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Diego Sandoval Calderon (A07106264) / MIV-U1-Act I

Ingles II / Francisco Javier Estévez Reyes

Exercise 1:

Modals: “could”, “would” and “might” to form conditionals / Auxiliares “could, “would” y
“might” para formar el tiempo condicional.

Completa los enunciados utilizando “could, “would” and “might”. Puedes buscar las palabras
que desconozcas en tu diccionario.

1. There are several things we could do to protect the environment.

2. Did you know that one recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a
computer for 25 minutes?

3. To reduce pollution, we might use more our bicycles rather than our cars.

4. With use native plants in your yard, you could save energy with less mowing.

5. We could save more water if we wash our cars with a bucket and not with a hose.

6. You might save gasoline and time if you decide to carpool.

7. Industries and businesses could consider environmental factors when producing goods or

8. If we avoid throwing garbage on the streets, we could prevent streets from flooding.

9. The major could implement some actions to make our city more environmentally friendly.

10. What would you do to save the environment?

Exercise 2. Composition

Write a composition about the problems that you see in your city about environmental
conditions. Propose solutions to these problems. Write at least 100 words.
My community is surrounded by beautiful forests, animals, some rivers, etc, but people
are destroying it, the trash is one of the biggest problems, sometimes pepole go to the
forests and chaos there , so they leave all of their trash there, i’m also a human and i also
like chaos in the forest hehe, but we have to respect the nature, another problem are
the forest fires, there are many causes, like camp fires, i love camp fires but i always turn
them off correctly, so people might be carefull on that, the worst problem are the
building and construction growth, i hate that because they don’t care of destroying and
finishing with the forest, i hope someone would stop that, they might do something or
we will run out the nature.

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