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At Pasta Hut, we aim to prepare and serve high quality and healthy food, at a great value
to our customers that could give them an Italian experience in just one bite.


Pasta Hut strives to become a successful and competitive Italian food stall in the market
place offering customers with healthy pasta made of high quality ingredients. Pasta Hut

 To become a benchmark in the food stall industry offering Italian cuisine.

 To continuously innovate and offer new products that will satisfy our customer’s
cravings and increase the demand in the market.
 To generate successful chains in various locations with high profitability.
 To expand and establish a restaurant that offers catering service which will target
more customers.
 To build a strong relationship with our customers as well as our employees and


To become the leading and renowned food stall in the Philippines, Pasta Hut aims to
achieve the following:

 Offer the highest quality, healthy, and fairly price food to our customers.
 Provide excellent customer service that enhances rapport with the customers
through responsiveness to needs and requests.
 Build brand awareness through the usage of different traditional and new media
tools for advertising.
 Provide a working environment with camaraderie between each employee.
 Enhance employees’ skills through leadership training, various seminars and offer
incentives to help them become more motivated and dedicated to their work.
 Increase the number of customers served by at least 15% a year.

“Every company’s greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no
company.” – Michael LeBoeuf

Pasta Hut is an Italian stall that offers a new kind of carbonara. Instead of using the usual
bacon and meat, Pasta Hut uses tuna as the main ingredient so that customers will not only be
satisfied with our product but will also gain health benefits in every bite. Pasta Hut considers our
customer’s needs as our number one priority since the management considers them as our
greatest asset that brings income and success to our company.

Since our customer’s needs is our number one priority and to ensure that our philosophy
saturates the business, owners of Pasta Hut have hired employees that has good pleasing
personality and have selected those who have the most experience and could offer diligent
service to our customers as much as possible. In addition to this, Pasta Hut will also offer
discounts and other promos as a means for customer retention. Also, to ensure that Pasta Hut
attends to the needs of our customers, we will give a customer satisfaction survey to our chosen
customers through this we will be able to evaluate our own service and know what needs more
improvement. Aside from this, offering good quality product is also one way of Pasta Hut to
retain our customers and to gain new ones especially that our customers could also be a means of
advertising. Therefore, Pasta Hut will continue to innovate our product according to our
customer needs and will offer exceptional service that will lead to customer satisfaction.


High quality pasta such as carbonara are often offered at high-end restaurants such as
Italliani’s, Old Spaghetti House, and Shakey’s. It is not an on-the-go snack which can be bought
anywhere since it is commonly prepared when there is only an important celebration such as
birthdays. Also, fast food chains only offer spaghetti in their menu. Due to this, the owners of
Pasta Hut wanted to make the carbonara as a take-out food that students can enjoy anytime of the

Since the owners of Pasta Hut are all college graduates and have experienced the stress
brought by academics, they decided to further innovate the commonly serve carbonara, whose
main ingredients are just bacon and mushroom, to a healthy pasta that students can enjoy. Since
students sometimes tend to forgot about their health when their studying, the owners decided to
made a carbonara made of tuna which has very high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help
reduce omega-6 fatty acids and cholesterol in the arteries and blood vessels. Aside from this, the
owners added parsley which help fight kidney stones, urinary tract infections and gallbladder
infections. Also, our Spicy Tuna Carbonara uses mushrooms and linguine which has protein,
fiber and vitamins. Therefore, our consumers specifically students will not only enjoy our
product but will also gain health benefits.

Mary Joy T. Fallega

Mary Joy T. Fallega took her Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy and Business
Administration in University of the Philippines Diliman. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and
is now a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and currently taking her masters in De La Salle
University. She specialized in running a business and planning since in even in an early age, she
was already helping her parents in managing their family business. Aside from this, she also has
leadership skills since she was a student council president since she was elementary and was a
classroom officer during her high school days. Also, she and her friends started a business during
her high school days. One of her hobbies is cooking and she loves to eat pasta which inspires her
to establish Pasta Hut with her colleagues.

Alyssa Coleen C. Casabar

Alyssa Coleen C. Casabar took her Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts in University of the
Philippines. One of her hobbies is creating graphic designs and visuals, which she specialized in
for Pasta Hut, that is a possible key to attract customers. She is also knowledgeable when it
comes to customers’ wants and needs and she can easily adjust to the work environment, making
sure that work must be done by the end of the day. Her experience in handling business can help
manage the business successfully. She is capable of building good relationships with the future
employees of Pasta Hut.

