October 2018 AAC Bulletin Low Res

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We are excited to announce that Meryl Justin Chertoff, Executive Director

of The Aspen Institute’s Justice and Society Program, will be the featured
speaker at this year’s annual Jack Moline Lecture Series. She directs its
summer seminar in Aspen, its speaker series in New York, Washington and
Aspen, and the Inclusive America Project on religious pluralism in America.
She is also an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law, where she teaches
about state government. She blogs for The Hill, the Huffington Post, and the
Aspen Institute.
From 2006-2009 Ms. Chertoff was Director of the Sandra Day O’Connor
Project on the State of the Judiciary at Georgetown Law, studying and
educating the public about federal and state courts. At Georgetown Law she
developed educational programs for visiting judges and other government
officials from overseas.
Ms. Chertoff will speak about houses of worship and community groups
working together to bridge division in this time of crisis.
Ms. Chertoff's undergraduate and law degrees are from Harvard Universi-
2908 V•alley D•rive
ty. She and her husband have two adult children.
Alexandria, V•
A 2• 2302
Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor.........9:30 a.m.
Erev Simhat Torah................6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting after...............7:30 p.m. UNLOCKING NEW DOORS
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 This month of October is split between the two Hebrew months of Tishrei and
SIMHAT TORAH Heshvan. During the first week of October – still in Tishrei – we celebrate Shemini
Simhat Torah Services...........9:30 a.m.
Holiday Ends.........................7:29 p.m. Atzeret and Simhat Torah. (Read about our Simhat Torah celebrations and this
Ma’ariv..................................7:30 p.m. year’s honorees on page 5.) Then, on October 10, we begin the month of Heshvan,
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 which has no holidays at all. You might think that holiday-free weeks would be a
Candlelighting.......................6:27 p.m. rest time for the community. But on the contrary, this is when synagogue
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. programming begins in earnest: Religious School and ATID! resume all regular
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 classes, adult classes start, as well as numerous other opportunities to learn,
Shabbat Services....................9;30 a.m. socialize, and make a difference. It will be an exciting month at Agudas!
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................7:23 p.m. I hope you all had a meaningful holiday experience. I hope that the Days of
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 Awe were not only an opportunity for self-growth, but also an opportunity to think
Candlelighting.......................6:16 p.m. about your place in the Jewish world. My question, as we begin the year, is this:
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
What steps might you take in the coming months to continue your lifelong journey
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 of Jewish growth and learning? How can we at Agudas help you travel further on
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush your path? If you feel you’ve not yet begun, but the door is ajar, we want to help
Havdalah Time......................7:13 p.m. you open it wider and step through. If you’ve not yet found your entrance point, we
want to help you understand that there is no one door to walk through to begin this
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 sacred journey, and we want to be of assistance in helping you find the one for you.
Candlelighting.......................6:06 p.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. With that in mind, I encourage you to read through the Program Booklet that
was on your seat on the High Holidays or grab one in the office, check out our
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. website, and read your weekly email. Discover the wide array of opportunities at
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush Agudas throughout the fall months, and highlight the events and classes that
Havdalah Time......................7:03 p.m. intrigue you. Do you prefer learning in a small, informal group, or do you like
lectures by prominent scholars? Are you looking to do tikkun olam, to mend the
PARASHAT LECH-LECHA world, or do you seek social time with friends?

As always, should you have any questions or want to speak about your own
Candlelighting.......................5:57 p.m. Jewish journey, I invite you to be in touch. Rebbe Nachman of Bratzlav said, “All
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. beginnings require unlocking new doors.” This year, we hope to give you the keys!
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush TORAH TROOP
Havdalah Time......................6:54 p.m.
Calling all post-B’nai Mitzvah teens to take part in a contest of Torah reading
ability and agility. You are invited to join an inaugural group of Torah readers
who will demonstrate their mastery of Torah Trop in the new “Torah Troop.” If
you read Torah after your Bar/Bat-Mitzvah 5 times in one year, you will be
recognized by the congregational community with a certificate of achievement
and a surprise gift. However, for teens who like a real challenge, reading 8 (or
more) aliyot in one year will garner a certificate of
achievement and a more significant gift. A year will
be counted from Simhat Torah - when we begin
reading the Torah anew - through Sukkot. Have no
Monday through Friday
Mornings................................7:30 a.m. fear, you will be guided and supported to reach your
Sundays and Federal Holiday goal. To sign up to read an aliyah, contact Margot
Mornings............................... 9:00 a.m. Carter at margot.carter@hotmail.com. For additional
Sunday through Thursday information contact Rachel Goldberg at
Evenings................................7:50 p.m. rachel@quigberg.com.


