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126 Ch.

3 Crystal Field Theory

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Figure 3.12: The characteristic shapes of electron clouds with r7 and l?a symme-
tries (by courtesy of T. Sakakibara). The level scheme corresponds to the crystal
field of eight anions situated in the [lll]directions as in CeBe.

z2- y2 and 3x2 - r2 d-states. The resemblance is not merely superficial:

we will shortly see (p, 132) that the two kinds of r 8 charge clouds
are conveniently characterized by their (32' - r2)-like (or, if we prefer,
(a2- y2)-like) quadrupole rn0rnent2~.
The ground state of a Ce3+ ion in a cubic environment may be either
r7 or r8; group theory alone cannot give the answer. However, looking
at the shape of the charge clouds, we may adopt the simple rule which

25Thequadrupole moment measures what we may loosely call the orbital character
of these states. However, while for d-states the orbital state is well-defined (Fig. 3.8
illustrates the point), the basis states discussed here are linear combinations of several
IL",L = 3) orbital states (see App. A).

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