Princess Ann T. Fatalla

Princess Ann T. Fatalla took her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration major in
Marketing Management and graduated with high honors in San Beda University. Recently, she
just finished her Masteral’s Degree in Business Administration at De La Salle University. She
wants to start a business venture that would produce innovative products that will be known not
just in the local market but also in the foreign market as well just like Pasta Hut’s Spicy Tuna
Carbonara. Princess specialized in communicating and marketing skills. She also has a lot of
experience in working and handling a business: At the young age of 12, she experienced selling
ice candy and home made pastries in the front of their garage. At the age of 17, she started an
online clothing and make-up shop and when she turned 18, she started helping her parents in
managing their fruits and vegetable farm business. Her experiences and knowledge in the
business world would be a great help for this venture to be known and successful.

Jae Allyson Armado

Jae Allyson Armado took her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management in Mapua
University. She graduated as Summa Cum Laude. While she was on college, she was a working
a student who worked at Starbucks to experience what it feels like to interact directly with the
customers. During her stay at Starbucks, she learned how to properly treat customers and to
always give good customer service. She also worked as an assistant of a CEO at a starting
company after her graduation where she was able to learn about how to properly handle a
business. Now she wanted to apply all of the information that she had learned in Pasta Hut which
she believed would be a great help in the company.

Global Analysis
One of the keys in a successful business is considering how the global economic changes
affect the growth of a business. Therefore, Pasta Hut will observe the global economic changes
which include global market trends, policies, supplies and demands nationwide.


Pasta Hut will continuously observe and follow the different laws and codes in terms of
legalizing their business not just locally but also to the different countries worldwide. Pasta Hut
will also abide to the different policies and rules set by the government including the paying of
taxes and keeping the business registered and legal because establishing a good reputation is also
a key to a successful business venture.


Pasta Hut will surely make a contribution to the economy of the country through the
taxes paid by the owners and the employment they gave to their employees. This business
venture would surely be a ‘hit’ and successful because of a large number of people who likes to
eat and try new dishes. The business will also surely operate for a long period of time as long as
there are people who will continuously patronize Pasta Hut’s product and service.


Before starting a business, Pasta Hut carries out a careful analysis of the culture, religion
and social values through surveys near their desired location to determine how they are going to
treat their customers. Various marketing campaigns have also been launched to build awareness
and to highlight the health benefits that consumers can get from Pasta Hut’s products.


Technology nowadays plays a big role in making a business venture known and
successful. Therefore, Pasta Hut will make use of the technology and all the social media
platforms in advertising their services and product in order for the restaurant to be known not just
locally but also worldwide. They will also use the social media to connect and to attend all of
their customers’ needs, inquiries and suggestions.


Pasta Hut supports a “Plastic Pollution Coalition” that aims to promote a world free from
plastic pollution because of its negative and harmful effects to all the living things. Therefore,
Pasta Hut will used paper containers instead of plastic tupperwares and utensils in the packaging
of their product.


Pasta Hut would adhere to the legal regulations in any state and make sure that it has all
the required documents to carry out a successful business operation free from legal issues that
will stain the good reputation and the credibility of the company.

Social Analysis
Pasta Hut is good for all ages of the society. Society tends to lean towards those who are
going to make more profit, and those who can serve good products or food. Having to attract
customers will be difficult, but Pasta Hut was made to serve different types of people, providing
good service and good food to the mass.


Pasta Hut is only a starting business and is inexperienced, so following basic protocols
and being aware of everything that needs to be done is a must.


Pasta Hut’s product will be offered for a very a reasonable price. The product’s
affordability will encourage customers to buy. The bigger the number of customers, the bigger
the income of the business. The larger the income, the larger the taxes that they will pay to the
government that could help increase economic growth.


Pasta Hut has the opportunity to increase its revenues since their location is near
universities where there are a lot of students. Also, Pasta Hut’s product has the opportunity to
attract students even those who are health-conscious consumers.


Pasta Hut will use full advantage of the media to advertise the foods that are being serve
in the shop to attract customers through internet. Also, owners of Pasta Hut will utilized the
technology for research and development so that they can further innovate their product
according to the needs and demands of their customers.