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Gail Kutner and Amy Flax
Kenneth Labowitz
The Caring Committee represents
the heart of the Agudas Achim
This month I write about a serious topic: maximizing the benefit of your assets for
Congregation by linking requests from
your family and for charities you wish to support, say, for example, Agudas Achim.
congregants who need help with fellow
In the past couple of years the Congregation has received bequests from the congregants who are willing to help.
Chaiken, Schifrin, and Bendheim families, three longtime members. Each of these
A request for help is shared with the
couples had estate plans drafted that included bequests to the Congregation as a sign
AAC office who then contacts the Caring
of their connection to, and affection for, the institution where they worshipped as
Committee. The Caring Committee
members for many, many years. Their generosity in remembering Agudas Achim
emails the request to congregants and
continues their legacies here and provides for generations who never had the chance
then someone volunteers to assist the
to know these benefactors.
congregant. These occasional requests
We had no idea that the Congregation was included in some of these estate for help offer congregants flexibility that
plans. To date, we have not made an effort to identify those current members who fit into their schedules, location, and
are making bequests or otherwise providing for gifts to the synagogue, and we are activity preferences.
now interested in doing so.
Examples of the types of assistance
If you have made a bequest or other gift to the Congregation in your estate plan, provided through the Caring Committee
could you let me know? The information you provide will not be made public, (in conjunction with AAC Rides) include:
unless you specify so. ●  Providing a meal to congregants
This leads me to providing some information, and a little advice. Over the past when recovering from a medical
30 years or so, there has been a proliferation of tax-favored programs such as IRAs, procedure or upon returning
SEPs, 401(k) plans, and Thrift Savings Plan for Federal employees. These were from out of town shiva;
originally intended as pension replacements or supplements, to be used up during ●  Visiting  congregants  in  the
the retirement years as our lives are extended through better medical care. hospital or recovery at home;
●  Assisting with or running errands
What these programs were not designed for is how they are frequently being such as going grocery shopping;
used - for the passage of assets at the death of the account holder. As one who has ●  Providing  a  ride  to  AAC  for
inherited a parent’s IRA, I can testify that they are a royal pain to deal with just from services or an event;
the mechanics of owning the account, and the proceeds from the account are ●  Driving congregants to medical
taxable. Unlike an inheritance from an estate, which is almost entirely tax-free, appointments;
proceeds from an inherited IRA, SEP, 401(k), and the like are taxed as income, ●  Attending  a shiva minyan in
reducing the benefit substantially. your neighborhood.
Here are two better ideas for benefiting your heirs and the Congregation. The initial list of congregants
Congress has extended the special program for those aged 70½ and older. We can volunteering to provide these services
make charitable donations from IRA accounts up to $100,000 without penalty. And were identified through an online survey
if you intend to make charitable gifts to be paid at your death, make those gifts from of congregants. If you are a new member
one of the retirement accounts. The taxes that would otherwise be paid from those of AAC or your personal situation now
proceeds are not paid by a charity, such as Agudas Achim, in receiving money from allows you to occasionally be called
your IRA or other account. upon to help a fellow congregant, please
As with any financial decision, get advice from a competent tax advisor, but contact:
keep these ideas in mind as a benefit to your family as well as the Congregation. Andrea Flax
Thursdays beginning October 11 through February 28 | 7:00 p.m. gmkutner@gmail.com
Always been curious about Judaism? Never paid attention in Hebrew
school? Thinking about (or is someone you love thinking about) officially
joining the Tribe?
Introduction to Judaism covers both Judaism’s biggest and most life-
changing ideas, as well as the nuts-and-bolts of daily Jewish living. The class is
geared towards both Jews and non-Jews who want to learn more. Bring your
questions and explore the wisdom, depth, and joy of Jewish living.


Elliot Parkin, Men’s Club President Barry Nove

Men’s Club continues its history of

As I write this article the High Holy Days are upon us. As busy as this time is,
dedicated service to the AAC community.
I would like to touch on some of what I’ve seen leading up to making this High
Many thanks to Harvey Stoler, Louis
Holy Days season special. It helps that this is my second High Holy Day season
Marcus, and the Grill Masters for assuring
with the congregation. So, I’d like to start off with Labor Day Weekend’s Annual
that everyone was well-fed at the annual
Barbecue. Under the organization of Alex Perry, who again gathered volunteers,
barbeque, Doc Shantz who coordinated
the tent was put up in the Sukkah Courtyard earlier than ever before. The
the ushers for the High Holidays, and
juxtaposition of our Annual Barbecue and Rosh Hashanah required some creative
Brian Kolstad who coordinated the
scheduling and logistics to make the tent available for both events. A major
building of the Sukkah.
difference this year - we left the walls to be added right before Rosh Hashanah in
Join us for our first lox and bagel brunch order to provide a more welcoming environment for the barbecue.
of the New Year on Sunday November 18 at
Last year we had about 250 people at the barbecue. This year over 400 were
10 a.m. in the Lainof Auditorium. Watch the
served. We also raised about one thousand dollars through voluntary donations
weekly announcements for publicity on the
helping us cover the cost of the event. Louis Marcus, Men’s Club, Sisterhood, and
brunch program.
other volunteers - including teen apprentice Ari Pearlstein - put out a spectacular
The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage meal. Membership Co-Vice Presidents Mindi Maline and Jane Shichman recruited
Scholarship Program provided nine the volunteers and offered a wonderful pre-event reception for prospective and
scholarships over the past two years to new members, who met Rabbi Steven Rein and Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey, and
teens of the Congregation for Israel members of our leadership, including our president, Ken Labowitz, and senior
experiences. Emphasis is on trips Vice President, Meredith Ludwig. Ein Lanu Z’man, led by Hazzan Dienstfrey,
sponsored by the Conservative Movement offered another wonderful concert in the Lainof Auditorium. As we entered the
and Jewish day schools. If you have a High Holy Days, our membership grew to nearly 500 households, helped in part
teen who is interested in a peer trip to by offering such an inviting friendly experience, which I knew would only be
Israel, please contact Mike Scheinberg at reinforced by our High Holy Day services.
mike@schuschein.com for scholarship
Building on the success of our community gathering for the Annual Barbecue,
we entered the High Holy Days. Caryl Salter and the Ticket Committee came in
We would greatly appreciate your repeatedly to help us meet the needs of everyone joining us. Marilee Perkel and
support for our Men’s Club this coming Sherri Kohr helped recruit for honors. Mark “Doc” Shantz again helped us recruit
year by sending in your membership volunteers for ushers and greeters. The synagogue staff also did a yeoman’s job
dues for 2018-19 (5779). Our nominal working on all the details that I hope made the services look and work seamlessly.
dues for the year are $36, but please
During this process, the office went through another change. Beyond adopting
consider donating “Chai’er” amounts,
the new membership database, we transitioned to earlier in the summer, the
such as $54, $72, $90, or $108. We
administrative assistant/receptionist hired in June took another position in August.
welcome your ideas for future events as
This necessitated bringing in a temp and posting the position once more. On
well as your help with activities. Please
September 4 NaKisha Jenifer joined our staff in the position overlapping the last
contact me at elliot.parkin@gmail.com
days of the temp helping to train her on our procedures with Rosh Hashanah fast
or 703-575-7879 with your particular
A lot has gone into not only getting ready for the High Holy Days, but the
opening of Preschool and Religious School. We continue to make improvements,
such as making certain every light in the Memorial Alcove was working perfectly,
CORRECTION TO SEPTEMBER made possible through the auspices of the Yartzheit walls designer, Jerry Siegel. I
BULLETIN can’t thank everyone enough for all they have done and do for the congregation,
from work on each of the High Holy Day booklets to setting up the chairs. Thank
The following donation should read: you all, you are unsung heroes in my book.
In memory of Laura Kimmel and Barry Nove
Dr. Alfred Kimmel Executive Director
Paul Kimmel and Prudence Kline


Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey
Mazal Tov to our Hatan Torah,
Alex Perry and our Kalat B’reisheet,
Lenore Garon. Please join us as we
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE JEWISH HOLIDAY? honor them this Simchat Torah on
Tuesday, October 2 at 9:30 a.m. Come
Dear Hazzan,
pray, dance, and rejoice with us!
Now that we’ve just been through all these wonderful holidays – from Rosh
HaShanah to Simhat Torah, I was wondering – what is YOUR favorite Jewish
holiday and why? Alex Perry has been a member of
Agudas Achim since 2009 and his
-Apples N. Honey
volunteer work is felt in many aspects of
Dear Apples, our congregation. He worked with Andrew
This would seem to be a very difficult question to answer – after all, we have Cohen to set up AAC’s first website and
just celebrated in so many wonderful ways. We have eaten apples with honey (and went on to serve as Communications
what could be better than that?), we have smelled the sweet etrog under our Committee Chair and Member-at-Large on
beautiful sukkot, we have danced with the torah and we have thrown bread into a the AAC Board of Directors.
creek. And then there are all the holidays in the months to come – lighting the Alex and his wife, Debbie, have two
hanukiah and eating latkes on Hanukah, planting trees at tu bishvat, dressing up on children, Elliot and Sarah. Alex is actively
Purim, singing the songs of the haggadah with all your friends and family around involved in Young Family programming
the table on Passover, or eating cheesecake and studying all night long on Shavuot. including helping to organize the High
And, of course, there is Shabbat – a holiday we get to celebrate every week! It Holiday tent raising. Elliot is a graduate of,
seems there are so many amazing holidays from which to choose. and Sarah current attends, AAC Preschool
But my favorite holiday does not involve food, dancing, or trees. There are no where Alex is entering his first of a three-
palm branches, candles or fancy meals. The main components of my favorite year term as Preschool Vice President on
Jewish Holiday are prayer, God, and the neshamah – the soul. On this holiday my the AAC Board of Directors.
one responsibility is to talk to God – all day long – using what I love most: music In his “free” time, Alex takes
and prayer. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that because of my job I’m mostly off the pictures at AAC events for inclusion on
hook for taking care of the children, or if it’s that I don’t have to cook or clean, or the AAC website and is a member of
if it’s the beauty of the music written for this holiday or if it’s the fact that I’m so AAC’s house band Ein Lanu Z’man.
busy, I have no time to worry about anything, or if it’s the high I’m on at the end of
Ne’ilah after fasting and singing all day long, but Yom Kippur is, by far, my favorite
Jewish holiday. Lenore has been a member of
Agudas Achim since 1979 with a few
And now I ask all of you – what is YOUR favorite Jewish holiday and why?
years off when her family lived in Paris.
Talk about this with your friends and family or send me an email. I’d love to hear
She has served on the Youth and
all about the holidays you love most.
Religious Committee when her children
L’shalom, were younger.
Hazzan Dienstfrey
In 1992 Lenore joined Sisterhood and
*Please Note: This column will alternate between music reviews/recommendations “the rest is history,” as they say. Lenore
and “Dear Hazzan” letters. If you would like to introduce or recommend ran the White Elephant Sale and was the
recordings, or if you have a question for the Hazzan regarding the ritual, liturgy, Holidays Chair. When Sisterhood
and/or music of the synagogue, please write Hazzan Dienstfrey at the synagogue operated the kitchen, Lenore’s role was to
(2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302) or email her at ensure that there was something special
HazzanERLD@hotmail.com. for the kiddush for each holiday as well as
serve as the occasional mashgiach.
Lenore has served as Sisterhood Shabbat
Chair, and then became President in
Wednesday, October 26 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 2016. As President of Sisterhood, she sits
Join us for a fun evening of eating pizza and playing games. Bring your on the Agudas Achim Board of Directors.
favorite game or see what we have to offer. Keep an eye on your email for She is currently Co-President of
how to RSVP. Sisterhood, along with Susan Auerhan,
one of our marvelous Preschool teachers.


focused on families with Chaya Silver
children ages 0-5. Youth/Education Director
Gan Shabbat OCTOBER 10 | 6:00 P.M.
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Volunteer led service for kids ages FIRST SUNDAY OF RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 5779
0-5, accompanied by an adult. Looking OCTOBER 14
for volunteers to lead – no experience 9:00 a.m. Grades K-7, 10:00 a.m. ATID!
necessary. Parent Open House | 11:00 a.m.
Family Picnic Lunch with Games at Fort Ward | 12:30 p.m.
Oh Say Shalom Sing-a-Long and
Sunday, October 7 | 11:00 a.m. SISTERHOOD DOINGS
songs for the first half hour with free BY JUDITH FOGEL
play after. No Jewish knowledge or
experience necessary. Each child Sisterhood President Honored on Simhat Torah
requires a grownup. We are proud that our very own leader Lenore Garon has been selected as
Kallah Bereisheet this year. This is an annual recognition and Lenore is being
Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat bestowed with the female honor. Yasher Koach, Lenore. Well deserved! Ceremony
Friday, October 19 | 5:30 p.m. during Simhat Torah morning services after HaKafot. Tuesday October 2.
Friday night service for kids 0-5 and
parents with songs, instruments, scarves, SPRING RECAP
dancing, parachutes, challah, and juice.
The women of Sisterhood gathered on the first day of Shavuot for a festive
CONNECT WITH YOUNG holiday party on a delightful late spring afternoon. Our members munched on dairy
FAMILIES delights, fruit and other savory selections. A great big Yasher Koach to Rabbi and
  Find  us  on  the  Facebook  ‟Agudas Jodi Rein for opening up their home to us. This is the second time the Rein family
Achim Young Families” Group to keep has graciously hosted this event. Thank you also to Rabbi Rein's parents, Sharon and
track of what is going on and receive the Alan Rein, for schlepping chairs from the shul and becoming part of the set up crew.
latest updates! For more information or to Many thanks to Sisterhood board members Susan Auerhan, Nan Berman, and
get involved contact: Nancy Siegal for their food shopping expeditions. Much appreciation to the food
aacyoungfamilies@gmail.com prep and set up crew consisting of board members Susan Auerhan, Nancy Siegal
Hannah Kraushaar and Lynne Rosenblum. Thanks also to Rachel Goldberg and her daughter Dee Dee
for helping to get the goodies on the table. The clean up crew consisted of Lenore
Jennifer Munz Garon, Jane Bergen, Nan Berman, Amy Kaminski, Joan Arsenault, Nancy Siegal,
MacKenzie Silverman Susan Auerhan, and Rachel Goldberg with daughter Dee Dee. Many other women
also stayed behind to ensure the Rein home was left as we found it. These
invaluable volunteers are the backbone of a successful program. I was bedridden at
home, following a post-surgery illness, and I salute all the women who stepped up
to the plate and pitched in during my absence. Todah rabah to Jodi Rein for her
BABY WELCOMING inspiring and lively Shavuot learning session. Kudos to Diana Weil for purchasing
OCT. 6, 2018 (SHABBAT B’REISHIT) food and helping with logistics. And finally, thank you to KB for his dedicated assistance.
To celebrate Shabbat Bereshit, we OCTOBER EVENTS
would like to welcome all babies born Sisterhood Soiree
since last Rosh Hashanah and their Sunday, October 21 | 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
parents to join us on the bima at the Please join us for our installation of officers and paid up membership dinner
conclusion of services (approximately featuring amazing food and great conversation with your friends from Sisterhood.
11:45 a.m.) for a special welcome and You will also be treated to a performance by Sisterhood Ensemble, conducted by
blessing. the incomparable Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey.
Contact the office 703-998-6460
if your little one will be joining us. Continued on page 14.


