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SB FBLA generally consists of three separate committees. Each general meeting 
consists of each committee coming together and working on their events and projects 
for their designated committees. Those committees are: community service, publicity, 
and competitive events.  
1. Community Service: 
The community service committee works on our community 
service projects. Students come together to make posters 
and fliers to put around the school to promote “March of 
Dimes,” our non-profit charity that our team supports. This 
committee also brainstorms ideas and assist with our 
community service initiatives. 
​ . ​Publicity:  
The publicity committee works on the FBLA bulletin board 
and general advertising for FBLA events. Every one to two 
months, we update our bulletin board. Bulletin boards are a 
way of showing our members what is up and coming in the 
near future regarding FBLA. Also, the bulletin board 
encourages non-FBLA members to join our team. This 
committee would assist in cutting out letters, creating mini 
posters, putting up the designs on the board, and 
brainstorming ideas of new ways to design our bulletin board.   
​ 3. C
​ ompetitive Events: 
The competitive events committee works on the 
regional, states, and national events each individual or 
group is working on. The individuals or groups work on 
their competitive event that they will be competing in at 
our conferences starting with regionals. Everyone will 
have the opportunity to use past year’s study materials, 
and ask for advice regarding their events. This is a great 
way to ​further p
​ repare for one’s event.   

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