@Q/&GFQGZ.: Solutions To The Problems

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Solutions to the Problems 139

where H* = HZfiHv.
The susceptibility of our tetragonal system turns out to be axially sym-
metrical thus without loss of generality we can take a field in the 2-z plane:
H+ = H- = H sin8, H2 = H c o d . Considering the ground state set, the
Zeeman term is found to have both diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements

Diagonalizig the 2 x 2 matrix gives a Zeeman splitting whose magnitude

depends on the direction of the field

& = * @2 q / & G F q G z . (3.115)

The perpendicular and parallel components of the g-tensor can be identified




Problem 3.5. a) Let the magnetic field point in the z-direction, so the
Zeeman term is
3cz = -9pBHP (3.118)
where g = 0.8 is the Lande factor for the 3H4 multiplet.
In the basis Il'l), IQ), Ira),lri),the Hamiltonian matrix is
0 - 2 m h 0 0
- 2 m h A 0 0 (3.119)
0 0 A+5h/3 0
0 0 0 A - 5h/3
where A is the crystal field splitting, and we introduced the notation h =
Within the four-dimensional subspace, IF?) remain eigenstates, only their
energies are shifted by (rf['HzlFf).
IFr) and are mixed by the magnetic field. Let us denote the new
We find that the new energy eigenvalues are

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