details on that coming up soon. If you
AGUDAS: OUR SHLICHA, enjoyed the Israeli food event we had
MIRI BERNOVSKY here at Agudas last March, you should
stay tuned with regards to these
October is here, which means the High Holy Days are behind us – and a new upcoming events as well.
year of Israel activities at Agudas Achim is ahead of us. And just like the previous I’m looking forward to all of this
year, it’s going to be fascinating and exciting. and much more, knowing that this year
So what is going to happen this year at our congregation? We will have great will be just as fun and meaningful for
speakers from Israel throughout the year; a congregational trip to Israel in me as my first year of Shlichut at
December (there are still a few slots left, so if you want to join, hurry and sign up!); Agudas. And as always, I’m open for
we’re continuing with our monthly Israeli book club and movie club; and there is hearing more ideas and suggestions
also a new Israel committee at the synagogue that will work with me and the Rabbi from my friends in the community. See
to put together even more events for the entire community. you soon!
One of my personal goals for the upcoming year is to work more with younger
age groups at our synagogue. It was one of my favorite things over the past year to
spend time with the pre-schoolers, religious school students, and teenagers at
Agudas, and we’re going to spend even more time together this year. Among the AWARENESS MONTH
things we will learn about: Israeli culture, the diversity of Israeli society, and of
course, lots of fun stuff in Hebrew for all age groups. SHABBAT SPEAKER
In addition, I’m working to increase our outreach to young adults in the MIKE SCHEINBERG
community. This includes partnerships and cooperation with other organizations in SATURDAY
the area, and with some of my colleagues, the Shlichim in the Washington DC area,
and of course with the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. OCTOBER 6
Over the course of the next few months, the entire Shlichim delegation in our
area will organize three big events open to the entire Jewish community. More


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Please help us to maintain our
daily minyan. If someone is saying Jen Halpern, Director
kaddish and we don’t have ten people,
kaddish cannot be recited.
Morning minyan meets at 7:30 am,
Monday-Friday. Evening minyan meets Agudas Achim Preschool is turning 13 this year, and we have so many reasons
at 7:50 p.m. every night except for to celebrate. We're thriving. The preschool began with an enrollment of just a few
Friday when we have Kabbalat Shabbat, dozen children, and now it's grown to a school with 75 children and wait-lists. In
and Saturday (unless someone requests a fact, several families joined the synagogue last fall in order to guarantee their
minyan on Saturday evening for saying children a spot in the preschool this year.
kaddish). We have a one-of-a-kind playground; a gross motor play space that is unrivaled
Some of the regulars in our area; beautiful, light-filled classrooms; and a challenging and innovative
say that attending minyan STEAM Lab (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) that just opened last
gives them a wonderful year. Our teachers are dedicated professionals who have shown a willingness and
start or end for the day, eagerness to engage with new ideas. Our parents (and grandparents) demonstrate
and that the friendships their commitment to the success of our program every time they donate their time
they have made there have been true and and energy by volunteering. Most importantly, the children are eager to come to
lasting. Check for yourself – join us at school every day to play, form friendships, and grow emotionally, physically,
one of these times whenever you can. cognitively, and Jewishly.
Our preschool will continue to grow and flourish, but only if we keep an eye on
the future and reinvest in our facility and our programming. As we celebrate our
b'nai mitzvah year, we're also looking ahead to the next ten years.
While we’ve been blessed with generous donors who have enabled us to
purchase new toys and equipment over the past several years, we also need to make
improvements to the education wing itself. More than anything, we need child-sized
Do you shop Amazon? You could bathrooms closer to the classrooms for a variety of reasons, one of which is to relieve
be supporting AAC with every the synagogue of the burden of hosting the preschoolers in the over-extended adult
purchase. Use the Amazon Smile web bathrooms. We also desperately need more storage space.
address and Amazon will donate 0.5%
Throughout the year we will be celebrating our b’nai mitzvah. While details are
of the price of eligible purchases to
still pending, we plan on having a Fall Festival in October for the children in the
AAC. Visit the Support Us page on the
preschool and in the neighborhood. In February, the congregation as well as current
AAC website for all the details
and former preschool families will be invited to a b’nai mitzvah party. We hope
including a link to
you’ll be able to join us.
the Amazon Smile
website. Thank you for all the support this congregation has given the preschool over the
past 13 years. I’m excited for what future years will bring.


