3.8 Configuration: Is Is

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8 The f 2 Configuration 117

while the rt4-type state is


The rtl-type state, belonging to the identical representation, has the

structure familiar from (3.56)


We need not specify E which depends on the form of the crystal potential.
Finally, the rt2-type state can be shown to be


Let us now consider the problem of the Van Vleck susceptibility at

T = 0. As we are going to see, the inequivalence of the axes manifests
itself in a (possibly strong) anisotropy of the susceptibility.
If the field is applied in the x-direction, the relevant matrix element
J z l r t 3 ) = 21rt4). (3.66)
The ground state is connected to the excited singlet (rt4),and the x-
component of the susceptibility is

where A4 is the energy of the rt4 level (we have chosen the rt3 level as
the energy zero).
Applying the field in the 2-direction, we have to consider

The function on the right-hand side belongs to the higher-lying doublets,

thus the dominant contribution to xx is


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