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7 Time Reversal Invariance 109

+2 = cp; ( r b + cp; (.)P
form a Kramers doublet. (In the solution to Problem 3.4 (p. 137) we
work out the structure of a Kramers doublet, discussing the effect of
the sph-orbit coupling on a Blt level in tetragonal field.)
With the spin-orbit coupling included, the “orbital degeneracy” dis-
cussed previously looses its simple meaning. However, we can check
whether the degeneracy of a level is the minimum value required by
Kramers’ Theorem, or higher. If the latter is the case, it must be the
consequence of a sufficiently high spatial symmetry. - Now we are in
the position to restate the Jahn-Teller Theorem in its precise form: if
the degeneracy of a level is higher than the Kramers minimum then it
will be energetically favourable for the system to distort in such way as
to reduce the degeneracies.
We c m also add a remark to our previous discussion of the quench-
ing of the orbital angular momentum. Disregarding spin-orbit cou-
pling, Kramers’ minimum degeneracy is just spin degeneracy, i.e., in
sficiently low-symmetry crystal fields the orbital states are nondegen-
erate. Then it follows that the orbital functions must be real. We have
shown (on page 95) that (L’) vanishes for real wave functions.
Kraraers’ Theorem has some subtle consequences also if n is even.
We have been arguing that for rare earth ions, all three of Hund’s Rules
follow from energy terms rather larger than the crystal field splittings;
it would then seem that rare earth substances must be strong magnets,
with the momenta corresponding to a specific J . In this context, it is
interesting to consider substances like the cubic semimetal PrSb [286],
or the orthorombic insulator HoF3. Hund’s rules give J = 4 for Pr3+
which has two f-electrons, and J = 8 for the ionic configuration 4f1°
which corresponds to Ho3+. The crystal field has a low symmetry in
the case of HoF3 and all the levels are singlets; but even in a cubic field
(pertinent to PrSb), Kramers’ Theorem permits that at least one of
the levels be a singlet. HoF3 just barely manages to develop magnetic
order at T,,= 0.53K, due to very complex reasons [190]; while PrSb is
(as far as one can say) non-magnetic. It should be stressed that these
spectacular cases of the suppression of magnetism occur in spite of the
fact that Hund’s rules remain valid! We are going to discuss the f 2
configuration in detail in the next Section.

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