When a child is born, please
contact the synagogue office as soon
as practical to arrange for Brit Milah SISTERHOOD’S JUDAICA SHOP
and/or naming. The Rabbi will be Open on the Sundays Religious School meets from
happy to advise you regarding 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon and by appointment.
scheduling and name selection. Shop with us and help support lots of local worthy causes.
Also, please contact the syn- Check out our new merchandise and remember
agogue office and the Rabbi regarding we can do special orders on items as requested.
arrangements for weddings or other We are your source for B’Nai Mitzvah needs as well
life-cycle events before announcing as gift suggestions.
your plans. Chairs: Michelle (202 288-9856) Susan (703 489-5068)


Lester and Joan Edelman
We mourn the loss of our longtime member In memory of Elliot Parkin's aunt
Lester and Joan Edelman
Mazel Tov on the birth of the Rosenblatt twins
May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners. Lester and Joan Edelman
In honor of Anita Turk's birthday
Jack Berman and family Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez
on the death of his mother, Joan Berman
In memory of Frieda Lukazar
Sally Freed and family
Hirsch Barth
on the death of her brother, Gary Frank
In memory of Judy Bregman
Hedieh Fusfield and family
Leonard Lehman
on the death of her father, Houshang Rahmanou COMMUNITY CARING FUND
Tanya Bodzin and family In memory of Harvey Kroudvird Yahrzeit
on the death of her husband, Stephen Bodzin Robert and Gayle Weiss
In memory of Rose & Paul Gaidelman
In honor of Nancy Hailpern chanting haftarah HAZZAN'S DISCRETIONARY FUND
Patricia Franklin In memory of my beloved grandfather, Max Kwaselow
In memory of Karen Ann Kimmel Slavin and Dr. Arnold Kimmel SCHONBERGER LIBRARY FUND
Paul Kimmel and Prudence Kline In memory of Arnold Moore
ESFORMES FUND Hugh and Jennifer Halpern
In memory of Arnold Moore In memory of Carolyn D'Aprix Franklin
Rachel Goldberg and Bryan Quigley Patricia Franklin
In memory of Marion Klutch PRAYERBOOK FUND
Jack and Ellen Esformes In memory of Arnold Moore
HENRY H. KREVOR SOCIAL ACTION FUND Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez
In memory of Jerry Ainsfield In memory of Bea Goldhirsch
Neale and Donna Ainsfield Bruce and Cheryl Goldhirsch
In memory of Joy Wagner's father, Arthur Fotios Kalfopulos In memory of Charley Wayne's mother
Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez Howard and Sherri Kohr
ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of David Aaron Lipnick
A donation Robert Lipnick and Sophie Krasik
Sam Ozeck In memory of Herbert Wolff
Condolences to Charley Wayne and family on the death of his mother Raymond and Paula Wolff
Rachel Goldberg and Bryan Quigley In memory of Matthew Levine
Happy Anniversary to Bob & Maureen Shapiro Marilyn Levine
Rachel Goldberg and Bryan Quigley In memory of Sharon Forman Hughes
In honor of George Bernstein's 70th anniversary of his bar mitzvah Allen Forman and Marion Wachtel
Paul and Elizabeth Frommer CAMP RAMAH FUND
In honor of our 42nd Anniversary With appreciation for a great camp summer at Camp Ramah and
Paul and Elizabeth Frommer URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy
In memory of Eileen Wayne Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez
In memory of Ron Glancz In honor of the Rabbi for his guidance
Sam Ozeck Paul Kimmel and Prudence Kline
SPIRO ADULT EDUCATION FUND In loving memory of my husband Samuel Turk
Congratulations to Maureen & Robert Shapiro on celebrating 55th Anita Turk
wedding anniversary In memory of Arnold Moore
Lester and Joan Edelman Debra Flax
In honor of our dear friends Joan & Lester Edelman Alan Young and Sharon Bob Young
Jack and Rhoda Berson In memory of Joan Berman
In memory of Arnold Moore Samuel and Carol Backman
Roy Ackerman Shulamith Shafer
In memory of Daniel Edelman With appreciation for the get well wishes for Arden's mother
Robert and Gayle Weiss Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez
In memory of Eileen Wayne, mother of Charlie Wayne In memory of Arnold Moore
(Continued on page 10.)


IN THE FAMILY In memory of Joseph Zimmerman
(Continued from page 9.) Michael Cummings and Suzan Zimmerman
Philip and Lenore Garon Mazel tov to Arnold & Sharon Rosenblatt on the birth of their
Michael Levitin and Caryn Ginsberg granddaughters
In memory of Arnold Moore, a good friend and a genuine good guy Victor and Judith Tynes
Philip and Szeina Lurie Mazel tov to Rebecca & Jim Halloran on the birth of their son
In memory of Eileen Wayne Rachel Goldberg and Bryan Quigley
Robert and Gayle Weiss PRESCHOOL DONATIONS
In memory of Eileen Wayne (mother of Charley Wayne) To Welcome Esther Arava Zuckerman, granddaughter of
Nancy Siegal Suzanne Schneider & Bob Levy
In memory of Eileen Wayne, mother of Charles Wayne Joan Hartman Moore
In memory of Eileen Wayne, mother of Charley Wayne In memory of Joan Berman
Victor and Judith Tynes Robert and Maureen Shapiro
In memory of Irving Weiss Yahrzeit A donation with thanks for multiple aliyot this summer
Robert and Gayle Weiss Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez
In memory of Jack Berman's Mother, Joan Berman
In honor of Miriam Perlberg reading Torah
Elliot and Karen Parkin
Patricia Franklin
In memory of Jack Berman's mother
In memory of Hilda Kanarick
Bruce and Cheryl Goldhirsch
Seymour and Judith Wengrovitz
In memory of Jack Chesley's Dad
In memory of Joan Berman
Rob and Gayle Weiss
Joan Arsenault
In memory of Joan Berman
In memory of Joan Berman, mother of Jack Berman
Jack and Elinor Abraham
Robert Levine and Robin Miller
Michael Levitin and Caryn Ginsberg
In memory of Lena Finn
Sonya Singer Livingston
Russell and Carolyn Finn
Elliot and Karen Parkin
Nancy Siegal
Scott Sugarman
In memory of Joan Berman (Jack's Mother) SAVE THE DATE
In memory of Milton Malyn SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4
Elaine Malyn
In memory of Rose Weinstein, Beloved Mother
Helene Schrott
In memory of Shirley Weiss Yahrzeit AAC ACTIVE SENIORS
Robert and Gayle Weiss
A donation Tuesday, October 9 | 12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m.
Gloria Canter Lainof Auditorium
In memory of Arnold Moore
Robert and Gayle Weiss Join us as we welcome former Congressman
In memory of Jack Berman's mother Martin Frost (D-TX) to share his expert views on the
Robert and Gayle Weiss upcoming November elections. Congressman Martin
In memory of Jack's mother Frost has a reputation for keen analysis of politics and
Gloria Canter policy. His background in journalism, history, and law
enhances his legal commentary skills. He was the first
In honor of our 38th Anniversary
Howard and Sherri Kohr Jewish congressman elected to a House of Representa-
MUSIC FUND tive leadership post. Following his retirement from the
A donation House of Representatives, he now resides in the area.
Robert and Barbara Lavine Reservations are required. RSVP by Thursday,
In honor of 2018 Adult B'nai Mitzvah group
Robert and Gayle Weiss
September 26 to Jane Bergen (janebergen@verizon.net/
In honor of Leora's birth 703-861-6419) or Nancy Siegal (nsiegal@comcast.net/
Melvin and Geraldine Garbow 703-671-0957).
In honor of Lielie This program is funded in full by AAC Sisterhood
Melvin and Geraldine Garbow although donations are welcome. We need volunteers to help
In memory of Bennice Levy Kelly set up prior to the event and to clean up at the conclusion. If
Patricia Franklin you are interested, please contact Jane or Nancy.


