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1. Why function overloading is used. ?

2. How are abstraction and ercapsulation interrelated ?
3. Does the returentype of a function helps in finding the best match in function overloading?
4. Name the features by which classes acquire the properties of other classes?
5. C++ is an -------------- language.
6. Write the characteristics of an object .
7. What do you mean by ADT ?
8. Differentiate between abstract class and concrete class
9. Write the different types of polymorphism
10. Write limitation of OOP.
11. How does OOP overcome the short coming of traditional programming approach.
12. What will be the output
int area (int s)
retwen (s⋆s); }
float area(int b,int h)
Return(0.5⋆ 𝑏 ⋆ ℎ );
Void main()
Count area (s);

13. When object is used as function argument , than how call by value is differ from call by reference
14. What do you mean by a ray of objects
15. Differentiate between public and private visibility mode.
B. Answer any two questions
16. What do you mean by polymorphism ?
17. What is the relationship between class & object ?
18. Define a class book with following description.
Private member
-Book no integer type
-book title 20 character
-price float
-total cost ( ) - to calculate total cost for N number of copies
Public member
-input ()- function to read book no , book title, price
-purchase () –function to ask the user to input number of copies to be purchased, it invoke total cost () and
print total cost.

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