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10 Crystal Field Potentials 133

= 4(14) + 4 0 ) + I - 4)),
yielding (r#.&61Q,z1q5~~6) = 36 and (q5&61Q,,1&T6) = -36. Let us
note that the intermetallic compound TmCd is supposed to contain
Tm3+ ions for which S = 1, L = 5, and J = 6. At high temperatures
the system has the CsCl structure but at TQ = 3.16K it undergoes a
cubic to tetragonal structural phase transition [251]. In this system the
quadrupole-quadrupole interaction seems to be the driving force of the
cooperative Jahn-Teller effect [12]. It had been thought [251] that the
crystal field ground state in the cubic phase is the I'3 doublet29. At
T > TQ,( Q s z ) = 0, but ( Q z Z ) # 0 appears at T < TQ.Writing down
only the terms which contain Q,, tx 020, the simplest approach would
be to describe the transition to a uniformly distorted phase by the mean
field Hamiltonian30
3t = XO,o(O,o) po;, + (3.95)
where the second term describes the coupling of the quadrupolar mo-
ments to the appropriate component E of the lattice strain.
Now let us return to URuzSiz, with its supposed lI't3) = 1/&( 12) +
I - 2)) crystal field ground state (Sec. 3.8.2). For a tetragonal system,
a 0;term is part of the ground state energy, and the ordering QM

component may be 0;= &J," - J,")= (fi/4)[(J+)2 ( J - ) 2 ] [345]. +

(l?t31O@t3) = 0 but there is a (I't110i1ra)# 0 matrix element to
the first excited state. Thus here we have to envisage the ordering
of intermtion-induced quadrupolar moments, in complete analogy with
induced-moment magnetism which we learned about in Sec. 3.8.4.
Finally, what about CeB6 ? The pseudospin T we used in (3.79) is re-
lated to the quadrupolar moment: e.g., we find ( f 1 / 2 , olQ,,If1/2,0) =
f 8 , i.e., we may write Qzs = 167". However, it is not unambiguous that
the order parameter should be chosen as (Q,,); one may also think of
a suitable combination of (Qzy)-likequantities.
"Later, it was argued [12] that it is more likely to be one of the triplets, which has
both magnetic and quadrupolar moments. It would be beside our present point to
enter an argument about the actual nature of TmCd. It is, however, a general lesson
that completely different crystal field schemes can give equally satisfying fits to the
same set of measured data. We met similar difficulties with URuzSiz.
30Quadrupolar ordering may be accompanied by anomalous behaviour (possibly
divergency) of the third-order magnetic susceptibility [288]. A simple mean field
calculation is given in Problem 2.8 (see p. 74).

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