Management - Definition - Functions - Nature - Management Roles

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27-Sep-18 Dr.V.Sakthirama, Dept. of ARM, CARDS
Management - Definition

 Management in brief is the “efficient use of men, material

and resources towards achieving specific objectives”.

 In order to achieve the desired objectives of an

organisation through group action, “MANAGEMENT” is a
must to direct, coordinate and integrate the activities and
affairs of the organisation.

 “art of getting things done through others”

Function- a group of similar activities

Henry Fayol - Planning, organising, commanding,

coordinating, controlling

Luther Gulick - POSDCORB-planning, organising,staffing,

directing,coordinating,reporting, budgeting

Lyndall Urwick -Planning, organising, commanding,

coordinating, communicating,
forecasting, investigating

Ralph Davis - Planning, organising, controlling

E.F.L. Brech- Planning, organising,motivating,

coordinating, controlling

Koontz and O'Donnell -Planning, organising, staffing,

leading (directing), controlling
Basic Functions of Management

 Planning
 Organising
 Staffing
 Directing
 Controlling

 Planning is the conscious determination of future

course of action

 This involves why an action, what action, how to

take action, and when to take action

 Long-term period - usually five years or more

 Intermediate-term - usually 2-5 years

 Short-term period - usually for one year


 Process of dividing work into convenient tasks or duties

 grouping of such duties in the form of positions,

grouping of various positions into departments and
sections, assigning duties to individual positions, and
delegating authority to each position so that the work is
carried out as planned

 Staffing involves manning the various positions

created by the organizing process

 Preparing inventory of personnel available

 identifying the gap between manpower required and available
 identifying the sources to select people
 selecting people, training and developing them
 fixing financial compensation, periodical appraising

 When people are available in the organisation, they

must know what they are expected to do in the

 Superiors have continuous responsibility of guiding and

leading the sub-ordinates for better work performance
and motivating them to work with zeal and enthusiasm

 Actual results vs Expected results

 Identification of deviation between the two

 Taking of corrective action so that actual results match

with expected results
Nature of Management Functions

 universal - manager has to perform all these functions in

the organisation irrespective of his level or type of

 iterative quality -they are contained within each other

 management process suggests a sequential arrangement of

functions, it is not always possible in the performance of
managerial functions strictly in a sequence

 which management function is more important so that

managers devote more time to that

 In fact, no function is more important but the mix of

the functions varies from task to task and from level to
level of management
Management Roles

 Interpersonal roles
 Informational roles
 Decisional roles
Interpersonal Role

 Interpersonal role of a manager is concerned with his

interaction with other persons, both the organizational
members and outsiders
Figurehead role
Leader role
Liaison role
Figurehead role

 manager performs activities which are of ceremonial

and symbolic nature
 These include
greeting the visitors
attending social functions involving employees
handing out merit certificates and
other awards to outstanding employees
Leader role

 Manager's leader role involves leading his,

subordinates and motivating them for willing
Liaison role

 manager serves as a connecting link between his

organisation and outsiders

 major objective of this role is to maintain a link

between the organisation and its external environment
Informational Role

 Informational role of a manager includes

communication giving and receiving information both
within and outside the organisation
Types of Informational role

 Monitor- manager constantly collects information

about those factors which affect his activities

 disseminator - manager distributes the information to

his subordinates who may otherwise not be in a
position to collect it

 spokesperson- represents his organisation or unit while

interacting with outsiders
Decisional Role

 choosing the most appropriate alternative out of the

available ones
 so that the organisation achieves its objectives when
the chosen alternative is put into action

 Entrepreneur-Manager assumes certain risk which is

involved in terms of outcomes of an action because
these are affected by a variety of external factors

 disturbance handler- manager is required to handle

those forces and events which tend to disturb the
organisational equilibrium

 Negotiator- manager negotiates with various interest

groups like shareholders, employees etc in the

 resource allocator- manager allocates resources-

human, physical, and financial units according to their

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