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144 Ch.

3 Crystal Field Theory

sudden jump of the magnetization at Her.. For H < H,,., the polarization
J: = (3.129)
JAq 1 6 ( g p ~ H " ) ~
while for H > Hc,.. we find


The complete curve is shown in Fig. 3.15.

b) We omit the straightforward details of the derivation of x', the tem-
perature dependence of which is shown in Fig. 3.16. The behaviour should
be contrasted with what we have seen in Fig. 3.13. Noteworthy is the strong
peak around 50K (which is rather similar to the one seen in experiments on

URuzSi2: see Fig. 3.10). The presently discussed non-monotonic temperature

dependence of the susceptibility is a single-ion effect3', resulting from thermal
excitation to the relatively low-lying, highly polarizable rtland rt2 levels.
Sticking to the four-level model, we would predict x5 = 0. In reality, the
in-plane susceptibility xz is small, and essentially independent of temperature
(Fig. 3.10). We can understand this by recalling (3.69): the most impor-
tant contribution to x5 comes from the coupling of the ground state to the
higher-lying J?ts doublet, and thus thermal excitation plays a minor role in the
temperature range discussed here.
Problem 3.7. If the ground state I?, is well separated from the I78 excited
state, then the magnetic moment is determined by symmetry alone, and the
crystal potential parameters do not appear. Referring to the character table
3.4,it can be checked that the states

$Q= = m1f 5 / 2 ) - mlF 3/2) (3.131)

can be used as a basis for the representation r7. In the above expression, 15/2),
etc. should be understood as the JL,S, J , J " )+.- IJ") states. The z-component
of the magnetic moment is g p ~ { I , 6 * ~ J " ~ $ =
* ) 7-5/7pg, thus we deduce the
effective magnetic moment 0 . 7 1 ~ ~It. is compatible with the site-averaged
ordered moment 0 . 6 3 quoted
~~ for CeAl2 [116].
It has been argued that the agreement may be fortuitously good 1271. Tak-
ing the mixing with the higher-lying I'8 level into account gives a larger single-
ion value (- 0 . 9 , ~ ~However,
). in metallic CeAl2 the Kondo effect reduces this
ionic moment by about 30% to its observed size.
31Later we are going to see that an apparently similar behaviour follows from
antiferromagnetic interactions between localized spins.

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