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Muskogee Phoenix


27 nominee favors

most federal
GOP hopeful Stitt wants every
federal funding dollar allowed
coming into state
By D.E. Smoot

Republican nominee Kevin Stitt

pitched his ideas about how Okla-
homa could become a top tier state
should voters elect him as the state’s
next governor.
Stitt, founder of Jenks-based
Gateway Mortgage Group, touted
his business experience and laid out
a case for why that is important for
the next occupant of the governor’s
office. Since sealing the GOP nom-
ination in August, Stitt said he has
collaborated with Republican leaders
at the state and federal level to de-
velop a strategy for the future.
The political newcomer, who will
face Democrat Drew Edmondson
and Libertarian Chris Powell in the
general election on Nov. 6, said it is
important to work with the state’s
congressional delegation. He em-
phasized the importance of federal
funds flowing into the state and said
collaborating with members of the
delegation and their staffers can ac-
commodate those efforts.
“I want every federal dollar I can
get into my state for my roads and
bridges and my health care,” Stitt
said to those who attended what
was billed as a meet and greet spon-
sored by the Greater Muskogee Area
Chamber of Commerce. “I want every
federal grant I can get — sometimes
I don’t want the handcuffs and the
mandates I think will harm our state

(See FUNDING, 5)

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Muskogee Phoenix

Funding: Stitt rejects notion

state should expand Medicaid
Continued from Page 1 that seem to show the nursing homes already
five years from now.” number of Oklahomans lag behind the regional
While the GOP covered by the state’s average, and “that is a
nominee identified Medicaid program dou- problem.”
health care as a service bled from 500,000 to 1 “I look at other
for which he desires million during the past states, how are they
federal funds, Stitt re- decade. “I think we doing it, and let’s go
jected the notion that have to get people off implement it in our
Oklahoma should seek the system, able-bodied state — that is about
funding that could be people — Kentucky has money, business and
available by expand- rolled out work pro- delivering services,”
ing Medicaid. He said grams.” Stitt said, noting
he opposes “Medicaid Stitt said Medicaid drivers of health care
expansion the way it reimbursement rates costs include lack of
sits right now because for hospitals and nurs- competition. “The only
it puts too many people ing homes in Oklahoma way we are going to
on our system.” cannot be cut any more move forward and fix
“We need to encour- than they already have. our social issues and
age people to get off He said the reimburse- things like that is with
our system, not on it,” ment rate for Medicaid employment and jobs
Stitt said, citing figures patients in Oklahoma and working.”

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