively  Chapter 3 – Nonverbal
 Listening effectively Communication
 Developing empathy in order to better  Chapter 10 – Levels of
understand and interact with others Communication
 Engaging in controversy with civility  Chapter 11 – Trust
 Effectively articulating abstract ideas  Chapter 12 – Resolving
 Chapter 14 – Responding

Enhanced Self-  Showing self-respect and respect for others  Chapter 4 - Perception
Esteem  Initiating actions toward achievement of  Chapter 5 – Self-
goals Concept/Esteem
 Chapter 6 - Values
 Chapter 7 – Vision & Goals
 Chapter 8 – Time
 Chapter 9 – Handling Stress
 Chapter 15 – Cross-Cultural

Clarified Values  Articulating personal values  Chapter 5– Self-

 Making decisions that reflect personal Concept/Esteem
values  Chapter 6- Values
 Demonstrating willingness to scrutinize  Chapter 7– Vision & Goals
personal beliefs and values

Realistic Self-  Articulating personal skills and abilities  Chapter 4- Perception

Appraisal  Appreciating and valuing differences and  Chapter 5– Self-
uniqueness in yourself and others. Concept/Esteem
 Making decisions and acting in congruence  Chapter 6 - Values
with personal values  Chapter 14– Responding
 Acknowledging personal strengths and w/Empathy
weaknesses  Chapter 15– Cross-Cultural
 Seeking constructive feedback from others Communication
 Learning from experiences

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Leadership  Understanding leadership as a process  Chapter 13 – The Nature &

Development rather than a position Power of Influence
 Influencing others effectively and
 Comprehending that leadership can occur
at all levels of a community or organization
and that all have the potential to lead in
some way
 Articulating own leadership philosophy
and/or style


ACE Area 2
Develop intellectual and practical skills, including proficiency in written, oral and visual communication;
inquiry techniques; critical and creative thinking; quantitative applications; information assessment;
teamwork; and problem solving.

The ACE student learning outcomes for this course are:

Demonstration of communication competence in one or more of the following ways:

a) by making oral presentations with supporting materials
b) by employing a repertoire of communication skills for developing and maintaining teams
c) by creating and interpreting visual information

Opportunities to learn the above outcome include:

a) in-class presentations with instructor selected teams
b) in-class discussions
c) service learning project
d) service learning journals
e) development of PowerPoint presentations

Opportunity to demonstrate your learning will occur through the following graded items:
a) class attendance and demonstration of class participation
b) team presentation of a specific topic to include a visual or visuals and an activity
c) service learning project proposal and plan
d) in-class topical quizzes
e) attendance and involvement at the service learning agency
f) journaling about the service learning as it pertains to course topics and objectives
g) preparing a final presentation of the service learning project with written and visual information
(PPT slides)
h) final assessment – answering essay questions related to class topics

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Any student caught cheating, falsifying or fabricating academic work, plagiarizing, abusing academic
materials, complicit in academic dishonesty, falsifying grade reports or misrepresenting to avoid
academic work will be dealt with in accordance with all University rules and regulations. Definitions of
these offenses can be found in the University’s student code of conduct by going to

Go to this link to learn more about how to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism:

Attendance  Attendance at lecture and lab is mandatory.
 Absences will be excused without a point deduction when medical or
legal documentation for you or your dependent (e.g., your child). To
excuse an absence, you must provide written notice of your absence
(from a doctor, court order, or university official) within 24 hours of the
absence. In the event of an emergency, please contact the instructor and
your TAs when it is reasonably possible (usually not more than 72 hours).
 For absences due to personal tragedy (e.g., loss of a loved one) please
refer to the UNL policy, item #5.
 If you have a personal issue which will cause you to miss significant time
(i.e. hospitalization; military deployment; etc.) you should contact your
academic advisor.
 Arriving late and/or leaving lecture or lab early is not helpful for
developing interpersonal skills. Thus, the first 3 late arrivals and/or early
departures summed in any combination will be considered an
unexcused absence.
 Students who persist in engaging in personal conversations will be asked
to leave the class and will be counted as absent for that day.
 Inappropriate use of technology during class will result in you being asked
to leave the class and you will be counted as absent for that day.
 If you miss class due to an unexcused absence, it is your responsibility to
make-up missed work and to complete work that is assigned during your
absence (see late assignment policy below). Contact your peers, not the
instructor to determine what course content you missed.
 Students who have exams (e.g. math, chem, etc.) scheduled during the
ENGR 100 lecture or lab sections are required to request an alternative
time to take the exam. For math exams go to to request an
alternate time. For all other departments contact the instructor or
department to determine how to request an alternate time – this

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includes engineering courses. Missing lecture due to an exam IS NOT an

excused absence since departments offer alternative times. It is your
responsibility, not the responsibility of the ENGR 100 instructor to resolve
the conflict with the instructor who is administering the exam. If you are
unable to resolve the conflict you will be counted absent for ENGR 100.

Absence Policy on day of presentation:

Students absent due to illness must provide a doctor note stating that they
could not attend class due to illness. If this note is provided the following will

 You will be allowed to present the following week.

 Your absence will be excused.

For students who do not provide the doctor's note the following will occur:

 You will earn a 0 on your presentation.

 Your absence will not be excused.

Late Policy on day of presentation:

If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late to class the day of the
presentation, it is up to the discretion of the TAs to allow the student to
present. If the student is not allowed to present, the student will earn a 0 on
the presentation.

