A A I and 0 As Its: 3 Crystal Field The01 A. This

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122 Ch.

3 Crystal Field The01

state if the interaction I exceeds a threshold value I,, c

x A. This is n<
a particularly stringent condition, and exchange induced magnetism
a widespread phenomenon. The saturation magnetization M ( T = I
and the Curie temperature Tc increase continuously from 0 as I / A
increased beyond its threshold value, obeying the r e l a t i o n ~ h i p ~ ~


Though the agreement with experimental data is not better than 309
we may feel confident that the picture of exchange induced magnet!
moments (and their consequent ordering) gives a good qualitative UI
derstanding of the behaviour of PrRuzSi2, and many similar systems.
Problem 3.5. Let us consider a simplified treatment of an f 2 ion in a cub
field, in which only the lowest two levels are kept. Let us assume that tl
ground state is the singlet rl,and the first excited state the triplet r d . TI
fq states can be taken from (3.57) and (3.58).
a) Determine the temperature dependence of the susceptibility! What
the effective paramagnetic moment in the high-temperature regime?
b) Consider the effect of a strong magnetic field at T = O! What is tk
saturation moment at very high fields? Is it the same as the effective momex
at high temperatures?
Taking the crystal field splitting A=7meV found for PrSb, what is tl
moment induced by an external field of IOT?
c) Schottky anomaly. Plot the specific heat as the function of temperatur
Problem 3.6. A toy model ofthe metmagnetic transition. Of the nine statt
of the f 2 configuration, we keep only the four singlets shown in Fig. 3.9. Fl
the sake of simplicity, let us set E = 0 in (3.64) (actually, this may not be
bad approximation).
We switch on a magnetic field in the z-direction.
a) Determine the magnetization curve at T = 0.
b) Determine the temperature dependence of xx.

3.9 Double Groups

Many cerium compounds are interesting as magnetic or heavy fermio
systems, thus it is worth getting acquianted with the electronic structur
24The expression would get slightly modified if we used the unrestrained for!
(3.64) €or i l ? t ~ > .

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