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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 493 – 497

CITIES 2015 International Conference, Intelligent Planning Towards Smart Cities, CITIES 2015,
3-4 November 2015, Surabaya, Indonesia

Increasing community knowledge of planning process and online

Musrenbang process in Rungkut District Surabaya
Hertiari Idajatia, Adjie Pamungkasa, Vely Kukinul Sa, Ummi Fadlillaha,
Fendy Firmansyaha, Nursakti APa, Karina Pradiniea*

* Urban and Regional Planning Departement, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Surabaya, Indonesia


Musrenbang is a process during which residents meet together to discuss the issues facing their communities and
decide upon priorities. Communities should be have knowledge about planning process and how they can contribute
in planning process. The one way to enhance understanding of community regarding the planning process, online
musrenbang process, the participatory mapping and the way to read planning map is through trainning. This study
aims to describe the effectiveness of online musrenbang trainning to increase the community knowledge. The
method used to measure the level of community understanding is using statistics in pairs (paired t-test) of the results
of the pre-test and the post-test training. Findings of this study appear to suggest that online musrenbang trainning
is effective at improving community knowledge in Rungkut District.

© 2016
2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by by
Published Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
Elsevier This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CITIES 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CITIES 2015
Keywords: Participatory planning; musrenbang; community planning.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +628155095590 ; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .

E-mail address:

1877-0428 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CITIES 2015
494 Hertiari Idajati et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 493 – 497

1. Introduction

Planning is a continuous process, consisting of a decision or choice of different ways to use existing resources,
with the goal to achieve certain goals in the future (Conyers, 1994). Development planning in general must have,
know and take into account some basic elements that the desired final destination; targets and priorities to make it
happen (which reflects the selection of the alternatives); period achieve these goals; problems encountered; capital
or the resources to be used and the allocation; policies to implement it; person, organization, or entity implementing
and monitoring mechanisms, evaluation, and monitoring its implementation (Koiruddin, 2004).
Participatory planning is one of the techniques embodiment community involvement in development planning.
People are given the opportunity to provide information about the problems they face in everyday life (Mikkelsen,
1999). The public is given space to solve the problems faced in order to achieve the expected conditions based on
the needs and abilities independently (Purnamasari, 2008). The public has a right and duty as the subject and object
of development; involvement in the construction phase starts at the design stage until the following control all the
rights and responsibilities (in Julianty Spatial Dictionary, 2010). The involvement of the people in participatory
planning is needed either directly or indirectly. A goal for the benefit of the people and when formulated without
involving the community, it will be difficult to ascertain that the formulation would be in favor of the people (Abe,
Musrenbang was a stage in the development planning process that involves the community to express their
aspirations, ideas and needs. Musrenbang is a process of discussion which was attended by all stakeholders for the
development of next year's plan. Musrenbang is done through the towns and districts in Indonesia. But Surabaya
Government only conducting online musrenbang in the RT / RW level. Surabaya governmeny able to capture the
aspirations of the people through online musrenbang. This online Musrenbang started from making softaware and
maturation of the concept in 2008 and started to be operational in the year 2009 until now. The initial purpose of
musrenbang online in Surabaya is to facilitate aspiration, facilitate the documentation and increase transparency.
Based on the results of previous studies conducted by Idajati (2014) shows that the level of participation of
public planning through on-line musrenbang in District Rungkut still at the stage of placation. This means that the
majority of the proposal / application development ideas have been considered by the government. But still not the
whole society can provide musrenbang aspirations in the on-line. This happens because few people understand how
the planning process and how the process musrenbang oline. In addition, lack of socialization by the city
government on the planning process as well as the online musrenbang to society led to the passage of musrenbang
on-line are not yet effective (Idajati et al, 2014).
Many more are some obstacles that are found in the implementation of on-line musrenbang online Musrenbang
not leave a deep understanding of the existing policy. It is very important to note that the proposal expressed by the
public are not sporadic and targeted. Targeted means that the public know what is needed, the proper scope of the
proposed activities, the level of priority and suitability of the proposed policy with the government's plans have been
set (Idajati et al, 2014). There are still many people who do not know the policies of development in the city of
Surabaya. The community should understand the policies and plans that have been prepared by the government in
order to assess whether the proposed program provided by the public was properly addressed. So the ability to read a
map planning is needed by the community
It is necessary for the training which aims to improve the public's ability to understand the planning process so as
to increase community participation in development as well as to improve the effectiveness of online musrenbang.
The training deliver an understanding of the planning process to support the creation of an on-line musrenbang
effective and targeted also required. This training is expected that people can understand the meaning, the stages to
implementation and the role of community in determining development in the city of Surabaya.

