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Mivs Paningbatan September 20, 2018

161524 – IS 163.4 Doc. Nikki Carsi-Cruz


In the article Rumor, Craze, Panic, Mob Attack and Messianism: A Sociological Analysis

of Collective Behavior in Himala, the author Doc. Marita Castro-Guevara, provided a review of

the very famous film Himala by interpreting the reality portrayed in the movie through different

sociological concepts and theories. She started her discussion by discussing sociology and how

to look at it as an academic discipline. She then followed it with the discussion of Smelser’s

value added theory of collective behavior, her framework, and how she used it to study the

collective behavior of the barangay in the film. Her findings were that Baryo Cupang, the

community she was studying, will continue the said “movement” of faith because since the

structural conditions there are difficult, the people are more inclined to believe in and hope for


While in the article Ishmael Bernal’s and Ricardo Lee’s Himala as a Postmodern Text,

which was written by the same author, the postmodern self and the representations it has in

the movie were studied. She started with the definition of post-modernism followed by the

summary of the film, and then proceeded on the postmodern theories and strategies that can

be seen in Himala. She then summarized everything by stating her main points and her main

argument that this movie ineed is a post-modern text and can be proven in its many aspects.
The last article, How we Raise Our Daughters and Sons: Child-rearing nd Gender

Socialization in the Philippines, which was written by Ma. Emma Concepcion D. Liwag, Alma S.

de la Cruz and Ma. Elizabeth J. Macapagal, focused on what child-raising practices have Filipinos

been fond of over the years and how these have affected the development of gernder-

socialization in the Filipino children. For their methodology, library research was done and

sources from the 1970s up until to today, both published and unpublished, were used. The

content of these studies were used to identify and analyze if there are common results. In the

end, the findings were that the family has been and is still the major basis of the gender

socialization of children. After studying the resources, the authors have agreed upon the idea

that in our country, children are raised and have been given different kinds of treatments

depending on how their parents and family expect them to be.

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