Pasta Hut will use packaging that are eco-friendly, and will make sure that our
surrounding area is clean off trash. Possible cause of pollution in the area will be taken care
immediately to avoid a dirty shop.


Pasta Hut will make sure that all policies are followed and that all documents about the
shop is finalized and legal.

Industrial Analysis
Pasta Hut encounter potential competitors around the market because of the uniqueness
of their product but with its unique service and packaging, offering the best quality of food, it
stands out in the industry. Pasta Hut promotes affordability and satisfaction.


Pasta Hut should be alert to the rules that are needed to be followed, such as always
paying taxes and expenses, and other rules and regulations that are applied when it comes to
putting up a business. In order to stay in the industry and avoid any conflicts, we should be
familiar with laws and legalities.


Pasta Hut offers the best quality of food and uses an eco-friendly material for the
packaging, making them unique in comparison to the other competitors in the market. With its
unique, eco-friendly packaging, it would greatly benefit not only to the business but also to the


Pasta Hut aims to build a great relationship with their customers. Pasta Hut’s good
communication with their customers will eventually create a friendly environment around them,
making the business unique in the industry.


Pasta Hut will be using social media in promoting the business to the public. In order to
gain popularity and to attract and interact with new customers, they will be open for any
inquiries about their business.

Pasta Hut will be using an eco-friendly material in packaging. Instead of using styrofoam
boxes that negatively affects the environment, we decided to use kraft paper boxes for packaging
because it can be recycled and it could lessen the waste of our business products.


In order to maintain a good reputation to the public, Pasta Hut will familiarize themselves
with all the policies and laws and legalities before starting their business. The business could
avoid future misunderstandings and other conflicts that may harm the business.
The Philippines Pasta and Noodles industry offers opportunities to the marketers due to
the growing population of the young and working population, 15 to 54 years old, who prefer to
consume products which take less preparation time such as Pasta and Noodles. Among the
products in the pasta market, the Dried Pasta is the fastest growing category with 9.7% CAGR
during 2014-2019. Also, the food price inflation of pasta in the Philippines is high at 5.5% which
resulted in the rising demand of value for pasta and noodle products in the country. The
Philippines Pasta & Noodles market is led by domestic players such as Monde Nissin
Corporation, Rfm Corporation and international players such as Nissin Food Holdings Co Ltd
and Del Monte Foods. With the rise of the Pasta market, the owners of Pasta Hut take this as an
opportunity to enter the Pasta Industry.

Pasta Hut is an Italian stall business located inside Mapua University, Intramuros,
Manila. The owners choose this location due to the number of enrolled students and the owners
once studied in the said university. Since they once studied in the said university, they know the
stress that “Mapuans” experienced that’s why the owners think that Mapua University is the
perfect location for their business which offers, Tuna Spicy Carbonara which aims to offer
students with an Italian experience in just a take-out food, as well as offer health benefits in
every bite.

Since Pasta Hut is located inside Mapua University, their main target audience is the
students ages 15 to 25. Pasta Hut believes that our product, Tuna Spicy Carbonara can cater to
the needs of the students especially that students whose age is 15 to 25 tend to try something
new. Also, Pasta Hut believes that they can cater to the needs of the students especially that it is
affordable and within their budget. Aside from this, the ingredients used in our product are not
only healthy but also full of carbohydrates that can already make a person have a happy stomach.
Meanwhile, our secondary target audience is the staffs of Mapua University such as professors,
employees from the accounting, treasury, etc. whose ages are between 25 to 54 years old. Pasta
Hut can also cater to the needs of the staff of Mapua University because they can eat our product
anytime of the day yet offer health benefits at the same time.
In starting the business, the target population only includes the Mapua university staffs
and students. A survey inside Mapua University was conducted to determine our customer’s
needs so that Pasta Hut will be able to comply with their interest.

Spaghetti Carbonara Pesto



Figure 1. Mapuans choice of pasta

Figure 1 shows that among the 100 students, 60 respondents like carbonara, 25 students
like spaghetti while the remaining 15 students like pesto.

Carbonara Variety
Tuna Spicy Carbonara Tuna Spicy Carbonara with Garlci Cheese Bread



Figure 1. Mapuans choice on Pasta Hut’s product variety

Figure 2 shows that from the 60 respondents who like carbonara, 40 students like Tuna
Spicy Carbonara with Garlic Cheese Bread while the remaining 20 students like the plain Tuna
Spicy Carbonara.