2. Methodes

Processing techniques and data analysis in this study is done by a statistical test pairs (paired t-test) on the
condition that the data were normally distributed (Suharjo, 2008). Data normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Hertiari Idajati et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 493 – 497 495

test Test. Significance value (Asymp.Sig.) If the significance value> 0.05 (p> 0.05) then the data in the normal
distribution (Riwidikdo, 2008). Interpretation of test results paired t-test statistics as follows:
a. If p value ≤ 0,01 then the test results revealed very significant.
b. If 0,01≤ p value ≤ 0,05, then the test results revealed significant.
c. If p value > 0,05 then the test results revealed no significant
Paired t-test is one method of testing the hypothesis that the data used in pairs. The characteristics most frequently
encountered in case the pair is an individual (object of study) are subject to two pieces of different treatment
(Misbahuddin and Iqbal Hasan, 2013). The first treatment gives pre-test to assessment the understanding about
musrenbang online process and planning process. The second treatment is post test which was taken after the object
study got explanations on priorities in musrenbang online process, planning process, planning participation and
reading a map planning.

3. Result and Discussions

Rungkut District is the most active districts in the proposed program Musrenbang online, however many of the
proposed program have not been realized. That is the one reason to take this district become object of research. This
is in line with the purpose of training is to improve the public's understanding of how the program following
priorities as well as more deeply about how musrenbang online in development planning
Preparation of this training is coordinated with the District Rungkut to understand community characteristics.
This coordination also aims to determine how the level of public understanding District Rungkut to the planning
process and the process musrenbang online. In addition to coordinating with the district Rungkut, it is necessary to
coordinate with BAPPEKO that the operator of the online musrenbang process.
The training was attended by six villages in the District Rungkut, namely Rungkut Kidul village, Kedung Baruk,
Kali Rungkut, Medokan Ayu, Networking, and Wonorejo. Each village is represented by 6 people consisting of 3
RT / RW, 1 community leaders, one staff person and a village headman. The training was attended by more than
70% invitation. Most who come are the RT or RW which is active in the nomination process in musrenbang online.
The training was divided into three sessions, namely the pre-test session, session materials, and post-test session.
Pre-test session aims for a preliminary assessment of how the public understands mengethai about online
musrenbang in the planning process, the planning participation and planning processes. The second session is giving
the material, and the third session of the post-test session for reassessment and evaluation after a given material.
Results of the post-test and pre-test are shown in the table below:

Table 1. Pre Test and Post Test Scores

Sub Districts Pre Test Score Post Test Score
Rungkut Kidul 50 75
Kedung Baruk 70 82
Kali Rungkut 73 85
Medokan Ayu 80 85
Penjaringan 75 82
Wonorejo 76 82

Source: Assesment Result, 2015

The results of the pre-test and post-test will be processed for analysis by using statistical test of paired t-test. To
test the statistical paired t-test, need to meet the assumption that the data were normally distributed. Here below is
the result of normality test data using One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.

Table 2. One Sample Kolmogrov Output

Pre Test Score Post Test Score
N 6 6
Normal Parametersa,,b Mean 70.6667 81.8333
496 Hertiari Idajati et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 493 – 497

Std. Deviation 10.65207 3.65605

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .308 .352
Positive .190 .193
Negative -.308 -.352
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .755 .861
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .618 .449

Source: Assesment Result, 2015

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

Source: Analysis, 2015

Based on the results of One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, showed that the data were normally distributed.
This is indicated by the value Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) greater than 0.05. The assumption of normality of the data that
has been fulfilled then resumed at the stage of statistical test paired t-test. Here in show the results of analysis of
statistical test paired t-test.

Table 1. Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 Nilai_PreTest & 6 ,923 ,009

Source: Analysis, 2015

Paired Samples Correlations based output indicates whether there is a relationship between the average value before
and after the briefing material to the public Rungkut. Table 1.3 shows that the Sig value of 0.009, which is the value
of <0.05 and morelasi very high value ie 0.923. This shows that there is a very significant before and after the
holding of briefing material on training.

Table 2. Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence Interval of
Deviation Error the Difference
Mean Lower Upper
Pair 1 Nilai_PreTest - -11,16667 7,41395 3,02673 -18,94713 -3,38620 -3,689 5 ,014

Source: Analysis, 2015

Hertiari Idajati et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 493 – 497 497

The result of Paired Samples Test is 0,05 of significance level. It mean that the training able to increase the level
of the community understanding, especially in how the planning process, how to conduct participatory planning and
how priorities have been done in the process of musrenbang online.

4. Conclusions

Training on the planning process and the process of online Musrenbang has successfully raise public awareness
about it. From the results of the analysis indicate that significant value is 0,014, less than 0.05 (0.014 <0.05). It is
proven that in the District Training Online Musrenbang Rungkut can provide a very significant impact in improving
the understanding of the community, especially in how the planning process, how to conduct participatory planning
and priorities in the process of musrenbang online. It is expected, participation in District Rungkut can be optimized
to support the implementation of online musrenbang effective and targeted.


This research was supported by The Institute For Research and Community Service (LPPM) Sepuluh Nopember
Institute of Technology (ITS) from the scheme for community services (BOPTN Funding) 2015. We thank to our
colleagues for full support related with preparation and finishing this paper.


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