Profiles of Our LEADERS
Doug Fagen by Carol

Doug Fagen grew University of Rochester. In 1997 he spent two years on a

up on Long Island, Post Doctoral Fellowship at Sheppard Pratt Hospital in
New York. His family Baltimore.
belonged to a Reform Doug has been at The Lab School of Washington since
synagogue but were not 1999 and has served as the Director of the mental health
observant. Doug and team there since 2010. “It’s a school for students with
his younger brother learning differences, such as dyslexia and dysgraphia,” he
Rob each had a Bar explains. The Lab School utilizes the arts such as music,
Mitzvah, and Doug drama, and the visual arts to help students who struggle
was involved in Hillel academically find and capitalize on their strengths. Doug
as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and as a is responsible for overseeing the mental health services for
graduate student at the University of Rochester. the school. “It’s a great school and a very inspiring place to
During his freshman year in college, when he was 18, work; the teachers are creative and passionate. I enjoy
Doug’s mother had a stroke and passed away. “I spent the next going to work every day, supporting the staff and the
few years feeling very angry, going to services and walking students,” he says.
out, not sure how I felt.” He remembers once being turned At Agudas Achim, Doug served as Co-Membership
away at High Holiday services during graduate school because Vice President with Jen Halpern. He also recently served
he was not a member of the congregation, and that hurt him on the Strategic Planning Task Force. He has served as
emotionally and stalled his return to religion. Vice President for Youth Services, and on the YRSC, (The
He found a Reform shul in Rochester that welcomed him. Youth and Religious School Committee). “I worked with
The cantor invited him to her home, and he began to be more some great people on the YRSC, and am proud to say that
observant, and finding comfort in his faith. “When you are in I was involved in the hiring of Chaya Silver as our religious
graduate school you don’t really get weekends, and so Shabbat school director,” says Doug.
provided a welcome day of rest. Observing Shabbat really Doug and Suzy are looking forward to the Bar Mitzvah
added something that had been missing in my life,” admits of their son, Jeremy, 13, in November. Jeremy is an eighth
Doug. grader at Kenmore Middle School with musical talents on
In 1998 he attended a meditation class where he met Suzy multiple instruments. He plays the piano, the baritone
Smith. After one date, they really hit it off, and they were saxophone, and bass guitar. Their older son Evan,15, who
married by their Buddhist meditation teacher the following celebrated his Bar Mitzvah in November 2016, is a
year. Suzy was raised Christian, but her maternal grandfather freshman at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington,
was Jewish. “We joined Agudas Achim in 1999 where Rabbi and enjoys theater, dance and filmmaking.
Jack Moline welcomed us, and we began attending services
regularly. Judaism, meditation and mindfulness became
important to us,” Doug notes. CARPENTER SHELTER DINNER
In 2010 Doug’s brother passed away, and the congregation
showed an outpouring of love that he and his family will not
forget. Both of his sons, Evan and Jeremy, were converted to The Carpenter Shelter Dinner Committee provides a
Judaism at birth, and they have been raised as Jews. After the dinner item or helps serve dinner the second Monday of
death of Doug’s brother, Suzy went through a three-year B’nai every other month. The Carpenter Shelter is temporarily
Mitzvah class with Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey, and she located at Landmark Mall. We always need volunteers to
converted to Judaism in 2011. cook items or to help serve the meal at the shelter.
Suzy earned a Ph.D. from Yale University and works as a Please contact Debi Leekoff or
professor of Twentieth Century African American History at Julie Keller for information
George Mason University. She has written and published two
books: Dancing in the Street, about Motown and its relationship Debi Leekoff
to the Black community in Detroit and Civil Rights, and To Serve djleekoff@gmail.com
the Living, about the central role of funeral directors in African Julie Keller
American life. Julieringkeller@gmail.com
Doug earned a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from
the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the


Thursday, October 25 | 7:30 p.m. A note of thanks to all our amazing volunteers who helped at the Annual
The Angelika Film Center Barbecue. We could not have had such a great event without all of you. We had over
& Café at Mosaic 50 people who volunteered. We are grateful to the Men’s Club and our wonderful
2911 District Avenue, Fairfax, VA kitchen staff and to Louis Marcus and Harvey Stoller for their amazing work. Special
acknowledgment to Cheryl Nelson and Liz Frommer, our grill Masters, Alan
Join Miri for a fun night out!
Zucker, Jay Moore, Ari Pearlstein, and Jay Berman and our beverage station
This month we will go to the
volunteers Michael Silverman, Melvin Torres, and big brother Pete Torres.
Northern Virginia Jewish film
festival, and watch two new Israeli We also acknowledge the following volunteers who signed up via the signup
movies: genius. Apologies if you helped out, but didn’t sign up. Joan Arsenault, Lisa
Across the Line - A young Jew Shimberg, Adam Firestone (and friend), Laurie Winakur, Don Melman, Meredith
hurrying home for Shabbat meets a Ludwig, Barbara Klestzick, Lynne Rosenblum, Arden Levy, Gary Zuckerman,
Palestinian hitchhiker. A series of Sharon Bliss, Renee Berman, Cheryl Tischler, Jonathan Tischler, Marilee Perkal,
mix-ups eventually teach him a Sherri Kohr, Paul Frommer, Margalit Dienstfrey, Ellyn Hirsch, Ellen Bayer, Avi
lesson in love. Scheinberg, Kyra Schuster, Tamara Gelboin, Jared Cohen, Aviva Lieberman, Joel
Azimuth - Two soldiers, one goal: Anglister, Linda Lichtman, Allena Opper, Mike Scheinberg, Nancy Siegal, Harold
Survival! An Israeli and an Egyptian Salters, Alan Maline, Leor Quigley, Rachel Goldtberg, Ruth Ruskin (and friend),
are trapped in an abandoned post the Robin Braverman, Rachael Fried (and friend), Alison Levy, Jamie Braverman,
day after the 1967 cease fire... Logan Murphy, Evan Fagen, and Jeremy Fagen.
outside a Jeep awaits the victor. Also thanks to our Sisterhood representatives, the Social Action Committee, and
Visit https://www.jccnv.org/film- the Inclusion Committee for being a presence at the barbecue.
festival for more information and to Finally, welcome all our new and prospective members who attended our new
purchase tickets. member reception. We had over 20 in attendance. We were glad to meet all of you
and look forward to you being part of our Agudas community.