Since Pasta Hut is just a starting business and based from the survey conducted, Pasta
Hut’s management expect that 60 out of 100 respondents will buy our product. However, the
number of expected market or sales may reduce over time due to our competitor inside Mapua,
Green Spices. Therefore, to prevent this situation from happening, Pasta Hut’s management will
make sure that they offer effective customer service, properly address their needs, and continue
to further innovate our product and to increase the number of variety of our product as time pass

Pasta Hut considers the following:

 Age – students between 15 to 25, faculty and non-faculty staff between 25 to 54

 Gender – all gender
 Economic Status – students and staffs who are in the middle class can afford our product
since it is only Php85 for just Tuna Spicy Carbonara while Php115 for Tuna Spicy
Carbonara with Garlic Cheese Bread. The prices of our product is affordable and within
the budget of our customers.
Pasta Hut focuses on selling a healthy, Italian pasta that has a unique touch of Filipino
cuisine. In order to establish this business successfully and to continuously progress in the
market, we would serve the best quality of food that will satisfy our customers’ cravings. Pasta
Hut will provide a unique product that is convenient to eat, with a paper takeout box that helps
our environment with its eco-friendly material, and satisfies our customers’ stomach at an
affordable price. Pasta Hut offers a solo serving of pasta for as low as 85 pesos while 115 pesos
for a Carbonara with Garlic Cheese Bread

Pasta Hut offers this serving to its customers:

Pasta Hut offers unique product and services compared to other businesses in the target
market because it is a food that is not much present everywhere but it is popular among
individuals who are fond of pasta and other Italian cuisine. Pasta Hut also serves not just pasta
but also with a delicious side dish: a cheesy garlic bread. It may still be affordable and worth the
shot, specially that it has a convenient packaging that is useful in the environment. Our pasta
may look simple but once you take a bite, you would experience the feeling of prestige as we
will use the best quality of ingredients to make our product. And not just with satisfaction in its
flavor, we would also bring the best service we could offer as we would be building good
communications and relationships with our customers, so as to keep them from buying more and
to attract new customers. That is how Pasta Hut is unique from the rest of its competitors.
The main target customers are students and middle-class consumers because they are
mostly attracted to eating food that are unique and they are more familiar with these popular
cuisine. For students, it would be best for them to eat food on-the-go as they are always busy
with their activities and had an ample amount of time in their hands to prepare for their lunch.
Lastly, what makes our services different among others is that it has a unique touch of Filipino

Pasta Hut is a business partnership handled and supervised by 4 individuals who will also
be the one fully in charge of the production, advertising, financing and selling of the product and
services offered by Pasta Hut. They are also the one who will be responsible for the success of
this business venture.

Organizational Structure

Mary Joy Fallega

General Manager

Alyssa Coleen Casabar

Head Chef

Princess Ann Fatalla

Assistant Chef Jae Allyson Armado
Rules and Responsibility

 General Manager- She will be the one in charge of leading and directing her members
towards the success of their business venture. She is also responsible of supervising the
business including the handling of the important matters in the field of financial, marketing
and production.
 Head Chef-The Head Chef is in charge of the matters inside the kitchen area. She will also
handle the food preparation and will be responsible in making sure the consistent production
of delicate and quality taste of the product’s recipe.
 Assistant Chef- She will act as the right hand and assistant of the Head chef. She is also in
charge of food preparation which includes chopping and peeling of the ingredients needed by
the Head chef.
 Server- The server will be in charge of attending the customer’s needs including the taking
and serving of the orders.

Production Plan

Production Schedule

Production Process

 Carbonara
 Buy the needed ingredients in making the sauce and the pasta for the carbonara. It
includes linguine for the pasta. For the carbonara sauce, it includes garlic, onion,
mushroom, bacon, tuna, evaporation milk, all-purpose cream, and cheddar cheese.
 Cook pasta in a large pot with salted boiling water. Drain well.
 Sautée garlic, onion, mushroom, bacon, and tuna. After that, pour the evaporation
milk and all-purpose cream. Add in the shredded chedder cheese. Stir well.
 Garlic Cheese Bread
 Buy the needed ingredients in making the garlic cheese bread. It includes gardenia
bread, garlic, butter, cooking oil, and cheddar cheese.
 Cut the crusts of the bread.
 Mix the bits of garlic, butter, and cooking oil. Spread it on the bread.
 Top the bread with shredded cheddar cheese.
 Toast the bread on an oven toaster.

