Adverbials Key

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1. Helen’s such a busy person that she never fells bored

2. The table wasn’t light enough to lift.
3. Although I invited her, she didn’t come.
4. Despite the fact that we lost the match/ losing the match/ the loss of
the match, we celebrated.
5. In spite of the fact that he is a millionaire/being a millionaire, he
hates spending money.
6. Despite the fact that she was ill/being ill/ her illness, she attended
the meeting.
7. The child is so sweet that everyone loves her.
8. He isn’t old enough to get married.
9. It’s such a good film that I want to see it again
10.The more you’ll read, the more you’ll know (esta estructura no
entra en este examen)
11.Petrol is becoming more and more expensive.
12.Rome isn’t as old as Athens.
13.She’s the most graceful gymnast
14.Buy less cheese than before.
15.She’s a good cook
16.The harder you try, the better you’ll do (tampoco entra en este
17.It was such a bad flight, we’ll never forget it.

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