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smessner@4lpi.com or (863) 875-1101

3-D-4-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-0995

OCTOBER 1, 2018 TISHRI 22, 5779 OCTOBER 9, 2018 TISHRI 30, 5779 OCTOBER 19, 2018 CHESHVAN 10, 5779
Ilse Bergen Fred Goldsmith Marilyn Aggleton
Rabbi Hersch Z'vi Fogel Marshall Klein * Rose Beck
Harvey Frank * Chayah Sarah Rubin * Julian Friedman
Morris Kesner Dora Rutman Rosalind Aron Salomon
Helen Klein Albert Ziskind John Sandler
* Yetta Rubin OCTOBER 10, 2018 CHESHVAN 1, 5779 OCTOBER 20, 2018 CHESHVAN 11, 5779
OCTOBER 2, 2018 TISHRI 23, 5779 Helen Horwich Marilyn Bulos
* William Grossman * Martin Leonard Kaufman * Villa Buns
Alice Frapolli Iller Dr Gerald Rose * Louis Chaiken
* Sarah Isaacs OCTOBER 11, 2018 CHESHVAN 2, 5779 Katherine Kohr
Ida Linver Dorothy Barke Richard Joel Levine
Sue Magnes Iris Bashkin * Norman Schrott
Ruth G. Maline Arnold Berson * Irving Shantz
Albert Weber Herman Dorsen OCTOBER 21, 2018 CHESHVAN 12, 5779
* Maurice Woolf * Nachmen S. Mendelson Anna Helman
OCTOBER 3, 2018 TISHRI 24, 5779 OCTOBER 12, 2018 CHESHVAN 3, 5779 Michal Kamely
* Gitla Fagelson Samuel Gerstein Minnie Miller
* Nathan Gerstein * Jacob Kleinman Florence Rawson
Monroe Lange Margaret Loewith Cynthia Reiser
* Louis Julius Weiner * Harry Rosenblatt Israel Moses Sherry
* Harold Worthman OCTOBER 22, 2018 CHESHVAN 13, 5779
OCTOBER 13, 2018 CHESHVAN 4, 5779
OCTOBER 4, 2018 TISHRI 25, 5779
* Beatrice Goldberg * Samuel Blum
* Ida Berg Bebe Levin
* Ruth Krevor
* Shirley Binder * Ida Lewis
Marjorie Levant
* Morris Blatt Norman N Perlberg
* Yehuda M. Rubin
Norton Dahne Phoebe Saperstone
* Samuel Wall
Henry Hans Frenkel Athel Serra
* Robert Seidenberg OCTOBER 14, 2018 CHESHVAN 5, 5779
Fay Stoler
Yehuda Arkin Dorothy Zitrin
OCTOBER 5, 2018 TISHRI 26, 5779
* Benjamin S. Engel
Anna Brager OCTOBER 23, 2018 CHESHVAN 14, 5779
Louis Gollomp
* Rosa Lee Chadekel Miriam Greenblum
Milton Israel
* Edward Chitlik Kay Claire Shapiro
Richard Massell
Sidney Deutchman Samuel Sutin
Elliot Goldberg OCTOBER 15, 2018 CHESHVAN 6, 5779
OCTOBER 24, 2018 CHESHVAN 15, 5779
* LtCol Herbert Quint * Kenneth Alan Barnett
* Louis Baum Lena Baker
* Goodman Rubin * David Freed
* Samuel Samuelson Beth Lynn Berkowitz
Paul Browner * Anita Rochelle Friedman
Rita Skirble Irving Gerstein
* Ruth Springer * Isidore Eichler
Nettie Finkelstein Karen Klestzick
Ramond David Wilensky * Roslyn Lurie
Herbert Pollak
OCTOBER 6, 2018 TISHRI 27, 5779
* Raymond Salkin Sidney J Pine
Sheldon Kaplan Ray Wiener
Sophie Yetta Stier
* Julius Mintz OCTOBER 25, 2018 CHESHVAN 16, 5779
Rudy Perkal OCTOBER 16, 2018 CHESHVAN 7, 5779
* David Abraham Melvin Passner
* Marion Shotts * Max Stein
Kenneth Gutterman
OCTOBER 7, 2018 TISHRI 28, 5779 OCTOBER 26, 2018 CHESHVAN 17, 5779
Esther C. Kay
Bea Fagen * Jennie Biron Clayman
Michael Tureck
Anna Lange Louis Cylinder
* Dorothy Levine OCTOBER 17, 2018 CHESHVAN 8, 5779
Nathan Bernstein Louis Finkelstein
* Evelyn Matzkin Herman (Hy) Garbowitz
Isidor Turk * Sol Cotton
Marilyn Greenberg David Kraushaar
OCTOBER 8, 2018 TISHRI 29, 5779
Leon Levin Robert Kushnir
* Ira Berg Itzhak Lieberman
* Frances Riegel
* Esther Bondareff Ann Singer
Eliza Rosen
Seymour Gould OCTOBER 27, 2018 CHESHVAN 18, 5779
* Evelynne Schuchner
David Kravetz Vivian Eicher
Marian K Shapiro
Sam Pack Florence Esbin
Jeffrey Stern
* Susan Steiner * Ethel Frommer
Ellen Levin Swanson OCTOBER 18, 2018 CHESHVAN 9, 5779
* Sara H. Bierman Judith Katz-Berger
OCTOBER 9, 2018 TISHRI 30, 5779 Alex Holtzman * Kit Rackmales
W. Ken Brown Harry Lavine Nathan Rosenblum
Leo Esbin Ruth Welland Henrietta Rustwijk
(Continued on page 14.)
* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.