Attendance Points It is at the instructor’s discretion to deduct points from your contribution and
preparedness grade for each absence regardless of its status (excused or
unexcused). The first absence is waived without a deduction of points, but
still counts against your total number of missed classes.

 First (1) unexcused absence: Waived

 Second (2) unexcused absence: (-5) points
 Third (3) unexcused absence: (-10) points
 Fourth (4) unexcused absence: (-15) points
 Fifth (5) unexcused absence: FAIL CLASS

If you have 5 unexcused absences you will fail the class REGARDLESS OF
YOUR PERFORMANCE IN OTHER AREAS. I am unable to waive this
departmental policy.

Late Assignments  Late assignments are not accepted.

 You cannot request extra credit opportunities or make-ups for missed /
late assignments or quizzes.
 Assignments missed due to medical or legal reasons will be accepted if
proper documentation is provided.

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Assignment  Quizzes will be hand-written in class, and must be legible. Any answer
Formatting which cannot be made out by the TA or Instructor will receive a zero.
 Written assignments (SL Agreement, papers, reflections, etc.) must be
typed, submitted in either MSWord or PDF format (unless another format
is explicitly prescribed), and follow any/all formatting requirements on
the assignment grading rubric. Assignments submitted in formats other
than MSWord or PDF will receive a zero.
 Presentations which require accompanying media must use PowerPoint
or Prezi. Presentations which require media but are not accompanied by
a PowerPoint or Prezi will receive a zero.

ADA Compliance  Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor for a
confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic
 It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to provide flexible
and individualized accommodation to students with documented
disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course
activities or to meet course requirements.
 To receive accommodation services students must be registered with the
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office, 132 Canfield
Administration, 402-472-3787 voice or TTY.

Grade Disputes  Take sufficient time to understand and think about the grade you
received; review the assignment and criteria, your work, and the
instructor and/or your undergraduate teaching assistant’s evaluation.
You must take at least 24 hours to do so before responding.
 Your response to the grade must be in writing (e-mail) and sent to the
instructor AND the undergraduate teaching assistant.

1. Make an argument – a well-reasoned position based on the grading

criteria in the rubric and the assignment parameters included in the
syllabus and also discussed in class.

2. Provide a solid rationale for why the grade should be changed. This
means you’ll need to refer to the specific criteria and show how your
work meets the requirements.

 You must submit your argument within seven (7) days of the time the
work was returned to you. Arguments beyond those 7 days will not be

Technology  Laptops, tablets, and any other electronic devices (e.g., smartphones)
that cause one to be distracted are not permitted during lecture and lab.
 Inappropriate use of technology during class will result in you being asked
to leave the class and you will be counted as absent for that day.

Lombardo (2010) – excerpt from class syllabus

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 Students who have learning/physical disabilities and are expected to use

electronic devices during class must inform the instructor, in person and
provide documentation as approved by the Services for Students with
Disabilities. Refer to section H for information concerning ADA

Respect for Diversity It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln not to discriminate on the
basis of sex, age, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, veteran’s
status, national or ethnic origin or sexual orientation in its educational
programs, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid, or other
school-administered programs.

Classroom  Refer to for a list and

Emergency description of procedures in case of emergency.
Preparedness  UNL Alert: Notification about serious incidents on campus are sent via
text message, email, website, and social media. For information
go to:

 Readiness quizzes will ensure that you come prepared for class discussions and activities. All quiz
questions will come directly from the class reading assignments, videos, and discussions.
 The quizzes are worth 10 points each.
 The quizzes will occur every Tuesday at the beginning of class. You will have 10 minutes to
complete the quiz. Quizzes are distributed at the start of class and are collected after 10 minutes.
 Quiz answers must be written legibly. Illegible answers will receive a zero.
 The quizzes are also used to take attendance. Students who arrive after the first 10 minutes of class
are not permitted to take the quiz and will be counted absent. Students who take the quiz and then
elect to leave will also be counted absent.
 You are allowed to use one page of handwritten or typed notes on a physical piece of paper to
complete the quiz. Notes taken on a laptop are not allowed. Using your textbook is not allowed.

NOTE: There are no make-ups for quizzes missed due to excused absences, unexcused absences or
tardiness. Students who have an excused absence with proper documentation will have their quiz
exempted (removed without penalty) from their total grade.

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ASSIGNMENT Due Date Possible Points

SLP Inventory & 2 site contacts Week 2 Lab 10
Create & Submit Experiential Learning Tab Week 5 Lab 25
SLP Agreement (Memorandum of Week 5 Lab 50
SLP Goal Statements (Attach to SLP Week 5 Lab 30
SLP Presentations Week 5 Lab 40
2 Presentations @ 20 pts. each Week 9 Lab
Final SLP Presentation Week 15 & 16 50
SLP Reflection Journals See course 50
5 Reflections @ 10 pts. each schedule
Written 2 week notice email sent to supervisor Week 13 Lab 10
& TA @ 10 pts.
Final SLP Evaluation (Site & Self) on ELT December 12 25
Service Project Hours December 1 100
Instructor review of your preparedness & 50
14 quizzes @ 10 pts. Each See course 140
PLP Draft Week 11 10
Final PLP Paper December 12 100

A+ = 100 B+ = 89-87 C+ = 79-77 D+ = 69-67 F = 59 & below
A = 99-94 B = 86-84 C = 76-74 D = 66-64
A- = 93-90 B- = 83-80 C- = 73-70 D- = 63-60

2 To receive full credit students must create a Husker Hire Link account, complete the ELT profile, & record hours.
3 To receive full credit, agreement must be turned in on due date with all signatures & initials.
Or instructor discretion

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