Processing Plan and Equipment

Sources of Materials

The ingredients to be used for Pasta Hut’s products especially those that are perishable will be
bought at a local supermarket in the city. Meanwhile, the non-perishable ingredients will be bought
directly at the manufacturing factory of that said product. However, the equipment for our store will be
bought at SM Manila. Lastly, for the packaging materials, Pasta Hut will buy these at Divisoria due to
their affordability.

Operational Plan
Since Pasta Hut is located inside Mapua University, it will be open from Monday to
Saturday since the said university has 6 school days in a week. It will be open from 8:00 am to
5:00 pm.

Requisition of Materials

1. Tuna Spicy Carbonara

Unit Quantity Raw Cost Raw Cost per
Ingredients Market Selling Price Price Required per Material Product
Linguine 500g 51.5 100g 10.3
Tuna 180g 35.25 36g 7.05
Bacon 250g 79 50g 15.8
Mushroom 400g 43.5 80 8.7 64.45
Evap Milk 370ml 36.5 74ml 7.3
Nestle Cream 250ml 42 50ml 8.4
Cheese 200g 69 20g 6.9
Food Box 100 pieces 150 1 piece 0.67
*Note: From the total raw cost per product, we have a mark-up of 25% to compute for our
selling price.
2. Tuna Spicy Carbonara with Garlic
Cheese Bread
Market Selling Unit Quantity Raw Cost per Raw Cost per
Ingredients Price Price Required Material Product
Linguine 500g 51.5 100g 10.3
Tuna 180g 35.25 36g 7.05
Bacon 250g 79 50g 15.8
Mushroom 400g 43.5 80 8.7 64.45
Evap Milk 370ml 36.5 74ml 7.3
Nestle Cream 250ml 42 50ml 8.4
Cheese 200g 69 20g 6.9
Food Box 100 pieces 150 1 piece 0.67 0.67
Garlic Cheese
Bread 600g 62 40g 4.13
Garlic 0.5kg 50 0.25kg 12.5 23.53
Cheese 100g 180 20g 6.9
*Note: From the total raw cost per product, we have a mark-up of 25% to compute for our
selling price.

Service Delivery Plan

Since Pasta Hut is just a start-up business, it will not offer delivery service. On the first
few years, Pasta Hut will focus solely on offering fast service towards the students, increasing
brand awareness, and opening other branches in other location. However, offering delivery
service will be taken into consideration by Pasta Hut’s management in the future once Pasta Hut
is fully stable.

Human Resources Plan

The business is to be handled by five (5) individuals who are college graduates. In the
first two to three years of the business, Pasta Hut will not hire new employees in order to gain the
start-up expenses back. However, once the business has branch out to other places aside Mapua,
Pasta Hut’s management will surely hire employees who has pleasing personality to be sent to
other branches.
Evaluation of Supplier
Registered Company Name Pasta Hut
Registered Place of Business / Address Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila, 1002,
Phone Number 090962104694
E-mail Address
Facebook Page
Details of the Organization’s Scope of Pasta Hut is an Italian stall business
Activities / Product Services situated inside Mapua University located in
Intramuros, Manila. We offer Tuna Spicy
Carbonara with or without Garlic Cheese
Bread that is affordable and gives health
benefits to our consumers. The benefits of our
product, is that the consumer will consume
healthy pasta made of healthy ingredients that
are well thought. A very delicious product that
uses tuna as the main ingredient which is good
for the heart since tuna fish has very high
levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help
reduce omega-6 fatty acids and cholesterol in
the arteries and blood vessels. Aside from this,
the dish uses parsley which help fight kidney
stones, urinary tract infections and gallbladder
infections. Also, our Spicy Tuna Carbonara
uses mushrooms and linguine which has
protein, fiber and vitamins. Therefore, our
consumers will not only enjoy our product but
will also gain health benefits in return.

Pasta Hut’s product is affordable and

within the budget of our target market, which
is made up of students. Tuna Spicy Carbonara
can be bought for only Php85 while Tuna
Spicy Carbonara with Garlic Cheese Bread is
Php 115

Number of Months/years in the Business Start-up

Overall Number of Staff 4
Does the company belong to any group of No
Does the company have several plans? Yes
Does the company have any subsidiaries? No

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