National Refugee Shabbat 2018, on
October 19-20, 2018, is a moment for
congregations, organizations, and individuals (Continued from page 13.)
around the country to create a Shabbat experience OCTOBER 28, 2018 CHESHVAN 19, 5779
dedicated to refugees. The parsha (Torah portion) Phillip Abraham
for this shabbat is Lech Lecha, which describes * Ida Evans Kerbel
the beginning of the experience of wandering in search of freedom for the Jewish * Anna Kramer
Irving Spector
people. This makes it a particularly meaningful opportunity to deepen our
OCTOBER 29, 2018 CHESHVAN 20, 5779
understanding of today’s global refugee crisis, connect with the Jewish movement Selma Borger
for refugees, commit (or recommit) to taking action, and either celebrate your * Louis Cooper
community’s achievements in working with refugees or launch new efforts. Oscar Fiedler
* Jennie H. Flax
Agudas Achim welcomes two Shabbat speakers who will address the David Kamely
congregation regarding aspects of the refugee experience. Victor Levine
Laura Polly Ziegeler
IsraAID - Israel’s biggest humanitarian NGO is currently active in 18 countries OCTOBER 30, 2018 CHESHVAN 21, 5779
including the recent disasters in Houston, Puerto Rico, Dominica, Mexico and Fatima Frapolli
California. Following the September 2015 refugee crisis in Europe, Mr. Polizer led OCTOBER 31, 2018 CHESHVAN 22, 5779
IsraAID’s humanitarian mission in Lesbos, Greece, to support Syrian refugees on the * Judith Arkin
island and also established IsraAID Germany, which provides long-term support for * Frieda Cohen
Robert Morris Feller
Yazidi and Syrian refugees in Germany. His presentation will draw from these Arne Fliflet
experiences. * Helen Singer
During the last 10 years, Polizer has also built and led psycho-education pro-
grams in Japan after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, in the Philippines after Continued from previous column.
Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, and in South Korea to support the reintegration of North
Korean defectors. He has also led missions in Nepal following the 2015 Gorkha UPCOMING PROGRAMS:
Earthquake and in Sierra Leone for Ebola survivors, health workers, and affected Sisterhood Brunch
communities. He has more than 10 years’ experience in education, humanitarian aid, Sunday, November 4 | 9:30 a.m.
and international development. Morning with the Mayor. Featuring
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20: DR. JILL GOLDENPINE Alexandria presumptive mayor Justin
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AT MARINE CORPS UNIVERSITY Wilson, fresh from his primary victory.
Dr. Jill Goldenpine is Associate Professor at Marine Corps University-Command JOIN US
and Staff College, where she teaches International Law, the Laws of War, and Dues ARE $36 per year and include
National Security to mid-career U.S. and foreign armed services members studying Soiree and a bucket of free programs.
for a Master's in Military Studies. She is also a Distinguished Senior Scholar at the Stay in touch! Don't miss out on the
University of Pennsylvania's Fox Leadership International program. latest Sisterhood happenings. Send an
email to Sisterhood Co-Communications
Dr. Goldenpine is a member of the panel of neutrals for the International Institute VP Jodi Wittlin (jlwittlin@yahoo.com) to
for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, and an Associate Member of the Chartered get on our email distribution list.
Institute of Arbitrators. She is Co-Chair of the American Society of International
Law's Human Rights Interest Group.


Continued from page 6.
No charge if your dues are current. You can also join our organization that
evening by bringing a $36.00 check to the party. Watch for an e-invitation in your
inbox soon.
Great Challah Bake
Thursday October 25, 2018 at JCCNV | 7:00 p.m..
Agudas Achim Congregation Sisterhood is a participating sponsor this year.
Please join us! Last year over 250 women and girls from all over our region came
together for an engaging and fun evening filled with challah making, singing, nosch
and schmooze. Continued next column.
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Agudas Achim Congregation RABBI’S MESSAGE...........................page 1
2908 Valley Drive SCHEDULE OF SERVICES..................page 2
Alexandria, VA 22302 TORAH TROOP.................................page 2
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE...................page 3
THE CARING COMMITTEE.................page 3
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE...page 4
Rabbi ...….................................................................….………Steven I. Rein MEN’S CLUB MENSCHENING.............page 4
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey DEAR HAZZAN.................................page 5
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline SIMHAT TORAH HONOREES..............page 5
Executive Director.....................................................................….Barry Nove MAH KOREH - EDUCATION...............page 6
Youth/Education Director...........….……….................................Chaya Silver YOUNG FAMILIES.............................page 6
Preschool Director……............................................................….Jen Halpern SISTERHOOD DOINGS.......................page 6
Shlicha.………………………………………………………Miri Bernovsky BRINGING ISRAEL TO AGUDAS.........page 7
President……..……………………………………………Kenneth Labowitz PRESCHOOL NEWS..........................page 8
Sisterhood Co-Presidents..............................Lenore Garon and Susan Auerhan IN THE FAMILY.................................page 9
Men’s Club President..........................…..………………………Elliot Parkin AAC ACTIVE SENIORS LUNCH.......page 10
Communication Specialist.....………………….………………Marya Runkle PROFILES OF OUR LEADERS...........page 11
ISRAEL FILM SERIES......................page 12
Email: synagogue@agudasachim-va.org Twitter: @agudasachim
Web: www.agudasachim-va.org Facebook: facebook.com/agudasachim IN MEMORIAM................................page 13

Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat


Monday, October 1..............................................Simhat Torah Celebration
Tuesday, October 2.....................Simhat Torah Morning Service Including
Honoring Alex Perry and Lenore Garon
Saturday, October 6.............................Shabbat Speaker - Mike Scheinberg
Sunday, October 7..............................................Oh, Say Shalom Playgroup
Tuesday, October 9...............................................Seniors Lunch and Learn
Wednesday, October 10..........First Wednesday Class for Religious School
Thursday, October 11.................................Introduction to Judaism Begins
Saturday, October 13................................Shabbat Speaker - Yotam Polizer
Sunday, October 14.......................First Sunday Class for Religious School
Religious School Parent Open House
Annual Rabbi Jack Moline Lecture
Friday, October 19..............................................Shababy Kaballat Shabbat
Saturday, October 20.......................Shabbat Speaker - Dr. Jill Goldenpine
Monday, October 21...........................................................Sisterhood Soiree
Thursday, October 25...................................Israeli Film Festival with Miri

Time Value
Alexandria, VA
Permit No. 263 Address Service Requested
U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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